Runed Path

Story by Luvian on SoFurry

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The gryphon story has finally been completed! And is now a Christmas Present for you all.

This took a while to get done (finals suck!) but I'm quite happy with how this turned out.

It even became a gift for a good gryphon friend of mine, Rune! Go check him out!

Flying was something Luvian would never get tired of. Despite his mostly canine appearance, the wings he had, combined with his tail (and hollow bones) allowed him to soar through the air like any other avian creature. It made him a bit more fragile than the average wolf, true, but he felt it a perfectly fine tradeoff for the experience. The wind whistling againsthis ears, ruffling his fur and fluttering feathers. No, he'd not trade this experience for anything. Even the slight chill of oncoming winter, dulled by his thick pelt, couldn't dissuade him from exploring the skies.

Normally, with the sun setting low, and beginning to lose it's rounded shape as it fell behind the trees, he'd be back home in his tree. Resting in his nest of fabric and softness until the sounds of the forest lulled him to sleep, and he'd awake the next day refreshed and ready. But during his earlier exploration he'd spotted a hot spring, and the natural aches that accumulated throughout the day were crying out for relief. He'd decided to submit, and so here he was, flying through the air, warm sun at his back.

Spotting the telltale steam, mixed in with the sound of gurgling water, alerted him to the hot springs, and he dove, the sound of wind rising to a fever pitch before falling away to nothing as he landed on the forest floor. Shaking a bit to work out some troublesome kinks, he made his way forward. The spring was moderately sized, a pool of steaming water deep enough to submerge, should he wish, and wide enough in certain areas that he could lay down and not touch either end. Overall, a perfect hot spring.

Stripping off his shorts, Luvian circled the water until he found a slightly shallower area, stepping in, and sighing in bliss at the immediate relief. Slowly the wolfbird slid onto his rump, tail and wings carefully moved to avoid pain, and leaned against the rocky shore. The hot water lapped at his chest, soaking into his skin and making his muscle turn to jelly. The steam cleared his sinuses, and as he continued to relax, he slid deeper, until the spring water wet his chin. His sore wings and back sobbed in relief, and as he continued to soak, he found his eyes closing. He barely had the energy to resist, and so he was merely able to raise himself a little bit higher before his head fell forward, and he fell asleep.

Luvian awoke to hot, wet darkness, mouth full of fur and nostrils full of heavy musk. Coughing, he tried to find out what was going on, groaning as the heavy weight refused to move. He was still in the hot spring, that much he could tell. Half his body was still submerged in the hot water, but with whatever or whoever it was laying on him, the sensation was no longer comforting. His upper body was drenched in sweat, matting his fur and making him feel even less clean than he had felt after working in his home forge. And so, he continued to try and either shift out from under the mass, or get it to move. Eventually, the second objective was successful, and Luvian felt the heavy thing move, with what sounded like a chirp. The wolfbird took his first clear breath in what felt like forever, coughing as he tried to get the taste of fur off his tongue, and the scent of musk out of his nose. Dunking himself quickly to get rid of the feeling of sweat, the hybrid finally turned around, and yelped as he came face to face with a pair of golden, predatory eyes, set into a feathery face and separated by a sharp beak.

A gryphon. A mythical beast on par with dragons. Luvian had never seen one before, and certainly not this close. They were a russet red color, fading to black along the fringes, with charcoal grey talons for forepaws, and an edging of gold along the face. Based on the musk still clinging to his nose, they were definitely male, and he could only assume, with a small gulp of terror, he'd accidentally been intruding on the hybrid's territory. Fuck.

Well, hopefully he could get out of this unscathed. Slowly, he backed up a bit, only stopping when he felt his talons scrape against the edge of a deeper hole in the water. "Easy there, big guy...." He murmured, his own gold eyes dipping down to avoid direct eye contact with that burning gaze. "Didn't mean to intrude, didn't realize this was your territory. Couldn't tell so high up, and this hot spring burns out everything else."

