Matriarch: Part Six

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#6 of Matriarch

Everything changes for the happy couple when Ropes' daughter comes back into the scene, though there are darker leanings deep inside, curling forth with demonic wiles. Ropes cannot help that he is a demon and his daughter is a half-demon too, more lenient than ever towards debauchery, despite her hatred, her fury.

No one will know which way things will go as their fury builds...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is an alternate, darker universe to Seducing His Father. Enjoy! It was a blast to write.

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

The Matriarch

Part Six

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

Holly tried not to go too quickly as she ran lightly down the stairs, still prey to being off-balance with her shifting centre of gravity. That was one of the few problems she'd had with being pregnant, though, thankfully, she had not had to deal with anything as gross as morning sickness. Maybe that was the influence of Ropes and the demon side over her? It was hard to say but she wasn't going to waste too much time thinking about it when it was not something that was negatively affecting her or anyone else.

Yet things changed in a moment as she opened the door to a dragoness that, for a moment, she thought was Fyr. Those were the same red scales there but the slash of yellow under her chin and disappearing into the V-neck of her T-shirt was different, wearing a mane of pale yellow hair to match that shade too that pooled and spilt down between her horns. There were no frills on either side of Fyr's daughter's head either, discerning the difference between them, yet Holly stood stock still, her lower jaw falling ever so slightly slack.

Helena regarded her quietly, her eyes seeing more than the dragoness let on.

"I've come to see my...father."

Damn. She hadn't quite been able to get the sentence out as she wanted to, words winding into one another and blurring when it came to either saying his name or calling him her father. It didn't make sense, not to her, to consider him still her father after all the harm he had caused, everything that he had done bundling together into a cacophony of hurt.

"I... Er..." Holly flailed, stepping back to allow Helena inside even as something inside her squealed to free. "What brings"

She had to recover, scrambling to get back to herself. She was Ropes' wife for heaven's sake! But she didn't feel as much of a wife as she had as she practically fled to the back of the house where Ropes was sorting through things in the shed in his usual fashion of throwing most things out. He'd said they needed room for new things but Holly did not yet know what "new things" he had in mind there, as interested as she would be to see it all when it was done.

"Uh... Ropes? ROPES!"

She raised her voice, not even caring that Holly could hear her. The cougar couldn't get words out of her, sitting her down on a deck chair in the garden that was destined to be thrown out, though Holly had not yet found a replacement set that she liked. Yet Ropes had to find out what was wrong and ran back into the house, his eyes even a little fainter as the clawing threat of panic pulled at him in the strangest of ways.

The cougar stumbled. That wasn't something that he usually felt.

All became clear, however, when he rounded on the dragoness that he had not seen in months. Helena stood there, tall and proud with her arms folded across her chest, though the rise of her second pair of breasts was still evident beneath the ones that she usually wore a bra for. It wasn't something that she liked pointing out, though that day she had worn something that was a slimmer fit, showing off her body.

Ropes swallowed hard but no words came out. Maybe Helena didn't care anymore.

"Hel... Helena... What are you doing here?"

She scowled, hitching a handbag up over her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I won't bother you for long. Just came to see if what mom and Hiss told me was true... I see that it is."

She wasn't going to lay into her father, although the best laid of plans didn't always come through in the best of ways at the crux of the moment. Everyone had said that she was to leave them alone and, hell, she'd even had Hiss on the floor of her dorm room away at her college, sleeping there because he didn't know where he belonged anymore. And she was supposed to come back to the house that had once been her home to find that everything had changed and smile and play nice with everyone?

The dragoness' jaw clenched.

Fuck. No.

"You should burn in hell for what you've put mom through!" She screamed, arm flying out, handbag sailing to the side. "You don't deserve to be here - kicking mom and Hiss out? How fucking dare you? This isn't where you belong - you don't fucking belong anywhere! Do you still think you can call yourself my fucking father after all of this shit? Huh, well, do you?"

The dragoness advanced, jaws parted in a snarl to rival that of any demon. Even Ropes took a step back, his paws raised, trying to stave off the fury of his single daughter - well, the only daughter that he knew of as yet. It could not be said that he knew how many children he had out there in the mortal realm, having fucked and bred so many femfurs across the world and his travels, but that was beside the point when faced with a raging dragoness who had both his blood in her veins and Fyr's. In that moment, he could not have honestly said which of them he thought was more fearsome.

"I... Helena, you've got to understand -"

"No - I really don't have to fucking understand anything! We're fucking through, dad - there is no relationship left here to salvage! So give it all up because this is the last you're going to see of me!"

