The Stray and The Heat Pack

Story by Wugi69 on SoFurry

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#2 of Realistic

This another realistic sort of story in the vein of the horse one I posted a few days ago. I've had the idea since before I wrote that one but hadn't typed it out. Glad to see the positive reception these are getting, and I hope that I'll be able to write more soon.

The stray sniffed the air intently for some sign of the opossum he'd been trailing, but instead of finding the hints of the possible meal he sought after, he caught the scents of a heat pack calling to him from a couple of wooded, disorganized country blocks away, and it overpowered the gnawing hunger in his gut in a near instant. Across the still-muddy unpaved roads of clay, he padded quickly to her, stopping every so often along the way to take another good huff of the heat-laden air and ensure that the maddening pleasure that followed the air in his lungs was not a hallucination, and his half-starved body, now knowing it would have to wait on other urges to be fed, quit whining at him as he drew ever closer.

Panting, he padded to a roadside through the tree-line that seemed to border it forever and stood by that treacherous path to take yet another whiff to hone in on the female more precisely. She was just a couple of streets away, and excitement swelled in his chest as he noticed he could hear the yipping and howling of other males through the trees.

Not bothering to look before walking into danger, the stray carelessly ran before an oncoming car but narrowly avoided death by a matter of inches, not that it mattered to him. The only thing on his mind was the female and her sudden pack of suitors not so far away. Not even noticing the machine that barreled behind him, he ducked into the bushes on the other side of the road, bounding to his prize as it waited with others trying to claim it. The hunt was on, and competition was fierce.

Through several unfenced yards, he followed the sound and scent of the commotion to the clearing where a heat pack of several canines stood and caught his first site of female: She was a mutt of medium build, short brown fur and an acute thinness that told on the rough life all strays and feral hounds of the area led, searching through garbage cans and bags for sustenance or hunting the small animals that scurried around or were run over by the humans in their machines, all the while drinking nothing but the muddy puddles on the sides of the roads.

The paws of her current suitor were struggling to grip her trembling, panting midsection; and the rearing, shorter animal that showed each of his rivals the pointed tip of his pre dripping penis was yipping and struggling to aim the unimpressive member in a sad attempt to penetrate the female's spade. Gripped by the throws of heat, she didn't resist at first; but as minutes tolled on, the runt lost his welcome and was dispatched with a turn of her large, pit-like head and a snarl. He would not go for her loins again.

There were several more where he came from, and they all were itching for their chance at making her their mate. The next was a black lab who looked like a fresh escapee from some home nearby. Almost fat and full of vigor but lacking any experience, he couldn't have been more than a year and a half old, but still was equal to the task of baring fruit in the female he help surround.

Unlike the one before him, this black male was actually physically capable to mount her, but inexperience told on him. The lab mounted her and began thrusting hard into the female's spade before his knotted penis could even have the chance to leave his sheath, and his heating partner didn't appreciate the feeling of his member poking her again and again without ever slipping into her nethers where she could share the stimulus. She growled and barked at him, but the green dog wouldn't take her hints, so she had to resort to a heavy scratch, barking and biting which finally resonated with him.

He dismounted, whimpering like the puppy he truly was. For yet another male, it was over; and then it was between the stray and a three other dogs. The strongest looking of them was definitely a golden retriever that had been watching the scene unfold for longer than the stray and from the opposite side of the clearing where the heat pack decided to have its final showdown after the female that made it nucleus reached the peak of her season's fertility.

The stray wouldn't wait any longer. He could feel his balls burning with seed, desperate for a release, their first in so long. The retriever couldn't wait either; he'd been chasing her tail for a week waiting for this chance at reproduction. They entered the clearing from their respective sides, and the other males, both old and out of their prime, seem content to wait and contemplate their own attempts on the female following the likely violent confrontation between the two primed studs.

They met in the middle of the clearing near the female, who only sat and observed them like the other dogs among the unstable pack, and the retriever quickly decided to make the first move snarling at the stray menacingly. The snarl was powered as much by his lustful instincts as it was a week's-worth of starving as he followed and chased the female through the woods to where they were today and was magnified by the mud matting his fur and the volume his wide diaphragm rendered it with.

The stray was a little taken aback at first and may have submitted under normal circumstances or if the playing field was even, but he could see the desperation and tiredness in his rival's eyes and knew that he could be taken easily, so he took a biting strike for his face without warning and made several growling blows in a similar fashion for his neck to intimidate him.

Slightly bloodied by the stray's attack, all hope was lost for the retriever. The ruse of toughness, despite the way his pursuit had worn him, did nothing to stop the stronger, fresher male from asserting that the female they surrounded was now his to mate, and she really didn't mind. The rest of the heat pack watched knowingly as he approached her rear, sniffing and licking her wet sex like the animal he was. It was sweet and intoxicating, reinvigorating the lust that had gripped him when he first smelt her blocks away.