He knew gryphons were more intelligent than they looked. He'd met a couple of different creatures that definitely had a brain, even though they didn't have the ability to speak in a way everyone knew. And with the beasts being on par with dragons, he worked under that assumption. The splashing of water shook him out of his thoughts, and made him tilt his head up slightly to get a better view without meeting those eagle eyes.

The other male had entered the water. Somehow doing so regally, eyes never leaving his body. Luvian's panic rose as he approached, until they were just as far apart as before, breath ruffling fur, that hooked beak a simple movement away from his head. Was his apology not accepted? The wolfbird didn't know. Maybe there was some sort of penance or punishment at play. He had no knowledge of how a gryphon's mind worked, much less the customs and practices of their race. He was flying blind, only using what he knew as a wolfbird, and as an infrequent town visitor, to guess.

A head pressing against his chest made him let out a surprised huff, watching with bemusement as the gryphon basically....nuzzled against him, rumbling in a way that was almost feline. Cautiously, Luvian lifted a paw to rub behind the prominent ear tufts, earning a deeper rumble in response, and another push against his chest, this one forcing him a step back. Smiling, he continued to 'attack' the obvious weak spot, feeling confident enough after a couple minutes to murmur, "Just wanted some company and affection, hmmm?" under his breath.

They stayed like this for several minutes, wolfbird and gryphon, until the large feral pulled back, the wolfbird letting his arm fall away as well. Looking into those golden eyes, he took a step back, still smiling. "If it's alright with you, I'm gonna head home. Hopefully we'll meet again, you're very handsome." With that, he turned towards the closest edge of the hot spring, pulling himself free of the water and giving himself a shake to get his wings and fur dry. All the while, he could feel the gryphon's eyes boring into his back, a nervous weight forming once more in his gut. Was he still in trouble? Did the mythical creature even plan on letting him leave?

Apparently the answer was yes, as nothing happened, even as the bipedal hybrid collected his shorts and pulled them on. Turning around, he made his way back to the edge of the hot spring, offering one more hug to the majestic beast before he left. The warm feathery head once again made contact with his chest, and the wolfbird gave it a friendly hug. "See you later, then." he murmured, letting the gryphon press against him for another minute before pulling away. The saddened chirp made him frown, and it took him promising the feral he'd return within seven days to get him looking less upset (though how a beaked feral could look so upset, he had no idea). With a couple flaps of his wings, he was off, soaring through the air towards his home.

The meetings at the hotspring became part of his routine, Luvian always making time once or twice a week to visit the spring and soak in it's warmth, with the gryphon showing up a bit later. The companionship, and dare he say, friendship, was as relaxing as the waters they met in, and the wolfbird found himself looking forward to the meetings. The feral wasn't pushy, or demanding. He just seemed to desire to snuggle the wolfbird. Which was confirmed when the gryphon began to lay down and pull the smaller hybrid against his belly. It was calming, and Luvian found himself idly petting over those silky feathers, just idly soaking in the shared warmth.

Things changed about a month or so later. The gryphon got more and more unwilling to let the wolfbird out of his sight, requiring further visits to keep the feral from just rolling on top of him and treating the wolfbird like an unruly chick. It took the wolfbird taking the strict route and stopping his visits for a week for that behavior to stop, although the clinginess (and dare he say, possessiveness) continued, albeit at a tolerable level. The tense silence, however, remained. Luvian did his best to keep the gryphon appeased and calm, though usually it ended with him waiting for the gryphon to fall asleep before slipping away, feeling slightly guilty at leaving without a proper goodbye. Finally, he got a hint of why the beast had changed in his behavior. Though to call it a hint was quite the understatement. It was more like a deluge of explanation.

It was after yet another visit to the hot spring. The wolfbird had just determined the gryphon to be asleep, and was, with a tinge of sadness, and distaste for the ritual he now had, slipping from under the forepaw wrapped about him, and preparing to fly home once more. There was no chirp of dismay to signal his failing to determine the gryphon's state, only a rustle of feathers and fur, easily hidden beneath the sounds of the gurgling hot spring. And then a hot, heavy weight bowling him over, sending Luvian splashing into the edge of a shallower pool.

