Balto - Reign as the Alpha Supreme

Story by TheTARDISLegilimens on SoFurry

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Balto has been living quite a comfortable life. He's more powerful than anyone else, has the largest set of genitals in existence, and all the sex he could ever want or need. But what would happen if someone, or some people, grew disillusioned with him, and wanted him gone?

A wonderful commission made for FA:Basque`

In the beginning, the small Alaskan town of Nome was never considered extremely noteworthy. For centuries, the only thing considered remarkable about Nome was the local school, the Nome Academy of Magical Studies. And even then, many tended to, rather scathingly, state there were better schools around the world.

That lack of significance changed following the birth of Balto Salvatore. Born of a wolfen mother and husky father, Balto was, without a shadow of a doubt, the most powerful person in the entire universe. He was the current possessor of the Heart of Magic, the very source of magic, meaning his magical power was limitless. But Balto's power wasn't the_only_ part of him that made him extremely powerful.

Despite Aniu and Kitok, and their family lines, being rather normal in terms of magic and appearance, something very odd occurred on Balto's birth. No one could explain why, but Balto had been born with massive genitalia, well beyond what would be considered 'normal' enlargement; there were other dogs and wolves around with much larger than average sizes, but Balto, even after just being born, was bigger than them all. 'Well-hung' doesn't even begin to describe him. Even odder was that it was only Balto who was affected; his younger sister (and only littermate), Kida Salvatore, was born average sized, and it was theorised that any other pups Aniu and Kitok would have would be normal sized.

At first, Kitok, fearing his son would get bullied or struggle with his gigantic assets, taught Balto very early on how to cast the Reducing Charm, which would shrink Balto's genitals down to a more manageable size. While helpful while Balto was in school, the young wolf-dog proved his father wrong by displaying incredible skill in daily life with his sheath and balls being their proper size, and, as such, decided to only use the Reducing Charm when at school, and remain his actual size everywhere else.

And, of course, Balto's humongous size, alongside his kind and gentle personality and legendary magical power, meant he had more than a few admirers. Since clothing was hardly worn unless desired or absolutely necessary, it gave everyone clear view of the wolf-dog, so on Balto's first day of school, his size while reduced put everyone else to shame, with even some of his teachers feeling inadequate at the sight of him. But the moment school was over and Balto had exited the building, he reversed the Reducing Charm and revealed to everyone just how large he really was. Those who didn't care about Balto's size before suddenly realised just how out of depth they were when compared to the wolf-dog now, including his classmates who also used Reducing Charms to shrink their oversized groins during school.

Even though that was just Balto's first _day_at school, there was already a cult following of sorts for him. Guys and girls of all ages wanted to get to know him, to get up close to the set of genitals everyone could only describe as 'legendary'. While they generally kept themselves composed in school, hands would routinely feel up the wolf-dog's body, even if just for a second; outside of school, it was common to see a gaggle of dogs and wolves following Balto around just to watch him move with his imposing assets.

Admittedly, while the majority of people gawked and followed Balto due to his unbelievable size, there were others who made friends with him because of his personality. Out of all of them, while Balto did appreciate the admiration and adoration from them all, the only one he truly felt a genuine connection with was Jenna Crowe.

Jenna, a husky with rust-and-cream fur, and a few months younger than Balto, was a popular girl; she was even seen by many as the pinnacle of feminine beauty. Her red and cream fur complimented each other perfectly, her curves were impeccable, and the smile she always seemed to have just made her face appear to radiate splendour. But she was also a very powerful witch in her own right, and graduated school with high marks (she had the second highest score of the whole year group, with Balto taking the top spot).

Like almost every other witch and wizard in the world, Jenna had her own magical powers (commonly referred to as active powers, or just powers) which she could use without the need for spells. Her most well-known power was Empathy, allowing her to sense and feel the emotions and feelings of others, but many saw it as weak and simply a passive power. Luckily, Jenna knew how to use her Empathy in ways that showed its versatility, and she had other powers as well.

As said before, she had the power of Empathy, and an expansion she recently had allowed her to project and induce emotions onto others. But she also had the powers of Empathic Telepathy, her own touch-based form of telepathy that allows her to read and project thoughts via emotions, Emotional Energy Manipulation, meaning she can channel emotions into raw energy and then control it, Swirling, which meant she could teleport in a swirl of magical energy, Gravity Manipulation, giving her power over the force of gravity and the effects it causes, healing, which allows her to heal others of physical injuries or even poison, and Death Inducement, the power to cause other people to die. Of all her powers, Swirling is the only power Jenna did not gain naturally, instead having it bestowed on her by Balto in their final year at school.

By the time Balto, Jenna, and the others graduated school, the wolf-dog and husky were openly a couple, and even had plans to marry not too long after graduation. While many were happy for them, few were not. And the most vocal of them was Steele Blackhawk.

Steele was an Alaskan Malamute, purebred as he was wonton to remind everyone, and indeed a powerful wizard. His powers were telekinesis, cryokinesis, and super-speed, and he prided himself on his lineage, as he was a direct descendent of the last Heart of Magic, Carkus Cagalisto. He also was one of the dogs who had huge genitals, but even Steele's size was dwarfed by Balto.

Much of Steele's ire for Balto came from the fact that Balto's charisma and might beat the malamute's own by a long margin, but the one thing Steele hated more than Balto being a bigger male than him was that the wolf-dog was the one Jenna went to, rather than to him instead.

Steele had one advantage over Balto, however, in that he had already sired his first litter, at just age _thirteen!_He would always remember that day.

A friend of his mother's had turned to Steele's parents to ask if Steele's father could be a donor for her and her husband. He refused, but jokingly suggested they have Steele do it instead. Steele's mother took to the idea, as did her friend. Especially after she saw the size of Steele's package. Even at such a young age, he was bigger than her husband. After getting over her initial shock (and picking her jaw up from the table) of seeing the malamute in all his glory, the woman was sure that, despite being a young child, Steele could be better at sex than grown adults, and, more importantly, her husband.

So, Steele found himself in his parents' bedroom with his mother's friend, on the bed, her legs spread wide for him. Even though he was only half her age, he knew what was happening, and, clumsily but eagerly, placed his body on hers.

The feeling of her delightfully tight pussy clenching around his oversized organ was the best thing Steele had ever felt in that moment. He couldn't stop himself from plunging his hips down into her own, shoving his cock further inside than any other male had. Her moans, shouts of encouragement, spurred the horny boy on.

He was unable to look at her face, but didn't complain, for he had a much better view: her ample breasts. Licking his lips, Steele pushed his face right into those mountains, practically snogging them as their groins danced and bounced.

His mother's friend was experiencing more pleasure in this session with him than she had in her entire marriage to her husband. Orgasm after orgasm, thrust after thrust, she couldn't contain herself, the only thing keeping her in place being Steele's giant dick.

Unfortunately, Steele's young age meant that the session didn't last as long as the both of them would have liked. The moment his bulging knot popped inside her spasming vagina, that was it. The young malamute couldn't hold himself any longer, and splurted quite possibly the largest load he had ever produced up to that point, spilling his fertile sperm into her fertile womb, where it would soon take root. As Steele's balls pulsed, and his powers went haywire, causing the bed to levitate while the windows frosted over, his partner's belly bulged and swelled until it looked three times as large as a regular pregnant belly.

Steele's only regret over the whole situation was his readiness to let his new bitch go back to her husband once the deed was done. But, alas, he had no real choice in the matter.

Aside from his mother's friend getting pregnant with his first litter, the only other consequence of Steele's first breeding was his ego being inflated. Her shouts and claims of how much better he was than her husband had the unfortunate effect of causing Steele to develop a very narcissistic personality, and it only grew bigger and more self-centred as Steele got older.

So, hearing of Jenna getting married, to Balto, really was a spit on Steele's dignity. Jenna, the golden standard of beauty and breeding, and he, the self-proclaimed 'ultimate stud', should be getting married; not Jenna and Balto. Steele's pride refused to agree with it.

Before Balto and Jenna were wed, they had their new home installed in the town centre, on Aurora Avenue. Tall, grand, and Victorian in style, the newly formed manor was three storeys tall, and made of a robust wood, coloured a light red, with white and black beams surrounding the walls. The roofs were tiled black, while the front of the house had two large windows, with stained glass bordering their upper panes.

Unlike the homes immediately around it, the house was elevated above the ground, with about two or three feet of bricks beneath it. A porch, around five feet long, sat on the left-hand side of the house's front, with stone steps leading up to it, with a balcony above the porch acting as its roof. The right of the house extended out a little beyond the reach of the porch, but not the steps leading up to it.

Around the back right side of the house sat a conservatory, a semi-hexagonal area of the house halfway down the side of the house, with many windows with stained glass borders, and two doors leading out into what will be the back yard, and one door that led to a second, smaller porch that extended to the front of the house. The roof of the conservatory was pitched similarly to the roofs of the rest of the house, and similarly tiled black.

The fence that surrounded the house started as simple, waist-high wooden fence at the front, but changed to be taller and made of bricks around the back. The grounds of manor, from outside the fence, looked just a little wider than the house, and extended just a couple metres further either side, but really were roughly a quarter of a mile in size, hidden thanks to magic.

Balto and Jenna's new home put most houses around it to shame in its design, and Steele couldn't help but wonder if Balto had, perhaps, taken inspiration from the old family homes down Forest Lane, most particular his own.

Two-and-a-half storeys instead of three, Blackhawk Manor was built in a Queen Anne Revival style. The house's exterior was made with robust wood coloured dark red, with white and pale green wooden beams outlining them. It also had multipitch roofs and several large windows, and a wraparound veranda. At the top of the house, on the front gable, was a small circular window, with a larger one at the back of the house, and a large Norman window on the right side of the house at the same height. Above the veranda, just below the roof, was a built-in balcony.

The house was also elevated above the ground, with a short set of steps leading up to the veranda, but instead of empty space below the house, there was instead concrete walls that people just assumed to hold a basement. The house was surrounded by a metal fence that was about waist high, which changed to a tall, wooden fence around the back of the house. Either side of the steps leading up to the veranda were lawns filled with flowers and bushes.

Blackhawk Manor was a nice house, but after Salvatore Manor was built, people saw it as lesser. Steele found that to be an affront to his family honour, considering the Blackhawk family was one of Nome's most prestigious families.

To add to Steele's irritation about Balto, just a day after Salvatore Manor was built, it turned out that Balto had applied for a job at the Council of Magic, and ended up being employed as the Head of the Department of Law, one of the highest positions of authority in all of America, second only to the President of the Council.

Steele wasn't annoyed about Balto's position of employment because he wanted the job himself, since he was content with his 'job' as a part-time runner (considering how wealthy the Blackhawk family was, Steele had no real need to work). Instead, Steele's frustration came from the hordes of people he'd hear clamouring over the wolf-dog, sometimes for hours on end. The prideful malamute believed that _he_should have that sort of attention - after all, he was a star athlete and a powerful man, yet he only had a few meagre fans, most of which tended to sway more towards Balto anyway. Even Steele's best friends, Nikki, Kaltag, and Star, looked like they enjoyed Balto's company more than Steele's.

Seeing Balto around the town, with his many fans and admirers following him or stopping in their tracks to watch him, made Steele's blood boil. Almost as much as when Balto sent him an invitation for his and Jenna's wedding on the thirty-first of January.

The malamute knew why Balto wanted him there: to watch him claim Jenna as his bride, and forever ruin Steele's chances of taking Jenna for himself. Then there was the significance of the date. Steele knew that Jenna's heat was going to start on the thirty-first of January, meaning her body would be prime and ready for a fertile male to impregnate her.

As much as the thought of Balto breeding Jenna irritated Steele, he was sure that he wouldn't have to witness it. After all, they'd leave that sort of thing for the privacy of their wedding night, right?

Wrong. He was very wrong, very wrong indeed.

The day of the wedding arrived, gloriously sunny and warm. Steele had hoped for worse weather, such as a blizzard, just to put a damper on Balto's day, since the wedding was being held outdoors, but knew that the wolf-dog would have taken measures to make sure the day went by perfectly.

After waking up fairly early, Steele took his time in getting ready. He may not have liked the fact that Jenna would be marrying Balto, but that didn't mean he would be sloppy in cleaning himself up. He had a relaxing soak in the bath, and took that as an opportunity to look over himself.

He moved a hand down to gently stroke at his sheath, giving a disappointed sigh. He wasn't 'small' by any means of the word. Standing at six feet one inch tall, Steele was one of the taller dogs in town, and good genes and training meant his muscles were especially decent; certainly nothing to scoff at.

