Sunlight Moonlight.

Story by InkyOfIscy on SoFurry

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#4 of Explicit Stories From Roleplayers Mostly.

Ash,a male grey moth with soft fur. is relaxing in the park enjoying a very nice day today. Then Asriel coming from a gym passes into the park as they started to have a conversation. Many flusters and awkward stutters ensue.

By Serial Dreemurr and InkyOfIscy

This is a fanfiction between Asriel Dreemurr and Ash my moth.

Asriel wearily stepped out of the gym for the day, slightly worried that he'd overdone it this session. He rolled his shoulders gently, robe rippling over his body. He decided to walk the nearby park and relax for a little while, maybe walk around the gardens to loosen up his joints a bit

Ash sat on a bench simply relaxing for today without much care. His hands behind his head looking like he was having a nice time relaxing. His fur on his neck moved along with the wind as he chittered softly. Azz ambles into the park, his fur blowing gently. Asriel saw Ash on the bench, and gave him a small smile. Ash smiled back kind of shyly making a small nervous chitter. "E-em... hi" He stated fluster already going into his face.

"Hey - you obviously had the same idea as me eh?" Asriel stated "Em... sitting here?... y-yeah I guess?" Ash replied he then still having that thick fluster just smiling a little bit still. "Nahh, as in, coming out to the park on a beautiful day like today..." He waves a hand vaguely at the sky, his narrow eyes shining. I never got any sun where I was growing up, so I relish it whenever it comes out. Just made a bit of a nod there shrugging a little. "E-eh... I like the night a little better... but came out today as a change of pace... I like to bath in the moonlight... where did you live growing up?" Ash inquired tilting his head with curiosity.

He sits down beside Ash, slightly tentative and sitting on the edge of the seat so as not to be too close "I uh, I lived Underground..." Asriel doesn't say anything else. Ash nodded a little chtitering a little bit. "Ah... I know some people who lived underground... some of those.. em... type of siblings still live underground... nice types just kinda odd" Ash rubbed at his neck awkwardly looking back at Asriel "Yeah... Well I lived there through my entire childhood. It was a nice place, I was happy, but I am glad to be on the surface again."

Just nodded a little chittering a small bit and looking down his sort of shyness wearing off now. "Yeah... yeah.... I definitely more like bathing in moonlight though" He smiles, his muzzle curling upwards into a very pleasant expression. He moves a little closer, also losig a little of his earlier shyness I've never actually tried bathing in moonlight. I'll have to give it a go some night.

Just sort of nodded a little more his face of course still flustered as he just noted his scooting. He just sighing a little bit kind of happily. "Yeah... yeah... I mean doesn't have the heat sunlight has but... it has it's own charms" I can imagine. It would make everything look beautiful. He looks at him out the corner of his slanted eyes, ears curled forward a little so they rest under his chin

Just chittered a small bit noting this as he sort of shakily asked. "em... so mind if I ask why you are looking at me? I mean I don't mind... more curious..." He starts, looking straight ahead, gulping softly, his ears now threatening to cover his eyes in embarrassment. "I - I uh..." The moth just chittered a little oddly scooting a little closer as he stated. "Wasn't trying to... em... offend you or anything... just was wondering why one would be staring at me is all."

He lets out a little squeaky noise as he moves closer. I just - well... you're - you're very nice - to look at... He stumbles over the words, knowing they sound stupid and lowering his head. Just sort of chittered a little more gaining a bit of confidence as he just asked. "Hm... really?" He did still have the blush but scooted closer just seeming to enjoy this sort of talk. "In what way?". Asriel looks nervous as all hell, breathing fast, his eyes darting between him, the sky, and the the park. "You look really...pretty..."

