Cyclical Karma

Story by dragonien on SoFurry

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A commission for Renoko (

Karma can be a bitch. But sometimes Karma bites off more of the universe than it can chew. And for Renoko, that's just a light snack.

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Cyclical Karma

Rain - Dragonien

Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien]

All rights reserved.

No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is not limited too, the distribution of patreon-exclusive content or early access content distributed during the exclusivity period.



It's often said that karma is a bitch. That what goes around comes around. That if you do something bad then something bad will, in turn, happen to you. But it seemed to not always work the same way for the good that someone does. Or, at least, that's how it always felt to Renoko. Today was the perfect example.

The red and black dragon started his day by grabbing a muffin and coffee at the corner coffee shop like he did every workday. When the total came up a bit over $6 and he handed over a ten dollar bill he decided, for no real reason, to tell the cashier to keep the change. He knew that most customer service workers typically were treated like shit so the dragon figured he would do something nice for them just because. Renoko was rewarded for his good deed seconds after leaving the coffee shop by tripping over a crack in the sidewalk. The cracked edge of concrete was just high enough to catch on his foot and send the dragon stumbling forward; struggling to catch his balance! The abrupt lurch forward sent the dragon's coffee splattering across the ground and his muffin flying from his hands and into the nearby storm drain.

It was a small, insignificant little incident that shouldn't have really meant anything in the grand scheme. But it was one of those little, petty things that felt like an omen the whole day was going to be terrible. Often times those feelings are overblown spikes of pessimism. Other times those feelings turn out to be true. Today Renoko got to experience the latter. Throughout the day Renoko continued to experience incident after incident of bad luck. Among other things the dragon's day was filled with highlights such as when spilled a replacement coffee from the office all over his shirt, got soaked in a sudden, brief downpour that started and ended within the exact window of time the dragon had left for lunch, and tore open the seam around one of his back pants pockets when it caught on the sharp edge of a door frame. Suffice to say Renoko was having a pretty shitty day. By the time work was over and he was walking home the metaphorical storm cloud over his head could have rivaled the actual storm clouds in the sky above.

The dragon was only a couple of blocks away from his home when a brief clinking sound and flash of movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. It took Renoko a few seconds of confused glancing around before he finally found the source of his distraction. Laying on the sidewalk directly beside him was a small, pendant in the shape of a complex fractal hanging from a fine golden chain. It didn't take a genius to figure out the movement had been the piece of jewelry falling near him. What confused the dragon was that, as he looked around once more, he couldn't figure out where the pendent had come from. He was currently standing on a broad, vacant sidewalk with an open grassy park entrance to one side and empty side street to the other. Renoko could see no one close enough that could have thrown the object and there was no structure overhead it could have been dropped from. Now, most people might have given more thought to the situation. Some might have tried harder to find who the necklace belonged to while others might have contemplated more thoroughly where it could have come from. Renoko did neither of those things.

With only a brief moment of hesitation, Renoko bent down to pluck the necklace off the ground. Almost self-consciously the dragon gave a quick, cursory glance around to see if anyone look like they might have been searching for the necklace. When he could see no one within view Renoko eagerly chose to adopt a finders-keepers mindset. After all, his day has been pretty terrible up to this point. Part of him rationalized maybe this was karma or the universe or whatever paying him back a bit for the otherwise terrible day so far. The other part of him figured that if he found something valuable, with no easy way to return it to its owner, it was morally acceptable to claim as his own. Just because the idea of dragons instinctually hoarding gold and gemstones was a stereotype didn't mean there wasn't a nugget of truth to it.

When Renoko lifted the necklace up to inspect the pendant he immediately regretted it. The half dollar coin-sized golden pendant was etched with an intricate fractal pattern that literally made the dragon's eyes strain within a second of looking at it. Trying to make sense of the weird design felt to the dragon like trying to look in four different directions at once and Renoko was quickly forced to give up lest he risked a headache. It wasn't exactly normal for something so seemingly mundane to have such a strange effect but Renoko rationalized it away as work exhaustion screwing with his concentration. So, rather than continuing to try and examine the item, he eagerly slipped his new necklace around his neck.

The moment the necklace settled around his neck Renoko felt his mood improve significantly. Something about wearing it just felt good; felt right. Maybe it was the satisfaction of something positive happening but the weight around his neck was strangely comforting and gave the dragon a sense of control and positive energy that he desperately lacked at the moment. In a matter of seconds he went from nearly ready to hit the nearest bar and drink his troubles away to having to resist an urge to burst out into loud, happy humming without regard for who heard him. Thankfully he found a reasonable compromise between the two extremes and chose to treat himself to something nice for dinner, instead.

It turned out to be a good decision. Almost as if his body reacted to the thought of food the dragon's stomach let out an almost embarrassingly loud gurgle of hunger. Renoko wasn't sure if he just hadn't noticed because of his melancholy mood but he suddenly realized that he was absolutely STARVING. Eager to both fill his stomach and satiate his sudden craving for tasty treats, the dragon turned on his heel and headed back the way he came. It only took him a couple of minutes to get back to one of the busier sections of town closer to his workplace where multiple stores and restaurants lined the streets. None of those mattered, however. Renoko already knew exactly where he was going if he wanted ideal comfort food. It only took a couple more minutes of walking before the dragon was stepping through the door of his favorite local pizzeria.

The owner, an aging bull by the name of Frank, happily waved from the kitchen when they heard the bell and looked up to see the dragon. Renoko was frequent enough of a customer that most of the staff knew him by sight if not by name. He didn't even have to take time ordering! All it took was a friendly greeting and shout of "The usual, please. Extra-large!" back through the kitchen serving window and Frank got right to work putting together Renoko's regular pizza order. After paying with the cashier and grabbing a drink, the dragon plopped himself down at one of the corner tables to relax.

