Assumption of Instruction

Story by LiquidHunter on SoFurry

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#24 of Random Ramblings (Adult)

Sorry for such the long wait. I thought that I was done with writer's block, but I was wrong. I had been thinking of this for a little as something for those of you who were getting tired of the teasing and lack of actual action in my main story.

Assumption of Instruction

Abe drummed his fingers impatiently on the steering while as he stared at the light. The red light beemed down at him malevolently, taunting him.

"C'mon," the tuxedo cat said. It seemed like it was been red for hours even though it had been less than two minutes. Still, with his house just around the corner, it seemed like a cruel joke.

Abe could just imagine some overweight and underpaid city employee sitting at a computer miles away, purposefully making this light longer and longer.

It was, of course, utterly ridiculous, but Abe imagined it all the same.

The feline looked down the road where there was no traffic and then to the sides where there was again, no traffic.

"I'm the only one here. Turn green," he said to no one. "Greeeeeeen." He demanded and as if cowed, the light turned green.

With resentful last murmur to the intersection, Abe drove his car around thr turn and down the road for not even a hundred meters before he pulled into the drive way next to a silver truck. His roommate, Mathias was already home. Abe grinned.

The car beeped as Abe got out and locked the car, letting the humid air hit his nostrils for a moment. He then pulled out his phone and looked at the single notification he hasn't cleared.

Package delivered to post box.

Abe's grin grew wider as he quickly went go the end of the street and opened the waiting mail box where a single orange envelope sat. He grabbed it and whisked it inside quickly.

"You're late today," Mathias, or Matt, an river otter, said from thr couch, his round ears lifting up slightly at the sound of the front door opening. He was laid out on the couch, watching his sitcoms. The sound of a laugh track cackled every few moments.

"Bad luck at traffic lights," Abe waved the comments away and quickly placed the envelope into his pocket. "Left work at the normal time. I swear, those things just exist to waste the gas in my car."

Matt sat up and turned to face Abe and though they had been living together for a year now, Abe was still always a little taken aback by the sight.

Matt didn't look like a typical otter or even an atypical otter, he was something else entirely, a synth. Though that wasn't actually accurate since he wasn't made from scratch in a lab.

Where his face should have been, there was a dark glass screen with polished titanium borders. The screen bent over the front of his face, replacing the nose, except for two small holes that acted as nostrils. The only thing of his head that was original was his mouth, or rather his lower jaw and his ears. The same could be said for his body as well. His chest was a series of titanium plates that ended at his abdomen and his shoulders. His hips were smooth, polymer coated metallic joints that replaced his legs all the way to his knees as well.

If Matt had seen the very brief hesitation from his roommate, he didn't show it because he didn't care. He knew that he would get this kind of reaction for the rest of his life, but that that fine by him because he was still alive. Long story short, he had been in a pretty bad accident that had involved a drunk driver while he was riding a bike. The only reason why he was alive was because half of his body was now plastics and metal.

Matt's pair of blue digital eyes blinked once. "Or maybe I talked to the city computers and told them to harass you a bit."

Abe quirked his head to the side and lashed his tail. "You can't really do that, can you?"

A pattern of dots appeared on Matt's face in the shape of a smile even though he very easily could have just smiled normally. Then the screen gave way to a matrix of numbers sliding down his face.

"No, fuck you," Abe pointed at Matt. "I know you can't."

Matt's default blue eyes came back. "You're right. I can't." He shrugged and slid back down on the couch and continued to watch his show.

Abe let out a breath, glad that Matt wasn't in a frisky mood. He needed that for tonight.

Up in his room with the door shut, Abe pulled out the envelope and carefully tore it open, revealing a small box which he then took out and looked at.

It was rather plain except for a few words printed on the top.

'Hit of Synth'

Abe contained the excitement building in him and quickly peeled back the little bit of tape on the box and opened it up. On top there was a small paper with instructions on it. He tossed that aside since he had already read online about what he had to do.

Under the paper was a single USB drive nestled into a form fit plastic mold. The same words that were on the box were on the drive as well.

