Loona's Love Life. Chapter 6

Story by Rojack79 on SoFurry

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#6 of Loona's Love Life.

By the way guys this is an AU so please bear that in mind when going forward.

Loona's Love Life.

Chapter 6: Blood Moon Blues.

May, 10, 2021

Stolas sighed with contentment as he and Blitz sat back and relaxed after another passionate session. Giving the Imp a look of curiosity he simply hummed as he hung from his bed's chains.

"So Blitzy I hear that you have a new member of your little family." He stated as Blitz just shrugged.

"Meh, yeah, he's been an adjustment, but the work he does get done has been good." Thinking back to the past week was amusing.

"He's made my job that much easier now that someone else is actually taking care of the money aspect of the operation." He thought back to Alex's business proposal. Blitz just chuckled as he remembered his first idea.

"Well Sir I see that we've spent a quite a bit of money on advertising but business has only gone up by 20%" Alex cleared his throat. "Now that's not a bad increase by any measure but I do think it could be better." He grabbed a power point graph to illustrate his point.

"See this side of the pie here?" He pointed to an entire half that was blue.

"This represents our current work output, not bad, were looking at 50% of all current clients being repeat customer's." He looked around the room to see that he really was getting everyone attention, even Loona would look up form her phone every once and awhile. Taking a sip of water he continued his business proposal which amounted to him coming up with a plan to offer free hits once a month. Not only would this get the repeat customer's more interested it would also bring in new customer's as well, word would spread and they would get more clients thus making more income to help keep them alfoat.

"So any questions?" He asked as he took down his power point. Moxxie gave a clap of encouragement that made Alex blush a little bit.

"So does this mean that i'll have to take more calls then?" Loona asked not looking up from her phone, as Alex nodded.

"Unfortunately Loona yes," Alex put on a fake Texan accent. "You'll have to take one for the team Missy," Loona smirk as she rolled her eye's.

"Oh what ever shall I do?" She sarcastically replied as se sent Blitz a picture of a noose captioned, "Kill me now!" Blitz just chuckled as took a deep breath.

"Not bad rookie." Blitz said as Alex took a seat, still sweating as he looked around the room. Millie gave him a thumbs up, while Moxxie went over his own notes.

Blitz came back to the present when he felt Stolas moving underneath the sheet's, his head popping up between the imps legs a moment later.

"So are you going to bring your little human with you to the festival?" The prince asked as he bundled up in a blanket and sat there. Blitz actually paused to think about that.

"Well I already offered him an invite but now I'm wondering if that was the best idea." He looked a little worried. Stolas just waived a hand.

"Oh don't worry about his safety Blitz. I'll just make a few call's." He gave Blitz a pat on the head.

"He'll become a full fledged denizen of hell by the end of the week." Blitz let out a small breath.

"Oh, good here I was thinking of just how I was going to get him to pay for that." Blitz's bravado was endearing and adorable, but Stolas saw right through it with ease.

"Nothing to worry your pretty little head over Blitzy," Stolas gave his cheek a pinch as he snuggled up close to the diminutive imp.

"Yeah well he saved my daughter, and that means a lot to me." Blitz smiled as he took his phone out and pulled up a picture of Loona when she was a baby. It was one of the few he had of her younger years, and one of the fewer still that he had of her genuinely smiling. Stolas smiled as well

"Hmmm. I can understand the sentiment Blitz." He said as he thought of his own daughter. The two sat there reminiscing about their children and the small moments they had together. Meanwhile in the kitchen of the Ars Goetia home all was not well as Stella was talking over her phone.

"I don't care how you kill him, just do it!" She slammed the device down as she took a long drink from her cup of wine.

May, 26, 2021.

Alex and Loona continued to converse via text, at least until the cell reception cut out. From there the two talked casually, with Loona not even remembering when they had stopped using their phones to do so.

"So this is what it's like to have a normal conversation?" She thought about the one time she'd went over to a party Tex had thrown. It was.. ok for the most part. She didn't really mingle all that much, mostly keeping to herself and texting people whenever she could. Getting her mind back to the present, she caught a glimpse of Alex lost in thought. Seeing his face screwed up in thought made her smirk.

