Wild Pair

Story by hecatomb on SoFurry

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#1 of Wild Pair

Wandering through the wastes in search of a new home, a mouse encounters two rather dangerous hyenas. She quickly learns why travelling alone through abandoned settlements is a poor idea.

Warning: this story contains graphic descriptions of combat and M/F rape.

Here's something different - a lawless post-apo setting, where the violent, deranged and cunning reign supreme and take advantage of the weak. Rather than plan out some specific continuity for this, I'm leaving this a one-off. If I do more chapters, it'll likely be more stand-alone stories involving the titular two.

Favs and comments greatly appreciated, including ones pointing out errors and suggesting improvements.

Neath clouds dull grey, upon a landscape of sand and ash stood a small carcass of what was once civilization - the crumbling ruins of a remote town, hardly noteworthy even during its times of relative prosperity. Around stretched only dust, rocks and small hills, as far as the eye could see, the nearby source of life within the region long since dried up and left a barren trench.

Upon one of the hills stood Vikis, a cream coloured female mouse, presently gazing upon the former settlement with uncertainty. Try as she might, she could not determine whether it was still inhabited. At times she thought she might've seen something stir within the window-holes of the bombed out husks, but it all could've just as easily been the wind stirring some weeds. She would be needing water, and it was difficult to gauge how much farther she would have to travel before the next opportunity, or whether the clouds above would yield rain. The lack of thunder did not inspire confidence.

With a sigh of displeasure for what may await, she stowed her binoculars back in her pack and proceeded onwards. "Keep it together, girl. There's nothing there. Probably.", she said to herself. Her duster flapping in the wind, she began her descent off the hill, her scuffed up boots providing just enough purchase not to slide right off the treacherously grainy terrain. Her white shirt and dark brown pants were soaked in sweat, not to mention the undergarments beneath.

As she neared the ancient settlement, the first unsettling signs began to emerge. Sounds of what she thought to be rustling, some crunching of dirt, then suddenly, some thudding of stones. There was most definitely someone there, and she was already within the town's confines, discontent with the idea of leaving only to sidestep the rather spacious settlement entirely. She decided to steer clear of the thuds, though as she moved through the former alleys and streets, they seemed to follow and change. She couldn't be certain whether they truly pursued her or if it was simply echoes bouncing off the remains of walls in unpredictable fashion. Quickening her pace, her eyes darted from side to side in search of some source of water, wishing to stock up and leave as soon as possible.

That was when she spotted him. Sat upon the roofless second storey of the remains of a building, there was a hyena, idly smoking something and looking relatively relaxed. He was brown of fur, rather wiry but toned, wearing a white tanktop and some ragged loose blue jeans, his paws and forearms wrapped in cloth. Culminating the wastrel look was a pair of big desert goggles wrapped around his head and peering out from underneath a wild tuft of hair dangling down over his bright blue eyes.

The hyena met her gaze with a sense of mild curiosity, letting out a puff of thick white smoke. He nodded towards her in acknowledgement, seemingly indifferent to her presence.

"Uh. Hello!", Vikis called out uncertainly. 'This is tense.', she thought to herself, the sweat running down her back brought on by something other than heat for the first time in weeks.

The hyena took a long pull of whatever it was he was smoking and flicked the remainder somewhere out of sight. "Welcome to my home.", he began as he dropped down from his elevated position, smoke billowing from his mouth as he spoke.

At that point, Vikis noticed a baton and bladed weapon of some kind at his side, and instantly grew more fearful. Though she had a weapon of her own, she wasn't that well-versed in its use.

"Name's Ferkot. Yours?", the hyena introduced, lazily moving towards the middle of the street, many bounds away from her.

"Vikis.", she said in answer. "I could use some water for the journey ahead. And perhaps directions.", she said. "Looking to settle somewhere safe after my home got destroyed.", she added.

"Oh? Well, I have what you need, but it'll cost you.", Ferkot announced.

"Afraid I don't have a lot in trade.", Vikis said. She hardly had much more than some dwindling provisions and keepsakes of her prior life.

"Pretty sure we can work something out.", Ferkot began with a crooked toothy smirk that spelled trouble immediately. "You got tits and cunny under all those rags, right?", he asked.

Vikis frowned. This was hardly surprising, but all the same infuriating. "They're not on offer.", she said, now gripping the short pipe at her belt she used as a weapon. She wasn't exactly expecting 'no' to be an acceptable answer, but she would be damned if she let some dirty wastrel take what not even the raiders that drove her from her home had managed to take.

Ferkot threw his hands up in mock defeat, then began to approach, baton soon finding itself firmly in hand.

