Crimes Against Nature (Part 2)

Story by Ven Aak Rah on SoFurry

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Nick returns to the Club, only to find a police investigation there,e he comes back the next day to find a stripped surprise inside.

PS except some grammar errors, not that good with grammar but this is just for fun.

The next day Nick had just finished another hustle and earned quite a few bucks. So he figured that he'd go to the Naturalist Club again and try to score. If it wasn't Manchas then maybe it'll be another hot guy that wont' abandon him mid stride. That just pissed him off so much that Manchas just went up and abandoned him half cocked. Maybe that was the cat's intention after all. Considering that his pay was deducted after having picked Wilde up and that damn skunk butt rug incident.

The young fox was humming softly, paws in his pockets as he strode along the sidewalk, observing all the mammals that were passing by, texting and chatting on their devices. Zootopia had been busy as ever, which helped Nick out a lot. A few blocks down he at last arrived at the Naturalist club, but wasn't expecting what was to come next.

When he made it there, the place was looted with police cruisers. There were three of them, and many officers talking to Yak and other associates of the club. Nick gulped. That damn cat, he ratted on him didn't he? He sighed slightly. Probably made up some lame ass story about a faggot fox sexually harassing members of the club, now the fuzz was on his tail possibly. But then again he didn't' really want to jump to conclusions at this moment, but why else would the cops be there to begin with?

Nick hesitated, unsure as to what to do. Should he just go up to the officers and risk going to prison to find out what was happening, or should he just walk away and wait till the heat died down..The two options waged war in Nick's head, making him grunt slightly feeling a headache comes on. He stood there in the ally way in a dilemma like no other. To go our not to go, that was the question of the day. Nick growled to himself, forcing himself to march right up to the officers, but something held him back. He didn't want to go because they may as well be looking for him and he'd be easy prey.

Nick hated this situation, the situation where dangerous slick Nick was always held back by the good little shoulder angel Nick. This wasn't going to do, no not at all. Where was the little shoulder Devil Nick that always encouraged him to do naughty things at? Maybe he felt guilt inside of him, guilt that the Jaguar would actually go to such measures as to arrest him for a simple little pay deduction for having picked him up.

Nick sighed slightly and decided to wait things out. He occupied most of his time trying to figure out what he should do after the police had died down. He decided that he'd go with his plan and go inside the Naturalist club and see about hooking up with another male again.

The next day dawned and Nick woke up from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes when he saw dawn's morning light seep through the cracks of his rundown apartment. It was a shit hole, but hell it was the only affordable place to live for someone like himself. He got out of bed and scratched his backside. The naked fox looked at himself in the mirror.

"Look at what you got yourself into Wilde." He spoke to his reflection and sighed. "Mother would be so happy." He said sarcastically.

"Nicolas P Wilde, how did you ever let yourself scoop so damn low in life that you live in a pig sty and hustle for a living? Why you are just like your father who'd abandoned you at the age of 10!" He again said to himself in a more feminine voice.

"Yep, take a look at me now ma." He said with a huff. The fox looked around for his clothes, but then noticed something peculiar and looked between his legs. His fox cock was starting to poke out just slightly, his sheath thick and plump. The fox merely chuckled at this. "I know little guy, you are in need," He said patting his sheath slightly before he pulled on a pair of pants and his usual island textured green shirt and tie. The fox grabbed his apartment key and then locked the deadbolt and shoved the door shut.

He looked down the damp hallway; it smelt of rust and musk. It was a smell that Nick had grown use to for having lived here for a while. The fox shoved his paws into his pockets and walked down the hall, a smile upon his muzzle and his back lifted up straight. He entered the city, the noise of busy mammals filled his ears. He continued down the same path toward the Naturalist club as per usual, but this time he spotted something or someone rather unusual. It was a tall handsome male tiger wearing a black uniform and tie. He was entering the club as well. Nick's ears perked up with slight interest, wondering if he maybe just scored big time. Sure Jaguars were nice, but tigers were all the rage since Gazelle used them for her concert.

He even wondered to himself if he could be one of those tiger dancers that he had seen on one of her performances. But then again he wasn't about to tempt fate or anything because how could a fox like him get so damn lucky as to score on a tiger like that? Nick waited for him to go inside, before going in himself. Once the tiger was in so was the fox. He grinned and grabbed into his pocket for the usual locker room key he had and then headed toward the men's locker room.

