Where there is a leash...(Illustrated story)

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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IMPORTANT! I'm doing a fundraiser for my sister who lost her baby at birth. If you want to lend a paw and help this kitty out (and what rewards you can reap in the process) please visit this link.

Story Description: This is another YCH I collaborated with TSC to bring to life. It features three friends who walk into what appears to be a deserted dragon lair looking for shinies, only to receive another type of reward in the end.

Kaleth belongs to: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/bleakdragoon/

Kip belongs to: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mudkipz9/

Stormy belongs to:http://www.furaffinity.net/user/totodice1/

Dranslin belongs to:http://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/dranslin/

Story is written by me, while the artwork is done by The_Secret_Cave

Where there is a leash... (Illustrated story collab done with http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thesecretcave/)

Stormy reluctantly followed Kip and Kaleth away from his cove and up into the woods, pumping his arms forward and dragging his serpentine body through the muddy terrain. The earthy sludge felt disgusting against his pale viridian hide, but his comfort mattered not when Kip planned to drag him into a troublesome situation.


"Look alive, friends," Kip said with his overly cheerful voice. "It's not every day that you get to loot the lair of a dragon."

"What if said dragon is inside during our unannounced visit?" Kaleth asked, folding his wings tighter to his back as he crouched under a hanging pine bough.

"He's never inside," Kip shrugged off Kaleth's irrational worries with a flick of his arm. "I don't even know his name. Nobody does. That's how popular he is around these parts."

Stormy kept his muzzle shut and slithered up the incline leading up a hill, not for lack of words, but because of their ineffective nature. Kip had already made up his mind, and his enthusiasm had also corrupted Kaleth, a dragon not very dissimilar to Stormy. Kaleth had quite the unique view on the world; if he ever got into a dangerous situation, he would simply surrender himself completely to the one who sought to inflict harm upon him. In his eyes, many a creature including dragons--especially dragons--preferred to use sex as their choice of punishment, and for Kaleth, that didn't sound like too much of a tenebrous outcome.

The leviathan swallowed hard, memories of his past experiences floating through his mind. Every time he listened to an outgoing person such as Kip, he ended up with a dragon on top of him and their cock stuffed in his slit. And yet, for unknown reasons and driven by an unfathomable curiosity, Stormy chose to follow his two companions.

From up close, this particular lair looked to be in shambles. Ivy blanketed its upper parts and moss grew on the sides of the entrance, both signs of neglect for a species who took pride in their dens. A stale breeze wafted from the darkening innards of the cave, carrying choking hues of dingy furs and mildew.

Kaleth covered his snout with an arm. Stormy used both of his fins to blot out the insufferable smell. Kip, on the other hand, simply shrugged and disappeared into the cave, whistling a merry tune.

"Rejoice, friends. Stale scents mean the host hasn't been around in a long time. Whatever he stashed here is already decaying."

Kaleth's wings slumped visibly as he shook his head, obviously disappointed. Stormy, however, wound forth with renewed vigor, blessed relief coursing through his veins. With the dragon away, he was loathe to leave Kip hoard all of his valuables.

Not that there was any loot to plunder. When Stormy caught up with Kip, he still stared with disbelief at the emptied coffers, tarnished furs, torn tapestries, rusty iron goblets and whatever other junk lied around.

"This has to be the runtiest of dragons that ever existed. Look at that!" He circled the room with a hand before jabbing a finger at a bear fur encrusted with a dried, milky substance. "He only ejaculated during sleep while dreaming of mates he'll never have with this attitude, at the very least. Definitely a virgin."

Kaleth shrugged his wings and dug out a black leather collar tied with a silver clasp, equipped with a loop made of a similar metal to accommodate some sort of...

"A leash?" Kip chuckled at the smooth, silky strap that dangled from the collar. "Look at the diameter. It confirms my runt theory without the shadow of a doubt."

"Hey!" Kaleth yelped, then hissed at the thief who snatched his prize from his hands. "Grab your own plunder!"

"Don't take it personal. I'll return it as soon as I am done inspecting it," Kip mouthed, running his fingers around the leash's length, twisting and turning the collar to search for whatever.

"As if I care. There's plenty more to go around."

