Lucario's Lust

Story by DarkWolf79 on SoFurry

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#39 of Story Commissions

When his mother's heat comes around again, Lucario is desperate for some relief, and jumps at the chance to live out he's deepest fantasy...

March 2021 Patreon Reward for Chobin

"Damn it! This totally sucks!"

"Aren't you done with your bitching yet?"

Lucario glowered up at the Toxtricity behind the bar, pushing his glass forward.

"No, I'm not. Hit me again."

Normally Toxtricity might have advised the blue canine against having any more to drink, but the guy seemed like he needed it, if all the whining he'd been doing was anything to go by. Maybe if he got the Lucario sloshed enough, he'd just pass out and leave him with a little peace. Grabbing what he needed from behind the bar, Toxtricity got to work mixing his customer another drink. Once he was finished, he pushed it back across the counter to Lucario.

"Where'd your buddy go, anyway? Why don't you whine to him about whatever's got you so out of shape."

"I would, but he ditched me to go fuck his boyfriend. It's not fair, damn it! Golduck is off getting laid and I'm stuck here by myself. Can't even go back to my damn house!" Lucario downed half his drink in one gulp, and Toxtricity took the opportunity to escape down the bar to wait on other customers.

Lucario had been stuck at the inn for the last two days, and it would be several more before he was allowed to go home. His team didn't even have any jobs available right now, leaving him with basically nothing to do to occupy his time. Golduck and Nidoking had been thrilled for some time off - more time for the happy couple to spend at home fucking each other's brains out. But that meant that Lucario was left to his own devices, and under the circumstances, that was the last thing he needed.

The reason he'd been banished from his house was because his mother was currently in the middle of her heat, and had insisted on privacy until it was over. It was the same every year - he'd get booted out to go stay with friends or relatives until her heat was passed. At least now that he was older he could stay at the inn by himself. Being around other people who knew about the situation was always so uncomfortable - so, your mom kicked you out so you wouldn't have to see all the guys she brings over. That conversation had happened way too many times, and it wasn't one he was eager to have again.

Though if he were honest - and he would never willingly admit this to another living soul - there was one thing about all this that sucked more than any other.

His mom was hot as fuck!

That kind of sentiment was hardly unusual among pokemon, but it still wasn't something you usually talked about to others. And even if he'd wanted to, Golduck was no help at all. When it came to sex, if it didn't have a dick, Golduck wasn't interested. Nidoking might have been okay to commiserate with - plenty of females had gotten to try out what he was packing - but whenever anything sexual came up, Nidoking was less interested in hearing about Lucario's problems and way more interested in finding somewhere to bend Golduck over and have his way with him as soon as possible. Which left Lucario alone with his thoughts, and the ghost of his mother's scent in his nose.

There were few things that could get a male as riled up as the scent of a female in heat. The fact that she was his mother meant nothing - she was a female in need of a good, hard fuck, and his instincts wanted to give it to her. Just the thought was enough to make his sheath start to swell, remembering the scent of his mother's building lust when she nearly threw him out the door. And he'd gotten quite the lungful as well. He'd managed to keep himself tucked in long enough to make it to the inn, but once the door was closed, he'd spent hours jerking off, moaning and groaning at the thought of get the relief he wanted with the female he wanted, pawing himself to orgasm after orgasm. And then spending even longer cleaning up his mess.

But it hadn't done any good. Hell, he'd even considered visiting the local brothel for some relief, but in the end he'd decided against it. What woman could compete with such a gorgeous, needy Lucario. Or worse, what if he'd gone there and seen his mother getting it on with someone else. Not that he had any illusions about his mother's sex life - pokemon didn't really have many hang-ups about that sort of thing, and it wasn't like she'd ever tried to hide it before when she'd had guys over - but damn it, if his mother was going to have sex with anyone, it should have been him! That thought had his tip threatening to poke out of his sheath, and Lucario took a few breaths to calm himself down before going back to sipping at his drink, doing his best to keep his rising lust under control. At least until he got back to his room.

