The Counsel of Dibella

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A story commissioned by FA: JCFoxman and featuring his Argonian character, Shiala. In this case, she's going into a ruin to find something to fuel her own magic, make her more powerful, but she gets a liiiiiittle more than she bargained for.

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The Counsel of Dibella For JCFoxman By Draconicon

The cave was right where Aela had said it would be. East of Whiterun, past Redoran's Retreat, and buried under several old boulders, the entrance was so far out of the way that Shiala wasn't surprised that she hadn't seen it on her other trips through the area. She'd needed to wriggle through the gaps in the rock, and several times had almost torn through her clothes in the process. Almost being the operative word, thankfully, though she'd needed to leave her leather armor at the entrance.

As she pulled herself up from the final gap, the Argonian dusted off her arms, shaking off the brown and letting the yellow and gold show through again. What clothes as she'd been able to fit on were dirty as well, but she didn't want to waste time. She'd be able to wash off the leather loincloth and bra later, when she went swimming or something. For now, she had bigger things to take care of.

"Alright...let's see what we're dealing with..."

Shiala walked up to the door, running her fingers delicately over the wooden barrier. She could tell that there was no lock holding her back, but sometimes there were other dangers. A booby trap that would swing spikes down in her face, or -

There it was. The Argonian smiled at the hint of a glow beneath the doorway, recognizing the edge of a flame ward. She took a few steps back, making sure that she was out of the blast radius, and pointed a finger down at the magical trap. One firebolt later, the door had burst off of its hinges and was halfway towards burning to ashes. She stepped over the ruins, and into the cave proper.

Despite herself, she couldn't help admiring the shadow that followed her away from the burning door. Having her own silhouette thrown up on the wall was another reminder of why people stared at her as she walked down the streets, why they kept coming around to catch a glimpse at her when she left the city for a bath. Her breasts were large enough to create an hourglass figure to her top even in shadow form, and her hips flared out to match them. She chuckled a bit at the sight, shaking her head at her own looks.

If only half of them knew what else I had, she thought as she walked along, feeling her light leathers flap and roll with her movements. They barely covered her, leaving her the caverns in a way that she seldom did while wandering around the dangerous environs of Skyrim. Giants, dragons, bandits, wolves, and more waited out there, barely needing any excuse to attack, and while her magic was strong, she seldom walked around quite this exposed. It was something of a new experience.

She stopped lingering on such thoughts as the cave turned dark ahead of her, the light of the burning door not spreading far enough to keep her path lit. She paused, looking ahead of her for any signs of further traps, but saw nothing.

Of course, that didn't mean it was safe. It just meant that there were no immediate things waiting to kill her if she took another step.

Better safe than sorry, she thought, letting her magic flow down her arm and summoning another firebolt to hand. It was a bit harder to walk around with the magic already prepared rather than loosing it immediately, but it always took a second for it to be ready. That second between readying it and firing it could save her life.

She fumbled her way along in the dark, her empty hand on the wall, and her feet shuffling slowly through dust and dirt and water. She thought back to Aela's directions.

Two hundred feet in, there's a turn, the Huntress had said. Take the left turn, and follow it for another hundred feet, and turn right. Keep quiet, though.

What she needed to keep quiet for, Aela didn't say. Probably something that lingered here, but she couldn't imagine what would be staying here. No light for bandits, and it didn't stink enough for creatures.

She found the turning, and took the left turn as she'd been instructed. The Argonian had been walking for perhaps another twenty feet when she realized two things.

First, the ground had gone from earth to stone beneath her feet, and not just natural stone, either. It was carved, smoothed out, like someone had built something down underground. There weren't many possibilities of what that could be, and none of them were good.

Second, there was a grunt and hiss, like something was rising up from the ground...or from a grave.


She hissed as she held up her hand, the firebolt casting weak light around her. Six 'beds' for the bodies of the Draugr laid around her, and three of the bodies on them were already starting to stir. She must have made more noise than she thought when she came down through the water, or maybe her claws on her toes were making clicking sounds on the stone.