"Careful there, don't want the smoke from your brain causing an accident." Alex just held up three fingers.

"Do you know how to read between the lines Loona?" He asked as she gave his fingers a look. Seeing what he had intended she laughed and gave him a playful punch. He winced but the smile on his face never wavered.

"And here I thought you were supposed to be pure and good hearted?" She teased as Alex just smirked.

"Well yes, but I'm still human." He stated as he glanced out the window. Looking back down to his cross hanging on his key chain he clutched it a little tighter as he thought about his new job. Then he let out a sigh, his smile diminishing as his confidence did. Loona felt his apprehension and now felt awkward.

"Hey don't worry about it, not like your going to have to go out and murder anyone ok?" Looking over at Loona's smile made Alex feel slightly better. But that nagging feeling in the back of his head just wouldn't leave him alone. He put on a fake smile and chuckled.

"He, yeah your right. I'm just the bodyguard, so no worry's right?" He held out a hand for a fist bump, Loona obliged with chuckle of her own.

"Yep." The two fell silent after that, listening to Moxxie and Millie fuss over her parents while Blitz continued to sing along with the radio.

After another few hours of peaceful driving Blitz had finally turned down the dirt road that lead up to Millie's family farm.

"Here we are guy's!" Millie excitedly announced as they passed underneath an archway.

"The Rough N Tumbleweed Ranch." Alex remarked as he hung his head out the window to get a better view of the landscape. Off down the road aways Alex saw two imp's waving at the vehicle as it pulled up into a larger dirt circle that wrapped around the farm house.

"Mamma! Daddy!" Millie said as she jumped out of the van before Blitz had a chance to turn off the engine. He rolled his eyes but the smile on his face belaid his own fondness for family. Alex decided to hang back in the van, not wanting to draw undue attention away from Millie's family reunion, he instead helped off load the bags, Loona meanwhile took out her phone and began to film the surrounding farmland.

"How's our deadly little pumpkin spice doing?" Millie's dad asked as he ruffled her hair. Alex had finished getting all of the bag's unloaded and shut the back of the van, meanwhile Moxxie began to struggle with a suitcase as he tried to drag it across the ground. He was interrupted however when Millie grabbed him.

"Y'all remember my husband Moxxie?" She asked, chucking her husband over to her parents. Alex saw that they were not as enthused to see him as he was them.

"He, hello Lynn, Joe, how's the farm been doing?" Joe scowled.

"We lost one of our farmhands to a damned twister last week." His eye's narrowed as Moxxie recoiled.

"Oh, crumbs Uh, I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories or anything Sir-"

"Hey I'm the only Sir around here!" Blitz said cutting off Moxxie, and causing Millie to snap her finger's.

"Oh yeah that's right y'all haven't met the rest of my co workers." Alex had remained behind the van all this time and now he cringed as Millie pointed the rest of them out.

"That there is Blitz our boss." She said as he gave them a wave.

"And next to him is his hell hound." Loona rolled her eye's.

"I'm not just his hell hound." She quipped as Blitz gave her a hug.

"That's right, She's my daughter." He then gave her a soft pat on her tail as she just huffed in annoyance.

"Yeah there's that." Millie looked around and saw Alex hiding behind the van.

"And that's Alex our newest recruit." She pointed out as Loona saw Alex and smiled.

"Come here you." She said pulling him out from behind the van and setting him down in front of the two surprised farm owner's. They were puzzled.

"Why is a human here in hell?" Joe asked as Moxxie, seeing that the attention wasn't solely on him anymore, went back to struggling with the luggage. Blitz walked over and gave Alex a slap on the back.

"Well long story short this tough son of a bitch helped us out on a mission and we decided that it would be a waste to let him die on us, so we decide to hire him full time." Joe and Lynn nodded, still weary of having a human around, but the topic of new hires did get them to thinking.