Spluttering, the wolfbird coughed up water he'd unfortunately inhaled as he sat up, shaking water once again from his fur. "Wha?....Mfmmfh!" His question to the gryphon didn't even have a chance to leave his lips before it was muffled, the situation in which he had first met the feral repeating itself, though in a slightly different way. Flat on his back, muzzle buried in the chest feathers of his companion, nose clogged with his scent. Except now, he didn't have a way to bring his arms up to push, and was now trapped, half submerged in hot water. It was luck (or at least seemingly luck) that the water was not deep enough to reach his muzzle. Though the water pushing on his ears was distracting as it was.

Luvian was forced to lay there as the gryphon pressed down on him, a pleased-sounding rumble vibrating his hollow bones. It was strange at first, but as time went on, and the wolfbird could still only listen, it turned calming, like their cuddling sessions from before. The heat of both that feathered body and the spring water was debilitating on top of it, making the wolfbird feel....mushy. Like his limbs were being held down with more than just flesh and bone. Without realizing it, he began to rumble back, the sound of higher pitch, but carrying that same pleased meaning. It continued for what felt like forever, sound and scent and touch blending together, until the feral creature finally got up, leaving Luvian to whine at the loss of contact.

It was not for long though. The gryphon's beak was soon nudging against him, before biting gently into his scruff as he began turn. Natural instincts made him go limp, his limbs dangling as the gryphon seemed to proudly carry him towards the waters edge, before draping him tenderly over the shore, leaving his body just barely in the hot pool, water lapping at his thighs. His tail was nudged out of the way, the waterlogged appendage draping into the spring once again, before he felt the gryphon drape itself almost lovingly over him once again. Luvian let out a slightly confused chirp, wondering what was going on, why the gryphon was doing this weird, almost ritual-like behavior. He got his answer shortly afterwards, as a thick, steaming hot shaft was pressed against his back.

It was huge, pre already staining his back as it stiffened and grew, until the huge shaft felt like it was as wide as his leg and as long as his torso. It felt more like a pole than a cock, wide at the tip. He could determine much else as the gryphon above him pulled back, lining up with his ring. It was finally here that Luvian's slow-moving brain finally connected some dots, but all he could do was widen his eyes before powerful hips pushed forward. A loud, squawking howl rang out, mingling with a hawklike cry and the lewd SQUELCH of a shaft forcing open a too small hole to create a sound any other gryphon would recognize. The claiming of another.

Luvian himself was gasping for breath, trying to process what had just happened to him, that the gryphon he'd grown close to was now spreading him wide around a too large shaft. But he never got a chance, groaning as short thrusts began, the force behind them much less than the initial push, but still enough to stretch and loosen him further, pushing that blunt tip even deeper into his body. He felt too full, too filled with the monstrously sized cock, but all he could do was whine as he was spread open.

It seemed to stretch on forever, that slow, almost tender period, the gryphon settling into a rhythm, one that he found himself enjoying after a while. Each pull back became longer and longer, hips pulling away until just that broad flare was left into him, until everything that had already been pushed into him before was slid back into his body, along with a bit extra. His own golden eyes had long since started to roll back, paws weakly clenching and relaxing in time with each push, as he looked into the red, soft, underbelly of the mythical beast. He should really have given them a name, but each attempt now was pushed aside, mind melting further as he felt his prostate pressed against now, sending him into a climax that leaked his own seed into the earth, dripping from an erect cock the owner of which had forgotten about by now.