He blushed a little bit more scooting closer now their legs pretty much right next to each other. "Oh?~" He asked with a bit of a giggle. "You look pretty too!" The moth's face flushes red, eyes half closing. His ears cover his face slowly, as he peeks around them carefully. "You - think so." Just nodded a little just chittering nicely to him. "mmhmm... very pretty" He stated just going to nuzzle his cheek. "A-aahh..." Asriel tenses up at first, before gradually relaxing a little, not exactly sure how this is happening but starting to go along with it

Just seemed to giggle a little bit asking him. "What is wrong?" With a strange chitter gradually getting more confident as he got more flustered. "I just... I don't normally - people don't..". He whispers almost "People think I'm a monster, most of the time..." Just chittered a little bit making a nice sigh. "Oh whatever... so what? You still cute" He stated as he kissed his cheek. "Eee!" He lets out a little squeak of happiness and shock, kind of leaning into him

"Y-you too..." Replied Asriel. "Thanks!" Ash replied with a chittery giggle, loving to make this person happy. "Awe don't mention it... you are just adorable when like this apparently" He stated nuzzling his face a little bit more. "did you maybe want to come back to my place?" I-" Asriel swallowed nervously "I guess I could? Would you be ok with that?" Just chuckled a little going to stand. "Would I be inviting you back to my place if I didn't want you to come? come ooon" He stated going to take his hand and start walking.

He gives a small bleating noise of surprise and sheer shock at being offered.. this... so unexpectedly. He stumbles to his feet and follows, smiling widely "I guess you wouldn't, hmmm?" Just chittered at him with a giggle leading him back to his place. It was a small apartment, it was of course humble but homey. "Welcome... we can do a few things... got video games... tv... and such."

He looks around, ears flat against the side of his head. "This is really nice... I like it.". He ducks his head to get through the door, wary of knocking his horns on the frame. Just sort of went to his side nuzzling his cheek affectionately. "We can just go ahead and start cuddling on the couch if you'd like" He nuzzles back happily "S-sure! I'd like that"

Just jumped onto the couch with a nice chitter laying back and turning on the television. "Mm k... what you want to watch... got neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetflix" He stated oddly for some reason. He clears his throat awkwardly, oddly enough aware of that specific human tradition..."N-Netflix is fine!"

Ash waved Asriel over saying to him. "Come here!" With a nice chitter just inviting him in for a cuddle. He sits down, careful not to catch his puff-like tail underneath himself. He tentatively leans into the snuggle, wrapping an arm around Ash "Eheh, dere we go!" Stated Asriel while Ash Just turned on the tv and switch to just any old program he wasn't really caring to much. He just nuzzling his cheek and neck a little. "Mmm... You are really cute"

Asriel's cheeks flush again, the TV the last thing on his mind "Thank you- I - so are you!" Ash giggled a little bit more he seeming to just nuzzle a little more. He sort of again enjoying that this one was enjoying his company so much. "Mmm... Thank you cutie" Ash stated with another chitter. Asriel was very much enjoying the company. He acts on an impulse and shuffles around into Ash's lap, pressing up against him and nuzzling into his neck and shoulders. "Y-you're welcome..." Asriel replied

Ash Just made a flirty giggle here panting a bit as he slowly moved his hand to Asriel's backend. He sort of squeezing at it as he leaned back. "Hehe... Mmmmm" he nuzzled back starting to get gradually aroused. "H-haaaa..." Asriel lets out a long breathy kind of groan as Ash grips him, sucking gently on his neck and grinding down gently

Just made a bit more of a thick pant as he squeezed down on his backend. A bulge now in his pants which he thickly grinded on Asriel's backend. "Mmm... Sexy too..." He stated moving his hands into the back of his pants to really grip onto his ass.The combination of the squeeze, the compliment, and the feeling of Ash's cock underneath him causes him to moan into Ash's neck, giving a snall, light nip. "I - can be - sexy - too..."

