Shining in Shadow

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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Shining in Shadow

By Von Krieger

Starshine let out a soft groan; her head felt like it was filled with jagged rocks, all grating on one another. The last thing she could remember was something about a warehouse, and then... nothing. She didn't have any broken bones, but she did ache all over. She called upon the gleaming energy that she had named her masked persona after. The radiant power surged through her veins, banishing her aches and pains, as well as serving to empty her head of those rocks.

She put a hand to her face and breathed a sigh of relief that her mask was still in place. The rest of her costume was a bit torn and tattered, but the strange fabric, formed of the same energy she called upon, was meant to take a beating. It clung to her almost like a second skin, and with the way it was formed it would have to be essentially cut or ripped off of her body. It was a precaution to make sure no one could find her secret identity. That'd be the day; supermodel Lucy Luxor revealed to the world as a superheroine.

The heroine winced as she felt a familiar burning settling into her body, a side effect of something Doctor Moloch had forced down her throat a few years ago. It was a nasty 'designer' drug, known as Bliss. The initial exposure left the victim filled with euphoria and destroyed virtually all sexual inhibitions as well as causing a massive spike in libido. A high volume dose, she'd had at least a pint of the glowing pink substance forced down her throat, caused irreparable damage to her body's chemistry.

A massive overdose like that essentially made the body into a Bliss factory. Over time the compound would build up in the bloodstream, causing intense arousal, the euphoria aspect burned out entirely. The inhibition-destroying part vanished as well. Thankfully there were ways to stop the build-up. Sex helped, but only with another person. So did eating meat or cheese and drinking milk. Or Bliss that originated from a source other than the afflicted. Self-pleasure would help stave off the physical symptoms of arousal, but regrettably the need for sex would still be there. The subject could work themselves into a literal frenzy denying the urges, craving either meat or sex. Either way, beyond a certain point...

Starshine shuddered, hoping it wouldn't go that far. But if she was feeling Bliss withdrawal, she would've had to have been unconscious for a day or two. What had she been doing before the blackout? Everything seemed foggy after she'd gone out for her nightly patrol.

She sucked a breath in through her teeth as she sat up, still a bit sore and achy from whatever it was. She didn't hear any rattling chains, nor could she feel any restraints clamped on her. Looking around the room she found herself in what looked more like a hotel room than some supervillain's dungeons. It seemed safe until Starshine looked down at the blanket that was covering her, a blanket that was a very particular shade of purple.

"No," she whispered softly. "Not her!"

A shudder wracked Starshine's body as she saw the purple shade that was a trademark of one of her greatest foes, Shadowsaur. It was impossible to pin her down or keep her locked up. Her flowing, amorphous body allowed her to escape from nearly anything and proved very difficult to harm. Even more so was the fact that she could create doubles of herself, Shadow Puppets, as she had taken to calling them. Most of the time they were merely drones with a tiny fraction of her power and barely any intellect. They also tended to dissolve into a dark mist after several hours away from their creator. But some were more solid, more real, and more intelligent. They were full on clones of the original or perhaps the original's consciousness in a duplicate body. At least that's what Starshine thought.

The way the rest of the world seemed to think, there were nearly a dozen individuals, all using the same Shadowsaur name, all with similar powers and abilities. Some did heroic things, some did villainous things, but all of them claimed to be the real Shadowsaur, while all the others were rogue duplicates. She had her suspicions that she was in the lair of the one that her research and experience lead her to believe was the real one.

It was, of course, the one that no one suspected. To the rest of the community this Shadowsaur was a saint. In some cases quite literally. This version of Shadowsaur projected herself under the persona of a benevolent teacher, a priestess, a healer. A cult leader. And also an infection. She altered the women (it was always women) that came to her for help and guidance. Over time they would be transformed from mundane humans into humanoid beings with influences from various sorts of dinosaurs, easily recognized by their black scales and purple markings.

Her 'clerics' always dressed in the same shade of purple in skin tight outfits that seemed half-SCUBA suit and half nun's habit. Even those that weren't tended to dress in the same color and with the same latex-like material, leading to the nickname "latex lizards." Or towards the more generously endowed ones "latex love dolls." And there seemed to be an awful lot of them. It also seemed that every other Shadowsaur devotee Starshine saw was pregnant. She'd never seen a male 'lizard,' and she often wondered how exactly they were being impregnated, and with what. She'd never seen any baby lizards.

Starshine swung her legs over the side of the bed, only to be struck by an intense dizziness and pain as she tried to stand up. Once more she called upon her power to fix the pain and discomfort. That was the problem with her power, she had to know something was not working properly in order to heal it, and it required an intimate knowledge of the problem, she could only heal herself, not others.

Despite her expenditure of energy, Starshine could barely stand. She still felt tired, sore, achy. She had almost reached the door when it opened and the heroine found herself face to face with one of her most dire foes. The shock of seeing Shadowsaur in the flesh was too much for her weary body. She collapsed, only to find the reptile-shaped slime holding her.

As Lucy Luxor she was tall for a woman, over six feet in height. As Starshine, fully infused with radiant energy, she was even larger. But the five and a half foot Shadowsaur scooped her up effortlessly, carrying her back to the bed.

"You shouldn't be up and about yet, glimmer-girl," Shadowsaur said softly, sounding concerned. But the cutesy little nickname, one that all the villainous incarnations of her foe used quite often, enraged her.

"Get... get off," Starshine growled, trying to escape, but barely able to lift her arms.

"If a few of my girls weren't nearby, and able to call me there in person, I would wager you'd be dead right now, little one," she continued, ignoring Starshine's protests. "There was a rather nasty explosion, some street gang trying to make something one member half remembered from time in jail with the esteemed Doctor Moloch. I don't have to tell you how badly his concoctions can screw people up."

"I... I don't..." Starshine protested.