But even though Lucario was doing a pretty could job of hiding it from the outside, his mind and subconscious were screaming his needy nature, along with all the naughty things he wanted to do with his mother. At least, it was if you were a psychic type like Hoopa. From his table over in the corner, the little djinn pokemon sipped at a drink of his own, grinning impishly at the raunchy thoughts racing through Lucario's head. Finishing off his glass, he hovered over to the bar, floating over the stool next to the other pokemon.

"Evening, friend. If you're interested, I think I might be able to help you with your problem."

Lucario turned to stare at the grey and pink ghost, sounding as skeptical as he looked when he said, "Sorry but I'm pretty sure you can't."

"Oh, but I can," said Hoopa, smiling. "You're lucky I'm the only psychic type in here right now. As worked up as you're getting it'd be damn near impossible for any off them to miss how badly you want to get with... well, you know. No need to be embarrassed," he added, seeing the look on Lucario's face when he realized he'd been found out. "You're hardly the first guy I've met with those kinds of desires, and you certainly won't be the last."

"And how exactly is that supposed to help?" asked Lucario.

"I work for the brothel here in town. And thanks to these rings of mine," Hoopa said, taping one of the golden hoops hanging from the horns on the sides of his head, "I'm a specialist in anonymous hook-ups. Some pokemon don't want to be seen at the brothel, or still others are in heat, and don't trust themselves around others. We have some fine Lucario ladies at our establish who are having that problem right now - it is that time of year, after all. And several of the ladies in here in town have asked me to arrange for a healthy young male to see to their needs. If you like, I'd be happy to arrange some relief for you as well."

"I don't know..."

"In fact, there is one particular Lucario that is in desperate need of some relief. She's got a thing for this one male, but she won't make a move on him. Personally I don't understand, but to each their own, I suppose. She's practically begging to get stuffed, and even without reading your mind I can tell how much you need this."

"But even if that's true, she isn't my m-- isn't the one I want," said Lucario.

"But I can make you think she is," said Hoopa. "With your permission, course. One little psychic nudge is all it would take to have you smelling that same intoxicating scent again. I'm sure you'll be ready and willing after that. What do you say?"

Lucario thought it over. "I might be interested. How much would this cost me, exactly?"

"The lovely lady is so needy, she's already paid for everything. She just wanted me to find someone to give her what she needed. But she did have a condition - whoever I find must have a knot, and she wants to be tied. I don't think you'll have any complaints about that, right? I've seen for myself just how sensitive you canines are down there, and it's even easier to sense how much they enjoy a warm, wet female wrapped around their knot. There is one other condition, but I think it would be best to discuss in private."

The thought of tying himself in a tight, hot female was the last push Lucario needed. The head of his dick was already starting to slide out of his fuzzy blue sheath, eager for action. Gulping down the rest of his drink, Lucario stood up and told Hoopa to follow him as he hurried out of the bar and towards his room. Luckily, either nobody spotted his growing erection, or nobody cared, because the pair made it back without incident.

"Okay, what exactly was this other condition you mentioned?" asked Lucario. He gestured down at his erection as it finished sliding free of his sheath, seven inches of throbbing doggy dick with a knot already starting to swell at the base just from the thought of getting some relief. "And make it quick, would ya?"

"Getting impatient, are we?" asked Hoopa, moving over to float before the eager Lucario, shutting the door behind him. "That's even better; you'll give the lucky lady the good hard fuck she needs. My condition is simple - while you're burying that bone of yours, I want you to imagine it's not just some random Lucario. I want you to pretend she's your mother. And not just that, but I want you to be vocal about it. Don't worry," he added at the look on Lucario's face. "I'll make sure nobody in the hotel notices, but that means I expect you to be as vocal as possible."

"You can't be serious."

"Oh, but I am," said Hoopa. "And let's not pretend like you haven't thought about it before."

"But why do you want me to say it?" asked Lucario.

Hoopa shrugged. "I'm kinky. Not every day you see a boy lusting after his mother. Besides, I like it when my clients are vocal about their pleasure. Let's me know I did a good job getting them what they needed."

