Invasion of the Space Worms: In the Belly of the Beast

Story by Nemo0690 on SoFurry

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A request from Musklover24

Zach wasn't sure what would happen once he'd been swallowed by the worm. The wolf wasn't expecting the tentacles, or the slime, and he certainly wasn't expecting to find Jenson. However, hopes of escaping are quickly dashed when he tries to free the bear; the worm did something to change Jenson, and now Zach may find himself 'suffering' the same fate.

Part 2 of 3


He barely recognized his own voice, weak and hoarse as it was. Zach cleared his throat, coughed as the soreness in his gullet throbbed, and called out Jenson's name again while patting at the bear's cheek. He ignored the slime matting the other male's fur, and tried to ignore Jenson's nudity--tried to keep his eyes from dropping down in a trail over the bear's thick, muscular chest, trim gut, and large, dangling package--as he attempted to rouse his subordinate. At the back of his mind, a faint sting of desperate hope pierced through the fog that had settled in his brain; if he could free Jenson, get the soldier up and at 'em, perhaps they would be able to find a way out of their predicament together.

"Nngh." A throaty groan. A twinge of Jenson's slack expression. A fluttering of his eyelids as they blinked open, and a reflexive jerk through his body as he came to. "Cap...?"

"Jenson!" Relief flooded the wolf's sore, spent body. He could kiss the other man; the thought stuck in the back of his mind, slowing blooming into a vision of their lips locking together and tongues dancing in their maws as their nude bodies ground together, and Zach scowled and shook his head. Whatever the damned worm had done to him, they needed to get out of there before it got worse. He began to tug at the thick, muscular tendrils wrapping around the bear's form, trying to break the other soldier free. "Thank fucking God you're alright. Let's get you outta this, and then we can-"


Zach blinked, and then looked up at the bear. "No? The fuck do you mean 'no', soldier?"

The hope drained out of the wolf as he met Jenson's eyes. Clouded. Hazy. And, as the bear peered down through the gloom at Zach--looked to the wolf and let his gaze rake down Zach's nude, smut-and-sweat-and-slime-smeared body to the captain's own plump sheath--a spark of reluctant lust glimmered in his stare. "I..." The bear jerked his head to the side, a red flush showing through the thinner fur in his ears as shame filled his weak voice. "This thing, it did somethin' to me, Cap. I can't... think. It put somethin' in me that... th-that..."

Zach grunted, his own thoughts briefly returning to his ordeal in the worm's throat. The groping, probing tentacles. The strong, raunchy smell. The weird thoughts that had pushed themselves into his mind like intruders invading his brain. "Stuff it, soldier. Don't need you cryin' like a bitch while we're in a situation here." The wolf immediately began pulling at the tendrils trapping Jenson once more, ignoring the other man's continuing protests. "Pull yourself together so we can find a way outta this shit."

"Cap, you're not hearin' me. It's in my head... I can't-"

The tendrils relaxed, pulling away from Jenson's slack body and letting it drop down as the bear let out a grunting wheeze; Jenson slumped right down onto Zach, and the dead weight of his bulk sent the wolf sprawling when the larger male landed atop him. "God fuckin' dammit..." Even as he struggled to push Jenson off, Zach felt his face burn at the contact. He was naked. Jenson was naked. Their bare bodies were slick with sweat and other musky, strong-smelling fluids. He pushed at the larger form covering him, trying to keep his hands focused on their task and not on feeling over the thick muscles of the bears shoulders and chest. "Get off...!"

"Cap..." Zach froze, an icy finger of fear tracing down his spine even as hot sparks shot through his crotch at the husky voice in his ear. Jenson was looking down at him, pressing his big, burly body down onto Zach's, while that lustful light grew brighter through the haze in his gaze. The bear rocked his hips, and Zach felt Janson's crotch--the soldier's plump sheath and the thick, throbbing erection pushing out of it--grinding on his thigh; and to the wolf's horrified shame, he felt his own traitorous crotch give an answering pulse of arousal. "I can't Cap... yer so... s-so..." Jenson's words slurred as he dipped down, and his breath washed over Zach's lips in a humid puff. ""