After the day he'd had the dragon felt like he should be exhausted. Not half an hour earlier all he wanted to do was go home and sleep for twelve hours straight. Now, though, he felt strangely energetic and almost jittery with excitement. He didn't even realize he was smiling unconsciously until he caught sight of his reflection in the window. Unfortunately, the dragon's inexplicable good mood did little to help in coping with the increasing hunger gnawing at his belly. Before Renoko knew it he had already downed his entire glass of soda. When he glanced at his phone the dragon realized it had only been a couple of minutes! He still had at least ten minutes before his pizza was done yet he had already drained his whole drink? He must have been as thirsty as he had been hungry without realizing it. Without giving it much thought Renoko strolled his way back over to the drink fountain and refilled his drink. Despite filling it up to the rim, the glass was half empty by the time he got back to his seat.

Ten minutes and three more trips to the drink fountain passed before one of the servers finally brought his pizza out from the kitchen. The steaming, cheesy delicacy had barely touched down on his table before the dragon was ravenously devouring each slice as fast as he could without giving up on table manners entirely. If Renoko hadn't been so incredibly hungry he might have noticed the strange look the server gave him or how he seemed to only get more inexplicably hungry with each bite. But, by that point, Renoko felt almost like he hadn't eaten in days! The only thing the dragon could think about past filling the void in his stomach was whether or not he could pause eating long enough to go refill his drink. The dragon had barely finished devouring the large pan pizza, meant to feed anywhere from three to five people, before another gurgle from his stomach compelled him to order a second pizza. Renoko was so distracted with his own gluttony that he didn't even notice that his tail was slithering its way around the nearby tables of its own accord. The mouth-like tip spreading open to snap up bits of other nearby patron's food like a striking snake whenever they turned their attention away. More than a few people found their meals strangely unsatisfying by the time they finished as the dragon's tail eagerly devoured anything it could get within reach of.

Twenty minutes, a second pizza, and six more drink refills later Renoko finally exited the pizza parlor with a satisfied smile spread across his muzzle. The dragon was still a little puckish and felt like he probably could have managed another whole pizza if he had wanted. But, at the very least, he no longer felt like his stomach was trying to devour him from the inside. Renoko was far too satisfied with his meal and basking in that content sensation of a nearly-full stomach to bother caring about the inexplicable appetite or the near-impossible amount of food he had devoured. He still didn't realize he had eaten even more food than he knew about thanks to his tail's independent plate-piracy! By the time Renoko had finished eating and left the restaurant his stomach was visibly, borderline unnaturally, distended! His gut was so overloaded it had forcibly untucked his shirt and now had a noticeable lip of flab jutting from his previously lean stomach hanging over the waistband of his jeans

To Renoko's embarrassment, as he reached up to rub his hand over his bloated gut, an impressively loud belch forced its way up his throat. The sound was so loud that he swore he actually heard the windows of the pizzeria behind him rattle in response! Cheeks burning in embarrassment, the dragon quickly glanced around to make sure no one had been nearby to hear him. Even though he was mostly alone on the street years of manners beaten into him by his parents compelled the dragon to excuse himself under his breath on reflex. Rather than stick around and risk further embarrassment, Renoko quickly turn to make his way back home. It only took him a few minutes of walking for him to arrive home and lock the front door behind him.

As if his body had been waiting for him to relax the moment Renoko sat down on his couch exhaustion immediately crashed over him like a tidal wave. Despite the energetic second wind his suddenly uplifted mood had given him the day had still been exhausting for the dragon. The prodigious amount of food inside him only exacerbated his lethargy. The only thing that kept the dragon from immediately retreating to the bedroom and simply collapsing into bed was a sudden dryness in his mouth. When he tiredly hauled himself off the couch and went to the kitchen to grab a drink his attention wandered towards the basket of snacks on the counter. A sudden craving for sugar compelled him to grab the basket along with his glass of water before he retreated back to the living room. There was no reasonable way that he should have had any room left in his stomach for more food. He had already eaten more than enough to feed three or four people! And that wasn't even taking into account the additional food his tail had devoured that he didn't even know about. But a craving was a craving and He was already struggling to unwrap one of the candy bars with one hand by the time he settled back down on the couch.

Unfortunately, sitting back down did nothing to make Renoko's lethargy any easier to resist. The dragon had barely finished his candy bar when he found himself sprawling out across the couch; struggling to keep his eyes open. After a few moments of attempted resistance Renoko told himself he would just rest for a few minutes and then he would go get ready for bed. That's what he told himself about three seconds before he closed his eyes and was out like a light.

As the dragon lay there, gentle snores bubbling up from his throat, his stomach gave a quiet growl of hunger. Despite still being so packed full of his dinner that it looked like he had put on over a dozen pounds since leaving work somehow his appetite wasn't satisfied. While Renoko was unconscious and unable to satiate his body's demands his body had alternate methods to take care of itself. Specifically the semi-sentient mouth on the end of his tail that had no reservations against acting on Renoko's behalf. So, as the slumbering dragon slept the afternoon and night away, the hungry Jaws adorning the end of his prehensile tail eagerly dove itself into the snack basket and began eating their fill; wrappers and all.

Unbeknownst to both Renoko and his tail, while the independent appendage feasted, the necklace around the dragon's neck began to glow ever-so-slightly. Shortly thereafter the metal abruptly liquefied only for the liquid to graft itself to the scales around Renoko's collarbone. By the time it settled the necklace has transformed into a brightly colored design on his scales; the same coloration as the other accenting chevron-like stripes spread across the dragon's body. But the glow never ceased even after the necklace became part of him. Instead, the rest of the seemingly random patterns the dragon had since birth crisscrossing his body began to glow the same as the chain and fractal pattern now imprinted around his neck.



The first thing Renoko's budding consciousness registered was that he was starving! The dragon could feel the tug of unconsciousness desperately struggling to pull him back into sleep but the insistent hunger pangs simply refused to allow it. Eventually he squinted his eyes open slowly so as to give them time to adjust to light once more. When he finally could makes sense of what his eyes were looking at said eyes immediately went wide in shock!