"Remember Nick, second verse same as the first, but let us avoid anymore disappointments." He said nodding to himself as he began to undo his tie, shirt and pants. The now naked fox folded his clothes neatly and then shoved them into his locker slamming it shut. He eyed the locker room and spotted the tiger mid dress. He had taken off his black uniform revealing that handsome male model body of his. He was tall and muscular. His arms were bulky and his body was muscled and it made Nick cringe slightly. He could feel his foxhood beginning to swell up already just by observing the half naked feline before him.

Nick watched, but pretended not to stare of course. First came down the pants, revealing those slick beautiful tiger legs. Thin they were yet slick and revealed mild muscle tone compared to the rest of him. He had a handsome groin as well. His body was just perfect in every way. To Nick's surprise he had a pair of those tiger underwear that was a bit hit seller in the male clothes department, he was in fact a Gazelle dancer...but then again maybe he wasn't. Those pants sold like wildfire once they hit the stores.

Nick decided to stop eying the candy for a moment and concentrate on pretending to be normal and not a slutty faggot fox like he usually was. He walked into the showers and turned on the nozzle. The warm water began to coat his fur dampening it and making it smooth and flat. Nick waited, patiently but waited. The tiger finally came into the showers, fully nude. Holy Mother Nature he was smoking hot.

The tiger himself stood a good 6'4 and was handsome as ever. With a moderately muscled form he was more thin then muscle but it still showed that he worked out. He obtained the orange and black stripped fur of any normal tiger of course. He had two beautiful green eyes that glistened brightly, and his slick slender form was just do die for. The tiger walked over to one of the shower heads, grabbed the knob and twisted it to warm. The hot water soon sprayed against his muscular form, the water dripping down his handsome chest, and down his thigh to his groin where a nice plump feline sheath resided.

Beneath the sheath was a nice pair of baseball sized balls that dangled freely between his legs. The feline was scrubbing his body with soap now. The suds began to occupy that handsome manly form of his. He chuffed to himself as he enjoyed the feeling of the warm water dancing against his form. The tiger soon rinsed the soap off and then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist and then left the shower, he turned his head and saw Nick still staring. He winked his eye at him before entering the Pleasure Area of the club.

Nick hurried as fast as he could. Cleaning himself up and then headed out himself. He had lost sight of the tiger, his eyes frantically gazed around him wondering where on earth the tiger had gone too. He growled slightly. "Damn cats, so fast." He grumbled and then took a deep breath. "Stop playing easy to get Nick." He told himself. "Patients are the key." The fox sighed slightly and relaxed himself and looked around to see who occupied the club today.

There was the usual. The pigs, the bears, the elephants and other mammals that usually hung around the place, not many attractive in Nick's opinion but there were some wolves, and other predatory animals that Nick found rather appealing. The fox noticed that the back massage tent was open, and of course Nick loved back massages so he decided to head over to that direction. He didn't see anyone so he decided to settle himself down onto his back and took a deep breath and placed his muzzle on the pillow that was on the provided bed.

Suddenly he felt a presence nearby, his ears perked. "Start from the shoulders and down to my waste, got a lot of tension in that area." He said taking a deep breath. Then large massive feline like paws began to rub against his back. He was surprised at this for a moment, but thought nothing of it. There were a lot of felines at the club, so it may not be him. The fox was lying on his stomach so he was unable to look at the massage therapist that began to work on him.

"So...what was happening the other day, with the cops and all?" Nick inquired curiously as he grunted when the paws hit the right spot.

"Something about one of our patrons being sexually assaulted by a fox, or something along those lines." Said the cat still working out the kinks in Nick's back.

"Do you suspect me?" Nick inquired curiously.

"There are many foxes in these parts; I never saw them so I can't really say.' The cat admitted as he began to reach down toward Nick's waste. A grin displayed across the tiger's muzzle as he began to fondle this area in particular.

Nick sighed slightly and groaned. Fuck this cat was doing it just right. His sheath was rubbing against the fabric of the sofa he was lying against. He groaned slightly more and more as those paws kept fondling him. "You know..." He said taking a deep breath. 'It has been sometime since I had sex." The fox admitted.