"Oh, Speaking of new hire's," Joe gave out a whistle, "Hey Striker!" He yelled out into the field. A second later the ground began to shake as the sound of hooves came into range. Alex saw a huge column of fire approaching them and was vastly intimidated by what soon followed after it. A huge equine like creature burst form the field and leapt over the fence, landing deftly on all four's, it's rider obscured by the sun for a little bit.

"Well looky here, if it isn't the famous Mildred." Striker quickly scanned the group before him, spotting Loona filled him with unease, and seeing Alex just puzzled him to no end. He turned his attention back to Millie who was looking a little bashful.

"Your parent told me an awful lot about you young lady." Striker smirked as Millie just blushed.

"So how's free lance going, all of the free work finally going?" Millie just scowled.

"No, it's not," She just grumbled and then took a deep breath.

"Work is going fine." She looked over to Alex and smiled.

"In fact thanks to our new recruit we now have a plan on how to get more business going, so we'll be set for at least a little while." Striker looked over to Alex and grinned.

"Really? So this sorry sack of flesh is your business adviser?" Loona's ears twitched at this and she made a show of grabbing Alex and walking over to the group with him at her side, hopefully getting the message across to Striker that he was one of them. Moxxie meanwhile had finally gotten done with the suitcase. Striker not paying any mind to either Loona or Moxxie set his sights on Blitz.

"And that must mean that you are the imp that started your own killing business." He went and shook Blitz's hand. Blitz for his part just smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, when your good at something you might as well capitalize on it" Striker just smirked.

"Not many imp's can start their own business, that's pretty impressive Sir." Blitz just stammered out a thanks, not really used to getting compliments. Alex meanwhile was just happy to not have anyone paying him much mind. He began to help get the bags up to the house and into their respective rooms. When he got done he went back outside to see Moxxie trying to hog tie a demonic looking pig.

"Oh wow, what's going on here?" He asked as as he stood next to Loona who was recording the whole thing.

"This is fucking beautiful." She commented as she continued to record Moxxie's failure. He eventually ended up getting thrown off the wild pig and Striker jumped over the fence to take over, he looked back however.

"Hey meat sack, you want to give it a try?" Alex shook his head showing him his cast.

"As much as I would love to I think I'll pass." Striker shook his head.

"Soot yourself." He walked a few paces and muttered something under his breath. Alex didn't hear it but Loona did, she barred her fangs and was about to hop over the railing when Alex laid a hand on her shoulder. Looking over at him, she saw him shaking his head. She just huffed and continued to glare at Striker as he went over and shoved Moxxie off the pig and began to wrangle it properly.

After Striker had the pig hog tied and blood drained, he looked over to Blitz.

"Hey boss man you want to help the men skin this thing for diner?" Blitz just smiled.

"Oh I am always down to skin the manly meat with the manly men!" Loona wanting to raise her spirits a little bit made a quip.

"That's what she said." This caused Blitz to freak out. "What who said?" He looked around. "Wait what bitch is talking shit about me!?" Loona chuckled as she and Alex followed the other's into the house. Millie stayed outside to look after Moxxie who had a few bumps and bruises from his rodeo with the pig.

Once Moxxie and Millie entered the home the family and guest's had all gathered around the table for lunch. Alex was grateful for their hospitality and tried to eat as much as he could and while most of the food in hell wasn't terrible for him to eat there was some of it that he just couldn't eat with out getting physically sick, a by product of the fact that they had completely different dietary needs down here than back on earth. As conversation went on and on about various topics it eventually settled on war.

"You know war is like a good harvest, nothing else can separate the wheat from the chaff." Joe remarked.

"Make's the weak strong and if they can't keep up they die." He smiled remembering his own time fighting. Moxxie had been relatively quite for mots of the time they spent at the table but this topic really intrigued him.

"Speaking of war, did you know that more battles were won by technological advances in warfare." Alex was genuinely interested in this, Millie's parents however were not enthused, but Moxxie missed there looks of displeasure.

"I've researched the history of weaponry extensively and it's inspiring how, for example the progression of guns utilizing angelic technology has changed the landscape of-" "Ok who want's desert?" Lynn asked cutting off Moxxie with a glare. He stank back into his chair as Alex watched on feeling very uncomfortable. He was very much interested in the advancement of hell's weaponry, it was one of the few thing's he and Moxxie actually talked about whenever they had the time and just wanted to nerd out. Joe had acutely been slightly listening to the topic of guns and piped up.