A hard bump can now clearly be felt on Ash's stomach. Made a bit of a thick pant as he slowly unbuttoned his pants slapping his backend a second when his pretty substantial cock came into view. "Mmm... Can you please take off you pants now?" I can take more than that off... He growls, now severely turned on. He stand up and removes his robe, leaving him only in a pair of briefs, stretched tight by his dick swollen underneath them. His chest is patterned with black markings, and well muscled

You want me to take these off? He gestures downwards at the tent in his underwear. Ash Just nodded making a bit more of a thick chitter. His eyes sort of fiery now. "Mmhm.. Then get back over here." He stated leaning back on the couch. Asriel He smirks at Ash, and pulls his underwear down, sliding them slowly over his erection before allowing it to spring free, bouncing gently. It would weigh in at around 9 inches, and small drops of precum are already forming at the tip.

He kneels in front of Ash, removing his clothes gently, then returns to his previous position, straddling him. He chittered a small bit as he placed his hands on his backend squeezing it tightly. He then moving his cock a bit to rub up against his entrance he seeming to pant a bit. "Mmhm... Yeah... That is a pretty sexy ass... Heh"

"Mmmmm- A-aahh..." He rocks back onto it instinctively, his own cock twithing, dripping steadily onto Ash's stomach. Just made a thick pant smirking a little now as he moved it to start prodding at it before moving it inside him. "Mmmm... Theeereee you go~" "F-ffuuckkk... O-ohhh..." Asriel moaned out as he lowered himself down onto Ash's cock, panting hard and whimpering frequently. He leans his head forward and rests it on Ash's shoulder, shuddering as he feels himself filled up to the max.

Just made a thick pant here as he got a bit more dominant going to grip onto his booty and start to push him down until he is at the base. "Mmmm.... There we go~ gooood~" he stated starting to thrust a little bit. "Oh god... M-more please... So - fucking - good..." He tries to get some friction on his dick by thrusting up against Ash's stomach, but it doesn't do much besides poke it gently

Just kept thrusting heavily moving his hand forward to start to stroke his cock heavily. Him making thick chitters and moans. "Mmhm... Mmmmm~" Asriel shuddered very heavily. "Aahh! Oh fuck yes..." His cock is hot, hard and slippery in his hand, and Azz thrusts it gently back and forward, that same movement causing him to rock back and forth on Ash's dick. He's whimpering and gasping non stop now, his eyes wide and biting his lip.

Just kept up his thick chitters and moans as he gripped his ass with one hand. Still thrusting into it very heavily seem to just shudder with each thrust. He trying for a good slap on his backend to see how he reacts to that. He still stroking at his cock letting Asriel's own precum to coat his cock.

Asriel jumps and lets out a small yell at the slap, eyes rolling back into his head. A spurt of precum shoots out of his cock and lands on Ash's chest. "A-aahhh- T - I - Haaa - again - close..." His words are almost incoherent around his gasps, his cock even more swollen, and decidedly more flushed

He spanked him pretty hard moaning out heavily thrusting harder as his own cock started to pulse and come out with a lot of precum. He starting to arch him back heavily. "M-me too... Mmmm...~"

"Aaaah!! Oh fuck.. aahhh- - I'm - I'm gonna - gonna..." He gasps loudly a few times, gripping Ash's shoulders hard, and orgasms, clenching down around Ash's cock and shooting out a stream of cum all over his stomach and chest, before pumping out another 7 spurts. He lets out a yell/moan, throwing his head back

He came around the same time as he gripped his ass with both hands pushing him down to the base as it pulsed out a lot of cum. He moaning out as it did around the same amount of squirts in large quantities. When he was pretty much done he gave both sides of his ass a good slap. "Oh... Fuck... Mmmm... That was nice~" he stated with a heavy chitter.

"Aaahhh... H-haaa... Yeah... That was... the best.." Stated Asriel Just nodded in agreement just giving his ass a good slap again. "Mmhm... Heh... Your ass is just really nice to spank" He lets out a yelp at the slap, before nodding heavily... "It feels soooo good" The two lusters then rested there in each other's arms after sharing this together.

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