Then Jenson surged forward, and Zach's--his traitorous crotch and brain's--earlier fantasy came true; they were kissing. The wolf groaned, bucking under the bear in an attempt to throw the larger male off, but that just seemed to encourage Jenson to hump down against him. As Zach's jaw slackened and Jenson's wriggling, slobbering tongue pushed into his maw, the wolf tried desperately to free himself from yet another unwanted surge of pleasure. He squirmed. He writhed. He pushed at Jenson's shoulders--stroked and squeezed the firm, flexing musculature--and shoved his body up--rocked his hips and ground his own dribbling erection against the larger man's hot, twitching cock--to try and shove the bear off of him.

Finally, with a belly-deep groan, Jenson pulled his mouth off of Zach's to leave the wolf panting breathlessly. A knot of fear tightened in Zach's gut at the look the bear was giving him, burning with open lust. He watched, trembling, as Jenson lifted the prone male's arms and held them over the wolf's head in a crushing grip to take deep sniffs of one of his captain's sweaty, fur-filled armpits, then the other. "Been wantin' to do this with ya for so long, Cap..."

"Stop... get off..." Zach heard the weakness in his own voice, and growled. A surge of anger whipped his tone into its usual barking command. "Get off, soldier! I'm not gay, and I know you aren't either!"

"I am, Cap... I'm so fuckin' gay..." The lust-drunk tone of Jenson's voice accompanied the bear's wide grin as his tongue flicked over his lips. "I wanna suck lots of big, fat cocks and get fucked up the ass and guzzle a million fuckin' loads of cum..."

The vocalization of the thoughts that had invaded his post-orgasmic mind earlier made Zach snarl. This wasn't fucking happening. He wasn't getting horny listening to Jenson's rambling while their aroused lengths and sweaty ballsacks rubbed together. "God's fuckin' sake, you have a wife and kid!"

"And I wanna fuck you and the boys more, Cap..." Jenson dipped down to nibble and press hot, suckling kisses along Zach's shoulder and throat, and the wolf felt an instinctive twitching through his legs; the desire to wrap them around Jenson's waist and lift his hips and let the bear slip that thick fucking cock deep in him. "Been lookin' at all'a you in the locker room, wantin' to sniff up under your tails... wondering what your dicks taste like..." The hoarse, needy, crooning words pouring from Jenson's mouth sent more of those icy fingers trailing up and down Zach's spine even as his erection jumped and spurted a gush of precum onto the other male's belly. "Feels like you want it too, Cap. You want a bunch a' big, sexy men ruttin' your sexy ass good, huh?" A hot flick of Jenson's tongue against Zach's lips. "You wanna get fucked too, don't you Cap."

"No!" Even as his hands fisted in Jenson's shaggy fur, even as his crotch pulsed with arousal, even as he looked up at the bear and realized how much his traitorous body wanted it, Zach spat out his denials. "This is fuckin' ridiculous, soldier! We're stuck in this goddamn worm and you're actin' like a goddamn dog in heat?!" The knot is his stomach provided ample fuel for the outrage erupting from him. "Get the fuck off me right now, soldier, and pull yourself together!" He glared up at Jenson, face flushed--with anger, with embarrassment, with arousal; he couldn't tell anymore, and didn't want to think about it--and breaths coming out in harsh panting. "...Are you fuckin' listening to me?!"

Jenson had pulled back slightly, his eyes distant and unfocused. He cocked his head, as if listening to something only he could hear. He muttered to himself--"You think? Yeah, that'd be hot... Oh yeah..."--as if speaking to someone only he could see. Finally he flinched, his left eye twitching and blinking a bit, and let out a deep groan as his own cock spurted a load of precum onto Zach's soaked crotch. The bear blinked. He looked down at himself; at Zach. He smiled. "Cap..."

Then Jenson fell back down onto the struggling male, grasping and grabbing and pinning the wolf so he could lift Zach into his arms.