"Firearms are nice and all that but a man ain't nothing if he can't tear a hellish beast in two with his own hands." Striker laughed as he noticed Alex and Moxxie slink back into their chairs.

"So can one of y'all, "He pointed to the employees of I.M.P, "Explain to me just how a human came to be apart of your ranks?" Blitz blinked as he took a bight of a rib, Loona fixed Striker with a glare as she finished chewing a slice of her steak.

"He saved my life." She nonchalantly dropped at the table. That got everyone's attention. Striker just laughed.

"Really now, and how exactly did this," He pointed a fork at Alex, "pet of yours manage that?" His jab caused Loona to growl but Alex finished the food in his mouth before he just wiped his mouth with his napkin and looked Striker in the eye's and proceeded to tell a little white lie.

"Well to be fare I save not only her life but also her father's as well." He took off his plaid long sleeved shirt, revealing the gauze bandages around his toned chest just barely hiding the white scar across his bronzed skin. He then took his shirt off completely further revealing the cast on his left shoulder keeping it mostly immobile. Loona smirked as Striker paled, noticing the tell tale sins of angelic weaponry as Alex's wound's had a soft glow to them.

"The first one I got while trying to cover her dad over there while he shot at one of those stupid cherubs." Blitz nodded as he took a drink from his glass of water.

"The second one," He sighed looking over at Loona who just gave him a nod. "This one was because one of those fairy's got off a lucky shot. It nearly hit Loona in the face and would have, if I hadn't jumped in the way of it." Alex tried getting his shirt back on but seeing that he was struggling with it Loona helped him stand up and get his arm through his sleeve. Her hand briefly brushed against his chest and she shivered, not having really touched a man before, not on purpose at least, let alone on accident.

"Sorry about that." She said blushing profuely. Alex just shrugged, his face a tinge red as well.

"It's ok, not an issue." This little fopaw went unnoticed as Striker and Millie's parents went over the details in their heads. Striker snapped out of his stupor long enough to see that Alex had a cross dangling from his waist.

"Pfft figures," He thought to himself as he just smirked.

"Well then, I apologize for my rude behavior." In reality he didn't give a damn but seeing Blitz give his daughter googly eyes coupled with the fact that he had just hired this random stranger out of the blue gave Striker an idea. After a long silence Millie piped up.

"So Mom, Dad, how are the games looking this year?" She asked hoping to drown out the awkward atmosphere. Blitz stopped his chewing and perked up instantly.

"Games' what games!?" He asked as Millie's parents went into great detail about the annual Pain Games. Alex listened on and was definitely intrigued.

"So are y'all gonna join in on the fun?" Lynn asked as she looked around the table. Moxxie thought about it.

"Yeah, sure!" He said causing Joe to burst out laughing, He stopped however when he saw that Moxxie was glareing.

"Oh your serious?" He asked to which Moxxie just nodded.

"Yes." He said as Joe chuckled again.

"Well good luck, I don't think even." He pointed at Alex who just smirked.

"Alex." He offered his name. Joe just grimaced.

"Not even sure your human friend here could compete even if he wasn't injured." Joe shook his head, as Loona just glared at him over her phone. Alex just smiled.

"Honestly I'm not sure I'd be able to either." He agreed catching Moxxie off guard.

"But trust me Moxxie here can most defiantly give people a run for their money if they're not careful." He slapped Moxxie on the back causing him to wince in pain.

"Uh, yeah, you know what they say, brains before brawn." He chuckled as Striker gave him a hard smirk.

"Sure thing bud." He just snickered as ate the lst of his meal and pushed his chair back.

"Well I'ma head out and clear out the west field." He tipped his hat towards the family and made his way to the door. "Then I'll be back for the games." He walked outside and gave a shrill whistle.

