Shark in the Sand

Story by Calico64 on SoFurry

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#27 of Writings

A commission for marshbreeze (

Mike is on vacation, and today, the beach is just too damn crowded. Mike decides he's going to cross the beach's boundaries, into private beach property. At first, it was a good idea, but the Shark gal Jill will make it into a great idea!

The beach, on a day such as that, it was packed to the very brim with people, and it was loud. Volleyball tournaments were gaining up competitors, sand castles were reaching new heights, and the surfers were waiting for the waves to gain some momentum to catch some awesome tunnels. The best part, though, were the way the bikinis fit on the ladies who perused the shore. Their perfect busts hanging out of their small cups, the way their buttcheeks sometimes slipped out of their bikini bottoms, and those sexy sunglasses to top it all off. There was nothing like the bouncing of those huge tits as they did what was commonly referred to as the "baywatch run."

The beach life was a good one, and Mike relished in it as often as he possibly could. Not many people would expect a cheetah to enjoy the beach. Not that it mattered to Mike at all, people could think what they wanted, and he would lay out in the sun all he wanted. It gave his fur a healthy dose of vitamin D and gave him some time to relax with his thoughts, putting on some sweet tunes in his headphones.

Today, though, he wasn't feeling the big crowd. There was some celebration going on with the town turning 150, or something like that. Too many kids kicking up sand, and too many girls with "PC" swimsuits on, and it was giving Mike a big rubbery one. He walked up to the beach site, and tried to look for some place a bit more secluded. The place was brimming with activity, and it was a little crazy. That's when he remembered the rocks. He looked over toward the rocks on the other end of the beach, the ones that marked when the place turned into private property.

The beach front property it marked was almost as big as the public beach. All Mike had to do was make sure none of the security at the beach caught him crossing the boundary. That was nothing, though. Yes, being a cheetah meant that he was faster than the average sentient, but he also had a good stealth mode. Not to mention, security was hung up on all of the kids stepping on the vegetation on the beach, and making sure the townspeople threw away of their trash in the proper receptacle.

With his umbrella, and towel in one arm, and his ice cooler in the other, he began walking toward the portapotty. He opened the door, but quickly dodged to the right, getting behind it, out of the view of everyone. With his head low, he started going around the rocks. He easily scaled the perimeter around them and ducked behind the rocks as soon as he got across. His feline ears rose up from under his brown head of hair. There were no calls for alarm, and his senses weren't going off that anyone was following him.

Scott free, he began hustling down the beach front property. Not a soul saw him, and soon enough his hustle became an easy going walk. With a big grin on his face, he started walking to a beat on his headphones, bobbing his head. That was, however, when he spotted the shack about two hundred yards down the beach. He stopped suddenly, and figured he would stay where he was, well away from the little house.

In ten seconds, he set up his towel, grabbed a soda from his cooler, and laid back. He turned up his music player and tipped his sunglasses down to his eyes. Such a shame all of those people had to go and ruin a perfectly good beach day by crowding up the sands. Some of them, like Mike, were simply there to take a load off from their troubles, and there they were, crapping up the place with their rambunctious antics. Though there were many days that he would be more than happy to join them in the excitement. Under many circumstances, Mike was quite the party animal, especially with a generous amount of beer in him. It's just that today, he needed some space. Today was a lazy Sunday before he went back to work.

However, what he didn't know was that there was another on that same beach. She just so happened to be the owner of the beach front property. From the vantage point of her beach house, she gazed at the newcomer with a pair of binoculars. Jill had an eye for beauty, and there was truly a thing of beauty laying out on her shore. She tilted the looking glasses down a little to comb her blond hair out of her eyes, and kept looking.

The cheetah had a very respectable amount of muscle, though he wasn't a bodybuilder. Perfect. His abs were visible, as were his pecs. Hell, she could even get behind such a cute little tail that curled and flicked as he lied there on his back. That was when she caught a small glimpse of the bulge protruding from his trunks, and her sights instantly locked in. It was at this point that a very large, jagged toothed grin came across her face.