Almost everyone has heard at least one of the various turns of phrase about guys being so horny their erections were going to rip out of their pants. It was common sense to automatically assume such declarations were an exaggeration. In Renoko's case, however, the phrase was dead on. Looking down and seeing the twin cobalt spires of his dual cocks suffering from an achingly hard case of morning wood wasn't unusual for the dragon. If anything it would have been more unusual for him to have woken up WITHOUT a raging pair of erections. What was unusual were the torn strips of fabric draped across his thighs. That, and both of his dicks looking to be about a quarter larger than they should have been.

The dragon began to lift one of his arms to reach for one of the two pillars of throbbing flesh only to freeze mid-movement at the sound of more tearing fabric. A glance to his side showed that his shirtsleeve, now ridden up almost all the way to his shoulder, had torn entirely off of the shirt's torso! The sight set off a chain reaction of realization as Renoko's groggy thought processes caught up to the reality of his situation. It wasn't just the fly of his pants that had been torn open by a supernaturally-insistent and inexplicably enlarged boner. Every last button of the dragon's shirt had burst off and left the thin fabric hanging to either side of the dragon's torso and stomach. His sleeves, or at least the one still intact, was stretched to its absolute limit around the unexpected newfound girth of Renoko's upper arm. From the draft the dragon felt along his legs he could assume his pants had similarly torn open along the sides as well to expose significantly thicker thighs than he'd had the night before. Renoko had to assume rather than confirm this thanks to his line of sight to anything below his waistline being blocked by his gut. Not his previously mostly-flat stomach but a full on, heavy-hanging swell of soft fat stretching his gut outwards bigger than a beach ball!

Renoko had always had a reasonably impressive build. Or at least he had until that point. The dragon went to the gym regularly enough that his arms and chest had visible definition to them. Nothing to brag about but enough to show enough to be commendable if he flexed. While the dragon had never really been what anyone could consider fat Renoko had never gotten fit enough to the point that he could show off his abs all by themselves. There had always been a slight curving softness around his middle that was just enough to give a little when someone squeezed it. It had never even really been enough to consider a paunch! Just a slight layer of padding hiding this stomach muscles. Looking down at himself now, however, Renoko was far, far more heavyset than he had been just hours ago. If he hadn't been considered fat before he sure as hell was now! If his dicks hadn't been inexplicably larger along with the rest of him the dragon wasn't sure he would have been able to see them past his new gut.

The surprise of his unexpected change in proportion and the structural failure of his clothing had momentarily distracted the dragon from his burning libido. The dragon quickly swung his legs off the couch to stand but only got a bit past three fourths of the way up before a heavy THUMP shook the entire room! The unexpected impact along with the unfamiliar weight and change of his center of gravity sent the dragon tumbling right back down onto his ass on the couch! Unfortunately, unlike when he had settled himself down last night, the dragon now weighed far more. The impact of what now had to be nearly a thousand pounds of dragon slammed down onto the couch with enough force that it's frame simply shattered beneath him! Renoko might have taken note of how his enlarged proportions extended beyond just his heftier middle; including his prodigiously wide hips and ass now and how they took up two seat cushions all by themselves! But the was too distracted by looking up and realizing what had knocked him back down in the first place. He had hit his head on the ceiling!

Out of reflex, Renoko reached up to rub his head where it had impacted the ceiling. He was shocked a split second later to find that his head didn't hurt at all! In fact, the dragon had hardly felt the impact at all! It had been more the shock of unexpected resistance than any actual pain that had sent him tumbling back down. Yet, considering how hard he had hit the ceiling, Renoko would have expected a knot to already be forming. Especially when he considered that there was now a very visible dent in the ceiling from the sheer force of his head hitting it!

Confusion, disbelief, arousal, and hunger all fought for dominance in the dragon's thoughts as he tried to make sense of the situation. Most people might have been terrified or confused at waking up to find themselves having gone through a strange transformation. When Renoko looked behind him and saw that the couch he had been laying on have been crushed into debris under him fear and confusion were some of the last things on his mind. In their place all the dragon felt was a sense of smug satisfaction and glee.

"Holy fuck, I'm huge!" he all-but roared in excitement.

Reflexively Renoko snapped his muzzle shut and covered it with both hands as the walls literally shook from the volume of his voice. The embarrassment from his outburst quickly faded into a fresh wave of self satisfaction at the power even just his voice now held. Experimentally, the dragon lifted one of his arms and flexed for himself. Immediately, his arm bulged outward with new, clearly defined, muscle that had not been there the day before. If he had still been wearing an appropriately-sized shirt Renoko was pretty confident his bicep would have just torn his sleeve open with ease! The visible definition was made even more impressive by the new, thin layer of fat spread across his arm as well. Even with an extra layer of padding his bicep was now so big that it simply refused to be hidden by the layer of fat. The sight of his previously well-defined arm swollen with powerful muscles more at home on a bodybuilder than a somewhat fit office worker inflamed the dragon's arousal enough to draw his attention back to his nether region.

The moment Renoko wrapped his fingers around one of his engorged erections he knew that it was, in fact, bigger. Even considering his hands, along with everything else about the dragon, being bigger than they had been the night before they still failed to cover as much of his cock as they usually did! A guy spends enough time with his hand wrapped around his dick to know when it feels different and Renoko could absolutely tell his fingers were spread further apart than they usually were. Unfortunately the dragon barely had a few seconds to admire how big his dicks felt in his hand before his lust again took a back seat to another sensation.


The dragon's appetite demanded satiation with enough intensity that even other primal needs like his libido were forced into submission. An idea struck the dragon and he glanced down towards the snack bowl he remembered leaving on the coffee table. Any hopes of a quick snack to take the edge off so he could deal with his other urges were dashed the moment he caught sight of the small mesh container. The basket lay on its side near where he had left it; now empty save for the scraps of a few candy wrappers. The sight left Renoko first disappointed, then frustrated, before he finally settled on confused. Then he noticed the bit of chocolate smeared around the edges of his tail maw out of the corner of his eyes and the culprit was clear.

