Can’t Stop the Feeling

Story by TwistedSnakes on SoFurry

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Written by TwistedSnakes

Perhaps it was the way the rolling-pin-like object sat in the antique shop, leaning against the stand in its glass display window. Perhaps it was the way it reflected the beams of mote-flooded sunlight off its smooth, rounded surfaces. Perhaps it was the way Marshmallow felt a tingle down his spine as he approached the display, almost as if it promised to reveal greater secrets if only Marshmallow would reach out and touch it.

Whatever the reason, Marshmallow the bunny found himself dragging the shopkeeper over. "What's that?" he inquired.

"What? That's just a wooden roller for a scroll," the lizard shopkeeper croaked. He seemed as if centuries of ageing had caught up with him as he peered over his black-rimmed glasses. He was a little hard of hearing too, pausing for a second before either replying or asking for Marshmallow to repeat himself.

"Oh," Marshmallow said, half from disappointment and half from curiosity. Sure, it was a simple wooden roller, but it definitely held the promise of magic. He could sense it. He went closer to the display case and sniffed it. Hmm... He pressed himself against the glass window, forming on it a pale layer of vapour as he exhaled.

The white-furred bunny looked at the shopkeeper to check if he minded his advancements on the antique. The reptile on the other hand was leaning on his walking stick, waiting patiently as he gazed wistfully in the direction of a blank wall.

"Well, I'll take it," Marshmallow decided. The shopkeeper nodded. Marshmallow thought he saw the old lizard smirking, although it could have been just been involuntary twitching caused by his old age.

Taking a pair of old brown leather gloves, the lizard opened the display case, and slowly lifted the rod out of the case. Gently blowing off years of dust from it, he laid it into a padded box sitting in the case. Covering it, he handed the box to Marshmallow, who had been standing there shivering in anticipation. He absolutely must have it.

With the payment made, the rabbit bounded home in double-quick time.

The door slammed shut as Marshmallow hopped to his bed, opening up the rod's velvet box. As he lifted the box up, a slip of paper floated out. "Do not touch with bare hands" it warned. "So that's why the shopkeeper used gloves to pick it up," he pondered. "It must be too old to be handled with bare hands without getting damaged."

"Well, time to prepare dinner," he thought, walking over to the kitchen. However, as he was chopping a mix of tomatoes and carrots, his thoughts drifted to the scroll rod again. The tingly feeling...inviting him to touch. He snapped out of it, shaking his head. "Focus. Dinner, then I'll take a look at the scroll," he nodded, happy with his sense of discipline and order.

Ten seconds later he was thinking about the scroll rod again. The smooth curves. The soft wooden finish. The promise of secrets. Marshmallow felt a shiver of pleasure down his spine just thinking about it. He must have it.

Abandoning his dinner preparations, he grabbed the velvet box. The warning slip still laid beside the box, cautioning him not to touch. "Instructions be damned," the bunny thought, ripping it up furiously. He wanted to touch it. In fact, he wanted to touch, to hold, to feel every single exposed surface of it.

Without thinking, he grabbed the scroll rod out of the box. A surge of pleasure shot through his body. Marshmallow dropped the rod in surprise, letting it clatter on the ground. "What the," he gasped. Where was that sensation from? The rod? But it was just an ordinary wooden roller. He nervously poked at the scroll rod, and it sent another surge of pleasure running up his arm and down his spine. He shivered.

This rod seemed to be dangerous. Well, not dangerous, but it definitely had powers beyond this realm. Grabbing a rag from the kitchen, he picked it up and put it back into the box. He should wrap it up, and send it back to the shopkeeper, yes that's what he should do.

He picked up the lid. As Marshmallow covered the box, he was gripped by a sudden impulse. He put the lid aside again. Well, this was a very nice scroll rod. In fact, it would look even nicer with a scroll on it. He shook his head. "Snap out of it," he told himself. "I'll send this back right now." He paused. "Or maybe tomorrow, that can wait. And in the meantime..."

He reached out for the box again. Every inch of him was screaming not to do it, but his arm refused to listen. He must touch the scroll rod! With a soft gliding sound of wood against velvet, he removed the cylinder. Another shot of enjoyment engulfed his body. "Consequences be damned," he thought. "This is just too good!"

His other paw rose to grab the scroll rod with two hands. A wave of intense ecstasy washed over him. "Yessss!" he thought, "it feels so good!" It was almost like he was jerking himself off, except now the feeling was all over his body. His member poked out from his sheath, standing out erect.

"Fu-fuck," he moaned. He didn't want this to stop. Suddenly, he fell face-first to the ground, as if his feet decided to stop holding him up. "Oof!" Still gripping the rod, he looked at his feet. They seemed to be flattening against the ground, as if they were a balloon being deflated. "What?!" Marshmallow panicked. This must be the scroll rod's doing! He needed to let go. He tugged himself away from the rod, but his paws, fueled by the sensations of pleasure, refused to give. After all, it did feel so good...

As he tried to help himself up with his elbows, the flattening moved up his thighs, causing his legs to fold over his feet. "Fuck..." he moaned, experiencing a strange sensation of fear and joy. He didn't know what was happening to his body, but all that seemed so trivial in the face of the the pure bliss.

His hips buckled as it flattened itself into a flat sheet just like his legs. At the same time, the rod floated up towards the ceiling, hanging just above him as if it were taunting him. It seemed to glow softly with an aura of lusty pink. "No..." he moaned. "Don't go..." His arms were also flattening, falling limply to the ground and making his attempts to reach the rod futile. "Help me! Someone!" he didn't know if he was screaming or thinking the words. Another surge of pleasure caressed his back, and he arched backwards in instinct.

His long ears soon followed suit, falling limply downwards. "Help..." gasped. The flattening somehow seemed to double the sensation of bliss at the affected areas of his body. As his erect member evened out into a thin sheet, he felt his hips attempt to thrust forward, so close to release.

In the meantime, his feet floated upwards towards the scroll rod, curling itself around the twisting rod. "What? Am I being turned into a scroll?" He tried to resist, but how does one resist transformations anyway? And what did it matter? His eyes glazed over as his chest collapsed. He was going to be happy...happy forever.

The rolling didn't cease, wrapping up his thighs and cock. There was a weird sensation, the feeling of his feet touching his thighs, but it was ignored in favour of the euphoria engulfing him. His arms folded across his chest, and both were wrapped up. "Ugh," he moaned, as he flattened and rolled up dick shot seed all over his chest. His head flattened with his face of orgasm, and was rolled up. His ears followed suit, curling around the rod on either side of him.

His face was still visible, albeit a little rolled up against the wooden rod. His eyes were glazed, his mind lost in another world of pleasure, and his mouth was grinning uncontrollably.

The rod's glow softened, and it floated over to the box which used to contain it. A strip of thin metal floated out of the box, and wrapped around what used to be Marshmallow's face. It melted itself around the rod, clamping his entire body in place. A seal appeared on the metal binding, and the entire scroll floated into the box. The lid slid quietly into place.

Marshmallow tried squirming in the box. His face and ears pressed into the soft velvet rubbing against his fur. Would he ever escape? Or did it matter at all? The waves of pleasure were getting stronger now. It was getting harder to think. Why think? Doesn't matter. Pleasure. After all, he was happy in a place of eternal darkness and ecstasy.

~ End ~

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