In answer, Vikis dropped her pack and pulled out her metal pipe. Just as she prepared her stance for a fight, she suddenly felt something press up against her back.

"Drop it, cunt.", she heard a voice distinctly female say.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck!', she thought to herself, just barely able to process what just happened. She was in deep shit now, her only two options to either give up, endure a rape and robbery and hope these bandits spare her life, or to embrace death immediately. Perhaps third, if unlikely, was to fight back and hope they don't just shoot her dead. 'You can do it, Vik.', she told herself, as she had many a time before when things got dire.

Pretending to lower her weapon, she suddenly spun around with an upwards swing of her weapon.

"Fug!", the female hyena shouted as her hand was firmly whacked with the metal pipe, sending the revolver she'd been holding up falling to the dusty floor. Immediately Vikis dived down for the gun, but was met with hard resistance as the female bandit caught and tackled her to the ground.

Limbs flailing in desperate struggle, Vikis tried her best to reach the nearby weapon, all the while the hyena merely continued to pummel her in whichever shoulder stretched out towards the pistol.

"Stop! Stop fucking resisting, you dumb cunt, you're only making it worse!", the hyena screamed as she continued to beat on the hapless mouse.

The pain was becoming unbearable, and Vikis did the one thing she knew would work. Running her hand over the dusty asphalt below, she gathered up a fistful of sand, then chucked it behind her shoulder.

"Agh! Shit!", the female hyena yelped as she was no doubt momentarily blinded.

In that brief moment, Vikis pulled herself out from beneath the hyena and rolled away, grasping her hard-earned prize. Quickly she spun around, brandishing the weapon at the oncoming male. He was closing in at a brisk walk, much too confident given his position, yet even that gave Vik scant little time to take careful aim. Fearing she may miss with her hurting, shaky arm, she pulled the trigger.


N-... nothing?

Clack! Clack! Clack!

Nothing! It wasn't loaded! She had only a moment to glance at the chambers before the female hyena tackled her to the floor again. Whatever sat within the revolver cylinder wasn't working rounds.

"Ooph!", Vik gasped out as she hit the hard ground once again. Immediately she began attempting to swat her assailant away, using the revolver as a club, but found little luck. The hyena now coiled around her like a squid, swiftly placing herself behind the mouse in a nelson hold that all but disabled her. "Let-... go...!", she gasped out breathlessly, still holding onto the revolver as though her final lifeline.

At that point, Ferkot reached their little scuffle and roughly pried the gun out of the rodent's hand, nearly breaking her thumb in the process. "Bad girl!", he said with an evil smile.

"What took you so long?", the female growled in annoyance.

"Was too fun to watch.", Ferkot said with a shrug.

"Asshole!", the female shouted. Steadily Vik's urge to fight diminished. She could only tire herself out straining against the hyena's superior position and strength. "Get to it, already!", the female called out again.

"Was waiting for her to calm down a little.", Ferkot said, eyeing the mouse with obvious intent. He then crouched down in front of the prone pair, Vikis' entire form flinching as he grabbed her inner thigh.

"Hold on!", Vikis pleaded. "I'll give you anything, just don't do this!", she said.

"Sigi and I already have everything you own.", Ferkot said with a tilt of his head. "And more.", he added, his hand riding up her leg.

"Unh!", Vikis yelped in response to the sudden grip upon her groin. She began to thrash against the hyena's grip anew, futile as it was. "Stop!", she yelled.

"Why would I do that?", Ferkot asked with renewed malice. He was looking more and more unhinged by the minute, yet calm and in control all the same.

Given the chance to actually try and present some argumentation, Vik did her best to find a reason some horny psychopath may find compelling.

"Why even involve me? You have each other!", Vik suggested in quivering voice. It wasn't a particularly strong argument, she suspected, but her stressed out mind could think of no better.

"Gross. That's my brother.", Sigi said with distaste.

"Pfhehehehe!", Ferk giggled at the prospect, though Vik could only be mortified by the failure her argument presented. "Alright, enough talk, time to breed this bitch.", he said and began to undo the mouse's belt.

"God! No!", Vik began to struggle once again.

"Fucking stop squirming, you little cunt!", Sigi growled. "It's just a fuck, you daft shit.", she added.

"Grrraaagh!", Vik screamed in impotent rage as her pants fell down to her knees, revealing her sex.

"All natural!", Ferk noted, looking down at her groin.

"What did you expect? It's some farm girl.", Sigi said.

"Farm girls can be better kempt, y-"

"I'll kill you!", Vik now shouted angrily. "I'll rip your balls off and feed them to your cunt sister!", she went on, growing more fervent. "I'll- Ack!"