Whatever the reason, she had woken them, and now she had to deal with them.

Loosing the firebolt into the head of the first one, Shiala reached down and grabbed a sword from her waist. Small and made of glass, it was hardly the most imposing weapon, but she'd learned long ago how deep it could cut. She whirled, throwing herself into a rolling dive towards the far end of the room. The lone Draugr pulling itself from a bed there was stabbed through the belly in short order, and she threw him down. He still moaned and groaned, but he wouldn't be moving anytime soon.

She regretted the move almost immediately. As she stood up, a dead hand grabbed her around the ankle, and squeezed. Shiala tensed, kicking, even throwing her leg backwards to try and kick the undead in the face, but there was no chance of that. She couldn't see, and the grip held her too tightly.

Worse, the shambling sounds of the other Draugr awake was getting louder, stronger. She had to move fast, or she'd be helpless to fight him when he got close.

Come on, come on, let go! she thought, swinging her leg side to side in another attempt to get him to let go. Magic was a possibility, but any sort of fire strike wouldn't just drain her, but would have a pretty good chance of blasting her own leg. Then what would she do?

Growling in frustration, Shiala gave one more kick, and finally connected. Something squished beneath her heel, and the groaning from beneath her went silent, her leg freed. She turned -


The Draugr had found her, and only a quick leap backwards kept his old, peeling hands from smacking into her head. His fingers did, however, fall down towards her chest. Her eyes went wide as she felt a sudden draft in the darkness, feeling her breasts bounce as they were suddenly freed. They smacked off of her chest, rose up again, before falling once more, and she barely resisted the urge to cover herself with a blush.


What restraint she had left went out the window. The Argonian lifted her hands, and fire streamed from both her fists at once. The heat warmed the air, lit the room, and found her attacker almost immediately. The undead Draugr stood there, as if struck dumb by her attack, until the fire consumed his flesh from his bones.

As he fell to the ground, burned to a crisp and reduced to nothing but ashes, she realized something else. Blushing, Shiala pulled out another bit of fire, holding it in her palm as she sifted through the ashes of the Draugr's body.

It was too late. She'd burnt her leather bra as well as her attacker. She blushed worse, feeling just how heavy her chest was as she leaned forward, and knew that she'd be feeling them bouncing around from now on. Her nipples were already hardening in the cold, yet were also slick from how warm the air had suddenly gotten from the flame spell she'd just used. It was a...different contrast, to say the least.

Her cheeks burned as she pulled herself back to her feet, trying not to think about how humiliated she was going to be if anything else happened. Trying to remain professional, the Argonian did a quick scan of the room, checking all the other coffins and tombs. Sometimes the Draugr liked to hide and come out when one was closer, and she didn't need any more clothes ripped off of her.

Thankfully, the few that did come out were quickly dispatched, and she found a torch on one of the bodies. She lit it with the last of her magic, and sat down to rest, panting for breath.

Looks like I'm not...not quite as improved as I thought I was, Shiala thought to herself, looking up towards the ceiling. That idol better be here. If it's not...well, this will have been one hell of a wild goose chase.

The idol of Dibella. Though the world knew her as a goddess of love and sensuality, there was more there. While she wasn't the only one of the Eight that were associated with magical power, there were legends that she had a certain sort that would benefit her. Shiala had heard of the idol many times since leaving her homeland, and knew that it would be her key back. Her key...her key to driving home a flaming blade of vengeance in the heart of her enemies.

A soft growl rose in her throat before she could stop it, and the memories of the flight from Black Marsh came crashing back. The Black Tongues chasing her from the marshes, sending her fleeing from the brothers and sisters that she'd made back there, leaving her helpless but to seek aid from others for a time...

I'll be back...I promised that I'd be back. She took a few deep breaths. And when I do, I'll burn them all to the ground, just like they tried to do with me.