She whipped around, tail following the line of her torso and wings, but a paw lashed out, closing around her wrist as Ropes dragged her back. His eyes blazed a pure white, wisps "smoking" out from them, his tail stiff and fluffed up, hair spikier than it naturally lay.

"Shut up."

Helena reeled.

"What did you just say to me? Do you really have anything at all to fucking say to me after all this?"

She tried to wrench herself away but Ropes dragged her in closer, the fury in the air near enough crackling, sending off sparks from the raw ferocity of it. Helena screeched and lashed him with her tail but his tentacles wrapped around her, securing her limbs, ensuring that no more blows would rain down on him while he at least attempted to bring his daughter around.

Getting there, however... Well, that would be something else entirely.

"Let go of me!" She howled, thrashing like a banshee. "You sick fuck... You broke Hiss! He's your fucking son! And you thought you could just have everything you wanted, take everything that he had ever wanted away from him? She's not my fucking step-mother, you arsehole - she's just a cunt that you've fucked!"

"That's ENOUGH!"

Ropes' roar cut through the air and, even against her better judgement, Holly crept back into the house. It was not that she was fearful of him but more that the situation was beyond her. She was younger than Helena but she and the dragoness may as well have been worlds apart considering everything that had happened, how her world had turned upside-down, everything on its head, broken and repaired, for her, in the best fashion that it ever could have been.

"Guys..." She tried to speak up, the dragoness and the cougar hurling barbed words at one another, Ropes rising to the bait like a fish to the fly. "Guys, this isn't you. I'm sorry, you've got to... You've got to..."

But they didn't hear her as Helena spat in her father's face, the cougar shoving her away from him, though that motion could have been simply the shift of her body and weight carrying her too far as Helena wrenched herself away.

"I'm through with you!" She screamed. "If I could, I'd send you right back to hell yourself! You and that whore!"

"She's no whore!" Ropes snarled right back, bunching up his paws into fists over and over again. "This is how things are meant to be, Helena - and I'm sorry it came out like this! But I am your father still and you will speak to me without this vitriol in your tone! You will respect Holly! She's not done anything wrong!"


Holly stepped forward, one paw still resting protectively on her stomach. Her eyes slanted between the daughter and the father, narrowed slightly, her break in sending them stepping back, at least hesitating for a moment. It was enough for her, a breath into which to interject herself, holding up both paws as if that alone would keep them apart.

She could only try.

"Emotions are high right now," Holly said levelly, the calm head in the room, coming back to herself after her initial fright. "This is not right, not right for both of you. Things have happened that we can never take back and I too am so sorry for those hurt along the way."

Her expression twisted, something that she didn't want to acknowledge pricking at the corners of her eyes. But she couldn't let that get the better of her, not then.

"Look... We all need to calm down, just for a bit. We can come back to this later. Helena, I don't even have to be here if you want to talk to your father, that's fine. I understand where you're coming from."

The dragoness scoffed and rolled her eyes, but Holly at least had her attention. In that moment, that was all she could hope for.

"I don't need any of this shit."

Ropes' eyes flashed.

"Watch your mouth, young lady."

"Oh, please, I stopped being a young lady a long time ago. But if I didn't grow up then, I certainly grew up when you cheated on mom and fucked my brother's girlfriend!"

That was it for Helena, spinning on her heel and strutting out, the last word in her wake and tail snapping the air like the crack of a bullwhip. No amount of chasing after her from Ropes could get her back into the house, waving the handbag at her that she had left, spilling over its guts of make-up and more, Helena snarling something about staying in a hotel.

"I just came to see with my own eyes," she hissed, ducking into her car, nearly slamming the door on Ropes' fingers. "I don't need to stay any longer to know what's going on here."

Ropes stood on the doorstep, shaking his head, the anger leaching out of him even then. There was no argument to be had there that had not already been spelt out, for he knew what was wrong and what was right: that did not change what had happened. His daughter's saliva dried on his face from where she'd spat on him and he couldn't even summon up any fury against her for that. It had not been deserved, no, he would not think that, but it was not right. Not even considering anything.

He groaned. Well, that was that relationship gone to hell, if not forever. Maybe he could follow Helena back to college, sort things out there? The relationships in his life, what could be salvaged, had to be pieced back together somehow, for there was a gaping hole left in his gut that could not be filled even by his sweet wife. They had to understand somehow that things had changed in the natural course of things, that some things were even out of the control of a demon, as much as he may have written the fates differently, met Holly first, if he had been able to.

Ropes sighed. Would he? He'd had such good times with Fyr too, was different with Holly. She fit to him. That was what was different. A smile could not be compared to a guffaw as he imagined spending the rest of his life with Holly and only Holly, more settled and calm in his mind than he ever had been with Fyr. Why, even with Holly, he didn't consider seeking out others to attempt to satisfy his lusts because it was simply no longer needed.