"Eep!" Stormy jolted from the collar that connected with the side of his head before it fell on the ground in a heap of tangled leather. "How rude!"

"I saved you a trip to the kinky basket, haven't I?" Kaleth chuckled, hefting his own leash and collar. "Seems these are our mementos. A bit odd, but who am I to judge? Some dragons must like their maidens less mobile."

"I'll show you less mobile!" Kip rushed to fasten his collar around Kaleth's neck, then tugged on the leash softly, playfully. "Shall we go for a walk, beloved pet?"

"This thing's not as comfy as it looks," Kaleth said, adjusting his collar. "I want it off me."

"You want it...wow, you overly sensitive dragon, you." Kip tore the spare collar Kaleth clutched in his hands free of his grip and proffered it to him. "Put this on me. If it doesn't chafe my neck raw, then I'll assume you're a drama queen begging for attention."

Kaleth sighed and rolled his eyes at the silly request, but otherwise did as he was told. "Satisfied? Now we both look like two complete morons. Who even puts a collar on an anthro? They are obviously designed for ferals and the like."

Kip pulled Kaleth's leash in a curt, sudden motion, chuckling at the bulging eyes of the orange striped dragon. "I don't know mate. I always wanted a pet dragon."

Kaleth coughed, snarled, then heaved again, one wing tipped towards Stormy. "How about him? I have a sensitive neck and all."

Stormy tensed up at the sound of that. "I don't really wish to partake in...can you...please don't..."

"There!" Kip exclaimed once he bound Stormy up with that devilish contraption. "I have tamed a leviathan. Squire Kaleth! Search or fashion me a saddle. With a stalwart mount like Stormy, I wish not leave this cave on me own two feet."

"Search this," Kaleth said, cupping his genital area. "In your rush to tether Stormy, you let go of my leash, so you're not my master, at the very least."

Kip opened his mouth but closed it the next second, flustered with Kaleth's quip. A victorious grin spread across his lips as he juggled the handle of the leash between his hands.

"Your silence bespeaks of your wants," Kaleth said charmingly, torturing the poor mudkip as he walked towards him in a lascivious, criss-crossing type of way. "I'll taste your ejaculate if you taste mine. Sixty-nine? Does that sound like your type of deal?"

"Stop it."

"Why? Is something stirring within your loins? Does your lust begin to manifest in physical form?" Kaleth cooed.

"That's tasteless, even for you."

Kaleth licked his lips as his eyes half closed in a dreamy look. "Don't say that. I bet you taste...wonderful."

"Good choice. I shall start with him then," a booming voice reverberated through the cavern, forcing the two anthros to twist on their feet. Stormy, familiar with the thunderous pitch, coiled himself into a ball of dread, tail draped over his eyes to blot out the cruelty of his reality.

"W--wait," Kaleth intervened by jumping in front of an awestruck Kip, wing unfurled as if to shield him from the imposing green dragon that shuffled towards them one elaborate step at a time. "For clarity's sake, I should mention that I referred to his semen, in case you missed that part. You caught us at a rather awkward time, oh grand and resplendent..."

"Dranslin," the dragon introduced himself, curling his neck in an S shape to glare upon Kaleth with his cold, icy eyes. "And I see you already fell into your roles as my slaves. Spectacularly done. I might even spare you for tonight, though I cannot speak for the day that follows."

Kaleth swallowed hard, trying to dislodge the lump in his throat. Kip began backing away, eyes glued to Dranslin, never letting him out of sight for one second, up until his heel knocked over a piece of broken bookcase shelf. Up until this moment, Kaleth had never seen another crash in such utter silence, without as much as a yelp.

"Hrahrahrahrahra," Dranslin's bellowing laughter echoed off the stony walls. "I'm not that type of dragon, you jittery little creatures. Much as I enjoy watching you fidget in panic, my lair is a treacherous place, and it wouldn't be the first time one of my friends impaled themselves by accident upon one of those stalagmites that I keep promising to clear but never actually do."

"Uhmmm...." Kaleth twisted his head left and right, searching for the stalagmites Dranslin described, but found none.