"Trying to insure your innocence fox?" Grinned the cat as he neared Nick's ass. He grinned and began to fondle those cheeks teasingly, spreading them from time to him.

Nick groaned deeply as he was being fondled by the cat. He was glad that the massage bench he chose was out of the way of the others that walked around. Not many walked to this area except to get one thing and one thing only, some nice massages with extra attention to certain body parts and functions. Nick smirked wide and chuckled. "Maybe than again maybe not." He replied grunting. "Oh that's the spot, right there spread those cheeks." He said cooing in pleasure as he wriggled himself about.

The tiger chuffed slightly and grinned wide, having the fox be slightly stimulated. The tiger then walked over toward those ass cheeks and spread the fox's legs apart and stepped in between them. He grinned using both his paws to eagerly spread them apart. He grinned and began to fondle that sexy fox ass of Nicks. He tenderly caressed both cheeks with his paw, which then ended up stopping at the clenched tailhole which was looking at him. The tiger smirked wide and then extended his index finger and gently glided it down across the surface of the male's hole.

Nick moaned. The feel of that hot feline paw against his pucker made the fox shiver in lust and need. His pucker began to wink upon contact of the paw. "Hmm, you know what a man likes don't you?" He inquired grinning slightly. He could feel his fox dick poking out from his sheath now, hard and erect yet not all the way out yet.

"It is my job after all, to appease the customers." The feline agreed as he slowly stretched Nick's hole open nice and wide chuffing more in content as he felt the hole eagerly open to accept his finger. He slid it in with ease and began to shove it inside. He grunted as he felt his own sheath begin to swell, revealing a thick manhood of hot pink feline flesh. The cock took on more of a human like texture rather than a barbed feline cock. As it grew thicker it became as big as 6 inches thick with an uncut girth. Beneath the human like cock, a pair of baseball sized orbs filled with hot feline seed. The desire for the fox began to grow inside him, a lust that he all so yearned for.

"Hmm, so what is your name handsome?" The fox inquired through a series of pleasurable moans and grunts as the finger pushed it in further into him. The fox wriggled his rump about teasingly and whined in pleasure. The fox whimpered and whined in pleasure as he felt the tension between the two of them rise.

The tiger chuckled slightly. "The name is Fangmire." He would declare at last as he grinned and removed his finger. The feline then reached for a ruler that just so happened to be nearby, and then grinned. The ruler's surface easily glided over the fox's balls. Those nice plump fox balls, that obtained some hot canine seed that the feline yearned for. Then suddenly SLAP! The ruler cracked against the fox's balls. WHACK again went the ruler against the firm ball sack.

With each whack, came a whine of both pain and pleasure from Nick. He never had this done before, but he has heard about it in many erotic and sexual tales from other men who received this attention before. The pain was stunning the fox slightly, with each whack came another wince and another moan. He was enjoying it, his toes were curling up tight and he kept producing erotic yet slutty moans of pure lust. The fox's cock was once again erect, and he could smell a hint of feline manhood now. He grinned wide and then allowed one of his feet to come down and blindly grasp toward the male's groin.

The tiger helped the fox by grabbing the fox's ankle and then planting the sole of his foot up against his bulge. The feel of the foots cold surface against his rod made Fangmire shiver and grunt in pleasure. Already that thick humanoid cock was standing erect at full mast. He took the sole of the fox's foot and rubbed it up and down his entire length. Moaning and grunting the tiger eagerly humped the fox's foot. The tiger growled in pleasure, then grabbed the toes of the fox's paw and spread them apart. He eagerly shoved the tip of his cock between the big toe and little toe. This made the tiger chuff even louder as he thrust his hips forward.

The fox moaned. Feeling his toes be sprawled apart and a cock shoved right between them, oh what a kinky ass cat he had found indeed. The fox of course clueless yet as to who was admiring him since he was still lying against his stomach unable to turn to see the catch of the day, but he honestly didn't care at this moment. He was enjoying himself and the exoticness the feline was giving him.

Fangmire gave that foot a good few thrusts, before pulling out. He lowered the fox's feetpaws down only to crawl onto his back and grind his waste against the fox's back. He moaned deeply as he felt the thick meat rod rub against the ass cheeks of Nick. He moved forward up to the fox's muzzle and with a surprise he kissed him deeply upon the muzzle.

