Prologue- Let There be Light

Story by twopaperbags on SoFurry

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After reading "Role Reversal" by Von Krieger, I wanted to write a similar story. So, I began formulating ideas, and began writing not an hour ago. This is the result of my brainstorm, and shall be my next project. The concept is a bit... strange, I'll admit. I'm looking for people to comment on ways to articulate it better. This is just an explanation of things to come, as the doctor will tell you soon enough. This chapter isn't R, there is only slight nudity.

As always, comments are appreciated, as well as Rates. But keep in mind; I want to edit this to make the idea flow better.

read on, into the Prologue of "Lights".



across the entire east coast, everything was black. No lights shone on this night, and neither had they on nights before. There was a perpetual blackout in the entire area. All of the power grids had completely shut down two weeks ago. Most had moved out of the area, to cities nearby where power was still on.

A TV flickered in the darkened flat of a family of four. The dim glow spread over the couch and into the darkness of the living room. In the kitchen, next to the empty refrigerator, another television flickered on. The residence of the home had left on day three, into an area which still retained their power. The TV crackled, and then tuned itself onto channel six-six-seven.

Across town, and then in all of the blackened area, TVs began to crackle on and tune themselves to the same channel.

A man stood on the screen, his hands behind his back and his face a silhouette in the darkness. The slight glow of the camera lenses off his glasses reflected, making him seem like he had no features at all. In a pocket, there were two vials, one red, the other green. The man began speaking, as if he had an audience. His voice was laced with an English accent.

"People of the United States. I thank you for your patients with the recent blackout, and would like to extend my thanks to the electricity companies of America. But, I do not appear here on a hacked station to inform you of what you already know."

The man turned, and began walking off camera, before the camera turned to follow. "The reason for my address, which every area affected by the blackout will see, is this; recently, two serums were made that will meld the DNA of two beings. It becomes activated by lights in standard homes; florescent and incandescent bulbs. It was released exactly one weeks ago, in the middle of the blackout." He pulled out the green vial from his pocket and tapped it with a shadowy finger.

"The changes will be gradual... you may not have even realized in the first week. But, to allow the time to have proper interaction, I had the electric plants shut down for the past two weeks." He gave a slight laugh, the continued with, "These serums are a strange creation, really... A mixture quite complex for any simple human to fully comprehend. It takes a bit of work when in a host before it fully begins to develop. Allow me to explain...

"The first serum is a gas, which had been placed into the ventilation shafts of major buildings, homes, and other such places. It diffuses into the air and is taken in like oxygen. When in the blood stream, the particles will begin to extract DNA from the surrounding cells." The man rubbed his nose a bit, before continuing. "The serum will then process these DNA strands, but this one shall stay in the blood stream, until activated."

"The second serum was distributed into the air as well, but serum number two will only affect animals. It is taken into the body and processed the same way, but once the particles have enough DNA, the animals will send it out through sweat, or blood, or saliva, and any other bodily fluid."

"When in the atmosphere, the serum will be contained in the air molecules, and may be processed into rain, snow, or mist. When it comes in contact with a human, though, that is when things get interesting." He seemed to smile on the other end of the transmission.

"The molecules are taken into the skin, and interact with the serum in the human's body. They render the human sterile to receiving new particles. The two particles will remain apart until the human is subjected to a simple light bulb. The bulb's wavelength is perfect for melding the two substances." Behind the figure, a cloth fell, and a woman around the age of twenty was standing wearing absolutely nothing. Her eyes were closed, but she seemed peaceful, in a way.

"Observe." The man walked over to her, and placed a hand on her arm. "This woman has been infected by the DNA of a ferret, through a bite on her upper arm. The cells are dormant at the moment, but..." off-screen, another person handed the mysterious scientist something. It was a small battery-powered flashlight, turned off.

"When exposed to the light waves of this bulb..." He placed the flashlight up to her skin, and flicked it on. A moment passed as the flashlight bathed her arm in its light, then something began happening.

Her smooth skin seemed to begin to darken. The camera zoomed in on the spot, revealing her skin was not darker, but small hairs had begun to grow on the spot the light shone. After another few minutes of the process, the light flicked off, and the man ran a finger over the small patch of fur that had sprouted in only moments.

"As you can see, the effect was quite sudden; that is because the light is only shed on a concentrated area. Were it covering the entire body, it would be much more prolonged." The doctor nodded, and handed the light off again.

"The second serum is fueled by endocrine in a body, meaning females will be affected more than males. For males, it would simply die out within a few days." He nodded, then stepped away from the girl, who still stood with her eyes closed, but was now quivering, and biting her lip slightly.

"I am not warning you. This is just an example of things to come. As of tomorrow, the lights of all major power grids will return on." He seemed to look over his glasses into the camera. "People will begin flooding back to their homes, not suspecting anything. But, they will begin to change, sooner than you may expect."

"One final word. The only reason I have put up this broadcast, and shown you exactly what will happen and explained to you everything about this formula... Is the fact that no one in the infected areas will see this broadcast."

And with that, the television flickered off. Throughout the United States, the blacked out areas were nearly deserted. No one would have seen the truth.

On other news stations, reports began coming in of power grids returning on suddenly and without warning. One by one, entire cities lit up once more, containing the noxious gas that would change them all.

And people began to flock back.


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