Catherine's Private Training

Story by MalCat on SoFurry

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#2 of Other Stories

Hello! This is an F/F story featuring some pred/prey themes set in the Ultimate Mating League theme created by Hatsune Miku, creator of Minecraft and writer of Harry Potter. If you're not familiar with that you can check out the guidebook here:

Art of Catherine is by the lovely Zerika!

And please enjoy! This one is kind of just short and sweet smut, but I had a good time writing it. As always comments and criticism are more than welcome!

"Now Cath, I know you only joined for those twink-ass boys you like so much, but if you wanna make it in UML you gotta be prepared for people with all kinds a' equipment." Coach Linda Hart informed the younger lynx, stretching as she spoke. The harlequin rabbit was still in good shape, but being past her prime she had to get herself all limbered up and ready for their training session.

Catherine knew that was true. It had been part of the pitch when she joined, something the coach had been telling her from the moment she marked herself as 'straight' on the entrance exam. But that didn't make the buff grey lynx any more eager about actually doing it.

"I told you, I prefer Catherine", she replied, trying to loosen herself up with some air boxing. It was a bit of a nervous tic of hers, something she had carried over from her amateur MMA background. "And how hard can it be Coach Hart? You've seen me make those boys mewl for more!" She grinned at the memory, her stub tail flicking happily.

Linda laughed at that, bending backwards in a way that really showed off how bottomless her uniform was. All of those colorful patches of tan and black and white really highlighted her features. She had gone a little bit soft compared to her competition days, but it was no mystery why she had been a star. Catherine blushed a little under her fur at the sight. She still wasn't quite used to this place.

"If it was that easy then we wouldn't be here for this one on one. See I've seen this attitude before. I know that you think you can solve anything with going faster or harder or MAYBE a little bit of denial to tease. And some pussies might work like that. But most don't, and if ya try that you're just gonna end up embarrassing your team at best and giving a friction burn at worst. Neither of those are going to win you matches."

That last part in particular got Catherine listening. She liked winning. But her patience was still thin. "Alright, so I need to be gentle with it too. I'm listening, but I do have my own girly parts too, can't I just do what I'd do for myself?" This all seemed like it should be self-explanatory to her. And even if they really had someone with a vagina who was hard to handle there were plenty of others on the team that could slot in for her.

The rabbit considered that, bobbing her head noncommittally. "Well sort of. You can use a lot of the motions you use when you're just getting yourself off, but ya can't rely on your own sensations when you're doing it. You won't know if they're feeling the way you would because you can't actually FEEL it. No, today's lesson IS about stimulating vaginas and their owners, but it's really about listening."

"Listening? You're starting to sound like an elementary school teacher here." Catherine knew that patience and attentiveness weren't exactly her strong suits, but she didn't think that was important here.

Coach Linda laughed again. "You know I actually did some childcare part time. It was really a whiplash going between those two jobs. But I don't mean listening for words. I mean listening to the body. This is important for anybody you're up against, AND it's a weakness of yours. You can't rely on sensation, so you've got to hear how they're feeling. Listen to their breath, notice their moans, feel what it takes to make their back arch. Even the most stoic of opponents will tell you in a hundred different ways what's making them feel good."

This was starting to make more sense to the lynx. She nodded, thinking back on her prior experiences and matches she had watched or participated in. "But if it's important for all opponents why is this lesson about pussies then?"

"Good question! It's because you can't really separate the two. Speaking in broad terms here, but generally vaginas have more variance in how the owner likes them to be played with." She moved her fingers down to her own entrance, ready to demonstrate.

"Some of them like their clits played with", she made a wide circle around that nub of hers with two fingers, then brushed straight over it as she went lower, making a small shudder run through her body. "Some like to have their lower lips and entrance toyed with", another demonstration, this time spreading herself with those same two fingers. "And some just like to have you finger them like you mean it", she finally pushed right inside to the first knuckle, moaning out a happy noise as she did.