When it came to genitals, Steele knew he was, again, one of the bigger guys. His sheath was long enough to reach up to his nipples, and nearly as wide as his torso, while his balls were easily forty inches wide each. Then there was his actual cock. Not to flatter himself, but Steele considered it a beautiful thing. Seventy-five inches long, and fifteen-and-a-half inches wide, with a massive thirty-one-inch-wide knot at the base, Steele's cock was impressive, and had satisfied a considerable number of bitches over the last few years, but, much to Steele's chagrin, there were males with better packages.

With a growl, Steele abruptly stood up, splashing water everywhere. He had soaked in the bath long enough, and he quickly got out the bath and dried off.

Once done, Steele headed out the bathroom, casting a spell behind him to clear up the room, and walked onto the mezzanine that made up the second floor of his home. Breathing deeply to calm down (no need to head to the wedding already irritated), Steele marched over to his bedroom to finish getting ready.

A short while later, Steele was ready, and left the house, locking the front door behind him as he did so. His fur had been meticulously brushed and smoothed, leaving it looking sleek and shiny, and he was wearing a fairly expensive cologne which he hoped would score him at least a few eager bitches. He was, however, slightly annoyed, as he had been unable to find his favourite accessory. With how little time he had left, and wanting to make a good impression on Jenna, Steele, reluctantly, elected to leave it for now, and do a thorough search when the wedding reception was over.

"It's odd, though," he thought, heading down the streets to the wedding venue, the town hall. "Last time I couldn't find it, a quick Summoning Charm worked. Why didn't it this time?"

Putting it out of his mind for the time being, Steele had reached the town hall, the grounds of which the wedding would be held in, just as Nikki, Kaltag, and Star did, alongside their partners, Rikki, Erica, and Sirius, respectively.

"Wow. Surprised to see you here, Steele," Kaltag said.

"What's so surprising about that?" Steele asked.

"Heh, it's no secret how much you want Jenna," Nikki said in response.

"Yeah, everyone knows it. So you coming to see her get married to Balto is a surprise," Star said.

Steele huffed, before saying, "What of it? She'll see that he's nothing special soon enough."

"Keep telling yourself that, buddy," Sirius said, smirking.

"Yeah, I doubt she'd leave him. Balto's an amazing guy," Erica said. Spotting Kaltag's raised eyebrow, she added, "Don't look at me like that; you know I'm right."

"I is thinking Kaltag may have some competition for Erica's heart," Nikki said, grinning.

"And you think you haven't?" Rikki asked. Kaltag and Star both laughed.

Steele stared at the group, stunned. They were acting so lightly about it, but Erica and Rikki hinting on cheating on Kaltag and Nikki with Balto was not normal. Steele wasn't close to them, but he knew that much, at least.

Before the malamute could say anything, high above them in the town hall's clock tower, a bell began ringing loudly.

"We better hurry, or we'll miss the wedding," Erica said, practically dragging Kaltag behind her into the hall. Sirius and Star followed calmly, with Nikki and Rikki following them. Steele hesitated, but walked in through the town hall's doors.

Once inside, Steele found himself in the town hall's lobby, with signs directing to the back of the building for the wedding. Steele followed them, noticing a few moving photos of Balto and Jenna as he did so.

Just before the door leading into the town hall's luscious private park (usually reserved for when the town mayor would hold fundraising campaigns), there was a table that had piles of gifts on it, alongside a jar filled with Galleons and Sickles. A small sign sat on the end of the table, simply reading Wedding Gifts.

Steele rolled his eyes and strode on past the table and out into the park. He would never give his approval of the marriage, especially not in the form of a gift. If anything, he was showing restraint; had he wanted to, he could have easily set fire to the table, or, if he was being especially petty, just piss in the money jar.

The town hall grounds were a gorgeous sight, even to Steele. Glorious green grass that felt so soft under his feet, trees and bushes with blossoms, and flowers blooming no matter where Steele looked. He had to hand it to Balto, the wolf-dog knew where to hold a wedding.

Down in the centre of the park, benches and pews had been set up in rows, while a fantastic arch had been constructed out of flowers and vines in front of them. The minister was a beautiful Arctic fox, wearing robes that perfectly matched her white fur and made her seem to radiate with both authority and gentleness.

Steele held his hand out, conjuring the invite he had been given, and checked it to see where his allocated seat was. He raised an eyebrow in confusion when he saw it was in the front row, but shrugged and went down to it.

Upon sitting down, Steele realised that, despite the bench being bare aside from purple cloth draped along it, it felt extraordinarily comfy, as if there were cushions on the bench.

"Must be a Cushioning Charm," Steele thought to himself. He looked around at the other guests, and was glad to see he wasn't the last one to arrive, with others still heading up to the area and taking their seats.

On his row, Steele saw Balto's parents, Aniu and Kitok, and, next to them, Jenna's mother and younger sister, Evelyn and Rosie Crowe. Steele knew Evelyn had a few admirers around town, but felt that her beauty paled in comparison to her daughter's. Rosie, meanwhile, was a cute young girl, with orange-and-cream fur and her mother's 'sleeves' and a strip across her muzzle. Despite her young age (Rosie was roughly six years younger than Jenna), it was generally agreed that she'd give Jenna a run for her money in terms of being the most popular girl in town.

Shaking his head, Steele turned to look at the other guests. He saw Kaltag and Erica not too far behind him, the two of them very happily talking, while behind them, Nikki and Rikki, and Star and Sirius, were discussing something. Looking a little further beyond, Steele's sight fell on a certain wolf he feared.

Sitting on one of the benches further back was Tempus Lungbarrow. A handsome silvery-grey wolf with markings close to Balto's, he was one of Steele and Balto's old classmates, and a very powerful wizard, possessing the power to manipulate time in any way he saw fit.

But that wasn't the only thing about Tempus. The wolf was, like Balto and Steele, rather large when it came to genitalia, except he was much closer to Balto in size than Steele. His sheath was six feet long, and heavy enough that it had to lean forward at an angle and point almost completely forward, while the wolf's bollocks stood a jaw-dropping seven-and-a-half feet in width each. If it weren't for Balto and his own massive presence, Steele figured Tempus could take the record for the size of his sheath and balls.

Needing to look at something that _wasn't_Tempus, Steele looked to the wolf's left, and he saw Tempus's fiancée, River. River was a pretty wolf with grey fur that bordered on white, stunning blue eyes that always looked with sympathy and kindness, yet hid a surprisingly dark past and extremely competent hunter and warrior.

Next to River sat two wolves Steele recognised, but did not personally know. Sophia and Jethro Lungbarrow, Tempus's younger sister and brother. Sophia, a beautiful woman herself, could be considered Jenna's inverse, since her fur was red where Jenna's was cream, and white where the husky's own was rust.

Then there was Jethro. The youngest of the three siblings, Jethro was also the most radically different in appearance. His fur, rather than light or colourful, was pitch black, and had the effect of causing him to look far more menacing than he really was. Similar to Tempus, though, Jethro was also a large guy; not as huge as his brother, but still large enough to make Steele feel tiny in comparison. A five-and-a-half-foot long sheath that was heavy enough to lean forward almost completely flat, and balls at seven feet wide.

Before Steele could look at any of the other guests, music began playing. The moment had arrived...but where were the bride and groom?

The answer came when cherry blossom appeared and fell in tiny flurries down the aisle. Once the aisle was covered in the petals, the bride and groom appeared to fade into existence at the end of the aisle in huge flashes of orange light that seemed to emit from them as it shifted to the side.

Everyone turned to watch, as Balto and Jenna walked down the aisle, hand-in-hand. Jenna was wearing a bandanna that, despite its simplicity, seemed to magnify her natural beauty to phenomenal levels. The bandanna was a gift she had been given, by Balto, just a few hours before their graduation ceremony, and was originally orange in colour; however, to honour the day, Jenna had elected to charm it white.

Balto, meanwhile, just oozed pure masculine allure. Standing at six foot six, and therefore easily the tallest guy in Nome, the wolf-dog looked like he towered over Jenna, even though she was only half a foot shorter than him. The wolf-dog had a smug grin on his face, giving him an air of confidence. Everyone whispered as the bride and groom approached the minister, except Steele. The malamute didn't trust himself to not exclaim his displeasure.

Jenna was smiling brightly; she was marrying the love of her life. Even Steele had to admit that Balto was possibly the perfect guy for her. He was kind and gentle, his personality perfectly matching Jenna's own, and was strong and powerful enough to protect her, and definitely had the muscles to prove it - he certainly made Steele's own large muscles look thin and weak in comparison.

Then there was Balto's size. His sheath alone was ten feet in length! Being so heavy, it, much like Tempus and Jethro's, was forced to lean forwards at an angle and point almost completely forwards, but that didn't stop it from occasionally bouncing around. Trailing behind him, so humongous and hefty they were forced to be dragged behind, were Balto's mighty nuts. Both were nineteen feet in diameter, each, and so heavy that many wondered how Balto was even able to move. Many had joked that Jenna was in love with Balto purely because of how big he was, although it was all non-malicious.

But as Balto and Jenna got closer, Steele could see more of the wolf-dog. His confident smirk looked unsettling to the malamute, as if the wolf-dog knew something Steele didn't. And then, Steele saw, wrapped around the base of the hybrid's sheath and scrotum, a white strap dotted with large, golden bumps, complete with a golden buckle. Evidently a cock-ring, it reminded Steele of his Golden Collar, the first prize he had won during a professional run. It actually was his collar he had been searching for earlier...

The closer Balto got, though, the better Steele could look at the cock-ring. Aside from the leather being white instead of brown, it looked far too much like the malamute's collar. Did Balto like the design that much? Then Steele realised that, no, Balto hadn't merely copied the design of the collar; the collar itself was the cock-ring!

Horrified at the sight, Steele just watched, open-mouthed and speechless, as Balto and Jenna reached the archway. For a moment, all everyone could see was Balto's giant globes, before they suddenly shifted to the side, giving a clear view of the bride, groom, and minister.

The music went quiet, barely loud enough to be heard, as everyone put their focus ahead of them, waiting. Steele was wondering what was taking the minister so long to start the ceremony, when he saw Balto raise a hand, followed by snapping his fingers. A small flare of magical energy appeared from his fingers, before immediately becoming a huge stream that enveloped the wolf-dog and obscuring him from view for a moment.

When the energy dissipated a few seconds later, everyone gasped in delight, but Steele had to hold back a yelp of surprise. Balto's cock was now completely erect, showing off its supreme might. Forty-five feet long and nine feet three inches thick, Balto's meat tower dwarf all others. His knot, however, could be compared to a bulging boulder sitting at the base of his cock, easily eighteen-and-a-half feet wide overall. The legendary cock hidden in Balto's sheath had been revealed to all present.

Steele couldn't fathom what possessed Balto to magically cause his cock to instantly become erect, during his own wedding. His sheath, while gigantic, could be easily pushed aside for a moment to allow Jenna to get close enough to kiss the wolf-dog, but his cock was way too huge and way too weighty to do the same - even if Jenna manipulated the gravity around the behemoth to make it lighter.

The unwanted answer to Steele's unasked question came when Balto raised his hand again, and Jenna faded away in the same orange flash of light that caused her and Balto to appear at the start of the aisle, only to appear in the same manner at the end of Balto's cock. Steele feared he knew why Balto had Faded Jenna to the tip of his cock, and felt his heart stop.

His fears were confirmed when Jenna turned to face away from Balto, and got on all fours, raising her tail. Despite how far away she was, Steele could see her pussy, puffed up due to her heat, waiting eagerly for Balto's red-hot cock to plunge inside. She teasingly rubbed her folds against his tip, giggling.

In response, Balto opened two, small portals, shaped like eyes but with solid blue interiors laced with streaks and swirls of purple, before placing his hands in them. The other ends of the portals had opened just behind Jenna, allowing Balto to grip at her hips with his strong hands. Jenna moved a hand back to gently brush her fingers against Balto's, resulting in Balto jerking his hips forwards as he tugged back on Jenna.

The husky yelped in delight, while a loud schlick sounded as her pussy was spread across feet of cock. Already, her stomach was bulging with the shape and size of Balto's cock tip, yet she had a long way to go. Not that the idea scared her; on the contrary, she was looking forward to it. After all, her overstretched pussy was feeling an immense amount of pleasure, and if that was just from the tip, then the rest should bring even more!