She barely registered the punch that robbed her of breath, her throat suddenly hurting and making it difficult to breathe. She gasped in shock, desperate to regain any air as terror overtook anger for but a moment.

"Don't interrupt me.", Ferk said plainly, then pulled out a bit of cloth from his pocket. "Best if you just shut up.", he added as he tied the strand around her muzzle, effectively disabling her from opening her mouth. She still struggled to breathe.

"Don't choke her.", Sigi warned.

"I'm not.", Ferk said and began to pull his pants off. His cock sprang into view, erect but unimpressively sized.

"Mh! Rrrrgh! Frgn mikr dik!", Vik continued to protest as much as she could, before resorting to petty insults.

"God, shut up.", Sigi complained.

"Mouth off again and my balls land on your mouth. And it's been a while since I've washed. Understand?", Ferk asked. Vik's eyes widened in fear, but also bitter understanding. She decided to answer in defiant glare.

Ferk then finally lowered himself towards the mouse, his bulk pressing down on her. Vik's heart pounded heavily as she felt the hot stiffened manhood now nestled upon her mound, her neck craning to avoid smelling his foul breath in addition to his musky stench. There was nothing more she could do, other than perhaps hope for a miracle. Rather than immediately proceed with his intended goal, Ferk then began to gently run his hands all over her form, taking particular care in groping her breasts. As he reached in under her shirt, she could take it no more, and began to writhe again.

"God damn, she's feisty.", Sigi commented in annoyance.

"Just impatient for my dick.", Ferk said, now reaching in lower.

"Hah!", Sigi chortled.

At that point Vik felt a finger making its way down her sex, her folds being parted and pressed into, until they entered her hole. They quickly withdrew, however, and were replaced by the thicker head of the hyena's dick.

"Mh! Mmmm!!", Vik squealed out as her hole was penetrated for the first time in her life. She'd been told what it'd feel like countless times, and the descriptions were rather apt. Though almost pleasant at first, it soon reached an unyielding limit, which soon gave in. It hurt. But try as she might, she could do nothing to stop it.

"Huh. Virgin.", Ferk noted in surprise.

"Not anymore!", Sigi commented with a laugh.

At that point, Ferk's movements grew quick and rhythmic, his entire form pressing into her hips-first. In a sense, it began to feel almost pleasant to Vik, his motions rubbing her in areas never before touched by any, but she could hardly enjoy it truly. Not with the terrors of the potential consequences.

"Ngh!", Ferk suddenly gasped out, as though he'd been holding his breath before. The male then jerked and became almost still, his motions becoming strangely erratic. For a second Vik thought something had happened to him, but as she felt a heat spread in her depths, she quickly realized these were but the throes of orgasm. He'd just emptied his balls in her. "Good girl.", he commented in between breathless pants, right before he pulled out and wiped his prick against the mouse's thigh. Her disgust grew in ways she hadn't thought still possible.

"Rlth m!", Vik demanded, hoping for this all to be over since the male got what he wanted.

"Not yet, lil' mouse.", Ferk said, then began to unravel one of his arm wraps.

What else did they want of her? Were they going to hang her? Keep her prisoner? Sell her off into slavery? She didn't imagine they would simply let her go now. Whatever the alternative, she could not accept it.

"Stop struggling already!", Sigi hissed, but Vik was determined not to give up.

"You'll only tire yourself out.", Ferk said with a tilt of his brow. He then tied her down at the ankles with one of his wraps.

"L' m' go!", Vik demanded once more, but was left ignored this time.

"Hurry up and pull her up. Don't want her leaking all over me.", Sigi hurried.

"Alright, alright.", Ferk said, then hoisted her by the legs over his shoulder.

For the first time, Vik got a decent, if upside-down look at Sigi, currently busied seeking the end on a roll of duct tape. She wasn't wearing any wraps around her arms, but rather around her breasts. Other than that, she wore black cargo pants with a hefty pouch attached to her side. Her dreary green eyes peered out from underneath a dark red bandana, for the most part keeping her hair swept back down to the nape of her neck where it fanned out in wild strands. Her right ear was pierced with two simple golden earrings.

"Ack!", Vik cried out as she felt a slap on her groin.

"There.", Sigi announced as she stood up straight. Vik craned her neck to find the hyena had placed a strip of tape over her... cunt? "Leak-free.", she said, then pulled out a length of rope with which she bound the mouse's hands at the front. Vik felt endlessly confused, but also dismayed and humiliated. She knew removing duct tape from there would hardly be pleasant.

"Wr r y tkin me?", Vik asked as they began to carry her off to parts unknown.