Hoopa touched the ring hanging from his right horn, and a new one appeared in his hand. "Just let me get my ring set, and you can get started. But, if you try to go back on our deal, I'll close it around that prick of yours. It won't destroy it, but you'll have one hell of a time getting it back. Understood?"

Lucario's mouth had dropped open at Hoopa's threat, but he quickly snapped it shut, nodding at the small ghost's warning. Not that it should have been a big deal in the first place. As long as Hoopa was keeping the other pokemon from hearing what he was doing or saying, there was no reason to hold back from all the lust-filled thoughts he'd had about his mother over the years.

Not that he said any of this. For the sake of trying to save face, he had to at least pretend like it was a difficult choice to make. An illusion that was broken somewhat by the way his cock throbbed a leaked a steady stream of precum down his length at the prospect of getting some relief while living out on of his fantasies.

"Deal," said Lucario. "But you better make sure nobody's going to hear me and come barging in here." That was something he'd rather not have to explain. Or at least, the parts about his mother - sex in an inn wasn't exactly breaking news.

"Excellent. And no worries there; I'm very good at my job."

Hoopa moved over to float above the bed and held up a ring. The ring grew wider with a snap of his fingers, and something fell out onto the bed. Lucario had seen similar sex toys sold in a couple of specialty shops in town. It was a toy shaped like a female from her waist to upper thighs, shaped as if she were bent over, ass and pussy on display and ready for mating. Hoopa set the same ring against the toy, and moved out of the way.

"To sweeten the deal, I'll even use my powers to make this sweet lady's scent match your mother's. It's all there in your head," added Hoopa when Lucario made to ask how he could pull that off. "Have fun, kid. You're in for a hell of a time."

Hoopa snapped his fingers once again, and the ring glowed and shifted, moving itself to match up with the toy before opening around it until the fake, rubberized pussy was replaced with the real thing. The unmistakable blue fur around her couldn't be mistaken for anything else. Neither could the heavy scent of her heat that immediately filled the room. This was a Lucario in heat, no doubt about it. And Hoopa was right - the little ghost-type had indeed made her smell exactly like his mother. And she was soaking wet. Whoever this girl was, she clearly was in serious need of a male to give her a good, hard fuck. Something Lucario would be happy to provide.

But before that, the sight and scent of that dripping pussy was too tempting to resist. Dropping to his knees, Lucario used his paws to spread the swollen lips of her labia to reveal the vivid pink inside. Bending down, he slowly ran his tongue across her sensitive inner flesh, grinning to himself at the way she tried to clench down on his tongue, groaning as her taste washed over his tongue. He closed his mouth around her, burying his tongue as deeply as he could, even as it was squeezed tightly by her inner muscles.

Her taste could well prove addictive. Lucario pushed his tongue even deeper, her juices running down his chin and matting his fur as he feasted on her succulent pussy. And the thought of having his mother in the same position, maybe tied down and spread open for him, moaning and crying his name as he ate her out made his cock throb, firing a strong shot of precum against the side of the bed.

Unable to resist any longer, Lucario got to his feet, licking his lips and wiping at his mouth with the back of his paw.

"Damn you taste good," said Lucario, licking his lips again, remembering his deal with Hoopa.

Grabbing his dick in one paw, he stroked it slowly, using his other paw to keep the needy female spread open. He started the rub the head of his cock back and forth along the sensitive pink flesh, murring in lust at the way she spasmed around his glans as it threatened to enter her, almost like she was trying to pull him inside.

"You want my dick, don't you mother?" asked Lucario. "You're such a naughty, needy bitch. You need your son's cock to pound you until you can't walk straight; to pump your pussy so full of my spunk you'll be dripping for days, and everyone will know you've been sleeping with your son. Not that I'd mind - everyone in town would know I'd gotten to fuck the brains out of the hottest female in town. And you know what? I think that's just what I'll do."

