Motherly Surprises

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Guderian , this story is a bit of a different one, where it follows a mother/son incest thing, but with a slight twist. I hope you enjoy some musk and butt, because you're going to get plenty of that.

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Motherly Surprises

For Guderian

By Draconicon

Kishakh got off the bus with every intention of having a nice summer vacation from college. The black dragon had put in a great deal of effort for almost nine months, and after being away from home for so long, he was looking forward to having some family time. Particularly considering that his mom had been alone for so long.

Bet she'll be happy to have a hand around the house again, he thought.

Admittedly, it had only been nine months, and he was sure that nothing had gotten that out of hand, but Kishakh always worried about her. Dragon or not, she was still female, and that meant that she was never going to be as strong as the males of the species. Not like him, or his father, though the old man was long gone.

He walked down the sidewalk with a smile, imagining how happy she was going to be to see him, and wondered if there would be a treat waiting to greet him when he walked in the door. He remembered her doing that in the past, and licked his lips at the thought of getting something so wonderful again.

Before he knew it, he was rounding the corner to the old house. The black dragon was surprised to see that the plants at the edge of the yard had faded. His mom had been very interested in gardening when he left. Maybe she'd run short of time.

Well, she can get back to that for the summer, at least; I'll make sure she has time.

Chuckling, he walked up to the door, pushed it open -

And froze in place at the sight of the muscular dragon in the living room.

As far as he knew, his mother didn't have any boyfriends, and certainly no dragons like this. Their species was rare enough that finding something that was built like a mountain would definitely have been something she'd have told him. He stared, his eyes watching the flexing legs, the bulging arms, the bouncing breasts -

Oh. So he was...a she. Just a very...muscled...she.

More than a little intimidated, Kishakh set his bags down by the door and slowly walked around the edge of the room. He tried to figure out who could be visiting. After all, it wasn't like his mother had that many friends, and particularly no other black dragons. One white dragon, perhaps, but that was it.

It wasn't until he got all the way around to the side, and even then only when she turned to look at him, that he realized the truth.



She leaped off the elliptical, jumping for him. He was so stunned that he was almost carried off his feet, barely getting his arms up in time to hug her back and avoid getting slammed against the nearby wall.

This is not...this can't be mom...

But it was. Even through the thick scent of sweat and musk and everything else that clung to her scales from her workout, there was no question that this was his mother's smell underneath it all. Her face looking at him, her twinkling eyes that had always been so loving: it was all her.

And yet...

He could feel the sheer bulge of her muscles against him, the embarrassingly thick arms and hard chest that pressed to his as she squeezed the living daylights out of him. He gasped for breath as she squeezed him again, her musculature flush against him and telling him just how strong she'd become while he was gone.

This...this can't be just...her female...

He groaned, feeling his breath coming shorter and shorter. He tapped her on the shoulder.


"Oh, sorry, sorry!"

She let him go, and Kishakh almost crumpled in place. He gasped for air repeatedly, shaking his head as he desperately sucked down the oxygen that had been squeezed out of his lungs. Shaking his head, he leaned back against the wall, forcing a smile on his face as he put the bags he'd been carrying down on the floor.

"Sorry...didn't...didn't expect that."

"Didn't expect your mom to be so strong now, huh?"

"Understatement...of the year..."

She laughed, patting him on the shoulder before moving around him and taking his bags away. It was just like when he had come home from trips to camps, or off to a friend's house when he was a kid. She was always taking his stuff from him and helping him get it back to the room. He'd half-expected her to need some help with his bags, considering they were a bit heavy, but just like back then, she swept them up and carried them off.

"Come on. I made sure that your room was all made up for when you got here."


Kishakh shook his head as he followed behind, trying to shake the idea that he was looking at a male. His mother had seriously bulked up since he had been away, almost like she had been transitioning or something. That wasn't possible, he was sure, but the way that she looked now, how there were muscles everywhere, how some of her curves had started to fade away into the bulges and grinding balls of muscle along her back and shoulders and arms and -

No, he wasn't going to look down at her ass, he wasn't going to start thinking about that. He was confused enough already.

He followed her to the bedroom, still the same as when he'd left nine months ago. The place was warm already, probably because of the heater in the corner, and the sheets were fresh. Despite the clean room, he could already smell his mother's scent lifting off from her scales and starting to saturate the air, reminding him of the locker room back at college.

Gulping, he took his bag from her, putting it down, and then hurried her back to the door.

"Well, uh, I'll just unpack, and we can talk when you're done."

"You sure? I'd love to hear -"

"Later, mom!"