Mike yawned, scratching his stomach, his head swaying from side to side as his music played, and his feet bobbed back and forth to the beat. He even hummed the melody as it played, lightly singing the lyrics under his breath. With his eyes closed, he reached over for his soda, feeling around the side of his towel. He figured it must have knocked over from the breeze, and he groaned a little bit. Still, it was fine, he brought the whole sixpack in his cooler, it was just kind of a drag that he had to ruin his perfectly good groove to get up.

He opened his eyes and they widened quite a bit. He was met with a bright gray pair of hulking breasts in perhaps the smallest bikini bra he'd ever seen in his life. He swore that he could almost see the areolas around the very pointy nipples that protruded beneath the fabric. Then he looked up at a grinning shark woman that stood with her hands at her hips. Her teeth were immensely sharp looking, but her violet eyes seemed more amused than annoyed. He wasn't sure what to make of this encounter right away, but he decided to try and play it cool, slipping off his headphones.

"Well, hey." He said as he propped his sunglasses onto the front of his head. "What's up?"

"Oh, you know, not a lotta. I'm just out for a nice little walk, and I happened to notice a cheetah sun bathing on my beach." Her voice made her sound very young, almost high school young, but it was clear she was well over 18.

"Your beach?" Aw, shit, here it comes. If he didn't do some serious tap dancing, he was going to get the cops called on him. He did some fast thinking. "Well, I mean, I was just-- I mean, you know, I mean I heard about this place, and I didn't want to intrude but there was--"

That was when she started laughing, leaning downward to give him an eyeful of her cleavage. She paused her laughing and looked at him again. His surprised/scared face was hysterical, and the way he furrowed his brow and pursed his lips was just the cutest thing she'd ever laid eyes on.

"Oh, my God, you're just the most precious thing in the world." She said, and the way her arms clenched either side of her tits, squeezing them together like two ripe melons obviously caught his eye. The fact that she had on the tiniest thong bikini bottom was not helping either. "But there is a slight issues in the way of payment, however. I mean, this is my property, and I can't just have kitties come and go as they please when I spend my hard earned money to keep this place going."

There it was. Mike didn't expect to get out of this unscathed, and now he was at her mercy. Now she was probably going to have him repair her gutters, or maybe even clean up litter or something. He was, after all, trespassing, and anything was better than jail time.

She simply turned toward the water and started walking toward it, making sure to sway her hips to let him get a good look at her slightly jiggling ass. Then she motioned her hand for him to follow. He got up from his towel and followed her as she stepped into the small, oncoming wave as it washed up onto the shore. She leaned down and started wiping the cool, soothing salt water onto her. The moisture made her body shine, enhancing her curves, and the roundness of her heart-shaped ass.

He stepped into the water as well, catching another good wave onto his fur. After some sun bathing, the water felt amazing. They stayed there for a moment, wetting themselves all over, and she turned her head toward him with a sly grin on her face. He gave her a puzzled look, and she giggled once again.

"You got some sun tan lotion?" She asked, batting her eyes at him.

"Um, yeah, it's in the cooler." He pointed his thumb back toward his towel.

"Oooo, you like it nice and chilly, do you?" She started walking back up to the beach, and he followed this time without any need to be told. She got up to his towel and laid down on it, her back facing up toward him. "Now, I don't have a bunch of fur to protect me from the harsh sun like you do, so I need lots of sunscreen. Us sharks have very delicate placoids."

His eyes widened as her ass cheeks were especially accentuated and she kicked her feet a little. She leaned her cheek onto her hand, and grinned up toward him as she pianoed her fingers onto the towel. She eyed his crotch, and her eyes widened as well, as his bulging erection was perfectly in view. Its shape, size and length was in plain sight, and from the looks of it, he could perform much to her liking.

"What are ya waiting for, Mr. Cheetah? My scales aren't getting any smoother in the blazing sun." She said, and giggled a little as he snapped out of his mesmerized state. He got his lotion from the cooler and put a generous portion onto his hand, rubbing it onto his other palm before laying hands on her smooth, beautiful gray back. His lotioned hands moved over her soft, slick dorsal region. He delighted in hearing her soft moan, and slight shiver as she softly bit her lip. Without a word, she reached back and unlatched her bra, letting the straps fall to either side of her. His hands moved all over her deltoids, working his fingers into her tissue, massaging them as he went. Then he went down to her tail, moving over the fin that stuck out there, making sure to get it covered.