But to do that, she needed the power of that idol, and according to Aela, it was just a little further in the cavern.

Shiala pulled herself to her feet, found her glass blade, and set off down the tunnel. Now that she had a torch, she imagined that the worst of the whole experience was behind her. At least now she'd be able to see where she was going.

You know, seeing doesn't matter as much as you'd think, she thought, her cheeks burning once more as she tried to figure out how to get out of this trap.

Magical traps, Shiala had found, were easy. They glowed in the dark, they exploded from a distance, and you didn't have to worry about them as long as you paid attention. Sure, they caused a great deal of damage if you were stupid enough to walk into one, but as long as you weren't that imbecilic, you could avoid a lot of pain.

Physical traps, however...

This doesn't even do anything to stop me, she tried to tell herself as she hung upside down, her breasts almost falling to her chin from the weird angle. She swung back and forth, trying to build up the speed and leverage to reach up for the rope around her ankles, and each time she did, she could feel her stomach clenching, pulling in, and her breasts swinging around with her. All this

Not least because of the way that her loincloth fell over her, and exposed everything. Considering what was down there, her breasts weren't the only thing flapping and flopping around.

"Come on...out of the way, boobs..."

Finally, she swung herself upwards enough to grab hold of her leg. It wasn't the rope, but it was something. The Argonian continued to drag herself up, swinging her tail down for a bit more leverage, and blushed every time that she felt her shaft pressing down towards her. Once, she even brushed her lips against the exposed head, and the sudden burst of excitement nearly sent her into a spin, forcing her to start all over, and this time it was much harder with a stiffening shaft trying to keep her down.

Her cheeks were burning hot by the time that she could reach her ankle, and she was thankful that she had her sword still in hand. She swung out, and she went toppling down, falling to the ground with a crash and a groan.


The Argonian shook her head before pulling herself to her feet. The loincloth had shifted around when the trap had activated, and considering she didn't want to flash anyone that might still be down there, she needed to fix that. Shiala shook her head, pulling at the rope around her waist and nudging it around so that the cloth could be moved.

"Come on, come on...don't you start getting excited now."

It wasn't for anyone else, but more for the fact that her shaft was starting to rise. It always did that, when she was exposed. Every time that she took a bath, every time that she changed clothes, hell, every time that she went to the toilet, it decided that it was time for it to put in an appearance. The stupid thing was like a kid, trying to say "I'm here too, play with me!"

For all that, she didn't hate that part of her body. It just had too much energy for her taste. Particularly when she was trying to get something done.

The loincloth finally slid into place, covering her cock, though not entirely hiding it. It was too hard for that, and wouldn't go down enough to be completely invisible once more. Shaking her head, she decided to deal with it and just keep walking -



The sound of the trap was her only warning, and she threw herself to the ground. She felt the pointed ends of mammoth tusks shooting over her head, sliding over her back, and -


Snaring on her loincloth. It ripped part of it before catching the rope, and the momentum of the head sent her flying backwards. Shiala spun around, going flying off of the tusk just before the mammoth head hit the ceiling, and she landed on her back...on her suddenly very cold back.

She opened one eye, looking at the tusks above her. One was plain, and the other...

"Come oooooooon, what did I do?"

Shiala glared at the ripped-up strands of her loincloth above her head, realizing that her bare, scaly butt was pressed against the stones below her now, and that her cock was pressing up in the cold air. The only thing that she had going for her now was that the cold air was keeping it from looking quite so obvious as a target, though it was still throbbing enough to keep her attention down there.

Her cheeks burning hot enough to warm the rest of her, Shiala pulled herself to her feet, seeing if there was anything that she could salvage from the ruins of her loincloth. She barely had to look at it to see that the tusk had ripped through the back badly, and the fact that she'd been ripped out of it before getting thrown across the room hadn't done any favors for the front, either. What few pieces of cloth were still whole would barely be enough to cover part of her cock, none of her backside, and definitely not her sex.

