A Tale of Two Foxes

Story by Zrathie on SoFurry

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#16 of Diapers

Jamie is on the way home after a kinky weekend with a wolf couple. Jamie is forceable offered a ride home with the catch being he kept in bondage for the journey. The wolf couple also brings their "kit" Jason along for the ride.

I don't usually like the ageplay aspect of ABDL but I decided it would add to this story. Poor Jamie is back to being tortured again but he loves it.

Thanks for reading. Please leave a comment or feedback.

A Tale of Two Foxes

By Zrathie

Jamie sat at the kitchen table at the wolves residence. The fox had been staying for a kinky weekend at Vincent and Danny's place. Danny and Vincent had invited him to explore diapers and bondage at their home across the country. For the last two days, he had been stripped of his pants and underwear. A thick adult diaper had been taped between his legs. The plastic-backed diaper they had put him in were designed for incontinent furs. It was equipped with thick absorbent padding, so the bulk around his waist was quite significant. He had been forced to waddle most of the time.

Over the weekend, he had tested the setup. Needless to say, it could handle whatever the fox's bladder could put out. There was an exception. He had not moved his bowels in one. In the early hours of Sunday morning, he snuck off to the toilet to take a dump. Now it was Monday morning, and he needed to go again. He had hoped the feeling would go away, but the reality of his bloated bowels was at the forefront of his mind.

The black wolf, Vincent, walked over to Jamie's seat and placed a large bowl of porridge in front of the fox. He looked down at the mush and hastily thanked his host. Jamie took his spoon and dug into the meal. He tasted the diced prunes added to the porridge, and they actually made it tasty. The bowel stimulating breakfast didn't worry Jamie as their weekend was coming to an end. He was sure this was part of some bowel cleansing routine. Perhaps more so for the "baby" of the family.

He turned to the table's head where another red fox named Jason was in an adult-sized high chair. He has dressed the part in denim shot-talls, padded blue mittens and a diaper hidden under his clothing. The tan wolf, Danny, was feeding Jason a bowl of porridge, only his bowl had a dinosaur pattern printed around the rim, and the spoon was a red plastic number. Jason was very much the family's adult baby, while the two muscular wolves were the parents or caretakers. They made a cute family in a kinky sort of way.

After breakfast, Jamie was led into the playroom. Sitting on the table was a black glossy latex and leather straitjacket. Jamie was helped into it by Danny, who fastened a padlock to the jacket's main strap. Jamie was still diapered, and it looked like the wolves had some more games to play with him. Once he was secured, Jamie was led out to the garage where Vincent was buckling Jason into an adult-sized infant style car seat in the back of the car. Jamie was soon bound into a similarly styled car seat next to Jason. Jamie could see his suitcase being loaded in the trunk with a diaper bag. The fox was getting a bit worried. Why all this for just a lift to the train station?

The two wolves hopped in the car and the garage door opened with a paw click from a remote. The car slowly drove down the driveway before turning onto the street. There was a loud hiss from Jason's crotch. The fox must have been wetting his diaper. It didn't surprise Jamie as he had seen the extra bottle Vincent had fed to him during breakfast. Jamie's bladder was fine, and the train station wasn't too far away.

Jamie was trapped. The harness of the car seat was strapped firmly around him. To his left was Jason. He was in his own car seat and was dressed in the same outfit he had been wearing during breakfast, only with the addition of a pacifier gag looped around the back of his head. Vincent was driving with his full attention on the road. Danny was in the front passenger seat, looking at his cell phone. Jamie had to admit the wolves were sexy. He wouldn't have minded driving with them if it wasn't for the timebomb in his guts. Their kinky play was hidden behind blacked out tinted windows in the back so other creatures couldn't see Jamie's or Jason's bound state.

The car drove past the train station's parking garage, a place Jamie could have quickly changed out of his kinky gear and back into his street clothes. This was when they were meant to say their goodbyes.

"Hey, you missed the turn," said Jamie, as he fidgeted and squirmed in his seat.

"No, we're going to drive you home," said Vincent.

"It's a long drive and far out of your way. I don't want to put you out," said Jamie, as he looked at his salvation fade away in the rearview mirror.

Jamie's plan was to catch the train home just as he had arrived. He would have used the restroom at the train station to care for the growing need in his bowels or the toilet on the train itself. The thought of holding his bowels for several hours on the road wasn't appealing to him, despite the promise of a kinky road trip.

"I don't think our guest is going to try and slink out of the trip anymore," said Vincent, in the wolves native tongue.

"He must be feeling it by now because he was suddenly quite reluctant to take this trip. The two days in a row of our porridge should do it," replied Danny, who was also using wolf speak.

"Like the boiling frog analogy, slowly increasing the pressure is the way to go," said Vincent.