Balto gave a deep moan, his powerful voice rumbling with the sound, as he relished in Jenna's vagina and womb clenching and massaging the top of his cock. But after a second, the wolf-dog, growing bored of having just his tip docked, tugged back on Jenna as he tensed his muscled legs. The bulge in Jenna's abdomen steadily grew larger and wider the more cock Balto fed into her hungry pussy. Her insides were being strained painlessly as they shaped around Balto's cock, a perfect outline of the beast forming in the white fur of the husky's belly.

A smaller, rounder bulge formed at the tip of the bulge in Jenna's belly for a moment, before it was obscured by the bulge of Balto's cock. Everyone knew it was a burst of pre-cum from the wolf-dog, and seeing it made Steele's ears flatten. He really was being forced to watch Balto breed Jenna, publicly, during their wedding. Even that single spurt of pre would be enough to ensure Jenna was pregnant, but the malamute knew neither of the two would be content with just that.

Jenna gasped and yipped and _whined_in delight, her legs flailing uselessly behind her as Balto pulled her back. The friction of his organ on her clitoris, combined with both of their feelings of love and devotion for each other, was setting off multiple orgasms in her, causing her to spill abundant amounts of her juices around the wolf-dog's fuck-stick, slickening the way.

"Ready for the full force, Jen?" Balto asked. His only reply was a gurgling whimper from Jenna, but that was good enough for him. "Then take it all," he said simply. Immediately after, like a crossbow releasing a bolt, he thrust his hips forwards hard and fast, propelling his cock so far inside Jenna, and tugging back on her body, that she was stretched so far along the tower she was close to reaching the knot already.

With Jenna blubbering and trying her hardest to push herself back, Balto brought one hand back out of his portal, and moved it to rub at his ass for a moment. Steele noticed Aniu and Kitok smirking, clearly knowing what was going to happen. The wolf-dog ran his hand across both of his toned rump cheeks, making them both jiggle, before he planted it firmly on his right cheek. A second later, he brought his hand up, and slammed it down hard.


The spank the mutt gave himself sounded so loud and so forceful Steele was amazed it didn't burst his eardrums. He couldn't tear his eyes away from Balto's rump, watching as Balto gave himself another spank, and another.

"Yeah, gonna fill that little pussy, Jen," Balto muttered, more to himself than anyone else. He gave a glance to the minister, who had been very patiently waiting. "Guess I should speed this up."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm enjoying the view," the vixen replied, smiling politely.

"Either way, it would be better to hurry up and knot her," Balto said. He adjusted his stance, tensing his legs, and inserted his hand back in the portal. Steele noticed that, even with all those forceful slaps, Balto's ass looked the same as before - the malamute liked spanks himself, but even his ass would turn red after the impacts Balto had inflicted on himself.

Steele was broken out of his thoughts when Balto gave a loud yell, followed by him slamming his hips forwards so forcefully, his knot was battered against Jenna's rump. But the amount of force behind the thrust, combined with Jenna sending bursts of emotional energy from her vagina to wrap around Balto's knot to tug it in, along with Balto using his powers to stretch Jenna's pussy wider, caused the ginormous knot to slip inside the husky with a loud, wet SPLOP!

Now that the two were tied, Jenna fell back into Balto's strong embrace. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her tightly, enough to ensure she felt safe, but not too much to risk suffocating her. His hips still pumping into hers, stretching and pulling at Jenna's pussy, Balto looked at the minister, and nodded. She nodded in return, and began to speak.

"We are gathered here today to witness the union between..." she began, reciting a speech she has read and spoke hundreds of time before. Wet squelches sounded from the couple, alongside slaps from Balto occasionally moving a hand to spank himself some more. Despite the loud sounds, including Balto and Jenna's vocal exclamations of pleasure, the vixen managed to make her voice be heard.

Steele looked away for a moment, and saw, all around him, many of the male guests were openly masturbating as they watched. The only ones who weren't were Tempus and Jethro, but even then, the two's cocks were erect. Swallowing, Steele looked back at the front, painfully aware of his thickening sheath. It took a lot of conscious effort on his part to keep his cock down.

"Now, do you, Balto James Salvatore, agree to take Jenna Amanda Crowe as your lawfully wedded wife? To honour and keep her, in sickness and in health? Until death do you part?" the minister asked.

"Fuck yeah!" Balto shouted, punctuating the yell with a thrust of his hips. The minister didn't continue, and just look at Balto expectantly. "Oh, all right, fine. I do...FUCK YEAH, JEN, TAKE IT ALL!" Balto shouted.

Sighing, but taking it, the vixen turned to look at Jenna, saying, "And do you, Jenna Amanda Crowe, agree to take Balto James Salvatore as your lawfully wedded husband? To honour and keep him, in sickness and in health? Until death do you part?"

"I...ooohhhh, yes, Balto, more, more!_I _dooooooooo!" Jenna moaned, yet another orgasm sparking inside her and disrupting her brain momentarily.

"Then it is agreed. Should anyone see reason as to why these two should not be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace," the minister said.

No one spoke. Steele knew that, out of everyone there, he was the most likely to object, but he would not make a fool of himself. He would not give Balto the satisfaction of hearing him publicly object their union.

"Very well, then so it shall be," the minister said.

"FUCK YEAH, HERE I CUM, BITCH!" Balto loudly announced.


Both Balto and Jenna let out long, loud howls_of pleasure as he began flooding her. Everyone could see the pulses of sperm erupting inside Jenna's stretched abdomen, watching as her womb was forced to expand further the more wolfseed Balto spilled into her. Every pulse and convulsion of Balto's balls was so powerful that they caused the area around to quake alongside them (in truth, it wasn't just the park, and not even just the town, but the entire _world - fortunately, any damaging effects were prevented because Balto planned for it), making everyone struggle to stay upright for a moment.

But that wasn't all. Still _howling_and filling his bride, Balto thrust his hips forwards, just as a huge explosion of magical energy erupted around him, before it spread around the town, harmless, and beautiful.

By the time Balto's orgasm dwindled (a process that took roughly twenty minutes), Jenna's stomach had grown to an absolutely gargantuan twenty thousand feet wide. It was so large it towered over every building in Nome, looming over the town as if it would soon crush it. Luckily, Balto and Jenna had planned ahead, and took the liberty of enchanting the park so that it could grow in size to keep Jenna's belly in.

While Balto continued to lightly hump Jenna, rubbing a hand up and down her body and fiddling with her breasts, the minister stepped up to the two, after having moved out of the way when Balto declared his orgasm. She didn't seem fazed at the new state of her charges (judging from how she gazed at their joint of union and licked her lips, she appeared to be jealous of Jenna), and instead just looked at the small book she had on her.

"Well, shall we continue?" she asked. Balto nodded, while Jenna gave a moan of approval. "Then this cord represents the love between Balto and Jenna," the vixen spoke, holding out her hand and conjuring a thin, golden rope, "and with it, I shall bind them, and their souls, for all eternity."

The cord slid through the air, like a snake, and wrapped itself loosely around Balto and Jenna's right hands, which were both clasped together tightly. The cord then split, and one half bound itself around Jenna's ring finger, and the other around Balto's. The split cords then glowed, and transformed into gold rings.

"The ceremony is complete. I now pronounce you both wolf and bitch. You may kiss the bride," the minister said.

Balto and Jenna smiled at each other, before, to cheers from their audience, they locked lips in a passionate kiss. Steele seethed quietly, but did politely clap his hands to not let on his irritation to everyone else.

Every sound from the audience was drowned out just a few seconds later, however, when Balto parted his lips from Jenna's to howl loudly, his balls pulsing as he seeded her once again.

Minutes later, the reception began, underneath a canopy of silken purple curtains. The guests mingled, talking, laughing, and dancing, while music played cheerfully as trays and platters holding food and drinks flew around to the guests. But the centre piece (quite literally) was Balto and Jenna, still happily fucking. They hadn't stopped once, almost as if Balto refused to let his body part from hers.

The first to congratulate the happy couple were Aniu and Kitok, followed by Evelyn and Rosie. Other guests, when they weren't too busy enjoying themselves, had come up to the mating newlyweds to give words of congratulations, with a few of the bolder ones giving Balto hard spanks to make him fuck Jenna harder.

Pretty soon, Steele was the only one who hadn't offered his best wishes. He wondered, briefly, if he could get away with not doing so, but knew that no one would let him hear the end of it if he didn't. Steeling his nerves, Steele walked up to the couple.

"Hey... Er...congratulations?" Steele asked, feeling unsure.

"Yeah, thanks, Steele." Balto's voice sounded so unimpressed, Steele was beginning to regret actually coming to the wedding. What was the point, if the wolf-dog wasn't even going to give him the time of day?

"Look, can I ask you something?" Steele asked, pushing through.

"Go ah...NNGH! Ahead," Balto grunted, snapping his hips forwards.

Slightly daunted, Steele asked, "When did...when did you get...that?" pointing at Balto's cock-ring.

"Last night. I know it used to be your Golden Collar, but I figured I had a better use for it. So I snuck into your home while you were asleep, and took it," Balto answered. He gave a smug smirk, adding, "Doesn't it look much better showing off my champion cock than as a collar for your stupid neck?"

"Hey! Don't call me stupid!" Steele snapped. Balto just laughed. "Anyway, what gave you the right to..." Steele didn't get to finish.

"FUCK YEAH, HERE I CUM, JEN!" Balto shouted, drowning out Steele's voice as he pumped his hips forwards hard.


Once again, Balto's balls began pulsing and clenching, rocking the Earth along with them, as he shot tsunamis of wolfseed into Jenna's already flooded uterus.

Struggling to stay standing upright, Steele stared, outraged. Outraged that Balto so nonchalantly ignored him to seed Jenna, and enraged at the wolf-dog's attitude towards stealing from him. Even Jenna's stomach growing bigger just irritated Steele, since he knew _exactly_what was happening in the husky's womb.

When Balto's orgasm had finished (which took forty minutes instead of his usual twenty thanks to him giving himself some hard spanks and letting others do the same to him), Steele left. He couldn't stand it anymore. The malamute ignored everyone else, and just marched out of the park.

Once he got home, Steele unlocked the front door and stepped in, only to find the house was trashed. Books fallen out of shelves, chairs upturned, and fragile ornaments smashed on the ground. Steele felt his eye twitch in irritation. Every other person in the world didn't have any damage done from Balto's Earth-shaking orgasms, yet _his_home did?

Steele had enough. He didn't think he could stand to stay in Nome, at least not for a while. Not knowing Balto would be there, always there, to upstage him.

The malamute conjured his wand and cast a Mending Charm to repair everything in the house and move them back to where they should be, before conjuring his phone. Even as a photo of him, his two brothers, and his parents was repaired and placed back on the wall, Steele dialled his parents' number.

Early the next morning, Steele Apparated into White Mountain. He had a small suitcase with him, filled with essentials. Looking around, Steele made his way along the streets towards a tall apartment complex. His parents, Isaac and Natasha Blackhawk, owned and lived in the penthouse of the complex, and Steele intended to stay with them for a few days.

Once Steele got into the elevator, he pressed his parents' apartment number on the touchpad, causing the doors to shut and the elevator to start rising. On the journey up, Steele was thankful his parents agreed to let him stay with them, because he didn't know if his brothers, William and Edric, would agree.


The elevator had arrived, and the doors opened, much quicker than Steele had expected. He grabbed his suitcase and walked out the elevator, immediately into the foyer of his parents' home. The apartment felt a lot hotter than Steele thought normal, and there was an unusual scent in the air that he couldn't quite identify. He couldn't see his parents in the living-room in front of him, nor were they at the top of the stairs to his left.

"I'm here," he called out, walking into the living-room. "Mom? Dad? Where are you?" The entire place looked deserted. In the kitchen on the left of the room, Steele saw the sink was full of dirty dishes.

That raised alarm bells to the malamute. His mother never_left dirty dishes in the sink. Worried, Steele made his way to the stairs to the second level of the apartment, but had to stop for a moment just shy of the top. It felt _much hotter, and the stench much stronger, here than the rest of the home. It was so bad it was making Steele's eyes water.

Wrinkling his nose, Steele pushed on. He headed straight to the door at the back, which he knew led into his parents' bedroom. But, again, he had to pause just before it. On top of the air getting hotter and the stink getting more prominent to the point Steele felt he could _taste_it whenever he breathed, there were several loud, wet noises coming from behind the door.

Tentatively, Steele grasped the door handles, before he pushed them open. Based on the sounds and smells, he expected to find his parents in the middle of having sex.

But upon entering the room, he found a much worse sight.