After lunch Alex volunteered to clean up the mess, much to Joe and Lynn's shock. They didn't press the issue however and left him to it as Moxxie, Millie and the rest of I.M.P all went outside to see how the preparations for the game were going. Stolas had arrived to much fanfare and happily waved back at any imps that caught his attention. Once Alex was done he came outside and stood at the back of the proud with Loona and saw the genuine look of happiness on the owl prince's face. Stolas made his way through the crowd and headed towards a small stage that had been set up out on the eastern side of the farm.

"Thank you all, little wrath ring imps, for coming today, as we celebrate yet another harvest moon festival." Stolas spread out his arms as cheers ran through the crowd, as he went on to talk about the importance of the festival as well as the imps that brought the rest of hell it's food, Alex leaned back against the house and smiled, listening to all of the cheers as Stolas officially began the games.

"So.." He looked over to see Loona leaning against the porches support beam, phone in hand.

"How come your living with a psychopath?" She asked as her mind wondered to Sophia. Alex just huffed as he thought about her.

"Well..." He paused as he thought about what he was going to say. Loona's ears pined back as she cursed herself for trying to make small talk.

"Sorry, didn't mean to bring up bad news." She said her face dropping onto frown. Alex just shook his head.

"Na don't be." He thought about it some more. "To be honest I only agreed to stay with her because we'd been friends for so long, and she was offering a great deal for the room." He sighed as he remembered the good old day's.

"Honestly her stalker tendencies didn't pop up until way later." He cringed as he remembered a particularly bad example.

"Just before well, that event at the mall she called me up and demanded to know what I was doing there." He shivered as he recalled how angry she was to hear that he'd went out without telling her. Loona rolled her eye's.

"You really need to put that bitch in her place." Alex just scoffed.

"Yeah." He smirked and then let out an annoyed sigh.

"I just wish I wasn't such a cowered." Loona snarled at him for that.

"Please, your not a a cowered!" She saw a look of fear spread across Alex's face and blushed as she backed off.

"Sorry." Alex got his nerves under control and then just laughed it off.

"Don't be. That was the most aggressive compliment i've ever been given." He smirked as Loona just snicked to herself. She then punched him on the shoulder but instantly berated herself when she saw the look of pain flash across Alex's face.

"Oh, dear Satan, I'm So sorry!" She bringing her hand up to her muzzle and feeling like shit. Alex for his part gave out a sharp hiss of pain but gave her a thumbs up.

"No problem." He said through clenched teeth as he tried to think of anything but how he wanted to strangle Loona right now. He stood up from leaning on the house and shakily made his way to the front door.

"Hey, uh, i'm going to go and rest for a little while." He gave Loona a thumbs up, one that she repaid in kind before he disappeared inside of the house. When she heard him go up to his room and close the door Loona let out a sigh.

"Stupid!" she muttered to herself as she went for a little walk around the house to clear her head.

May, 27, 2021

The next day saw a flurry of activity as the games continued, Striker, Blitz, and Moxxie had all joined, and while Moxxie was lagging behind most participants, Striker and Blitz were the two leading the pack. Alex joined Loona outside leaning against the house and discussing more things about earth and hell respectivly.

"So let me get this straight, you guy's have spicy ice cream?" He asked to which Loona just nodded.

"Yup," She even pulled up a picture of some and showed it to him. He looked at it amazed and stunned speechless.

"Wow." Was all he could say to something so bizarre. The games were set to continue well into the afternoon, but at lunch time the imps all took a little break at which point Alex was inside the house seeing if he could help out in some way. He heard a noise upstairs and thinking that he was alone in the house decided to go and investigate.

"What in the hell could that be?" He smirked at his unintentional pun but grabbed his gun just in case. Making his way up the stairs he was surprised to see the door to Striker's room wide open, a soft glow coming from it, illuminating the hallway in a warm light.

"That's not normal." He commented as he pulled out his gun and slowly made his way into the room. He did a once over to see if Striker was there but when he hard the gun go off signaling the start of the third event for the games he breathed a sigh of relief and holstered his gun. Looking around he saw only two things that struck him as odd. The first was glowing briefcase on Striker's desk, the second was a small furry rat like creature that had apparently knocked over a small vase. Alex just chuckled as he leaned down to pick up the pieces of the shattered vase and smiled when the small rat thing came over to sniff him.

