Marblecliff Chronicles 3

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Marblecliff Chronicles Your Body is Your Wonderland by avatar?user=259781&character=0&clevel=2 VerbMyNoun This is a work of fiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only. All names and characters in it is fictional, a composite drawing from several individuals and from imagination. No reference to any living person is intended or should be inferred. No animals were harmed in its production. Businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author?s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. All art of minors are simulated pictures. All models over 18 years of age. Some actions and activities may be illegal or dangerous and should not be attempted. All products, services, and characters copyrighted to their respective owners. Some content may not be safe/suitable for work or school. Some content and depictions may be illegal to view in some areas. Some content may be illegal to view by those under the legal age of connect.

Characters ? avatar?user=282316&character=0&clevel=2 neosate Eathan Black, Eurasian M/16 Walt Black, Raccoon M/40? Tatiana Black, Rabbit F Svetlana BlackRaccoon/Rabbit F 13 Illyana Black, Raccoon/Rabbit F 12 Claire Summers, Red Squirrel F/16 Cecilia Gaithers, Shrew F Wendy Nicole O'Donnell, mouse H 16 Coach Samuels, Wolf Maria Trevor Hendricks, Warthog M/17 Chase owens, Jack Rabbit M/17 Jason Rynalds, Ox M/17 Frank Le Croix, Polar Bear Sean Blackwell, Leopard M/17 Korpieski, Husky Fletcher, Grey Fox Shyara Logan, Sugarglider, F/16 Christian, zebra M Valerie Zaritzky, Dalmation F/2? Tags: Genders: Male, female, Herm, Hermaphrodite, Species: Eurasian, raccoon, rabbit, hybrid, rabbit/racoon, Red Squirrel, shrew, Mouse, Wolf, warthog, ox, Polar Bear, leopard, husky, grey fox, sugarglider, zebra, dalmation Themes/Kinks: Abuse, implied sexual abuse, hand job, ball cupping, car encounter, voyerism, cum tasting, driveing pleasure, Exebitionism, bathroom sex, 69, anal fingering, Male/Felame, M/F, shopping, Verginity, Other tags: Marblecliff, chimera prep, Cavallo's, Sequoia Square Mall

Inner Dialogue ?Whispered Dialogue? ?Normal Dialogue? ?Shouted Dialogue? *Telephone Dialogue* [10:30 am - Name: text messages] Copyrighted/owned by others

Marblecliff Chronicles Ch. 3 Author's Note I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 2 as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you haven't read it, I'd advise doing so before reading this; same goes for Chapter 1. I try and write each chapter as if it would be a good place to start, but for every chapter skipped, it's that much more character development missed, and that much less impact these events have in the readers' minds. If you've read the previous two chapters, then you know that Chapter 2 was a bit smuttier than Chapter 1. I promise you all that this trend continues in 3. Read on, and enjoy. Your Body is Your Wonderland September 21 Ethan was awakened by the feeling of the warm, late summer rain. Blinking the water out of his eyes, he sat up and looked around; he was still on the rooftop of the furniture store. Looking at his watch, he saw that it was 5:48. He stripped himself of his school dress shirt and tie, and slid his arms through the straps of his backpack. He then draped his drenched shirt and tie through the left strap. He did some experimental bending and twisting and found that his ribs, sides, and back hurt less this morning. He was still a little tender, but it was a dramatic improvement over yesterday. He walked to the roof access ladder and hit the release lever to lower it, then climbed down to the alley behind the store. He took his time walking home; it wasn't far, and he had almost an hour until he'd normally be waking up for school. The rain felt great on his fur, so as long as he gave himself enough additional time to dry himself off, he figured he'd be alright. Ethan walked up to the front door to his uncle's house, and realized that he didn't have his keys. He also realized that the grass and roof would be too slick for him to risk his normal climb onto the garage. He dropped his backpack and school clothes at the front door, and walked to the backyard. Grabbing the picnic table that Walt would use for entertaining guests with summer cookouts, he dragged it over to the side of the garage and used it to pull himself up. A moment later, he was in his bedroom. He tossed his soaking pants, socks, and underwear into the laundry basket, grabbed a clean towel from his bathroom, and dried himself off. He slipped on a fresh, dry pair of boxers and walked down to the front entryway. He quickly opened the door, grabbed his backpack and clothes, and shut it behind him. "Good morning, Ethan," he heard a groggy voice call from the steps. "Vhy are you just now getting home? And vhat happened to your clothes?" Even when she was fresh out of bed, Tatiana Black just oozed sex appeal. A Latvian immigrant, she married Ethan's uncle after they met while Walter was in Europe for one of his brother's boxing matches. She was a Eurasian hare, with long, slender legs, sensuous curves, a smoldering gaze, and long, pointed ears. Even when she was barefoot, she walked as if she were wearing heels. She'd been a model as a teenager, but after having two daughters, she was no longer considered "model material" by the fashion industry. Still, everywhere Tatiana went, she turned heads of all genders, and more than one husband had earned a slap from his jealous wife. Turning around, Ethan came face-to-face with his aunt. She was in her robe, her long blonde hair hanging down loosely over her shoulders. Her left ear stuck nearly straight out to the side, while her right hung down, getting lost in her unkempt tresses. Under her robe, she wore purple silk pyjamas, the soft swell of her bosom catching his eye for a moment, her cleavage visible over the undone top buttons. Ethan felt himself blushing, and quickly shifted his attention to look her in the eyes. He was too late; she'd caught him staring, and a coy grin spread across her face. Even at thirty years old, and in her state of morning glory, she still had what it took to catch the eye of a teenager, even if he was her nephew. "Sorry, Aunt Tatiana," Ethan mumbled, "I had a very long day yesterday. Uncle Walt took my car away, and I had to walk everywhere. I sat down on my way home to rest, and fell asleep. The rain woke me up just a little bit ago." Tatiana lowered her eyes at the mention of Walter's punishment. She'd been awake the entire time, and could hear her husband snarling in rage, and every word he'd said. She could hear the thumps and thuds of his punches echoing through the walls, and jumped in terror at the sound of the shattering glass. She couldn't see the extent of the bruises through Ethan's fur, but she imagined that all of that walking must have been torture after the beating he'd taken. She felt guilty about it, but was thankful to have Ethan in her life to take some of the abuse. Walter was an angry, bitter man. When his brother, Bill, passed away, so did his top client, and the money slowed down. He tried to push Ethan into sports, but Ethan intentionally failed, not interested in competing. Organized sports and competitions had too many rules. It wasn't so much that Ethan couldn't understand them, he just didn't like being told what he could and could not do. The only sport that really caught his nephew's attention was free-running, and there was no viable market for Walter to exploit. He was angry at his wife for failing to give him a son, someone to become what Bill had once been: a meal ticket. He sexually assaulted Tatiana repeatedly, two, sometimes three, times a week, demanding a male prodigy. They'd visited numerous doctors, and they all claimed that Walter had become sterile. Walter, being stubborn, refused to accept the news, no matter how many times he heard it, and was determined to prove the specialists wrong. He was going to make a son, and if his wife wouldn't do it, then he threatened to turn his attentions to his daughters, just as soon as their heats began. Tatiana knew that Walter was a dangerous man, but she was also afraid for her children and nephew over how they would all survive if she left him. She'd likely win custody of the girls, but Ethan had been left in Walter's care in Bill and Hannah's will. What would become of the boy if she weren't around? How would she be able to keep her high-paying job, when Walter had a treasure trove of blackmail pics he'd taken to keep her in check? She put her paw comfortingly on his shoulder, and retrieved his keys from her robe pocket. "Here you go," she whispered soothingly. "No more valking for you today. Now you go and get yourself ready for school." "What about Uncle Walt?" Ethan asked. "Valter is in New York, trying to help settle the NHL labor dispute," she answered. "He'll be back on Saturday. He told me to give you these." Walter was having a very difficult time promoting a sport that was in the middle of a lockout, and was losing a nice bit of money as a result, which only made him angrier. Truth be told, his exact words were, "If you think that little fucker learned his lesson, then let him have his car back," but Ethan didn't need to know that. "Now go, get dressed. I vill make breakfast for you and the girls. Vake them up for me, please."