Lining himself up, Lucario started to push forward, sinking himself slowly inside his partner, moaning loudly as the warm, wet heat of Lucario pussy surrounded his cock, sliding in until his knot was pressed against the lips of her pussy in a promise of things to come. He waited for only a second or two before grabbing the sides of the toy and pulling out and hammering back in, quickly setting into a punishing pace, humping hard and fast into the mystery Lucario's pussy, his hips slapping against the toy as her juices started to dribble down his swaying sac.

"Holy shit that's good!" cried Lucario, the warm, slick, velvety smooth feeling squeezing his cock in all the best ways. "Fuck, Mom, your pussy's so good! How could any other girl ever come close to this? Unnf, mmmm, oh yeah... so tight! Must have been even longer since you got some dick than I thought, if you're this tight. Or have you been going without hoping I'd give you what you wanted-- oh fuck-- what you needed? That's it, isn't it? Y-you waaaahhhh-wanted a dick, but not just any dick. You wanted mine. Wanted to feel your son's penis pounding your pussy hard and fast until your heat was over. Don't worry, I'll deal with your heat the only way that works - with a nice big load of Lucario cum."

Lucario was panting heavily, moving at an impressive pace, even to someone like Hoopa that was used to seeing males at the peak of lust. The blue canine was enjoying himself greatly, finally getting the relief he needed, even if it wasn't with the female he wanted. His grunts and groans echoed through the room as he hammered into his mystery partner, his knot threatening to split her open, pushing in a little more with each thrust of his hips.

As horny as he was, and with the phantom scent of his mother's heat filling the room, Lucario didn't last much longer. Which was just fine with him; he didn't want this to last a long time. He wanted to bust a nut inside some hot Lucario pussy and feel her gripping his knot like a vice.

And that's exactly what he got.

Slamming his hips forward, Lucario threw his head back in a howl as he forced his knot home, the mystery girl's pussy spreading wide around him only to clench down tight behind his knot, the extra stretch sending her into an orgasm that must have been pretty damn powerful if the way so was squeezing and spasming around him was anything to go by. His fluffy balls pulled up as he came, pumping her so full he was sure his load would be spilling out around him if his knot wasn't acting like a plug. Pleasure surged through him, his body jerking with each shot he fired into the other lucario's sweet pussy. When his orgasm finally came to an end, he stood there, panting with his tongue lolling out as he looked down at the welcome sight of his dick tied inside the other pokemon.

"Holy fuck, I needed that," sighed Lucario, groaning as that cum-filled pussy kept squeezing down on him with every breath the female made.

"Yes, I'd imagine so. I know she did as well," said Hoopa. "Think you might be up for a few more rounds?"

Lucario laughed warmly, grinding his hips to shift his penis around inside the other lucario, making her squeeze him even harder whenever he passed over a particularly sensitive spot.

"You bet your as I am," said Lucario, flexing his cock and getting an extra tight clench for his trouble. "This girl's got a damn fine pussy."

"I'm sure she'd be glad to know you enjoyed yourself," said Hoopa. "In fact, why don't you tell her yourself!"

Hoopa snapped his fingers, and the ring mounted on the toy quickly started to expand, stretching around Lucario as he passed through, quickly shrinking back down after it slid passed his tail. Hoopa's head popped through, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Have fun you two! Glad I could get you what you needed!" And with a parting wink, his head slipped back through the ring and it closed, disappearing with a spark of light and a faint metallic pop.

As he got his bearings back after that unexpected surprise, Lucario was greeted to the sounds of a needy female's lust-filled moans. And as he glanced down at the body he was tied to, several things clicked into place all at once.

He recognized this place. It was his home.

He knew this bedroom. It belonged to his mother.

And he knew the lucario that was on her knees, bent over the side of the bed with her legs spread and his cock lodged firmly inside her.

It was his mother.

And even more importantly, was exactly what she was saying as she moaned - she was moaning for him. Not just for a male to fuck her, but for HIM.

Any self-control or rational thought that might have still been left for him at this point were down for the count. His cock was fully hard again in seconds, his mother moaning at the feeling of his growing erection inside her.