Another chirp signified the next 'phase', right as ridges started to be more apparent in the lewd weapon wielded against him. He felt the gryphon's beak against his scruff again, before it was once again bitten into by the sharp 'lips' of the beast. Right on schedule, his muscles loosened and fell limp, the wolfbird himself kept docile now as the pace sped up. Each thrust now popped a ridge into that loosening ring, the sensation forcing moans from the nearly insensate hybrid. More was pressed into the smaller male, until the sheer size forced another climax, this one coinciding with the feeling of his belly stretching around something from within. Something that could only be the gryphon's cock. The bulge it made was small, but grew quickly as the mating of the two hybrid's continued. Soon enough it was slamming into the water-logged soil of the hot spring, digging a small furrow into the earth.

Luvian gasped for breath, blurry gaze filled with moving red and tinges of gold and black. He didn't know how much more he could take, and breathed a silent sigh of relief as he felt a thicker portion of that shaft press against him. It could only be the knot, one last hurdle before he could collect his thoughts and get some answers. Not like he would be going anywhere anytime soon. Another thrust, this one the roughest by far, spread him wider, his scruff slipping free of that sharp beak as he started to slip too far down the thick shaft for the position to be comfortable for either of them. He could feel that thick knot, pressing against him, pulling away, forcing him looser and looser until the wolfbird grew impatient himself and forced himself back with every ounce of strength he had left in his body.

It wasn't a knot that popped into his body, locking him further against the beast. It was an equine-like ridge, a thicker portion of shaft that signified...something. He didn't know. The hard and heavy shaft was so far within him it felt like it was in his chest, despite the impossibility. All he knew was that more was coming, another successful-sounding chirp all but confirming it. Though not the change in position. That one left him gasping and moaning on the gryphon's dick, clutching at his bulging belly weakly as he was moved.

The feral, mythical beast had sat back on his haunches, his heavy shaft starting to pull out before the wolfbird's muscular ring prevented the escape of the ridge that had just entered it. Gurgling, clutching as the bulge in his belly grew, Luvian was dragged back as well, gravity beginning to pull him down and work with the gryphon as he fell into the thick feathers of the hybrid's belly, head hanging limp from being too weak to raise it. Eyes forced to watch as massive, swaying orbs sloshed just below his talons, matched only by a hip-shattering knot. And he came again, cum spraying from his shaft in reduced amounts as he felt a growing part of himself wonder what that would feel like. And a shrinking part of him try and rebuff it.

There was no beak in his scruff now, no belly keeping him pinned. But the forelimbs of the gryphon had wrapped themselves around his chest in a sort of embrace, head resting atop a smaller head, before things tilted again as the gryphon fell back, the wolfbird now held tight against the friendly creature's belly again, as hips resumed their pace, thrusting once again, bulge in his belly shrinking and growing as further ridges made their presence known. Each inch that made its way into him was larger than the last, his ring feeling like it'd never recover as more and more flesh pushed against his walls. Until he could only gurgle and moan as a titanic, rump destroying knot pressed against his nearly broken hole, his legs draped over the churning, virile location of the gryphon's sack.

There were no complaints or fears floating around his brain now, not even as the pace increased and that knot was pushed with increasing force against him. His body forced wider and wider, moment after moment where that knot would force itself further into his body, even as the tip seemed to reach the deepest location possible and leak thick pre into his depths. The amount of that source itself was making itself known, the defined bulge of gryphon dick softened, even as it should be getting more defined as flesh and fur was pushed to theoretical limits. Despite everything, there was no signs of pause or release, the entrance of that knot growing closer in time until a sufficiently loose hole met a throbbing, giant knot one more time....and lost. The sound of a knot entering was louder than the sound that had first happened with the gryphon's flare.

Luvian himself had gone limp, back against the thick coat of feathers as he panted. The knot had spread his legs wide, talons forced away from those churning orbs as the distinct shape made itself known in his lower gut. Tied, soon to be filled with seed, and climaxing his brains out once again, the wolfbird howled in pleasure, the length of the noise carrying on until he had no breath left, chest heaving as he felt those short, staccato thrust push against him just a couple more times, before a deafening screech of triumph rang in his ears, ending with the head of the gryphon moving off his head to bite deep into the junction of his shoulder. A claiming mark, a notice of ownership, whatever you wished to call it, the meaning was the same. Luvian belonged to the gryphon now.