Nick was stunned at how quick and swift the feline moved. When they were kissing did Nick finally realize who he was rutting with, it was in fact the same tiger that he had seen in the locker room, that handsome sexy slender muscular tiger that he was enjoying this time together with. The strange feeling that overcame him with Manchas soon flooded his entire body, which shivered as they passionately made out together. The session lasted for about four minutes before it at last broke. The feline grinned at the fox and chuckled.

"So, should we keep going here, or do you want to go somewhere more private?" He inquired.

The fox smirked. "So long as we're not interrupted by anything, I say private location works best." The fox agreed as he got himself up, his erection nice and firm, his knot swollen inside his sheath, but not quite ready to pop out just yet.

The tiger smirked at this motion, grabbed Nick by the wrists and then headed toward the back section toward the private sexual rooms in which the Club hosted for private parties. He had unlocked one of the doors and then shoved Nick inside.

Nick yelped as he was face planted right into the padded room, feeling that familiar feel of fabric against his fur that had surrounded him before when he was kneeling on all fours to allow a Manchas to enter him. This was feeling like Déjà vu all over again if it wasn't for the fact that Fangmire was a tiger. The fox looked around him this time. The room was nicely decorated with padded walls much like the last. But there was more stuff in this room. There was a large wooden chest, a bed and even a machine where one can be strapped to hang either upside down or right side up.

This must be a kink room, he knew there were a few of them at the Club, but of course the one Manchas and he had been in was not a Kink room for there was no bed nor chest or upside down machine, just plain padded walls for a simple quick fuck. The fox grinned and got himself up and walked over toward the chest and opened it up. Inside was various objects which included mouth gags, ass beads, cock rings to prevent one from Cuming and so much more.

"You kinky tiger," Nick growled getting up and walking over toward the handsome stud. He pushed him up against the wall and made out with him again. French kissing him as much as possible their lips lingering with one another as Nick's paws began to wander that hot muscular yet slim form of the tiger's. He was enjoying this so much, his canine dick was eagerly rubbing against the male's waist making him pant and groan in lust.

Fangmire intercepted the kiss, passionately making out with the fox his large paws began to wander his handsome form. His paws ended up at those plump ass cheeks that he was molesting earlier. He grinned wide and chuckled. "Someone is eager to get started aren't they?" He requested smirking wide. He was ravishing in this romance between the fox and the tiger that he growled lustfully and smirked. 'Let's see what we got in the chest of wonders." He said walking toward the box and bent down, revealing that mighty fine ass to the fox more teasingly. Having bent down to his knees, he lifted his rear end upward, hoping to catch Nick's attention.

"I'm Nick by the way." The fox said having forgotten to introduce himself as he saw that fine tiger ass on display. He walked toward it and grinned and began to grope it with his paws. "Get those beads out, I want to see how you can handle those being shoved up your tight space." The fox smirked sinister like.

The tiger obeyed and handed Nick a chain of nice plump round purple beads that were nice and smooth. He grabbed the top of the chain and then grinned wide. "Alright, lay on your stomach, I'll start getting you ready for these bad boys." He said smirking wide.

The tiger did as he was told. He got onto his hands and knees and then laid flat on his stomach. The tiger's ass was nice and flat as was the rest of him. The fox smirked wide and walked forward and got onto his knees and smirked. "Now to see what tiger tastes like." Nick said grinning wide as he spread those ass cheeks of the tiger apart. He then lowered himself down to eye level with the puckering hole and then pressed his cold wet nose against the surface of Fangmire's tailhole and smirked wide. He sniffed. It smelt so wonderful, so tasteful.

His tongue escaped his muzzle and easily glided across the male's surface. The taste was amazing, the best in the world. His eyes closed and he shoved his entire tongue deep inside the male's hole. He growled deeply. The warmth that wrapped around his tongue was sending him over the edge, the fox's cock was full mast and erect, throbbing and bobbing up and down in the air. The canine whimpered and whined sniffing that hot tailhole of his as he shoved his tongue further inside. The walls of the feline eagerly wrapped around him making him muffle grunts and moans of pleasure. He kept exploring that tight ass, his tongue licking the tunnels of the feline as he shoved his tongue as far in as he could.