Abe reached in and gingerly plucked the drive out of the mold. For something that cost him a hundred dollars, it felt flimsy, even with the aluminum case. He was afraid of breaking it, so he held it nimbly between his fingers as he slowly crept across the room and opened the door.

The sound of Matt's sitcom quietly sounded through the empty hall. It was clear and so Abe tiptoed across the hall to Matt's room.

The door was open and the room was lit by the slowly setting sun, casting an orange glow. It was a pretty standard room in looks except for one thing. In the corner, next to Matt's bed was a box with a screen on it with a small keyboard in front.

Abe walked over to the computer, occasionally looking over to the door. Matt would kill him if he knew that Abe was near his computer. Yet, the reward was high enough to warrant to risk.

The thing was Matt was an asshole in the sack. The otter knew what he wanted and often took it. Not that Abe ever argued or even really disliked it, but there comes a point where change is needed. Just a little.

Abe stood over the computer that gave a soft hum. He fingered the drive in his hand, suddenly finding the bravado and guille that had brought him here fading. Should he? This was a severe breach of privacy and trust. Yet, Abe felt that Matt was simply getting what was coming. Abe had moved in to be roommates with the otter under the assumption that the otter was versatile in bed, but he hadn't seen that at all. He was just getting what he was promised is all.

Without giving time to doubt any more, Abe plugged the drive I to the single slot available on the computer.

The computer's fan hummed louder and the screen lit up.

'External update detected. Access files?'

Abe read over the pop-up and used the keyboard to highlight the 'yes' option and hit enter.

A series of loading bars came up and after a minute, a new pop-up appeared.

'Install DOMINATION routine?'

Abe kicked his lips. He had read online that the drive would install a minor patch that would sit and wait until Matt plugged in the next time. That would be tonight since he always plugged in before sleep to download any update or patch that came out. This patch would be a little different. The product description said that the patch would make Matt more susceptible to ideas. He wouldn't do anything that he wouldn't consider in the first place, it just made him more willing to listen and act on those ideas, like... bottoming.

It's all Abe needed because he knew that when he had first moved in, there had been a few times where Matt had seriously considered letting the feline top him. Now he would consider it and go along. Abe just needed it for one night. Just one time and it would have been worth it.

Abe hit enter on the keyboard and several more loading bars flashed by rapidly until it indicated that the patch was complete and he could remove the drive, which Abe did and then quickly fled back to his own room and went to take his evening shower.

Down below, Matt heard the shower turn on, but didn't think anything of it. He had thought, when Abe had first gotten home, to see if the cat was in the mood for some fun, but the way the felines tail had been lashing about because of the traffic, he decided not to. There was also the fact that it seemed neither of them were really enjoying it much either. Sex didn't happen as often and when it did, Matt felt that he had to fight for it every second. Abe was a bit of a lazy bottom. He moaned and pushed a little, but not much else and made Matt think, a few times, that perhaps switching positions would be good, but the topic hadn't come up in a while and Matt knew that he had passed on the idea a few too many times already that Abe was probably dissuaded from asking.

Matt sighed as the sitcom faded to black and the credits began to roll. It was starting to get late now and even if it was now the weekend and he didn't have work, he knew that if he didn't get to bed soon, he's be tired in the morning. Plus, if he didn't let his joint rest, they'd get stiff the next morning and the maintenance was messy and time consuming.

The otter synth stretched his arms above his head and pushed his legs out. His artifical joints didn't creak or get that good stretched feeling, but instead he heard servos whir and fluids run through his limbs which had its own appeal.

The shower turned off upstairs and Matt got up, figuring that he should clean himself up as well before the water in the pipes got cold.

While there were some materials out there that a synth could be built from that were sensitive go water, Matt was safe. Being an otter, the doctors and engineers had the foresight to ensure that water was never going to be an issue. However, due to the weight of the metal parts, swimming was definitely more difficult.

Matt wandered up the stairs just as the door to the bathroom opened and Abe stepped out.