"We will see. We have a long drive ahead, and remember, if our new fox asks to use the toilet, we must call off our game," said Danny.

"That was our deal. We don't want to traumatise the poor fox," said Vincent.

Jamie couldn't understand what the wolves were saying in their native tongue. The wolven language wasn't something he studied in high school, let alone college. He relaxed in his seat. The wolves had said they had taken on furs for all kinds of kinky events. The unique car seats were creatures who liked to role play as infants. Jamie didn't understand that aspect of diaper play. He had only come about diapers during his searches for omorashi content online. In contrast, Jason was right into that sort of thing. The wolves had even decorated Jason's room like he was still a kit in addition to the adult-sized high-chair in the kitchen.

As they got onto the highway. Jamie felt a twinge in his bladder. It was more welcome than the bloated sensation in his gut. He wasn't reluctant to wet himself; his omorashi antics had made sure of that. He has to admit these adult diapers came in handy for wetting scenes. There was a lot less clean up involved. He looked out at the suburban scenery out the windows as they drove along.

As time passed, Jamie could feel both of his natural urges grow. Thankfully, the desire to move his bowels was increasing much more slowly than his urge to pee. He was at the point where he could let loose his pee if he so chose too. Jamie decided to hold it. There was no sense in wasting a magnificent omorashi scene. A huffing breath got Jamie's attention. It was Jason who was looking agitated. The wolves must have noticed Jamie's concerned look as they spoke up.

"What's the matter, Jason?" asked Danny, this time in their shared language.

"Murrth," murmured Jason from behind his pacifier.

"Do you need to pee?" asked Vincent.

Jason shook his head.

"Do you need the potty?" asked Danny.

"Murth!" said Jason nodding profusely.

"That's just the Fox-Lax working, hon. We've added it to your breakfast milk bottle this morning," said Vincent.

Danny pressed his useless mittens to the harness release button, trying to undo it.

"It looks like our kit wants to use the big boy potty," said Vincent.

"If you want to use the big boy potty, you'll have to hold it until we reach the next town. It's about half-an-hour away," said Danny.

They continued to drive as Jason began to huff breath out from his nose in snorts and tighten his posture. He crossed his legs and brought them under his car seat. This seemed to calm the other fox for now, but Jamie couldn't help but watch the situation unfold. After a few minutes, audible gurgles could be heard from Jason's belly. They occurred every few minutes.

Soon there was a new sound. Jamie looked down to see Jason was rubbing his foot paws together. The sweat-drenched paw pads squelched together. Jamie turned away, but the sound alone was enough to make him hard. It reminded him of his own omorashi sessions where his paw pad began to sweat from the exertion of holding back a full and urgent bladder full of piss. Even though this was a different kind of desperation, it was pushing his buttons all the same.

"MMrrth!, Muu!" said Jason, his eyes going wide.

Jason's accident came suddenly. He let out a muffled cry, and then a loud wet sound of slurry could be heard in the cabin. Next, he let out a moan of relief as he continued to fill his unseen diaper. With any luck, it was the same model as Jamie's and would contain the payload. Jamie prepared his nose for the incoming smell that never came. He was thankful that the diapers had held that aspect of the other fox's diaper defilement.

Jamie's attention was taken away from Jason's embarrassing scene as the car had taken an exit. They were going into a roadside rest stop. Vincent parked the car, and both wolves got out. Danny went to the trunk, and Vincent walked to Jamie's door. Jamie made sure to look around even though the isolated rest stop looked deserted; he didn't want to be seen bound and diapered, as well with a boner.

"Jamie, we are going to change Jason. It's a two wolf job and will take about half an hour. I'll leave the car on idle, so you can still get some air-con," said the wolf.

Jamie nodded, and the wolf closed the back door going to the driver's door and turning the engine back on. While this was happening, Danny opened Jason's door and quickly undid the soiled fox's seat harness. Jason was much more relaxed now he was getting changed; he quickly hopped out and walked over to a parenting room on the side of the rest stop toilet block. Danny went with Jason after he shut the door.

"Diaper check," said Vincent.

The wolf pressed two fingers between the crotch strap of Jamie's harness and the crotch of his diaper. Vincent smiled as he began pressing into Jamie's erection.

"Still dry?" asked Vincent, all the while circling his fingers over Jamie's hidden cocktip.

"Yeah," breathed Jamie.

Vincent licked his chops, making his lupine lips smack. He withdrew his teasing fingers, locking his eyes with Jamie.

"I've gotta help with Jason. Sorry, I can't help you with that," said Vincent.