His hands moved all over her tail, even down to the tail fin, getting it on either side, up and under. Over her legs, hips, calf, his hands rubbed, and caressed every inch. He splattered more lotions onto his hands and then, to her surprise, his hands came up to her voluptuous ass. Her cheeks flushed, and her eyes darted over to get another good look at his raging cock. Her eyes focused on the very tip, where she could clearly see a small wet spot. He was already getting some precum worked up.

Not that he was the only one. One good look at her crotch region would reveal that her sex was building up its own juices. The way his fingers worked into her slightly chubby ass cheeks was a cause of hypnosis. Her ass bent and squeezed to his whim was absolutely gorgeous. Her face became flush, and her hands clenched the sides of his towel as she tried her absolute best to keep from letting out a lustful groan.

"Mmmm, you're not even close to done, Mr. Cheetah." She grinned and rolled over. Her buoyant breasts jiggled as she got onto her back, free from the tiny, confining bra. "You've got some work ahead of you. Now get cracking." Her voice became somewhat urgent. She was demanding, but also had clear hints of desperation in her voice. She smiled with absolute glee as he hurried to get more lotion in his hands. His eyes fixed on her radiant tits, he grabbed holds of them, starting to caress her small, blue nipples. Her eyes closed, and her mouth formed the shape of an "O" as he squeezed her mammaries, and got them nice and shiny with lotion.

With reluctance, he moved onto her shoulders, and her arms, which also bared her side fins. Even when he didn't give them the attention that he gave her boobs, she was still smiling up at him. Soon they became transfixed in their eyes. Gazing at one another while he started to massage her hands, she discovered that he had the most beautiful brown eyes. He finished with her hands, and used up the rest of his lotion on her abdomen. As he reached for his lotion once again, only to be caught by her hand.

"No, I grow bored of that lotion bottle. It's been done." Her eyes leered down at his red swim trunks. The shark girl's hand slid off of Mike's hand, down his chest, and straight to his balls, pushing up on them and making him clench his teeth a bit. "I want lotion from this one now." Her grin widened as she felt his stiff, beautiful shaft. She untied his trunks in a hurry, and it broke free from the velcro from its sheer girth. She gasped at how the beautiful, pitch black cock stood straight up by itself, like an ironing board. He looked down at her with a sheepish smile, but then she pulled him by his cock onto her.

Both of his knees went on either side of her, and his cock went between her bulbous tits. With the slick lotion doing more than enough to lubricate his already precummed rod, she pressed them together around it. She delighted to see that the head of his dick stuck out from between her cleavage. He sighed in sheer bliss as she gazed up at him, both of their faces were flushed and smiling.

"It's Mike, by the way." He said, making her pause before her mouth touched his pulsing cock. She laughed a little, not even noticing that she had been calling him Mr. Cheetah this whole time.

"Jill, pleasure to meet you." She giggled again, obviously intending to make a pun as her mouth engulfed his erect, swollen cock head into her mouth. He wasted no time in starting to fuck her tits and mouth as her tits' grip tighten around his manhood. This was his very first tit fuck, but he was willing to bet he would never have one like it again. His breath was already labored, and the view of her nipples touching and rubbing together was already edging him toward a climax. Jill's gazing eyes was making it very difficult to concentrate on holding it in.

He held it together, though, but the precum was becoming quite palpable as he continued to thrust into her beautiful bust. Her tits began to jiggle, ripples of motion moved through them, shaking her nipples together, causing her to give a moan that was muffled by his large cock. The taste of his salty cum became a little too much for her, though. She began tonguing his head, and his thrusts were met with her pushing back, giving him a lot more pressure to deal with. It was far too much for him to contain, though.

Before he knew it, he erupted into her mouth, and in her surprise she pulled away a little, catching the next few spurts on her lips and her chin, as well as her tongue. He kept humping her gigantic breasts as hard as he could until he was wrung dry. Her lower face was covered, one of the strings of cum even got up to her forehead. She lied there, dazed, in a blissful cum drunk state.

He gasped for breath, looking down at her cum drenched face with a smile.