Unwilling, closer to unable, to ignore his hunger the dragon hauled himself up from the couch and lumbered his way towards the kitchen. He was forced to hunch down to even fit in the room and, even then, his head and shoulders dragged against the ceiling as he moved. In his haste Renoko didn't even bother trying to squeeze through the kitchen doorway. The dragon simply crossed his arms in front of him and battered his way through! The wall surrounding the doorframe was smashed to pieces in the process; leaving a large, jagged hole in its place! If Renoko had been less distracted by his hunger he would have been surprised at how easy it had been to break through a solid wall. Even considering how much larger and more powerfully built he was now The dragon still would have expected some resistance. But there had been none. He had moved through that wall like it had been little more than rice paper.

The whole house shook from the heavy impact of the unnaturally-enlarged dragon flopping down onto his ass in the middle of the kitchen. Renoko was amused enough to be momentarily distracted from his hunger when he noticed that, even sitting down, he could almost see over the top of the refrigerator. A quick bit of head math revealed that meant he had to be nearly twice his normal height! The dragon's new size brought with it an extended reach that he eagerly made use of. Significantly larger arms which made it much easier for him to snatch things out of his pantry, countertops, and refrigerator to shovel into his mouth. His enlarged hands, similarly, helped him scoop larger quantities of food up in the process.

For the next several minutes Renoko did nothing but eat. The most attention the dragon paid to anything around him was the location of the next piece of food he intended to devour. The few remaining scraps of clothing that still clung to him fell to the ground as he ate. Handful after handful of food was greedily shoveled into his maw; often times without even bothering to remove it from its packaging much less properly cook or prepare it! Frozen fish sticks were bit down on and chewed up as easily as if they had been brittle chocolate while raw meat and leftovers were devoured indiscriminately; only to be washed down with an entire gallon of milk or orange juice. It was only after most of the contents of his refrigerator were gone that his hunger abated enough to notice things didn't look quite the same anymore. Specifically, everything looked a little bit smaller.

Where before the dragon's eyes had been almost perfectly level with the top of the refrigerator now he easily looked down upon it. Some tiny part of him made note of how dusty the commonly-overlooked top of the refrigerator was. That sparked a strange compulsion to clean; the absurdity of which left the dragon smirking. When Renoko tilted his head to look down he froze in response to a sharp scraping sound. When he looked up the dragon saw where the ends of his horns had gouged two deep lines in the ceiling; leaving a thin dusting of drywall powdering his hair and shoulders. It dawned on Renoko that he was now so big that, even sitting down, his head was barely an inch away from the ceiling! The feeling of being so big, even bigger than just a few minutes ago, brought a wicked, hungry grin to the dragon's face that had nothing to do with his belly's desire for more food.

As he took stock of his surroundings again Renoko noticed that he had continued to change much the same as he had last night. Change beyond simply becoming overall proportionally larger, that was. His body had definitely widened even further than it had been before both in the width of his shoulders and the girth of his midsection. His stomach stuck out further and his hips had widened considerably even taking into account his overall increase in size! His arms had thickened to bulky proportions that would have made bodybuilders envious and his pectorals bulged outwards impressively enough that he could have balanced a pencil on their shelf! All of which, mixed with his heavyset middle, gave him bodily proportions reminiscent of a powerlifter rather than a standard bodybuilder. That is, if he was a powerlifter that had swallowed another whole. If the dragon still had been small enough for clothes his new proportions would have denied him any shirts with sleeves and his gut would have sagged down far enough over his beltline to cover the button and most of the zipper of his fly! He wasn't even sure his newfound proportions would have fit through the kitchen door anymore even if he had still been his original height! All of that mixed with him being tall enough that, even sitting, his head was nearly touching the ceiling was making the kitchen start to feel rather cramped for the still-growing dragon.

When Renoko dwelled for a moment how low the ceilings were to him now, even sitting, meant he was at least two stories tall his twin cocks both throbbed eagerly in response. A thick dribble of translucent, blue tinted pre leaked from both of his tips and pooled on the floor below. It was only when the dragon felt that wetness against his balls that he realized even his testicles had expanded in size! While both of his dicks once again looked noticeably bigger than they had been minutes earlier his balls had ballooned almost disproportionately in size! Each one nearly overflowed one of the dragon's meaty hands despite now being big enough to palm a basketball! And when Renoko noticed just how much precum that single throb of arousal had released his dick throbbed again and added yet more to it. He had just produced more pre with a single throb of one cock than the dragon normally produced in cum from BOTH of his cocks during orgasm! Something about that tangible show of overwhelming, absurd virility was satisfying and empowering on a primal level to the dragon. He couldn't help but grin wickedly at imagining stuffing one of his cocks down someone's throat and watching them inflate like a balloon when he got off. And it only made him that much smugger when he hefted one of his enlarged dicks and realized there was no one on the planet that could possibly take him now. At least, not without needing a hospital visit afterwards.

Renoko's lusty musings were again interrupted before he got too far down that road; this time by his head bumping against the ceiling. When the dragon looked down he noticed his tail had continued eating of its own accord even as he measured and played with himself. More than that, his tail maw was becoming increasingly less discerning as to WHAT it was eating if the large bite marks taken out of the cabinets and countertops were any indication. Within moments, even hunching down, the dragon's head and shoulders were soon shoving against the ceiling. For just the briefest instant Renoko was worried about damaging his house. Then he glanced at the kitchen wall he had partially destroyed coming in and the half-eaten kitchen fixtures and realized he was already long past that point.

"Fuck it." He growled.

With the understanding that he was already too big to leave his house without destroying it further Renoko simply stopped any semblance of trying to preserve his surroundings. Besides, he reasoned, he was almost out of food. He was going to have to go get more anyway. So, with his stomach already growling its insistence that he continue feeding it, the dragon did the only thing he could do. He stood up.



Renoko barely even felt the house crumbling around him as he stood. He may as well have been standing up out of a sandcastle for all it was able to offer resistance. The dragon clearly was changing in more ways than what was immediately visible. He may already have been well over twenty feet tall but the lack of resistance he felt from smashing through wood, brick, piping and drywall felt like the strength and durability he'd expect from someone far, far larger. Not that he was complaining. It just made it that much easier to have his way with the surrounding city. He could only imagine how much more difficult it would be to move around without a bit of supernatural strength considering how heavyset he was starting to get.