Being friend with benefits meant that things such as clothes were very much optional. They had seen each other naked and were comfortable with it and yet, as the feline came out, patting himself dry, but still being very much revealing, this wasn't the first time something like this had happened and it had never been awkward in the slightest and yet, Matt caught himself looking just a bit longer than usual this time.

"Taking a shower before bed?" Abe asked as he aggressively dried thr fur on his arms.

"Uhh, yeah," Matt said and forced his eyes up and away the white and black colored sheath and balls dancing in front of him, before Abe could catch him looking. "I- think that a new update for my firmware came out today. Need to make sure I get to bed at a decent time to let it install."

"Oh?" Abe grinned. "What kind of update?" He let the towel hang to his side.

Matt cursed inwardly and felt his own sheath swell slightly. It had been too long since the last time he had a good fuck, but he fought down the urge. Now just wasn't the time for that.

"Just standard security stuff," Matt quickly said and looked away, scratching just behind his ear where the metal changed to fur. "Nothing new."

"Hmm," Abe shrugged and walked go his room. "Well, goodnight."

Matt sighed and let out a breath he had been holding once Abe had vanished behind his bedroom door.

That had been close. Matt hated his libido sometimes and wondered if there would ever be an update that would allow him to tune his hormones. There were people out there with synthetic organs that managed things such as insulin to effectively cure diabetes. Since many of Matt's organs were replaced already and talked extensively with his brain, he believed that it was just a matter of time before such an update came out.

After a moment, Matt had calmed down enough to go to the bathroom where he stripped down and jumped into the shower where he felt much better and promised himself to try and be better with Abe if the opportunity came to bottom, though he had lingering doubts.

It wasn't that he didn't like bottoming, it was more that part of him didn't like the idea of bottoming someone so twinkish. It was stupid, but it nagged him. Nevertheless, Matt promised himself to be better.

Once he was done showering, Matt went to his room and laid down. He briefly toyed with the idea of jerking off, but decided against it. He pulled a cord from his night stand and plugged one end in the computer and then the other end into a small port where his right temple was.

Vision faded for a moment and then a screen popped up in front of Matt.

'Update found. Install now?'

Matt, using his mind, affirmed the option and was met with loads of patch notes, which he skipped over to get the update started.

When it did start, with a load bar and total file size, he noticed that for a routine update, it was rather large by about a hundred megabytes. Though, he didn't think anything of it. Sometimes they were bigger and sometimes they were smaller. No biggie. He'd read the patch notes in the morning and see what was what.

With the update downloading and installing, Matt went to sleep.

Abe had laid down and dimmed his lights after making sure his fur was completely dry. He didn't go right to sleep because his mind was racing. He was certain that when he had gotten out of the shower, Matt had been staring right at his sheath. It made him smile.

He had planned to drop small innuendos about letting him top over the next day since the next days patch would wipe the update he had put in and now it seemed that it would be easier.

"Cock hungry otter," Abe grinned to himself and felt a familiar feeling under his covers.

The thought of what tomorrow could hold in store was getting him excited. His sheath swelled a bit and he felt his tip poke out and jab the underside of his sheets, leaving a slimy spot that was already soaking through.

Abe pulled aside the bed sheets enough to uncover his crotch and his growing erection. His six inch cock stood proud with a clear film of liquid running down its length. It twitched to the rhythm of his heartbeat expectantly and he was very tempted.

"Fuck," he whispered to himself, his hand hovering just above his cock. He needed to hold back. Just for tonight. Any other night and he would have wrapped his fingers around that shaft before bending over and sucking himself off. Perks of being a feline. Not tonight though, he wanted to save everything for Matt tomorrow. Fill that otter synth ass up to the point where he would be leaking all night long.

Abe shook his head. Any thoughts of tomorrow would just make it harder to avoid jerking off tonight. So, he quickly pulled the sheet back over himself, ignoring the stain his leaking cock would leave. He could just do laundry later.