The skunk flashed by him as Helena started up her car, rapping on the window, desperate and yet determined at the same time. Helena's scowl, however, would have sent a lesser fur packing.

"At least come back to say goodbye to him, Helena," Holly said, not even sure whether the dragoness could hear her through the door or not. "I won't be here, don't worry... I'll leave when you come."

Helena hesitated. It was enough.

"I'll think about it."

That was all that Holly needed as she backed off, allowing Helena to leave. She could not have said whether Helena actually planned to return the next day but she could only hope that she would come back. She didn't think she could take the look on Ropes' face again, his whispers drooping, even his eyes fading, the glow that sparked them to life disillusioned in the face of his daughter's retreating tail.

Later that night, in bed, Holly rolled to face Ropes. Sex had, strangely, been off the cards that night, though the warmth of each other's bodies had, at the very least, been comforting. He wrapped his arms around her and she held him close, letting him tuck his head down, resting it on her chest, her breasts soft and warm, though not sexual in that moment.

"How are you doing, love?"

She stroked his back, the lines of muscle down the cougar hard with withheld tension.

"Hm... Been better."

He flinched, turning away, though not moving away. He didn't want to go into the details, the pain too fresh and too raw, curling up within him, snarling and threatening to bite. It could not be ignored forever but maybe just for one night, shoving away the images of his daughter from his mind the best he could.

She looks so much like her mother still...

_ _

"She'll come around, honey," Holly murmured, kissing his head. "I know she will. I mean, I'm never going to be a step-mother to her, not when she's older than me, but I don't want you to lose her. I liked her too, before..."

Ropes smiled minutely.

"And not now?"

"Well, she's looking a whole lot sexier seeing how she laid into you, sweetie..."

"Why - you!"

Ropes tussled with her, though it was all in good fun as he rolled her over, the skunk squealing and trying to get back on top, hooking her legs around his to scramble around. The demon, however strong she had become with her fit, lithe body, could not match up to him, ending up pinned with her arms on either side of her head, elbows bent, the cougar looming over her as he purred.

"Mmm... Got you."

Holly giggled, fluttering her eyelashes at him. It was better like that, even though it was not the time for sexuality to come to the forefront. There would be time for that when her husband felt better and she wasn't going to let him worry about that, not when he, for once, wasn't in the mood. Sure, he could have been if she'd pushed him but even that would have been too much.

No... She just held him tightly while he slipped into a light sleep, one paw stroking his shoulder while she cradled her book in the other. Just another chapter for her, she thought, and then she'd turn off the light.

Ropes, however, dreamed fitfully.

The cougar's dreams roared through him, a red dragoness there that moaned and threw her head back while he slid into her. His cock was hard and devout and found her sex with a single thrust of his hips, driving in deep. Yet, before his eyes, the dragoness that he had initially taken to be his ex-wife moaned and morphed into his very own daughter, not Fyr, Helena clinging to him, moaning for him.

"Yes..." She moaned, on her narrow single bed in the room that was still her own in the house. "Yes, fuck me, take meee!"

She cried out for him and Ropes could not help but give her everything she needed in the dream, tentacles snaking around her four breasts, adoring them, teasing them. Her cries echoed forth, orgasm after orgasm wracking the dragoness' body, taking her for a ride as he fucked her like there was no tomorrow.

After all, there was nothing wrong with that...right?


He blinked black to reality, the dream slipping through his fingers, as much as he tried to claw his way after it. Holly leaned over him, the bedside table lamp still on, her book forgotten on the bed beside them.

"What's wrong, honey?" She said, stroking his head, worry crossing her vision. "You were saying Helena's name over and over in your sleep... Did you have a bad dream?"

For a moment, Ropes considered lying. But the thought disappeared almost as soon as his mind had breathed life into it. He wasn't in the habit of lying to his wife and he wasn't about to start doing that to Holly. That wasn't how their relationship worked.

"Well..." He chuffed a laugh: it was funny really, even to him. "I was fucking Hel..."

Holly stiffened.


"Yeah, yeah, I know..." Ropes laughed again, brushing away the dream, half-sitting up while Holly's eyes widened. "It's crazy, but I should have expected some weird dreams tonight. I just didn't think they'd come before you fell asleep too, baby."

Holly was quiet for a while - so long, in fact, that Ropes feared that he had actually upset her. Would she really be upset about him dreaming about fucking someone else, even if it was his daughter? It wasn't as if he was in control of his dreams and he hadn't done it either...

"Have you ever thought about that before?"

Ropes' eyebrows shot up.

"Are you seriously asking me that question?"

She met his gaze levelly, heart pounding.


