Scent of Salmon

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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I was going to call this "Fishy Smell" or something dumb like that but decided to go with a bit more class. A bit. <:3c

A little story I banged out to go with a very nice drawing my friend LizardLars did for me after I expressed interest in his female salmon character! Given this is something entirely for myself and LizardLars, it's really heavy on the stank so if sniffing ass isn't your thing, you'll probably want to go read something else. Preferably by a better author. :v

Desmond and writing (C) me

Mr. and Mrs. Salmon and art (C) FA: lizardlars

To a salmon, there were few places more pleasant than the beach. Warm, salty water to swim in and unobstructed sun provided what felt to the lady salmon like a natural playground. Nude she swam, as the beach was designated for nudists; she swam with her husband, also a salmon, handsome and fit. She teased and played with mammalian swimmers who proved receptive, and those who did she sometimes invited for more involved pleasures.

Lovers of considerable energy, the salmon pair were as happy to fuck in privacy as they were to perform on the beach with onlookers present and helping hands and paws in the way. They welcomed reptiles, birds, other aquatic life - but they loved mammals in particular, savoring the brush of soft fur on their smooth hide. The female in particular enjoyed the curious tickles of whiskers and fuzzy snouts and she never tired of the way some mammals blushed and sometimes balked at her rich, fishy scent.

She walked out of the ocean with the easy grace of a model. Water rolled off her hide, her pert breasts sported stiff nipples, and her trim figure attracted the gaze of many onlookers, male and female. She came across her husband sunning himself on a striped blanket, black shades covering his eyes.

"I thought you wanted to swim," said the lady salmon, straddling her husband.

"I did, but then I met a nice fox." He palmed his wife's hips. Sturdy yet pleasantly curved, they often earned attention before any other part of her body. Even her naked tits could hardly compete with her hips. "He said he'd be back soon. We were going to wait for you, promise." His plump lips upturned in a coy smile. The lady salmon dipped low, breasts brushing his chest, and kissed him firmly.

"Well, until this fox gets back, you and I can warm up. Stretch a little first." A soft grind against him, his hands caressing her rump, and he was stiff quickly. She moaned as he slid into her. He cupped a breast, mouthed it in thick fish lips. The lady rode her husband, body glinting, eyes closed, mouth open slightly as gentle moans passed her lips. They went on like so, their lovemaking calm on the public beach, the sun heating her back, her body heating his.

The fox returned to find the pair huffing in satisfaction, lips meeting often for loving pecks. A thick drool of semen oozed from her sex, running over their smooth hides together like a candy glaze. She raised her head first to see the gawping fox and she smiled at him; she thought he was handsome, especially as mammals went. Blonde-haired, green-eyed, small penis but nice snout. The ice cream cone he held fell apart in the heat; a fat dollop of chocolate ice cream fell into the sand with a wet plop. The fox seemed not to notice.

"Is this the fox you were talking about?" cooed the lady salmon, her thick finned tail flopping back and forth.

Her husband's eyes opened slowly as if the lids were sticky. He eyed the fox, smiled, nodded. "That's the fox I was talking about. Seems like we got started without him..."

"And finished without him," said the lady salmon, her smile sweet.

"Hi," the fox said, and glanced at his ice cream. He huffed and tossed the empty cone aside. "Your husband said you might like to meet me."

Rising smoothly, marred only by the vulgar mess leaking from between her thighs, the pretty salmon beckoned the fox then took him into an embrace. Her plush lips brushed his sticky black jowls; their tongues teased, slipping together. Even there her scent was fishy but the fox seemed only drawn to her, his paws clasping her rear, slipping over broad hips.

"I've never been with a salmon," the fox whispered, and then he glanced down at the husband salmon.

"Don't look at me," the male said, chuckling. His gray hide glinted with a sheen of sweat; his penis, flaccid, receded gradually into his genital slit like a lazy worm. "If my wife likes you, she likes you. I'll join in later."

The fox blushed. He nosed with the lady salmon who smiled and palmed the fuzzy, taut run of his back. As her fingers reached his bottom, she said softly, "I like you just fine." Her lips smooched his cheek. She leaned against his nude, furry body and spoke close to his ear, "Do you want me to be forward or coy?"

"Say forward," the male salmon teased. "Coy takes so long."

"Hush, you," she said with a gentle giggle.