He closed his eyes, but the damage had been done already and his erection wasn't dying down in the slightest.

With a huff, Abe opened his eyes and sat up. He was going go to go downstairs to drink a glass of water, hoping during that time his dick would calm down, but he stopped when he say a pair of red LED lights looking at him from his doorway.

Matt had walked in, having woken up with the most peculiar feeling. He had to have sex. He needed it now. It was a feeling similar to being in a room with someone in heat. A miasma had filled his head with neediness and horniness, but instead of wanting to put his dick in something, he wanted, desired, needed, to be fucked.

It was confusing and new to the otter, but he knew what he wanted and he was going to get it.

He looked down at Abe. The feline starred right back at him, his eyes wide and his cock still tenting under the sheets.

Matt licked his lips as he gazed down to where the tent was. He felt his muscles quivering in anticipation, but he didn't move yet. He wouldn't force himself on Abe. They were friends and as fucking horny as the otter felt, there was still bare minimum of decorum needed.

"I need you to fuck me," Matt said, his voice flat, but desperate. He could feel his body tensing and his own erection, hidden behind the thin fabric of his boxers, was almost painful in how hard it was.

Abe blinked, his night vision was good enough that he could see Matt clearly. The well toned otter was standing just inside the door and he was definitely hard as well. Though, he want sure if he heard Matt correctly.

"What?" Abe asked and sat up more on the bed.

Matt took a step forward. "Let's fuck. You want to top? I mean, it's what you wanted, right?"

The words took a moment to take hold in thr cat's brain, but when it did, everything clicked.

"Well, yeah," Abe replied. "Fuck yeah."

It was all he needed. Matt moved so fast that when he hit the mattress, Abe went a little airborne and before he landed back on the mattress, his wrists were pinned down by the larger and stronger synth otter.

"What?" Abe blurted out in shock, suddenly finding himself straddled by the otter, unable to move much. "I thought I was going to top?"

The other's eyes flashed from red to blue and then back to red. "You are, but I don't really want to be the sub," Matt said and then added, "if you don't mind a power bottom."

Abe looked up at Matt, whose menacing red eyes shifted to a neutral gray. It was like a monkey's paw. He had wished to be a top, but the catch was he would have to be a submissive top. However, the idea didn't bother him that much. The feline had always been more submissive and the idea of having this sexy otter just take the lead was making him even hornier, if that was even possible.

"Power bottom away," Abe gave the permission.

Matt grinned and little fireworks displayed on his visor.

The otter let go of the feline's wrists and quickly leaned onto his back between the Abe's legs and stripped off his boxers which were ruined by just how soaked its front was. If Abe leaked a lot of pre like a faucet, Matt was like a pipe burst.

With the boxers gone, Matt sat back up and ground his hips across Abe's member.

The feline huffed out a pleasures mewl, already feeling like he was getting close thanks to how bothered he had been earlier already.

Matt grinned. "Don't blow your load yet. We're just getting started."

With the he slid back and off of Abe, going between his legs. He wrapped an arm around each of the cat's thighs and pulled him onto his lap and partially onto his chest.

Abe gave a shocked meep, but didn't resist.

With a smile that also came up on his visor, Matt brushed aside the cat's lashing tail revealing the well used hole and he kicked his lips, tasting that bit of metal the made up the upper half of his face.

Below, Abe breathed hard in anticipation and looked up at the synth who winked back at him before diving in.

Abe gasped as he felt the metal and glass of Matt's face plate rub against the underside of his balls. It was cold and a shock. Then right after Matt's warm and wet tongue lapped over his hole.

The cat groaned out and squirmed.

"Fuck, Matt," he breathed out as the otter dove in hard, pressing his tongue, fighting the outer sphincter to let him in.

"Relax," Matt said between licks and dove back in. His tongue left behind a wet mess and he kept adding to it, pressing and pushing until like flipping a switch, he went in.

His mouth was filled with a more earthy and musky flavor that before and normally Matt wouldn't care for it, but tonight, tonight was just different. It drove him into a frenzy and he pushed as deep as he could with his tongue, opening his mouth as wide as possible to the point that his teeth were going to leave marks behind on the cat's rump.