Isaac was sitting in the corner of the room, his average sized red cock fully erect, and a stark contrast to his overwise pure white fur. Natasha, on the other hand, was on her hands and knees on the bed, her curled monochrome tail raised and wagging, and behind her, to Steele's horror, was Balto.

The wolf-dog was shoving his enormous cock into Natasha's now incredibly stretched cunt, sending pure bliss through her body. Steele couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"W-what the fuck?!" he asked loudly. Everyone turned to look at him.

"Oh, hey, son," Isaac said. He seemed pretty unconcerned, for someone whose wife is getting fucked by someone else right in front of him.

"Why...why are you here?!" Steele asked, pointing at Balto.

"What does it look like I'm doing, Steele? I'm breeding your mother," Balto said. To punctuate his sentence, he gave a hard thrust forwards while tugging back on Natasha telekinetically, cramming even more of his dick inside.

"But...but...but why?" Steele asked.

"I felt like it. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt her," Balto said.

"That's not the point!" Steele snapped.

The bedroom doors suddenly shut behind him, making Steele jump as he turned to look. The next thing he knew, he was sitting on the floor next to his father, giving him a perfect view of how well Balto dominated Natasha.

"Now, be a good runt, and watch as I fill your mom with better pups," Balto said, flashing a grin at the two malamutes.

"What the hell is going on?" Steele thought. He looked at his father, but Isaac just smiled back at him. There was something unsettling about the way Isaac was smiling, but Steele couldn't work out what it was.

A scream of pleasure from Natasha made the both of them look forward, to see Balto had now crammed more than half of his superior cock into her. Natasha's fluids were squirting and leaking out of her stretched and spoiled vagina, giving lubricant to the wolf-dog, and forming puddles on the bedsheets.

Balto grunted, before he said, "I figured you'd be a tight one, considering how small your husband is. But that just begs the question: where did Steele get his size from?"

"The same could be said for you!" Steele said.

"Hush, boy," Balto commanded. Steele stared at him in astonishment. Grinning, Balto continued, "Know what I think? I think it was just a little sign. Fate reaching back to when Steele was conceived, to let you know that a much better male would give you all the cock you'd ever need." Another hard thrust, and another several feet of cock shoved into Natasha.

"Oooh, yes! You're so much better than Isaac ever could be! Fuck me, Balto! Show me what I've missed!" Natasha shouted. She didn't care her husband and son were watching. The only thing on her mind was the humongous slab of cock currently turning her insides into a cavern.

"I already am, bitch," Balto growled, thrusting harder and faster. Natasha squealed in delight, drooling over the bedsheets and wagging her tail faster.

Seeing Balto so distracted, Steele scanned around the room. He spotted an ornate dagger sitting on a desk in the opposite corner to him, and quickly thought of a plan. He held his hand out, before flicking it at Balto's direction.

The dagger shot itself towards Balto at tremendous speed. But just before it could hit the wolf-dog, he simply held up a hand and stopped it with a finger. His face blank, his hips still moving and thrusting closer to Natasha's, the wolf-dog turned his head to look at Steele.

"Now, that was pathetic, even for you," he said.

"Don't act like you know me!" Steele said.

"Heh, defiant little pup, aren't you?" Balto asked. He let the dagger hover to in front of Natasha. Steele worried he was going to slit her throat, but instead, Balto said, "Here, Natasha. Show me how much you want me to properly fuck you. If you want my seed, then I want you to plunge this dagger right in Steele's heart."

"Okay, that's worse," Steele thought. He hoped his mother had enough lucidity, or even just enough love for him, to know not to. Even as he watched Natasha grip at the dagger's handle, he prayed his mother wouldn't blindly follow Balto's orders.

Natasha looked at the dagger in her hand, now painfully aware of how little Balto was moving. She needed his giant knot inside her, she was desperate to feel his sperm flooding her belly. But a small, nagging part of her begged her to not do it, to remember the love she had for her husband and son.

In the few seconds as Natasha contemplated what to do, Balto crossed his muscled arms across his bare chest, waiting. His hips had stilled, refusing to give Natasha anything unless she did as she was told. After all, he can't reward disobedience, can he?

Finally, Natasha had decided. She let the dagger hover in front of her, before flinging her arm to the side, in Steele's direction. The dagger followed the direction, heading straight for Steele. The malamute shut his eyes tightly, expecting to be impaled by the blade instantly.

But when he didn't feel anything, he tentatively opened his eyes. The dagger was hovering before him, mere inches from his chest. Balto was looking at him, a hand outstretched as it pointed at the dagger.

"Well done, Natasha. You proved your loyalty to my cock is greater than your love for your son," Balto said. He resumed his thrusts, to Natasha's delight. Balto looked Steele straight in the eye, adding, "Don't look so surprised. I've got big plans for you."

Steele didn't know what to say, and just sat still as Balto humped and thrust repeatedly, getting his knot closer and closer to Natasha's opening.

"Oh, Isaac, be a good boy and destroy that dagger," Balto added, almost like an afterthought. Isaac eagerly obeyed, grabbing hold of the dagger and causing it to be encased in ice, which quickly shattered.

"Th-that was my grandfather's ceremonial dagger," Steele whimpered, looking at the shattered remains of the dagger.

"Looked more like a letter opener to me," Balto mused. He glanced over at Steele, and, over the wailing Natasha was giving off thanks to his thrusts, added, "Not that you'll have much use for it, anyway."

Even with Balto practically tearing apart the Blackhawk family's legacy, piece by piece, Steele found himself unable to stop him. The wolf-dog had defiled his mother, turned his headstrong father into an obedient cuck, and now destroyed the last remaining relic his grandfather had left behind following his passing.

The bed was now creaking loudly, being forced to rock back and forth and carry the weight of Balto's colossal cock for so long finally taking its toll. The bed's legs were starting to splinter, small bits of wood flying off as they got closer to giving in. Natasha had the bed sheets gripped tightly, while also biting down hard on one of the pillows, trying to keep herself together. But even with the pillow muffling her, Natasha's barks and yelps could be heard clearly. Every slight movement from Balto set off climax after climax inside her, like a raging fire that refused to be dissipated.

Balto humped her as hard as he could, barely giving the woman a break to catch her breath from the assault. Her moans and whimpers became music to his ears as he listened to every last one. Made all the better due to the fact Steele and Isaac were forced to watch, powerless, as he turned Natasha into his personal bitch.

The wolf-dog slowly ground his knot against her, barely forcing a quarter inside the straining hole. Her already tight and snug canal felt like a vice around his titanic dick, holding on to him desperately as it begged him to properly fill her.

"Who do you belong to now?" Balto asked. Even his voice sent shivers down Natasha's cunt.

"You!" she _whimpered_quietly.

"Who?" With a growl, Balto shoved another few feet of his knot in, spreading Natasha wider and straining her folds to their limit.

"You!" Natasha yelped, louder than before.

"Can't hear ya, love," Balto said, smirking.

"You, Balto! I belong to Baltooooooo!" Natasha squealed, humping herself back as far as she could.

His smirk becoming a lecherous grin, Balto thrust his hips forwards with a loud yell. A split second of silence, followed by a loud, wet pop! The well-hung mutt was finally fully inside his latest conquest, stretching her insides to only fit him, and nobody else.

Natasha panted at the brief moment of respite she was given, hugging against the ginormous bulge Balto's cock made in her stomach. Her eyes widened when she felt Balto's strong hands grip at her waist and pull her back, finding herself in a powerful hug from the wolf-dog stud.

Giving lighter humps into his new bitch, Balto rubbed his hands along Natasha's body, feeling up her curves and breasts, and noting to himself the differences between her and his wife. He flashed a smirk over to Steele, who was still watching, his mouth agape at his rival dominating his mother.

Deep down, Steele had to admit the sight was rather nice, watching Balto's muscular glutes flex as he thrust in and out. He quickly shook his head; now was not the time for thoughts like that.

The malamute snapped out of his thoughts just in time to see Balto moving a hand from cupping one of Natasha's boobs to plant it firmly on his ass. Steele knew what was going to happen, and braced himself for it, holding his hands over his ears.


Even with his hands covering his ears to muffle the sound, Balto's spank was so loud Steele's ears were still ringing afterwards. Steele lowered his hands just as Balto slapped his ass again, which made the malamute wince at the sound.

"Got something to say, Natasha?" Balto asked, slamming his hips forward and making Natasha yelp.

The motherly malamute turned her head to look at Balto, who nodded, before she looked over at Steele. For a moment, Steele wondered if she was going to apologise to him for how she's been acting.

"Boy, do I regret having him for my eldest." Those words pierced Steele worse than any blade could. "I mean it, Steele. Look at how pathetic you are, especially in the presence of a real_man, like Balto. _Ooooh, yes! More, Balto, give me more!" Natasha's demeaning comments to Steele melted into even more adoration towards the wolf-dog stud currently fucking her.

"Don't worry, babe. After I'm done with you, Steele and his brothers will be just a fleeting memory. You and Isaac will have more things to worry about," Balto gloated. He could feel his balls beginning to tighten, and pressed his hips right up against Natasha's.

"Do it, Balto! Fill me up with your pups!" Natasha screamed.

"Yeah, do it, Balto! Fuck her full of your puppies!" Isaac cheered, making Steele jump in surprise.

With his bitch and her husband shouting for him to do it, Balto couldn't refuse. He humped Natasha three more times, with his final thrust having so much power it caused the bed's legs to finally give way, snapping in two and sending splinters flying everywhere.


At last, to Natasha's immense delight, the prize she had sought was hers to take. Every gallon of boiling hot wolfseed Balto had to offer, being poured directly into her fertile womb. With tears of joy spilling from her eyes, Natasha pressed her lips together and howled!

At the same time, Balto was not keeping quiet. Even as every loud splurt and squirt erupted from him, he threw his head back and howled alongside her. Steele, again, had to clasp his hands over his ears to try and drown out the noise, but there was nothing he could do to prevent the smell from reaching him. Hot and pungent, the scent of Balto's cum melding with Natasha's juices had Steele's nose in a tight grasp, refusing to let him smell anything else.

Natasha's abdomen grew larger and rounder every second, filled to the brim with wolfseed. She was soon pushed between her giant belly and the sexual titan behind her, forcing her to take every drop he had to offer. And, with the size of Balto's behemoth bollocks, pulsing and clenching hard enough to shake the room, he had a lot to offer.

Twenty minutes passed, and, finally, Balto's orgasm slowed. His nuts continued to quiver and tremble, with his cock sending a few, smaller, bursts of seed into Natasha's flooded womb, but he was done for now.

"Enjoy the show, Steele?" Balto asked, looking over at the malamute.

"Fuck you," Steele gritted.

"Now, is that any way to talk to your siblings' dad?" Balto asked, putting his hands on his hips, with a fake scowl on his face.

"You're don't mean anything to me, and you never will," Steele snapped.

"Steele! Don't be so rude!" Natasha chided him. She calmed down when Balto ran a finger along her neck.

"Now, now, Natasha, don't be so hard on the boy. He's just watched his mom get railed by a true man. Give him some time; he'll come around eventually," Balto said.

"Go fuck yourself," Steele replied.

"Why would I do that, when I've got so many holes to choose from?" Balto asked.

"W-what do you mean by that?" Steele asked.

"Your mom and Jen aren't the _only_girls I'm going to be fucking, Steele. Are you really so stupid to think I'm going to keep this baby confined to just one girl?" Balto asked, pointing at his crotch. Steele didn't want to look, but he couldn't stop himself from staring at the place of union between his mother and rival. Balto's cock-ring, the leather now restored to its original brown colour, was still visible, as was a very small portion of Balto's cock, with the rest hidden away within Natasha.

"Oooh, I can feel it all inside me. All your swimmers making me into a new mommy," Natasha moaned, rubbing her head under Balto's.

"Heh, all that cock and cum ain't just for show, lady. Of course my swimmers are making you into a new mommy," Balto chuckled. He looked over at Steele and Isaac. "You two can go, now. I'm going to give Natasha her second dose in a minute." He waved them off, turning his attention back to Natasha.

Isaac stood up, and, despite his cock _dripping_with pre, took a hold of Steele's arm, and hauled him out of the room.

"Dad, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Steele asked, once they were out of the room and the doors were shut.

"It's simple, son. A better man than me took your mom," Isaac said.

"And you just let him?!" Steele asked angrily. His father shrugged in response. "I don't believe this," Steele muttered, rubbing his forehead.

"You're gonna have to, son," Isaac replied. He pointed at a door to their right, adding, "Your room's there, by the way."