"Mmm. I know. I can smell it. None of the proper stuff since one massive dosing that has you all screwed up. But don't worry..." she purred, running clawed fingers through Starshine's silver-white hair. "We can fix that here. Once the treatment has gone through, you'll never have Bliss withdrawal overwhelming you ever again. If you have needs that have to be tended, little one, all you need do is ask."

That sent a shot of adrenaline right into Starshine's system, enough for her to swat the hand away. "No. I'm not going to let myself become one of your scaled toadies." She managed to get to her feet again, stumbling towards the open door, tapping all the power she could to heal her maladies.

"My dear," Shadowsaur purred, standing but making no effort to impede the heroine. "I think it would be in your best interest to stop doing that immediately."

Starshine turned, supporting herself by clutching the doorframe. Why wasn't it working? Why was she still hurting? It had never done this before, even the times she'd been shot or stabbed and the blade had gone through her suit.

"Why? Because I'm no longer at your mercy?" she said with a grin, stepping out into the hallway.

"No, actually," Shadowsaur said with a chuckle, "And I do wish you'd stop treating me as if I were one of my wayward children. I do not want to see you harmed. What was being brewed in that warehouse was something designed to bend certain members of the metahuman community to a need for Doctor Moloch's obnoxiously named 'Emotion Potions.' Thankfully only one is readily manufacturable, but that one is the very same one that is coursing through your veins. And it's only getting stronger the more you draw upon your radiant energy."

The smooth, shiny lizard increased her pace, walking alongside Starshine. "It's linked the use of your natural born ability to draw upon radiant temporal energies and utilize them for various purposes. If you were just using them to fly, or to weave a suit out of 'star-stuff,' as you call it, I don't think it would be much of a problem. But you have too much energy focused inward, healing, a power that would be used in times of great need. Your power supercharges your body's ability to produce healthy cells and replace damaged ones. Such is a power of the sort that the formula you inhaled and had seared into your skin during that explosion looks for in order to activate. The moment your nervous system starts using normal electrical activity rather than radiant energy, you're going to be aching for Bliss harder than you could imagine possible."

It gave the heroine pause, "Y-you're lying..." she whispered.

"Am I?" the lizard asked with a grin, showing too-white pointed teeth.

Starshine snorted and dropped her healing power. Nothing happened.

"See? You're a l..." her words were cut off as her conscious mind was shoved rudely aside by the incredible snarling, feral beast of lust that had risen up within her. For some time the woman who called herself Starshine ceased to exist...


Starshine drifted along, her consciousness foggy. A pleasant sensation washed over her, one that dulled her aches and pains. The ache in her head had vanished, and memories were coming back to her; memories of what had happened.

She'd been flying patrol, just over the buildings in the docks district where it butted up against the long evacuated section of town. There had been a confluence of events that had lasting effects upon entire neighborhoods, radiation, mutation, being sucked into another world, all were possibilities in the sealed areas. For good measure a good mile or so around each of the zones was declared off limits for human habitation and commerce. Of course that didn't stop people from setting up illicit operations. It had become the city's red light district, as police officers stayed well away from the place.

Members of the metahumans community had taken it amongst themselves to try and keep the area safe from violent crime, even if they could do little about the sex and the drugs. She didn't approve of some of the things that went on there, but she didn't interfere with them. After all, when the Bliss urges became too strong to deal with, Starshine found herself partaking of the wares. Officially the Heroine's Plight was a metahumans themed strip club, unofficially it was the best brothel in all of Megalopolis. They dealt with a number of metahumans with Bliss overdoses, most of them forced by villainous foes. Starshine considered herself lucky, after all there were individuals working there, recognizable heroines, who were so consumed by lust they had to abandon their normal lives and superheroing careers to avoid becoming completely enthralled to their urges.

That fact was something Starshine tried not to think about. She didn't consider herself bisexual, but it felt less shameful to have another woman help with her problems. She didn't think of it as sex, but rather something akin to going to the dentist. Something unpleasant that had to be tolerated in order to have a healthy and productive life.

She'd been flying on the border of the district when some noise caught her attention. She couldn't remember the words very clearly, only the images and the general tone. Starshine had alighted upon the roof of a warehouse and peered down into the alleyway below. There were a number of people below, one talking in a raised tone of voice. Starshine had seen immediately that there were a half dozen reptilian beings dressed in the purple of Shadowsaur, though only one actual Saurian and five gelatinous Shadow Puppets. Unlike most of those she saw, these were wearing actual clothes, rather than attempting to mold their forms to simulate it. In the past few months some of the transformed Saurians had gained the power to summon and shape the raw plasmic shadowstuff that their leader was made of, creating her own minion and thralls.

The leader was grinning at a gorgeous young woman with bright green hair. Starshine could tell she was a prostitute, but she wasn't a street walker. She looked like she was from Femme Fatale's, with her domino mask and her slinky, form fitting dress with a slit up the side. Not quite on the scale of the Plight, but all the girls were genetically human, and guaranteed to be entirely female. There were a lot of strange hybrids, in betweens, and non-binary gendered races, species, and mutations at the Plight. Starshine knew that from experience.

The gist of the conversation was that the green haired girl was a Bliss overdoser, and the Saurian was supplying her with something to manage her addiction. She wasn't a whore, though, actually just a waitress and occasional stripper. But the effects seemed to be growing more intense and the Saurian's provided treatment wasn't working.

"Then we'll have to go onto the next phase," the Saurian purred, running taloned fingers through the human girl's hair. She leaned into the caress instinctively, the reptilian woman reaching down for the girl's skirt and pulling it aside.

The girl protested softly, half-heartedly, the Bliss flowing through her system making her needy. "I don't want that..." she murmured.