He pushed her out and slammed the door behind her, though he couldn't shake the feeling that she'd let him do that. With how strong she was now, he had the feeling that anything that happened to her only happened because she allowed it to.

The first thing he did was open the window, letting the air outside suck some of the musk out before it could stick to everything. The last thing he needed was to keep thinking back to his mom being all sweaty and slippery and...

He shook his head. No, no, she was his mom, not a pin-up model from a magazine. He wasn't going to start thinking about -

Too late.

Her sweaty ass popped into his head, those tight shorts making her look so...skimpy and slutty, in some ways, but the smell in the air sent the complete opposite message, almost like she was someone big and powerful, another jock from the gym that he'd happened to look at by mistake.

It confused him. A lot.

Well...I'm home now, and I can start figuring it out later. For now, just unpack, and you can talk about it with her later.


It only took him five minutes to get all his stuff unpacked, but he waited for about an hour before leaving his room, just in case she'd gone back to exercise for a while before getting her shower. The last thing he wanted was to come out and see her sweaty butt again, confusing himself even further. Kishakh waited, waited, waited, and when he was sure that there was no chance that she could still be sweaty and wet out there, he finally came out of his room.

His mom was waiting for him in the living room, a glass of wine in one hand and a cup of it poured for him, waiting on the table between her chair and the couch. He smiled, sitting down and taking it, giving it a little swirl before taking a sip.

"A red night, mom?"

"It felt appropriate."

"Heh, must have been a long day."

"Long enough. I was wondering if you were late or something."

"Heh, sorry about that."

"Don't be. With the way that you were talking on the phone, I half-wondered if you would even come home at all for summer."

He had been considering it, but he thought that she'd need the help that a real man could provide. Looking around, it was pretty clear that she needed anything but.

He rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to get comfortable. The scent of her musk seemed to have permeated the entire house, spreading along the walls and through the air and down the hallways. Every time he took a breath in, he almost felt like he was back in the locker room, the scent strong and powerful and a bit salty, just different enough from the guys for him to be sure that she was still his mom, but even that was a bit off. He didn't know what it was.

Shaking his head, he took another sip of his wine as his mom leaned in.

"So, how many girls have you had, hmm?"

A spit-take later that left the table spotted with red, he managed to look back at her. His cheeks burned, hot.

"The hell kinda question is that?"

"Oh, you know. Moms like to know if they're going to be grandmothers before it actually happens."

"Yeah, but..."

"So, how many girls? Or guys. Not too picky here."


"Come on, come on," she said, a bit more aggressively. "Tell mommy what she wants to know."

"There's...not been many."

"But some?"

"Um...of a sort?"

"...Kishakh, are you trying to tell me you struck out?"

The black dragon blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Not struck out, more, uh, just not having the right priorities for that sort of thing. I was trying to focus on my schoolwork. Didn't have a lot of time for going after the girls when I was doing that. That's the right thing to do, right?"

"Are you still a virgin?"

"Um, does cybersex count?"


"Then, um...yes?"

There was no answer, which surprised him. He had thought that his mother would appreciate him not running off and getting a girl pregnant at college. The black dragon turned his head -

And saw his mother staring at him with the same glint in her eyes as he had seen in the jocks at the bars, when they were looking at the bitches that they wanted that night. The idea that his mother was looking at him like a piece of meat, the realization that she was only in a bathrobe and what that might mean -

He vaulted over the back of the couch, but it was too late. His mom was on her feet already, and Kishakh went plunging for the floor as she pounced on him, pinning him down with surprising ease. Her robe fell open, her breasts barely bouncing as she pinned him down, holding his arms over his head with one hand - one! - and then grabbing his clothes with the other.

The shirt was shredded in seconds, and his pants were ripped apart in scarcely more time. She pushed down over him, almost burying his face between her sweaty boobs, holding him there and making him breathe in her scent.

"Mmmm, your mama's always wanted a virgin..."

"Mom, it's me! It's your son!"

"It doesn't matter. You ain't fucking at college? You're fucking at home."

She pulled his arms a bit harder, dragging him out from under her just a bit, letting him look up at her face. She was grinning like a mad-woman, her eyes lit up with some inner lust, and her nipples were perky, and -

He blushed as he felt wetness down below, a sure sign that she was horny. He couldn't move as she leaned down, dragging his head against her abs, grinding his nose against her sweaty scales.

"Mmm, mama didn't take a shower yet, boy. You can get started down there."


"Do it, bitch boi, or I'll show you what it really means to be the weaker dragon."