Steele quickly walked up to it, and made to open it, but just before he could, Balto could be heard shouting.

"Hey, Isaac! Get me a beer!"

"Would it kill him to say 'please'?" Steele thought to himself. He turned his head, and watched as his father rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen, opening up a cupboard and grabbing a bottle of beer. He then ran back up the stairs and to the bedroom door.

"Oh, and it better be cold, too!" Balto called out, just as Isaac put his hand on one of the bedroom door handles. Rather than get worried at how the beer had not been cooled down beforehand, Isaac just held it up to his mouth and blew on it. Icy mist wrapped around the bottle, cooling the beer down instantly.

Isaac gave a quick glance and smile at his son, before entering the bedroom. Steele stared in disbelief, before the door was slammed shut. Blinking rapidly for a few seconds, Steele quickly rushed into his bedroom, shutting the door.

Even the interior of his bedroom _stunk_of Balto. Steele seethed as he cast a spell to try and clear up the air, but even that only managed to slightly diminish the scent of Balto's musk, and did nothing to cool down the room. Not helping were the loud sounds of sex coming from the master bedroom of the apartment.

It took two hours, but eventually, Balto left. Natasha, her stomach stretched and bloated to unfathomable proportions, was resting in the living-room, her widely gaping vagina leaking rivers of wolf-dog cum onto the floor. Isaac and Steele found themselves stuck with the clean-up, but while Isaac did it happily, Steele begrudgingly went through with it.

As another way of irritating Steele, just before he left, Balto had practically burst through the bedroom door, his cock still completely erect and spraying cum everywhere, to let the malamute know he was going. And, just before leaving, he used Steele's bedsheets as cumrags, wiping along his colossal cock as much as possible, before tossing the now cum-drenched sheets back onto the bed and telling Steele to clean it up, all while Steele was too horrified and stunned to do anything.

As much as Steele hated Balto's actions that day, he knew his real frustration was towards his parents. The two malamutes had done nothing to resist Balto, with Isaac just happily letting the wolf-dog breed his wife, and the respect Steele had for them plummeted. He still loved them, but he could never look at his father the same way again. As for his mother, Steele made it clear, a week later when he returned to Nome, that he would never see the pups Balto put in her as his siblings.

Nearly two decades passed by since that day. Jenna and Natasha's litters, born just a day apart from each other, proved to simply just be the beginning, as they weren't the only women Balto bred. Dozens upon dozens of females had the wolf-dog stud fill them with his pups, many of them with mates and families of their own. Balto didn't care, happily fucking any bitch he wanted, with little to no resistance. Even his mother and sister weren't exempt.

Jenna was always his favourite, and his main squeeze, however. While it was usual to see many bitches bloated with Balto's cum, Jenna was hardly seen without her belly swollen every day at least once. Her litters also proved to be the largest ones Balto produced, with their first litter having thirty pups in total (Natasha, by contrast, had only twenty-two - still a large number, but not as big as Jenna's).

Balto didn't limit himself to just canines, either. His cock, he felt, was just too good to be experienced by one species. Horses, elk, lynxes, even polar bears had felt the touch of Balto's supreme might. It was impossible to tell just how many species Balto had mated with - even Balto himself couldn't give a straight answer.

But despite the fact that the wolf-dog shouldn't be compatible with these other species, he also had a very large number of offspring that came from such unions. The vast majority of them were pups, canines just like their father, often with fur colouring that matched their mothers', but there was the odd occasion of Balto fathering a child of the mother's species instead. Balto never cared, reasoning that they were still part of his legacy, and bloodline.

Another interesting fact about Balto came to light not too long after Balto started studding about the world. While many of his doubters claimed he must have used magic for it to happen, with Steele being the most vocal of them, it turned out Balto was so potent, virile, and (most importantly) productive that any fertile female he mates, regardless of age or species, would become permanently pregnant with Balto's pups. The sheer force of the tsunamis of cum Balto shot inside them would wash over the entirety of their ovaries in wolfseed, so potent and plentiful that every single available egg inside were claimed by the wolf-dog, and forever barring anyone else from breeding with them. The pups were still born in litters, however, with 'batches' of fertilised eggs being released to grow at a time, while the rest would remain in the females' cum-flooded ovaries to wait until next time.

Even with that news coming to light, Balto didn't stop fucking whatever bitch he desired. The wolf-dog enjoyed sex, and mating with whomever he wanted was a dream come true to him, especially if they were a female yet to be permanently impregnated by him. The only females he never touched were those in the Lungbarrow family, be it via blood or by marriage, out of respect for Tempus.

As many people around the world were endeared by Balto, and many more actually claimed by him, it soon became clear that hardly anyone could hope to stand up to him. Some religions even changed their faiths from their old gods to worship Balto instead, while the rest paid equal due to their gods and Balto. Balto had even been given a new title, alongside the American Head of Law and the Heart of Magic: the Alpha Supreme. However, Balto didn't immediately take to the idea, needing a few years before he accepted it.

Nowadays, he happily proclaims himself the Alpha Supreme. His status as such gave him more power over the world than even the Grand Directors of the Tribunal of Sorcery, the ultimate governing body of the entire Earth.

Statues had been erected around the world, all of them of Balto. Incredibly large, most of the statues were just of Balto, naked as he always was and stroking part of his completely erect dick, but there were a few statues that showed 'scenes', in a sense - statues depicting Balto fucking and bloating a bitch, him having his body worshiped, and even one of him standing on top of several bloated bitches, shooting cum into the sky.

The largest statue resided in Balto's garden. While the others were made of stone or metal before being painted, and built to withstand the effects of the elements and time, the statue in Balto's garden was special. It was made of stone enchanted to be so unbreakable that the only thing that could do damage to it was Balto's cock. The statue itself was one of the 'scene' statues, and showed Balto, towering over everyone as he flexed his muscles and let his cock shoot cum, while Jenna, massively bloated with her lover's cum, rested beside him on his right.

During those long years, things were so bad for Steele, at first. In the year that followed after Balto had bred the malamute's mother, Steele managed to bed himself a few fertile bitches. Some were decent, one was downright awful, but only one stood out to Steele.

Her name was Cassandra Whiteheart, a malamute just like Steele, but closer to appearance to his father. Originally residing in Anchorage but coming to Nome on vacation, Steele had been instantly smitten by her. Sure, she was no Jenna, but since the husky was pretty much lost to him, Cassandra appeared to be a perfect substitute.

Seducing her was easy enough for Steele, since she had come to Nome in the middle of her heat. And as Balto was out of town at the time, Steele didn't have to compete with the wolf-dog to breed Cassandra. Even better for Steele, Cassandra was a virgin.

Their first session occurred down an alleyway, with Steele pushing Cassandra against a fence and ravaging her. And with his first load alone swelling her womb to five feet in size, her pregnancy was guaranteed. But that was only the beginning.

By the time Cassandra returned to Anchorage a week later, Steele had bred her roughly fifty times in total. He did manage to get her phone number before she left, stating he wanted to know if she does find out she's pregnant (he knew she would be).

When Cassandra's pregnancy was indeed confirmed, Steele offered to let her stay with him through it. Having grown mutual affection for her malamute stud, Cassandra agreed to it. It didn't take long for the two to move Cassandra's stuff into Blackhawk Manor, and, to Steele's delight, Cassandra was happy to share a bed with him. That certainly led to more sexual hijinks between the two.

Several weeks later, Cassandra delivered the pups. Six males, and one female, totalling seven pups, all perfect mixes of their parents. Steele adored them, even more than his previous six litters.

Unfortunately for Steele, Cassandra's first litter would prove to be his last. Just two months after the litter was born, Steele had made his way home, intending on proposing to Cassandra, only to find her out in the street, being bred by Balto. The malamute couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Cassandra's cunt, previously only spread over his dick, stretched wider than ever by Balto's own magnificent cock and knot.

Balto's smirk when he spotted Steele let the dog know the wolf-dog was aware what Cassandra meant to him, possibly even knowing what Steele's plans were. Which is what made seeing the scene before him even worse for Steele, unable to do anything to prevent Balto from unleashing the flood of sperm that forever bound Cassandra to him.

Steele's only consolation was Balto had left his pups untouched. Not that it meant much, since Balto offhandedly stated he only left them alone because they weren't old enough for him.

Years later, Steele was woken up by his alarm. He grumbled as he got up and out of bed, before making his way out of the bedroom to head to the bathroom. Once finished in there, he headed downstairs.

His daughter, Sansha, was already up, eating cereal from a bowl while reading something on her phone. Sansha, and her brother Malik, were the only pups from Steele and Cassandra's litter that Steele kept and raised on his own, with their brothers being adopted by other families. However, in the end, Sansha proved to be the only pup to remain loyal to Steele, as all of her siblings ended up falling under Balto's spell.

"Morning, Dad. There's still coffee in the pot if you want some," Sansha said, glancing up at her father.

"Thanks, Sansha," Steele said, walking over to the kitchen counter and pouring himself a cup. He glanced over at his daughter, wondering. She was the only one to not be enthralled by Balto, yet she and Malik were raised the same. Steele even felt that, out of her and Malik, the one to go to Balto would've been Sansha, since he had favoured Malik for most of their childhood.

A few minutes later, Steele had finished his coffee, and made his way to the front door.

"I'm heading out. Don't do anything stupid," he said.

"Dad, I'm eighteen. I'll be fine," Sansha said.

"That I don't doubt," Steele thought, knowing Sansha would hear it. He shook his head, and left.

The streets of Nome had changed in the past near two decades. More homes had been built to house families increasing in size, and practically every female that walked around had full bellies stuffed with either cum or pups (or both). Some homes had cum coating them like snow, and every now and then, an entire street would be completely flooded.

Steele hated it, but he refused to move. Nome was his ancestral home, where generations of Blackhawks have been born and raised. And the sooner he managed to achieve his goals, the better.

Marching down the streets, Steele ignored everyone around him. Well, mostly. He couldn't help his eyes occasionally darting to look at others: a group of kids playing in pools of cum; two women, one a horse, the other a wolf, rubbing their pregnant bellies together; even a construction site building yet another house caught Steele's eye.

Finally, though, Steele reached Aurora Avenue. He paused for a moment, staring with hatred at the house directly down the street: Salvatore Manor. Unlike the other houses on the street, which either were covered and dripping in cum, or slightly damaged because of the wolf-dog not bothering to be careful, Salvatore Manor was immaculate.

Steele curled his lip in disgust, before breathing deeply to calm down. He then walked down the street to the manor. The air grew steadily hotter the closer to the manor Steele got, and smellier too. The malamute didn't know what he hated more, the fact that Balto's musk was so potent it stunk up an entire street, or that it was hot enough to heat up the air around him. It wasn't like the wolf-dog refused to clean himself, though - but even if Balto scrubbed his entire body thoroughly with as much soap and shampoo as possible, there was nothing that could be done to diminish his scent or effect on the air around him.

Upon reaching the gate for the fence around Salvatore Manor, Steele hesitated. He didn't exactly know what he was going to do, but it was too late to turn back now. At least someone had to have noticed his presence by this point.

Sighing, Steele opened the gate and stepped in, watching the area inside the fence rapidly expand into the luscious gardens that made up the grounds for the manor - roughly a quarter of a mile in size, with the house located off to the side and about twenty feet from the gate. Steele walked up to the porch steps, hearing children giggling and bushes_rustling_. Just as his foot got on the first step, several young pups, around five or six years old, burst out of the bushes and ran past him, playing and laughing.

Barely supressing a growl, Steele marched up the steps to the porch, before he rang the doorbell.

A few seconds later, the righthand door was opened.

"Oh. It's you."

The person behind the door was Kodiak Salvatore, Balto's oldest son. He was a strapping young man close in appearance to his mother, albeit with a slightly darker fur shading, but had many of his father's features. His muscles were close to Balto's level, as was his height, but even he couldn't hope to fully match his stud of a father.

Then there were the boy's genitals, which made Steele's look tiny in comparison. Admittedly, all of Balto's sons had equipment that dwarfed Steele's, but Kodi was a special case, as, while not as large as his dad, he still proved to be much bigger than any other man in existence; a sheath standing at nine feet two inches, and balls easily fifteen feet six inches, there was no way anyone other than Balto can call Kodi 'small'.

Perhaps as a way of recognising how close his son was to him, Balto had fashioned Kodi his own cock-ring, designed similarly to his. It was made of black leather instead of brown, and the bumps were silver. Balto even confessed it was originally a collar before becoming a cock-ring, to make it match his own even more. Kodi adored it, and wore it with pride, like his father wore his.