Darn it...I had to pay good money for that much fabric, she thought as she ran her hands over her rump. Unlike most male Argonians, she had quite a bit more to cover back there. Even placing both hands over her backside, her rounded rear spilled out quite a bit, and squished under her touch. She sighed, pulling her hands back and feeling her butt bounce a few times.

Looks like I do the rest of this dungeon naked...good thing I have some other clothes outside, she said, trying to look on the bright side.

It didn't really help, as she stomped on into the depths of the dungeon.

Four traps and one very handsy old automaton later, Shiala arrived in the shrine. She was breathless - mostly from the automaton - and sat down on the edge of the room, examining it for any further traps, and, more importantly, the idol.

The shrine of Dibella was in surprisingly good condition, she thought. The stones weren't as dusty as the other religious places she'd seen across Skyrim, and she would bet good gold on the idea that there were still a number of idols here besides the one she'd come to take. Which might be a problem, if there were people that came here to see the idols...

But she needed it. She needed it, for revenge.

Thankfully, this room seemed to lack the traps of the other rooms. Just a big, circular space, with white stone on the walls and the floor. The ceiling had a shaft of light coming down, and she supposed that it came up somewhere to allow light in for respect to the goddess. The altar itself, containing the idol, was on the far side of the room, just barely in the line of light, and the idol...

Shiala smiled as she looked at it. It was a small thing, barely larger than her hand, but it was a blank-faced depiction of a beautiful woman, one that looked like she might have been the ruler of an entire world at one point, where men and women had fallen down to give worship and love to her from her beauty alone. She shook her head at the idea, but the image stayed with her, almost like it had been pushed into her mind.

Then again, she didn't discount the possibility. Shrines were strange places, and no one could deny that the gods were a thing. She stood up again, walking across the white stone floor, and found herself surrounded by strange fragrances. Pausing, she sniffed the air, taking in the warm scents, almost like flowers blooming...

No, exactly like flowers blooming. Many colored petals started to rise from the ground, coming to life and showing their bright cores as she walked by. As they spilled their scents in the air, the room seemed to grow warmer and warmer, until -

Her eyes went wide as a shimmering figure almost seemed to step out of the beam of light coming down from the ceiling. Not a human, but an Argonian, soft and warm, almost like she was made of sunlight. Shiala took a step back, one hand dropping to her sword -

"Peace, Shiala. I mean you no harm."

"...You know, I'd believe that of some of the traps here, too, but that didn't mean they were friendly."

"Oh, those old things? They were never meant to harm anyone that came here in sincerity. Please, lower your weapon, and talk with me. I have much to tell you, and you have much to say."

It was a risk, but there were deeper things going on than traps, here. The shrines had always been strange places, and if this was another test, she doubted she'd be getting through it with a blade. She sheathed it, crossing her arms, and then immediately shifted her position, trying to hold her arms in front of her breasts as she remembered she was naked.

The laughter from the strange, glowing Argonian didn't help matters, even if it was an amused titter more than anything else.

"Don't worry. I am not your enemy."

"I'd like a name, if you don't mind."

"Sorry, I should have been more polite." The glowing Argonian cleared her throat. "I am Telanna. Merely an aspect of Dibella, I'm afraid, but that is quite a bit to be proud of."

"You...are part of the goddess?"

"In a way, yes. In another way, I am here, merely a piece of her that has been dispatched to speak with you."

"I'm...not sure I want to think about that."

"Oh, but you should."

Telanna smiled, gesturing her forward, and Shiala - despite her misgivings - took a step.

"Dibella has nothing bad to say about you, Shiala. There is much love and devotion in you, such care that you have taken with so many of your friends. Your desire to protect others, your actions in the Companions in Whiterun, your steadfast nature in the defense of your family in your retreat; all of these things Dibella has seen, and she knows that your love is worthy."

"Worthy of what?"

"Of reward, of course."