"So... umm... does this mean I can use the beach front?" He gave another sheepish smile, scratching the back of his head. He was startled as she grasped his other hand with her own strong grip.

"My shack.... Now."

Jill turned the knob in her shower, hot water spouting down at her, washing the cum off of her face that she did not lick off of her lips and chin. She wetted her blond hair, and basked in the wonderful feeling. She loved the water, especially hot water, she was a shark, after all. She combed her fingers through her hair and shivered as her nerves began to simmer down. Then she delighted to feel two hands reached around her smooth, naked body and clutched her tits, squeezing them with strong, spotted fur hands.

"Mmmm, I was wondering when you couldn't resist anymore." She smiled and whispered into his ear as she turned her head toward him. Their lips met in a kiss, and her arms reached up and behind her to hold the back of his head.

"So, you live here by yourself?" He said as he began to lay kisses down the side of her neck, causing her to lean her head to give him more room to do so.

"Mhmmm. I work on the beach, I coordinate events on the beach, so I have a lot of work here, since it's a tropical region." She said, causing him to giggle against her neck. She chuckled. "What?"

"So you're the reason why the beach was so packed." They looked at one another as she turned to him, wrapping their arms around one another.

"Yeah, it's the anniversary of the town's founding. So that's why you came to my beach front? It was too crowded?" She asked, he nodded, and they both had another good laugh before returning to making out. This time his tongue pushed into her mouth, and she welcomed it with her own, rubbing against it as she explored his back with both of her hands. Her hand came down to his crotch and was happy to feel his penis was nice and hard once again. She caressed it all around, even going down to cup his balls.

"Well, this is turning out to be the best vacation ever." He whispered to her and she grinned.

"Glad I could help, our beach goer satisfaction is my number one priority." She began to jerk his steely dick with one hand softly. "I've never gone to these lengths before to do it though."

They met once again in a kiss, their tongues wrestling for dominance as their hands explored one another's bodies.

"Yeah, but I'm only here on vacation, I only have four days left." He whispered to her as he turned them both around so that he could be in the water for a bit. He stuck his tongue out at her, and she rolled her eyes, smiling.

"That's a shame... I want you all to myself. I'm selfish like that." She looked down at him as he got down to one knee and began to suck on her nipple, licking over her areola. Her cheeks flushed as he began to caress her other breast with his hand. Mike pinched her nipple with his middle and forefinger. Then his other hand reached down to her cooch, poking his finger into her sensitive, pink skin inside.

"Oh, Mike!" She moaned, holding her hand against the back of her head. "Fuck! I love your soft, padded fingers!" She bit her lip with her jagged teeth. "I'm going to need you to stop." She took his hair and pulled his head off of her. "Like, now." She said in a stern, but breathless voice.

He lifted an eyebrow at her, but then she turned to the back of the shower wall and put her hands on it, lifting her long tail up to show her drenched cunt. To her surprise, he needed no convincing at all, and pressed himself against her back. His cock slid in very easily, filling up her wet, twitching tunnel in an instant, and finding her g spot with the first thrust. She reached a high note with her first moan. As he began to hump the shark woman she clenched her fingers against the wall, sliding them down little by little.

The wonderful shower water pitter pattering against her, and a nice big cock jack hammering her hot vag; she honestly couldn't think of anything better. She laid her cheek against the wall and it slid up and down it with every thrust.

"Oh GOD! Fuck me! You fucking cat, give it to me! Fuck me with that nice big dick! Ah! YES!" The fact that she had not cum yet, and the fact that she'd had a nice hard man dick to play with for the past two hours all gathered up into one huge, explosive orgasm! She cried out in absolute euphoria, muffled by the blue tiles on her shower wall. Every thrust after that was simply icing on the cake. "Oh wow, I suddenly find myself loving your cock. Oooohh!" She put her hand on her mound as he continued to rut her ever so deeply, closing her eyes and basking in the wonderful post-orgasm fucking. Her tongue lulled out the side of her mouth and she turned her head to look back toward him to see his face. He was certainly putting forth a wonderful effort.

It wasn't long before it was he who stopped suddenly, pulsing one wad of semen after another into her red hot cunny. He held her ass cheeks tight as he drove his penis deep into her and filled her to the very brim. Then he started going again! She wasn't about to complain, but she was a little amazed at his stamina, especially when his hips began to collide with her ass. His big balls bounced off of her crotch, and he grabbed her tits as he thrusted.