This went on for several minutes and just this was making Abe begin to feel exhausted from the pure sexual physicality of it, Matt drew away, kicking his lips.

Abe let out a long and deep breath. "Isn't... isn't the top supposed to eat out the bottom."

Matt grinned and gently set Abe's legs back down to the bed. "I'll do what I want, but if you want to do something..." Matt slowly crawled up Abe's body, running his hands through the cat's fur, kneeding and teasing until he was sitting on his chest. His cock, not the largest on the market, but still very respectable at seven and a half inches, sat, leaking, in front of Abe.

Abe glanced between the cock that was leaving a pool that leaked around his neck and up to the other's blank face. He took note that the other's thighs, sculpted from years of swimming and assisted by the servos that acted as joints, were keeping him from moving his arms as well. The otter was running the show. Director. Producer. Writer. Every part of it.

At first he had been excited, Matt was always more dominant, but just looking up at that blank, black face plate, he knew that this was something else and a small part of him was beginning to think that he was going to get much more than he bargained for.

"Go ahead," Matt said, give it a taste.

Abe leaned forward and licked the tip, getting a generous portion of the salty concoction and then wrapped his lips around the cock and slid down the shaft until his neck was strained and all of it was in his mouth, going partway into his throat.

"Yeah, that feels good," Matt said and pushed a little with his hip, pressing thr sleek fur of his abdomen against Abe's nose. "Keep going."

Abe obeyed and began to Bob his head back and forth, twisting his head a little at the tip and making sure to use the texture of his feline tongue for extra stimulation. He had sucked a lot of cock for a lot of species in his day, but the way to give good head never changed.

Matt groaned and bit his lower lip and placed a hand on top of Abe's head, getting a handful of the head fur.

At first, Abe wasn't aware that something had changed when the hand come down on his head, but when those otter fingers grabbed his fur and then pulled, he knew that it was going to get real.

To Matt, at that moment, it wasn't Abe below him, it was a tool to be used. Something fuck and get his rocks off. He pulled and pushed the feline's mouth up and down his shaft. He went on until he felt something. His vision, and eyes on his visor came back and he looked down to see Abe.

Abe was struggling with tears at the corner of his eyes and a little bit of snot on his nose. Thr feline was struggling, trying to get his arms free from Matt's cave like hold with his legs.

A moment of clarity came back to Matt and he immediately backed off, letting go of Abe's head and falling back so he wasn't straddling the cat anymore.

Abe had been suffocating. The constant pressure and the copious amounts of pre had made it impossible to take in a breath and he had started to feel the burning in his lungs. The panic had started when he had tried a muffle yell and had been ignored. Then it really kicked in when he couldn't move his arms. Now that he was free, he gasped for breath and coughed, checking on the pree that had pooled at the back of his throat.

"Fuck fuck." Matt exclaimed. "I'm sorry. I just..."

Abe silenced him by holding up a paw while he finished coughing and breathing. "It's fine. You just got ahead of yourself."

Under normal circumstances, Abe would have been furious. He had been used at that moment like am abused flashlight. He wanted to be angry, but wasn't because he knew that this was his own fault. He had added that change to Matt's update. The otter, although normally dominant in the bed anyways, would never have gone that far before. Looking at Matt, who now showed green eyes and even a slight amount of static on his face, Abe knew that if he stopped it here, their friendship would be permanently changed for the worse. Matt would undoubtedly blame himself without knowing why he had done what he had done. So, Abe didn't stop it.

"I'm so sorry," Matt exclaimed and began to move to get off the bed, but Abe put a hand on Matt's thigh. The otter froze.

"You're super horny and got ahead of yourself," Abe said as sincerely as he could. "I've been with a lot of guys. Some that are very dominant and I've learned a few things." He then opened his arms out to the sides. "Straddle my chest like before, but don't pin my arms."