She left her fingers there for a moment before sliding them back out with a content sigh. "Now Catherine, which of those do I like? In order most to least." Catherine wasn't ready for that question at all. She sputtered a bit in response, trying to formulate an answer. She hadn't even touched her, yet Coach Hart was snapping her fingers impatiently as if she expected her to know. "Come on! You don't have time to think about it in a match!"

She had to think! Catherine tried to replay what she had seen, wishing she had been paying closer attention. "Uh, penetration you liked the most", she answered that one first, it seemed the most clear.

"Good! Keep going, what's next?" Coach Hart kept the pressure on, tapping her foot in a stereotypically rabbit way.

"Clit second and petals least?" She ventured the guess, not entirely sure where those two placed relative to each other.

The pleased expression on her Coach's face said it all. "Excellent work! I guess you can be trained!" She was joking of course, but was secretly a bit relieved. Most of her students weren't nearly as hard-headed as Catherine could be. "That was a simplification of course, but you can see how one simple sweep can test multiple areas for sensitivity, if you're listening. Now next you'll do it yourself."

Catherine reached for her crotch, but Coach Hart quickly raised a hand to stop her. "No no, Not on yourself. On ME!" Linda took a step closer to Catherine, noticing the lynx was still a bit stiff. "It's alright. I won't bite. But just imagine that it's the first round of the big match and turning me into a blubbering rabbit mess is all that's standing between you and the title."

That created a vivid picture in the lynx's mind. The whole stadium going wild for her, wanting her to take on this one cocky opponent foolish enough to challenge HER team. She'd show her not to take them lightly! Catherine stepped forward, then swept around behind the harlequin in a practiced motion, pinning that fluffy tail between their bodies. She had learned it as the perfect opportunity to go for a chokehold, but it also put her in a lovely position to slide her hands down the older woman's belly, parting the short fur with her fingers on her way to those lower folds.

Linda made a small noise of surprise at how quickly the big lynx moved. She really was a trained fighter, that was for sure. But with that thick soft fur behind her and the big paw in front of her the rabbit felt like she would make an exceptional lover too.

Catherine noticed that small noise her Coach made. She WAS supposed to be learning to listen after all. "Oh, so you like it when I'm strong with you?" The question was asked like she didn't already know the answer well. A deep growl rumbled through the lynx's body, shaking into the rabbit's frame in a way that made the smaller prey whimper. Catherine smirked. She had her now.

"I should have known." Catherine started carefully trailing a light circle around the periphery of Linda's clit. Trying to determine just the right amount of pressure to use. Being behind like this also helped the motions feel more familiar to her. "That's one thing I found out long before I joined any league. A true predator has an energy that's purely unmatched." She licked her rough tongue along the rabbit's neck in perfect sync with a flick over her clit. Linda lewdly moaned her approval.

The lynx laughed at that. "And this is only your second most sensitive spot? This training is going to be easier than you!" There wasn't a moan for that one. Not into that kind of teasing apparently. Back to what worked. "Just wait till I show you what would happen in the wild to a treat like you. When I BITE down as I take what I deserve." One big finger was gently brushing over the rabbit's entrance as she said that, oh so close to pushing in.

That brought the moans back. Catherine knew that her hands were way bigger than the smaller rabbit's, so she would just start with one finger instead of two. "I hope you're ready sweet thing", she said in a voice just above a whisper right into those big ears. That got a little shudder of anticipation, then a gasp of pleasure when Catherine actually pushed inside. She noted that the ears were sensitive too.

Catherine moved her finger around inside slowly, making sure to get plenty of natural lube and make sure that the rabbit was accustomed to her before pushing in any further. Meanwhile a nibble on one of those long ears would keep things interesting. By now Linda was fully leaning on Catherine for support, letting her eyes drift shut as she lost herself in the moment.

"Good little prey. Giving in to your big strong predator. Letting her take you and take the match." That second 'take' was punctuated with her middle finger sliding its way in to join her pointer, the experienced rabbit having no trouble taking more. Even moaning her loudest yet for it. "Oh? A bit of a size queen? I can work with that!"