"Hello there little guy." He said as the tiny creature just hissed at him and then scurried out of the room through the open door. All of the pieces collected, Alex left the room and closed the door behind him. He dumped the pieces in a trashcan and then made a note of that strange glow.

"I'll have to ask Blitz about it later."

"Ask him about what?" Alex wirled around to see Striker sweating but standing tall as he walked across the room to the stair's.

"Uh, I have to ask him about.."He stammered as he tried to think of a good enough lie. Luckily Blitz had chosen that moment to pop up.

"Hey Stroker, just the imp I wanted to see!" Blitz came and wrapped an arm around Striker's neck dragging him off towards the back porch of the house. Striker gave Alex one last death glare before he gave Blitz his full attention. Alex went pale as he figured he must have done something significant to piss off the imp. He wasn't sure of what it was though.

"Hey Moxxie?" He called out as he went out side seeing the imp in question sitting on the bleacher's. Moxxie waved him over and Alex took a seat next to him.

"So you were talking about angelic weaponry earlier yesterday. Can you tell me more about that?" He asked as Moxxie's mood lightened up. Meanwhile Striker had entered his room and saw that the small vase sitting on the table was missing, he then took a wiff of the air and smelled the unmistakable smell of human.

"Well look's like that pesky rat just snooped around his last pantry." He went and opened up the briefcase and puled out a black casted, silver trimmed revolver. Looking outside the last of the games were about to begin. Slipping the revolver into a holster underneath his vest Striker left the room closing the door behind him, oblivious to the fact that he'd left the case open.

As the last of the games came to a close Alex was exhausted having cheard on both Blitz and Moxxie, with Millie taking a seat next to him doing the same. In the end Blitz and Striker had ended up tieing for first place. This left Moxxie a little bitter but as soon as he hit the stands Millie was all over him, showering him with love and affection. Alex sat back and watched the scene, a small grin crossing his face, however he soon felt the call of nature and headed into the house looking for the bathroom.

"Let's see where was it?" He wondered as he went up to the second floor.

He found the bathroom and was able to relieve himself, but as soon as he stepped out into the hallway, he found his throat being restricted and grasped at the offending appendage only to see that it belonged to Striker, who was now fixing Alex with a stare of murderous intent. Alex pulled out his gun but Striker stopped him from cocking the hammer back wrenched it from his grasp. Alex was slowly passing out from oxygen loss, but he tried one last ditch effort to get away from Striker. He pulled out his cross from his key chain and pressed it into Striker's forehead. The effect was immediate, as striker recoiled from the holy object dropping Alex in the process, he gasped for air taking in deep breaths as his vision began to swim.

Alex got his wits about him as he tried to crawl over to where his gun was, glancing over he saw that striker was recovering from his holy injury, and glaring dagger's at him. Alex picked up his pace and just managed to grab his gun, coking the hammer back as he brought it up to fire at Striker, who two had a gun of his own.

"Well looky here, a little standoff." He quipped as Alex took in more deep breaths. Striker smirked.

"Maybe I underestimated you." He said bringing his own gun down a few inches. Alex kept his gun at chest height, pointed squarely at where Striker's heart should have been.

"How's about we make a deal, you and I?" Striker asked as he took a step back.

"You and I can work together, " He pointed to his room, "We could kill the lords who run this filthy world and rule over it," He then held his hand out. "What do you say?" Alex took a split second to think about the offer, and shook his head.

"No thanks." He said pulling the trigger of his gun. When it failed to go bang however Alex gave it a once over and his face went pale as he realized that his bullets were missing.

"Looking for something?" Striker asked as he dumped Alex's bullets onto the floor.

"How?" Was all he could get out before Striker kicked him in the head, knocking him out cold. Striker chucked to himself as he went downstairs to see if the coast was clear. When he saw that everyone else was preoccupied with getting stuff done for the festival he quickly dragged Alex's body down the stair's and through him into the basement.

