The Hole

Story by Vachir on SoFurry

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A short story for a friend. Warning this is a bit darker than usual, but I hope you like her!

Violet tilted her head back against the pillow and closed her eyes. Its synthetic stuffing crinkled softly as its rubberized surface squeaked against her purple feline fur. The vid hadn't helped. Was it even worth stomaching the glut of obnoxious ads to watch a sappy story about some entitled singing princess, trapped in an enchanted ice castle searching for companionship, only to wind up alone again in the end?

With a dejected sigh, Violet opened her shining pink eyes and waved a paw to shut off the vid screen suspended above her bed. She glanced out the large steel framed window to her side at the giant ad boards desperately shilling their junk in flashing neon from the sides of a thousand buildings as far as her eyes could see. Looking up their tops disappeared far above into the black clouds of ash across the sunless sky. Down far below their bottoms melted into the dense fog that permeated the lower city. And then there was the rain. The ominous, everlasting downpour of filthy black rain that ate away at anything living and blackened anything else it touched.

Violet sighed again, and briefly considered another vid, when her tablet began to buzz insistently from the bed near where her paw was resting. "Hey Vi" it said in small white letters surrounded by a throbbing gray square on the matte black surface of the tablet. Next to the text on the screen was an image of Lilly, a black fox with green fur running down under her muzzle, matching the insides of her ears and the tint of her eyes. "Hey Lil" Violet typed in, casually picking up the tablet to see what her friend wanted.

"Got any plans tonight?" Lilly's message popped up, causing Violet to roll her eyes. "Yeah of course I do" she wrote back, glancing about her tiny apartment with disgust. She had the lighting turned down low, bathing her room in a soft blue, which helped to downplay the rust and grime that had accumulated on the metal walls, and the hooks and racks that acted as meager storage for her few belongings. Beside the narrow tilted cot that served for a bed there was barely room to stand and take half a step to the door, which led out into the hall alongside hundreds of other doors to similar cramped tiny spaces that lined the side of the building on this floor.

At least she was one of the lucky ones, Violet thought, considering she had an outside window, and on a floor that wasn't so high that it was in the clouds, or so low that it was in the fog. Still hers was just one tiny apartment of hundreds on this side of this building alone. The octagonal building had windows along eight sides, plus those facing numerous inner courtyards to afford many of its residents at least some form of a view. Still there were hundreds of such floors above and below hers, and thousands of such buildings as far as she could see when she looked out her window, so how lucky was she really?

Money was always a nagging concern, clawing at the back corners of her mind. Even though she had earned her freedom some years back, she had still worked up a staggering amount of debt. That was mostly everyone these days, she often reminded herself. Banks and bill collectors made their threats of course, but if they ever really tried to collect on everyone who owed them money the whole economy would be likely to collapse. And so Violet felt at least tentatively secure, knowing so long as her expenses didn't vastly outpace the interest that accumulated on her debt, likely nothing would ever actually happen.

"Liar! <3" Lilly messaged back, snapping Violet out of her morbid thoughts. Lilly knew her to well. "And I suppose you do?" Violet responded, only half curious what her friend had in mind for tonight. "Sure do, I'm gonna head down to The Hole. You should come too!" Lilly's reply quickly flashed in response.

The Hole. It almost gave her a headache just to think about it. Violet raised a paw to her forehead and lay back on the bed again. How long had it been now since she had last been there, weeks, months? The machine she kept tucked under her bed mostly satisfied her physical needs, but there was something about the real thing she still found herself wanting, needing from time to time. She could never quite put it into words, but every so often she still found herself back at that place, succumbing to the desire for real physical touch.

What else was she going to do anyway? Violet thought to herself, laying there still in her half fastened stained gray coverall, too lazy as usual to even slip it off. Another vid maybe? "Bleh" she said aloud, thinking about the ads that awaited her before another brief letdown of a computer generated story that would again leave her feeling hallow and depressed. "Yeah ok" she messaged back to Lilly, setting the tablet aside and dragging her body to sit up and let her legs drop off the side of the bed. Lethargically, Violet refastened the leg straps of her coverall, and tugged her pair of heavy black rubber boots up over her bare footpaws, being sure to get a proper seal on the inner coverall shell as she buckled them. Violet then worked the heavy double zipper up the coverall up from her waist. Slowly she worked it up to her throat, concealing the purple fur with black stripes that covered her body, and the light tawny brown fluff of her chest, that ran over her ample breasts, down between her shapely thighs and along the underside of her long fluffy tail. She then buckled the collar around her throat, securing the end of the breathing tube between her teeth before bending down to pick up her discarded gloves from the floor.