The attention the fox was giving to Fangmire's tailhole was making him shiver and groan. His body was tight and he whined in pleasure as his claws extended and glided across the fabrics surface. Chuffing and grunting the tiger's tight hole began to open up to the fox. He was enjoying himself, feeling the divine pleasure in which the fox ravished upon him. The fox's assault on him was making him whimper and groan in lust.

The fox smirked wide at the tiger, and then removed his tongue from the gaping hole now. He grinned and then walked over toward the chest and dug into it and found something that he was looking for. He pulled it out and grinned. "This should get you nice and gaping before I shove those beads into you." Said Nick smirking wide as he revealed a nice massive equine dildo which was made of a nice smooth rubbery texture. He walked over toward the feline and knelt back down.

He spread those cheeks apart, nice and wide again and held them in place. With his other paw he steadied the equine dildo and pressed the smooth flat flare of the dildo onto the cat's gaping hole. The flare of the horse dildo shoved itself inside, invading that rear end making the fox smirk wide.

Fangmire moaned deeply, his tailhole opening nice and wide as he felt the flare of the horse cock dildo enter him. His entire body tensed, pleasure throbbing throughout his entire form. His muscles flexing with each rapid breath that he took. His heart thudded at a steady pace as he was being invaded. The feel of that hot flare entering him made the cat whine in pleasure, his eyes closed as he bit into the fabric underneath him and chuffed deeply his claws gliding across the surface of the floor.

The fox teasingly shoved the thick flare into that gaping anus of Fangmire's. He murred in lust as he saw it slip easily in and that gaping tailhole open nice and wide for more to he shoved inside. The two and a half foot equine dildo slid in inch by inch. Slowly and steadily it slipped in making the tiger's hole more agape than ever. Nick smirked wide and began to push it in further, until at last he reached to the tiger's prostate and grinded the flare up against it.

Fangmire moaned deeply, his ass clenching eagerly against that equine dildo that was invading him. The assaulting dildo made the tiger moan deeply in pleasure. His eyes closed and opened frequently as he laid there on his stomach, panting and growling. "Take it deeper." He growled as his claws grinded against the fabricated floor beneath him. His tail lashed behind him eagerly as the dildo went in deeper making his entire body quiver in pleasure. "Oh fuck, oh gods yes abuse that ass, make it yours Nick." The tiger pleaded whimpering slightly. The horse dildo was huge, but it was just big enough for him to take on. It felt so wonderful inside him; it was making him want to shoot a load already.

"Hmm, we seem to be missing something here, you seem like you already want to bust a load, but we can't have that happening now can we?" Nick provided a mischief smirk. With quick movement Nick found himself close to the pleasure chest, his paw digging into it trying to find what he was looking for. He hummed to himself, biting his lower lip as he concentrated. "AHA!" He exclaimed as he pulled out a rather large gold ring and he smirked wide.

"And what do you pray tell plan on doing with that?" Fangmire inquired raising a brow as he saw Nick approach him all sly like.

"You'll see." The fox said as he walked toward Fangmire's groin and then bent down toward the feline's cock and then placed the cold metal of the ring onto the cat's flesh. The ring made Fangmire shiver slightly as it slipped around his massive meat rod. The cat grunted and looked at it as it produced a strange glowing light.

"There, now that should prevent you from cuming unless I demand it." The fox grinned sinister like once again returning to his post, behind the cat's nice firm ass. Nick grinned wide and once again spread those firm cheeks apart and began to work on that tailhole, which just so happened to be still winking from the intrusion of the equine dildo. He grabbed the dildo once again and began to rub the flared tip against the puckering entrance once again.

Fangmire grunted slightly, clinching his jaws the tiger chuffed loudly, his body flexing with each breath that he took. The feline turned his head around and growled. "Why don't' you just stuff the thing inside of me already instead of toying with me bastard!" Fangmire growled with a hint of lust and earnest as his tail lashed behind him back and forth. The tiger was in a state of intense pleasure and he wasn't about to let some asshole fox have his way with him, and the teasing was getting tedious.