Ropes considered it carefully. Where there should have been repulsion at considering mating with his own offspring, he didn't find what was expected.

"No, I've never thought about fucking my daughter, but she is a half-demon too..."

Holly's eyes glinted. Oh, she had not thought like that, not ever before, but it seemed right in the moment, pushing him on, nudging him just a little bit to see just how far things could be taken. She licked her lips, fingers brushing his jaw.

"Hm... And now? What do you think of it now?"

It could have just been silly pillow talk but the two of them knew that it was so much more than that. The cougar chuffed lowly, lying back, his paws behind his head.

"Hm... It could be hot. But she hates my guts."

"It doesn't bother you that she's your daughter?"

Ropes shrugged.

"She's an adult. Demons... Well, incest isn't such a thing in the underworld. It's a mortal issue from in-breeding and all that used to happen before laws were passed."

Holly nodded.

"And the abuse that was often present there... But that isn't how this is."

She didn't know what she was saying, nuzzling down his chest, pushing the sheets back. Only later would she realise just how much she too had been influenced by his demon side, how much of that part of her too had changed.

Incest... It wasn't something to be considered. If someone wasn't in the presence of demons. And where was the harm...really?

She murmured, nuzzling his shaft, letting it rise to attention, paw closing around the base.

"Mmm... You might like it. Putting her in her place after she's come around. She is your daughter too... I bet you could have her begging you to fuck her in the end, slavering over your dick. She's got a longer muzzle than me too, all the better to fuck."

Ropes hissed, clutching the headboard of the bed back behind his head. Yes, yes... That was a good thought, a very good thought, but not one that he wanted to go into, even if his mind was fleshing it out without the active consent of the rest of his mind. It was good, Holly's tongue stroking his shaft, showing him just what could be possible there, thinking it was Helena's slenderer dragon-tongue curling around him, twisting and twining, giving him the delight that he so sorely needed.

"Unff... Yes... Her red scales and her tail..." Ropes grunted. "She'd fit nicely in my tentacles...pinned down..."

"Mmm... And your cock up her arse, baby. Wouldn't that be hot?"

There was no more talk of that, however, as Holly's muzzle swallowed down her husband's dick, the cougar growling as he was serviced. He had not spent enough time between Holly's legs of late but that was something too that could be come back to a little later. He was too caught up in imagining his daughter giving him head, sliding her lips and tongue along his cock so sweetly, all under her will and consent. It was no fun to break another, he thought, as he thrust up into his wife's muzzle, but he would have her one way or another, pinned and begging for it, her cries all the sweeter as he creamed inside her.

Ropes groaned, though there was no real doubt in his head. The question already had an answer, having already been asked, and he knew that he wanted to fuck her, though she was not his equal. She was not Holly and Holly would always be first and foremost in his mind, but there was still a desire in him, the demonic side, that wanted to spread his seed far and wide. There could be no calling it back after so much time living as a demon had passed, as much as part of him as his cock, making Ropes up as a whole.

Holly moaned around his dick as she took his load, licking his cream off her lips and raising her head with a sultry look in her eyes.

"Let's show her what she's missing out on, sweetheart..."

Helena wouldn't know what she was in for.


Helena scowled as she approached the front door the next day. Telling herself that she was just there for her handbag wasn't doing the trick for her, her mind knowing that, truly, she wanted something else. Something else was clawing at her, pulling her back, though that was not for her to know.

Her father was in there and the whore of his new wife, Helena's lips twisting into an even uglier expression. It did not suit her but that was not something that even she could stop from crossing her face, being all that he had done to her, ruined her life and taken away the only home that she had ever known was there for her to come back to.

Her lips pressed together, a foul taste rising in the back of her mouth. Fuck him. Seriously, fuck him.

Then why was she there?

Helena could not have said, only reasoned that there was something there still pulling her. That had to be it: the home and the house, after all, had been a very important part of her life for so many years, up to the point where she had actually moved away for college. She'd expected to still be coming back for breaks but... She shook her head. That was gone. Long gone. It was up to her, somehow, to find a way to let that go.

But maybe she didn't want to go as she opened the door, a dark whisper on the breeze, her back up and jaw clenched, yet her steps carrying her forward still, one after the other. There was someone in there that she needed to see and yet even her mind teased away from that in that moment, blinking foggily.

Ropes... Yes, her father. She had to see her father. To say goodbye to him, at least. And that would be that.

Wouldn't it?


It felt wrong, the word in her mouth, stepping into the quiet hallway. There was no one there, not even as she explored the house, checking the kitchen, the living room, still finding no one. Her brow furrowed. It was terrible timing too, that stirring need rising within her as it did most months when the gestation period would render her laying eggs in spring or summer. Sometimes winter and furry-made light messed with the natural rhythm of heat and cycles of her body but there was no denying that her arousal was there, her pussy slickening just a little, enticing her on, even though she knew she had to get in and out as quickly as possible.