"Just into some shade.", Ferk said.

Soon after, they entered some enclosed space, below ground level and quite cool. Vik then found herself being hoisted onto something, then slowly lowering. She came to a halt, still hanging, but with her upper back pressed against the dusty stone floor. Hardly comfortable, but somewhat better, the blood no longer rushing to her head as much. She looked down to find a number of metal hooks planted in the walls at different heights, one of which now supported her legs. It wasn't impossible to unhook herself and flee, though she would have to wait to be left alone for that to have a chance of success.

Ferk then leaned in and pulled off the wrap around Vik's muzzle, permitting her to finally open her mouth in full. "Scream and I gag you.", he warned.

"What do you intend to do with me?", Vik asked.

"Keep you here like this for an hour or two. Then let you go.", Ferk said.

"Huh?", Vik asked, somewhat surprised they would be this lenient.

"Not much of value here.", Sigi noted, looking through some of Vik's belongings. "Some book of sorts.", she said, pulling out the mouse's red journal.

"Give me that.", Ferk said and grabbed it out of his sister's hands. "Journal.", he noted, looking through the pages.

"You... you can read?", Vik asked, mildly surprised, but also terrified her personal notes would be uncovered. They were hardly of much value to anyone, just private, with some embarrassing tidbits... that didn't seem as embarrassing anymore.

"I can. She can't. Thought farm work was more important than not being a moron.", Ferk explained, nodding towards his grinning sister as he continued to page through.

"Some Hallseth coin. Some slackroot, dried seger fruit and meatsticks.", Sigi iterated, placing the contents upon a table. "Two canteens, one empty.", she said.

"Hm. I'll take these.", Ferk said and momentarily put the journal away, then left the room with the two canteens. It seemed fortuitous that the two of them were now alone, as Vik had some questions towards the female.

"How could you do this?", Vik asked accusingly.

"Huh?", Sigi paused in her rummaging, seemingly clueless as to what the mouse meant.

"You aided your brother in raping me!", Vik said.

"And?", Sigi asked with a shrug.

"Do you have no sympathy for a fellow woman?", Vik asked.

"The fuck? You think I'd help some random cunt over my brother?", Sigi asked critically.

"Does he force you into it?", Vik asked on, seeking reason for why she did what she did.

"God, you're dumb, shut up.", Sigi said in annoyance. "Just hope the kid doesn't end up simple as you.", she commented.

"K-... kid?", Vik asked uncertainly. The thought seemed to dawn on her only now. There was a very real risk she would fall pregnant with this... this animal! The thought utterly terrified her.

"You do know where they come from, right?", Sigi asked mockingly, then gave Vik a pat on her exposed abdomen.

Vik's breathing intensified in horror, the realization of what might await only now settling upon her. "This... this needn't be true.", she said, trying to sound more certain than she was.

"No, but unless you're dried up down there, I'm pretty sure you're getting a bump soon.", Sigi said with a malicious smile. "We're not keeping you like this for laughs.", she added, gesturing over the hooks and the mouse's sealed up groin.

Was... was this actually something that mattered? Her being held with her legs up in the air like this? The more she thought about it, the more she feared it might be true. By the simple matter of gravity, being strung up like this meant the semen sealed in her pussy would have better luck dripping up and into her womb. 'God, no.', she thought to herself.

Just then, the other hyena returned, carrying the two canteens. He placed them upon the table, then went deeper into one of the hallways. He came back carrying something that looked like wrapped up supplies.

"We're giving her something?", Sigi asked with displeasure.

"Mostly just exchanging.", Ferk said, then proceeded to do just that.

"Huh?", Vik asked, genuinely confused once more.

"Don't want you going hungry, but may as well keep the better tasting stuff.", Ferk said.

"Wh- why? Why do you care now?", Vik asked on.

"Cause you'll be carrying my kid. And we'd rather you don't die before then.", Ferk said.

"That's... it? That's all you do here?", Vik asked critically, the concept utterly insane to her.

"To otherwise worthless cunts like you.", Sigi said with a shrug.

"To what end? Do you intend to reclaim it once it's born?", Vik asked, now fearing they'd be coming for her again.

"No. That'd be risky.", Ferk said. "Rather just make as many as possible and hope some of them make it in the world.", he added.

"But why? How does that help you?", Vik asked on, her mind desperate for answers.

"We only do what nature intended.", Ferk began. "There's one thing any other animal strives to do in this world, and that's to fuck and make more of themselves. Spread their genetics. So that is what we do - repopulate this planet and make sure our family line lives on as best we can.", he explained.