"Wh-what are you-- AH! What are you doing? You just c-came! OH!" She couldn't contain her exasperations of ecstasy. With such a huge cock pressing against every wall of her tunnel, she could already feel her pleasure mounting higher and higher. "Forget---what I just s-s--AH! Said! Don't stop! Oh! Yes! Fuck yeah! Fuck me!" Even though he had just cum, his hot rod was still revving just fine, and she could feel every vein as it created slick friction against her dribbling sheathe.

There came a hard slap on her right ass cheek, and that did it. She widened her eyes, and there she came again! Her pussy was dropping juices like crazy as his rhythm broke down, and he began to grow limp. They stood like that for a moment. The entire top half of her body was squashed up against the wall, with her cheek resting against it. Her tits were mashed up to it as well, and his hands were still holding her hips. The only sound that could be heard was their heavy breathing, and the water still running in the shower as it cooled their heated bodies.

"Oooookay. Mike, we need to talk." She said when her panting finally calmed down, and he had slid out of her well fucked vagina. Jill looked down for a moment, seeing that even in its flaccid state, his cock was not small at all. She raised her eyebrows, clearly impressed.

"Oh, that sounds serious." He reached back, turning the nozzles off for the shower, and catching a towel as she tossed it to him.

They came to the main room, dried off, but still naked. She fixed them both a little snack to eat, and she sat down on her couch, cross legged. He sat in a large, cushioned seat, gazing over at her, eager to hear what she had to say.

"So, I take it you live somewhere far away?" She said, drinking some bottled water, trying to rehydrate after he had robbed her of all of her juices in one way or the other.

"Well yeah, I live in--" He was interrupted by her waving hand as she shook her head.

"You have a decent paying job, I take it? I know this place is expensive." Jill asked, then she closed her eyes, putting her hand on her crotch and leaning forward. A small moan escaped her lips. It'd been a long while since she'd had such a well endowed gentleman inside of her, and even when she did, he certainly didn't fuck like Mike.

"Well... not really, I just saved a bunch of money. I'm actually looking for a j--"

"You're hired." Jill said, drinking more water.

There was a pause.

"Wait, what?"

"Dude, I run the resorts in a city that is, at its core, a tourist attraction. There's like six jobs that can be filled that I do myself because they're so easy I could do them with two broken legs. You start today, move your shit over here and I'll take care of the paperwork tomorrow."

As she spoke, his eyes kept widening, and his mouth became more and more agape. Especially as she reached the last part, his bottom lip went into his mouth, and his dumbfounded look almost made her shoot water out of her nose, but she ended up spitting out instead. She started a great guffaw, dropping her water and holding her mouth as she looked at him. She even went so far as to fall onto her side on the couch, her loud, roaring laughter ever so loudly.

"You're serious?" He asked, his tone making it sound like if she was kidding, it would break his heart.

"Y-y-yes! HAHAHAHAHHAA!!" She shouted, her laughter entering into near insanity. It took a good minute for her to finally calm down, and get the last little giggles out of her system.

"But... you're serious?"

"Uh huh, but don't make that face again. If I die laughing, the deal is off." She chuckled a little, holding back the floodgates from breaking again. She waited for him to reply, his face was straight, serious, and obviously had some wheels turning below the surface.

"Well, you don't need to answer right away. I mean it is just a life decision I so selfishly laid on you in a moment's time. Can your dick get hard again?"

This seemed to snap him out of his stupor and look at her. Once again, he had a surprised look on his face, but then he shook his head to clear the cobwebs.

"Uuuhh, yeah, why? It looks like I already did a number on you." He said, looking down at her reddish outer labia. She looked down at it as well, and patted it softly.

"Oh, yeah, she's good, I promise you that. But, you see, it's been a long time since I had a gentleman such as yourself with such impressive.... Attributes. And I was just wanting to test something out." She turned around on the couch and put her knees on the cushion. She bent over as far as she could, sticking her ass up in the air and lifting her tail to give him a very good view of her asshole. "This hole hasn't had any attention in forever. I need you to give her a good workout too."