"Mr. Black, my office, now!" Mrs. Gaithers, the school headmistress, shouted at him down the hallway. Sitting down in an oversized leather armchair, he looked at the elderly shrew sitting across the desk from him, waiting for her to begin. He felt like a death row inmate, in the chair, awaiting execution. "Ethan, it's been brought to my attention that yesterday you had a confrontation in the courtyard with four members of the varsity football team," Mrs. Gaither stated. "You know that fighting on school grounds is cause for suspension." "Yes, Mrs. Gaithers, I'm aware," Ethan replied, "May I explain what happened?" "You may, Ethan," the shrew answered, "But I don't think you will be able to say anything to sway me from dishing out your punishment." She leaned back in her chair and folded her paws, waiting to hear his side of the story. "I was eating lunch with a friend, Claire Summers," Mrs. Gaithers raised an eyebrow at this, since the young raccoon was not known as being very social, but allowed him to continue, "when four of the football players walked up and started harassing Wendell O'Donnell. I saw Wendell's lunch tray get tossed out into the courtyard, and decided to step in and help." "I have reports from the four boys, plus several other witnesses, that you were the one that touched the football players first," the shrew leaned forward, "is this true?" "Technically, ma'am, yes it is," Ethan answered, solemnly. "But only because I avoided Jason's punch." "While I believe that your intentions were good," Mrs. Gaithers sighed, "and I believe that those boys deserved worse than what you gave them, I have no choice but to suspend you. Even with your two witnesses to support your story, I am afraid that I have four against you, plus the gossip circulating in the hallways and classrooms." "I understand," Ethan sighed, thankful that Walter was out of town. "What about the football players? What will happen to them?" "Ethan," Mrs. Gaithers said, some sadness in her voice, "you need to understand school politics. While your tuition pays for our faculty's salaries, and is appreciated, our alumni make very sizable donations that pay for things like athletics and school upkeep and remodeling. I'm afraid that as much as I would like to suspend them, the worst I can do is issue a warning" "Are you serious?" Ethan almost spat. "I'm getting punished for being the good guy, and those bullies get off with a warning?" "School politics, I'm afraid," Mrs. Gaithers apologized. "The board of trustees will have my head if I suspend four of our starting seniors. You're simply playing on uneven ground. I'm sorry." "But the team hasn't won a game yet!" Ethan argued. "Would you like my advice?" Mrs. Gaithers asked. "Sure," Ethan grumbled, not liking where this was headed. "The team will be practicing after school today," the headmistress explained. "They have a very weak secondary. If you want, I can contact Coach Samuels and arrange a tryout for you this afternoon." "Me? Play football? Are you kidding?" Ethan asked dubiously. "You. Not suspended. I'm dead serious," Mrs. Gaithers shot back. "You're in good shape, Mr. Black. Fast. Agile. Able to scale the sides of our gymnasium. Yes, I know about that, and your art. You seem to know what you're doing, and it seems innocent enough, so I've let it slide until now. Trust me, you have the skill set to make an excellent cornerback." "What does a cornerback do?" Ethan asked. He wasn't really interested, but if playing football relieved him of his suspension, it would save him from Walter. Hell, Walt would probably go nuts to see his nephew involved in such a popular sport. "Cornerback is a pretty straightforward position, Ethan," Mrs. Gaithers replied. "The quarterback throws the ball to a wide receiver, and the cornerback is supposed to try and take it away. It's like playing keep-away." Ethan thought it over for a moment, before answering, "Fine, I'll be there. And if I make the team, my suspension will be reduced to a warning?" "Absolutely," Mrs. Gaithers answered. "And for today?" Ethan asked. "Still suspended," the shrew smiled. "So go, have fun, and relax. Be at Fenris Field at 3:30. Don't be late. Coach Samuels hates tardiness. And Ethan? Good luck." As he walked back out of the school, he pulled out his phone and sent out a bulk text message, addressing it to Claire, Shyara, and Wendy. "Suspended from school for yesterday in courtyard. Won't be at volleyball practice today - Mrs. Gaithers wants me to play football. If I make team, suspension lifted. Meet me in parking lot at 5:00. Be careful!" He felt it was necessary to emphasize the need for caution; he put himself between Wendy and her bullies, and may have pulled Claire and Shyara into it as well.

As he got out of his car, Ethan pulled his phone back out and made a call to Maria, his father's old friend and the lawyer in charge of Ethan's trust fund, inheritance, and spending allowance. "Maria, Ethan. Hey, get a hold of Jillian for me. There's going to be a lot of unusual spending on my account today, and I don't want her cutting off access; my card didn't get stolen, I'm just taking out a lady friend." Ethan listened for a few minutes as his attorney gushed and ranted on about how excited she was to finally hear Ethan say he had a "lady friend." Maria and Bill went back as far as grade school, and she was the one that had introduced him to Hannah. She was like an aunt to Ethan, and he spoke with her pretty regularly, even about things that didn't involve the estate. He wasn't ready to disclose the full nature of his relationship - how does a lovestruck teen justify having two, possibly three, lovers to an adult, especially an attorney? Ethan grabbed his equipment from the back hatch of his Mazda, and scaled the Stone Creek Bridge once again to resume his mural. Securing himself in place, he studied his progress up until now: the castle modeled after Chimera Prep was dark and ominous on its hill, and the distant skyline, though it looked like a medieval village, still had some of Marblecliff's style. He was pleased with the progress, and was thankful that the steel bridge overhead offered shelter from the continuing rain. Grabbing his brown, gray, and black cans, he painted the hero of this story: a raccoon wearing leather armor and grasping a broadsword, alone in the face of an unrevealed enemy. Of course, he figured that no good story ever has the hero face the dangers alone, so he had planned on adding a second figure to the scene. Pulling out the yellow, red, white, and blue cans, he painted a second figure to support the first: a red squirrel, with flowing white robes and a cleric's staff. Still, the scene didn't feel complete, and so he added two more figures: a brown mouse in a black wizard's robe and clutching a wooden staff, and a gray and black sugar glider wearing thieves' attire, clutching a pair of daggers. He spent hours meticulously detailing each character, until he was satisfied with the resemblances to himself and his girls. Checking his watch, he realized it was nearly 2:00. Packing everything back up into his car, he pulled out his phone again, seeing that he had a missed call from Walt. He sighed as he checked the voice message. "You worthless piece of shit! First the speeding ticket, and then you get suspended from school for fighting with the football team? I can't believe your aunt gave you your keys back, you clearly have some more learning to do. Just you wait until Saturday, boy. Your ass is mine!" "Great," Ethan muttered, ending the call. "Just. Fucking. Wonderful." He opened his text messages, seeing responses from all three girls. Wendell: "Oh, no! I'm sorry! Don't worry about me, I'll sit with Claire. You take care. Good luck. <3" Ethan noticed that he still had Wendy in his contacts as "Wendell" still, and quickly changed it. Claire: "Wendy and I will be fine. We're going to sit with some of the other girls from volleyball. Shy-shy has fifth period lunch, but she says she's going to do some work for Coach Pryde. What about you? Are you okay? Love u." There was a second message from Claire, sent just a few minutes earlier. Claire: "Just got out of English with Ms. Waters. She must hate me now. We need to include her." Ethan sighed. He cared for both women deeply, and it hurt him to see Amelia so upset with Claire, especially since Claire had done nothing wrong. Shyara: "Don't worry about me! Do what you need to. You be careful. See you after school. xoxo" He smiled at their concern for his well-being. It felt nice, after so much time spent feeling so completely alone, to have the love of so many wonderful people. He sent a bulk message back to all three of them. "I'll be fine. Girls, get permission to stay out late tonight, maybe 9:15. Text me back when you know if you can, please. I love you all."

Ethan went home and changed out of his school uniform, putting on a his usual parkour outfit: a pair of gym shorts, a t-shirt, and his favorite pair of Adidas running shoes. He also grabbed a pair of jeans, another t-shirt, a second pair of boxers, and a fresh pair of socks to change into after practice, a pair of white K-Swiss sneakers, plus his cologne and deodorant, and tossed them into his backpack. He ate a quick fruit salad and drank a glass of milk, before going back to his car to clean it out as much as possible. Ethan fully intended to pack the rear hatch to the brim this evening, and didn't need his climbing gear and spray paint cans hogging up so much space, so he stashed these in the garage. Arriving back at Chimera Prep at around 2:45, Ethan made his way over to Fenris Athletic Field. School would be letting out in about another ten minutes, so Ethan took the time to get loosened up. He sat down on the clay oval track that looped around the field, and stretched his legs out in front of him and as far apart as he could. He could feel his obliques, hamstrings, and calves tighten and relax as he leaned forward to grab hold of his toes, first on one leg, and then the other. Ethan repeated this process for several minutes, before getting back up to his feet. The rain had eased up some, but he was certain the grass was going to be slick. Walking onto the sod, he pressed down with the balls of his feet and gave a few experimental twists, testing for traction. Satisfied he'd be able to make the necessary adjustments without spraining an ankle, he checked his phone: 3:05, and replies from Claire, Wendy, and Shyara. Claire: "Mom says ok, if Shy is with me. She will talk to Dad. See you at 5. Love u, babe." Shyara: "No need, no curfew. I just let my host fam know. See you in a bit. xoxo." Wendy: "Dad likes you, he says it's ok. What are we doing? I'm at volleyball w/Claire now. Can't wait to see you. <3" Excited to see the girls, he placed his phone into his backpack, not wanting to damage or lose it during this tryout. He ran the steps up and down the steel bleachers, continuing to warm up, the rain water splashing up from under the soles of his shoes with every impact. The rain was drenching his hair and running down into his eyes. It had been a while since he'd let himself cut loose, so he decided to change up the warm-up routine. Reaching the top of the bleachers, he cut to the right and ran full speed for the far end of the seats. The clanging of the metal and splashing of the water made a nice symphony in his mind as he approached the railing. As he reached the final few feet, he reached out with his left paw and sprang forward, vaulting over the side. The world turned in slow motion, the aluminum fading from his sight as the grass, several yards below him moved into view. He tucked his knees into his chest as his momentum carried him into a forward roll, the grass moving out of the top of his line of sight, replaced again by the bleachers, for only a fleeting second, before the gray clouds overhead filled his vision. A few drops of rain hit him in his face, and it felt exhilarating, before he was travelling face-down with the moist earth flying up at him. He reached out with both paws for support, and he connected, digging his claws into the soil and pulling himself into a rolling landing. "You got some moves, kid," A wolf called out, walking Ethan's direction, holding a clipboard over his head. "You must be Ethan, Mrs. Gaithers said you'd be coming. I'm Coach Samuels." The old wolf said with a gravelly voice, holding out a paw. "Yes sir, Ethan Black," he said, returning the gesture, the pair shaking paws. "I was told you could use a cornerback." "Well, that depends," the wolf answered gruffly. "I have three. I could use a better corner than the ones we have now. Think you're up for the job?" "How long were you watching me warm up?" Ethan asked back. "Long enough to get an opinion. My question was if you think you're up for it," Coach Samuels stated, more than asked. "I don't have much of a choice: Get suspended, or play football. I know that I can cover anyone you put out there, except maybe a cheetah. Any other teams have cheetahs playing receiver?" Ethan answered without a hint of cockiness. "We'll see how fast you are with your gear on, Flip," the old coach shot back with a toothy grin, "and once you start taking some contact. Come on, let's get you pads and a helmet." At 3:25, Ethan walked back out onto the field with Coach Samuels, as the rest of the team began arriving. He saw the ox and warthog from yesterday, Jason and Trevor, carrying on a conversation; a moment later they saw him and gave him angry glares. The jackrabbit, Chase, had his back turned away, talking with a polar bear. The polar bear noticed Ethan, and curious, directed the bunny's attention his direction. Chase went slack-jawed at the sight of the suited up raccoon. The only person missing from yesterday was... There. Leaned up against the goal post, black tail swishing back and forth impatiently. Sean. Ethan didn't consider himself to be the vengeful type - far from it - with the amount of shit he put up with. But he was looking forward to getting back at Wendy's tormentor. He pulled his helmet on and walked up behind the leopard, and slapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, Sean. I'm trying out for corner. Go easy on me, okay? I've never played football before, but I look forward to being a part of the team," Ethan taunted before sprinting out onto the field. Coach Samuels's whistle pierced the hushed whispers of the football team, silencing their gossip over the new guy. Even though most of them hadn't been there, word had run rampant through Chimera Prep about the raccoon that stood up to, and showed up, four of their starting players, including their leader. Expecting that Ethan would have been suspended, and feeling invincible with their status with the team, they were all caught off-guard. "Alright, fellas, listen up! This is Ethan, he's trying out for cornerback. I don't want to throw anyone under the bus, but our secondary sucks. Ethan here thinks he can do better, and I've decided to give him a chance." A series of dissatisfied groans, moans, and "come ons" erupted from the team, before the coach silenced them again. "Fine, if you don't want to help improve the team, give me 10 laps around the track! Not you, Korpieski, Fletcher," the coach called back a husky wearing a red jersey and a gray fox, "you two are gonna give Ethan his tryout." "No," Ethan said. "I want him," he pointed at Chase, "and him," pointing at Sean. "That's our best quarterback and our fastest receiver, kid," the coach warned. "Are you sure you want to try out against them?" Ethan grunted in affirmation. "All right, Flip, you've got some balls."