"Sweet dreams piss ant." He smiled as he went back to his room and got everything ready for later.

A little while later Loona awoke from her little nap to see that the games were done. Heading outside she saw that the asshole was singing while her dad, Moxxie, and Millie were all on the bleacher's. She was slightly concerned at not seeing Alex but figured he was a big boy. She whipped her phone out and sent Alex a text.

"Hey were are you? You're missing the entertainment." She sent it to him and waited a few minutes but didn't get an answer back. Now she was slightly nervous, looking around she couldn't see him amongst the crowd. Looking back over to the bleacher's she saw that Moxxie was heading her way, probably on his way to the house. She took a deep breath and went over to her co-worker.

"Hey Moxxie, can you talk really quick?" She felt really uncomfortable asking for help but she was going to go look through the crowd more thoroughly, she figured if Moxxie was already heading that way then he might as well search for Alex while he was at it.

"Hey Loona," he chuckled as she stopped before him looking nervous She gave a huff of annoyance as she got her nerve under control.

"Hey look, I can't find Alex anywhere out here do you mind looking around the house while I check the rest of eht crowd?" Moxxie looked a little confused but he then noticed that Alex was indeed missing.

"Ok, I'll give it a once over while I'm at it" He said as Loona just gave him a nod.

"Thanks small fry." She said as she went off to look though the crowd. Five minutes later and Loona was not happy, she hadn't seen hide nor hair of Alex and now she was beginning to wonder if he was safe. Her mind went to striker and his comments. Sure seeing a human in hell was rare and seeing one employed by an Imp of hell was even stranger but still, he was a special case.

"Where are you asshole?" She went back to the house and heard a small commotion, her ear's pricked up however when she heard a whistle,

"Loona!" her eyes narrowed as her dad called out to her.

She bolted through the house and scanned the first floor hearing more struggles coming from above she looked towards the stairs and ran up them, stopping only at the top of the stairs and looking around for her family. Her ears picked up her dads voice in the room across the hall and kicked the door off it's hinges. As it sailed through the air she saw her father and Moxxie pointing their guns at Striker she rushed forward and grabbed him by the neck.

"Where is he you asshole!?" She shouted throttling the imp against the wall." Blitz was confused.

"Where's who?" he asked as Loona kept Striker pinned to the wall, her teeth bared. Striker smirked as he nodded towards Moxxie.

"Why don't you ask your friend there." Loona glanced at Moxxie only to receive a fist to the gut, knocking the wind out of her and causing her to stagger back, releasing Striker from her grip. He bolted towards a window and stopped as he looked back towards the member's of IMP.

"Maybe next-" a staccato of gunfire rang out as Striker was shot multiple times, his body falling backwards into the room, and slumping hot the ground as he took a few more wheezy breath's and then died. Loona had picked up her father's discarded pistol and walked over to Strikers body unloading the round ball ammunition into his head. With his brain's now all over the floor, wall, and ceiling Loona turned to Moxxie and asked him a single question.

"Where are Millie and Alex at?" He pointed out the window.

"They're in the basement." He pointe towards Striker. "That jerk got the better of all three of us." He said as Blitz got to his feet and grabbed his other gun. Loona walked over and kicked Striker's corpse, and startled herself when a gun well out of his jacket. Grabbing it she looked at it and her eye's went wide.

"No way!?" She exclaimed handing the gun over to Moxxie who was just as shocked as she was.

"How many of these things did he have?" He muttered as he looked the revolver over. Loona shook her head and stormed out of the room.

"Let's go check on Millie." She ordered as the three of them all made their way down to the basement. A little while later they were all seated at the kitchen table with Millie's parents looking after her injuries while Loona and Blitz helped Alex with his minor cut's and bruises.

"Oh stop crying you big baby." Loona smiled as Alex continue to wince from having his bandages changed, on account of his wound's opening up again after his tumble down the stairs.

"I'm not crying." He stated as a single tear made it's way down his face. Blitz just laughed as he poked Alex's bruised side. He let out a yelp of pain and then gave his boss death glare.

"Stop doing that!" He demanded as Blitz just chuckled.

