Slip On Slippers

Story by Wisper on SoFurry

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#5 of Wisper's Moments

Another sudden urge I found myself wanting to do. Just a little morning routine I enjoy. It's always important to wake up early, happy, and with the people you enjoy being around, who give a good influence on you.

So enjoy me playing with some nice slippers

Wisper the cat belongs to myself

Scar and Shere Khan belong to the Disney franchise.

"Good Morning, doo, doo, doo," sounded an alarm on a night stand.

Waking up from a horrendous nightmare, Scar woke up gasping, glancing around the room while on the ground. While he wasn't familiar with the setup, he was happy that nothing seemed different.

"Oh, I need to lay off the big meals before bed," Scar replied.

"Your nightmares are only going to get worse," replied the voice behind him.

Scar looked to the side, seeing a stripped tiger's head yawning from the morning alarm. Neither of them witnessed a hand reach out from the bed to grab the phone and turn the alarm off.

"And who are you?" Scar questioned as the tiger grumbled.

"Shere Khan, at your service," he sarcastically replied. "Welcome to your unfortunate new life, Scar. Seems he's found a new plaything aside from me," he grumbled.

"What're you talking abo-" Scar realized he couldn't move. He tried stretching, wiggling, and standing up but to no avail. He felt like his body was compressed and stuck, like being pinned in a cave tunnel. "What's going on! I can't move!"

Shere Khan watched Scar with slight amusement, though the distain for their situation didn't help to brighten their mood for too long.

"As I just said, we happen to be in... unfortunate circumstances," Khan replied.

Scar turned his head and gasp in horror. Next to him was a tiger shaped like footwear. While Shere Khan's head seemed normal, his mouth was an open hole and the rest of his body from the neck down was a comforter.

Scar's shock extended further when he felt air come out of his own mouth. "What are you?! What happened to you?!"

Shere Khan sighed, having grown tired of seeing a similar reaction to new victims of his 'master'. "Maybe it would have been better if you stayed asleep."

"Good morning boys," boomed a voice from above.

Shere Khan rolled his eyes while Scar freaked out, looking from side to side, then above. Only seconds later did a massive paw come down right next to him. White fur, black pads, and spotted patterns, it was almost close enough to rub against his cheek.

Scar's maw remained open, both from surprise, shock, fear, and as a newly transformed house shoe. Khan didn't receive such treatment, as the other foot came down flat on his head and pinned him down.

Scar gasped as he saw the tiger's head flatten between the snow leopard's foot and winced when Khan's face disappeared into the thick toe pads.

"Who are you?!" Scar yelled.

Wisper took his foot off Khan, letting the tiger slowly inflate back to his normal self. The tiger, though unharmed, had a nice indent in his face of a foot, which remained visible.

Wisper turned around to his slippers and squatted, looking down at Scar and Shere Khan as one glared at him, and the other shivered nervously.

"Welcome to the business Scar," Wisper replied with his long tail wagging. "Today's Saturday so we have plenty og time to get to know each other. Your first assignment, use that tongue for good use."

"W-what do you mean by that?" Scar asked.

Wisper gave no verbal response, only a smile. Wisper went back up and Scar was left confused, turning his head to Khan for answers.

Scar traced Khan's gaze to the toes of his new owner, which wiggled teasingly against the carpet, picking up a little lint as a result.

Scar's eyes jumped from Khan to the foot repeatedly. Once he wiggled again, felt his limbs trapped in his own house shoe form, and closed his mouth to gulp somehow, it finally dawned on him.

"Oh no... No... No... No!"

Once the realization hit Scar, Wisper turned around and sat back on his bed, lifting his feet out of sight from the kitties. After rubbing one foot over the other he placed his left foot on the ground, then used his right foot to slowly push it into Shere Khan's mouth.

Shere Khan growled as he felt the foot slide across his flattened back, which would be used to support the center pad down to the heel. The toes grazed across the back of his tongue and the entire foot rested in his mouth.

"GMGMPH!" Khan gagged as the four toes rested on top of his tongue, and his entire mouth surrounded the snow leopard's foot like a good house shoe.

"No, no! You can't do this to me! Stop!" Scar screamed.

Wisper wasted no time and slid the paw into Scar's mouth from behind.

"What am I doing here?! Release me at on- ommphmm?! Oommph nnmmooowhh! Nommmph! Nnommph!"

Wisper's foot sealed off Scar's mouth, effectively muffling every word he uttered.

Scar wiggled like a wild animal, his entire body compressing by itself to keep the foot secured, warm, and safe in his mouth. Whenever Scar closed his mouth, it'd completely wrap the entire foot inside. Despite being in his new form, he could still taste everything and swallow around the foot. That caused Wisper to give a soft murr, feeling the fabric of Scar's fury body tighten around his feet.

When Wisper stood up, both cats felt the weight of their master on them. It didn't hurt but it felt like a lot of pressure pressing into them.

"First stop, bathroom." Wisper slowly walked with his two shoes to comfort his every step.

"No, oomph, yuuu carn't, mpphm, dueee dris, mmphom, hallfffpph, ack!" Scar cried out with each step.

His tongue was forced to lick under the toes that pinned it when they touched the ground and get in between the toes when the foot lifted to the air.

Khan was in the same mess, letting out muffled squeaks, groans, and growls with each step. He knew he'd have to teach Scar on the ways of their new life, but for new, it was too early.

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