Ethan stood in a semi-crouched position, eyeing the leopard several yards away. He could hear his heart beating, his pulse sounding in his ears like a rhythmic tune, his own personal soundtrack for the confrontation ahead. The polar bear snapped the ball to Sean and Chase ran a short route out and cut left. Ethan shadowed Chase as closely as possible, avoiding contact and a penalty. He watched the rabbit's eyes the entire time, tracking his gaze to track the ball. He saw Chase's eyes roll up and the ball soar over their heads, too high to catch. The next snap, Chase made a full speed run for the end zone. Ethan had little difficulty keeping up, and noticed the rabbit's eyes following something from above. The raccoon turned his head around in time, raised his paw, and was able to get his fingertips on the ball, causing the pass to fall incomplete. On the third snap, Sean and Chase lead Ethan into a crossing route, Chase's pattern crossing paths with the gray fox, hoping to disrupt Ethan's ability to shadow the rabbit. Ethan easily side-stepped the fox and was able to catch up to the rabbit just in time to intercept the pass. One more play, an out route, had Chase run several yards out and veer toward the sideline. Sean would have to put the ball between Chase and the sideline, making an interception difficult. Rather than track the rabbit's eyes this time, Ethan stayed on the rabbit, but did his best to crowd him, forcing him to the sideline faster than planned, and the pass was caught out of bounds. The tryout continued for a total of ten snaps, with all ten passes being thrown Chase's direction. The final count was: one completed pass to the rabbit; two passes overthrown; one pass underthrown; one pass caught out-of-bounds; three deflections; and two interceptions. "Well, Flip, you did pretty damn good," Coach Samuels slapped him on the shoulder pad. "I think that's the worst completion percentage I've ever seen from Sean! You sure you haven't played before? Doesn't matter. The spot's yours, if you want it." "Yes, sir," Ethan answered, slightly out of breath, but not struggling. "Thank you, Coach." "Hell, kid," the old wolf replied, "I'm the one that should be thanking you. You might be the key to turning this defense around. Practice is Tuesday through Thursday, 3:30 til 5:00." "No offense, Coach," Ethan argued, "but I'm gonna skip practices." The coach shot back with a questioning arch of his eyebrow. "You've seen what I can do. I train a hell of alot harder than these guys." "That's your call, kid," the wolf answered. "But I'm warning you, if you can't compete on game day, you're either at practice or off the squad." "Fair enough," Ethan answered. "Flip?" Ethan smiled, actually starting to like the nickname. "You need a number. Got a preference?" "Nineteen," Ethan said, after a moment to ponder it. "One-Nine. January ninth. My dad's birthday. Is that available?" Checking his clipboard, Coach Samuels answered, "No one's taken it, it's yours. Welcome aboard. See you back here Friday at 3:30 for our team meeting and warm up. I hope you come prepared, our next game is against Manchester. They aren't fast, but they'll put a hurting on you!"

Ethan trotted down the steps behind the gymnasium toward the student parking lot. As he turned the corner on one of the landings, he saw his squirrel, sugar glider, and mouse girlfriends all waiting for him, engaged in a conversation amongst themselves. Wendy spotted him first, and sporting a broad smile, pointed him out to the other girls. Claire and Shyara turned to face him, and they all waved as he approached. Claire and Shyara had changed out of their practice clothes, back into their school uniforms, which consisted of a navy blazer over a white blouse, a merlot rope tie, a merlot and white plaid skirt, white knee-high socks, and black buckled shoes. Wendy was wearing the same boys' uniform Ethan had: Merlot sportcoat, merlot and navy striped tie, white dress shirt, navy slacks, and black dress shoes. Ethan wondered how the school was going to react after tonight's makeover, after she reveals herself as a girl, until she gets a new girls' uniform. "Ethan!" they shouted in unison. Claire stepped forward to greet him, slipping her slender arms around his waist. She lifted herself up onto her tip-toes and planted an affectionate kiss on his lips. She held the kiss for a moment, and he returned it in kind. Smiling as she pulled away, Claire said sweetly, "That one counted" then nervously asked "So? How did everything go?" "Suspension lifted. I made the team," Ethan didn't look terribly pleased by this news. "I managed to talk my way out of attending practices, but Friday nights I have team meetings and games." "How did our 'friends' take it?" Wendy asked, referring to the four bullies from yesterday. "About as well as anyone would, being forced to work alongside somebody they hate," came Ethan's honest response. He intentionally omitted the fact that he called out and showed up Sean and Chase. "Still, if the coach thinks I'm too valuable, I can't get suspended for sticking up for you girls." "Just be careful, hon," Shyara said. "They can still sneak hits in durin' games. American football can be a pretty violent sport." Giggling, Claire pointed at Ethan's outfit, drenched with rain and sweat, grass- and mud-stained, and asked, "So, sexy, are you planning on taking us out dressed like that?" Ethan scratched behind his ear, and said, "Sorry. I was kind of in a hurry to get down here and see you lovely ladies. I've got a change of clothes in my bag. I'll just change when we get there." "And where, exactly, is 'there'?" Wendy raised an eyebrow questioningly. "You'll see," Ethan grinned mischievously. "But first, we need something to eat. Any suggestions?"