It seemed worse though, her breath catching in her throat as her heat took hold of her, her tail dropping, trying to worm its way between her legs and give herself even more stimulation. It was no right and it was most certainly not the place but her breath still struggled through her lungs, swallowing a whimper as she drew herself back up tall.

"Ropes." Ah, that felt better to use his name rather than calling him her family. "Where are you?"


Best get it over with.

_ _

She found him in the family room attached to the kitchen, sitting at a wooden table that had not been there before in just a pair of house shorts. Helena would have scowled at him being so crude at home, legs spread, but it hadn't bothered her that much when she'd started noticing that sort of thing as an adult, growing into herself as a dragoness. But it made her swallow minutely, shaking her head, something more powerful than even she was in herself drawing her in, to him like a moth to the flame.

Was that still a cliché?

The cougar smirked, a tentacle bobbing alongside his head as if it too had been waiting for her.

"Hello, Helena."

The dragoness swayed. Why did she feel drawn to him? That wasn't right. That could not be right. And yet her hind paws were in motion, walking right up to him just as she had done into the house in the first place, walking as if something was reeling her in.

Ropes smiled, lips moving without showing his teeth.

"I have an apology to make. And I am sorry too. This should never have caught you in the net but I think you will understand soon just why I needed to be with Holly. For you are a demon too, a demoness in half, and it has come time to understand what that truly means."

Her eyes went wide, breasts rising and falling sharply. Her attention was on them and she could not deny how her father's eyes were on them too, as if he saw something in her that even she couldn't.

"I..." She shook herself. "I'm here to say goodbye. You won't see me again."

Her words lacked conviction and Helena should have run as the demon cougar exposed his cock to her, a hard, throbbing length that made her lick her lips.

The dragoness reeled. What was she thinking? What a disgusting, old pervert he was, exposing his dick to her! Had that worked for him and Holly that first time? Probably so, considering what a whore she was to get on her knees before her father, to cheat on Hiss with him, to fuck him...

Helena groaned without thinking. What was wrong? Why did that...sound good? The cougar chuffed lightly and she tipped and swayed, moving with the undulations of demonic influences in the air.

"The choice is yours, Helena," Ropes said softly, his tone oddly gently for what was happening. "This is not to force you. But you are a half-demoness too and, however that heritage comes through in you, you have the need too. I can sate if for you...if that is what you want."

Ropes stroked his cock, showing off what he had to offer, though there could only be one answer to the question. Lesser demons submitted to greater ones, Ropes opening the door to her and restraining himself so that she could make her own choice. Yet she was his daughter and there was only one choice that a daughter of his would make, single and wanton, her body fresh and ripe to be plundered, even if Ropes would not be the first to fuck her.

Helena groaned, the room tipping, spinning, everything out of control. What was she even doing there anymore? It didn't seem wrong but it didn't seem right either, something pushing into her muzzle, something that some deep, dark part of her needed so very desperately, groaning and grunting, twining her tongue around and around something...something. It was not edible, her mind told her, eyes closing, but there was a treat to be held within if only she tried hard enough to lap it forth.

It would give her what she needed.

As she fell to her knees before him, hardly struggling, she should have known that life as she knew it was long gone. She'd never get on her flight back to college and her family would not see her as she had been as her father drew her into his seductive harem. She moaned around his cock, confused and whimpering, her tail flicking back and forth even as the twisting embrace of his tentacles kept her in place. They were almost comforting in how stable and steady they were, letting her know that she was where she needed to be.

His thick cock pushed into the back of her mouth and she gulped it down hungrily, as much as her gag reflex tried to kick in as he just about took the whole length of her muzzle. It was not overpowering, however, not with a thrust like that, minutes passing, learning to please her father as she would be doing with Holly, under them both, for the rest of her time. It satisfied her, made her feel as if a hole that had been empty inside her had finally been filled, no other partner doing it for her like Ropes did. She didn't see him as her father, only another male that could give her what she needed, groaning softly, wrapping her slender tongue around and around, slurping and suckling with single-minded determination.

"Mmm... She came around quickly..."

Holly giggled, leaning over his shoulders, bumping the table back a little and out of the way, paws sliding down his bare chest close to his lower abdomen and Helena's head. Smirking, she put her paw on the back of the dragoness' head, guiding her a little, showing her the long, deep strokes of her muzzle and tongue that she could give her father, what he liked the most. It was all a learning experience, yet Holly's pussy was slick from merely watching the show, the round of her stomach forcing her to lean over more, though reminding her that she already had everything that she wanted.