"Hrahrahrahra! Made you look, didn't I? I'm not an irresponsible dragon either. At least to a certain degree," he said, scratching one of his fins in thought with the tip of a wing claw. "You can all relax, dear visitors. No harm will come to you from my side, though I cannot say the same about you three."

Dranslin walked past Kaleth, tilting his head in his direction to catch his scent while Kip recovered his footing. Stormy, emboldened by the dragon's words, also chanced a look at Dranslin, only to look the other way when the dragon met his gaze.

"I see you have raided my supply of collars and leashes." Dranslin slipped his tail into the same basket Kaleth had plundered, lifting it along with a single collar devoid of a leash. "The last time that happened, I came to find my companions whipping each other in good fun, ridiculous as that sounds."

"So....they're not for...umm....slavery purposes?" Kaleth inquired.

Dranslin cocked his head incredulously. "In which world do you live in? These are hatchling collars, meant to keep those overly energetic brats from causing too much mayhem in anthro communities."

Kaleth blinked once, twice, understanding dawning on his relieved expression. "Oh, see?" He swerved his head towards Kip. "I told you these are damn uncomfortable. They're made for scaly necks after all."

Kip shook his head, still apprehensive about Dranslin. "I don't think it's wise to insult a dragon in their very lair."

"Oh, insult away! Chances are you'll find me more than a match in verbal battles." Dranslin flopped on top of his bed of furs, inspecting each of the three intruders, grumbling in amusement at the ridiculous sight before him.

"You three remind me of my younger days, where I used these leashes to guide my companions towards unimaginable pleasures. You wouldn't happen to be interested to play such a game, rrr?"

Stormy shuddered at the sound of that, but Kaleth held his breath, his attention caught by a barely visible speckle of pink jutting past Dranslinslin's silver belly plates before his haunch covered it.

"Uncouth as my offer sounds, the only reason I consider it is because you wanted to taste each other's essence. Shouldn't you extend the same courtesy to the benevolent host who is at complete ease with a band of burglars rampaging through his home?"

"Yes, absolutely!" Kaleth spoke out of sheer instinct without checking in with Stormy or Kip. "I mean...it's just a silly game. Come on you two...you have to at least be curious about it. Plus, Dranslin is one of the prettiest dragons I've ever seen."

"Well thank you, kind..."

"Kaleth," the anthro dragon introduced himself with a curt bow. "Kip is the clumsy one. Stormy's name might carry a certain power, but he's more of a breeze really, blowing in any direction you want him to."

"He wouldn't happen to blow over me, mrrrh?" Dranslin beckoned Stormy closer with a wing, rolling onto his back to present the white of his belly as a peace--or enticing--offering.

"Not without a little guidance, as you first put it."

Determined to keep his companions and himself out of trouble, Kaleth strolled over to Stormy, grabbed his leash, and jerked him in Dranslin's direction. The leviathan refused to budge, eyes avoiding Kaleth, Dranslin, everyone!

"We're all ready to play," Kaleth said, chancing Dranslin a fake, reassuring smile. "Some of us just need that extra tug to get started."

That said, Kaleth turned to face his companions, his throat parched due to nerves. "It's just a short, bonding game. Given that we trespassed into his home and territory, it's the least we can do to earn his forgiveness, yes?"

"Easy for you to say..." Stormy mouthed, staring at the floor with Kaleth, unfocused eyes. "He didn't ask you to crawl over his body. It's not your slit he stuffs with his huge erection."

Kaleth walked up to Stormy, let out a drawn-out sigh to empty himself of his frustration with his reticence, and slapped his snout. "There isn't any erection for you to worry about."

Even so, Kaleth still sneaked a glance to make sure.

"He probably just wants to do his thing and tug on our leashes a couple of times. You should all thank me for making this easy for you guys. Where there is a leash, there is always a way."

Kip shrugged his shoulders. "I'm fine with that. He seems like a friendly dragon to me. Besides, I do have my theory to test, according to which his sexual inexperience will finish this faster than you two expect."

"I don't know about this..."

"Too bad you don't have a choice," Kaleth decided, pulling Stormy's leash with Kip's help in Dranslin's direction, where he made his grand announcement. "He's going to play the role of pet!"

"A most suitable choice," Dranslin decreed, tail tip twitching with excitement. "Slither over to me, little serpent. I have always wished to cuddle with a sea creature such as yourself."