The Saurian ran her tongue over the girl's neck, drawing shivers, "Just relax, the Sisterhood can cure you. We can take care of you while your system purges the Bliss. You can go back to your old life, back at the CDC..."

The girl giggled. "I make more stripping. But I... I..." she sounded worried.

"You like your heightened sex drive, mmm? Don't be embarrassed to say it," said the Saurian, her words like honey, "We can put you into one of our advanced programs, we can make your dreams and fantasies come true." She pressed up against the girl, pressing her against the wall. "After all, they came true for me," the lizard said, a wicked grin on her face.

The girl let out a sound that was a mixed between shocked gasp and lustful moan. "I don't... I don't... I don't..." she stammered.

"Just tell me to stop," she purred, a claw slicing open the front of the girl's dress, allowing her to cup her captive's breasts."That's all you need to say, just one word."

In the girl's lustful state brought on by Bliss the caress would feel so wonderful, each moment of stimulation upon an erogenous zone would further erode her will, making her crave sex more and more.

It was then that Starshine decided to intervene.

It was also the last moment Starshine could recall before being yanked rudely to something resembling full consciousness.


A sound escaped the heroine's throat that was half confused sigh and half moan of pleasure. There were soft, gentle caresses upon her nethers, as well as other areas. Her aches and pains had vanished, replaced instead with a pleasant tingle. It didn't feel like the afterglow from a Bliss-soaked sex session, but it didn't feel particularly normal either. Still feeling sleepy and a bit out of sorts, Starshine found herself contemplating merely laying back and letting her unseen lover continue her ministrations. It was most definitely a her, judging from the soft skin, long hair, and decidedly feminine sounds of muffled pleasure. Whoever it was, she seemed to be quite enjoying herself.

It was then that Starshine recalled where she was, and the image of a Saurian's forked tongue upon her loins made her shudder. She shoved the unseen female away, drawing a startled yelp from the girl.

Panic filled the heroine, her hands going to her face, making sure her mask was in place. It was, but it was the only covering upon her entire body. She began to draw upon her power, summoning energy to wrap around her body and solidify into a new suit. But she managed to choke off the urge as the faintest brush with the radiant power she called upon fanned the embers of her lust into a low flame. Instead she grabbed a pillow and hugged it against her chest.

Starshine clenched her teeth, her body protesting the lack of wonderful attention that it had been given moments before. The need was enough to be annoying, but it wouldn't have been enough to require a trip for 'treatment,' had it been a normal Bliss attack.

"I'm sorry, hon, did you want a turn?" purred a sultry, familiar voice that the heroine couldn't place.

Her bedmate managed to free herself from the covers, and Starshine let out a small gasp at the sight of her. It was the girl from last night, the green haired girl she had tried to rescue in the alley. She was as bare as Starshine herself, but a few things seemed off from the heroine's mental image of her. The differences in the face could have been due to the mask she'd worn, but she seemed larger and more well endowed than Starshine had seen her in the half-memory half-dream.

She was absolutely stunning, even with her grass-green hair a muss. She seemed to be wearing her 'working' makeup, her lips tinted the same emerald as her hair, her sparkling eyes a few shades lighter.

Starshine lowered her gaze, not wanting to stare, but instead she merely changed the target of her stare a bit lower. The girl's build was much like her own, though Starshine was a few inches taller. She wondered why the girl was working at a strip club; she was gorgeous enough to have a rather lucrative modeling career. But then again her beautiful body would be well served in such a profession. The effect she was having upon the heroine was incredible. Starshine found herself licking her lips, wanting to run her tongue over those beautiful breasts, wanted to caress the girl's mocha hued skin.

"Don't be shy, go right ahead. That's what we're supposed to do. Have fun and let the Bliss purge itself from our systems. The Sisters said that we'd be just fine in a day or two." She purred, crawling towards Starshine, trying to coax the pillow away.

"N-no..." whispered Starshine, fighting the building lust and attraction. She wasn't like this, it wasn't her, it was the chemical making her do this. "We need t-to get out of here. Before Shadowsaur turns us into her lizard sex-slaves."

The girl laughed, "You think that's what they do here? Silly, you have to embrace the change willingly, and it's not even a part of the normal Bliss recovery. Something else has to be done, and it's not something that you'd be taken unaware having done to you."

Starshine knew she ought to get away, ought to fight against the thoughts and feelings that the Bliss high was forcing upon her. But those jade lips, mere inches from her own were so inviting...

"You'd feel it in your belly; a hot, heavy weight. Feel it growing, feel it swelling, feeling your belly grow fat and round as the egg inside you grows..." she whispered, almost ecstatic as she spoke.

She would help the girl later, after they'd both calmed down some. Starshine was sure that there was a perfectly good reason to leave at that very moment, but if the girl was telling the truth... well... maybe the Saurians really were only trying to help her.

"Is this... is this normal?" she whispered, leaning in closer, trying to restrain herself, but the Bliss was winning ever so slightly. "P-pairing us up like this?"

"Oh yeah. Nothing feels as satisfying as filling those urges with another Blissie. It speeds up the purging process, getting all the Bliss out into your bloodstream so the treatment can shut down the little factories inside you, making sure they don't make another drop of the stuff. I can't wait to be rid of it. Half the time I just want to throw myself on the nearest cute guy or girl that I see," she said, her lips brushing against Starshine's.

The heroine's lips parted and she found herself in a wonderful kiss with the girl she was supposed to be rescuing. Her grip loosened on the pillow, and soon it was tossed aside. It felt good to give into the Bliss's urgings. It always did. She didn't need sex, not yet, snuggling and affection would pacify her needs for awhile.

"I'm not... I'm not even into girls," Starshine found herself admitting softly. "But when the Bliss starts to flow inside me, I... I just..."