Ropes smiled, chuffing lightly, a grunt pulling at his throat.

"Every demon knows their place. I just allowed Helena to find hers, though she could have chosen to walk away."

Holly nodded approvingly.

"That's my cougar... Now, show her why you're the stud around here!"

Oh, he would, his daughter whimpering around his cock, slow to understand but willing in her acceptance. She could be shown what to do, though there was raw skill there at the base of it all, her paws braced lightly on his legs for balance, fingers curling over one of his knees. Her grip tightened as he rolled his hips up sensually, thrusting into her mouth, taking control, dominating her as perhaps he should have done before.

Lust, after all, was not to be held back for a demon... And most certainly not even for a half-demon either.

Helena groaned, her vision hazy and her mind even blurrier, her pussy heating through her entire body. Her panties were already soaked and not even the teasing rub and grind of her tail between her legs helped her in the slightest, making the situation worse and worse as her muzzle was dragged along that hot length of cock. She didn't know why she had never had it before, her vision narrowing to it, seeing only the fleshy length, how the skin pulled back and forth, her lips closed tenderly over both it and her father's soft barbs?

Her father? Something in her twisted but it did not feel that wrong, not so wrong that she could not push her way by it, moaning and groaning, making all manners of whimpers that didn't sound natural coming from her lips. And yet they had to be as she tried to please herself, her clothes in the way, nipples perky and pushing out against her brassiere, everything too much for her, too many sensations coming together in a confusing medley of feeling unlike anything else.

"There's my girl... No teeth now, make me cum."

Helena had to, had to obey. She was as hungry for it as she was for the treat that his cock held, her paws finding his nuts with relish, delving into his shorts. Where she could have caused pain, she only delivered pleasure, letting the weight of them take most of the stimulation, her paws closing softly around them, a rippling pulse squeezing down through each of her fingers in turn massaging. Above her, Ropes growled, rocking his hips, and her heart leapt in anticipation of what that had to mean.

He climaxed with a yowl, his wife taking the cry in a kiss, tongues lustfully and sloppily tangling, mixing saliva. Yet his cries rolled through even her kiss as ropes of hot seed flowed down his daughter's throat, bringing her into his fold, showing her the life that she could have as a half-demoness at his side and, always, on her knees before him. She didn't have to be angry at him anymore if she saw the part of her life that was her heritage and her birthright, what could be brought out of her too, in time, if only she wanted to experience it for herself.

Helena moaned when his cock was pulled from her muzzle, not understanding that his orgasm, at least for the moment, was over. She tried to get to it, single-minded with lust, panting heavily, her jaws hanging open and her tongue hanging out, dangling helplessly.

"Mmm... Please..." She shook her head, fingering a horn, grunting in the back of her throat. "Fuck, dad... I need... Please, help me..."

"Of course, darling."

She was in his arms in but a moment, carried through to the sofa where there was another warm body waiting for her. Holly held her gently as Ropes removed her clothes, his tentacles ripping through without care for the quality of the fabric that she had lovingly stalked until it was on sale: he would buy her more. That was no matter as he pushed over her, everyone naked and his cock aching for the hot wetness of her pussy.

"Going to put a nice clutch of eggs in you, my sweet daughter..."

To say that Ropes was not in control would have been a falsehood in its entirety, yowling out his lust as he plunged into her cunny for the very first time. Helena screamed, instantly climaxing, even though that should not have been possible, not with a single stroke. Yet the part of her that was a half-demon rose up anxiously, snarling and snapping, striving for precedence, a part of her that increased her sensitivity, even the potency of her heat when she was near another demon. That was not something that could be helped but she would never have to go unsatisfied ever again.

Holly murmured under her breath, pulling and massaging the dragoness' four tits as she got off again, one climax blurring into the next, "fuzzing" together as she writhed against her. Ropes was relentless, driving in furiously, pounding her with a steady slap of his hips on her inner thighs, dragging her up onto his knees so that he could get even deeper. With her buttocks raised, Helena was forced to put most of her weight back on Holly, though the skunk was still careful to protect her heavily swollen stomach.

"Let it all go, sweetheart," Holly breathed. "You can have anything you want from this... But this is how we can make it right with you. You are more like your father than your mother, after all..."

Helena moaned, not listening, only climaxing, wrapped up in bliss, her father's tentacles worming around her, squeezing her tits, even flicking up against her clit. It was more than her body could take, squealing through another climax, toes flexing, stretching, her whole body trying to let go of the passion, to find some kind of release.