Again, Zach tried to fight Jenson's--no, the thing controlling Jenson's body--advances, kicking at the bear and sinking his fists into the other male's chest and sides again and again. Jenson grunted, but continued to persist. He pushed down onto Zach, muffling the wolf's groaning and cursing with his lips and tongue as he pinned the wolf's limbs and rocked their hips together. The bear chuckled. "Remember the CQC drills, Cap? You know you can't resist me..." Indeed, the bear's bulk had always put him on top of any hand-to-hand situation, and his strength had let him pin any of the other soldiers with ease. Their sweaty bodies pressing and rubbing together, just like his and Jenson's were now. Their panting breaths caressing each others' faces. Their lips locking in a deep kiss as they humped each other right there on the mat; no, that never happened, what the fuck was he thinking?

The wolf's tired limbs ached and burned as Jenson finally lifted him up and slung him over his shoulders. Zach's breathing was heavy--exhausted--but still he growled at the feeling of his cock on the bear's firm, supple chest; the sound cut off with a yelp when he felt a large, strong, groping hand cup his backside. "Fuck yeah, Cap... you always had the best ass in the company." A thick thumb traced up and down Zach's asscrack, and the wolf's jaw clenched as his tail hiked up of its own accord. "Wish you'd'a showed it off more. Bet the boys all got boned up like I did seeing you stripping down..." Jenson's cheek pressed to Zach's flank, and then the bear's nose pushed into the wolf's cleft. Sniffing. Breathing in deep. Inhaling the scent of Zach's tender, tentacle-fucked hole. "I know they did..."

"Shut up! You're fuckin' crazy!" The burning, horny stares raking over his body as he bent over one of the locker room benchs. The husky voices murmuring behind him. The hands on his ass, groping and squeezing and spreading him wide open. Zach felt the pulsing in his crotch, and violently shook his head to dislodge those thoughts. "Put me down right fuckin' now!"

"Yes sir, Cap..."

Zach was flung off of Jenson's shoulder back into the bear's grasp, and then lowered down. He settled into something soft, warm, fleshy; and when he felt the slick, muscular tendrils twining around his body, he let out a groan as the bottom of his stomach dropped out. Jenson was sticking the wolf into his own prison, putting Zach into the same predicament he'd found the other soldier in.

Once more, Zach struggled as he was embraced by the tentacles, his limbs wrapped up tight and splayed as he was held in their iron-hard grip. Once more, those slimy lengths caressed and teased his body, seeming to easily find every little spot that made him gasp and writhe as his cock throbbed. Once more, the cloying scent wafting from their secretions filled his lungs and hazed his mind. Now, however, he had Jenson looking at him; the bear stroked the wolf's chest and sides and leaned in to press his muzzle to Zach's bare, helpless, presented body. "Fuck, Cap... you look so hot like that..."

"J-Jenson..." That wasn't a stutter in his voice, nor a needy whine rumbling in his throat. He gulped, looking down at the bear as Jenson moved to kneel between Zach's trapped thighs. The bear looked up, eyes hazed even as that lustful glimmer shone in them, and pressed his nose deep into the tuft of pubic fur crowning the wolf's package. Zach hissed between his clenched teeth as the bear's massive hand cupped his sack. Squeezing. Fondling. Experienced? The thought of the bear touching other men--the boys in the squad opening their legs to get groped by the massive male--like this sent a shameful thrill through the wolf's erection as its length twitched alongside Jenson's exploring snout.

"Can I suck your cock, Cap?" The question was so casual, like Jenson was asking about the weather. Zach grunted but didn't answer, shutting his eyes tight as he waited for whatever would happen to him to happen. Even so, when Jenson's breath washed over his cock and the bear's tongue flicked over his length, the wolf couldn't stop his breath from hitching. "Yeah, that's right... big sexy fuckin' cock. Getting' hard smellin' manstink..." Jenson's low, murmuring voice continued in between hot kisses and long, slow licks along the length of Zach's manhood, almost as if he was speaking to someone else. "Hell fuckin' yeah, I love it... Tastes so fuckin' good... Want it fuckin' me hard and deep and blowin' its fat fuckin' load up my ass..."