"Just want to have some fun with someone sexy, handsome guy, beautiful girl, it doesn't matter, just so long as they're gorgeous. I can't imagine what it'd be like for you. All those muscles and curves you see in spandex..." the girl whispered into Starshine's ear, nibbling upon it playfully.

"Y-yes..." the heroine admitted."Goddess, there was that one time where I had Esmeralda Darkness in a chokehold and I was grinding up against her like... like..." she clamped a hand over her mouth, blushing deeply.

The girl giggled and pushed it aside, instead silencing Starshine with her tongue, "Then just imagine never having to be so needy that you do something like that. Just a few days here with me. Even if you're not normally into girls, don't you think that's worth it?"

Starshine sighed softly, wrapping her arms around the girl, participating properly for the first time. This was just another treatment session; that was all. It was no different from the dozens of times she'd done this before. But she... she'd never really been an active participant before. Having her body caressed, licked, massaged, rubbed, filled with all sorts of toys held by expert hands... that had always been enough. But now she found herself wanting to join in. It frightened her, intrigued her, and most of all aroused her.

She was thankful that the black mask hid most of her blush. "Go ahead," the girl coaxed her. "Do whatever you like to me, feel free to explore, to indulge whatever urges strike your fancy. Just as long as I'm allowed to do the same, okay?"

Just about every bit of her that was Lucy Luxor was screaming at Starshine to stop, to merely wait out the Bliss purge, to tolerate the aches and pains. Lucy was a rational, logical, calm, practical woman. But her alter ego had long since learned to trust her feelings, urges, and instincts. She'd started acting more on her gut feelings while behind the mask and since then Starshine had found herself crashing through significantly less walls than before. Lucy Luxor was perfectly straight, Starshine, however, wanted to experiment, to see what it felt like to truly be with another woman. To make love rather than receive treatment. She had her mask on, after all. Everything would be alright.


It was almost intoxicating. Starshine quickly lost track of how long the two were snuggled close together. It seemed like hours that she licked and suckled upon her bedmate's breasts. She quickly learned what her lover enjoyed the most, how to make her moan and gasp with pleasure, to make her climax merely with the slightest touches.

"Mmm... you're a fast learner, Starshine." The words made the heroine blush, but also filled her with a sense of pride." Though I think we ought to make things a bit more fair..."

She grinned widely, slowly coaxing Starshine's embrace loose. The heroine stared, not quite comprehending. The girl went to the corner of the room, opening a dresser. She reached inside, removing her own mask and donning it.

"There we are," she said with a chuckle. "We're on even footing now. Two masked girls having a bit of fun. Though if you're a hero, does that make me a villainess? I think that would be nice, don't you? Just a little role playing to spice things up. We're evenly matched, you're an actual superheroine, and I play a villain at work. You can call me Miss Ember while I show you how to properly pleasure a woman. Understand?"

Starshine didn't know why she found Miss Ember even hotter with the mask on, nor did she understand why she found herself naturally submitting, going along with what the 'villainess' said with barely a second thought. She just knew that it felt wonderful to do so.

The heroine also found herself doubting her eyes. She could swear that Miss Ember stood a few inches shorter than herself, but now she seemed to be the smaller one by the same margin. Had her mind, fogged both by sleep and lust, also underestimated the size of her bust? Miss Ember's tits bordered on the line where Starshine couldn't tell if they were real or augmented. Plastic surgery in Megalopolis wasn't held just to scalpel and silicone after all. She also seemed to have overestimated Ember's physique, though well-toned, she seemed to have a bit of a belly to her. How had she missed that earlier?

The villainess ran her long, emerald nailed hands through Starshine's hair, gently at first, then tightening her grip, stopping just short of painful. "I asked if you understood, captive," she half-growled.

"Y-yes, Miss Ember," Starshine said, blushing and shivering at the bolt of pleasure that went through her as the words left her mouth.

"Mmm, there's a good girl," Ember purred, though her grip didn't loosen. Instead she half forced Starshine's head down to her loins. The heroine found herself instinctively extending her tongue, lapping at the green haired girl's dripping folds. She mmmed softly as a sweet, honey-like taste spread over her tongue. "And so eager too..."

It felt like moments, it felt like hours, it felt so right, that this was what Starshine was supposed to be doing. She wondered why she'd never tried this before. It made sense, after all. Two Bliss altered individuals would easily be able to take care of one another. But the alterations were far stronger in females than males, and without the mask to hide her identity, Starshine wasn't interested in her own sex. Being cold, distant, and detached from your own pleasure wouldn't work with something like this. It demanded that she be an active participant, and that was something that she had difficulty with as Lucy Luxor.

She could easily compartmentalize her life; she had been doing so for years. It was at that moment that she realized that there were two parts to her, one real and one an act. She'd put a lot of effort into maintaining Lucy Luxor as a temperamental diva, prone to showing up late and flaking out early, but very focused when on the job. She'd tailored her real self to accommodate her superheroic identity. Lucy Luxor wasn't who she was. It wasn't even her real name. She didn't know her real name, everything was pieces and flashes before the night she'd obtained her powers and escaped from an Asai Corporation lab. Her beauty, her build, her silver-white hair, all of those were artificial traits grafted onto her on one terrible, wonderful night a decade prior. Starshine didn't have to be the ice queen she made herself out to be. She liked other women, loved other women, it was a shame that it had taken her so long to be truly comfortable with it.

After that thought, Starshine realized that her motions had altered a bit, that she wasn't licking the same way she had been earlier. It felt more like she was sucking, with something several inches long in her mouth.

A flash of memory; the black scaled Saurian slitting open Ember's dress, cupping her breasts, the scaled woman reaching down, guiding something into the green haired human's Bliss-moistened depths. That explained the pregnancies of the converted Saurians without having any males present. It was at that moment she dropped down from the roof, and a sense of onrushing danger filled her.

The Saurian seemed to have the same insight, hugging the girl against her tightly, ducking down, drawing upon her power.