Steele never liked interacting with Kodi. He, and his siblings, reminded Steele too much of what he could have had if he were the one to take Jenna instead: the physical manifestation of Steele's worst failure.

"Kodi," Steele gritted.

"What do you want, Steele?" Kodi asked, staring down at the malamute.

"I need to talk to your father," Steele said. Kodi gave a smirk.

"Sure," he said. He stepped back and to the side to let Steele in. Steele walked in and looked around the foyer, before hearing loud, wet sounds from behind the two sliding doors that led into the living-room, to the right of the front door.

Steele slid the doors open, and his immediate sight was dozens of massively swollen bellies taking up space in the living-room. Kodi snickered behind Steele, which irritated him, before the malamute walked into the living-room, and navigated his way around the many gigantic spheres. Every time he brushed past one, he heard a female giggling somewhere, but couldn't see them.

Finally, he reached the centre of the living-room, which had evidently been magically expanded to house so many bloated bitches. Right in the centre was the largest belly in the room, towering over every other one around it. It belonged to Jenna, who was moaning loudly, while standing right behind her, pressing her into her overfilled womb, was Balto.

"Ah, Steele! So glad you could come over," Balto said, thrusting his hips in and out of Jenna's with an impressive amount of speed.

"Yeah, well, I needed to talk to you, wolf-dog," Steele growled.

"Oh? What about?" Balto asked, having to raise his voice over Jenna's as she screamed at yet another orgasm crashed over her body.

"Well, first off," Steele said, holding his hand by his head to try and project a stream of ice on him to cool down, only to have it dissipate before it reached him, "do something about this damn heat!"

"Why should I? I don't see anything wrong with it," Balto said, shrugging.

"Balto, it's Alaska. Since when was Alaska known for being hot? You're literally disrupting the environment!" Steele said. He didn't actually care about that sort of thing, but he figured Balto would.

"It'll survive. It has for the past twenty years," Balto said. He turned to look Steele dead in the eyes, and added, "Besides, you don't care about the environment. Not when it doesn't do anything for you."

"For God's sake, Balto! It's unnatural. Just do something to fix it! And sort out this fucking stench, too! When I go outside for some fresh air, I don't want to feel boiling hot and have to taste you on the air!" Steele snapped.

"Hey, calm down, Steele," Kodi said. He had followed Steele into the room, and placed one of his large hands on the malamute's shoulder. Steele felt his legs would end up buckling under the amount of weight Kodi was putting on him.

"Get off me!" Steele gritted. He breathed deeply when Kodi did remove his hand, but immediately regretted it; this close to Balto, all he could breathe in was the wolf-dog's musk and scent.

"All right, Steele." Balto had stopped his hips moving, much to Jenna's disappointment. "I'll try and find a way to diminish the effect I have on the environment."

Steele's eyes lit up with delight.

"Kodi, go and find the Book of Shadows for me, will you?" Balto asked. Kodi nodded, before he turned and left. Steele watched, and noticed Kodi's ass had cum splattered all over it. From the way the young husky had his tail raised, and his balls shifted to the side, Steele knew he was deliberately showing off. But since Steele knew Balto would fuck anyone and everyone, including his own kids, he wasn't surprised that Kodi had been recently fucked.

After three long, agonising minutes, Kodi came back, carrying a large book bound in green leather, with a red triquetra in the centre of the front cover. He walked over to his father, who almost immediately after started humping Jenna again.

"Hold it for me, son. Now, is there a spell that can help with how I affect the world?" Balto asked.

With Kodi holding it loosely in both hands, the Book of Shadows opened and rapidly flipped its pages by itself, before stopping on one.

"Aha! Think this would help, Steele? A Musk Charm! Apparently can reduced the effects a man's scent has on the physical world," Balto said.

"It's a start," Steele huffed.

"Well, let's cast it, then," Balto said.

Steele expected Balto to pause his movements again in order to cast the spell, but Balto didn't. Instead, almost as if he were doing it to deliberately prove Steele wrong, the wolf-dog sped up his thrusts, making loud, wet slaps sound out every time his groin hit Jenna's. Balto then conjured his wand, before tracing its tip along the page, muttering the spell's incantation. He then made a rather complicated wand movement, ending in pointing the wand tip at himself.

There was a loud bang and a flash of white light. When it cleared, Steele suddenly felt a lot cooler than a second ago. It was still hotter than normal, but much more manageable. And the scent, while strong, was tolerable.

"Better for you, Steele?" Balto asked.

"Yes," Steele said gruffly.

"Good. Now, give me a sec," Balto said. He flashed a smirk, before slamming his hips forwards, howling loudly.

The entire room began to shake, Balto's balls pulsing and clenching rapidly as the hybrid fired wave after steaming wave of fertile sperm into Jenna's already filled body. Splurts were ringing out ten times a second, at least!

The shaking of the room, while not bothering anyone else since they were so used to it, caused Steele to stumble and grab hold of something to try and stay standing. He ended up causing an ornate vase to fall on the floor and shatter.

When Balto's orgasm ended, and Jenna's belly grew another twenty thousand feet bigger, Balto turned to look at Steele. Spotting the broken vase, he glared.

"That was a gift from my godfather," he said simply. Steele stared back at him definitely. "Fix it, Steele," Balto commanded.

Sighing, Steele got out his wand and cast a Mending Charm on the vase. It repaired itself and was placed back on the table it originally sat on.

"Actually, you know what? I never liked it, anyway," Balto said, smirking. Steele looked like he was about to murder someone. "Hey, Dakota!" Balto called.

Dakota, another of Balto and Jenna's sons, ran into the room, his partially erect cock flopping and _spraying_pre-cum everywhere.

"Get rid of that vase for me," Balto said, offhandedly pointing at it.

Dakota nodded, before flicking his finger in the vase's direction. It was instantly disintegrated, reduced to dust that blew away.

"Good boy. Now, go back to whatever it is you were doing," Balto said. As Dakota ran off, and Kodi left to put the Book of Shadows back, the wolf-dog looked at Steele. "So, was there anything else you wanted to talk about with me?"

"Yes. I've seen you eyeing up my daughter..." Steele began.

"Ah, yes. Sansha. Very much like her mother, isn't she? Can't deny, she's a pretty bitch," Balto said.

"Keep your hands off her. Sansha wants nothing_to do with you, or any of your spawn," Steele _snarled.

"Don't worry, Steele. I won't force myself on Sansha. Why would I, when I've got bitches practically throwing themselves at my feet wherever I go?" Balto asked, his tail wagging. Even the simple movement of his tail had remarkable effects on the bitches around him, with all of them moaning and a large number of them orgasming. Their juices spilled onto the floor until it was literally flooded.

"Careful, Papa. Or Steele might get even_more_ jealous." Aleu, Balto's oldest daughter, was sitting nearby, her ginormous belly in front of her. Balto smiled at her.

"Don't worry, baby. Papa knows how to deal with washed up dogs like him," he said. He gently ran a finger along her belly, which caused Aleu to squeal in bliss as she climaxed and added more juices to the soaked floor.

"There's one last thing I need to talk to you about," Steele said.

Balto gave an annoyed sigh, and not-so-politely asked, "What is it?"

"I need to take a look at your Book of Shadows," Steele said. Balto raised an eyebrow.

"And for what purpose do you want to look at it?" he asked.

"I just need to check up on a potion, and I know there's an entry in that book," Steele said. Balto chuckled.

"Very well. Hey, Kodi!" he called.

Kodi came rushing in, ever so obedient to his father and Alpha.

"Go and let Steele take a look at the Book of Shadows. And keep an eye on him, in case he tries to do something funny," Balto said.

Kodi nodded, before indicating for Steele to follow him. Steele did so, walking after Kodi out of the living-room. The moment the two were gone, Balto grinned down at Jenna, before resuming his thrusts again. Jenna howled in delight, while Balto ordered two of his sons to start spanking him. They did so happily, slapping their hands against Balto's ass in order to spur him on and fuck Jenna harder.

As Steele and Kodi walked up the stairs, the malamute could hear the sounds of sex and slaps, along with many females moaning and shouting Balto's name. He felt revolted, but deep down, he knew it was really crippling jealousy - jealousy that he couldn't achieve the same effects without using magic, while Balto did it all with raw masculinity alone.

Upstairs on the next floor, Steele saw the floor was way larger than the outside appearance would make one believe. Considering how large Balto kept growing his family, it made sense he would use magic to increase the size of the house's interior to house everyone. But Steele figured that was just Balto's excuse to further make his home larger than Steele's.

There were more females up here as well, and most of them were swollen with Balto's cum. Those that weren't were either too young for Balto to fuck (he may be a sex maniac, but he has standards), waiting for their turn, or sporting pregnant bellies. Pups were running around, in and out of rooms, giggling and laughing and just having fun with each other.

Kodi led him along part of the floor, clearly enjoying himself. But as they passed by an open doorway, the husky stopped. Curious, Steele looked past him to see inside.

It was a fairly large bedroom, from what could be seen of it. But most of it had been taken up by yet another swollen woman. Steele recognised her immediately, however. She wasn't one of Balto's daughters or his claimed bitches.

Her purplish-grey fur and lighter underbelly, dazzling purple eyes, and youthful appearance meant it could only be Dusty Thompson, a husky girl that Kodi had recently married. Steele knew her because she was one of Sansha's old friends, back when they were younger, only to eventually drift apart when Dusty and Kodi got together.

"Hey, honey," Kodi said, ignoring Steele and walking up to Dusty. They shared a kiss. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Just resting for now. Your dad really worked me over," Dusty said. She giggled when Kodi ran a hand along her leaking vagina.

"Wonder how many of your pups are going to be mine, and how many will be his," he mused.

"Who knows? They'll all be amazing anyway," Dusty said.

"Man, you've no idea how much I want to fuck you," Kodi said.

"Finish up what you've been told to do first. I'll still be here when you're done," Dusty said. She and Kodi shared another kiss, before Kodi walked back to Steele.

"Come on, then. _Book of Shadows_is this way," the husky said, before leading Steele on.

"What was that about?" Steele asked.

"Huh?" Kodi asked.

"That whole thing about how many of her pups are going to be yours? I thought she was your wife," Steele said.

"Yeah, but Dad still fucks her," Kodi said. He shrugged. Steele just stared at him in surprise. He had heard rumours that Balto, while lenient with his sons and their partners, still asserted his authority and bred them if he wanted to, unless they ask him not to. Balto even used magic to make sure he doesn't permanently knock up those select bitches, so his sons can have their own pups with them.

Steele never believed the rumours, though. He didn't think the wolf-dog could be so merciful towards anyone aside from Tempus and his family. But evidently the rumours were true.

"Man, I'll always remember my wedding day. Dad fucked Dusty through the whole thing. I got to have my turn when the reception started, but it was just so hot having my bride fucked by my dad while saying our vows," Kodi reminisced. Steele wasn't really listening, since he wasn't interested in Kodi's personal history. "Hey, did you know that Dad was the one who took Dusty's virginity?" Kodi asked.

"Huh, what?" Steele asked.

"Yeah, first day I brought Dusty over. It was really cool to watch. Dad even let me lick her pussy when he was finished," Kodi said. While it was clear he thought it was an arousing memory, Steele kept his comments to himself, since he thought it was revolting.

"What kind of father fucks his son's girlfriend in front of him before he's even fucked her himself?" Steele thought. Even after all these years of having to deal with Balto turning the world into his own breeding factory, the wolf-dog was still finding ways to make the malamute sick to the core.

The duo headed up a flight of stairs to a door at the very top of the house. Kodi opened it and stepped in, before stepping to the side to let Steele in. The malamute cautiously followed, and found the room was a large attic that clearly took up the entirety of the third floor of the house.

"Welcome to the attic. Book of Shadows is over there," Kodi said, pointing at a lectern near the middle of the room.

Steele rushed over to it, and found the Book of Shadows was sitting on the lectern. Back downstairs, he wasn't able to get a proper look at it, but now he saw how ancient, yet also well-kept, it was. The pages were yellowed with age, and the tome was arguably larger than Steele's own family book, the Blackhawk Grimoire.

The malamute shook his head, before he opened the book. He was aware that Kodi was eyeing him intently from the door, but ignored it for now. He had to admit, from what he could see in it, the Book of Shadows was full of fascinating knowledge. Far more expansive than the Blackhawk Grimoire.

Finally, though, he found the entry he was after.