Matt hesitated, but with a little encouragement, he did as he was told. He sat on Abe's chest, unsure, but still rock hard.

Abe then wrapped an arm around Matt's waist and placed his hand on his ass. The other hand simply rested on the other's fake thigh.

"If you go too far or I need something, I'll give you a squeeze. This'll be our safe word," Abe explained.

"Ok," Matt said and then sucked in a breath when he felt that rough sandpaper of a tongue tick his shaft once more. He was going to let Abe do his thing when Abe took his hand and placed it back on top of the cat's head.

Matt started slow, being very aware of each movement he took. He pulled the cat's head down his shaft until he was hilted again where he let it stay for a moment before pushing Abe's head back to his tip. He shuddered as Abe's rough tongue dragged down his entire length.

Abe was much more comfortable now and was enjoying himself as he slobbered all over that otter cock. He used every guiding movement to focus on using his tongue, running it all along the shaft and even teasing the hole at the tip when he got the chance. He felt Matt tense up each time he did that and grinned, letting built up salty pre and drool dribble from the corners of his mouth.

This went on for some time with Matt slowly increasing his speed, but never getting quite as fast as before. He kept worrying, but that soon faded as he felt his climax begin to approach.

"I'm getting close," Matt said between grunts.

Abe thought for a moment to stop and let Matt cool down so he could cum a lot at the very end, but he needed a little payback, so he, without needed to be guided, picked up his pace. He twisted his head and slurped and licked. He worshipped that cock.

Matt wanted him to stop, but it felt too good to let it stop. He felt that rising pressure in his cock and an ache in his balls that had to be released.

Abe felt it the moment it happened and readied himself with a deep breath. Matt's ass clenched tight and those synthetic thighs squeeze even tighter and then Matt's cooked jumped and the otter pulled the cat hard.

The cock slid down Abe's throat and he even opened his mouth as wide as possible to get it as far down as possible.

Cum came gushing out in a torrent and fireworks displayed across Matt's facd. If it hadn't been already down his gullet, Abe knew that the first blast would have filled his mouth and spilled out. Instead, he felt a river of hot, sticky cum drain directly into his stomach. Thr cock kept twitching and releasing a new flood of that seed he loved so much.

Matt couldn't feel his legs, but he could feel that insane pleasure of unloading his hefty load right into the cat. It was just as good, if not better, than cumming into an ass. His cum flowed from his balls down his cock in pulsing waves that just didn't seem to stop and he wanted to see it now.

With a gentle tug that make sure Abe knew what was coming next, Matt pulled Abe's greedy maw off his cock and was immediately rewarded with the sight of a powerful blast of cum spray up, hitting the roof of Abe's mouth and then splashing back and out all over Abe's neck and muzzle.

The cum flooded out of Matt's cock, hitting and covering Abe's face in the thick, white spunk. Jets after jet for another ten solid second went everywhere. It went over Abe's head, all over his ears and over his chest.

"Shit, man," Abe said after he was certain it was over and wiped his face off. Never knew it was this much since I always took it up the ass."

Matt grinned. "Well, let's get you into my ass now." He reached back and grasped The cat's throbbed barbed cock. He felt those fleshy barbs on his palm and knew that they hardened up more later and wondered just how they would feel inside him. He was then surprised at just how eager he was to do it. There wasn't any hesitation on his mind. All he cared about was what he could get this cat to do to him.

"Aren't you tired?" Abe asked because he was. His throat was raw and his gut gurgled away from all the sloshing seed that was in him now. He had to keep licking the inside of his mouth and his teeth to get all the cum cleaned off.

"Absolutely," Matt said and he meant it. His whole body was quivering. "But I said you'd be top and I meant it, so without further ado..."

Matt came up onto his weak knees and shuffled back, still holding on to Abe's cock and positioned his hips above it. He scooped up a handful of cum from the pool that was around them and slathered his own pucker with his own cum. It was an odd sensation and he had half a mind to finger himself, but he needed to take care of Abe. Once he was confident there was enough there lowered himself down.