She smiled as she saw between his legs that his manhood was, indeed, rising to the challenge she presented. He got up from the chair and walked over to her. He spread her ass more to get a better look. He licked two of his padded fingertips, and began to rub his saliva over the opening.

"Oh, don't even worry about the asshole training. Just lube it up, and shove it in, nice and hard. That's how she likes it." She winked at him, and he was once again taken aback. It was obvious that she was crazy, but if it meant that he got a new job on a ocean shore city, he would fuck old ladies if he had to. He reached over to a bottle of lube she had conveniently placed on a side table, and he made his cock nice and slick, jerking it to get it to its maximum length and girth.

"Oh, wow, every time I see how big you get, my mouth waters."

"Am I going to start hearing tuba music with a fin sticking out of the wat--"

"No no no, you dink! Now get your fucking ass over here and fuck my ass!" She commanded, and he was more than happy to obey.

He came up to her ass, once again spreading the cheeks more, looking down to see her red, puffy vagina. It looked like he did a number on it, but her pussy seemed oddly satisfied. He smiled at this, and then began to concentrate on the task at hand. His cock lined up to her anus and without much hesitation, he pushed.

"WHOO!!!!" She called out as he did, and then clenched her eyes shut, gritting her very sharp teeth. "Holy screaming sheep shit! It feels like you're assaulting me!"

"Do you want me to sto--"

"No! Don't stop, keep going, I'm a big girl, I can take it!" She said this, but still she let out strained and painful looks as he pushed once again. He tried to see if he could at least get his tip in, and it felt like he almost did, but then the head of his cock slipped upward and he ended up hotdogged into her asscheeks. "Dear lord!" She shouted, obviously not angry about him slipping. "This could be troublesome. Try again."

He didn't argue, he simply lined himself back up and pushed again.

"HOOO!!!! Holy fuck fucking fucksticks on a fuck cracker! What--AH!" He kept pushing, this time he could feel her sphincter starting to spread over the very tip of his cock head, but beyond that, he could not push any deeper at all. As he tried to push a little harder, she let out a horrible yelp, and bit into the finished wooden couch frame, chomping a large shark bite into the top. She spat the large chunk of wood and fabric out, and shouted back at him. "Okay! Stop!"

He stopped immediately, and she put her hands on her asscheeks. She clenched her ass together and laid her head on the top of her couch.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked, looking at her from the side.

"I'm fine." Jill said, giving a big sigh of utter disappointment. "Alright."

She turned back around, and sat on the couch, but then lifted up a bit, giving a grunt and a cringing face. She eased herself onto the cushion and forced a smile on her face. He sat down as well, and looked at her with a pursed lip, and wide eyes.

"Don't give me that worried look. I'm fine, alright? I'm just agitated, this agitates me a lot!" She said, but then reached down to her crotch and moaned once again, obviously the titanic fucking he'd given her in the shower was still giving her some trouble. "Okay, so here's the new plan."

"New plan?" He asked, tilting his head with an eyebrow raised.

"New plan! Alright, so, you're still moving to this city, but more specifically, you're going to move in... here." She pointed two fingers downward. "In this shack, on my beach."

"And, I take it I have no say in the matter."

"No, no you really don't." She smiled with her head shaking. "You see, I don't fail at anything, especially pertaining to getting fucked. If I want to cum, I cum, if I want the guy to cum inside me, I make sure he doesn't pull out. And when I want a guy to fuck me in the asshole as hard as he can until my ass is filled with hot, steaming cum, that's what happens. I don't fail at these things. So, I will be retraining my ass to take that tank of a cock of yours, and until then, I need your cock in my mouth, a lot. Then I'll need you to fuck my sharky brains out. So, that's the plan. You like that plan?"

"I think I do." He nodded at her, and her grin widened to expose her shark teeth once again.

She got up from her sitting position, and walked over to his seat. The young cheetah looked up at her as she gazed down at him, and met him with a kiss. They made the kiss last for a good, long while. She put her hand on his cheek, and rubbed down it softly. She softly broke the kiss, and gazed deeply into his eyes, her half-open bedroom eyes looking at him in such adoration.

"Welcome home." They met in another kiss.

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