The gloves fastened much like the boots, but she lost a lot of dexterity once she got them on, as the heavy synthetic material drained all feeling away and made her digits feel clumsy as she worked on the remainder of her outfit. Next she put on her mask, a simple breather with rounded non-magnifying oculars that at least afforded her some measure of vision. She mag locked the mask to the collar of her coverall, plugging in the breathing tube and slipping the mask into place to form a tenuous seal, as its rubber edges found the still present line of gel that formed a thin line in her fur around the outline of the tigress' face. She then pulled up her hood, covering her ears and black tipped purple tuft of headfur, leaving absolutely nothing exposed for the horrid rain to get at, or visible to allow anyone looking to distinguish her from any of the vast multitudes dredging their way through the lower levels of the dark city.

Taking a deep ragged breath through the breathing tube from the half full compressed liquid oxygen canister at her left hip, Violet extended her gloved paw to the panel next to the door, which slid open with a pneumatic swish at her touch, revealing the dimly yellow lighted filth of the hallway outside. Violet stepped out and swished her long covered tail aside, letting the door slide shut behind her, leaving her standing alone in the long narrow corridor. Some of the lights flickered as she made her way to the lift, but at least they were all working for now as far as she could tell. Whenever something would stop working a service bot would eventually show up, and then the floor might be without power for up to a week while it diagnosed the problem. Violet remembered nearly freezing to death one winter, when a bot had the conduit down the hall from her old place ripped apart for the better part of a week. This place wasn't all that much better truth be told, but at least she had a view.

There were a few dozen other residents already waiting at the lift by the time Violet got there. This was a good sign, as it meant the lift probably hadn't stopped by in a while, so she would be less likely to have too long a wait. The other furs all stood apart from each other, unable to speak among themselves from under their masks or helmets, even if they'd wanted to. Violet used to try and guess what species they were, based on if they were tall or short, or the shape and length of their tail sleeves and breathing masks, but she'd given up on that long ago. Ultimately it really didn't matter. She would never see their faces, hear their voices, or get to know any of them, and she didn't care to. All in all there was work, there was home, and there was rest, with only the odd, vacant curiosity in between to keep her from going completely out of her mind. She held down the button on the canister at her right hip for a drink. The breathing tube filled with liquid momentarily, allowing her some gritty flavorless sustenance as she stood in wait for the lift that seemed would never come.

How long had she stood here now she wondered? Had it been hours, or only minutes? The motionless figures betrayed no hint of the passage of time, the only motion the intermit flickering of the dingy yellow light. When the lift at long last did arrive, the bulky bay door screeched open with a slow grind of poorly maintained gears. With the plodding slowness of apathetic disinterest, the crowd of furs filed into the lift, each one taking a seat In one of the vacant chairs, and pulling down the retention braces hanging above, in order to adequately secure themselves for the long rapid decent. Violet did much the same, pulling the heavy padded brace down over her shoulders, and gripping the security bar tightly to prepare herself as best she could.

When the lift was finally ready the warning buzzer sounded, notifying all occupants of the impending transit. Violet took a deep breath as the buzzer ended and the lift began to descend. Rather than simply dropping, the lift was propelled downward at great speed, causing Violet to exhale as the air was forcibly pushed from her lungs. Seconds passed, Violet counted them, knowing that if the brakes failed to engage, as they sometimes did, these seconds would be her last. Before she got to twenty, she heard the screeching breaks start to grip, and felt the speed start to lessen. The force that had pressed her body upward into the brace now began pressing her down into her seat. She took a short breath, but again the air was forced from her chest, as the lift rattled and scraped to quickly slow itself.

Violet thought she blacked for out a moment, because the next thing she knew the lift was once again at a stop. She took a shallow painful breath, forcing air back into her lungs as she disengaged the brace from her shoulders, her body aching as she slowly wobbled to her feet. The other furs were also slowly collecting themselves after the drop and departing, while still more filed in to take their place and prepare for ascent to their tiny domiciles.