Telanna smiled, gesturing towards the altar, and Shiala looked over as well. It was strange, but she could see that the idol was glowing, pulsing almost, as if trying to call her eye to it.

She looked back, and almost jumped out of her scales to see Telanna almost right in front of her.


"Please, don't be frightened. I am an aspect of Dibella, after all; we have certain powers."

"Including a complete disregard for personal space."

"Mmm, it is true. We followers of Dibella have a lack of understanding for that, I am told, but most of our friends don't have a real complaint regarding it."

"I imagine not..."

Shiala blushed as she thought about the ways that these 'aspects' would be popping in for people, and took another look at Telanna. Despite the glowing light, there was definition to her body, darker spots where she could see details. Soft nipples that stood out on large breasts, curves that seemed to draw the eye to a smooth belly in the center, curving in to an almost impossible degree before flaring out in generous hips. She shook her head, imagining that Telanna probably got caught in narrower doorways a lot.

"What do you have to say to me, then? And, you have any clothes in here?"

"There are no clothes needed before Dibella and her aspects."

"Yes, I gathered that."

She blushed, shuffling her legs a bit to tuck her cock between her thighs. It was bad enough that her breasts were almost bursting into view every time she moved. It would be a hundred times worse if her cock decided now would be a good time to leap in the open and beg for more attention. The warm air wasn't helping.

Telanna gently nudged her towards the altar, rubbing her shoulder the whole time.

"I'm here to officiate as you take the idol away. If you were to steal it, there would be a curse upon you, for no god can tolerate the actions of a thief, no matter their work and their reasons. But with an aspect of herself present, Dibella can allow you to take the power of the idol for yourself, without having to curse you for doing it for good reasons."

"I...see. Well, that's very generous of her."

"Yes, it is. She doesn't do this for everyone. Just those deserving."

She smiled a bit at that. It was the last word that she would have applied to herself, despite everything. Perhaps she might have said 'just,' as in it was justice to reward herself with the idol, or that she would just it for just purposes. flattered her, made her feel good about herself that a goddess would think that.

Shiala stepped closer to the altar, looking down at the idol. She started to reach down, stopped herself as she looked back at Telanna again.

"Stupid question...but why are you an Argonian? I thought Dibella was -"

"A human?"

She nodded.

"Dibella is beauty, the embodiment of it and the wonder of it. The power and the perfection of beauty is what she presents to the world, and she sent me because I represent your sense of beauty given form."

The implications were not lost on her. Dibella wanted her to love what she saw, and, well, now that she wasn't worried about getting killed by the goddess, she had to admit that she was enjoying the view. The well-rounded curves of the generous hips and the breasts that exceeded hers in size were all lovely to look at - and were more than enough to get her dick twitching - but she hadn't paid attention to them before.

Now...well, Telanna's glowing curves had her more tempted than she wanted to admit. She blushed, looking back at the idol.

"So...I can just take it?"

"You may."

"And it will give me the powers to do what I need to do?"

"It will give you everything that you need."

"I...I can't believe it. I finally...I can finally do what I have to do."

Shiala shook her head, slowly reaching out. Her fingers shook as they lingered at the sides of the statue, her eyes wide as she imagined what she might do with the power of the goddess behind her. The Black Tongues wouldn't be long for the world, and neither would those in Skyrim that would abuse others. Her fire would find them, burn them, and punish them for everything that they had done. The evildoers...they would be gone.

She grabbed it, and instantly felt flames coming down her arms. Not physical ones, but magic, reaching through her veins and leaving her gasping. Shiala lurched back, trying to let go, but it was like her fingers were bound to the idol, unable to release it, unable to do anything but clench tighter.

Stumbling and shaking, she lurched back into the light, and it was like she was frozen in place. Her arms shot up over her head, her chest shoved forward, her back arched, almost like the idol was posing her like a statue. Her body threw her arms upwards, holding the statue above her like some great treasure, letting the light reflect off of it.

"What...what's happening?!" Shiala cried out. "Why can't I move?!"