Any doubts Renoko might have had about his supernatural durability were put the rest when the first pair of police officers arrived. They didn't even try to talk to him! The moment their car skidded to a stop they leapt out and both opened fire without hesitation. Both cops emptied the entire clip of each of their sidearms into the now-giant dragon's legs and gut; clearly unsure where exactly to aim. Unfortunately for them it proved to be less than effective. Renoko couldn't even feel the gunshots much less was he hurt by them! In fact, if it hadn't been for the loud sounds of gunfire, he probably wouldn't have even noticed they've been shooting at him! While the dragon appreciated their demonstration of his newfound resistance to damage he was also irritated at their temerity to open fire on him. Without warning, no less!

The moment Renoko took his first step towards them any sense of bravery in the two cops broke and they both turned to run. Being four times their size, Renoko effortlessly overtook their top running speed with a few casual, earthshaking, footsteps. The first officer was violently shoved to the ground and held in place under a massive draconic foot while the other was easily snatched up in one of Renoko's gigantic hands and lifted to eye level. The impressively muscular doberman police officer squirmed and struggled in vain as Renoko held them in front of his face for several silent moments. The dragon couldn't help but grin at the sense of power being able to manhandle someone that would have easily been able to kick his ass just yesterday. Then, without warning, Renoko stuffed the canine into his mouth and swallowed without ceremony.

Immediately a fresh wave of power surged through the dragon unlike anything he had felt up to this point. It became instantly clear that something about eating a live person was fundamentally different from him eating a couple of pizzas, a ham, or a chunk of particle board. Renoko's body visibly started to expand larger; much to the horror of the ursine police officer still pinned under his foot! More than just height, though, Renoko felt his entire body thickening and bloating with muscle and fat alike! Within seconds the foot that had covered the cop from the chest down swelled alongside its owner until the appendage covered the bear completely! In the span of only a few seconds after his 'little snack', Renoko had almost doubled in size! And now that he had a taste for the power, if not necessarily the people themselves, the dragon wanted more.

When Renoko recovered the second officer from under his foot the dragon paused just as he was about to toss them into his mouth to join his partner. Something tickled at the back of his mind like a forgotten thought on the edge of being remembered. Acting more on pure instinct than anything else, Renoko spread his jaws wide in front of the ursine police officer. Rather than tossing the cop inside Renoko did something they hadn't expected. He exhaled on them. But it wasn't a puff of hot, moist breath that enveloped the captive bear. Instead, what came from Renoko's throat was a thick cloud of bluish-purple smoke that engulfed the bear and hovered around them like a fog.

They tried to hold their breath; recognizing something was strange about the smoke. But it didn't take long for their lungs protests to become too great and they were forced to inhale some of the cloud. The moment the bear sucked in a breath of the strange fog Renoko saw the officer's expression morph from terrified to blissfully happy. Their struggles to escape ceased at the same time their expression changed. In place of the squirming attempts at freedom Renoko felt the bear instead begin licking and kissing at whatever part of the dragon's finger they could reach! There was no hesitation or reluctance in their movements, either. They weren't doing so out of fear. From their eager movements they seemed more desperate to reach more of the dragon to kiss rather than desperate to escape! Confused, Renoko asked a question without thinking.

"What are you doing?"

"Worshipping you, Master." the bear responded instantly, his voice a dreamy daze. "I live to serve... "

The sudden change was shocking to the dragon! Barely a minute earlier the bear was utterly terrified of and shooting at him! But now they showed no trace of anything other than obsessive desire to serve. It was almost terrifying in how quickly and easily Renoko's strange new breath ability had altered the bear's demeanor. But it also somehow felt... right. Something about the tone of absolute adoration in the bear's voice, as if simply being in Renoko's presence was like a drug to the bear, awakened a new craving in the dragon. It was a desire, almost a NEED to be praised and worshipped. To have everyone around him not just bow to his newfound power and strength, but to declare his superiority and show their devotion to him. It was a strange mental hunger that, in moments, had come to rival Renoko's physical hunger for food. Curious to see just how far his strange new breath ability went the dragon opened his palm and let the bear stand up. Somehow the bear seemed to intuitively understand what Renoko wanted and was practically falling over themselves to comply. The dragon's tail moved up until the maw at the end of it was settled next to his palm; jaws spread wide just below the palm's edge as if a pet eager for a treat.

"Jump in." Renoko ordered.

Yet again there was no hesitation for the ursine police officer. The moment the words registered to the bear's ears they took off running! Not running to escape but, instead, to leap off the edge of the dragon's hand! With no care for their own safety the cop dove off the side of Renoko's palm and fell directly into the waiting maw below.

Renoko was distracted from his wonder at the insane level of obedience when he felt his body reacting to its latest snack. His body once again began to surge larger and the increasingly titanic dragon couldn't resist reaching down to fondle one of his still-raging erections. His lips pulled back into a hungry, lustful snarl that showed off his teeth as he squeezed along the length of one of his massive cocks even as he felt it spread his fingers a little bit further apart during his growth. He was so turned on right now that his erections almost hurt from how hard they were. As if the overwhelming physical power Renoko already had wasn't enough he now apparently could dominate people mentally as easily as the dragon could physically! And he liked it. It also had the added benefit of making the next part of the dragon's gluttonous rampage that much easier.

For the next hour the city became Renoko's plaything and all you can eat buffet all wrapped into one. First, the increasingly monstrous dragon visited the closest supermarket he could find; eager to take the edge off of his hunger so he could focus on the fun. He laughed aloud when he found himself momentarily concerned that he was too big to fit inside before he simply tore the roof off of the building to get at its contents. Handful after handful of food found itself scooped up by enormous hands acting as bulldozer plows then stuffed into the dragon's waiting maw and swallowed whole; often times without even bothering to chew. Renoko made no distinction between the raw meat from the butchery, fresh fruits and veggies from the produce aisle, the prepackaged, canned foods and baking mixes, or even the various normally inedible shelves and displays that got swept up by the dragon along with the food itself. Every last bit of it was greedily stuffed down the dragon's throat to satiate his growing hunger. Even Renoko's tail did its part, though it was even less discerning than its owner was in what it ate. The tail maw made no distinction between edibles, inedibles, or even people as it bit a hole for itself through the wall and began to gulp down mouthfuls of food, fixtures, and even people like some monstrous perversion of Pac-Man devouring power pellets. At one point it even retreated from the building to turn and begin snapping up the nearby parked cars to swallow them whole! And with every mouthful the dragon or his tail devoured, Renoko grew.