Zach couldn't stop the images conjured by the bear's words from flickering through the fog of scent clouding his mind. He didn't want this. He wasn't gay. He didn't want to feel Jenson's mouth and throat on his cock, or see the other male enjoying his erection, or fantasize about what Jenson's firm ass would feel like squeezing down around him while he bred it. Zach groaned long and low--in reluctance, in acceptance, in pleasured bliss; he couldn't tell anymore, and didn't want to think about it--when that hot, wet mouth finally engulfed his shaft in a suckling embrace.

The tentacles ensnaring him didn't seem to want to be left out of the fun. They moved to his chest, teasing and tweaking his sensitive nipples. They caressed his inner thighs and sides like wriggling tongues--the tongues of the men in the squad--tasting him all over. Their grip around his slackening limbs tightened as he struggled fruitlessly to free himself. Zach whined at the sensations rocking through his body once more, face burning with shame as his hips pumped of their own accord into Jenson's working maw.

Then something pushed forward to wrap itself around his muzzle; a tendril with a fleshy opening at the end that covered his face like a half-mask. The scent grew stronger. Raunchier. Was being pumped directly into his nose and slack, open, panting mouth. Now Zach could recognize different notes in it; the thoughts pushed themselves into his brain like the tentacles had pushed themselves into his body earlier. Here the sharp, sweaty, rank scent of a man's armpit; Smith's armpit, bared with a smirk as Zach pushed his face deep into it to suck on the moist, wiry, musky fur within it. There the danker, richer, almost vinegary smell of a man's ass; Jenson's ass, spread wide open to expose the loose, well-fucked pucker hidden in the cleft under his cute little waggling tail. Cocks. Balls. Men, their natural scent sending sparks of heat down to cleave the knot in Zach's gut and settle, warm and tender, in his aching, needy crotch.

Zach groaned as the aroma worked its way through him. It burned in his nostrils and lungs. It tingled on his tongue. It distracted the wolf from what another tendril was doing--stroking along his cheek and jawline, tracing its way to his flicking ear--until the length shot forward to wriggle into his unprotected opening. Zach's body seized as sharp pain shot through his skull, cutting through the fog in his brain and quickly followed by a dull, pulsing ache across his temples. It was in his head; he remembered what Jenson had said earlier, and another heavy boulder of fear slammed into his stomach. He writhed. He tried to scream, but his tongue was wrapped up with yet another, thin, cock-flavored tendril that twined around it in a sick parody of a kiss; any noise he made would've been muffled by the fleshy 'mask' on his face anyway. He could feel his left eye twitching as the thing inside him pushed deeper. Deeper.

A touch against something deep inside him. A sensation spreading over the inside of his skull; over his brain? A voice, deep and bassy like the roar of the worm-creature, that seemed to form itself out of his own thoughts. Relax. Daddy's got you...

Zach gasped--tried to gasp--as the tendril broke off inside him. The thing slithered into him; was it wrapping itself around his brain? Strangely, it didn't hurt; in fact, as he breathed slow and deep--took in deep lungfuls of the musk being pumped through the 'mask' over his muzzle--he realized it felt kind of good. That's right, you love Daddy touching you. The tentacles embracing him continued their tender assault on his vulnerable body, stroking and teasing and touching all over. A pressure in his head that slowly worked its way in a line of sensation--pleasure--down his spine, into the base of his tail, and then shot up the length of his cock to spurt out in a gush of pre down Jenson's throat. You love having Daddy inside you.

The wolf's mind railed against the words of the thing inside him. He didn't like this; he hated it. He hated the touch of the slimy, disgusting tentacles. He hated the smell of his mens' bodies, so ripe and sexy. He loved the feeling of Jenson sucking his cock. He wanted the bear kissing him, licking all over his sweaty armpits and hindpaws and up into his needy, slutty, cum-filled hole No! He wasn't Gay? A rumbling chuckle as the pressure in his brain grew, making his eyes flutter and his lungs ache to gasp in the warm, heady scents the mask on his face was producing. Of course you are, boy. You're gay, and Daddy's gay, and Jenson's gay, too. We're all one big, happy gay family together...