"There is great anger in you, Shiala."

Telanna walked up to her, fingers stroking her cheeks. Shaking, Shiala couldn't move, couldn't speak as the warmth of that touch spread from her cheek down her neck, running like the fire in her veins. Love to meet her hate, gentleness to meet her fierceness. It was all there, all swarming in her body, fighting and conflicting with each other.

"Dibella is the goddess of love, not hate. Of care, not revenge."

" said I could..."

"And you will. Care is not forgiveness, and love is not amnesty. But you must release this rage, or it will kill you as much as your enemies will."

She shivered. Her anger had been her constant companion ever since her retreat from the Marsh. There was no way that she could release it. There was nothing else to drive her forward, nothing else that would -

Telanna kissed her, and for a moment, she forgot the world, forgot everything that was around her. She forgot her nudity, her fear, her anger, everything. The only thing that mattered were those soft lips against hers, and the sensation of arms wrapping around her, squeezing her, holding her.

It went on, and on, and even when it ended, she felt some residual bit of it in her mouth. Some warmth that tingled on her tongue, and fizzed as it went down her throat. Shiala shivered, every single scale of hers feeling sensitive and eager to be touched. Her nipples were hard, little points begging for attention, and her cock stood out hard and eager between her legs, no longer shrunken from the cold. Even her nether regions dripped between her legs, confessing their own desire.

Strongest of all, however, was the swelling and bouncing of her boobs, rising, falling, almost like invisible hands were lifting and lowering them. They felt like they were swelling, filling with something...something wonderful.

The aspect of Dibella smiled at her, caressing her cheek.

"You will learn, but in exchange, Dibella has one final gift for you. For the power lies not in the idol, but in her touch."

" How can I...please...I need..."

"Don't speak...don't think..."

Telanna took a few steps back, gesturing outwards. From the white stones slowly rose tendrils, ghostly at first, but slowly taking on more of the smooth, golden light of the shimmering Argonian. They were tinged with blue at the tip, looking like they had something else to their touch, and she shivered as they approached her, stroking her ankles and slowly working their way up her body. The golden Argonian blew her a kiss, gently, and began to fade.

"Please, Shiala, enjoy the gift of the goddess. She loves you greatly, as she loves all that bring beauty into the world."

And then she was gone, leaving Shiala frozen with the tendrils climbing.

The bits of fear that came with being paralyzed faded quickly with the touch of the tendrils. Her scales were so sensitive that every slow glide, every little stroke felt like a lover's hand teasing her, working her up and bringing her the pleasure she needed. She arched her back in the little way that her paralysis allowed, feeling them stroking further and further up her thighs. She felt them squeezing, appreciating the muscles that she had there, almost like a loving clasp down there.

They spread out like flower petals as they reached her core, some stroking around her dripping slit, others reaching around her hips, and still others working around her backside. Some moved up past her cock, circling around it like a great ghostly ring at the base, while others moved up her belly towards her chest. It was like having an army of lovers stroking her, feeling her, like she was their most treasured thing in existence.

The tendrils were gentle, but relentless, like they craved her, and she soon began to crave them. Her fear and her trepidation melted away, leaving only need in its place. When they allowed it, she spread her legs further, letting their touch run up her thighs, along her wide hips, feeling them and squeezing them. Her rump was pushed and rolled, the cheeks parted and then pushed together again, reminding her of their shape and their weight as well as the muscles that they had.

She moaned, dripping from both her sexes as the tendrils pushed her breasts in similar ways, rubbing those great globes against each other. Masses of tendrils cupped them, pushing them up, and then letting them fall, each fall making a wet clap against her scales at the impact. She gasped every time, reminded of how big they were, how round, how solid, how beautiful her breasts were.

They pushed her up on her tiptoes, and she couldn't help but gasp as the tendrils squeezed at the base of her cock, making it all the harder, all the more obvious. A new tendril rose from the floor, waving and weaving back and forth near the head of her cock, and Shiala blushed.