Claire rode shotgun as Ethan drove them to Cavallo's, a popular Italian restaurant, with Wendy and Shyara in the back seat. He was so excited that he was having a very difficult time keeping his plan a secret. Wendy was such a beautiful woman on the inside, and wanted so badly for Ethan to see her the same way on the outside. It broke his heart a little to think of the turmoil she must have endured for so long, living as a boy. He was so thankful to have the ability to change her life, and for the two other wonderful women in his life, willing to help him with Wendy's metamorphosis. He was eagerly looking forward to seeing what Wendy would look like after her makeover, and how she would react. As he was pondering this, he suddenly became aware of a warm, soft paw in his lap. "What's on your mind, stud?" Claire asked, slowly dragging her fingertips back and forth across his crotch. They could both feel his increasing arousal, as the bulge in his shorts began to swell. "Ooh," she cooed, "is this because of me, or whatever dirty thoughts are going through your mind?" She slid her paw down between his legs, and cupped his balls, giving them a playful squeeze. Ethan knew where she was going with this; she wanted to know what his plan was, and she was going to try and tease it out of him. Deciding to play along, he answered her question with silence. "Such a strong, determined raccoon," she said, leaning over and whispering into his ear, "but I will find the chink in your armor. I will make you break. I will make you tell me what you are up to, Mr. Black." She flexed her claws, gently applying their tips against his scrotum through the polyester shorts, and slowly and agonizingly dragged them up along the sides of his shaft. She smiled as Ethan's breath hitched for a second, his body reacting to the sensations she was inflicting upon his most tender region. "Did you like that?" She asked with the sultriest tone she could manage. "It could get worse, you know. Much, much worse. Or it can get better. The decision is yours. All you need to do," She bit down softly on his ear and held as she continued, "Is. Tell. Me. Your. Plan." She punctuated each syllable with a short, soft, murr that tickled his inner ear and drove chills down his spine. Maintaining his quiet, he responded with a quick shake of his head, and clenched his jaw. "I see you are stubborn. Fine." She released the pressure of her claws against his throbbing erection, and after unfastening his seatbelt, pulled the waistband of his shorts forward and over, releasing it from its mesh prison. "Holy shit, it looks so much bigger in person!" she whispered back to Shyara, breaking character for a brief second. She wrapped her thumb and index finger around the shaft, her fingertips almost two centimeters shy of being able to connect. She could feel the pulse of his blood rushing through him, and relished in the feeling, before sliding her paw up and over the head. She held her paw, still forming a "C", up over her head; her friends in the back seat giggled, now having an idea of his girth. Getting back into character, Claire whispered softly into his ear again. "This is your last chance, Mr. Black. Tell me your plan, or I shall have no choice but to inflict unspeakable pleasure upon you." She put her paw back on his cock, and squeezed, but not too tightly, and slowly began pumping up and down his length. He gave a slight groan of approval at her ministrations. She was driving him insane, and Ethan wanted so badly to voice his appreciation of her efforts, but he wanted more to play along with her fantasy. "Damn, I wish I could see what she's doin' to him!" Shyara whispered to Wendy from the back seat. Claire undid her seatbelt, and slid down to kneel in front of her seat, her back pressed up against the glovebox. Free of the restraint, she was now able to lean in closer and see the thick vein running up the base of his penis. She rested her chin on his knee, and pulled the waistband of the front of his gym shorts further down, getting her first real look at his testicles. She marvelled at the soft sack, watching in awe as its fleshy surface moved and shifted on its own accord, his body reacting to what she was doing to his glorious manhood. The entire time, she continued her stroking, eliciting further grunts and groans from her boyfriend. "Fuck, that's hot," Shyara exclaimed, leaning against her door to make room for Wendy, who was leaning around from behind Ethan's seat to get a glimpse of the action. "Holy shit!" Wendy squeaked, blushing a deep crimson. Unlike Claire or Shyara, she had seen an erect penis before, but hers was only five inches long, at best. She estimated Ethan to be at least eight, possibly nine. Ethan's arousal intensified, knowing that he and Claire had an audience. He fought to maintain his focus on the road, determined to get to the restaurant in one piece, but he couldn't suppress his sounds of pleasure. "You can try and fight it all you like, Mr. Black, but your body betrays you," Claire said huskily. "I can see your balls getting ready to release your seed. I can feel the increased hardness in your shaft. I can see your pre leaking at your tip." She wiped the small trail of clear fluid away from his opening, and smeared it along his shaft, lubricating him and providing a more sensual feeling. "Since you refuse to talk, now, even as you are about to break, I must take things one step further. Claire used her free paw to hike her skirt up, revealing her drenched white panties to his peripheral vision. Knowing that he had to maintain his focus on the road, she was fully aware of how much of a tease this would be. She slid the fabric to the side, and began teasing her slit, running her middle finger up and down, and tracing soft circles each time she reached the top. With each subsequent pass, she pressed harder, and soon her finger was covered in her dampness. She reached out and wiped her honey off onto him, coating his rod. She repeated this process several times. A pair of muffled whimpers came from the back seat, and stealing a quick glance at the rear view mirror, Ethan could tell just by their facial expressions that Shyara and Wendy had joined in on the fun. He couldn't see, but Shyara's posture made it obvious where her paws were. Wendy was slouched down behind him, completely hidden from view, but her cries of pleasure were the loudest out of the four of them. Soon, the smells of their three combined womanly essences assaulted his nose, and he broke. "Oh God! Claire, don't stop! I'm gonna cum!" His hips jerked forward, driving her fist down to his base, and he erupted. "Fuuccckkk!" Claire quickly reached out with her other paw, covering his cockhead. She began pumping her boyfriend's shaft, milking him into her waiting paw, being careful to catch every last drop of his seed. She marveled at the feel of his hardness as it twitched in her grasp, delivering its payload. She shivered with anticipation, imagining how it would feel twitching inside her. As Ethan's orgasm subsided, she carefully let him go and opened her paw in front of her face, staring at his cum, most of it pooled in her palm, but there were thick gooey strands of it across her fingers. She gave it an experimental sniff, then tested its flavor with her tongue. Deciding that she liked - no, loved, for it was a sign of his love for her - the way his manly essence tasted, she hungrily slurped up the small puddle in her palm. Not wanting to be greedy, she held out her index finger to Shyara, who happily sucked the offered digit down to the last knuckle, swirling her tongue around it, making certain it was clean. Claire did the same for Wendy with her middle finger, and though the mouse-herm was somewhat hesitant, her desire to become one of Ethan's girls was overwhelming, and she quickly cleansed both the middle and ring fingers, devouring Ethan's cum. Claire pulled her paw away before Wendy got too eager, and gave the pinkie to Shy-shy, before Claire licked her own thumb clean. "Hmmm," Claire said, mulling over the taste. "Not quite what I was expecting. But I could get used to that."

Ethan parked the car, and they all climbed out and walked into the restaurant. The hostess, a young female chipmunk slightly older than Ethan, escorted them to their table. The chipmunk set four menus and four rolls of silverware on the table, and told them that their server, someone named Christian, would be with them shortly. "I'm going to get changed into clean clothes. If our server asks, I'll have green tea if they have it; if not, I'll take water. I'll be back in a few," He took his backpack and headed to the back of the dining area toward the men's room. He walked into the men's room and saw that the handicapped stall was unoccupied. He pulled the stall door closed and turned the latch, thankful to have the chance to finally get out of the damp gym clothes. As he pulled his shirt over his head, he heard the restroom door open and someone walk into the stall next to his. He folded his t-shirt up and set it across the railing used to assist with getting from the wheelchair to the toilet and back. He slipped off his Adidases and his socks, rolling them together and placing them with his wet shirt. As he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and pushed down, he saw Shyara's face looking at him from under the partition. "Shy!" She whispered harshly, "What are you doing? You're not supposed to be in here!" "Relax, hun! We'll be fine in here. There are other stalls, so as long as we can keep it quiet, no one will find out," the sexy sugar glider grabbed the divider and slid herself under, joining Ethan in his changing space. She jumped up, throwing her arms around his neck and wrapping her legs behind his back, planting a fiery, passionate kiss on his lips. Ethan couldn't help but compare the differences between his squirrel and sugar glider girlfriends. "Besides, after watchin' you and Claire, I'm feelin' hotter than a dingo!" The exchange student knelt in front of Ethan, and pulled his shorts and boxers down. "I want another taste of your cum, this time right from the source." She panted with need, her own desires stoked, but not met, by playing spectator to the paw-job in the car, her fingers failing to provide release before they parked. "And remember, be quiet!" Ethan's semi-erect cock hung in front of her face, her lust-filled eyes drinking in its appearance. She tentatively reached out with her left paw, wrapping her fingers around it to get a feel for its girth and hardness. She licked her lips appreciatively, knowing that when it was her turn, she was going to relish the sensation of Ethan spreading her open and plunging her depths. She wanted to take him right then and there, but knew that her time would come sooner or later. She hoped for the former. Shy-shy released her grip on the raccoon's member, her eyes transfixed on it as his desire channeled more blood to his loins. She removed her blazer and dress shirt, tossing them to the side, before pulling the straps of her bra down over her shoulders. She tugged her bra down to around her waist, letting Ethan get his first glimpse of a woman's breasts since he was a nursing cub. Shyara had a small pair of tits, only a B cup, but on her lean, athletic frame and with her tomboyish appearance, they looked perfect. Her nipples, the color of onyx, stood straight out from desire, aching to feel his touch. "Lie down, you can use my blazer as a pillow," she told him. Ethan complied with his lover's request, and grabbed the discarded garment, positioning it behind him as he reclined, feeling the cool tile of the men's room through the fur on his back. Shyara scooted herself across the floor next to his chest, and threw a leg across him so that she could straddle him, facing his feet. Even though it was still a foot or so from his face, Ethan could smell the exchange student's arousal. The crotch of her white cotton panties was soaked through with her juices. The scent was intoxicating, and Ethan couldn't wait any longer. He wanted, no needed, to taste her pussy. Placing his paws on Shy-shy's hips, he pulled her back and down, burying his muzzle into her panty-clad mound. She squealed with delight as his nose brushed over her clit, sending electric shocks throughout her nether region. Shyara lifted her knees off the tiled floor, and Ethan took the hint immediately, pulling her underwear down to between her ankles. She lowered herself back down, and slowly glided to the front and back, smearing her nectar all over his muzzle as she pleasured herself on his face. Ethan rolled the tip of his tongue and stuck it out, spreading apart her dark labia and getting a stronger taste of her tangy-sweet flavor. He noticed that Shy's cunny was slightly sweeter than Claire's, not necessarily better - he'd gladly go down on either of them any time they asked - and was amazed at how different women could be in all aspects, not just in appearance and personality. Shy murred happily at the increased focus on her weeping slit, and began pumping Ethan's cock with her left paw. The heavenly taste of Shy-shy's womanly nectar had restored Ethan's manhood to full attention, and he was appreciative of the girl's ministrations. Wanting to please her further, and to encourage her to do more to him, he spread her lips apart and found her clitty, shining from her own dampness, and began lapping at it in earnest. He sensed his reward as he felt her hot breath blowing across the tip of his throbbing erection, and then he was engulfed by warmth and wetness. He could feel her tongue swirling around his cockhead, and he let out a soft groan at the sensation, the little puff of air across her sensitive button causing her to giggle, which only served to increase his pleasure. Remembering the picture she shared with him and Claire, Ethan decided to try something. He pushed Shy-shy's hips up a few inches, causing her to ask "Hmmmmmmm?", her lips still encircling his dick, before replying with an "Mmmmmmmmmmm" as he slid first one, and then a second, finger into her little cunny. Shy was enjoying what he was doing to her, and started fondling his balls as she worked him in and out of her mouth. After about a minute, he decided that his thrusting digits were slick enough, and removed them. The sugar glider took him out of her mouth to complain, but her protests were cut off as he pressed his middle finger up against her puckered tailhole. "Fuuuuuccccckkkkkk Yeah! Do it! Finger my ass!" Shy cried out. "Shhhhhhhhh," Ethan hissed. "Quiet, remember?" "You're a fucker," she teased. "How'd you think I was goin' to react to that?" "Exactly like you did, sexy," the raccoon answered, resuming his oral assault on the beautiful pussy in front of him. As he said this, he pushed the intruding finger in to the first knuckle, past her anal ring. She moaned as she took him back into her mouth, and he grinned to himself. Pursing his lips, he sucked gently on her clitoris, causing her to take a sharp breath in through her nose, and he flicked it repeatedly with the tip of his tongue. She pushed her hips back against his face, and he used that pressure to sink his middle finger further into her backdoor. Her legs, still clad in those sexy knee-high socks, trembled on either side of his head, and he knew that she was close. "No wonder she had her thumb up her ass in that pic; it's got to be her biggest weak spot!" Ethan noticed, saving this savory detail for later use. Knowing this, of course, only heightened his own arousal, so he decided to push Shyara harder. He released the pressure on her button, and sank as much of his tongue and his muzzle into her drenched pussy as possible, exploring her passage and drinking in more of her exquisite ambrosia. He also pulled his middle finger back slightly, and pushed it back in harder, stopping only when he had hilted the digit inside her. She squealed and pulled her head back, leaving only the head in her mouth, sucking as hard as she could manage, swirling her tongue and fondling his sack. "Shy, oh god," he panted, "That's it. Just like that," he groaned. She paused to take a breath, and resumed pressure. Ethan pulled his middle finger out of his lover's backside and lowered his paw to his face. He stopped licking long enough to re-wet his index finger, and re-inserted his middle finger back where Shy liked it. Sucking again on her clit, he slowly and gently added his pointer finger, stretching her wider around him. She grunted and bucked, and she began to squirt. As Ethan continued lavishing on her clitty, she sprayed not one, but two streams of her cum over his face, causing him to blink, but not stop. A second later, he joined her. He didn't say anything; he just groaned up into her messy pussy and released his seed into her mouth. She held her head in place at the tip, and milked his shaft with her paw, coaxing as much of him into her mouth as she could, swallowing it all. A moment later, she took him from her mouth, and broke the silence. "Wow. Fuckin'-A Plus! I could definitely get used to this." She climbed off his face and turned around to cuddle up with him. "Was that as good for you as it was for me, hun?" "Uh-huh," Ethan panted, the only response he could manage at the moment. "You're... amazing!" "Good, I'm glad to hear. I can't wait to do more," She licked some of her juices from his cheek. "I'm sure our server is wonderin' why our group is takin' up one of his tables, but aren't orderin'. We should get back out there." Ethan and Shyara stood and re-dressed, took care to thoroughly clean up, and left the men's room to rejoin their friends.