It had to be the alcohol, or maybe there really was something she was taking as she exercised, because this wasn't the mom that he had left behind. This wasn't the sweet lady that had done so much to take care of him and raise him. This was something else. This was something far stronger, far meaner -

And far smellier, he thought, each breath he took laced with the powerful stench of her sweat and her stink. He couldn't get away from it as she dragged her hard abs against his face, making him drag his nose between the little bumps of the eight-pack that she had down there. His eyes rolled back in his head as he breathed in the rank odor, trying to put it out of his head, trying to hold as still as possible.

She didn't let him. All she did was pull him back, making him breathe through his nose, forcing him to take in the smell.

"Yeah, how's your mama smell now, Kishakh? Hmm? How does she smell now that she's been working out?"

Like a man was what he wanted to say. He could hardly believe it; either she had done more exercising or something else, but the slight hint of his mother's scent was gone. There was nothing left of it, just a reeking man that had been working out for far too long, the heady musk making it hard to think, hard to breathe, hard to move.

She pushed him down again, grinding along his body. He panted as he looked down, staring at her sex.

Something had changed there. He'd never seen his mom down there before, but he had seen porn of other dragonesses, and he knew that they didn't have clits that big. They had the same sort of proportional clits as other bipeds, but hers...

Hers hung out, always past the hood, dangling by a good few inches past her pussy. It looked like a worm that was trying to become a cock, thickening up, definitely sensitive, but not hard.

She caught him looking and laughed.

"Heh, looks like my boy likes what he sees."

"Mom, please, you're family! This isn't -"

"What's right is what I say is right!"

She slammed her fist into the floor, punching through the upper layer and leaving a crack. He stared at it, hardly believing the strength that she was wielding so casually. This was impossible. This had to be impossible. A dream or something.

Then she was right in his face, her eyes staring into his, glaring at him.

"You gonna keep fighting like this, hmm?"


"Mama's strong enough to teach you a lesson, boy. Don't want that, do you?"


"Then do what mama says."

The dragoness pulled back a little, though not much, and lowered her pit over his face.


He didn't have a choice. Kishakh had ever intention of calling a therapist - hell, calling the cops - the next day, but for now, he had to go through with this. He whimpered as he poked out his tongue, slowly dragging the forked tip along his mother's armpit scales.

They were damp, soaking wet with sweat, and he could taste the salt and the bitterness and everything else that came from that caked-on musk. He groaned, forced to swallow it as his mother pinned him down, and then licked her again, and again, and again. He could hear the moans she made, trying to ignore them, trying to ignore the way that she reeked, trying to -

No, no, no!

His dick was starting to get hard, pressing up against his underwear. He whimpered, shaking his head, smearing his nose with the pit stink and sweat, but he couldn't help it. There was no way that he could let his mother see that he was getting hard from this. Not if he wanted to keep the slightest bit of dignity. He wiggled, squirming, trying to get out from under her, but all that happened was -

"Heh, what's this, hmm?"

She grabbed him by his bulge, stilling him immediately. He whimpered, biting his lips as she gripped it tighter, squeezing him and giving him a few strokes.

"Heh, you are getting turned on by your mama. That's good."


"Heh, don't start complaining now, Kishakh. Mama still has a lot of fun in mind for you."

She shifted again, letting him have a chance to breathe some slightly cleaner air, at least for a few seconds. Before he could get used to it, though, she turned around, pushing her ass back towards his face. The thickly-muscled rump pressed down on either side of his snout, slowly lowering until it covered his face completely, her pussy pressed to his lips and her ass so near to his eyes that he didn't want to think about it.

"You're going to get to work, boy. You eat mommy out well enough, she'll tend to that little boner of yours."

She didn't say what would happen if he was a bit substandard, and he didn't want to tempt her to tell him, or demonstrate it. Instead, he just shoved his tongue out, tasting her.

Even down there, it didn't taste like what he expected. There was none of the feminine taste that he had been trained to expect, none of that fishy smell or texture or anything. If anything, it tasted like a watered-down version of cum. Not that he knew what that tasted like, other than his own, but that was what it was like. Thin, watery, a bit bitter and salty, but nothing other than that.

She groaned as she pushed down firmer on his face, her weight almost enough to snap the snout right off his face. It was so heavy, so powerful, so muscular, and he could taste what felt like a hundred men inside of her the deeper his tongue went.

The moans that filled the room didn't make him feel like a conquering stud. It made him feel like a sex toy.

"Mmmm, that's it. Eat mama out, let me feel that tongue as far inside as you can get it. You can do it, boy. Make mama feel good."