"See?" Kaleth slapped Stormy's back encouragingly. "He has simple, innocent desires, you inconsiderate eel."

"Kip, you shall be in charge of my tail. Kaleth, as a noble dragon yourself, I shall give you free reign over my body, to choose whichever part you like."

Kaleth's focus skimmed over to Dranslin's powerful haunches and down to a broad hind paw equipped with dexterous toes. He immediately wanted to--no, needed--to grab hold of that foot and assert his control over it. Many a dragon enjoyed having their hind paws tended to due to their hard to access location. There was fulfillment to be found in fondling those supply toes between his fingers, satisfaction in massaging Dranslin's soles, and excitement in taking a whiff laden with the scents through which the dragon had walked on his way here. Grass seemed like a fair contender, and given the color of those paws, they seemed almost appetizing!

Dranslin looked over his entourage, flashing them a radiant smile, satisfied with how quickly they accepted their designated roles. The loop of dark, smooth leather felt odd upon his tongue, but with his paws taken by two other leashes, he had to improvise and make use of his mouth for a change. Of all his charges, Stormy required the firmest of tugs to accept--and indulge--in his sexuality, but he'd get there. Once they agreed to play his game, Dranslin vehemently refused to allow them to depart without spilling their seed down to their last drop.

Still, he had to ease them into it. Too quick, and they might grow suspicious of his intentions; after all, certain dragons had the tendency to take what they wanted, consent optional. A sluggish pace had its merits, but with two anthros and a feral leviathan at his disposal, Dranslin hardly had the patience to postpone his plan for so long.

Luckily, he didn't have to. Kaleth, for instance, mostly overlooked the guiding pulls of his leash, already infatuated with Dranslin's hind leg. The fiery striped dragon grabbed hold of one of Dranslin's haunches, stroking the muscles hidden under the layer of green and sage colored scales, his hands slowly weaving their way down Dranslin's calf until they stopped at the heel of his paw. The green dragon flexed his toes expectantly, growling a subtle command to Kaleth, urging him to continue what he started.

Kaleth, however, had other things in mind. He propped Dranslin's leg atop the frame of one wing, his wing talon enclosing around it to keep it place while Kaleth eased himself onto his back to get up close and personal with Dranslin's hind paw. At first, Dranslin growled in protest, unwilling to support the weight of another upon the sensitive membrane of his wing, but his reluctance immediately melted into purring delight once Kaleth buried his face into his hind paw, slippery tongue worming its way between his toes.

"Mrrrrrhhhh," Dranslin grumbled in delight, eyes half closed, toes wriggling in pent-up anticipation for Kaleth to pay visit to each of them. "You are quite skilled with your tongue, little one. It would have been a waste to keep your talents confined to a sole foot, had I but you..."

As Dranslin trailed off, his aquamarine gaze drifted towards Kip, the charming mudkip who simply sat upon Dranslin's tail, ogling Stormy. Unlike half-erect Kaleth who began pumping his hand up and down his member, completely enthralled with the vast mobility of Dranslin's clenching toes, him and Stormy relied on Dranslin to manage and stoke their expectations concerning their little get-together. Kip had always been the more passive sort, requiring the jerk of a leash to land his tongue in the right place, while Stormy was....well, Stormy, always in need of that extra push to soar past his comfort zone.

"I don't think this is a good idea," the leviathan whined, eying Kip and Kaleth warily, ill at ease with their presence. He envied Kaleth's courage to fall into the rhythm imposed by Dranslin and spontaneously adapt to the feral dragon's whims. Kip's calm demeanor, in spite of the tether attached to his mildly uncomfortable collar, also gave Stormy pause, his indifference to this orgy planting second thoughts into the leviathan's head. "We don't have enough room for what you want, Dranslin. We should each take a turn with you instead of kyarhhh!"

Stormy's whole body quaked from the paw that alighted upon his serpentine spine. Dranslin wriggled his fingers to allow the handle of Kip's leash to slide towards his wrist, freeing his claws so that he could press their tips into Stormy's viridian hide.