The dinner was okay. Ethan might have liked his lasagna more, if he hadn't just eaten his first pussy. By comparison, the meal was just... bland. The conversation, thankfully, was engaging. Claire and Shyara talked about volleyball, while Wendy talked about her Dad raising her. Claire revealed that she dreamed about being a physical therapist one day, while Shy-shy told Wendy about wanting to become an architect. Wendy told the group that she intended to go into pharmacology, and Ethan was considering graphic design. Their server, a twenty-something male zebra, brought their check for $41.95. Ethan felt bad about how long they'd occupied his section, and left $80.00. The chipmunk hostess slipped the group her number as they walked out the door. "So, are you going to tell us where we're going yet, or do we need to do more to make you talk?" Claire teased. "We're already here," Ethan stated, pointing across the parking lot at Sequoia Square Mall. "You don't mean?" Claire asked, excited at where she thought the evening was heading. "What?" Wendy asked, unaware of her companions' conversation the previous night. "What are we goin' to buy?" Shyara inquired, not wanting to give too much away to her mousy new friend. "Everything she needs," Ethan answered, looking at Wendy with a warm smile. "And wants." "Wait, what?" Wendy was caught off guard. "You guys...?" "Are going to help give you the makeover you want, so that we all, not just Ethan, can see you the way that he sees Shyara and me. You want to look like the girl that you feel like inside - you have two girls here to help you. But if Ethan gets you, we all get you. That's the deal Ethan made to date me - he gets Shy-shy, too." "What do you say, cutie?" Shyara wrapped her arm around the shellshocked mouse. "Are you in?" The trio smiled as Wendy nodded, too overwhelmed by the love and affection to form a coherent response, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. As they walked across the parking lot to the mall entrance, Claire leaned in and whispered into Ethan's ear, "It's so sweet for you to do this for her, babe. You're a wonderful friend, and a better man. I'm so lucky to be able to share you with such amazing people. Before you turn us loose, should I ask what our budget is?" He patted her on the paw, and told her, "Just try and keep everything under seventy-five hundred, okay? Use most of it for Wendy, of course, but you and Shy get yourselves some things, too."

"So where should we go to first?" Shyara asked as they walked through the doors. Ethan answered before Claire or Wendy could get the chance to think. "Lenscrafters. Wendy can have new glasses in about an hour. I say we go, get her some pretty new glasses, and then we shop while those are being made." The quartet walked into the eyeglass store, and the girls walked over to look at women's frames while Ethan went and spoke to the optometrist. They would be able to see Wendy in about ten minutes for an eye exam, so Ethan waved her over to complete the paperwork. Claire kept picking out different frames, and Shyara would bring them over for Wendy try on. Ethan liked a pair that had rectangular lenses and silver frames with black accents, so Wendy naturally decided on those. Wendy noticed the optometrist gave an odd glance, as if he was wondering why a boy was getting women's frames. Almost twenty-five minutes later, the exam was complete, everything was paid for, and they were on their way to the next shop. "We need to get your hair done next!" Shyara bounced with excitement, practically pulling Wendy by the arm toward the salon. Claire and Ethan laughed at Shy-shy's exuberance, and a little at Wendy's poor limb. Walking into the hair salon, Claire went over to one of the stylists and got a book with several hairstyles for women with short hair. Again, Wendy decided to go with the style that Ethan liked best: a pixie-like, spiky 'do. Wendy again noticed that she got an odd glance, wondering why a boy was getting a women's haircut. At Claire's suggestion, Wendy agreed to let the stylist add auburn highlights to her natural brown color. Having had her hair washed, cut, highlighted, and styled, Wendy stood up from her chair and did a turn, earning applause from her friends and a large tip for the porcupine woman with the magic shears. As they exited the shop, Claire asked, "What about our claws? Should we get those done?" She held her paw out, fingers splayed wide. "The mall closes at nine," Ethan reminded her. "It's 7:18 now. As long as it could take to do all three of you, I don't think it would be a good idea. How about we move on to some clothes shopping? We can either come back tonight, if there is time, or some other day. Or, if you like, you ladies can all have a night together to do each others' claws." Claire and Shyara lit up at that suggestion, and Wendy needed very little convincing. Claire stopped them at an intersection to look at the directory. "Wendy, come here for a second." Looking at the map together, she asked the mouse, "What kinds of clothes do you want?" Playing with her tail nervously behind her back, Wendy shyly answered, "I don't know. I've never worn girls' clothing before. I'd like cute, and comfortable, clothes. I think capris are cute, and those sandals that have heels. I'd like to try on a few dresses and skirts, too. For tops, I like t-shirts and those spaghetti strap tanks. So, I'd like to try some of those on." From there, the trio led Ethan on a whirlwind tour of the various clothing boutiques throughout the mall. Wendy decided that she liked her jeans tight, and picked out 2 pairs of capris and 2 pairs of low-rise boot-cuts, but that she didn't like wearing khakis. She got a pair of black knee-high boots, a pair of suede heeled sandals, and a pair of white, pink, and baby-blue New Balance sneakers, as well as several pairs of socks in a variety of bright girly colors. On a whim, they walked into FYE, and discovered more clothes in the back. Ethan found a cute babydoll t-shirt from some cartoon called Panty and Stocking with Garter Belt, and Wendy decided that she liked that as well. There were more t-shirts in other stores, with various girly pictures and patterns, a few of the spaghetti-strapped tops, and a cardigan sweater. She also picked out a few sundresses and two knee-length skirts. As they continued shopping, Wendy was wearing more and more of her items out of the store, and soon the strange looks were a distant memory. Ethan was actually impressed that Claire and Shyara had managed to make it this far without making a purchase of their own, so he stopped them in front of Victoria's Secret. "You girls go in here and find something for yourselves. All of you. Extra for Wendy, since I know what she already has is limited." "Aren't you coming in with us?" Claire pouted. "What?" Wendy exclaimed. "Awwwww," Shyara whined. "I'll be along in about 20 minutes. I'm going to run back and pick up Wendy's glasses, and make one other purchase. While I'm doing that, you can see what you like, try it on, and have it ready for me to see when I get back. Then I'll just pay and we'll be on our way. The mall closes in about a half hour." "Okay, see you soon, babe," Claire said as they all walked into the lingerie store. Moments later, Ethan had the glasses in his possession, and was standing inside of Lemur's Jewelers. He was ignored by the clerk at the counter when he walked in, an older male badger in a suit and small round glasses that clearly thought that Ethan couldn't afford anything. Perusing the display cases, he found what he was looking for: an eighteen-karat white gold necklace and earrings set, available in different semi-precious stones. He selected Rubies for Claire, Sapphires for Shyara, and Emeralds for Wendy. Seeing a young woman walk out from the back room, he called out to her. "Excuse me, Miss?" The twenty-something dalmatian woman walked over to assist him with a broad, friendly smile, "Yes, sir, how may I help you?" "I'd like to make a purchase, a large one. And since your friend over there," he gestured toward the old man, "wasn't polite enough to even acknowledge me when I walked in, I'd like for you to get the commission." He could see the young lady's eyes light up, and was glad to be able to help her out. "What specifically can I get for you, sir?" she politely asked, before lowering her voice, "And yeah, that guy's an asshole and an old pervert. You should call into our corporate office. The number will be on the back of the receipt." "I'd like those, please," Ethan said, "in Ruby." The badger scoffed slightly, not too impressed. "And Sapphire." Ethan added, and the clerk took a second set out. Ethan noticed the badger was glancing their direction. Just when the dalmatian girl was about to close the case, Ethan added "And Emerald." Ethan walked back over to a case he had passed earlier, and pointed at one other item. "And I'd like this watch, too, please." The cute store clerk took out a nice black and silver Bulova men's watch, and added it to the purchase. If Ethan had one accessory requirement, it was a nice watch. By now, the badger was fuming, and the sales girl rang up the total. "That will be three thousand two hundred and sixty-four dollars and fourteen cents, please" she smiled, sweetly. "Valerie," he asked, reading the girl's name tag. "Do you get a commission on protection plans? I'm afraid my girls might break their presents, and I'd hate to see them upset." "Yes, sir," her smile broadened.