The otter hadn't bottomed in a very long time. Well before they had been roommates, but he had bottomed enough to not be surprised when there was a little bit of pain as he began to spear himself on Abe until he was sitting on thr cat's lap. His face lit up in a series of bright, vibrant colors as he became excited that it this was happening.

"Now hold on tight, kitten," Matt teased and rocked his hips forward, leaning back to rest his hands on the bed for support. He now felt those barbs rake along his inside with each movement, occasionally massaging his prostrate which made him moan and leak some. It also made Abe leaked more and with each motion, his inside were becoming more and more lubed with Abe's pre.

Abe could only lay there as he was engulfed in new sensations. He moaned and but his lips and placed his hands on Matt's thighs as he was ridden. He could feel Matt's tight ass hold onto his dick as it slid in and out of the otter. Each time Matt lifted up, Abe felt his barbs slide along the other's inside, sending jolts of pleasure up his spine and as much as he wanted it to last longer, he already knew that he wasn't going to last more than another minute.

Matt sensed this by the way Abe closed his eyes and scrunched up his face. He wanted Abe to have the best orgasm possible, so his took his cum covered hand off the bed and without looking back, began to slide it up Abe's leg. It was quite difficult to do while still bouncing on Abe's cock, but he managed to push two fingers between Abe's butt cheeks. It was still a wet mess back there which was good because once he found Abe's loose anus, he pushed two finger in and went right for the cat's prostrate.

Immediately, it was too much for Abe. He yowled far louder than he would normally have done during sex and blew his load. His claws scratched at Matt's legs and it was a good thing that there was metal there because it would have drawn blood otherwise.

Matt felt Abe clench around his fingers and the cat pushed up against him as hard as he could. The otter couldn't feel much, there was no overwhelming warmth inside him. Nor could he feel thr cum spurting and coating his inner walls, but just knowing that was happening at this moment pushed him to a second orgasm that he hadn't known was building. A think stream of mostly clear fluid shot from the otters cock and landed on the cat's stomach. It was nowhere near as powerful or as copious as the first.

Abe on the other hand was having a mental overload. He could just thrust up into the otter even though the weight kept him mostly down on the bed. Each thrust was peaked with another spurt of cum into Matt and another mind boggling rush of endorphins through the cat that made him feel like he was on cloud nine. He kept thrusting while also trying to push those fingers inside him even further until he just had no energy left and was left panting and weakly cumming between equally weak throbs of his cock.

Once Matt felt Abe's frantic thrusts come to and end, he skid his fingers out of the cat, which prompted a weak moan. He then raised himself up and off of the cat's spent cock. A little big of cum leaked out, but most stayed in, right where Matt wanted it to stay. He then laid down next to the exhausted cat, not caring that he was laying in a pool of his own cum. He then got another urge.

Abe laid there, about ready to pass out when he felt the body next to him shift. He looked over just in time to see a pair of pink eyes before lips met his.

It shocked Abe. They had never kissed before. Never. Their relationship had always been just convenient sex. But now with that mix of metal and flesh lips on his... he leaned up and into the kiss. It wasn't a long one with just the slightest hint of tongue before it was broken off.

There were no more words between then as Matt pulled Abe tightly to his chest and almost instantly fell asleep.

Abe stayed awake just a little while longer as he felt a sense of guilt. Would this have happened if hadn't used the USB? He had no way of knowing for sure, but he was comforted that it had worked out.

What he would later find out the next day when he did more research into the drive was that the 'Domination' routine was just one of several options that cycled through until one was accepted. 'Domination' was one to make Matt a dominant bottom. There was an option for all preferences. This was all in the instructions he had decided not to read. With this knowledge, Matt was tempted to try again, but just briefly before he snapped the USB and tossed it and then went to go enjoy time with his new boyfriend.

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Condoms Not Required

_The parents are gone for the weekend ;) and Brady is spending the night at a friend's place._ The message came up on my phone from Samantha as I was browsing the web for really anything to pass the time. School was out for spring break and since I...

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