Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 8 - The Darkness within...

Story by The Grand Master on SoFurry

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#8 of Kyurex

This Chapter has a themo -

"One more Shadow Ball Mister, and you can go!!" Mr.Green commanded from above, sitting on an old tree. Kyurex panted. His training had never been so intense, but he finally mastered the Shadow Ball.

"But Mr.Green......ehhh.....I already got it perfect..."

"Nothing is perfect...come on!!

Kyurex gathered his remaining energy. He focused his mind and body into his mouth, and he could feel his inner energy building up a dark aura. Slowly, a ball of darkness and purple could be seen. It gradually grew bigger, and bigger....

Amazing...he can actually use his dark aura to back up his Shadow Ball....Your father would be proud Kyurex...though you still need some serious training. Ahh come on, you'll find out the rest by yourself! The Shiftry thought.

The ball was as big as melon, and as soon as Kyurex felt the time was right, he released. The ball flew with remarkable speed.

There was a loud crack.

The tree that was hit was obviously damaged.

Kyurex panted. Mr.Green smiled. The moon was making him happy, the night was perfect, silence, and he could train the son of his back then favorite student. He took one last breath of cool air and let it out with a smile. The Shifty stood up, watching Kyurex gather his composure while he lay in the grass.

"Awesome!!" The Shiftry called. He then looked back into the woods. "But I've got to go!!"

"What? Mr.Green, why do you always disappear so unexpectedly???"

But Mr.Green was gone. Kyurex lay dead in the grass.

"Why does he always vanish like that....creepy teacher..."

"I heard that."

"Oh crud!!" Kyurex jumped. Mr.Green was standing next to him looking directly into his eyes. Kyurex grinned at his teachers gloomy face. He looked back to where he had seen his teacher just a moment ago, and kept on speaking "Well I'm sorry Mr.Green but-" he turned around. The Shiftry was gone again.

Kyurex was a little puzzled. Did he do this on purpose? He looked around to make sure the Shiftry was gone.


No answer. Good. He lay back onto the grass, resting at last.

One week had passed since the subscription, and he was already training madly. The worst thing was that he still needed to prepare himself for the departure tomorrow. Well okay, he didn't have much to prepare but the mental preparation was an issue. There were 23 teams in total alone from the Star Forest. That was a lot. As he had suspected, Flak, Sruliana and Revy were a team. But somehow, he didn't regret not being a member because he was totally satisfied with Team 76.

The darkness combined with the moonlight gradually filled up his energy.

The weird thing was that he hadn't met any of his old friends since the subscription. But it was actually not a surprise, he was awake at a different time. Still, it felt kind of weird.

Kyurex suddenly thought about Revy...and he felt himself slipping into some deep world in his mind. What was she thinking? Did she hate him now? Was there something between them, or did something remain at all from the feelings they shared?

Ahh...he cleared his mind. Love or whatever it is, its like a cruel infection.

He stood up, looking around for a bit and then he eventually started to walk, directed at his mums home. He needed to say goodbye. He took a refreshing breath of air. It felt good...

He walked, and walked. He thought about different things, about Blazes abilities, about Mays abilities, his own and most importantly how awesome the tournament had to be. He could see himself standing in the stadium, between the most unusual and strong Pokemon that he had to compete against. It was awesome to think about. He had heard much from Mr.Blugsdorn and especially Mr.Green, and for him it seemed like there was no better event on earth.

He then changed the subject in his mind.

And so, 15 minutes passed, and he wasn't all that far away from his mothers home But he stopped. He listened, and was sure that he could hear some talking. He listened carefully and tried to track down the speakers.

Through these bushes. He avoided making any sounds. The talking got louder to the point of comprehension.

A few more steps. Step, Step.


He wished he hadn't of followed. There were two creatures.

  1. Revy 2. Bulltreio, his most hated former classmate of all. They were rivals, enemies haters and everything that wasn't compatible with each other. He couldn't believe it, what was Revy doing here with him?? He tried not to suspect the worst. So, he listened...carefully. They couldn't see him, he was totally camouflaged with the darkness.

"Revy...I know your still sad about your former love've got to give others a chance." Bulltreio was really popular, but his bluffing didn't parallel his doing. He was just one of those usual bullies with a big mouth. The Evolution he chose was a Flareon. Kyurex was kind of pissed. Okay...he was mad.

Revy looked away with a sad face.

"But...I love..."

"You mean loved...You've got to understand that you two aren't destined to be together...just one date Revy.." Bulltreio got close to Revy, slightly touching her. Kyurex nearly leaped, but wanted to hear Revys answer.

Revy retreated a bit. Kyurex noticed that this wasn't the first time these two discussed the same topic. Bulltreio didn't give up. Kyurex stood up, and was about to move-

"I can't...It feels so wrong.." Revy answered. The Flareon was getting impatient. He forcefully cornered Revy to a tree.

"Why is that looser so important to you? Don't you realize how hard he just let you and Flak down...seriously...You should think about it, I'm only trying to-"

"Well, well, well.....if it isn't Bull..."

Bulltreio turned around. Both he and Revy were surprised, but couldn't see anything but two red eyes glowing in the dark. Eventually Kyurex stepped forth into the moonlight.

"Kyu...I saw you yesterday, what a worthless evolution to pick." Bulltreio grinned. Kyurex sat down, watching his opponent move around, feeling energetic. He felt some kind of darkness overflow his body, kind of controlling him.

"You know...for some useless idiot you're pretty persistent..." Kyurex said coldly.