"You are my guest, little serpent. In my house, you follow my rules, and since you helped yourself to one of my collars, I expect that you respect the rules of the game," Dranslin hissed his warning into Stormy's face, forcing his ears to splay evenly along his nape. "Don't look so mortified. Were I a different breed of dragon, your slit would have been stuffed full of my member."

Dranslin attempted to wipe away Stormy's worries with a lick along the leviathan's snout, up to his cute, pink horn. However, the leviathan flinched in distress--or shuddered in pleasure, making him even more of a mystery to Dranslin, who had considered himself a good judge of character up until he met Stormy. It would take a couple more moments to find the best way to coerce him into joining the fun. Until then, Dranslin already had his hind paw full of Kaleth's undivided attention and Kip's tongue at his disposal. Better do something with that.

With a swift yank, Dranslin forced Kip's snout to press against his tailhole, an isle of flesh secluded among silver plates where his musk was at its strongest. If Kip wished to object, growl, or make a wry face in disgust with the feral dragon's practices, now was the time. However, the mudkip casually embraced the base of Dranslin's tail, lowering his chest atop it and arching his back so that he could rock his loins forward in slow, fluid strokes.

"Mmmm," Dranslin hummed in contentment. "That's the spot, Kip. It's not your first time there, from what I can deduce, so go ahead and surprise me."

The corner of Kip's mouth curled into an elegant smirk, the mudkip relishing the opportunity to not only surprise, but impress a dragon most likely unaccustomed to the exotic pleasures of the anthro kind. So, Kip started off slow, circling the edges of that dainty pucker, enjoying its warmth upon the tip of his tongue, as well as the gentle shudders of delight rippling underneath it. A sporadic spasm forced Dranslin's tailhole to clench every time Kip sailed along it vertically, the middle of that ring of flesh so sensitive and tight it almost barred Kip's way inside.

"You are allowed to enjoy yourself, you know," Kip said, reaching forward to grab Dranslin's shaft and give it a thorough stroking to help the dragon get to full mast. "Whatever rules you have set for this game, set them aside, for we all bring our different sets of skills to the table."

"I...mrrrrhm, can see that, feel that, enjoy that," Dranslin murmured, toes curling inwards and relaxing in unison with Kip's tongue strokes. "It's just that...it has been a while since I had such elevated company."

Kip grinned. He rested his chin atop Dranslin's tailhole, satisfied with his quick thinking. If his friend wasn't so preoccupied with licking Dranslin's hind paw with such thorough and meticulous tongue strokes while masturbating at the same time, he would have asked for his help. Alas, Kaleth was too far gone to rely on his help. It had to be Stormy.

Fortunately, Stormy positioned himself in such way that he gave Kip an opening in the real sense of the word. By propping his tail on Dranslin's splayed haunch, Kip was within an arm's length of the leviathan's tailhole, so tight and inviting for a dragon like Dranslin who must have missed a firm embrace around his shaft dearly.

You should both be thanking me for this, but I know you won't, so just enjoy, Kip thought as he grabbed hold of Dranslin's shaft with a hand and Stormy's tail with the other. Then, it was as simple as guiding that pink, thick rod of flesh into Stormy's entrance, and Dranslin's instinctive bucking of his hips did the rest.

"Raaaaaaaaaah!" Dranslin growled, eyes screwing shut from the wave of euphoria that flooded his being. One moment, his member throbbed in the cool air of the cave, spurred by maddening lust resulting from lack of contact with another being but himself. Then, in the next second, something guided his tip into a hot, irresistible passage, in which Dranslin couldn't help but bury himself in.

"Auuurh, big, so big!" Stormy whined, tongue lolling to the side of his muzzle as he panted with the effort it took to cope with Dranslin's jerky, lustful, instinctual strokes. "Slower! Take it slower!"

"I...I can't," Dranslin confessed, hugging stormy to his chest with both forepaws, pressing his scrunched muzzle against his brow. "It feels so, so good. It's my first time in...hrahh...I don't know how long."

Stormy's cheeks blushed into a light violet nuance at the sound of that, eyes half opening to look upon the dragon who could barely resist the urge to fill the leviathan to the brim with his seed.

"Do you really mean that? Am I truly...desirable?"