Violet kept her head low and blended into the busy crowd gathered about the many lifts coming and going from the ground floor of the massive building. The base of the building was much larger than at Violet's floor, easily double the diameter, tapering as it rose from street level up to the clouds high above. The height of the massive structure couldn't be seen from down here of course, even if anyone did bother to try and look up, due to the oppressive gray fog. Violet didn't look up as she exited the building. With her head down covered by her heavy hood, she simply trudged her way along with the flow of the crowd out from the cavernous interior filled with grinding elevators, into the darkness of the city streets.

The black rain fell heavy as always against her hood as she stepped outside, running down in channels over the rubberized exterior of her gray coverall to the hardcreet ground she walked on. The fog pressed in from all around her, but she knew the way, having visited the old establishment many times over the years. Originally it hadn't been at all by choice, as she had been a child of fabrication, little better than a slave born into debt from the expense of bringing her into the world. She along with countless others were forced to work off that debt, by allowing her generous benefactor, the illustrious Art Corporation to employ her as an indulgence provisioner, servicing the many males interested in such amusements. Now of course she didn't have to do this anymore, or at least that is what she told herself. She had paid off enough of her debt, and in fact largely aged out of the range that most males were interested in. Not that she was old by any means, barely past twenty, but nobody lived long anyway these days, things being what they were. Most males taste however tended to run younger, much younger in many cases. Still females were a rare commodity, and there was always enough demand from males who couldn't afford to pay the premium, but Violet found it all distasteful, and always felt a bit disgusted with herself on nights like tonight when she made her way back to The Hole, to scratch that itch she couldn't satisfy any other way.

It was a longer walk than she would have liked, but street cars were far too expensive to hire. She had never ridden in one, but saw them from time to time, roaring their way through the fog, carrying their passengers off to somewhere far away. Maybe someday she would take a ride in one, she had imagined years ago. Pay off enough debt, get in a car, and be taken far away from this awful place. There was really nowhere to go though she now knew, just this, this was her life.

After hours of walking in the midst of a throng of voiceless, nameless bodies, Violet stood at last at the side door to The Hole. The building itself was low, only a few floors high, not a towering skyscraper like so many that dotted the city landscape. It stood apart from its surroundings, at the center of a plaza where gray figures loitered about in long lines leading up to the expansive stone pillars at the front, waiting for their turn to step inside. The side entrance Violet approached was separate from the one the males used, smaller, and more secluded if you could call it that. It was on the second floor, up a flight of rusty metal stairs, up to a single metal door under a rounded stone archway, rimmed by a red neon light.

Violet climbed the familiar stairs, and a green beam of light scanned her as she approached the door. Just as always, the circular door whirred and spun open, the quarters of its surface radiating outward and retracting into the wall. As she stepped into the darkened foyer the door outer closed behind her and jets of greasy blue liquid sprayed down on her, washing away most of the black rain water still clinging stickily to her rubber clothing. Once a jet of blistering hot air blew her dry, the inner door opened, allowing her at long last to finally step inside.

The lounge really wasn't much to look at, but was lavish by any standards Violet had ever known. A few females in breather masks and goggles lounged about on latex covered ottomans, or stood in front of a row of kiosks against the red painted sheet metal walls, scrolling for their next match. Some girls practically lived here Violet knew, and far more would already be busily engaged below than waiting around up here.

Deciding she may as well get this over with, Violet stepped up to one of the many kiosks and typed in her code with a gloved paw. The machine made a soft chirp of acceptance, and brought up a long list of profiles that began slowly scrolling across its small screen. These would be the males that were here waiting, Violet knew, the ones that matched her preferences anyway. The ratio of males to females was still so extreme that it was easy for a girl to pick and choose her partner from a long list, while males were lucky to find a match at all. Some males waited days and left without ever finding a match, but the wait to even get on the list was so long that they would be quite reluctant to give up and go home unsatisfied. Violet used to feel bad for them, back when she thought she could feel anything at all. Now she simply accepted that this was how things are, and what little she had done that might provide them momentary relief, she had really just done for herself, and would forget about it as soon as it was over.

Violet made her selection, a young male lion who she felt she might find pleasurable, given his length and his girth, and his above average stamina statistics. She preferred felines for the most part, though she had left 'exotic' selected in her preferences in case anything unique had come along. Not that she was particularly biased against any other species in particular, but she was here for her enjoyment. Canines tied for too long before she could get free and equines were just too big and left her sore for the long walk home. The profiles shared all the relevant information, but no pictures. This was anonymous after all, just like everything in Violet's life. At least his touch would be real she thought, as she committed her selection and made her way to a staging room.