"W-w-we shouldn't," she panted, propping herself up on her arms and turning towards him. "I don't live alone, and my son could be home any... a-any...!"

She gasped as she turned enough to get a good look at her face, but her look of surprise quickly turned to a blissed out moan as he humped forward, stretching her out even deeper with his knot.

Now that he knew who he was fucking, and even more importantly that she wanted him to be fucking her, Lucario wasn't planning on wasting the opportunity, or any more time. He grabbed tightly to her hips and pulled back with his own, the pair moaning loudly as his knot popped free, a gush of cum spilling out around him and pooling on the floor. The mess only grew as he wrapped his arms around his mother's body and started humping furiously, his balls swinging up to slap against her every time he bottomed out inside his mother's perfect, velvety smooth cunny. Now that he was back in their house, and especially with her so close and so obviously aroused, the scent of her heat was overwhelming, driving the young male absolutely wild with lust and renewed vigor. He leaned back, pulling her with him as he humped up into her, each powerful move of his hips nearly pushing her up into the air.

"W-we ... AH, oooohhh ... we s-shouldn't ... mmphf, oh, so big, so good! We need to stop!"

Despite his mother's pleas - which were halfhearted at best and weakened even further by the way she moaned and squeezed on his cock - Lucario refused to stop.

"No way," Lucario growled into his mother's ear, bending down to nibble at her neck and shoulder as he continued thrusting into her, the room filling with their moans and the slick sounds of his penis siding in and out of her. "We've both been waiting for this for too fucking long, and there's no way I'm stopping now. And I can smell how much you want this. Thank heaven for a female's heat; until that fire inside you goes out, you'll be wet and ready or hours. Good thing, too. I won't be done with you any time soon. Now stop complaining and moan for me. I want to hear how much you like having my cock inside you."

Lucario pulled his mother down to the floor, chest down and ass up. He slid his paws down to her wrists, pulling on her arms like reigns and bending her back slightly, his hips slapping loudly against her gorgeous ass as he continued to fuck her, his knot teasing her open each time his penis spread her open. Despite her earlier resistance, she was even more vocal than he was, moaning and wailing and crying out in pleasure.

"That's it, mother!" growled Lucario, watching her ass bounce every time his hips made contact. "Beg for my cock! Let me hear how much you like it, let me know how good it feels! You can beg me to stop, but I won't. I'm going to fuck you until you beg me never to stop!"

Lucario thrust his hips forward as hard as he could, the pair howling in pleasure when his knot slammed inside her once again, both writhing and shaking as their orgasms washed over them. This time was even better for Lucario - he didn't have to pretend he was fucking his mother anymore; this was the real deal. And despite her protests, the feeling of her son's cum filling her so very full was exactly what his mother needed to help sate the lust that came with her heat; the lust that had been driving her out of her mind whenever she had looked at the handsome young Lucario tied to her.

The two collapsed onto the floor, but even so close to orgasm, Lucario wasn't satisfied yet. He ground his hips against his mother's ass, both of them moaning as his swollen knot pulled at her stuffed cunny.

"Just one more time, just one more time..."

"We can't, we shouldn't," said his mother, her protests weakened greatly by the way she pressed back against him and kept clenching on his dick. "I-I'm in heat. If we don't stop..."

"If we don't stop, what? You'll get pregnant?" asked Lucario. He growled sexily, nibbling on her ear. "Good. I hope I do knock you up. I've always wanted a little brother. And just think - once he gets older and evolves, then you'll have two Lucario boys all to yourself, hard and horny and eager to fuck. Now way any brother of mine could resist fucking such a hot female as you."

He brought his hands to her legs, lifting one of them up and spinning her over onto her back while he was still inside her, both of them moaning at the feeling of his dick moving inside her. He laid over her, pinning her wrists beside her head and starting to fuck her once again. As much as she knew should try to stop him, she didn't. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his hips, driving him forward to pound her even harder. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she wound up pregnant after this. If their boy was even half as gifted as the Lucario stuffing her pussy for the third - but nowhere near final - time that night, it would be worth it.

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