"You are, little serpent," Dranslin half said, half growled, still caught in the throes of his building bliss. "I have never mated with a leviathan. Never anticipated your kind can be so delightfully malleable."

To prove his point, Dranslin twisted his neck to the right to pull on Stormy's leash with his mouth, forcing the leviathan to mold across his belly, aligning his serpentine body with Dranslin's. Then, with a swift, sudden motion, Dranslin shoved his cock upward, penetrating as deep as he could through the tightening layers of muscle, a feral roar erupting out of his maw along with several jets of precum.

"Take it slower buddy. You only have one shot. Make it count," Kip advised, patting the side of Dranslin's tail as he resumed working his shuddering tailhole, treating it to a series of sensuous licks that did more damage than good by gnawing at Dranslin's already faltering resilience.

To make things worse, the very dragon who initially seized control over the trio was slowly but surely reduced to a panting mess, his head flopped to the side, wings twitching in their sockets, toes flexing and fanning out, tailhole clenching repeatedly from the combined stimulation of his charges. Encouraged by the praise he had received and driven by his own need, Stormy began pumping his tail up and down, practically taking over so that he could race Dranslin to the finish.

Kip couldn't tolerate the foul play. He reached toward Stormy's cock that hung across the base of Dranslin's haunch and began masturbating the leviathan's meaty shaft, pausing every three strokes to squeeze his rock-hard knot.

"Yaaaarhhh!" Stormy cried out from overstimulation. With his tailhole stuffed and his knot squeezed in a vice-like grip, the leviathan's seed erupted all over Dranslin's lower belly, flooding his tailhole along with Kip's face. Some of it trickled down onto Kaleth's head, who slurped every drop of it, his deepening growl heralding his own climax.

Dranslin reached his peak the next second or so as well, his resistance obliterated by the constant squeezes of Stormy's powerful tailhole muscles. His member milked of its precious contents in such thorough fashion, Dranslin simply froze, the pleasure so intense it locked his muscles in place as if to channel his entire focus toward his throbbing cock and the overwhelming relief that came from liberating himself of the seething pressure welled within his lower belly.

"That's it. Cum, you lustful beast," Kip cooed while he humped the dragon's tail, clenching his jaws as he allowed his own male essence to seep out of his twin cocks. To give Dranslin a hand, Kip massaged the base of his cock, enjoying its steely frame, the might of the jets, and the copious quantity of virile dragon seed that seeped past Stormy's overly stretched walls.

It must have taken more than thirty heartbeats for Dranslin to empty his passion inside Stormy, who practically flopped onto his side, half conscious from the toll of mating. His gaping tailhole leaked a continuous stream of milky seed, its thick nuance contrasting with the more translucent tones of the leviathan's seed coming out of his still spurting cock.

"So, how did you enjoy my game?" Dranslin asked, attempting a smile that came out wry in his fatigued state.

"Can we play again?" Kaleth suggested without checking in with his other companions. "Maybe this time, the leashes will actually play a more important role."

"Mrrrr, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Dranslin said, caressing Kaleth's collar with the tip of a hind claw. "But that goes against my sense of novelty. There is this harness the anthros crafted for me which, with a few ingenious tweaks on my part, can render the leviathan...vulnerable to our desires," the green dragon carefully chose his words.

"I'm in!" Both Kip and Kaleth exclaimed at the same time, much to Stormy's chagrin. Why did he always have to end up in the most compromising of positions?

** ***THE END*****

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Dragoness Dreams

**IMPORTANT! I'm doing a fundraiser for my sister who lost her baby at birth. If you want to lend a paw and help this kitty out (and also get rewarded for your kindness) please visit [this link.](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1193120)** **Story...

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Just a Little Lick(Illustrated story)

**IMPORTANT! I'm doing a fundraiser for my sister who lost her baby at birth. If you want to lend a paw and help this kitty out (and what rewards you can reap in the process) please visit [this link.](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1193120)** **Story...

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Dragon's Path Final Part: Crystalmancer

**\*\*\*[Part 30](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1187444)** **\< Current chapter \*\*\*** **IMPORTANT! I'm doing a fundraiser for my sister who lost her baby at birth. If you want to lend a paw and help this kitty out (and what rewards you can reap in...

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