He was groaning, trying his hardest not to think about the fact that it was his mom on top of him. He didn't want to think about the fact that he was committing incest here, that he was eating out the pussy that had birthed him, that he was sticking his tongue inside of the woman that had raised him. Yet, because of his mother's constant moans and reminders, it was all he could think about. He wanted her, she wanted him, and he...he...

He was hard as a rock thinking about it. His dick actually hurt as it throbbed in his underwear, begging to be released, begging to be put to work on his mom's ass or her pussy or anywhere else. He wanted to fuck her, but -

"Ah ah ah, stay down."

She pushed down 'gently' on his crotch when he wiggled, the pressure enough to feel like she could break his dick if she really wanted to. Not wanting to risk it, he went back to eating her out, flicking his tongue as far inside of her as he could reach, doing his best to keep her happy despite the situation.

There was never any doubt of who was in charge. If anything, she was pushing him down more, reminding him who was stronger, forcing her big, hefty ass in his face and shaking the muscles, tensing them up so that the cheeks parted, closed, and parted again, always showing off, making him look at her asshole.

And the reason why became clear very shortly after.

"Heh, time for you to get to work on the other hole."

He didn't have any more warning than that. One second, he was eating out her pussy, the next, she had shifted and his tongue was pressed right against her tight little pucker. His eyes went wide as the taste shifted from the mild taste of watered-down cum to the taste of bitter sweat, hot ass, and scales that could have been washed a hundred times and not lost their raunchy taste.

No waste, thankfully, no horrible stuff like that, but dear god, it was hard enough to keep his head on straight when he was licking across that taut bit of muscle, that ring pressing back against his tongue and grinding down on it like feet on a welcome mat. He gagged at the strong, sweaty, metallic taste back there, licking as best he could but knowing that he was right on the edge of losing it.

His mom held him by the back of his head, keeping him pinned in place, forcing him to lick faster, deeper, harder. His tongue worked towards the center of that pucker, dragging across the center of it, the forked tips of his tongue on the verge of sliding in.

She growled, demanding it, and he gave in.

He pushed forward, tasting her inner walls, feeling her ass clenching down on his tongue as if it had been taken prisoner. He groaned, wriggling it about, flailing his tongue around in a vain attempt of either getting it free or pleasing his mom enough to make her let it go. Neither happened; she just pushed back further, smothering his snout between her ass cheeks.

Dragon biology being what it was, he could look down his snout and see his tongue between his mother's ass cheeks, see his tongue inside of her hole. He could see the little twitches of her pucker, see the way that she was squeezing down on him and pulling him in deeper, see the way that her hole stretched when she slid forward and then pulled in when she pushed back.

It was as erotic as it was horrifying, and yet he couldn't go soft.

"That's it...mmmph...getting so close now, boy. Mama's gonna cum soon."

She better. He didn't think he could take this for much longer. His arms still pinned back, but by her tail now, he couldn't even reach up and tease her. All he could do was lick, lick, lick, and eat. She bounced her ass on his face and his tongue, using him like the toy that he had become, and he moaned as he felt his need and his humiliation driving him mad. His underwear had to be soaked with pre by now, and she was not even touching him.

He forced his tongue in as far as it would go, the raunchy, hot, bitter taste back there getting stronger and stronger. His tongue felt like it was stretched out as far as it would go, making him feel a bit like a frog from how deep it was -

And she finally came.

The feeling of relief as she came, the feeling of her spasms along his tongue and the squirt along his chest, was all that he had hoped for. She leaned forward, her strength going out of her for a moment. He realized that he could actually push her away, now, take his chance to get the hell away from the crazy woman...

But he didn't.

Something kept him there. Maybe it was the fact that she had overpowered him, maybe it was the fact that she could take him in any fight. Maybe it was fear.

Or maybe it was instinct, the need to submit and follow his mom's orders. Either way, he went nowhere, just lay there as she recovered.

"Mmmm, good boy...good boy, Kishakh."

She rubbed his bulge with one hand again, teasing him before ripping his briefs off. She shifted position, her long, floppy clit rubbing against his chest and his belly before she was grinding back on his dick. Not...not with her pussy, though.

"Let's keep it bare, boy. No eggs, but let's keep it nice and bareback..."

He looked down, blushing as he saw her rubbing his cock against her ass, the tip of his dick on the verge of penetrating her. He was right there, almost inside of her already, and he could feel his own spit against the head of his cock, all that work he spent lubing her up about to pay for itself.

"Are...are you sure you can take it, mom?"

"Boy, you are talking to your mom here. She can take anything."