From the fox, "Um, forward, I guess." His small penis, entirely erect, rubbed against the fleshy hide on her pelvis. Gently the lady salmon ground against him, watching his face as she teased him using her warm body.

"In that case," she murmured, pressing against the handsome fox, "I want you to lie down. Your face looks like a nice seat."

"You want to-, you want to sit on my face?" the fox asked, his voice catching. He grinned. "Oh, sure! Yeah, cool."

The salmon laughed and pushed the fox softly. "Lie back then, silly," she sighed as she encouraged him to do just that. "I just hope you're ready. Some people have reservations about the smell of a fish."

Eagerly the fox watched as she stood over him and turned, her foot twisting in the sand. Beads of sweat speckling her rear glimmered in the sunlight as did the drizzle of semen which oozed from her sex. He huffed, whined as she knelt, bringing her rear closer. His paws played over her hips; she swatted them and said teasingly, "Don't rush me. You'll get all you can sniff very soon."

Already the rich smell of her body was overwhelming for the fox. His penis twitched, spurting small beads of precum. He whined and the fish brought down her rump. The wrinkled bud of her anus kissed his nostrils and the fox began to snort, to huff and gasp like a desperate addict. Both husband and wife laughed, the female giving a demure giggle, the male a more hearty laugh.

"This is one eager fox," she cooed. Backwards she ground, dragging her loins across his snout. Now the fox's nose smeared into her sex; semen drooled down his chin, even made it into his nostrils, and his penis sharply twitched. Still the fox snorted and huffed as his paws played greedily over her hips, her sides, the small handfuls of her breasts.

"Smells so good," the fox groaned, moving his nose to the rim of her anus again, then indecisively back to the wet lips of her sex. Her body was harshly fragrant with musk unlike anything the fox had ever smelled. He whined as he breathed her smell, sucking it from both orifices. His tongue slopped across her sex, dipping between the folds and slurping away a rope of semen which was incredibly salty by mammalian standards, but the fox cared only about her scent.

Smiling coyly, grinding and pushing, the lady salmon savored the fox's hungry snuffling nearly as much as he enjoyed her smell. Always an astonishingly wet woman, she now dribbled a clear but viscous fluid from her pussy and it glazed the fox's face. She reached back and brushed a hand through his hair. Sweetly she asked, "Do you really love my smell that much?"

"Don't ask silly questions," the male salmon chuckled. "Of course he does... just look at how hard he is."

Ever smiling, her sweat-streaked body glinting in the sunshine brilliantly, the lady salmon cupped the fox's penis in soft fingers. Gently she began to stroke it, never remarking on its size as it did not bother her; she liked the fox and his eager nose, and she took as a compliment the stiffness of his cock, its size irrelevant. Her digits squeezed its shaft, rolled its foreskin gently back over the throbbing head. Then she teased her fingertips across the glans, gathering a sample of the slippery precum which the fox so generously spurted. Slowly she tasted these fingers, smelled them too. "You have a nice musk, yourself..."

Under the salmon's continued teasing, the fox bucked and whined and snorted desperately at her holes. He went especially for her anus, smelling it with a fanatical hunger the two salmon had rarely seen in mammalian friends before. She responded by pressing downward with her rear, pushing so that her rim kissed the pad of his nose and spread open against it. Simultaneously she gave much attention to his cock, fondling and groping it and the small, warm sack beneath it until suddenly the jerking, gasping fox let loose a nearly braying noise, and he snuffled her with excited desperation which surprised both fish.

From the fox's cock came a thick, messy spurt of semen. His hips bucked and his mess arced onto the lady salmon's body, spattering across her hide until sticky white strands dotted her like milky, drifting constellations.

"Gosh," the salmon cooed, wriggling her rump down on the fox's face as his frenzied snuffling calmed. "You really enjoy my smell."

"I think we should invite him home with us," the male salmon remarked. His penis poked from its slit, stiffening again with a gummy sheen of old semen on its flesh. To the fox he said, "I think I'd like a turn now, if you're not too exhausted."

Under the lady salmon's rear, huffing and softly moaning, the fox said, "I'm-, I'm fine, I can go again... just let me catch my breath."

"Have as many breaths as you want under there," teased the lady. She fondly palmed his head again, then gazed at her husband, who smiled and winked.

"I had a feeling about him," the male salmon said, then his lips pressed to hers for a soft kiss.