Soon the dragon was soaring above a hundred feet tall with no signs of his growth slowing. And with every foot of height Renoko gained the dragon gained that much more muscle and fat alongside it. Even as his arms bulged to proportions that would have made professional bodybuilders feel inadequate and puny his stomach ballooned out in front of him to the point the dragon couldn't even see his feet anymore when he stood. His body had expanded in proportional width to the point that, if he had still been his normal height, neither the dragons broad shoulders nor bulging gut wouldn't have been able to fit through door frames regardless of which way direction he turned. Refusing to be left behind the dragon's cocks and balls not only kept up but continued grow slightly faster than the rest of him did! Even as his stomach hid his feet from view, the dragon's twin erections pushed up against the underside of the increasingly enormous belly and continued jutting out several inches, at least to Renoko's perspective, past even his bulbous gut. His balls, meanwhile, had grown so large they didn't just not fit between his legs anymore. They were so large now they dragged on the ground behind him! Anyone that got close enough could actually hear what had to be hundreds if not thousands of gallons of cum sloshing around inside the enormous fleshy orbs with each movement the titanic dragon made. Yet even that didn't last as Renoko's proportions continued to expand to increasingly extreme proportions as he grew

At one point the dragon approached the biggest skyscraper in town; one that towered over even his current multi-hundred-foot height. With almost comical care Renoko jammed a hole in one side of the building with a finger; doing his best to keep the rest of the building intact in the process. Then, pursing his lips, the draconic behemoth exhaled a cloud of mind-numbing poisonous gas into the opening until the entire building had been saturated with the thick cloud of hypnotic gas. When he ordered everyone to assemble on the rooftop his voice visibly shook the entire building from the sheer volume of it. As the dragon watched dozens of people peek over the edge of the rooftop above him he could see the fanatical, obsessive expressions on their faces. Each person that came into view stared down at the dragon in absolute admiration. Just looking at them he could tell they would do anything he told them to without question. His hold on them mentally was just as strong as his hold on them physically would have been if he held them in one of his closed fists. With that thought urging on his ego-fueled lust Renoko reached out to grip either side of the building. Carefully angling his lower body to compensate for his enormous gut, Renoko lined himself up then thrust his hips forward; penetrating the building with a pair of cobalt-colored cocks the size of busses.

As the titanic dragon began humping away at the structure with increasing speed, destroying multiple floors flooding yet more with swimming pools worth of pre, he turned his attention to his new followers still collected on the roof. A line of drool dripped from his chin as Renoko literally salivated in anticipation of what was to come next as he ordered his mind-controlled minions to jump. Both Renoko and his tail maw opened wide as dozens of people began leaping from the rooftop without a care for their own safety. One after another they fell into the waiting mouths of the dragon; both of which eagerly swallowed down as many of the tiny brainwashed people as they could. With each one that found themselves vanishing down one of the two throats Renoko grew. Larger and larger with each swallow of squirming bodies, Renoko's cocks tore through the building as they both expanded larger and rose higher along with the rest of him. By the time the dragon finally pushed himself over the edge he had already grown so large that his dick had gouged out two-thirds of the building on its way up and his release smashed spurt after spurt of purple-colored cum through the back side of the building and painted multiple city blocks beyond it. But the dragon didn't stop there.

At one-point Renoko noticed crowds of people rushing into a subway entrance in an attempt to hide from him. Carefully laying his now nearly thousand-foot-tall self down, Renoko positioned himself so his mouth was directly in front of the entrance. It was more difficult than he expected considering the enormity of his gut at this point! His towering body had bloated almost as wide as he was tall by this point! Standing upright his gut hung down almost to his knees and, laying down on his front, it lifted him up quite a bit! Once he was in position just like the building earlier, the dragon exhaled and filled the entire subway system with his hypnotic breath weapon. Afterwards a single command was all it took to get hundreds upon hundreds of people all-but fighting one another to get out of the subway and crawl up his chin so they could jump into the dragon's waiting mouth of their own accord.

Every time several of them found their way into his mouth he closed his lips to swallow. When he did he could feel more of the people still on his chin tugging futilely at his lips as if trying to force themselves inside to join their fellows being gulped down! And each time he swallowed his body expanded larger still; making the climb for the next group of people up his chin that much higher. Renoko's already enormous body ballooned outwards behind him even as his head grew larger and larger in front of the subway entrance. Dozens of city blocks were bulldozed out of the way by the dragon's legs, arms, and especially his stomach as he simply lay there letting people feed themselves to him and make him grow even more. The blissful satisfaction of lazily lounging about and growing without even needing to put in effort eventually riled the dragon up enough to start grinding against the ground underneath him. Before long the two erections trapped underneath him, both now large enough to shame boats with their size, penetrated their way into the subway system and ground below! Feeling that sensation of give and the edges of the hole he had created squeezing around his erections the growing monster of a dragon growled lustily before he lifted his lips to pull out of the hole, only to slam back down once again. He had begun to, quite literally, fuck the city to pieces.



A half-dozen orgasms, tens of thousands of people devoured, and a good mile more of himself later and Renoko finally stopped to take a breather. Looking around he saw that the city was completely unrecognizable to what it had been. What few parts of it weren't crushed into footprints, ass prints, or cock-craters were flooded with a literal lake's worth of the dragon's purple cum. And yet even as he sat there, finally satiated enough to relax for a few moments, he felt that hunger building up within him again. It still wasn't enough. Devouring an entire city hadn't been enough. He wanted, he needed more.