"There it is. The Bull's Bane," he said. Kodi laughed loudly, which made Steele look up at him.

"Let me guess, you're going to try and use that on Dad?" Kodi asked.

"What would you say if I were?" Steele challenged.

"Please. Dad's too powerful for a potion like that to work on him. Besides, you actually need to have a romantic partner for the potion to take effect. Why would any woman choose to be with you, when they can be with Balto?" Kodi asked.

"There are plenty of women out there that Balto hasn't claimed or got influence over," Steele countered.

"Even if that were true, you're still unlikely to find a woman willing to be with you," Kodi said. He crossed his arms, adding, "But if you want to waste your time trying to brew that potion, then go ahead." He waved his hand dismissively.

Steele felt irritated at Kodi, but kept himself composed. Instead, he just conjured a piece of paper and copied down the entry on The Bull's Bane. Once done, he shut the book, and let Kodi escort him back downstairs.

"Leaving so soon, Steele?" Balto joked, upon seeing Steele heading to the foyer.

"I'm done here," Steele said bluntly.

"Shame. We could have had a little fun," Balto said.


"Is that the best you can do, Rush? Come on, put some effort in it!" Balto said, looking back at his son. Rush grinned, before he conjured a tennis racket, and began to rapidly hit Balto's ass with it. Balto groaned and moaned in pleasure, enjoying the sensations.

The other son Balto had called over, Logan, refused to be outdone (or put his hand in the way of Rush's violet swings), and conjured up a cricket bat to hit his father's backside with.

Steele watched the whole thing in disbelief. How high was the wolf-dog's pain threshold, to be able to take getting spanked by a tennis racket and cricket bat and not yell out in agony?

"Well, take care, Steele. See you soon," Balto said. He smiled down at Jenna, saying, "Yeah, keep clenching around me just like that. Papa Balto's got a lot more cum in these nuts to give to you."

Jenna moaned in response, using her powers to try and tighten the grip her cunt had on Balto's cock. That, in turn, made Balto groan appreciatively, and start thrusting harder.

Steele glared at the scene for a few moments, before he marched to the front doors. Kodi followed, and, once Steele had left, shut the door. He then walked into the living-room, grinning as he watched Balto fuck Jenna senseless while Rush and Logan used their sport equipment to whack at his toned rump.

"Okay, boys, that's enough for now," Balto said. When Rush made to swing his racket one last time, he found it suddenly unable to move when it was just inches from hitting. "Don't push your luck, son. Papa doesn't take kindly to...disobedience," Balto said sternly.

Rush gulped, letting go of his racket and letting it drop with a clatter on the floor.

"Good boy," Balto growled. He swished his tail around for a moment, before using it to rub at Rush's sheath, making his son groan and nearly fall on his knees at the sudden bout of pleasure. "Now, how's my favourite bitch feeling?" Balto asked, hugging Jenna close as he slowed his hips down a little.

"I'm feeling...all the love you have for all of us," Jenna moaned, resting her head against Balto's strong pecs. Her eyes widened, before she started giggling when she felt Balto rub a hand against her ass for a moment. "Okay, big boy, hurry up and give me another load," Jenna said, looking up at Balto. He grinned down at her.

"Yeah, fill her, Dad!" Kodi cheered.

"Make Mom squeal!" one of Balto's daughters shouted. Everyone else started chanting for Balto to cum, which made Jenna grin up at him.

"Guess everyone wants you to breed me again," she said.

"Then I guess I have no choice," Balto replied. His grin grew wider, as he pulled his hips back as far as he could, stretching Jenna's mound out further than before. Jenna squealed at the sensation, before Balto slammed his hips forwards, refusing to pull back as he erupted inside her once again.

Splurt after delightful splurt sounded out, all the while Jenna's uterus greedily took his delicious serving of fertile cream. Every single gallon of Balto's sperm shot up through his glisten shaft, to be poured directly into her womb, where it truly belonged.

Jenna twitched and moaned as her womb began to swell once again as more and more wolfseed spilled into her. Retaining most of her lucidity, she looked up to watch her stomach grow so unfathomably wide. How many times had Balto climaxed in her that day? Ten? Fifty? It was impossible for anyone other than Balto to tell. In the end, though, Jenna didn't care - Balto could fuck her constantly for the rest of her life, and she'd enjoy every second of it. Instead, she just let her tongue dangle uselessly out of her mouth, resigning her mind and body to her husband's control.

After that orgasm was over (and the room stopped shaking), Balto gave a sharp tug at his and Jenna's conjoined genitals. Jenna yelped, looking up at Balto. He just grinned down at her.

"Come on, Mom, quit hogging him!" one of their daughters complained.

"Yeah, we want more turns with Papa!" Aleu said.

"Don't forget about us!" Rush exclaimed.

"Wait your turn, bastard," Saba, Balto and Jenna's second oldest daughter, said.

"What did you call me, bitch?!" Rush shouted.

"Hey, hey, now!" Balto said. "There's no need to fight over me. You all know I can satisfy you all," he added calmly. He gave Saba and Rush an expectant gaze, and the two apologised to each other.

Satisfied, Balto tugged at his tie again. Jenna whimpered, but spread her legs wider to try and help. Eventually, with the loudest splop everyone had ever heard, Balto managed to pull out of Jenna's pussy, stretching her hole wider than ever to let his still erect and swollen cock and knot free. The husky's pussy was unable to properly close, stuck gaping wide as it spilled gallons of puppy-batter, until Balto dismissively flicked his hand in her direction, plugging her up with a force-field.

Balto's cock was still pulsing and leaking his potent cum on the floor. By this time, more of his family and bitches had come downstairs, so those with enough mobility, and those who were fortunately close enough, happily touched the throbbing behemoth, with some even going so far as to lick it. The wolf-dog let them go through with it for a few minutes, enjoying the attention.

After those few minutes, though, Balto cleared his throat, and everyone touching him immediately stopped. They all looked at Balto, waiting for him to choose who he would fuck next. Rather than choose immediately, Balto took his time, knowing how it teased everyone and built up their anticipation.

"All right, my little sluts. My next bitch is going to be..." Balto began, pointing around at everyone for a few seconds, before finally settling on one person. "Aleu."

Immediately, everyone else started complaining.

"No fair!"

"I've been waiting for you to fuck me since we all woke up!"

"We agreed that I get to have that cock in me before Aleu has a second go!"


"Ah, ah, ah! What did I say?" Balto asked. Everyone fell silent, with some mumbling apologies. "Good. No more fighting over something you all will eventually get. Just some of you get to experience it earlier than others," Balto said calmly. He turned to look at Aleu, adding, "So, is my little baby ready to get her cunt filled again?"

"I always am, Papa," Aleu moaned. But when she tried to stand up so she would be in the prime position for Balto, her belly was too large for her to manage to any more than a few inches before falling back on her rear.

Balto sighed, flicking his hand up in Aleu's direction and forcing her to stand up properly. He then moved so that his tip was pointing at his daughter's gaped pussy. For a moment, Balto paused as he thought over how to fuck his daughter, and in that moment, Aleu anticipation grew more and more. She made sure to hold her tail up and to the side, leaving the way to her folds unbarred.

Finally, Balto settled on his usual (and preferred) method, and opened up to small portals before him, sticking his hands inside and gripping Aleu's hips on the other side. Gripping her tightly, Balto pulled back on her with ease while thrusting his hips forwards, shoving the first few feet of his throbbing cock into her warm, inviting cavern of a vagina. Aleu moaned in bliss, her already swamped depths ready and waiting to be filled even more with Balto's tar-thick seed.

"Oooh, yes, that's it," Balto moaned, pressing forwards. One hand left Aleu's hips to gently stroke along her back, giving her a sense of protection and love. Thick globs of cum were shooting out of his tip, melding with the semen already coating his cock and the cream inside her cave. Balto felt his balls move and press closer to him, tightening up slightly as they waited patiently to unleash their next load into Aleu's uterus.

The younger wolf-dog found herself gripping at her spherical stomach as she was tugged further back on Balto's cock. She clenched her teeth and eyes shut tightly, feeling her papa's enormous shaft spread her walls apart on its journey in her, sinking into a sex that could now only ever properly feel tight for Balto.

On and on Balto pulled on Aleu and pushed his hips, sliding in with minimal difficulty right up to his knot, thanks in part to their already greased up genitalia. But, of course, those bulging glands would be the hardest part to insert; if even Jenna, who was fucked by Balto near constantly, had trouble taking the knot, then how could Aleu even hope to easily take it?

Fortunately, Balto was not in the mood for struggling to tie her this time. Any other time, he enjoyed feeling his bitches stretch and strain to fit his gigantic bulge inside, but he was desperate to feel his daughter's body pressed against his own even more.

"Now, relax, Aleu," Balto said, "or you'll wind up getting hurt." His grip on her hips became so tight that it was a wonder how he didn't snap her bones, before he pulled back on her hard. At the same time, with a yell, Balto jabbed his hips forwards, magically stretching Aleu's hole far wider than before, allowing his knot to slip inside. And, with a loud snap, Balto's magical grip on Aleu's folds was released, and they shut comfortably around the entirety of the wolf-dog's immense penis.

Dazed from pleasure and pain, Aleu fell back into Balto's strong embrace. She could feel his cock throbbing and pressing against her spasming vaginal walls, and absolutely crushing her clitoris. Aleu could barely make a coherent sentence at that point, her mind being reduced to mush. All she could focus on was Balto. Even her powers would only let her see and hear Balto in that moment: every time he's fucked her in the past, all the future sex and pups they would have, and every dirty thought he had for her to hear.

Which is why it taken her a few minutes to realise that Balto had stopped moving. His hips had remained still, letting his heartbeat pulsing through his cock stimulate her and set off the orgasmic fire in her loins. Whimpering, Aleu looked up at her father.

"W-why did you stop?" she asked.

"Well, I had to make sure you calmed down. I don't want you accidentally causing everyone to get a headache," Balto said. He rubbed a hand on Aleu's head, adding, "Besides, you're always so fun to fuck when properly screaming my name."

Even though her tail was trapped between Balto's harder-than-diamond abs, Aleu tried wagging it as best as possible. Then she felt Balto pull back, straining her mound outwards and eliciting a needy whine from her, before he thrust into her repeatedly, gaining a slow, but forceful, rhythm that perfectly reminded Aleu who really owned her.

"How do you feel, my baby?" Balto _growled_in Aleu's ear, his deep voice sending chills down her spine.

"It... Ahh! It hurts a little... Ooooh, but I love it! I feel so good!" Aleu moaned back. Her powerful sex clamped tightly around him, squeezing and milking him as much as it could. Her body knew exactly what to do, what it wanted, but Balto was the one in true control of the situation.

"That's my girl," Balto said approvingly. He looked around at the others, before his eyes settled on Kodi. "Hey, Kodi!" he called. Slightly startled, Kodi looked over. "Come here, son. Daddy has a job for you."

Kodi sighed, before walking up to Balto. "Yes, Dad?" he asked.

"My ass is just begging for a good rimming. So get to it!" Balto said.

"B-but Dad, I was going to fuck Dusty," Kodi whined.

"Ah! Don't argue with me, Kodi. I said I wanted you to do a job for me, and that job is to eat out my ass. I don't _care_that you want to go and fuck Dusty right now, I just want you to do what you're told," Balto said. To Kodi's surprise, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the husky's muzzle, bringing it close to his own. "Remember, I cast a spell to keep my sperm from claiming all of Dusty's eggs. I can just as easily undo it, and claim all of her eggs before you even get a chance, just like I did with Jacob's wife. So, unless you want that to happen, get to it! Your muzzle, my ass."

When Balto let go after that, Kodi whimpered. He shuffled his way behind Balto, and found himself staring directly at the wolf-dog's firm, chiselled rump. Fortunately, since this wasn't his first time doing this, Kodi knew what to do, and pressed his face against his father's well-toned cheeks. He began licking, tasting Balto's musk directly.

"That's it, Kodi. Good boy! Glad you haven't lost any skill in rimming," Balto said. He moved a hand back to rub on top of Kodi's head. The husky gave a small murmur, but his voice was so muffled thanks to Balto's ass that no one could tell what he said, or what tone he used.

"Don't be so hard on him, Papa," Aleu moaned.

"Heh, I'm not, baby. But I gotta make sure everyone knows they're place," Balto said. He pushed his hips into hers, before pulling back and pressing his ass into Kodi's face even more.

"Did you really mean it when you said you'd reverse the spell on Dusty if Kodi didn't behave?" Saba asked.