Bulltreio was shocked , and so was Revy. They grew up with Kyurex. It was like an unimaginable miracle that Kyurex used such vocabulary. Revy stepped forward.


No reaction. Bulltreio wasn't finished, he wanted to get his revenge.

"What? ME IDIOT?" his body caught flames. Kyurex still didn't move.

"I'm just here to say this: If somebody says no, then live with it. Understood?" Kyurexs voice was cold, harsh and serious to the bones. Revy didn't recognize him at all. She didn't believe that it was Kyurex, she only knew him as a kind, loving creature.

Bulltreio didn't waste a moment. A line of fire suddenly darted from his mouth, moving towards Kyurex at high speed.

"Take that!" Bulltreio was sure he hit him. He didn't see anything move. Revy looked around.

Kyurex was standing a meter away from the spot where Bulltreios attack landed.

"You little-" Bulltreio starting continuously spitting flames aiming at Kyurex. But it was useless. There was nothing more deadlier than to face a Pokemon of darkness in darkness itself. Bulltreio stopped and looked around. Revy did the same, because Kyurex wasn't visible anymore.


The only thing that Revy saw was a large, no massive, red-black clouded ball of dark energy hitting Bulltreio. The target flew through the air, crashing into a big tree nearly forcing it to crack. The poor creature lay seemingly dead on the floor, waving with its paws. It was a sign of "too less air". He was choking, the impact severely damaged his chest, having critical consequences on the Flareons breathing. Revy didn't hesitate or think, she simply ran to help.

"Bull! Are you alright?!!" she asked. The Flareon couldn't answer. Revy didn't know what to do and if she was honest, she was scared of Kyurex coming any second. She had never seen such a powerful attack in her life.


The Espeon turned her head. She stepped in front of Bulltreio, showing that she was ready to defend him. She prepared for battle.

" monster...I won't let you harm him!!"

Kyurex sat. He slowly calmed down, coming to his senses.He suddenly started to understand that just a moment ago, that wasn't his doing. Or maybe it was but he was kind of forced to. He looked at the Flareon, who was breathing very fast. He then realized that he had just done a horrible mistake. He looked at Revy and knew that he had struck fear into her, something he would of never wanted. He didn't know how to make up for his mistake...

"Revy...I didn't want to.."

"Yeah right!! Look what you've done!! He's barely alive!!" she shouted, sounding worried and angry. Tears filled her eyes. Kyurex didn't even try moving closer, it was useless. Revy didn't let her guard down. "Whats wrong with you, Kyu!!?? First you leave me, and now...whats wrong?? Why are you doing this??"

"Revy..IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!" Kyurex was angry that she misunderstood everything, or at least didn't fully understand. He stood on all fours, his red eyes gleamed. The rings on his body also glowed a bright yellow.

"Are you trying to ruin my life completely? Why don't you just kill me right now instead? Why not just kill the one who has loved you her whole life, desperately waiting for one day that you would notice my deep desire to be by your side!!" Revy still shouted. Kyurex hated listening to the nonsense. Why was everything so bad, who only wished to protect her. He shook his head, he couldn't take it. How come when he did something for her, it ends up bad? She sobbed."And this is what I get for loving you..."

"Revy!!" someone nearby shouted.

Kyurex looked. It was Flak. The Jolteon sprinted through the trees to Revys side. He noticed Bulltreio laying half-dead on the floor. He turned to Revy, noticing that she was looking at something, and that she was in her battle stance. He also saw her tears.


"Did he do this?" Flak asked. Revy ignored him. Flak didn't need an answer, he was convinced that Kyurex was about to attack Revy. But the Umbreon just sat there....Flak prepared himself.

"Kyu...I don't know how a creature can change so critically in such little time but...I'm not going to let you harm my friends!!"

No reaction.

Kyurex sat there. He was so fed up that he started speaking with himself.

"Man...why the hell all this drama? What the hell was I thinking? Why the hell did I even bother coming here? And hell with it..." he spoke. Flak and Revy were a little puzzled but didn't let their guard down. Kyurex turned around.

"Oh no you don't!! You think you can just harm our classmate and get away with it?"

Flak charged himself up. Kyurex stood still, not turning around. Revy tried to stop Flak.

"No...Don't!! He's too powerful!!"

"I don't care!!" Flak was overflowing with electricity. Kyurex still didn't move, he was lost in his thoughts. Why did everything suck?



A large Flamethrower coming from Kyurexs direction forced Flak and Revy to retreat. It was huge and long. The air around it warmed up instantly. It lasted for some seconds, but not long enough to put flames to the surrounding trees. Kyurex looked next to him, a familiar character was starring at Flak and Revy. The new creature was obviously in a bad mood.

"OK, who wanna play with Blaze, huh? Unlike my Muma, I don't think playing with fire is all that dangerous. So, who's first?"

Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 9 - Two Friends

Okay, this is my last "short" part of this series (that means the next ones will be looong). And its also the shortest. Well the reason is because the plot is progressing quickly in my brain so I've got to write everything won well its all...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 7 - Team 76

Sorry for the two days break ^^ but now I've worked on the plot a little. Now it starts getting interesting....^^ I'm sorry if I'm not reall going into the detail, tell me please if thats so. Enjoy, enjoy and enjoy!! ^^ p.s Tell me who you...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 6 - Back Home

So, sorry I'm a bit late. Well to clear something guys. As I said soon enough there will be a super interesting twist in this series, but I've still got to work out some plot before that. So jsut wait a bit, I know its not that interesting to...

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