"Oh is the whittle baby going to cry?" Alex just rolled his eye's as he concentrated on looking anywhere else but at Blitz, his hazel eye's evidently catching the attention of Loona's crimson ones. They stared at one another for a few seconds until they wee brought out of their trance by Joe slamming a fist on the table.

"I just can't believe that double crossing snake was using us." Millie rolled her eyes as she got to her feet.

"I can't believe he got passed our daughter." Lynn added, to which Moxxie took great offense at that. He went off on a rant to Millie's parents, meanwhile Blitz and Loona finished re bandaging Alex and helping him apply some pain ointment to help get him back up to full strength. He took a deep breath and relaxed a little bit, his nerves still on end.

"You know I could really use a vacation." His comment caused his co-worker's to laugh seeing as this was supposed to be a vacation of sorts. He thought about it though and came up with a nice idea.

"Hey I still need to through you guys that party, how about we take the week off and head up to earth, my treat?" Blitz thought about it, and while he did have some clients on a waiting list, he knew that in order to get I.M.P. up to snuff he needed all of his employees in top condition.

"Eh, sure. Millie's going to need a week or two to get back into proper shape, and you defiantly need to have some time off." He stated as he grabbed his car key's. After Moxxie's rant Millie's parents gave their daughter a pair of crutches to use, the group then got their stuff packed into the van, said their goodbye's and promised to come back next year and then took off down the road.

As soon as Alex took a step inside his house he was instantly brought into a hug by Sophia.

"Hey, how was your vacation?" She asked not bothering to let Alex sit down first. He shook his head and grabbed a soda before he sat doen and applied the cold beverage to his ribs.

"Well it could've gone better." He stated as he took out his gun and reloaded it. Sophia glanced at it nervously before shifting her focas back to Alex.

"And?" She pressed as Alex took the ice cold coke and opened it.

"Well me and my co-worker's are going to hang out for the next week or so while she recovers from a broken arm and busted leg." Sophia was livid at hearing this.

"What?" She asked as Alex smirked.

"Yeah her and her husband are going to be hanging out at a motel for the next week and so is my boss and his daughter, they invited me along for the week and I agreed." He took a sip of his coke and watched as Sophia's face went bright red.

"Really that sounds nice." She said as she got up from her seat and looked around the room.

"Hey, uh, I just remembered that I have a job interview to get to so I'll see you later, ok?" She asked as Alex nodded. As soon as she left the apartment Alex let out a breath.

"Finally some peace and quite." Just as he finished his coke his phone rang however,

"Head's up." Was the text he received from Loona just as a portal to hell opened up in his living room. Out stepped the other member's of I.M.P. leaving Alex at a loss for words.

"Now we can really start this party!" Blitz said as she shook a bottle of champagne and popped the cork. Alex just sat there and grinned as he shook his head.

"Me and my big mouth." He winced as the cork bounced off of a nearby wall and popped him in the leg. Meanwhile Sophia was watching everything going on with astonishment through her camera's

"I knew there was something up with that bitch!" She tucked her phone into her pocket and decided to take a trip over to a nearby book store.

"Let's see what these guys have on the occult." She browsed through the isles of books for hours, looking for anything and everything related to hell, demons, and the occult that she could get her hands on. One book in particulate caught her eye.

"Summoning ritual's and containment spells." A devious smile made it's way across her face as she began to pore over the books contents.

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 7

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 7: Spring Healing. June, 2, 2021 Alex stretched out across the couch at the hotel and sighed in contentment. "This is really nice." He looked over to see Moxxie snoring away in his bed while Millie had a book about...

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Loona's Love Life. Chapter 5

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 5: Turbulent Relationship. May, 26, 2021. Alex looked out of a nearby window at the red tinted sky. A faint smile made its way across his face as he continued to type away at his powerpoint presentation. His mind lost in...

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Loona's Love Life. Chapter 4

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 4: Little White Lies. May 2, 2021. Alex quickly stepped through the portal to earth and gave a soft shutter as the cool spring air hit his face. "Ok, here's my number, don't get the wrong idea." Loona threatened as Alex...

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