By this point Renoko was so absurdly enormous, in more than just height, that he struggled to even move. Even with his supernaturally augmented strength it was all the dragon could do to roll himself forward under his gut. At this point he had become so absurdly, disproportionately fat that he had become wider than he was tall! For all of the nearly two miles of height that the dragon had his enormous belly still exceeded it in width; being closer to three miles across. Every movement the dragon made sent ripples through the prodigious mountain of fat that he had become. And that wasn't even mentioning the earthquakes that his movements sent through the land around him. Even with the unnatural amount of muscle rippling across his arms, legs, and chest that would have made the Hulk look puny in comparison the sheer amount of flabby weight piled on top of it during his growth overshadowed it to the point of being unnoticeable. No longer did Renoko look like a bottom-heavy powerlifter that ate too much. Now he was simply an enormous blob of scaly flesh stretching as much across the horizon as he did tower into the sky. But none of that stopped him from wanting more.

Rolled onto his front Renoko was at least able to get his mouth near the ground; even if he was forced to essentially lay ass-up in the air to get his front down that far. The dragon no longer had the luxury of, nor bothered to be, picky about what he ate anymore. His maw opened wide and scooped hundreds of thousands of tons of dirt, plant life, and civilization into his mouth to be swallowed down as eagerly as one might devour a high-class slice of cake. It was like the dragon was some kind of absurdly-sized backhoe scooping out enormous chunks of the landscape with each mouthful he devoured. His tail had a better time of its own gluttony, at least. Still being long and flexible enough to move on its own, despite also having gained prodigiously in girth thanks to the dragon's increased weight, it could still move around and reach farther away from him to add its own feeding frenzy to his. And with each mouthful of the landscape itself Renoko continued to grow.

The living wall of flesh that was his stomach stretched outwards in every direction like a living mountain range to those still down below. That which wasn't lucky enough to be devoured by either of the dragon's mouths was simply bulldozed over by the tidal wave of flab that was Renoko's growing gut as it expanded with him. Soon his two-mile height swelled to three, then past five miles and eventually beyond even ten! Every mouthful Renoko swallowed made him bigger and the bigger he got the more he could fit in each mouthful. It wasn't much longer before the dragon was gouging entire mountains out of the ground with his tongue like scooping a chocolate chip out of soft serve ice cream. Something about being able to swallow a mountain like it was a piece of candy was particularly thrilling for the growing behemoth of a dragon. The largest thing Renoko realistically had a real comprehension of the size of was now barely big enough to even register on his tongue.

At one point the governments of the world tried to stop the dragon. They attacked with every military weapon they had at their disposal in the single largest coordinated military effort in the planet's history. Tens of thousands of bombs and artillery shells slammed against the impenetrable hide of the dragon with so little effect that Renoko genuinely never even noticed he was under attack. At one point he even swallowed an entire squadron of jets without him noticing! The unlucky group of fighter pilots wound up in front of the dragon's mouth when it opened for another bite right after Renoko's tail had devoured an entire neighborhood full of people. The pilots got to watch as the dragon's jaws literally grew around them in every direction until the sky was blotted out and replaced by his palette and the ground was replaced by his tongue. It was a kind of existential terror none of the pilots could have ever conceived of as they watch a mouth big enough to eat mountains literally grow around them faster than their Jets could fly in their attempt to escape. Even when the governments became desperate enough to nuke him the strongest and most deadly weapons the planet had didn't even leave a mark on the impossibly enormous dragon's hide.

It wasn't long before even entire cities were no longer enough to satiate the dragon. So he moved on to states. Then those, too, became insufficient and entire countries became his next snacks. As his height grew from the tens of miles to the hundreds of miles Renoko was no longer simply scooping up dirt from the ground but taking bites out of the tectonic plates themselves! He could feel the warmth of magma beneath the surface licking against his chin without negative effect every time he took a bite from the planet itself and exposed more of the molten mantle below. At one point the dragon's tail mouth stuffed itself into one of these holes and begin greedily drinking the magma beneath the core like it were just a cup of warm milk! It wasn't much longer before the dragon had grown large enough to be considered a continent all by himself. But even then, his hunger didn't abate.

Looking up to the sky Renoko saw the moon floating overhead and his hunger surged once again. Hands bigger than countries reach through the atmosphere itself and grabbed onto the moon, grabbing onto it down like the dragon were plucking a fruit from a low-hanging branch. With neither remorse nor ceremony he bit into the celestial satellite over and over again; each bite mark that much larger than the last as it fueled his growth. By now the oceans have been drained dry, replaced with literal oceans of the purple tinted pre-cum that leaked constantly from the twin cerulean cocks that would have been comparable to body pillows had Renoko been his original height. The land was desolate and barren. What little bits of the crust still remained undevoured had long-since had their surfaces decimated by the tiniest movements the living land mass of a dragon made. There was nothing left on this planet worth eating now that even the moon was gone. Renoko had devoured his home planet like an apple; leaving little but its core remaining. Yet the dragon was still hungry. When Renoko turn his head towards the sky a thought whispered through his head that left him grinning and salivating all over again.

"I wonder what the sun tastes like... "

It didn't take him long to find out.

After devouring the remains of his home planet Renoko launched himself through space. Even though his body was borderline being spherical due to his prodigious weight the lack of gravity in the empty void allowed him the freedom of movement, to a degree, once again. At this point he needed neither oxygen nor heat. His body itself somehow sustained itself through the energy of all that he had devoured and all that around him. Though he didn't consciously know it, somehow he could feel the ambient energy and radiation floating through space being drawn into him to fuel both his existence and growth even as he made for his next snacks. Which was why, by the time he reached the next-closest planet in the solar system, it wasn't even a mouthful.

Nothing short of celestial bodies even registered to his hunger. The other planets in the solar system were soon popped in his mouth like candies. Huge swaths of the asteroid belt were scooped up and devoured like a handful of miniature pieces of popcorn. It wasn't long before even the sun itself was little more than a melon waiting for Renoko to sink his teeth into it. By the time he was done devouring his first star he had grown so impossibly massive that individual planets and anomalies weren't enough for him anymore. As he continued his gluttonous tour through the galaxy, entire solar systems were devoured in single bites by the ever-growing dragon. Massive nebula spanning multiple light years were sucked up like cotton candy and even cataclysmic celestial events like supernovas became little more than spicy, bite-sized morsels for Renoko to enjoy.