"Girls, shield wall!" she shouted. The amorphous lizard creatures melted; their clothes and weapons falling to the ground as they formed into a quarter sphere, covering Ember, Starshine, and the Saurian.

"You!" the lizard woman said, "I know you! Help reinforce the shield!"

Starshine nodded, calling upon her power, pushing all that she could into the barrier of shadowstuff. Then all sound suddenly ceased and the ground shook, knocking her off balance, the metal stairs of a fire escape rushing up to meet her and then... nothing...


Starshine pushed away from Ember, eyes wide, looking her over. She hadn't missed any details. What she had attributed to fogged mind was in fact the girl's changing body. It had altered even further, expanded hips and bust, narrowed waist, her nails replaced by jade talons. She grinned at Starshine with elongated canine teeth.

"Y-you're becoming one of them," the heroine whispered.

"Does that bother you, pet?" asked Miss Ember softly, keeping her distance, running a clawed hand over her rounded belly. "I hinted at it earlier, what the changes felt like, how the energy egg feels as it grows inside of you. The more pleasure I give and receive, the faster I change."

Starshine watched in fascination as Ember moaned, arching her back. There was a wet cracking sound as two feet worth of reptilian tail surged forth from the base of her spine. "Oh that feels so good..." she panted, her fingers encircling her new six-inch length.

"I don't... I don't want to be like that," Starshine said resolutely. She blushed and turned her head away. She found Ember's fingers beneath her chin, turning her gaze back. Miss Ember's hand was covered in her own juices, and the heroine had to bite her tongue to prevent it from darting out and lapping at them.

"You don't have to be. Your radiant energy is a complement to the force that the Sisterhood draws upon. Charging food or drink with it, like I was taking, is enough to hold the Bliss at bay for awhile. But eventually you need the energy fresh from the tap, as it were. Sex with one of us, letting us climax within you, that's enough to keep the Bliss suppressed for a few months. But beyond that, to make a true cure... Most people would have to become a Sister-Acolyte to stop it. Very few outward signs, just an easily concealable alteration. Well, so long as you give up wearing swimsuits and tight clothing," Ember laughed.

"But you? A session with the Sister-Superior long enough to get you calmed down to the point where I could take care of you, it was enough to open a wellspring within you. Making you your own source of shadow energy. Can you feel it? The sweet, enveloping warmth. Heat without light, affection unconditional. So different from the cold, distant, burning brightness of your own power, isn't it?"

Starshine blushed, that was indeed how her own power felt. Bright but cold, like the midnight sun on a frozen artic tundra. The shadow energy felt warm, loving, a reassuring embrace upon her spirit.

"Yes! Yes!" Ember cried as her body continued to alter. Her tummy swelling visibly, giving her the heavily pregnant look that Starshine had seen on Saurian converts so often. Her tail, now half her height, lashed from side to side, disturbing the bed covers. Her clawed toes dug into the sheets and mattress as she thrust into her hand with her still-swelling member.

"More, I need more!" the soon to be Saurian moaned.

Starshine was torn, she had wanted to save Ember from this fate, but it seemed she had chosen it herself, rather than having it forced upon her. Her Bliss-addled body craved more, and she found herself wondering what Miss Ember's cock would feel like inside of her. What it would be like to press up against that rounded middle, to feel that tail upon her thighs...

"Pleasure me, thrall!" the increasingly reptilian girl snarled. The words made the heroine blush, filled with the Bliss, the shadow energy, and the fun little game she'd been playing with Ember. It all made it feel so good to obey, so very, very good.


Starshine snuggled against Ember, the Saurian's transformation complete. Her scaled skin was soft and smooth, not hard and rough as the heroine had imagined it would be. She was absolutely covered in cum, both her mistress' and her own. She gasped softly as a gentle bolt of pleasure crept up her spine, a reward; it seemed, for thinking of Ember as her mistress.

"What's wrong with me?" she murmured softly. It felt different from the altered state she experienced when the Bliss rose within her, it was something else entirely. But she didn't dare pull away from the beautiful lizard girl next to her. She felt so... perfect.

Starshine moaned softly, pressing her sex against Ember's tail, delighting in the sweet sensation of the slicked scales against her still eager sex. How long had they been making love, seemingly without end? Neither of them seemed to be truly tired, merely taking a little bit of a breather. A period of wonderful snuggling and sweet caresses between frenzied, hungry motions.

Ember ran her emerald talons through Starshine's hair, the heroine resting atop her rounded middle. "It feels weird, doesn't it? The way you feel out of control of your own thoughts and feelings, of your own body. The wondrous feelings you get from obedience, of doing what you're told, giving your free will into the hands of another. You don't see it often. The Sisters say in happens in girls that still struggle against their altered sex drive. The decision is taken out of their hands, their bodies reward them with pleasure for being passive, placid, and submissive when the Bliss high starts. If they continue to struggle it just gets longer and longer, and eventually someone notices and the girl gets snapped up. After a few weeks of struggle, she's a walking Bliss factory, and her high never ends."

Starshine shuddered, not wanting to imagine being as she was for the rest of her life. It would be terrible, horrible.... and yet it would feel so good. But that wasn't going to happen; the Bliss was being purged from her system. She could tolerate a day or two of being like this. Miss Ember wasn't going to make her do anything terrible.

The Saurian let out a soft, reptilian trill, a sort of purr as she stroked her pet. "Do you prefer me like this, my pet? Tell the truth."

The heroine's breath caught in her throat and she rose, looking down over her mistress' form. Her tanned skin had been replaced with wonderful scales, black over most of her body with bright green markings, her underbelly areas tinted slate grey. Her curves and proportions had been altered by the transformation, drawing out a far more striking figure. Even the inhuman alterations to her face, the fangs, the slitted eyes, the short muzzle, they seemed to enhance her beauty rather than detract from it.