When he walked back into the lingerie shop, it was five minutes until closing time, and the girls were still in the fitting rooms. Ethan looked over at the shop attendant, and the small mountain of bras and panties that were stacked on top of the counter. "I'm sorry," he said to the hedgehog girl, "we'll try and be out of here soon." "You must be Ethan," she said with an appreciative glance. "Very nice. Your girlfriends are in the back, trying some more things on. And don't worry - this is going to be my largest sale ever! Take all the time you need!" To emphasize her point, she gave him a friendly wave. As he walked back toward the fitting rooms, he could hear Wendy talking with Claire and Shyara. "So, you two don't mind including me in your relationship?" Wendy asked, hopefully. "Well, I admit, I had some reservations at first," Claire confessed. "I was having some trouble seeing you as a girl, since you were 'Wendell' when we first met. But, the more I get to know you, and now, seeing this transformation, I'm warming up to the idea." "I agree," Shy-shy spoke up. "You're frickin' gorgeous, girl!" "Thanks," Wendy replied. Ethan could imagine her blush. "Well, before things go any further, do you have any rules or guidelines I should know about?" "Well, my only rule," Claire began, "is that my pussy is off-limits. I love Ethan. I know it's fast, but I really do. I can't imagine letting another cock have me in that way, no offense. I'm not opposed to giving you a blow-job, or eating you out, if Ethan is okay with that. And in the heat of the moment, I might eventually let you take my ass. You seem to be about the perfect size for me, back there, but Ethan gets all of my holes first. And if you decide sometime that you want to eat my pussy, I'm fine with that, too." "You're such a prude," Shyara teased her friend. "I'm open to whatever Ethan's okay with. I love ass play - I came so hard in the restaurant while he frigged my backdoor. He's bigger than you, and I can't wait to take him anally. I bet it'd feel great having the two of you in me at once, so I'm fine with whatever. If Ethan and Claire are occupied with each other, you and I can have our fun together!" "Slut!" Claire shot back, playfully, causing the trio to laugh and Ethan to smile from outside the door. Deciding to let them know he'd returned, he knocked on the door. "Ladies? I'm back. Are you almost ready?" he called out. "We're ready, we've just been waitin' for you to get back," Shy-shy answered. "The question is, are you ready?" Claire giggled, adding, "Babe, sit down, if you're not already. Tell us as soon as you are." Ethan took a seat in a nearby chair, and called back, "Okay, I'm sitting. Let me see." His heart was pounding, and his paws were getting sweaty from the anticipation of seeing what his girlfriends had in store for him. His eyes almost popped from their sockets, and his mouth began salivating, when the fitting room door opened. A single, white stocking-clad foot appeared, teasing his eyes. The foot held its position for a moment, drawing out the reveal, before more of the leg came into view. The top of the stocking had a delicate lace trim, and then the girl's gray fur. Ethan realized this was Shyara. She turned her body, putting her back to him, as she moved further out, revealing her toned, muscular ass to him, framed in a matching sheer white lace-trimmed thong, and a garter belt. She slowly gyrated her hips for his pleasure, before quickly stepping the rest of the way out, bringing the other delicate leg into sight. She kept her back to him, swaying her hips side to side, swishing her tail mischievously, and moving her paws up to cup her modest breasts. Turning agonizingly slowly, she pivoted to reveal the front of her ensemble to his thirsty eyes. She had her head lowered, but she locked eyes with him and gave a smoldering look that sent a clear message. He could feel the blood returning to his groin, and he knew he was going to have a hard time walking out of the store without an obvious erection. Shy-shy moved her paws in opposite directions, one moving up to the back of her short, spiky hair, the other down to her trim waist, striking a seductive pose. The bra was a perfect match for the rest of the outfit, and complimented her B-cups, accentuating her cleavage. He gave her an appreciative round of applause, and she walked to him, taking a seat on his left knee. She leaned into him, pressing herself into his side, and whispered sweetly into his ear, "Just watch, hun," she nibbled on his ear as she said this, only stoking his lust further, "the show's far from over." She grabbed his chin and directed his gaze back to the changing room door. A bushy, strawberry-blond tail appeared, wrapped up in a silky pink ribbon, and tied in a bow at the tip. Claire swished it playfully around, and he tracked its movements with a predatory glint, licking his lips. The tail disappeared for a second, before the sultry squirrel girl stepped into the frame of the door, facing him, her feet spread and her paws gripping the sides of the entryway. She slowly slid down, dragging her claws against the wood as she went, winding her hips the entire way. She, too, wore a matching set: black lace bra and panties, garter belt, and stockings, but hers had pink ribbons and bows woven throughout. She had additional pink ribbons tied up in her long, wavy hair. She kept her head down the entire time, refusing to make eye contact. She knelt in the changing room door, and crawled on all fours across the carpeted store floor, coming to a stop at his feet. She slid her paws up along his shins, and they came to rest on his knees. Finally, she looked up at him, allowing him to see the unbridled lust burning in her mind, and the black choker she wore around her neck. "I love you, Ethan," she whispered, and rose slowly, taking her place on Ethan's right knee. "I hope you like what you've seen so far, but we still have one more present for you." On cue, Wendy walked into view, standing nervously in the fitting room door. She wasn't as comfortable with her body as either Claire or Shyara, and was afraid that she would not meet Ethan's approval. She was wearing a more conservative outfit than her girlfriends: a silk pale green camisole and matching bikini-cut panties, both with lavender lace trim. She had a lavender garter around her right thigh, and a dainty silver anklet around her left leg. She stood there, shyly holding herself, refusing to let herself see Ethan's response. "Go to her," Claire whispered in his ear, moving aside. "She needs you," Shy-shy added, also removing herself from the raccoon's lap. Ethan stood up, and strode confidently to his newest girlfriend. Reaching into his pocket, he took her new glasses from their case, and placed them on her, putting away the older, more masculine pair. He placed his left paw on her shoulder, and took her chin in his right, lifting her chin to look her in the eyes. "Hey, don't be nervous. You look beautiful. You look amazing! I'm so lucky that you chose me." She smiled meekly at the compliment, and glanced from his eyes to his mouth for a second. Understanding her unspoken request, he leaned down and kissed her gently on her lips. The mouse jumped slightly from her nerves, but he took her into his arms and pulled her close, holding her reassuringly. Feeling his love for her, she allowed herself to melt into his kiss, and she returned his affection ten-fold. "Oh, Ethan," she cried. "Thank you for this!" *kiss* "Thank you." *kiss* "Today has been so much -" *kiss* "- better than I could have ever dreamed!" *kiss* "You make me feel so special." *kiss* "You all do." She broke her contact with Ethan to look at her new girlfriends. "Thank you all." "You haven't seen the full outfit, yet, babe," Claire said. "Wendy, turn around and let him see." The shy mouse did as she was told, and did a half-turn, allowing Ethan to see a pretty lavender silk bow tied around the tip of her tail. Ethan placed his paws on her hips and pulled her back, grinding his crotch into her backside. She murred with desire, feeling his hardness pressed against her. A soft squeak from several yards away snapped them from their sexual teasing. Looking toward the hedgehog behind the counter, they saw her blush with embarrassment, her cheeks flush with arousal. "It looks like we should pay for our things and get out of here, and let that poor girl get some release," Shyara laughed.