He groaned. His eyes clenched as tears pricked at them. He hung his head, shame burning in his face and aching in his stomach like a punch. He wasn't. He wasn't. You are, and Daddy loves you for it. The tendril in his mouth slowly played with his tongue; for a moment, Zach was kissing Jenson again, their jaws locked together as their tongues shared a passionate dance in their maws. No, he was kissing someone else; someone bigger than him, stronger than him, someone who loved everything he was.

'Daddy' laughed, and the tendrils--the walls of the chamber, the entirety of the beast that had swallowed him and Jenson--shook with the sound. The 'mask' pulled away from his face, disappearing into the gloom and leaving his jaw hanging slack and open. Say it, boy. Say it for Daddy.

The last few traces of Zach's resistance snarled at the word--there was only one man he'd ever called Daddy, and it sure as shit wasn't in this kind of situation--from under the fog of manstink lingering in his mind. He wouldn't. You will, and you will be proud of it._He didn't like this. _You love it. He wasn't. You are, boy. The words caught in his throat, feeling for a moment like another tentacle--another thick, throbbing, musky cock--hilted in his craw. They finally dropped from his panting mouth, quiet and weak. "I'm gay."

A groan from between his legs, and Zach hissed in pleasure as the vibrations tingled along his shaft and into his drawn-up balls. Jenson looked up at the wolf, his snout buried in Zach's crotch and the captain's throbbing erection hilted in the squeezing passage of his throat. Jenson was good at this. Too good. Experienced? The idle thought caught in Zach's brain as he watched Jenson slowly pull off, his lips suckling on the wolf's cock until the tip popped from between the bear's jaw. "Yeah you are. Fuckin' sexy gay man. Thinkin' about the squad while Daddy's inside you, Cap?" He grinned, rubbing his snout along Zach's length and smearing the thick mixture of saliva and precum coating it into his fur. "Thinkin' about suckin' their dicks and fuckin' their asses, Cap?"

"Yeah." The answer came without a thought, and Zach realized it was true. Visions of the men danced through his head like porn starts, naked and sweaty and achingly erect. He thought about Big Fuckin' Smith displaying his muscles with a wide, inviting grin; how loud would the burly boar moan with a fat cock--or two, or maybe three--in his hole? He thought about Peterson, a lithe otter that never failed to garner complaints or banter about his smell after a long, hard training session; how ripe would his pits be, how rank his crotch and the dank pit behind his balls, how shameless when he lifted his tail and spread his cheeks and let Zach explore the source of that raunchy, heady stench? He thought about Maher, the draft-horse private whose gargantuan balls and heavy sheath were whispered about in the locker room with barely concealed envy; how big would the equine's cock be when he teased it out of that plump pouch, and how hard would it be for him to take it in him to the hilt?

"So'm I." Jenson was flushed and panting, moaning in need as he lapped and suckled along Zach's length. The wolf's toes curled as the bear's tongue swirled around his tip. The bear's breath tickled Zach's balls, and Jenson was eager to take them into his mouth to suck on the full orbs. His tongue lashed against the wolf's pouch and shaft again and again and again. "Been thinkin' about it for a long time, Cap. So long."

He has. Zach's left ear flicked; for a moment, he could feel a puff of air against it, as though that rumbling voice was crooning right into it. Jenson's been wanting big, fat cocks and the men attached to them for so long. Haven't you, son?

"Yeah, Daddy." Was Jenson hearing that deep, bassy voice--the worm creature; there was no other explanation--in his head as well? Was the thing teasing him, pushing these ideas into his head, filling his mind with those sweaty, musk-stinking, horny thoughts? "All my fuckin' life, since I knew what a dick was..."

Another laugh like a rumbling in the earth. A pulse through Zach's mind. A vision. He was Jenson, talking and laughing with the boys in the barrack locker rooms. His eyes wandering, trying not to be too obvious about his staring. Taking in the sight of naked men so appreciatively, his throat dry as he tried not to spring a boner right there in front of everyone. Peeking at all of them; their sheaths, their balls, their firm, plump asses. Taking slow, deep breaths of that locker room funk; the men's scents mingling together into a cocktail he could get drunk on. "All of 'em are so fuckin' hot, Cap. Can't decide which of the boys I want fuckin' me first."