Her soft scales felt so interesting against Starshine's bare skin and she absolutely adored Miss Ember's tail, sleek, muscular, powerful, dexterous. Her rounded, egg filled belly, her wonderful cock. It was all so wrong, everything Starshine hated and feared, the traits favored by her foe. But close up they were so beautiful, made her feel so incredible.

"Y-yes," she admitted, looking away with a shamed blush. She let out a moan as the Bliss rewarded her once more for her obedience.

"That's a good girl," her mistress whispered, making Starshine's body quiver. The Saurian sat up and embraced her. It was almost sensory overload for the poor heroine, who found herself coaxed into laying where her mistress had moments before. The Saurian grinned predatorily before licking her viridian lips. Her shaft was fully erect and oozing thick pre, droplets falling onto Starshine's belly.

That small act was enough to make her burn with desire, her breaths coming quick as she was filled with need. "I want to try something with you, my pet. It will likely seem a bit odd, maybe a touch uncomfortable for a little bit. But I know it's going to make us both feel so good when it's done. Will that be okay?"

"Yes, mistress." Starshine said, unable to say anything else. The Saurian positioned herself carefully, straddling Starshine's leg, gripping the other. The heroine wasn't quite sure what she was doing until she felt the warm wetness of Miss Ember's pussy against her own. In that moment the painful fire was quenched, giving way to sweet, liquid sensation as she ground against her mistress.

Ember gasped softly, surprised at the intensity of the sensation. "Mmm... I do rather like that, but I think that we could make it a bit more..."

The heroine knew what her mistress craved, and she reached down with her hands, stroking and caressing the bestial member. The reptile's blissful cry coaxed an answering sound from Starshine, once more rewarded for her obedience.

Starshine found herself slipping almost into a trance, her instincts taking over. Of all that had happened between herself and her mistress so far, this position felt the best. It seemed to fulfill a strange, unknown need within Starshine, scratching an itch she didn't know she even had.

"Yesssss," Miss Ember hissed, "That'sss a good girl. Make me cum, pet, and I'll reward you. Make your misstressss cum!"


And the reward was fantastic. While it was not as intense as previous pleasures the two had experienced; hearing Miss Ember cry out, feeling her hot juices upon her bare skin... The mental and emotion satisfaction the heroine felt was better than any climax. She dipped her fingers in the thick, slick goo upon her belly, giggling as she brought it to her mouth.

It was only then that Starshine opened her eyes, and found her mistress' seed to be glowing. The color was an intense, radiant purple, and the stuff wasn't merely from her mistress' member. Her loins and thighs were coated with the thick lubricating fluid. Even after her climax, Ember didn't seem to be done. In fact she continued to grind against Starshine even harder than before.

"Here it comes, my pet, get ready." She said with a massive grin. Ember drew in a deep breath, and Starshine could see her muscles tense. The Saurian gave out a pleasured cry unlike any that she had given voice to before. It sounded like she was experiencing an intense, incredible sensation. Starshine could feel shadow energy coursing through her lover, creating a physical, mental, and spiritual climax unlike anything the mundane flesh could provide.

Her eyes widened, and she barely had the opportunity to whisper, "No!" before the shell of the energy egg was pressing against her netherlips. That tiny contact was enough to send a surge of power through Starshine's body, locking some muscles, relaxing others. Tears filled her eyes as she found there was nothing she could do against the ovoid invader. Nothing she could do to prevent herself from becoming one of Shadowsaur's scaled thralls.

She had forgotten who she was, though only for a few hours. In an instant Starshine came back to herself, no longer placid and submissive, but rather the willful heroine in all her glory. Though she hated to do it, she called upon all the power that suffused her, concentrating it into a blast that would knock Mis... no, just Ember, off of her, preventing the egg from being pushed inside her.

At least that's what Starshine tried to do. Instead of responding to her will, her energies, both her native radiant, and the small wellspring of shade focused their power within her own flesh. It was wonderful, it was terrible, the sensation unable to be discerned as either pleasure or pain, but rather an overpowering mix of both. Each aspect seemed to play off the other, resulting in heights of ecstasy and agony unlike Starshine had never known.

Indigo fire coursed through the veins, propelled along by molten, shining silver. The sensations she felt were not of the flesh, but of the spirit. Her very soul was being remolded and shaped, not according to her own will, not by that of Shadowsaur, but by another power entirely. A rudimentary consciousness that seemed to exist in the very energy that Starshine drew upon. No, two. One logical, cold, distant, but proud and gentle. Another was nearly bestial, driven by desire and emotion, warm and comforting, but also savage. It was like the two spirits met within her, embracing for a moment and for an eternity. It was all so strange, so confusing, but she seemed to almost puzzle it out before one half of her sensation vanished entirely. Her pain was gone, replacing it a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. She had done something right, though she knew not what, and it felt so good to have done so.

The energies were gone, and Starshine found her consciousness stuffed roughly back into her physical form, with all of its physical sensation. The energy egg was partially inside of her now, being forced in by the Saurian's powerfully altered vaginal muscles, as well as her own, hijacked by the forces within the egg. It was huge, it was massive, there was no way that it would get past her...

The heroine gritted her teeth, waiting for pain that never came. Instead she found herself experiencing an incredible climax as the egg entered her fully, her vaginal muscles altering by the energy egg's power, taking it all the way up into her womb with minimal effort.

"Nrrrgh! No! No! Get it out!" she whimpered. Starshine could feel the energies continuing to surge within her, but they released control of her muscles, allowing her to paw clumsily at the bulge of her belly. The egg seemed to be pouring out an intense heat, one that Starshine could feel spreading throughout her body. She could feel it within her, an incredible weight that seemed to pin her back to the bed.