Out at the car, Shyara asked, "So, are you two goin' to be at our game tomorrow night? It's at Concorde." She and Claire looked at Wendy and Ethan hopefully. "I wouldn't miss it for anything," Ethan answered. "I'd love to, if I can get a ride," Wendy replied. "Oh, I bet you'd love a ride!" Claire giggled at how easily Wendy set herself up. The group had a good chuckle over the joke for several minutes. As they loaded the dozen or so shopping bags into the back of his car, Wendy realized something. "You know, for all the stuff we got tonight, I'm still nervous about tomorrow at school. I look like a girl, and I feel much more womanly now thanks to you all," she blushed as she said this, "but I still don't have a girls' uniform for school. It will be so strange to wear my old outfit." Shyara looked her up and down for a moment, before answering, "Actually, you look about my size. I have enough uniforms to get through an entire week, and my host family does laundry almost every day. If you want, I'll let you borrow two of them until you can get your new unis in." Ethan gave the sugar glider an affectionate squeeze to thank her for her offer. She looked back at him, and said, "Hun, take me home, first, and I'll grab them from my closet." A short time later, they were parked in front of Shyara's host house. Wendy was experimentally holding the borrowed garments up to her hips and over her chest, gauging how well they would fit. The mouse and sugar glider chatted excitedly, and Claire hooked are arm through Ethan's elbow, resting her head against his bicep. "You're sure about this?" he asked his squirrel girlfriend. "About including Wendy in our relationship?" "You care about her, right?" Claire asked, already knowing his answer. When he nodded, she continued, "then it's obvious. She's really a very special girl. I know that I've really come to care about her over the past twenty-four hours, and it's apparent that Shy-shy has, too. I'm changing the rules, babe. It's okay for you to be alone with Wendy, if you'd like. I still want to be with the both, or all three, of you from time to time, and I still want my time alone with you, but I won't get upset if the two of you need your own time together." Wendy and Shyara came back over and re-joined them at Ethan's car, the mouse putting the Chimera Prep uniforms in her shopping bags while Shyara kissed Ethan and Claire good-night. As they all got into the car, Claire spoke up. "Babe, I know that Wendy lives closest to you, but would you mind dropping her off next?" A little more than ten minutes later, they were at Wendy's apartment. Larry hadn't left for work yet, and he was stunned by the amount of clothing she'd brought home, and her radical new look. Ethan sat nervously as Wendy, Claire, and he explained the nature of their relationship. At first, he was afraid the elder mouse was going to be angry with him, but Larry pulled him into a hug, tears in his eyes. "Thank you," Larry said. "For making my little girl feel like the beautiful woman she is." "No problem, Larry," Ethan replied. "Call me Dad, son," Larry told him. Now the emotions were getting to Ethan and the girls as well, and he hugged Mr. O'Donnell back tighter. "Thanks, Dad," he sobbed happily into Wendy's father's shoulder. "But are you sure that you're okay with this? The makeover? The four-way relationship? Everything? "Son," Larry stated. "Wendy's mother was a special woman. I know that if she were here now, she'd want anything to see her little girl happy. It's been hard for me raising her - I don't know shit about raising a girl, and I know that she's had a very difficult time with everything; being intersexed, raised as a boy, but feeling like a woman. She's strong, but delicate. But in the short time since you came into her life, she's like an entirely new person. I don't think I've ever seen anyone so happy in my entire life. If the two of you and this Shyara girl are the reason, then how could I possibly have a problem? I know it's not a conventional arrangement, but she's not a conventional girl." Larry excused himself to get ready for work, and Wendy exchanged her good-nights with Ethan and Claire. The smaller mouse wrapped her arms around his sides, and stood on her tip-toes to give him a soft kiss on the lips. Her earlier kisses in Victoria's Secret were filled with excitement and gratitude, but now... He could feel her love in the tender, slow way she kissed him now, each peck lasting longer than the one before. Wendy's paws roamed across his back, exploring him from his shoulder blades down to his butt. Their kisses became desperate and needy, and their tongues danced with each other, their breathing turning into gasps of desire. Wendy gave a frustrated whine as Ethan broke their kiss, shooting him a questioning glance. "I'm sorry, beautiful," he said to her, "but I still need to get Claire home, and she's the one that has the curfew. We'll have our time together soon. Very, very soon, I promise." He gave her one more long kiss, then softly said, "I love you." Wendy reluctantly let go of her new boyfriend, and took Claire by the paw. "Thank you," the pretty mouse said softly, "for allowing me to share this part of your lives. I never thought I'd feel this way about a girl, but I love you." Ethan watched, enrapt, as the two lovely ladies shared a slow sensual kiss. Watching the passion exchanged between the two girls only served to heighten his already overwhelming arousal. Claire broke the kiss first, a thin strand of saliva connecting their lips. Wendy licked her lips, flush with sexual frustration. "You two had better go, before she gets in trouble. I'll just go to my room and... uhm... finish myself." Her voice dropped to an ashamed whisper as she said this.

"You know, you only told me to get permission to stay out until 9:15," Claire said as she and Ethan walked to his car. "I didn't actually tell you how late I'm allowed to be out until." Ethan paused, caught off-guard by her admission. "I'm sorry," he said, "I'll tell your parents it was all my fault." She laughed at his willingness to take the blame for her. "Silly boy," she said, "my mother told me to be home by midnight! I almost never go out with my friends, and I have pretty decent grades. She was fine with me going out with you tonight, since Shy-shy and 'Wendell'," she made quotation fingers in the air as she referred to Wendy's alter-ego, "were going to be with us." A sly grin spread across Ethan's face as he realized what his girlfriend was getting at. "So, you planned to get me all alone, eh? Had me drop Shy off first, and then Wendy? You sneaky little vixen! I'll have to keep on my toes with you." He gave her a playful nudge with his shoulder as he opened the car door for her. As he climbed into the driver's seat, Claire told him. "I want you to drive. Don't ask me where we're going, just turn where I tell you to turn. I want to share some place with you that is very special to me." Before buckling his seatbelt, Ethan leaned over and kissed her gently. She eagerly kissed him back, but wanted him to focus on the drive, so she playfully bit his lower lip. "Bad boy! Drive." She directed him out of the city and onto the 27 heading east toward the ocean. After driving nine miles out, she told him to exit, and took him up a windy uphill road to a rocky cliff overlooking the Atlantic. Twenty-two minutes after leaving Wendy's house, Claire had Ethan park about fifty feet from the edge, with the hatch toward the water. The couple got out of the car and opened the back, sitting and enjoying each other's company and the soft glow of the pale late summer moon. She took his paw into hers, but he took it away, and she gave him a worried glance. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing, just wait one minute. I have something for you," he reassured her. He folded the back seats to his Mazda3 down, and fished something out from the center armrest. "Okay. Close your eyes," he told her. "No peeking." He moved around behind Claire and moved her hair out of the way, holding it up above her head. "What are you doing?" the squirrel half-asked, half-laughed nervously. "Hold your hair up for me, please," Ethan replied, refusing to answer her question. Once she had a solid enough hold on her wavy tresses, Ethan removed the ruby necklace from its box and reached around her front, placing it on her chest and fastening the clasp behind her neck. Claire giggled when she felt the pendant shift her fur slightly, tickling her, causing her to squirm. "Keep them closed," Ethan said, and led her around to the driver's side mirror by her shoulders. "Okay, now you can look," he told her. Claire opened her eyes, and saw the shining ruby in her reflection. She let out a small gasp, and started to protest, "Ethan! Oh my god - it's beautiful! I love it, but you shouldn't have - what about Shy-shy? Wendy? We're all supposed to be equals in this! You can't get me something like this! The others will be jealous, and I'll feel guilty! You have to -" he silenced her by placing his paw over her muzzle. "Shhhhhhhh," he told her. "I got something for the both of them as well, don't worry. And myself," he held up his wrist, adorned with his new watch, "so please, don't feel guilty." "Still! The price. Something like this must have cost -" "Nothing compared to the way you three make me feel," the raccoon hushed her. "I don't even remember what the price was, it was that unimportant. A few days ago, I was all but dead. Life was empty and meaningless. You, Shy, and Wendy gave me a reason to be. This is my thanks to you." "Well," Claire said, affectionately holding the ruby in her paws. "thanks, babe. It's beautiful." "You're welcome," Ethan said. He lovingly caressed her cheek, and she murred softly as she pressed herself into his touch. "It will go beautifully with these - they're a set." He held out the matching ruby earrings in his other paw. Claire's eyes widened as she saw the offered gemstones, and she clasped her paw over her mouth. Her eyes began to tear up, but she still accepted them. "Can you hold these for me?" she asked, as she removed her white-gold hoops and replaced them with the gift from her boyfriend. Once she finished, she placed her old earrings inside the jewelry box. Taking his paw back into hers, she dragged him around to the back of the car and sat him back down in the rear hatch. She straddled his legs, wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and gazed deeply into Ethan's eyes. "Ethan Black," she whispered, "you are the single most amazing man I've ever met. You have every reason in the world to live. You're smart, artistic, kind, loving, brave, and drop. dead. sexy. I don't know everything about your home life. I'm not going to pressure you to tell me. But if you ever feel the need to, you can talk to me. Anytime. About anything. Do you understand me?" "I do, and I appreciate it. And thank you," he was fighting with all of his willpower to hold back the tears, the product of six years of torment and anguish. "I can't talk about what's wrong. Especially not when your father is a police officer. If I say anything, I'll hurt more people to help myself. I'm sorry, I want to. I do. But I can't." His stomach clenched in knots, and the tears he'd fought so hard to suppress fell down his cheeks, some of them landing on her forearms. "Shhhhhhhh, it's okay, it's okay," Claire said soothingly. She helped him lay back in the rear of his car, and laid herself against his chest. She held him tightly and provided comfort as he purged years of pent up emotion. They laid there in silence for close to twenty minutes before his sobbing eventually subsided. "Thank you," he said. "That felt... good." "Anything you ever need, babe," Claire responded. "That's what I'm here for." Ethan took Claire by the hips and slid her up his torso, bringing her face to face with him. They studied each other's faces for a moment, the nervousness and sexual excitement passing between them like chain lightning. They began making out furiously, and their hands began searching and seeking out buttons, zippers, hems, collars - whatever they could find to undo on the other's bodies, and they were soon naked, lying together in the back of his car. Ethan was incredibly nervous. He'd never been with a woman before, and now he was with the most stunning woman he'd ever laid eyes on. He could see his own fears and anxieties reflected back at him in Claire's hazel eyes. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, concerned for her. "More than anything," Claire replied. "I've been waiting for this night long enough. I love you, Ethan, and I want to be your first, and you mine." She pulled him down on top of her. "Just please, go slow, and be gentle." They resumed their kissing, much slower and softer this time, sharing a tender moment that only two lovers about to give each other their virginities could experience. He moved his muzzle down to her breasts, suckling her left nipple. She gasped at the sensation, shocks of pleasure surging through her body. When he moved to her right nub, Claire placed her left paw behind his head and pulled him to her chest, murring softly. She used the claws on her right paw to softly scratch up and down along his spine, while Ethan stroked up her thighs, hips and sides, causing her to shiver. He continued to alternate between her tits, sucking, biting, and licking her diamond-hard nipples. The signals her overstimulated teats were sending out were turning her pussy into a river, and she could feel her dampness running down her labia and across her tailhole. Ethan shuddered slightly as the tip of his steel rod brushed against her soaked nethers, and he knew he needed another taste of her pussy. He moved his body lower down hers, and parted her thighs wider, opening her to his eager eyes. He leaned forward and gave her an experimental lick, causing her to moan and arch her back. He could tell after that first lick that she wouldn't require the same additional anal play that Shyara craved. Encouraged by her response, Ethan continued to lick, beginning each pass from the bottom of her slit, just above her puckered rosebud, and slowly tracing along her lips to flick the tip of his tongue over her moisture-slicked clit, beginning to protrude from its hood. The more of her nectar he drank, the wetter she became, and he noticed the tanginess he loved so much was beginning to fade, replaced by a faintly sweet taste. Claire's breaths were coming in short, ragged gasps, and she clutched at his hair, humping herself against her muzzle, bringing herself closer and closer to orgasm. He stopped his oral lavishing, and positioned himself over her, lining his cock up with her drenched cunny, and slid the first few inches in. He groaned as he parted her womanhood, watching her lips part around him, accepting him. She cooed and moaned, and hooked her ankles behind his knees. Ethan stopped when he felt her resistance, and slowly rocked himself in and out, the friction against her love button causing her to squeal and giggle. "That tickles!" she said, her face flush with arousal. "Sorry," Ethan smiled, "but I know this is supposed to hurt, so I'm just trying to make it as good as possible." To prove his point, he pressed himself back against her maidenhead, and using his right thumb, wiped up some of her juices and began massaging her clitty. "Oh god!" she cried, jerking her back up off the car floor. Ethan continued to masturbate her, using the spasms of her cunny to gauge how close she was to cumming. Her breathing became more and more rapid, and she let out a long moan. "Haaaaaaannnnnnhhhhh!" she wailed, her vaginal walls clamping down on him as she came, for the first time, from someone other than herself. As she rode out the waves of her release, Ethan pushed forward, tearing through her virginity. She gave a small yelp at the sudden intrusion, but the experience was far less painful than she'd heard. Feeling him buried inside of her to the hilt, their hips pressed together, was incredible! She gave him an experimental squeeze, causing him to jump. He leaned forward and nipped at her ear. "That tickles!" he echoed. Giving the smoking hot squirrel beneath him time to adjust, he caressed her body for a few moments before taking her paws in his and moving them above her head. Slowly he began to thrust his hips, relishing the feel of her tunnel around him as he explored her depths. She would squeeze him inside of her from time to time, and when she did, it was exquisite. He marvelled at her inner ridges, and the bump his cockhead was brushing against when he was fully inside. He slowed the tempo of their lovemaking to look his girlfriend in the eyes. The moonlight shone through the car windows, illuminating her face, making her hazel eyes sparkle, giving the artistic raccoon a mental image to save away forever. "I love you, Claire Summers," he whispered tenderly. "Thank you for tonight. You're an incredible woman." "Flatterer," she responded. "You're a pretty decent catch, yourself." She pulled his face to hers and gave him another gentle kiss. "I'm close again." "I'm almost there, too," Ethan told her. "I'm not wearing a condom. I should pull -" "No," Claire cut him off. "My parents put me on the pill when I turned fifteen, just in case. Since we were both virgins, I'm not worried about an STD, and the pill should stop me from getting pregnant. Don't worry. I want to feel your cum inside me." She emphasized her point by hooking her ankles under his ass, and driving him harder and faster into her previously virgin cunny. Despite the day's earlier events, Ethan could feel his third orgasm building, and he knew it was going to be the most intense. He had never in his life been so emotionally and physically connected with anyone, and it only served to intensify the feeling. He was panting from both the exertion and the passion. "Uhhhh, huhhhhhh, God, Claire. Yes." Beneath him, Claire murred and cooed, her own orgasm mounting. She tore her paws out of his grasp, and threw her arms around his back, literally pulling him into her like a life-size sex doll. She pressed her lips against his, and groaned into his mouth as her body seized up and her pussy clamped down around his manhood and massaged him, trying to draw out his life-giving essence. Her body was soon rewarded, and a moment later, he cried out his release, shooting rope after rope, four, five, six, of his cum into her greedy hole. They stayed like this, with Claire holding him tightly against her body, engaged in the slow, tender kisses of sexual afterglow, enjoying the feel of each other's bodies. Eventually, though, his cock lost its stiffness and slipped from her well-fucked slit, covered in their combined juices and a tinge of her blood. Checking the time to see it was 11:08, they lovebirds cleaned themselves up, re-dressed, and Ethan drove her home before she got into trouble with her parents. The last thing Ethan wanted was to get on her father's bad side before having the chance to meet him.