The pulse of moving seed was easily visible, shaft swelling, growing closer to the tip buried deep within until the feral's own climax began. Seed flooded the wolfbird, and his belly, already softened by precum, expanded in size. A wobbling orb of fur-covered flesh surrounding hot, thick seed that grew and grew, trapped by the expansive knot keeping everything in. Luvian could only hope he had enough space, as the amount seemed infinite, his gut pressing down upon him, squishing him between cum and bird until he felt his brain stutter one too many times. Everything that had been him before shattering and remaking itself with the gryphon now included.

A small twinge marked the end of the bite, blood soaking his fur even as a small decrease in everything flowing into him marked the incoming end of the gryphon's orgasm. Groaning and gurgling, Luvian lifted his heavy paws to rub over his belly, feeling it grow one last time before the pulsing sensation near his feet ceased. There they lay, gryphon partially submerged in water, tied to a massively bloated wolfbird that appeared dead to everything beyond his sense. And there they stayed, until the rump destroying shaft began to soften and retreat back to it's sheath, popping free of the wolfbird's rear and leaving seed to drizzle weakly into the gryphon's feathers from the ruined entrance. Had he just not been treated like a tender yet loved mate/pet, Luvian might have been wondering why such amounts were not flooding out at the same rate they had come in. The only reasons could be stemmed from how deep everything had been pushed within. Not that he cared, anyway. He'd been lulled into a doze by the intense heat surrounding him, eyes fluttering shut as massive wings stretched across his vision and engulfed him. Sending him to sleep with a gryphon who was now more than a friend.

Several Months Later

Luvian huffed as he teasingly pushed the gryphon's head away from his work, the silvery mark of their bond glinting on his shoulder as he did so. He was working on making the tree safe from the silliness (and otherwise) they'd gotten into together. While it'd taken a while to convince the gryphon to move in with him, he'd not yet regretted it. He'd regretted nothing when it came to the creature. Not even the extensive (and careful) restructuring he'd needed to let the other male into his home without causing the tree further issues with a second occupant. With one final shove against the invading beak, the wolfbird finally got his work finished, and he held it up to the light to show it off to the gryphon. And got an approving chirp in return.

They made their way upstairs, and stopped at the doorway to the 2nd floor, the bedroom they now both shared. The nest he'd created had grown, now layered with the long feathers that were shed as time went on, a deep impression showing where they commonly lay. Smiling, he fondly remembered that first time all over again, waking up at the hotspring cradled in paws and carrying a belly sloshing with seed. It'd taken an hour for the gryphon to bring him back to his house (he had given directions), and he'd held no anger for the abrupt breeding he'd undergone. It felt almost....honoring to be chosen by the gryphon, and something he didn't feel like he could just refuse. Especially when he found himself greeted the next day with a gryphon outside his door, looking over him with concern and preening over his wings.

A nudge against the small of his back shook him out of his memories, a laugh bubbling loose as he saw the almost affronted look that he was taking so long. "Alright, you silly gryphon, I'll get on with it." he said fondly, taking the next few steps into the room to better decide where to put the new decoration. A place was finally decided, and to celebrate Luvian finally decided on what he would name his companion and lover. "I'll call you Rune." he murmured, wrapping an arm around that thick neck and giving an affectionate squeeze. "A regal name for a regal gryphon."

A purr was confirmation, a more rough nudge against his back something else. He fell willingly into their nest, the newly christened Rune standing over him, letting him smell the growing musk and the weight over his back, like so many times before. Luvian obligingly lifted his tail, groaning as that large shaft once again made its way into his body. The almost daily ritual (per gryphon demand) began, hybrid meeting hybrid in the most intimate way yet again. And yet all he could think of was a little bottle on a shelf, unlabeled but for a simple drawing of an egg.

'Maybe another time....' Luvian thought, before that knot popped into him and his belly grew once again. Rune crowing his victory above him as he claimed his wolfbird one more time.

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