Vincent left and went to the parenting room. Jamie looked down at his still excited cock; the teasing had made him even harder. His vulpine knot was now out, pressing into the soft padding. His erection was evident even through the thick padding, but he could feel it. Jamie's arms were still bound in his luxurious rubber straitjacket, so he couldn't use them to fix his problem. His foot paws! They were free. He bent his knees and pressed his foot paws into the cabin lining under the back seat. He pressed forward, and the groin strap of the baby seat pushed into the crotch of his diaper.

"Jamie, you genius," he said aloud.

Jamie experimented with a few thrusts of his hips until he found a pattern that would work. He humped into the crotch strap that, in turn, rubbed his diaper and his hard cock trapped inside. It was tough going but Jamie had a need and a deadline. He used his legs to pull his crotch forward and rolled his hips into the strap. It was working. As some minutes passed, Jamie could feel his body slowly working up to orgasm.

"Come on, Jamie; you gotta make your fox cock cum," he said to himself.

Jamie was growing more desperate as time passed. If he didn't take care of business now, it would be hours before he got home. Jamie increased his efforts as his heaving panting and the squeaks and creaks of both the strapping and the latex straitjacket filled the car. He was wet with need and almost there. Jamie picked up the pace. Jamie stopped and crossed his legs as he felt his creamy load shoot into his diapered crotch. He relaxed and sat back into the seat. A few minutes passed while Jamie regained his composure. As his arousal faded after his intense orgasm. It didn't take much longer before Jason and the wolves returned. They buckled Jason back into the car seat next to Jamie.

Danny came back from the trunk with some items. The wolf had a feeding gag and a large bag full of fluid. The bag was hung on a metal hook installed on the car's interior roof then he proceeded to gag Jamie. Danny attached a length of tubing to an outlet on the bottom of the bag and then connected the free end of the pipe to a socket on the front of Jamie's feeding gag.

"Jamie, you must be thirsty. There's a litre of water and electrolyte solution in there for you," said Danny.

The wolf clicked the valve at the bottom of the bag and gravity-forced the solution down towards Jamie's muzzle. The flow was a steady drip, almost a trickle so the fox could keep up without choking. After Danny made sure Jamie was handling the flow, he moved to his seat. Vincent was already in the driver's seat by then, and the wolves took the entrance back to the freeway. Jamie's need to pee returned as he gulped down the sweet-tasting water. He looked out the window as the car picked up speed.

It was around twenty minutes later when the empty bag hung loose on the hook. Jamie was busting to piss by now. A sudden jolt as they struck a small pothole made his beleaguered bladder squirt some piss into the diaper padding. With the leak reminding of his need, Jamie decided he was just going to let go. Jamie relaxed his bladder and felt the warmth flow down the crotch of his diaper. He pissed himself in a full stream for a full thirty seconds. The padding swelled as Jamie rested his aching bladder. He had been wetting this model of diaper all weekend, so he knew they could handle multiple loads of pee before they became uncomfortable.

A few moments after Jamie had finished wetting himself, Danny opened the glove box and retrieved another litre bag of water. He could easily swap bags from the passenger seat without even having to remove his seatbelt. Danny undid and valve and plugged in the new pack before swapping out the empty one. He clicked open the valve and watched as Jamie adjusted to the flow. For Jamie's part, he kept his cool despite the obvious ploy the wolf was doing of priming his bladder with even more fluid. This one tasted like plain old water, but still, he was sure he was going to be pissing like a waterfall soon enough.

Jamie was beginning to think just how diabolical his prune and high-fibre breakfast was. His bowels fell packed with soft, healthy stool. He had hoped that holding it in all day Sunday would compress and compact his shit, so even if he was constipated, he would be able to take something to make him go when he wanted. This was much harder to deal with. His insides complained about his refusal to void; it was getting worse and more so over the next half hour. His bladder swelled at the overhydration. He was forced to wet himself again.

He began to wonder if his new friends would allow him out of his diaper to use an actual toilet. The car suddenly took an exit to a rest area. They pulled up and parked, and Vincent hopped out of his seat and walked over to the toilet block. It soon became apparent it was more than a quick wee due to how long the black wolf was taking. Jamie considered asking for the toilet, but the sheer embarrassment of asking to take care of his private bodily functions stopped the fox from speaking. Danny got out and went to Jamie's door. He opened it and undid the feeding gag.

"Darling, I'm going to move you into the disabled toilets and change that diaper," said Danny.

As Danny unstrapped him from the car seat, Jamie began to worry about being spotted in a latex straitjacket and a sodden adult diaper. He looked around and could only see their car. Danny helped Jamie out of the vehicle. As the pair moved towards the disabled fur's toilet, Jamie had to stop and clench his tail hole closed as a cramp rolled over his bowels. When he did this a second time, Danny turned to shoot him a concerned look.

"Are you okay, Jamie?" Danny asked.

"I'm just a bit stiff from sitting in the car for so long," answered Jamie, forcing a smile.