At one point Renoko came across a supermassive black hole. Supermassive being a relative term considering that by now he was so large that even the solar-system devouring black hole could have fit in the palm of his hand. Whatever tenuous grasp the laws of physics had left over the ascendant dragon snapped like worn guitar strings when Renoko decided to try fucking the black hole. For a brief few moments it was wonderfully tight around the celestial objects that were Renoko's cocks. It has been a while since the dragon had anything big enough to actually penetrate much less something that wasn't immediately torn apart by him doing so. However, even the infinite density of a collapsing super star no longer seemed able to handle the dragon's sexual equipment.

The black hole was torn apart by Renoko's second thrust and the entire anomaly collapsed and dispersed. In an instant the near-infinite amount of mass and energy the anomaly had been absorbing from the surrounding space for who-knows how many millennia was released. With the enormous gravitational well no longer laying claim to it, all of that mass and energy was instead absorbed by the dragon's body. In that moment where the power contained in the black hole rushed into him he felt like it was going to rip him apart. Renoko had thought he had been big before; thought that he had grown fast before. But what came next completely altered his sense of scale. The chevrons and design across the dragon's body glowed as bright as they were a sun in their own right for a brief moment before the surrounding empty space was suddenly replaced with dragon.

Thousands of star systems were bulldozed out of the way and atomized on impact by an endless wall of scaly hide. It was an explosion rivaled only by the big bang itself save this explosion was one of flesh and bone rather than particulates and energy. The fabric of reality itself seemed to ripple ahead of Renoko's body as if some cosmic equivalent of the preceding shockwave of an explosion. When the growth spurt finally ended Renoko found himself floating not in a star-filled sky but in the endless black void between galaxies. Before him, gently swirling on itself like a slow-moving whirlpool, was the entire Milky Way galaxy small. The entirety of everything that his entire civilization had ever been able to observe, small enough to be cradled in one of the dragon's hands.

He ate it in a single bite.

But it still wasn't enough. The dragon still wanted, still NEEDED more. Even galaxies proved to not be enough to satiate his endless hunger. And as the impossibly large dragon, long since grown beyond any reasonable scale of measurement, swung his head around looking for his next meal he felt as much as saw the tiny little dots of light in the distance. Imperceptibly minuscule glimmers of other galaxies spread out across the void. Entire galaxies filled with innumerable planets, stars, and life spread out before him. His next snacks.



Renoko had no idea how long he spent devouring the universe. At some point time stopped having a meaning to the celestial dragon. Hunger had also long since abated as he had grown beyond such mortal concepts. Not that the lack of an insistent biological hunger stopped the dragon from craving to devour more. Renoko had become something else; something beyond simply a mortal that grew too big. Whether it be from the impossible amount of mass and energy he had absorbed from devouring innumerable galaxies or something more abstract Renoko didn't know. All he knew was that he was no longer like he had once been. He was something new, now. Something... more.

As he lounged there, floating through the empty white space between realities, the dragon lazily stroked across the prodigious mass of his universe-devouring stomach. Or, at least, what part of it that he could reach. His immeasurable corpulence had expanded to such an absurd degree that even he with all his ascendant perception couldn't see where his impossible girth ended. All he could percieve was an endless mountain of scaly flesh stretching out in every direction around him; the innumerable specks of reality floating above it like he were the landscape of existence itself. When looked around him Renoko could see other realities floating just out of his reach. Other realms of existence hovered there just waiting to become his next meal. The thought made him salivate and his libido surge. But before he could make a move towards one of them a thought, an instinct, tickled at the back of the dragon's mind. Something called to him; something that he couldn't ignore.

Curiously, the ascendant glutton reached out and plucked one of the strings that held all of existence together. A gentle manipulation that couldn't possibly be explained to a mortal mind, and Renoko found himself looking down on... himself. A familiar, downcast and disgruntled version of himself walking down the street. The scene felt so familiar yet also so distant and foreign. The memory was like trying to watch a high-quality recording on an old fuzzy, low-resolution television.

Renoko had become so massive, so powerful beyond description that he found it difficult to even imagine he had once been so insignificant. He genuinely even struggled to comprehend how utterly, impossibly insignificant this 'him' was in comparison to the current him. Yet the dragon also fondly remembered that part of his existence like a cherished childhood memory. It was the infinitesimal little flash of mortal life before the dragon god became what he was now. Before Renoko became what he was always meant to be. And as he watched his former self, so disgruntled and beaten down from a long string of bad luck, realization struck and a grin spread across the gluttonous god's lips.

Two of his fingers pinched and rubbed together; casting an infinitesimal spark of his own power into a physical form. It was just a speck, a miniscule molecule of power so infinitesimally tiny that, if Renoko had not had divine cognizance he couldn't even have perceived the beyond subatomic, to him at least, artifact. But it didn't need to be more than that. It just needed to be the spark to light the kindling. It just needed to be the effect that preceded the cause.

The divine dragon grinned as he watched the golden necklace merge into the strand of existence and fall almost directly on top of his past self's head. Renoko watched them look around in confusion then smile at they put the necklace on just like he had. And just like that his existence was assured. The beginning had preceded the end. Now he could take a break before he went for his next meal to watch his own ascension. It was bound to be interesting to watch it from the outside. To see them, him, get what they deserved. Some other entities might have called it unacceptable interference in the natural order. But Renoko disagreed.

Sometimes nice things happen to nice people. Other times bad things happen to nice people. Karma is supposed to even these out. Sometimes it does! Sometimes people do get their just rewards either for better or worse as the universe balances itself out.

Other times Karma just needed a little help.

Failed Binding

Copyright © [2021] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is...

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Growing Intimacy

Copyright © [2021] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is...

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Accidental Divinity

# Copyright ## **This written work is intended exclusively for audiences over the age of 18** Copyright © [2021] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form...

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