He was in the barracks laundry room, doing laundry duty. Sorting through the squad's clothing. Finding a pair of sweat-soaked, heavily stained underwear--Smith's? Maybe Captain Zach's?--and pressing them to his snout. Sniffing the fabric and taking deep breaths of the smell caught in it. The smell of cock. Of balls. Of men. His heavy paw rubbed the front of his pants; ground over the twitching tent of his erection."Every time I have laundry duty, Cap, I jack off to you guys' dirty underwear. I huff 'em like the fuckin' gay pervert I am, and blow the biggest fuckin' load I can for you..."

And you don't care whose underwear it is, do you? You don't care whose musk you're smelling, and long as you get in it your lungs. You're addicted, aren't you, son...

"Yeah, Daddy..." He was in another laundry room. Home. On-leave to visit his wife and son, staying with them for a few weeks before his next deployment. As he dug through a hamper filled with dirty clothes--his son's clothes--he came across a pair of briefs; his son's briefs. He stared at the stains in the pouch; sweat, a few faint drops of pale-yellow piss, and was that a splatter of cum on the hip? With a shameful thrill, he lifted the fabric to his nose and breathed in. Yup, definitely cum. He groaned and--just like in the barracks--rubbed the tent in his pants as he huffed his college-aged son's underwear; he sniffed all over the pouch, his tongue moving out to taste each and every stain, and then followed the richer scent of his boy's taint and hole downward to the smut-stained crotch."Fuck, Kyle's grown up to be such a good young man. A sexy man..." The scene shifted. A memory? A fantasy? It didn't seem to matter; what did matter was that the briefs were now filled with his son's sheath and balls, which he eagerly huffed and lapped over as he knelt in front of the younger bear. Kyle was groaning and panting, looking down at him--at his slutty gay father--with naked lust. He pulled the underwear down and then latched onto the younger bear's throbbing, leaking cock. Suckling. Bobbing. Deepthroating his boy.

That's it, son. Tell Cap everything...

He blinked. He was still Jenson; a younger Jenson, fresh out of boot camp and staying at home while waiting for his first deployment. He and his father--he and Daddy--were celebrating, and the old grizzly'd had a few too many and fallen asleep on the couch. As his own mind swam with the alcohol in his system, he leaned--pressed himself--against the older bear; and noticed the sweaty musk from under his father's arms. He pushed his snout into the crook of the older bear's armpits, snuffling around. His hands wandered; over the other male's firm chest, down the round gut poking from under his father's shirt, and finally cupping the fat, heavy, pendulous bulge in the older bear's boxers. He felt over the warm crotch. Stared down at it as he rested his cheek in the cleft of the other bear's pecs. Tugged the waistband down to get a look at what his father was packing; the full balls and ample sheath that housed the cock that had sired him.

A shift beneath him. A low, rumbling laugh. A heavy paw patting between his burning ears. He looked up again to meet his Daddy's gaze--hazed a little by the drink, but shining with a lustful invitation--and got a half-smirk from the older bear. "Peekin' at Daddy's cock, son?"

He gulped. "Yeah..."

"You like it?"

With the older bear's approval, he took another look at the package between Daddy's thighs. "Yeah, Daddy, I do. I like your cock." His tongue darted over his lips as he gulped. "I love seeing it..."

The older bear shifted again. Pushed his boxers down and shimmied out of them. Grabbed his shirt and tugged it off. Daddy wrapped an arm around him, petting between his ears again, and pressed a kiss to the side of his snout. "Wanna get a closer look?"

He returned Daddy's smile with one of his own, eagerly sinking down between the older bear's legs. He nuzzled Daddy's package; sniffed it, licked it, dug his tongue into the opening of Daddy's sheath. "Hell yeah I do, Daddy."

He blinked, looking down at the bears lying together on the couch. He was Zach again, and he was watching as the younger Jenson sucked Daddy's fat, throbbing cock. The older bear looked to him, grinned, and spoke with the voice of the worm-creature. "You see, son? There's nothing to be ashamed of. Now get over here and make out with your Daddy."

