Thor and Sassy
Just as Thor, a Dragonite of medium build, took his first steps into the brothel, the aromas of heat and sex around him hit his nostrils; and the allure of so many needy girls ready to take him made his shaft start to appear from its slit in his...
The Zoroark moaned loudly with pleasure as another orgasm struck her sopping nethers as quick and hard as lightning and she felt the thunderous roll of static pleasure rock her entire shaking body as she held a clawed paw outstretched to kneed and...
Night and Day Part 1
The pitch-black tom stepped out of the palmettoes he'd been marking. The queens were laying under the twoleg's porch to shield themselves from blistering heat of that summer day. Each was half asleep as Mossfur gazed at them from the tree line, on the...
Chris, Katrina, Arky and Gertrude
Chris and Katrina had been living together alone for a few years under the legal guise that she was his Pokémon, but they were definitely level partners. During their time together, they'd had sex nearly every night. They'd long lost count of the...
Nurse Audino and The Zangoose
After half an hour of sitting aroused in that hospital room, the Zangoose's saving grace came in the form of an Audino who'd come to feed him that night's dinner. His half-hard member shunned out any thoughts of food though. She saw him and knew...
Nurse Joy and The Zangoose
The Zangoose laid in the hospital bed, tired and only half conscious after being unable to sleep for days as the beeping of the heart monitor annoyed him more than it lulled him. He'd lost track long ago of how long he'd been at the center, first in...
The Stray and The Heat Pack
The stray sniffed the air intently for some sign of the opossum he'd been trailing, but instead of finding the hints of the possible meal he sought after, he caught the scents of a heat pack calling to him from a couple of wooded, disorganized country...
The Stallion and The Mare
After an hour of searching for her, the black stallion found the as yet barren mare that had joined his fold but a month earlier in the search for a mate, but the stallion's history with the female was left unremembered and insignificant in his simple...
Marrow and Charcoal (Part 2)
"No. Please." The Cubone tried to bargain. "You're a little tight, boy; but if you'd rather me go in and tear you a new one..." He teased at the idea of ripping Marrow's insides with his shaft which was a real possibility given their great size...
Marrow and Charcoal (Part 1)
The Cubone read over the only book in his hut on outside of what could be called the outskirts of Plunder Town, an encyclopedia he'd been gifted once, the only thing in his possession that was worth any significant figure. He was preparing for another...
Chris and Katrina
Chris walked down the street anxiously as he peered down each and every alley and noted each and every disheveled face that accompanied him down that long street, as few as there were and despite how glaringly they stared back at his through the dusk...
Willie and Ms. Lopunny
Willie sat there at his desk in Ms. Lopunny's classroom after all the other students had gone home for the day or to their various afterschool activities. This was typical of him. Every couple of days, he'd stay and feign ignorance of mathematics to...