Ropes snarled, hunching over her, turning more demonic, his eyes glowing, demonic influence swirling around him - not even visible to Holly. Yet it was there and it twisted into his daughter, taking what had begun when she entered the house and corrupting her, sowing more and more seeds of debauchery, unpicking the knots that tied the demon heritage in her away. It would come but it would not be overnight and she would need dose after dose of his cum to seal the deal.

She moaned, not realising. But she would never again want to leave as his barbs raked delightfully through her, clawing at her pussy and sending her into another burst of a pulsing climax. The waves of ecstasy could not be denied or held back in the slightest and she didn't want to force them down either, crying out her father's name, begging for him, an incoherent stream of words that wanted him, only him. The femfur holding her was not one that she could put a name to, not in that moment, but she would find out again when she came back to herself, load after load of Ropes' cum flooding her cunt.

Needless to say, she missed her flight. That didn't matter. She wasn't going home, not ever again, and would change to college back in her home town, somewhere local where she could still get the education that she wanted.

There was nothing more to hold back from even as Helena scowled the next morning, making breakfast, eyeing up Holly and Ropes sitting naked at that wooden dining table in the family room.

"Can't you two put some clothes on?" She growled, rolling her eyes. "Honestly, this is a house, not a brothel."

Ropes laughed.

"You act like you weren't bent over it last night begging to be fucked when we were having dinner, Helena... Do you need another load already, sweetie?"

Holly giggled, covering her lips with her fingers, but the dragoness huffed and shoved her cereal box away, hunting for the milk.

"You don't keep it where mom did... Jeez!"

Ropes pressed up behind her, pinning the dragoness to the fridge as the door closed, a whimper on her lips. She didn't want to want it but her father there behind her made her stomach lurch and her heart pound all the harder for him, arching her back to shove her hips back for him even then. There was no turning away from it, Ropes yanking down her loose house trousers, the cotton soft and gentle but at least something that could be pulled down quickly without tearing through, for which she could be glad for.

"Unnff... Dad... Please..."

Ropes already knew what she wanted though as his cock found her pussy, half-hard and still driving in, firming up inside her. Her folds closed around him, pulsing and rippling, though she was by no means in control of the erratic twitches of muscles that were only just coming to light. Helena's moan filled the kitchen, light spilling in from the glass doors that led out into the garden, bracing herself on the fridge, pushing back, desperate only to keep his cock inside her. It was all she could think of, her foul mood wiped away. It was funny how sex with her father could do that for her, his cock sinking home repeatedly, sweeping off any thoughts of fighting back.

Well, it would not have been fighting back but maybe pushing him away. It was hard to think about things like that when it all felt so damn good, Helena grunting and arching, wanting more even as he added to the load of cum that he'd dumped in her the night before. The sloppy mess never seemed to fully drain from her cunny and she whined softly, rubbing her muzzle more and more submissively against the fridge. There was some part of the dragoness though too that wanted to be in control, on top and riding him, even if that was something that could only be come to in due course and time.

"She must already be pregnant," Holly commented, nibbling on a bit of toast, her paw between her legs. "But don't forget me, sweetie - it's been too long since you took me up under the tail!"

Ropes grunted his acknowledgement, hips working furiously to seed his daughter full. He didn't need to wait or waste any time as she moaned for him, grinding her hips back, his demonic influence seeping into her more and more with every thrust of his cock. She was his daughter and she would stay with him forever, for there already was little desire left in Helena to actually leave, despite how she had felt on arriving back "home" initially.

Her tongue hung out of her mouth as she moaned, though he did not give her the treat of her seed in her pussy again that time, letting her drop to her knees like a pet rather than the equal to him that Holly was, whimpering and whining, begging.

"Please," she whimpered, twisting her head back and forth, trying to rub it along his cock, not even in her right mind. "I want it...unff... Why did you stop? Oh, please, fuck me... Please!"

Ropes smirked, his cock in his paw.

"If you want it, you'll have to really beg for it."

Helena growled and clenched her jaw shut. She was not submissive to him! She was not submissive! Yet as many ties as she told herself that her actions spoke otherwise, the fire within her reminiscent of the cougar from which she had come, knowing more, learning more, wanting nothing more than to fold to her knees time after time again before him. It didn't make sense, not to her, not even as he jacked off over her muzzle, splattering her scales with a creamy dose of cum.

Helena groaned, turning her head back and forth, though he didn't even allow her to get any in her mouth, as much as her scales burned to want that. It was wrong but it was right and she simply did not understand why it was that was, only that it was. There didn't seem to be any deeper cause to the depth of her intellect on that matter, only something inside her that told her that she needed it, that things were right.