She tried once more to focus her power on the egg, to get rid of it, to expel it from her body. But once again her powers did not work right. The bulge in her belly was like a black hole, greedily sucking in all the power she threw at it, greedy for more. She let out a soft, choked sound as the egg's corrupting heat filled her loins.

"H-help me," she whimpered to Ember.

The Saurian looked at her through unfocused eyes. "Mmm... only if you help me. My other eggies want out too and it seems that they only want to do so if someone pleasures my maleness."

"No, I... I..." Starshine protested, shuddering as she felt the energy egg beginning to swell within her. The burning upon her loins intensified, demanding attention. Well... it wouldn't feel so bad to help her mi... help the Saurian out.

Despite the heavy egg within her, Starshine managed to sit up and crawl to her black scaled lover, slipping into her lap, slowly taking that delicious cock into her aching netherlips. Her slightly rounded belly pressed against the much larger bulk of Ember's, the touch making her gasp. Being belly to belly with Ember felt nearly as good as the great beastcock inside of her.

"There's a good girl." Trilled Ember, cupping Starshine's rump as she thrust into her.

The heroine whimpered softly, feeling once more how nice it was to obey her mistress, to be told what a sweet pet she was.

"Sssh, sssh, sssh," the Saurian hissed, her tongue darting out to tickle Starshine's cheek, "It feels wonderful. Just accept it, just let it happen. Embrace your changes, reach down and caress your cock as it grows."

"Y-you said you were going to help me!"

"I am. I'm helping you become one of the Sisterhood. The egg is a part of you now. It cannot be removed. You've suffused it with power, power greater than I had. Your change is already far more rapid than mine was." Ember giggled and ran her thumb over the tiny stub of Starshine's growing tail, making the changing human gasp softly as sensitive new nerves were caressed for the first time.

The words hit Starshine like a sack full of wet cement. She was going to be one of them, a Saurian. Her human life was over. Even if she escaped with only the smallest, most rudimentary changes, they were going to assure that her modeling career was at an end. She could feel the tickling heat upon her fingertips and her toes, in her teeth even. Fangs and claws would definitely be in her future as well as...

She managed to get a hand between her mistress and herself, feeling her growing clit for herself. The exploratory touches made her gasp, coaxing her towards rubbing it with more slattern intent in mind.

"Yes, my pet, stroke it, caress it, love it. Adore your changing body. Admit how good it feels. How much better it is than the form you're leaving behind. Just think of your cock, mmm... think of the beautiful, dripping, throbbing cock you want to have. You can shape your new you, give it form. Reptilian, amphibian, dinosaurian, and more; whatever you want it's there for the taking."

Starshine whimpered softly, trying to prevent the images forming in her mind. If she didn't choose a form, then she wouldn't change, right? She tried to keep her mind a blank, but it soon proved impossible. She remembered some of the interesting shapes and sizes that she'd seen on some of the 'girls' at the Heroine's Plight. She had always told herself she was never interested in that sort of thing. But she had always watched the Xenomorphica stage while she waited for her appointments. It was one such endowment that she found herself visualizing, belonging to a rather buxom beauty with an equine look to her.

The heroine let out a half sob half moan as she felt her new length surge forward to fill her hand. She could picture it in her mind, given alterations from what she'd seen. It would be black, glistening. She could feel it moving in her hand, capable of movement on its own. Not quite a tentacle, it was a bit too stiff for that, and she wasn't interested in having her member as large as the sexy satyr she'd seen on stage. But oh how beautiful she'd found that cock, a mix of equine and cetacean, the bartender had said when Starshine's staring had been noticed.

Starshine had imagined a few more changes to her own, adding in alterations that she'd always wondered what it would feel like. Mmm... she removed her hand, no longer needing it, as she could run it over Mistress Ember's soft belly scales by itself. She could feel it growing, thickening, lengthening. She could feel the equine medial ring swelling in the middle, the canine-like knot at the back. Starshine curled it around her mistress' own shaft, the broad, bulb shaped head nuzzling at her leaking loins, its twelve inch length allowing this.

"Yesss, you're a little slut, aren't you? A terrible pervert that wants to experience having such a bestial organ. Let your imagination run wild, my pet, let out your inner whore. You can be anything you want to be. So many of the other sisters have such limited imagination when it comes to their forms. Let your curiosity free, explore your deepest, darkest f-f-f..." Ember's words dissolved into a bestial roar of pleasure, a hefty egg pushing itself into her sex, coaxing Starshine's new member out of the way.

Starshine silently cursed the Saurian, even as her gorgeous, dexterous cock made itself useful, curling around Ember's egg as it emerged, coaxing it aside to make way for others. Mmm... the warm, solid, smooth shell felt so good against her shaft. Starshine felt it surge again in growth, becoming half again its former size. She was going to lay her own eggs, after all, she wanted to be able to experience these beautiful sensations on her own.

She felt a blush spread over her face as her fear and disgust at the change diminished. Mistress Ember's words seemed to make things alright. She was a novice Sister, obedience filled her with bliss. She imagined her tail, already longer than her cock, bone and muscle slithering inch by inch from the base of her spine. What did she want there? What should she have to set her apart from the other Sisters? Not a weapon, for sure. But perhaps something useful, something beautiful.

She loved the sea, loved to swim. Despite all the bathing suits she'd modeled in her human life, Starshine had seldom gotten to swim in any of them. She imagined a powerful, flexible tail for herself, something a mix between one of those giant salamanders she'd posed with once and a common tadpole.

Starshine gasped deeply as her tail surged in length as she focused on it. What was once a thin protrusion barely longer than her forearm quickly blossomed into a powerful mass of bone and muscle reaching nearly nine feet in length. The latter third sported a thick, fleshy fin upon the top and bottom. It thinned, growing into a translucent ribbon of membrane that reached nearly to her rump, stopping a good six inches short. She let out a blissful moan as her mistress caressed it.