"Even...back there?"

"Dunno why, but it's been feeling so much better back there lately. All my toys feel better back there."

"Even -"

"I haven't tried a real dick, though. Looks like you'll be the first."


She took his cock all the way up her ass in one bounce, and he gasped, his eyes rolling into the back of their sockets as he felt the sheer warmth and tightness of her hole clasping tight to his dick. He coughed, breathing in short bursts, gasping and panting as she worked herself up to the tip again -


Another hard smack, her ass bouncing against his belly, her hole clenching tighter than ever. That hot pucker held him close, pulling him deeper and deeper every time that she slid herself back. He could hardly breathe as she started working herself up his cock again, this time taking herself all the way to the tip and off of it before slamming herself back down.

His eyes were bugging out of their sockets as she worked herself up and down on him, every thrust making it harder to breathe, every splat of his cock hilting with her followed by a rain of sweat drops on his stomach and chest. She sped up, riding him faster, using his cock for her own personal dildo. Up and down, up and down, up and down she went, always pushing him in up to the hilt, using his cock the way that he had always dreamed that he might use his on someone else.

He stared at her ass, watching the pucker stretch and bend, pull and suck, distend and then go back to the tight star-like shape. In and out, in and out, in and out, always giving him all the pleasure he could ask for, always pushing him to stay hard for that little bit longer, that little bit more.

"Nnngh...please...I'm so close..."

"Don't cum before mama. I'm close too."

He bit his lips, doing his best to follow her orders, but it was so hard. She was so hot, and her ass was so tight, and she was moving so fast, swiveling her hips to touch every little part of her, grinding his cock against her depths with the best speed that any man could ask for.

In and out, in and out, in and out.

In and out, in and out, in and out.

In and out and in and -


He moaned as he came, screaming as he was unable to hold back any longer. His cock popped free of his mother's ass, spraying his seed up along her back, down her ass, across her muscular thighs, even along her longer clit. He kept cumming and cumming and cumming, to the point where he no longer had any idea what was going on, and simply passed out.


When he woke up, he was still on the living room floor. It was morning, he realized, and there was light coming through the windows, enough light to tell him that he didn't have a hangover since he didn't have a headache.

He groaned, sitting up slowly, looking down at himself. The lines of white goo running from his head down to his ankles told him that he hadn't been dreaming about what happened last night, either, particularly as he was stuck smelling of another dragon besides himself, even though there was no mark of cum on him. Femcum, though, that was there in spades, particularly over his face and his cock.

Mom must have fingered herself to orgasm or something after I lost it, he thought, shaking his head.

He slowly dragged himself to his feet, stumbling along until he managed to get to the kitchen. His mom was there...but it wasn't quite his mom anymore.

He stared at her face, seeing the way that her cheeks had been pulled tight, made more angular than they had been the night before. She still looked like her, but the soft bits in the cheekbones and the warmth in the eyes were different. Her chin was more out-thrust, and her chest was just a trifle smaller, too.

And there, in her hands, was something that he really, really, really didn't want to see.

"Mom...please tell me that isn't what I think it is."

"What, you mean this strap-on?"

She held up the cock that he had been staring at, the fake dick looking bigger than his own by a few inches, and it had a little channel at the base of it. Almost like it was meant for a strap-on for a smaller cock, but this one looked like it was meant to house an oversized clit.

"Where...where did you even get that?"

"Same place that I got my exercise supplements."

"What the hell kind of things have you been taking?"


Even his mom's voice was a bit different now, husky, almost a bit manly. He took a step back in shock as she stomped around the kitchen to him, pointing a finger in his face and keeping the dildo strap-on way too close to him for comfort.

"I know that you're not talking that way to your mama."


"You might have been off at that fancy college for nine months, but you will still respect me, boy. I'm still your mama."

"Yes, you are, but -"

"And I'm stronger than you now."

He blushed, nodding, remembering that very clearly.

"And you're gonna walk up to your mama, naked as the day you were born, and talk to her like this?"

Naked. Right. He was naked, covered in cum, and -

She bopped him on the nose with the strap-on.

"I'm going to go and try this on, then I'm going to get ready for the morning work-out. You get a shower, and we'll talk about this later."

"...Yes, ma'am."

As the dragoness walked out, he was more confused than ever. She was so different, but she was still his mom...wasn't she? She wanted him to be good, wanted to keep him around, and last night...well, it was wrong, so very wrong, but he hadn't cum that hard in his life. The mess that was still around was tribute to that.

What was he supposed to do?"

What the fucking hell was he supposed to do?

The End

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