Helena did not eat breakfast that morning, confused and still horny, her need unsatisfied. Sometimes he got her off and other times her father left her to stew, though Holly had smirked and told her that she wasn't allowed to masturbate herself either. That was cruel but it was not an order that she should have felt at all out of bounds breaking, considering just how things were between them all.

The skunk yawned, relaxing on the sofa in the afternoon, her feet up and her stomach weighing on her more heavily than ever. She still counted herself exceptionally lucky that she did not have to deal with the typical problems of pregnancy but, sometimes, the tiredness did get the better of her. It was to be expected as she laid there, eyelids dragging down under their own weight, groaning softly as the aches of the day were lifted from her.


Paws on her, tentacles too. Of course, that could only be one fur responsible for that and she giggled, batting him off even as she slipped down and down into dreamland.

"Mmm... Ropes..." She yawned, nuzzling into the sofa cushions. "Now now, sweetie... Go find...your daughter...or something... Sure, she needs..."

But the words trailed off as she dozed off, even though they were just as well meant as they would have been if Holly had been fully awake at the time. Her husband smirked and drew a fluffy blanket tenderly up over her (Holly was so prone to getting cold, probably due to him liking to keep the house a little on the cooler side - and for sex, of course). He would not leave her to be chilled, no, but she had so openly given him permission - that was still implied beforehand - that he would have been a fool to not take it.

After all, Holly may have been his wife, his perfect match, but there was still more that a demon could take, expending lusts where he could not be fully satisfied in feeding, of course...

Helena lay flat out on her bed, though that was all to her detriment as her father burst in, already naked and tentacles writhing around her head. The shriek that should have burst from the dragoness' lips devolved into a moan, clothes torn to shreds by his tentacles and a dark desire with her longing and lunging for the cougar. She wanted him, that could not be denied, but she could not pin him down and fuck him either, as much as she tried. Sure, she had the jaws and the teeth to snarl and snap, lips curling back from her teeth, but all it took was a look from his steadfastly glowing eyes and she was right where the cougar wanted her to be all over again, pinned and giving up her body to him.

Helena hissed through her teeth, her muzzle forced flat against the bed, neck aching. Her buttocks hung over the edge but that was no trouble to Ropes, hiking her up by the root of her tail with his tentacles and forcing her to brace herself.

"" She tried to reason. "Just let me fucking ride you, okay? That's what you want, isn't it?"

Well, in part, but the cougar only had a smirk for her as his bare cock pressed up under her tail. It was too late for Helena by the time she realised, letting out a groan and a half-hearted buck of her hips in an effort to escape as he fucked her in her backdoor entrance, forcing her pucker to spread around him. It was her first time being fucked there and her head spun, the stretch colliding with pleasure, though there was more than enough of Ropes' demonic influence in her by that time to ensure that there was not a lick of pain to be had.

"Ahh... Fuck... Ooohh..."

There was nothing that could make a femfur as submissive as being fucked up the arse, Ropes thought to himself, taking his daughter with relish. Helena may have tried to hold back her moans of lust and pleasure but she may as well have not tried at all, for everything came out in the end, showing her true desires. If she didn't say things out loud too, he could feel it, his demon nature seeking out willing partners - and if Helena was truly unwilling, the lust of their coming-together would have been soured and sullied for him. It wasn't what he craved as a demon of lust, not even as his hips slapped into her raised buttocks, ploughing her arse full.

Helena took his strokes like a pro, whimpering and whining so sweetly for him even as he hitched up her legs around his waist, letting only her torso and arms brace on the bed. The sheets were strewn about, her claws digging in, yet such penetration was not enough for Helena to get off to even as he fucked her ruthlessly, unloading in her arse. Ropes of creamy seed flowed forth but he fucked her rampantly straight through them, not giving her any time at all to recover, tentacles pinning her arms forward in front of her, binding her muzzle shut.

"You'll...ah...learn," Ropes forced out through his thrusts, intent only on filling her again and again, taking his liberty with her when his wife preferred to rest. "You'll be here for us... Not like Holly but a...a pet. In..unnff...part. My daughter and the newest...ah...member of my...beautiful...gorgeous...harem..."

Yes, that was right. That was her true place in the household. A pet slut that they could call on as and when they needed to. Helena squealed and tried to mumble her begging to be allowed to orgasm through his tentacles, but he only tightened the one wrapped around her muzzle, relishing in the power. He did not have such power over Holly but he wanted to take her, to show her that she could be a part of the family, his luscious harem, if only she behaved and toed the line.

Helena was left growling and trying to push her tail between her legs with a puddle of cum soaking her bed, more spilling from her tail hole.

"Come on, dad! That's not fair!"

Yet, as the saying went, all was indeed fair in both love and war.

It was a good thing for Helena that her life there was to be of the first inclination in nature.

To be continued in part seven...