Violet checked the nearest hallway, picked the nearest open door marked vacant, stepped inside, and locked the door behind her. Air hissed as the room sealed, and violet began the process she was all too familiar with, walking through it absentmindedly while fantasizing about what she was about to do. First she had to undress. She pulled back her heavy hood, tossing her head to loosen her purple headfur from the humidity outside. She then reached up and broke the seal on her mask, disconnecting the breathing tube, and slowly pulling it off, setting it down in the bin beside the door. The heavy recycled air tasted dirty but familiar she thought, as she took her first breath without her mask. If anything she felt the familiarity was somewhat comforting as she unbuckled her gloves and boots to slowly work her way out of them.

Last came the coverall, which now hung floppy about her arms and legs without the fastenings of the gloves and boots. Violet unfastened the collar, and slowly pulled the double zipper down over her chest to her pelvis. This gave her room to shrug off the shoulders, and gradually slip the heavy rubberized garment down over the curve of her breasts to hang loosely about her waist. Next she withdrew her long striped tail from the attached sleeve, the tigress careful not to let it catch as she slowly pulled it free. With her tail out, Violet had no problem working the coverall the rest of the way down her legs to the floor and stepping out of it.

Now completely naked, Violet took a long stretch, raising her arms above her head with a yawn. She felt so light without the heavy garment, and so gross and sticky from its residue. When was the last time she had a real shower? She wondered as she lifted the heavy coverall and sluffed it into the bin along with her other clothing. She then turned to the wardrobe, an open faced tall metal box along one wall of the small room, within which were stored several shiny latex bodysuits. She quickly flipped to one in her size and removed it from the wardrobe, then ran it through the cleanser, a cylindrical machine in one corner of the small room, which sprayed the suit cleansing chemicals that cleaned off any unwanted fluids, and then lubricated it inside and out, making it easier to put on, and put to its intended use.

Violet then began the task of working herself into the thin stretchy suit. It was bright pink, as was the color of her flesh beneath her fur, and was patterned in blue hexagons, which stretched over its entire surface, with long thick lines tracing down the front and back turning into arrows, guiding the eyes of anyone looking toward the open gap in the crotch. Putting one of these on was not easy, Violet knew, but she was very experienced, and so had little difficulty squeezing her head up through the crotch of the suit, and pushing her arms up into the sleeves. Her extra-long tail was always a bit tricky, but fortunately the suit was accommodating, and she managed to slip it into the long tail sleeve, which thankfully didn't compress the thickness of her tail fur down nearly as much as the restrictive sleeve of her coverall. Her tail was after all her best attribute, she often thought, and had been told so on numerous occasions when she had posted pictures of herself online as part of her search for validation earlier in her life. She didn't care anymore what anyone thought, she reminded herself, working her legs into the suit, and finally checking herself over.

The head of the suit fit her quite well. Her mouth was propped open for obvious reasons, but other than that it was quite comfortable, even allowing a small fastening to open the top of the head to display her headfur if she wished. She decided against it, this was anonymous after all, and besides her headfur was a mess. The pink lenses covering her eyes gave everything a pink tint, but she could still see well enough for what needed to be done. Violet flexed her fingers and toes, looking down to feel the way the suit flexed and gripped her body. These were getting better, she thought, remembering how uncomfortable the older suits had been, and how poorly she had been able to move in one. Not that she would need to do much moving, she thought, as she turned to the rig to get into position.

The rig was on a circular platform in the center of the room. To an untrained eye it might have looked like a mess of poles, chains, and straps, but Violet knew what she was doing. Some girls got quite creative with their poses, but she liked to keep things simple. Violet stepped into the center of the platform and began adjusting the chain tension and locking the poles into position. She then suspended herself by the chains between the poles, by passing her arms and legs through the straps. This left her face down at about waist height, with her rear lifted and legs apart.

Now all she had to do was wait she thought, as she pressed a button on one of the poles near her paw and heard an affirmative chirp. Was this making her wet? She wondered and looked down under the curve of her breasts. She unfortunately couldn't see much, but she did feel the heat rising inside of her. How long would it take him, seconds, minutes? Was she anxious, or was she just ready to get this over with so she could get started making her way back home? She ran out of time to think about it as the platform started to whir and descend to the room below.