Once inside the restroom, Jamie relaxed as the door was closed. Danny began to unbag a fresh diaper and other cleaning supplies from his diaper bag. As the wolf arranged the items on the sink countertop, Jamie thought it could be the time to be let out of bondage. If Danny let him out of his jacket, he would be able to get to the toilet without the possibility of being refused. Before the wolf undid the crotch straps of Jamie's straitjacket to access the fox's diaper, Danny crouched down.

"Say, while you're there, could you take off the jacket so I can stretch my arms a bit?" asked Jamie as casual as he could.

Danny stood up and flicked the padlock locking the main strap of Jamie's straitjacket closed.

"That's a good idea. It's that last chance to stretch before we get to your place. Vincent has the key. I'll have to check if he's finished his business. I'll be right back," said Danny.

Jamie was relieved that Danny was being let out of bondage. Perhaps he should have first asked to have his diaper taken off. He was cutting it close. His anus spasmed, and it took all his effort not to void himself. The cramps were almost agonising now. He had to force his anal sphincter to remain closed with a near-constant strain.

The fox clenched his posterior closed he would just need to retain it a few more moments. The wolf was taking longer than he thought. It was only a minute or so, but the cramps made the time pass longer than usual. Jamie suppressed his instinct to panic as more time passed. What was taking the wolf so long? The toilet was only metres away, but there was no way to remove his diaper with his straitjacket on.

The door opened, and Danny walked back inside. As much as he wanted to urge the wolf to hurry, Jamie knew he had to play it cool. The wolf walked over after he shut the door and unlocked the padlock securing Jamie's straitjacket's central buckle. Jamie felt a large cramp roll over his insides as Danny walked over to his diaper bag and placed the padlock and keys safely inside. Jamie tightly bore down on his tail hole as the painful cramp washed over him in a wave.

Danny returned to Jamie's side, where the wolf slowly caressed the smooth rubber surrounding Jamie. With a few tugs and clicks, Jamie's arms were freed from the tight self hug. He moved them to his sides. With his hand paws still in the sleeves, he wouldn't be able to undo the tape holding his diaper in place and rush over to the toilet. He took in a deep breath.

Danny began undoing the straps fastening Jamie's straitjacket to his back. He was working from the bottom to the top. Another powerful contraction rolled over his abdomen, but this time the loosened rubber worked against him. A smooth length of shit breached his defences. His weary muscles couldn't resist the soft stool from sliding out. He squeezed with all his might, but it was no good.

"You should have told me you needed the toilet. I've seen enough submissives trying to avoid using their diapers to know when a fox is about to pop," whispered Danny.

Jamie crouched down and gave into his needs. He let go of the last two days of buildup; his diaper began to sag as the filth emptied into it. Danny left the bathroom and soon came back with Jamie's suitcase containing his street clothes.

"I've brought your clothing you can change into after I clean you up," said Danny.

The wolf proceeded to take off the rest of Jamie's bondage and then started the cleaning process. While the fox was embarrassed, he was glad Danny was helping him clean up. After some minutes, Jamie and Danny walked out of the bathroom. Jamie was back in his jeans and t-shirt, and Danny was carrying the latex and leather straitjacket plus the diaper bag. Jamie got into the back car seat and did up the seat belt harness by himself, now that his hands were free. Danny packed the trunk and hopped into the front passenger seat.

"No complaints from our fox?" asked Vincent in the wolf language.

"I waited just long enough for him to pop. I was surprised that he messed himself. They usually need more convincing," replied Danny.

"Our breakfast did the trick for both of us," said Vincent.

It was dark by the time they pulled up outside of Jamie's place. Vincent pulled up out the front and parked the car. Danny got out and went to the trunk and took out Jamie's case. He looked around his street. It was empty. Jamie quickly grabbed his suitcase and pulled out the handle. Jamie took a few steps until the fox was past his front gate. As he turned towards the wolves.

"Jamie, I hope you enjoyed your weekend," said Vincent.

"Yes, it was wonderful," said Jamie.

"We love having guests over, and you're welcome back at any time," said Danny.

"What about Jason? Won't he be tired of travelling for so long?" asked Jamie.

"We are staying at a friend's place. We didn't just impulsively drive out here, you know," said Danny, with a wink.

"Thank you all for the weekend away. Have a safe trip," said Jamie.

"Oh no, thank you," said Vincent.

"You will have come over again when you get the chance," added Danny.

Jamie let out a sigh as he saw the two wolves return to the car. He waved as they drove off; Jamie waited until the wolves were out of sight before moving towards his door. It wasn't until he was unpacking when he noticed the gift the wolves had stashed in his suitcase. It was a small pack of adult diapers.

"Those naughty wolves!" Jamie said aloud.

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