Catherine took a little bit of time to make sure her ring finger was also getting its fair share of lubricant, using gentle strokes with the two digits that were already inside her Coach. Breathing a hot breath down the rabbit's neck, letting her know just how close that big predator mouth and those big predator teeth were. And then... she struck!

That third finger slid inside, Catering gripping the rabbit extra tightly to her chest! Holding her close as she seemed to... moan less? Yeah, that was more of a whine. "Ah, hm. Another one?" She asked quizzically, her domme act falling down a bit as she sought guidance.

"No, this is what I mean! Go with what's working. You don't have to be constantly adding more! If it makes moans, continue it! Don't change it." Linda seemed very coherent considering how much she had been moaning a second ago.

"Well alright, I'll give it a shot", Catherine said as she removed her ring finger again. The rabbit sighed a noise of relief. Two of those big fingers was plenty to take. "Now, where were we my pretty little prey?" Catherine teased.

THAT got the response she wanted. A happy giggle from her coach told Catherine she was doing well by going back to wiggling those two fingers back and forth. One up, one down, then vice versa. It felt a bit strange but utterly delightful inside of the coach's body. Teasing in unusual directions deep inside of her.

A giggle was good, but it wasn't a moan. Catherine slowly moved to a different movement, a different tempo. Keeping her fur-tipped ears carefully listening the entire time for the slightest change. Eventually she found it, a come hither motion with the slight twist of having her two fingers go one after the other with a slight delay in between. That got the response she was looking for!

Linda was really moaning now, her whole body squirming in delight. "Good little rabbit. Moan for your predator, moan for ME." Catherine brushed her teeth over the short fur of the rabbit's neck, not using them just yet but threatening to use them. Showing that they were there, waiting. Showing that she was in control.

But there was one more trick up the lynx's sleeve. She brushed her thumb down over the rabbit's little bud, the first place that she had shown off in her demonstration. It had only gotten a minor response the first time, but now that there was teasing inside and teeth outside it was the last push they needed to get her over the edge.

Lewd, carefree moans filled the empty gym. Reverberating off the walls and the hard ceiling, it wouldn't take a trained athlete to pick it out anymore. "Cum for me little rabbit! Cum hard!" Catherine hissed, finally pressing down with her teeth as her Coach shook in her grip.

She was a picture of pleasure. That bushy little tail twitched wildly as her back arched. The big ears on the top of her head stood at full attention and her right leg thumped against the floor like it was possessed. Her entire body was consumed by the sensations, lost in enjoying the sexual bliss.

And Catherine wasn't going to let her down easily. No, she kept up that pace all throughout the initial climax, making sure to keep what was working going. Not wanting to waste a single second of this most potent pleasure, keeping the rabbit on her orgasmic high as long as possible. Eventually she had to slow though. She only let it taper off slowly, all of the movements winding down from full speed to half, then a quarter before pulling herself off entirely.

Finally she released the grip with her teeth. Leaving herself only providing the physical support of a big body to lean on she allowed herself a confident smirk. "Still think that I don't know how to handle a cunt, Coach?" She asked with all of the smugness that one would expect out of someone who's hand smelled deeply of rabbit pussy.

Almost immediately there came an impossibly cogent and enthusiastic answer. "Not bad for a first time! You did listen well, and your incorporation of kinks was excellent! However you did go well over the time limit for a round, and I did not take ten seconds to be ready to answer questions. But you did show more potential than I gave you credit for, so kudos!"

There was no way. There was just no way that this rabbit that was crying out in sheer ecstasy seconds ago was giving her pointers now! Catherine shook her head in disbelief, but Coach Hart was already picking herself up and brushing herself off. The rabbit looked back over her shoulder and smirked at the expression on the lynx's face.

"I mean it honey, you did well. But we're professionals here. So you'd better be ready for lots more training. Same time, same place tomorrow. I'll make a striker out of you yet."