Vik was at a loss for words. Though it explained something of their motivation, it was hardly understandable or rational to her. "I see you're not doing any of that.", she said towards the female hyena, noting her lack of pregnancy or any child they might've had under their care.

"Too cumbersome. Ferk's better equipped to spread it around. Doesn't weigh us down.", Sigi said with a shrug. "Prefer to get tongued anyway.", she added with a dreamy smile. "Wouldn't have anything against you putting yours to work.", she then suggested with a wink.

"N-... not into that.", Vik said, the potential prospect no less unpleasant than what she'd just gone through.

At that point, Ferk lit up a blunt and began to inhale. "Either way, you can go in another hour.", he said, then handed his smoke over to his sister.

Sigi likewise took a large puff, then offered it up to Vikis.

Vik hesitated for a moment, then leaned in and took a long puff herself. Whatever it was, it was rapidly putting her at some kind of ease. "What if I don't become pregnant?", she asked as she finally exhaled.

"You can always come back here for seconds if you want, ahah!", Sigi said with a laugh, then handed back Ferk's blunt.

"Don't really care.", Ferk said with a shrug and took a puff. "Just best take care of it if you do.", he warned. Vik wasn't sure what she would do at that point. Though she hardly wished to do what these two psychopaths wanted, the child would be innocent and wouldn't deserve mistreatment, even if it was their blood. At the very least she would be free, which was more than other banditry would've no doubt offered her.

"Any news from your corner of the world, by the way?", Ferk asked with a mild sense of curiosity.

Vik felt taken aback once more. "Uh. I suppose raiders have been a growing problem up around the Necks.", she admitted uncertainly. True enough, they were what drove her here in the first place.

"We've had some shit with those back in the day. Around the Hillakes.", Sigi commented.

"Years ago.", Ferk said, passing what little was left of his smoke back to his sister.

"Years.", Sigi repeated, then took a deep puff. "We're the last of our pack.", she said.

"Not anymore.", Ferk corrected, grabbing at his crotch for emphasis of their efforts.

"Pfhaha, not anymore.", Sigi admitted. "And we've got one more on the way, no doubt!", she added, patting Vik's exposed belly once again.

Vik blushed profusely and frowned, the reminder making her shiver in anger.

"From here you go that way, past the hills, then as you reach a trio of boulders near one another, turn Westward and go straight. Should lead you to Hallseth, and keep you out of further trouble.", Ferk explained.

Vik wasn't sure how to feel about the advice. On one hand she very much wanted to deny any help offered by the man who'd taken her against her will, but found herself willing to accept any aid she could get if it helped reach civilization alive. She nodded in understanding.

"What if I return here?", Vik asked, unable to deny herself a display of spite. After all, apparently she was of value to them still.

"If you're up for it, you're welcome to.", Ferk snickered. "Though if it's revenge you seek, best oil up that cunny of yours, cause you're getting fucked.", he warned.

"Hmpf. I wouldn't be so confident.", Vik said and turned to leave.

Ferk then grabbed her by the shoulder, bringing his mouth close enough for her to smell his breath. "Could always kill you.", he said. "You're just one of nearly forty now. Would be a pity, but you're not that valuable.", he warned, then unleashed her.

Vikis said no more, and quickly began to march away, feeling as though she would've pissed herself were it not for the tape still upon her crotch. Nonetheless, she would seek ways to get her vengeance. No matter how long it took, she would make sure both of these wastrels would breathe sand, and not before they suffered for what they'd done.

For now, however, she needed to find a moment of privacy to rip the patch of tape off her cunt. This would most certainly hurt.

Sat upon a bedroll within a tent granted to her by local authorities some weeks ago, Vikis contemplated her options for the future. She was pregnant, the doctors had confirmed, and would soon be showing signs upon her belly. It horrified her to think she carried the child of that mad wastrel, and not just because it put off her plans of revenge. Yet that would be her life for the time being - mother to some bastard, at the mercy of the town of Hellseth. She was hardly unique in that regard, as many a recent arrival soon laden with child resided in such tents within this town. She could only guess how many had similar experiences with the two hyenas.

Though she'd reported the location and doings of the mad siblings to the local guards, they were rather dismissive of the matter. They didn't have the resources to undertake such expeditions for the sake of some remote rapists, though as far as she heard, they had tried before and simply found nothing. Although rumours also suggested one of the female guards returned quite changed by their search, and soon grew visibly pregnant. This hardly dissuaded Vikis from trying herself, however. Perhaps among others sharing her plight she would find aid in plotting vengeance.

But these were plans for many months from now, and for the moment she would have to focus on securing a living for herself... and her future child.