"Alright, you asked for it big guy." Nick grinned as he lifted the horse dildo out from the puckering entrance and then opened his own mouth and let his tongue give it a great big slurp, coating the flared rubbery tip in his own saliva before he then aimed it back at the tiger's entrance.

"Coming in for landing sergeant, landing in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" The fox said in a officer kind of voice speaking through a walkie-talkie as he then SHOVED the large flared horse dildo right into Fangmire's tailhole.

Fangmire yelped slightly, the pain was real. The flared horse dildo made his entire entrance open right up and he felt inch after rubbery inch of dildo horse cock enter him. His entire body was set on edge as he whined and chuffed with pleasure. Fangmire's claws were tearing through the fabric that covered the walls, his tail was lashing back and forth as he grunted and moaned deeply, so full of lust. His large humanoid tiger dick was also pulsating and throbbing. He felt that urge again, the urge to bust his load all over.

But for some reason the tiger was incapable. There was something preventing him from doing so. Then he remembered the ring that Nick placed on his meat rod. "Fucking fox you bastard." The cat panted slightly in annoyance as his body quivered.

Nick let out a chuckle as he grinned wide at Fangmire and whispered in his ear. "I like playing dirty." The fox then continued to push more of that hot horse dildo inside Fangmire's rear. He could hear the rubber slide through that hot lubricated tailhole and he began to push it in and out in fluid motions. The tailhole eagerly wrapped around the shape of the horse dick, the cat grunted and moaned even more as he could feel the flare probe against his prostate.

Nick chuckled at the enthusiasm the tiger was giving him. He quickly pulled the horse dildo right out with a loud popping sound coming from Fangmire's rear. The fox chuckled slightly and then pushed two of his fingers into the winking tailhole of the cat and provided one of his foxy smirks. "I believe you are ready for stage two of our journey into love and compassion." The fox would wink at the cat.

"What do you mean by that?" Fangmire questioned curiously, having forgotten about the Anal Beads that Nick had pulled out earlier, but once the fox pulled them out he groaned slightly. "On second thought, maybe we should um, try something else."

"Ah ah ah, not getting out of it that easily kitty cat, you're mine right now." Nick growled with lust as he pushed the cat back down onto his stomach. Nick crawled onto Fangmire's back and grinded his entire form against him. He moaned as he felt his thick canine manhood rubbing against that slick slender backside of the cat. It felt so damn good, he bit his lower lip trying to fight the urge to cum himself.

The fox grabbed the anal beads and then toyed with them teasingly. He licked each bead, making sure to give each one the attention it deserved. They tasted rather sweet, for being beads. As if they had some sort of artificial flavoring to them. The fox then took the top of the beads and then grinned, his eyes flashing toward that gaping winking tailhole of Fangmire's. "Brace yourself, this might get mighty cold." With that he pushed the first large bead inside.

Fangmire yelped slightly, it was indeed very cold, and to feel that bead going inside him made the tiger's entire form quiver and cringe. The bead was swallowed up instantly, and already the second bead was making its way into him. The tiger grunted and felt his hole eagerly swallow the beads up, he was enjoying the feel they provided inside him, the beads rubbing against all sides of his walls making him shiver and growl. His large humanoid cock was bouncing up and down against his belly; precum was just literally oozing out from the tip of it making him chuff and whine in pleasure. "Oh fuck Nick; oh gods keep it going please." He found himself begging in lust filled pleasure.

Nick smirked wide; he enjoyed watching each individual bead vanish into that tight gaping hole. As he was pushing more and more beads inside Fangmire, Nick was paying attention to himself. His thick fox cock was throbbing and pulsating, practically on the verge of erupting all over himself. He wrapped his paw around it and stroked repeatedly. Producing slutty like moans of pleasure to tease Fangmire with. "Having fun are we over there kitty cat?" Nick inquired chuckling slightly.

"Fuck you, again." Fangmire growled, wincing as another thick bead invaded him.

"Nah, that is my job, and I'm just about to take it after I get this last bead in and pull these bad boys out rather quick like." Nick said smirking wide as then another bead vanished inside the gaping hole. "Two more to go big guy, you got this." He encouraged.

Fangmire grinded his teeth against each other, his tail flicking back and forth as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The second to last bead made its way inside him; he could feel his insides building up with the anal beads resting inside. The cat grunted and winced as at last the final bead made its way into him.