Could it...will it...please...

She was not disappointed as the tendril lowered itself, the blue, wriggling end pressing against the tip of her cock. It nudged its way in, working itself lower and deeper inside of her, slowly opening her up and leaving her moaning, gasping, her eyes fluttering in deepest ecstasy.


She screamed in bursts of pleasure as the tendril worked deeper. Not fucking her, not taking her, but filling her, pleasuring her. It seemed endless, filling her shaft and going down to her balls, almost making her feel like she was growing, like something was changing. She couldn't tell; all of her mind was taken with pleasure, no chance to see anything.

Her body quaked and shook, her muscles trembling and spasming from the unworldly pleasures that were visited upon her. Some tendrils rubbed between her legs, grinding and spreading her soaking sex, letting her feel her own juices dripping off of her nether lips to the ground. Some rubbed her ass, parting the cheeks, making her feel the cool air on her exposed scales. Still others pulled, squeezed, worshiped her breasts, filling her with the loving sensation of being worshiped by a goddess.

" boobs...oh, you boobs...please...more..."

Rubbing, stroking, squeezing, bouncing. Her hips and her chest were getting the most attention, the blue-tipped tendrils rubbing their color into her, the blue fading as she felt something bubbling up inside of her. The light felt like it was filling her, chasing that hatred, pushing it away, replacing it with something cooler, but no less focused. More insightful, less consuming.

The touch of the goddess was love, and love took care of people, both in kind ways...and in needful ways.

Shiala felt the tendrils again, and opened her eyes. She saw them perched over her breasts, her cock, her pussy, and she saw, on the wall, her shadow once more. This time, not from the front, but from the side. Her breasts stood out in silhouette, as did her cock. Perfection in form, beauty given manifest...

No wonder Dibella likes me, she thought with a smile, just as the tendrils surged forward. Two filled her from below, one from the front, and countless ones lunged for her breasts, holding them and squeezing them as she was filled and lifted off her feet.

She screamed in bliss, her moans and cries of pleasure echoing throughout the cavern as she came for the goddess. She dripped and pulsed and throbbed and shook; she panted and screamed and whimpered and gasped; she came, and came, and came as the tendrils rewarded her, giving her everything she wanted, and more, everything she needed.

Her return to Whiterun wasn't meant to be eventful, but it became so anyway. Shiala was still in the grip of the goddess's touch when she left the caverns, and had struggled to put on her clothes. Her thoughts were scattered, and it took her a while to realize that it wasn't confusion that kept her from putting the leathers on right. They just...didn't fit anymore. Her chest was too big to fit into her armor, and the leather wraps she kept in her pack barely covered the middle of her boobs, just enough to wrap around the nipples. The armor itself was a lost cause, and she ended up packing it away and not touching it before heading home.

As soon as she walked through the gates, the crowds started gathering around her, following her down the street. Shiala wasn't entirely sure why, but maybe it was because of her new 'assets', or at exposed they were. She could feel her shaft swaying between her legs, smacking off of her thighs in a way that it hadn't before, while her boobs bounced and rolled beneath the too-tight leather top she wore. People muttered around her, staring at her, but for once, she didn't blush. She just...enjoyed it, loving their version of loving her.

She paused at the door, turning to look behind her. Half of the population of Whiterun had followed her to her door, and most were staring right at her swollen, compressed boobs. She looked down at the idol under her arm, and then chuckled to herself.

Is this love? If it is, I don't mind...I don't mind, anymore. Let them see and love what they see...

Shiala pulled the leather off, letting her boobs bounce free. Everyone stared at her, their eyes wide, their breath coming shallowly until she stepped into her house. As soon as she looked the door, the crowd erupted started knocking on her door - some even calling out what they'd like to do with her - while she smiled and laid down on her bed. She felt her magic swirling in her, deeper and more powerful than she'd ever felt before, and she knew her quest had been successful.

Now, it was time to decide what to do with her new power.

The End

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