The male's pointed head poked out of his sheath, ready to used. In seconds, he was panting as his heart began racing rapidly from the anticipation his senses sent him. She was ready. She had been waiting for a week for one of these males to step up, but it was him who'd finally do it. She would be his mate, and his pups would be hers before they could belong to any of the other mangy mutts that surrounded them, still watching and waiting hungerly for him to finish with her.

Taking hard huffs of the hot, humid air that permeated every bit of space around them, the stray lifted his body over her hips as the female spread her legs, ready to take the red, drooling member that soon began poking softly at her dripping spade. The eyes of the dog on top of her shut, and he seemed almost to smile as he stuck the second most sensitive portion of his penis in and out of her heating snatch.

His tongue lulling as he panted, the stray soon began to quicken the pace of his thrusting, and his head and midsection began slipping wholly into her sex while poking at her deeply hidden clit, stimulating the female beneath him and sending shivers down her slightly visible spine. With each new pump of his shaft deeper into her tunnel, a bulbous formation started and continued to manifest in the parts of his member that were still hidden in his sheath, but the furred skin couldn't contain it much longer, and within the minute, the stray's red, veiny and pulsing knot was smacking against the soaking nethers of his mate as his head snaked into the deepest parts of her vagina.

Feeling things heating up, the female went from panting to whimpering at the first penetration to full yips and whines as she was pleasured from behind by her new mate's member. Meanwhile, the other potential fathers were excited by the commotion in the midst of the clearing but could do nothing to join in the mating they saw and heard other than surround the mates and look at and sniff their bond wantonly.

As the stray thrust with rapid speed and nearly rabid intensity, he gripped her narrow, greyhound-like hips with feverish interest his eyes now half-lidded and his mouth gapping as he chugged the air and plunged the last bit of length into his new mate now finally tying them together with his knot and sealing their fates.

Tightening his grip on her as the female's tight vagina pulsated and suckled around his sensitive knot, the stray's paws because to shake and then skitter under him in an uncontrollable sign of canine orgasm, and he began to whine softly with every blast of warm, runny pups that shot so hard from his head and were trapped by his knot, flooding the female's womb. As they began to swim into her, he continued pumping his knot and cumming hard into her tight, moist hole as they enjoyed their coitus.

After a minute of hard thrusting, his hip movements slowed to a crawl and then stopped as his seed swam deep in her body; and he was sure he'd overcome the other males, but there was still more that nature would do to ensure that victory was complete. After a slight rest, he tried to continue humping her, but a few seconds were all the tired male could muster before the sensitivity in his cock and the burning in his hind-legs resisted his attempt, and his strength soon run out. Then, he tried to dismount, thinking that it was finished, like dogs always seem to do despite the famous truth that follows next. Just past her slightly leaking spade, his knot made the female's passage stretch as far as it would go and would lodge him there for some time.

As his forepaws hit the ground and the female felt the turning of his penis within her, the stray's leg was lifted high over her hip placing pressure on his now twisted balls as the hung by his knot, still shaking as his movement sent loose another warm wave of pups followed by the other males curiously inspecting the furry orbs or trailing up and down the female's body with their muzzles, anxiously waiting their turn to mate.

Meanwhile, millions of the stray's sperm pulsed through the female's vagina, and as many that could slipped through the narrow opening in her cervix into the warmer, wetter reaches of her uterus with a quickness and vigor unmatched by the few, slower preliminary seeds that their father's several rivals barely managed to implant within her, passing many of their straggling ranks as they aimlessly drifted and often hung limp and dead in her waters while the female's immune system made short work of them.

The week of starvation and chasing the other males had put themselves through in the desperate hope that they'd mate with her left their unconceived pups weak and slow; and the stray's swooping in at the last possible moment and braving the defenses of his furious yet weakened rivals turned out to be just the advantage his children needed to win their race. What few of the other nameless males' swimmers had managed to live long enough to reach the entrance to her ovary's tubes were soon passed by the stray's healthier stock within minutes.

Outside, the stray continued to feel her vagina squeeze and caress his knot as he continued cumming deep within her, trapped and blocking all of the other males who could do nothing but watch as the pair stood in the middle of the heat pack he'd joined just an hour before. Still, a steady diet of old human scraps in untended garbage as well as drinking from dirty puddles on the side of the road didn't help his chances either, so by the time his pups finally reached their cradle even deeper inside their mother, their numbers were greatly reduced; yet nothing could stop the multitude now, left with no competition but their own siblings, and the stray had surely won.

That wouldn't stop the others; they had sunk so much time and energy into this chance to breed that to leave now would be unthinkable, not that their primal urges would let them do it anyway; so as the stray, feeling his knot return to its usual place in his sheath, finally pulled himself away from the hot, enticing vice-grip of the female's sex, the other males were already in a desperate fight to see who would get the seconds and who would have even the slightest chance at successfully mating with her after the initial knotting.

Satisfied, the stray walked away, not looking back at the djinn behind him but rather catching the scent of a opossum, possibly the one he'd been after before his chance sensing of his latest mate, one that he would now leave in favor of sating the newly burning hunger in his belly.