Nick grinned wide at this. "Good boy, you did it!" He said smirking wide and then grabbed the end of the chain that held the beads. "Brace yourself!" He said and gave a swift yank of the wrist. Suddenly all the beads that had just entered Fangmire were popping out of him one after another in a rapid motion. The cat mrawled loudly in both lust and pain as the beads made their exit.

Fangmire grunted slightly after the last bead had made its way out of him. His tailhole was winking now as he whined slightly. He looked over at Nick and noticed the thick throbbing fox cock that rested between his legs. 'Going to take care of that are we?" He inquired.

"Worry you not." Nick said smirking as he crawled aboard that handsome ass of the tigers. He aimed his fox meat right at the gaping entrance and took a deep breath. With one quick shove his tip entered the gaping hole. The fox shivered slightly, feeling his tip vanish into the feline's depths. His paws eagerly wrapped around the feline's waist as he pulled him up close and hugged his muscular form tightly. His humps started slow, but began to pick up slightly as he growled deeply and moaned.

Fangmire felt that hot canine dick enter him. That thick canine girth was invading him, spreading him open nice and wide. Maybe not as much as the horse dildo did since foxes are much smaller animals, but still it was enough to give Fangmire something to cringe about. The cat grunted and whined in pleasure chuffing loudly his emotions as his tail eagerly wrapped around Nick's waist.

Thrusting deeper and faster into Fangmire's ass, Nick continued his pace. The fox's body quivered and shook with lust and pleasure as he growled deeply. He lowered down to Fangmire and then pressed both their lips together in a deep passionate kiss. The two of them made out for several long moments, and between several hard thrusts.

Nick whined in pleasure, his dick ramming in and out, in and out. His knot pealed back at last revealing the thickness of it as he whined. He could feel it edging on against the tiger's hole, begging to be pushed inside of him, to be tied to him for several minutes. The fox was trying to control his urge, but he knew that he was not going to last. THRUST, THRUST, THRUST! Went that fox cock. SLAP, SLAP, SLAP! Went those fox balls as they bounced back and forth onto Fangmire's backside. His growls increased into savage snarls as he wrapped himself around tightly against the muscled beast beneath him.

"Oh gods, fucking cum inside me Nick, breed my ass, own my ass." Fangmire roared in pleasure as he felt that dick enter and leave his insides. He could feel his hole eagerly grasping at that canine dick as it came inside. He wanted him inside, it felt so right to have him inside.

Nick growled more and more with each given thrust, suddenly his entire body shook and he rose his head up and nearly howled like them damn Timber Wolves he always sees. Soon thick layers of white sticky cum erupted from his canine tip, and began to swarm and invade Fangmire's rear end. He grunted and shoved his thick knot right into him and panted. "FUCK!" was his final words before his entire body collapsed onto Fangmire, having shot his last strand of sticky fox cum that now leaked out from Fangmire's filled up rear end.

Fangmire and Nick laid there for several long moments. Catching their breath, the feel of the pleasure still lingered, and there was tiredness about the two of them. Of course with the cock ring still around Fangmire's dick, he was still incapable of releasing yet.

"Oh right, I forgot about that." Nick said seeing the cock ring still neatly wrapped around that thick plump tiger dick. Nick knelt down onto his hands and knees, opened his mouth and shoved the thick cock into it and grabbed the ring with his teeth and swiftly took it off and spat it out, once again shoving that thick tiger manhood deep into the back of his throat. The fox gagged happily onto that handsome meat rod that was owned by Fangmire and sucked it off with all his might.

Fangmire's body shook as he chuffed loudly. "FUCK!" He closed his eyes his entire muzzle wrinkling with pleasure his body tensing up as his dick gave one last pulse and suddenly began to fill the fox's mouth with thick tiger cum. His arms eagerly wrap around Nicks' back and suddenly he grabbed both the male's wrists and put them behind him, and then the sound of metal clicking was heard.

"Mr. Wilde you are here by placed under arrest for the sexual assault of Manchas the Limo Driver; we are taking you to the big house and locking you up for a long time." The cat grinned sinister like.

"W...what!?" Exclaimed Nick in utter shock after feeling the cold metal cuffs wrap around his wrists. "No, this can't be happening, you bastard!!!"