"Good. Good girl." Ember coaxed, "You're going to be absolutely gorgeous. A beautiful jewel of the sea."

The thought made Starshine blush, the words coaxing more images from her mind, more ideas for a sea-based beauty. She shuddered and let out a soft, fearful cry. She could envision her new form in her mind, and there was scarcely a bit of herself that hadn't been altered.

"Please, I don't... I don't... I don't..." she stammered, feeling her fingers and toes begin to shift and alter. Fingers and toes began to merge, her small talons becoming larger, sharper, more dangerous claws. She felt a soft membrane extend between her digits, making her more suited for swimming. Starshine clenched her eyes shut, trying to picture her hands as human, but the translucent purple membrane looked so beautiful with sleek ebon scales. The heroine did her best to keep her image of herself that of her human state, but it was so very, very difficult. There was so much beauty to be found in nature that could be added to make her as her mistress envisioned.

Her long silvery hair began to move. She could just picture it, feathery filaments akin to some sort of undersea plant or creature. Purple along the main segments, with a bright orange upon the branches. They would come to rest spread over large fins that would spread like undersea wings, or be held flat against her body. Beautiful and gorgeous, like those of a lionfish. And a similar fin upon her head, or better yet, a pair of them! Spiny and pokey, made one with her altered ears. Yes, catlike, perhaps, triangular, moved up from the sides of her head. More adorning fins upon her forearms and calves. Feline, slitted eyes to match the ears. Maybe a frog's tongue? Oh the fun she could have with an easily mobile tongue and cock.

Starshine shuddered and shook as her body continued to warp itself. Her skin was replaced by deep black scales, her underbelly silvery-white, rather than slate or lavender like the other Saurians. She felt a small spark of pride at that; other Saurians.

Her webbed, taloned, digitigrade feet dug into the gooey bedclothes as Starshine's body seemed to erupt into its new, gorgeous, beautiful form. She grew rapidly, overtaking Ember in size and strength. Her belly and breasts rapidly expanded as she accepted what she was becoming, allowing herself to admit her curiosity. Her breasts were wonderfully large, soft, with a special purpose in mind. Another act she'd witnessed on a Heroine's Plight stage had sprung to mind and shaped her desires for these new breasts. She couldn't help but slip a finger into one nipple, moaning softly at the sensation. They were strange, deviant, and likely looked upon as disgusting. Starshine couldn't help but wonder what it would truly feel like to be literally tit-fucked.

She opened her short muzzle, her face shifted subtly to draw out its beauty in her new form, much as her mistress' had before her. She allowed her new tongue to slip free, toying with a plush breast as her webbed hands caressed her fat, egg-filled middle.

"There's my glitter-girl." Mistress Ember whispered, embracing Starshine. The nickname drew the former human from her half daze, her eyes meeting Ember's for the first time since her transformation began. The glowed with a wonderful violet light. The voice was Ember's, but the words and the will behind it belonged to Shadowsaur.

Shadowsaur-Ember ran her fingers through the soft, feathery filaments of her pet's new hair. "My true nature is as a being of energy, my pet. I can leap from construct to construct, from body to body. Able to visit each and every one of my little sisters. Just like I can visit you now, daughter."

And with the blink of an eye Starshine found herself sharing her body with her long time foe. Shadowsaur was every one of her 'pretender clones,' created from aspects of her personality and given their own life, able to be controlled and guided when it suited her. But she did nothing for selfish gain or a love of mayhem. Her many roles, hero, villain, Sister Superior, all were meant to shape and focus individuals towards the good of all. Her villainous aspects seldom caused any physical harm, her crimes were those of theft, with the goods often being returned. She saw herself as a trainer for the superhero community, a role she served quite well.

Everything that Shadowsaur was had been opened up to Starshine to read, to investigate; to see for herself. She was ancient, positively ancient. Dinosaur-level in her Methuselah qualities, she had been asleep for most of that time. She was nice, kind, loving, and understanding... Starshine couldn't think of anyone better suited to be her mistress.

All this while, Starshine now understood, Shadowsaur was building something; crafting a pocket dimension created though the vast shadow energy that all the Saurians and their amorphous energy creatures collected was one of Shadowsaur's primary goals. The eggs that Starshine and her sisters laid were, for now, batteries of this wonderful, powerful energy that could be used to shape the new world, or to create creatures or plants within it. Her mistress was the last of her kind and she was homesick. Her world no longer existed, so she was rebuilding it in a place that would harm no one.

"But the darkness only exists in balance to the light. We've needed a sister who can summon the counterpart element to my own. We needed someone like you, Starshine," Shadowsaur whispered, her comforting presence embracing Starshine's soul. "So for years I've shaped you, guided you, aided you, and opposed you. All to assure that your power would grow to the point where once I welcomed you into the fold, you could pass your gift onto others, as I can. In time, daughter, you will grow to equal my own power."

Tears filled Starshine's eyes, not out of fear, but of shame. How had she ever thought such terrible things about her mistress? How could she have ever resisted against aiding her mother build a whole new world? Mmm... mother. Starshine couldn't remember her true mother. She'd never had one before. Shadowsaur's embrace made her feel... complete. Almost.

The new Saurian felt a twinge in her loins that made her open her eyes, allowing her to look over her beautiful body for the first time with appreciative eyes. Ember looked up at her from her place curled around her own brood of energy eggs. Her obsidian and slate tummy looked wrong being so flat.

Starshine grinned as she caressed her lover, the one who had brought her into the Sisterhood. It was time to return the favor, to welcome Ember into the new branch of the Sisters of the Scale. The Children of Shadowshine. She could already feel her first energy egg slipping into her sex, ready to be gifted to her first daughter. The first of many.

So very, very many.

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