Now Jenson was gone. Now the couch--the room--was more familiar. Now the man sitting before Zach, naked and hard and smiling at him invitingly, was an older, grizzled wolf; Zach's father, Damien Fried.

"Daddy..." The word slipped from between his lips without a thought as his body moved forward to perch on the couch next to the older wolf. His neck craned to lean in, and Damien--his father, his Daddy--lifted an arm with an indulgent chuckle. His snout pushed deep into Daddy's fur-filled pit, his arms clutched onto the older wolf's body, and his lungs inhaled. Musk. Male musk. The rich, ripe, raunchy scent of a male's body. His crotch pushed against Daddy's as the older wolf lay down with him and pulled his slack, unprotesting body in close. Their erections touched. Pressed together. Ground against one another, smearing each other with their dribbling pre.

"Son..." Daddy pulled him up out of that dank armpit, one thumb rubbing his chin. The older wolf then pulled him down to press their lips together as well. Daddy's jaw opened, and his tongue eagerly delved in to find the older wolf's; they were kissing, deep and passionate, as they humped against each other.

Open your eyes, son.

Zach blinked, his tongue and jaw still working against that of the male laying beneath him. The male he was humping, letting their erection throb together between their sweat-and-pre-soaked crotches. The male whose arms were wrapped around him; who was grasping and groping and squeezing Zach's asscheeks, spreading them wide for the tentacle--Daddy's cock--that was thrusting in and out of the wolf's clenching passage. Jenson.

The bear panted as the kiss broke off, gazing up at the groaning, squirming wolf. "Cap..."

"Jenson..." Zach moaned, and his cock spurted as Daddy pressed against that spot deep within him that made him see stars. He clutched at the bear's shoulders and buried his face in the other male's chest. He breathed in, slow and deep, and filled his lungs with the scent of the man beneath him.

Jenson chuckled, and his hands gave Zach's ass another squeeze. "You understand now, don't you?" He lifted his hips, pressing his crotch to the wolf's and wrapping his legs around the Zach's waist. The bear's expression fluttered between pain and bliss as he let out a low, deep groan, and a flash of understanding pulsed through Zach's brain. Another thicker, fatter, dribbling tentacle was pushing deep into Jenson's needy hole as well; Daddy was fucking both his boys at the same time. One of the bear's eyes cracked open, and Jenson gave Zach a horny grin. "Daddy loves his gay boys."

"Yeah..." Zach gulped, and with another moan rocked himself down against Jenson. Their erections twitched as their balls rubbed together, slowly drawing up; ready to blow their loads all over each other again and again while Daddy fucked them. "Daddy loves his... g-gay boys." The words felt warm as they passed his lips, like a hot cock being offered to him. And when the springcoil in his crotch finally snapped, sending his cum erupting in a wide splatter between him and Jenson, he felt that cock rubbing against his cheeks and wafting its scent into his nose.

_Zach looked up to meet Daddy's loving gaze. The older wolf was kneeling at his and Jenson's head, his manhood hard and pulsing and erect; erect for him, for the both of them. Daddy's hand pumped the thick shaft, showing it off for his slutty gay son. And when Zach opened his mouth to eagerly take the musky length, caressing it with his tongue as it slid down to hilt in his throat, Daddy let out a deep, bassy, rumbling groan of approval. "Welcome home, son..." _

Invasion of the Space Worms: Contact

The truck rumbled to a stop on the outskirts of the silent, desolate town. Combat boots thudding to the road as the squadron jumped out to take position finally broke the eerie silence holding sway over the abandoned burg. The captain, Zach Fried--a...

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[Commission] The Spoils of War

The tent was stuffy and humid, but it was much preferable to the wolf than outside; outside was still smoky, the stink of charred wood and blood still hanging heavily in the air. In here, he could distract himself with examining the sparse furnishings;...

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[Commission] The Gym Bunny's Predicament

The sounds of clanking iron and low, deep grunting. The rich aroma of masculine sweat and musk hanging like a thick fog in the air. The sight of large, muscle-bound males flexing and stretching their bodies in all sorts of ways. Forrest McHare gazed...

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