Her partner was there, as they always were, standing in the small room on the first floor just below the one she had been in, waiting for her. He was dressed similarly to her, in a black and red full latex bodysuit, showing every curve of his athletic body while completely concealing his fur and his flesh, aside from what could be seen through the hole in the crotch, where his barbed feline shaft was already protruding. He must like what he sees, Violet thought, as the platform slowly descended, the form of her own body just as fully on display, suspended by the chains, exposed and ready. She took a deep breath to mentally prepare for what would come next.

As she expected, no sooner had the platform come to rest, than he was on her, his length buried to the hilt between the slick bright pink folds of her sex. If he could hear her moan he didn't show it. Their suits were slick with lubrication, and only the faintest of sounds of their bodies rocking together could be heard through the hood covering Violet's ears. She focused instead on the sensations. He felt good, thrusting hard, pounding against her, filling her so perfectly. This was what she wanted after all. Did she miss it? This feeling every hour of every day, working off her debt, paying with her body, letting male after male have their way with her? What a slut she was back then, but wasn't that what she was made for? Created in some lab to be nothing but a tight young sex toy until she got too old and the highest paying males moved on to younger prey?

Maybe she was still just a slut. She was still doing this, letting males use her, legs spread, tail raised, getting pounded by a big, throbbing cock. Violet closed her eyes and moaned again, her body starting to tremble as the feline barbs rubbed inside of her with each thrust. She felt helpless, completely open to him, suspended by the chains, trapped here until he took what he wanted, until he... And then she felt it. If the lion roared she couldn't hear it, but she definitely felt him. He thrust hard, gripped her hips in his strong paws, and started flooding her with sticky warmth. She clenched around his length, feeling the wetness leak out from between her legs as spurt after spurt filled her.

It felt so good, it felt so right. This was what she was made for. But all too soon it was over. The lion pulled out, and before she could recover, the platform had lifted back up to the second floor. The straps around her arms and legs slackened, but for a while she just trembled, and panted in exhaustion, dripping wetness from between her legs onto the platform. It had been too long, she thought, as she finally started to work herself free. Her whole body felt relieved, like all her tension had been released, maybe tonight she would even be able to sleep.

In a haze, Violet got out of the restraints, changed back into her own clothing. With agonizing slowness she made her way back out the door under the red light, through the rain and fog, up the lift and down the hall to her tiny apartment. Though it took hours, she hardly noticed. Once she had stepped inside her tiny apartment and shut the door, she managed this time to fully undress before climbing onto her narrow bed beside the window. It felt good to lay here naked. Could anyone out there see her? She wondered as she lay, legs apart, looking out of the window. Maybe tomorrow she would treat herself to a shower, she thought, taking a few pawfulls of dry scrub from her bedside dispenser and rubbing it into her fur. She shuddered when her pawpads touched her sensitive nipples, drawing her paws lower until she found her digits buried between her legs, bringing herself to climax thinking back over her encounter.

Her tablet buzzed as she lay back relaxing, and Violet slowly turned to pick it up. There was a notification of a small credit to her account, infinitesimally reducing the inflation rate of her ever mounting debt, and another text message from Lilly. "Have a good time?" Lilly's message asked. "Sure" Violet wrote back, giving a halfhearted little smile. "Thanks Lil" she added after a while. Lilly was the name of one of her childhood friends. They'd come up together as part of the same batch of girls consigned to The Hole for debt repayment. Violet had lost track of her long ago, but had missed her so much that she had programmed the AI assistant on her tablet in her likeness. That way she'd always have a friend. Whether this was something her real friend would have recommended, or a duplicitous ploy by the AI in her Art Corp. tablet to get her back to work she couldn't be sure, but it hardly mattered.

"I think I could use the help of another sort of 'friend' tonight." Violet mused to herself, reaching under her bed to press a button. When she found it, the machine under her bed whirred to life, extending a phallic tipped arm up from below the foot of the bed, and drawing it up between the tigress' legs. Maybe she was still a slut, Violet thought to herself, as she spread her legs and guided the smooth toy up between her legs, and sliding it between the sensitive lips of her still male scent soaked sex. Violet closed her eyes and tilted her head back as the toy started to vibrate, the sensations blurring together with the fresh memories from earlier, and those of all the times before when she had put her body to its proper use. Maybe another trip to The Hole would be in order sometime soon, or maybe even something more...

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