Ethan walked through the front door of his uncle and aunt's house and wearily dragged himself up the stairs to his room. It had been the most amazing day, with the most perfect end, but he was tired. He pulled his t-shirt off and tossed it into the laundry basket, followed by his dirty clothes in his backpack. He heard a knock at his doorway, and saw his Aunt Tatiana standing there in her robe. "Ethan," she spoke softly, not wanting to wake her daughters. "Do you have a minute to talk?" "Uhm," the young raccoon answered, surprised. "Sure, Aunt Tatiana, if you want." She walked into his room and sat beside him on the bed. He was sure she could smell the sex on him. The scent of his night with Claire was still assaulting his senses, and he needed to take a shower. Still, Tatiana gave no indication that she knew. After a brief period of silence, she decided to speak. "Ethan," the sexy hare said softly, "I have a lot to say. It vill not be easy for me. But please, let me say vhat I need to. It's important to me. Can you promise to be quiet vhile I talk?" She waited until he gave a short nod. "I'm sorry, Ethan. I know vhat Valter does to you. I know vhy you put up vith it. I know that I avoid you, and that you and I used to be so close, but I never explained vhy I started to keep my distance." She took a moment to compose her thoughts, as though she was wrestling with whether or not she should continue. "Vhen your parents passed avay, and ve got custody of you, I vas so happy. I do not mean that I vas happy to lose Bill and Hannah. I mean that I have alvays loved you, just as much as I have Sveta and Illya. But I did not know about Valter. He vas furious that his only client was gone. He did not complain about losing a brother, he vas upset about losing a paycheck. Then you came into our lives, and Valter began accusing me of looking at you inappropriately. I promise, at the time, I vas not. I vas terrified of vhat he vas saying, and so I decided to distance myself from you." She took his paw into hers, holding it tightly, before finishing. "But the more time passed, the more I realized that Valter must see something inside of you that I did not. I realized that Valter vas only accusing me because he realized that you vere much more of a man, even at ten years old, than he vas. And then he decided to use you, and tried to force you into sports, so that he could groom you into being like your father, and he could ride your coattails. But you refused. And that vas vhen the beatings began," Ethan glanced down as she said this. "Yes, I know about the beatings. And I thank you for being so strong. Valter rapes me, vanting me to give him a son. He is sterile, the doctors say. I am afraid that if I can't give him a son, he vill go after his daughters." She had her head buried in Ethan's shoulder, crying as she said this. Ethan held her close as she cried. His brain was flooded with the torrent of information she had just unloaded on him. All these years spent thinking his aunt no longer cared for him, and the entire time she was in fact trying to protect him from his dangerous uncle. "Aunt Tatiana," he said, running his claws through her hair, "all these years, I thought I'd done something to hurt you. I understand, but I wish I had known the truth. It's been hard, but now, hearing from you the reasons why, makes it easier to be strong for you." She wiped her tears from her eyes. "Thank, you, Ethan. I never thought you could ever forgive me for hiding behind you like some coward. But it's true; you are much more of a man than Valter ever vas." Still half-dressed, but to weary by now to continue, Ethan laid down on his bed. "Come here, Tatiana," he said. She laid down beside him, and allowed him to wrap her up in his strong arms. "Stay with me tonight, and I'll keep you safe." He affectionately kissed the back of her head, breathing in the lilac fragrance of her shampoo. "Ethan," she asked. "You smell like sex. Do you have a girlfriend?" Ethan was thankful that her back was turned to him, as he blushed at her statement. Deciding that, with his relationship with his aunt being on the mend, he should be completely honest, he answered her by saying, "Yes, I do, Tatiana. I have three girlfriends, actually. Claire, Shyara, and Wendy. I was hoping you and the girls would get the chance to meet them Friday night. At my football game." Tatiana quickly turned to face him, her face a look of disbelief. "Three girlfriends? And they know each other, and are okay vith it?" He nodded, replying, "They aren't just my girlfriends, but each others', too. We all love each other. I've never been happier in my life." Tatiana mulled this revelation over for a second, before another detail of their conversation struck her. "Vait - Ethan - did you say you have a football game?" The teen raccoon caressed her cheek, speaking confidently as he did, "I made the team today. I figure if I do well, It will make Walt happy, and hopefully, everyone in this house happier as well." "You should not have to do that, if it is not vhat you vant to do," she sighed. "What I want to do," he told her, "is protect the people I love." "Do you love me, then, Ethan?" Tatiana asked him. "I do, Aunt Tatiana," he answered tenderly, giving her a peck on the cheek. "Do you love me like you love your other vomen?" She asked, seeking his approval. "I don't, I'm afraid," he spoke, sadness in his voice. When she looked away, he added, "I have to introduce you to my girlfriends. We must all love you, the decision is not mine to make alone. Do you think you could love other women?" "I have loved other vomen in the past, Ethan," she informed him, "before your uncle and I met." "Have you ever loved a hermaphrodite?" Ethan asked, more cautiously. "I do not understand. Vhat is this 'hermaffrodyte'?" Tatiana asked, confused by the long, unfamiliar word. "On of my girlfriends - Wendy - was born with both a vagina and a penis," Ethan told her. "She is what is called a hermaphrodite. She's beautiful, and smart, and cute, and funny. She's... perfect." "If you love her, then I think I shall love her, too. I shall love them all, simply because they love you," the seductive hare replied. "I hope that they all love me the same vay they love you, someday. If they do not, then I vill understand." "What about Walter?" Ethan asked.

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