"Of course I did. Just take a look at what I did to Bridget," Balto mused, pointing over to a female currently bloated with wolfseed in the conservatory.

Bridget was the wife of one of Balto and Jenna's sons, Jacob; a Chinook that Jacob had met not too long after he finished school. But not too long ago, Jacob had disappointed Balto one too many times, so in order to punish his son, Balto undid the spell keeping Bridget from getting permanently impregnated, and forced Jacob to watch as his wife became forever unable to have his pups, and only Balto's.

Even after that, Jacob stayed married to and in love with Bridget, and while she loved him in return, her womb would remain Balto's. Jacob was still allowed to mate with Bridget, but he could never impregnate her anymore. His behaviour had also improved afterwards, which Balto was proud of. The wolf-dog's only regret over the whole thing was that Jacob never put a pup in Bridget before she was claimed by Balto.

"Now, enough about all that. You've been waiting for another dose of Papa's cum," Balto said. He was thrusting in and out of Aleu vigorously now, making her yelp and yip in delight and pain. In spite of that, she managed to rock her hips back against every forward thrust, and pulled away when Balto did the same. She could feel his heart, beating in his muscled chest, and couldn't help but cherish the tender connection.

Balto smiled down at Aleu, gently rubbing her head, before he glanced back at Kodi. The husky was dutifully attending to the wolf-dog's backside, licking and kissing his ass with practised ease. But Balto wanted Kodi to get his mouth in deeper, and knew the perfect way to do so. Grinning, Balto, in an impressive display of control over his body, caused his rump cheeks to open wide by themselves, fully displaying his taut anus. Kodi only had a few seconds to realise what was happening, before Balto pushed himself back so Kodi's muzzle was buried in his tail-hole, and let his buns clap shut around his head.

Kodi gave a muffled whimper, but didn't move to try and free himself from the iron grip Balto's rear had on his face. Instead, he resigned himself to lick and tongue Balto's pucker like he would a bitch's pussy. Balto gave a pleasant moan, pressing his ass even further into Kodi's head - or was Kodi being pressed further into Balto's ass? There was no way for Kodi to tell.

The older hybrid just grinned, before pressing forwards hard into Aleu. He stopped doing full thrusts, instead switching to shorter, but equally forceful jabs. Aleu raised her head, tears starting to leak from her eyes as the bevy of emotions reached their peak in her. She clenched her vagina, milking the wolf-dog as hard as she could. Quiet pants could be heard from her, but everyone could hear her say, "Yes, Papa...Yessssssss."

By this point, Balto was moaning loudly, clearly nearing his peak, and Aleu was faring no better. Her pussy was spread wide by the hugely muscular, brown wolf-dog's humongous cock, and she was completely in love with the sensations. She clenched around his erection, pushed back even though he was already deeper inside than any other male could go. The girl's tail was wagging in time with Balto's, all the while she greedily sucked up every drop of cum Balto was offering her.

"It's coming, baby. Papa's cumming soon," Balto whispered in Aleu's ear.

But even with Balto being so close to his climax, and him sending Aleu through dozens of orgasms, it took a few minutes before the wolf-dog allowed himself to reach his peak. During that time, he resolutely slammed his hips into Aleu's, again and again. Her body was convulsing around him, the tight, inner walls of her snatch trying their hardest to coax his cum out.

And then, with a booming howl, Balto gave a final, hard thrust, and held himself in place as his balls pulsed and squeezed.


Aleu felt the warm rush of fertile sperm flow directly into her flooded womb, the loud, wet sounds of Balto's cum-splattered orgasm echoing around the entire town. In fact, the only thing louder than Balto's splurts was his howling, which sounded across the entirety of Alaska! The sensation of being seeded by her father made Aleu _howl_alongside him, her voice melding in tone with his, but failing to match in volume.

With each and every virile spurt_of luscious wolf-dog cum erupting inside Aleu's uterus, drenching every last inch of space in seed, her belly began to swell and bloat even further than it already was. Those _gushing deluges of spunk refused to accept that space was limited, and forced more to be made, inflating her like a balloon. Countless gallons of puppy-batter mixed and sloshed and _gurgled_in her bloated womb, fully cementing Aleu as one of Balto's bitches.

A few minutes later, the sounds began to dwindle. Balto and Aleu's howling vanished, replaced by harsh gasps for breath from Aleu, and satisfied growls and woofs from Balto. As proper lucidity flowed back into her mind, calming her powers down, Aleu ran a hand along part of her stomach, shivering at the ticklish sensation.

Balto whispered in her ears, "Good girl," before attempting to lean back against his balls. But upon feeling something get shoved deeper in his ass, he remembered that Kodi was there. Chuckling, the wolf-dog let his butt cheeks part themselves, before reaching back and grabbing Kodi by the scruff of his neck, tugging back on him.

The first breath of fresh, if still musky, air that Kodi got in a while actually stung his lungs. But he relished it, able to actually breathe proper air at last. He couldn't help but shake his head and blink rapidly as his eyes readjusted to the light, before he suddenly felt himself get dragged up.

"Glad to know that you're such an obedient boy, Kodi," Balto said. Kodi blinked again, before his vision finally restored fully, and he saw he had been pulled to stand directly next to his father. Balto grinned at him, before giving his son a playful, but very hard, _slap_on the ass. "Go on, son. Go and give Dusty a good fucking."

Kodi smiled, his sheath throbbing and his tip jutting out a few feet, before he practically skipped out of the living-room and upstairs to his room, and his waiting wife.

A few days later, Steele was up in his attic, adding ingredients to a cauldron on an old, small table near the middle of the room, while looking over the paper he had written the instructions for The Bull's Bane. As he told Sansha when he came back from Balto's, he didn't get the recipe for himself, but to keep Sansha safe from Balto's clutches.

Sansha, meanwhile, was downstairs brewing her own potion in the kitchen: a Heat Supressing Draught. While her heat was weeks away, Sansha saw nothing wrong in being prepared. She bottled the potion when she added the last ingredient for that stage of the potion's brewing cycle, intending to place the bottle in the fridge for the next nine days.

Just as she opened the fridge, however, she heard Steele come stomping down the stairs. He didn't look particularly happy when he walked into the kitchen, which Sansha noticed.

"Having trouble brewing that potion, Dad?" she asked.

"No, the potion's coming along fine. Just need to leave it for twenty-four hours to stew before I add the hippogriff claw," Steele said.

"Griffin claw, Dad," Sansha said. She placed her potion bottle in the fridge and shut it. "But I suppose that means you're close to finishing it."

"You could sound a little happier about it," Steele huffed. He sat down at the kitchen table, before pointing his finger at the coffee machine over in the corner. It turned on and started filling a mug.

"I don't want to have to resort to slipping a potion in that wolf-dog's foul gob just to keep him from trying to fuck me," Sansha said. She gave a frustrated sigh.

"Okay, come here," Steele said, beckoning her over. His daughter went over to him and sat on his lap, pressing up against his fat sheath. "I get that you don't like the idea too much, but this is all for you. If there is one thing I don't want to see happen, it's you being swayed over to the lobo's side," Steele said.

"I'm not Mom, Dad. Or any of my siblings, for that matter. They were weak, and I'm not," Sansha said.

"That I don't doubt, honey. I'm not making the potion because I think you'll fall for him like almost every other man and woman in the world. It's just a temporary solution, to buy you more time until we can find a way to get rid of Balto, permanently," Steele said. He rubbed her shoulder. "So, don't think of this as your old man being overprotective. I'm well aware that you're a capable young woman."

Sansha giggled, saying, "Thanks, Daddy," before hugging him. During the hug, she slyly moved her tail to stroke it along Steele's balls, making him groan.

"You sure know how to tease a man, Sansha," Steele grunted.

"Well, figure out a way to get rid of the wolf-dog, and I might...let you have my heats after it," Sansha whispered in his ear. Those words made Steele's eyes widen, before a wry grin appeared on his muzzle.


Sansha smiled, before hopping off Steele's lap, causing him to whimper for a moment, before walking out the kitchen. Steele watched her go, before he telekinetically pulled his now full coffee mug to him.

The next day, Steele headed out of the house to the local market near the town centre in order to get the griffin claw needed for The Bull's Bane, since he didn't realise until late the previous night that he didn't have any in the house. Sansha had left earlier to check out some books in the town library, so Steele hoped to come across her and walk her home when he was done.

Luckily for him, he found a seller at the market with griffin claw in stock, although he wasn't pleased at the price. But since he needed some quickly, he agreed to it. And once the claw was bagged and handed over, Steele made to walk off.

But as he turned around to go back and head to the library, he noticed something in the next street over. Thinking his eyes were playing tricks on him, he blinked and rubbed them for a moment, before looking again. The sight was still there, almost like it was mocking him.

Unwilling to believe it was real, Steele made his way to the street in question, only belatedly realising it was Aurora Avenue. And, to his horror, that the sight was indeed real.

Balto was in the middle of the street, leaning back against his gargantuan balls, his cock pointed straight up at the sky, shooting a near constant stream of cum into the air, like a perverted take on a volcano. Steele was surprised the street was as clean as it was - he was surprised the whole town was still relatively clean, actually - considering the sheer amount of semen Balto was spurting out.

When Steele managed to wrench his eyes from Balto's erupting cock, he saw a group of people crowded around the wolf-dog. Most were recording the scene with their phones, and some were clamouring to just get even the briefest of touches of the hybrid. But there was also a smaller group of people with news cameras reporting on the event. As Steele walked closer, he heard what the reporter, a pregnant snow leopard, was saying.

"So, I am here in Nome, home of the legendary Balto Salvatore, reporting live about one of the Alpha Supreme's latest ideas," the reporter said, before motioning behind her at the still cumming wolf-dog. She then walked up to him, saying, "Now, most men can't last two minutes before they 'run dry', yet Mr Salvatore here has been climaxing long did you say, again?"

"Nine hours and," Balto said, before looking at his watch, "forty-seven minutes." He was grinning, looking unfazed at his situation, acting as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Hearing that, Steele quickly scrambled to conjure his phone to check the time. Forty-seven minutes past nine in the morning. Steele looked up, unable to process the information. Balto was saying he had been cumming since midnight?

"Now, that's an impressive amount of time. And how long do you plan on doing this?" the reporter asked.

Balto eyed her, before simply stating, "If I wanted to, I could keep this up forever, Janet."

The reporter, Janet, couldn't help but giggle, and said, "And do you plan to?"

"Nah. If I keep this up forever, who's going to breed everyone? No, I only plan to keep this up for a week," Balto said.

"And may I ask why you decided to do this?" Janet asked.

"I just felt like it," Balto replied. He chuckled, adding, "But when I'm done, don't anyone worry. I'll move right back to breeding my bitches."

"Well, I'm sure everyone is looking forward to when that happens," Janet said, before she returned to the front of the camera to finish off her report.

Shaking his head, Steele walked up to Balto. Balto noticed him immediately.

"Ah, Steele! Wondered if you'd come over. What do you think?" the wolf-dog asked, pointing at his still _splurting_dick.

"I think...that you are completely nuts," Steele said. Balto raised an eyebrow. "I mean, look at you, Balto!" Steele continued. "What possessed you to cum into the sky for the entire morning? And...why," his voice lowered and grew a little anxious, "why isn't the town flooded with it?" The malamute didn't like the smirk Balto gave him after that last part.

For a few moments, the only sound between the two were Balto's splurts and rustling wind. But then, Balto beckoned Steele to come closer. Steele reluctantly did so, until he was standing pretty much within an inch of the wolf-dog. This close, even with the Musk Charm in effect, Steele felt hot and like he was unable to breathe.

"See, Steele, what I said to Janet for the news was true - that I am doing this simply because I felt like it - but that's only half the story. You know how the water cycle works, correct?"

"What has that got to do with anything?" Steele asked.

"Well, I'm simply bypassing a few steps of the cycle. Instead of waiting for my cum to evaporate and rise up to join the clouds, I'm putting it there directly," Balto said. "Which is also why barely any of it is falling back down at the moment. Until I'm finished, it's all staying up there."

"You mean to say you're planning on making it rain your cum?!" Steele asked.

"Precisely. You could say I'm impregnating the clouds," Balto responded, smirking. He patted his cock, which seemed to cause it to fire spunk even harder.

"You're sick. You know that? I honestly don't understand what anyone sees in you," Steele said. He backed up, before turning and running off. Balto watched him go, before settling himself back into his balls, pretty much using them as a bed.

For the next week, Balto stayed true to his word. He didn't move from his spot for the entire time; he just sat back against his balls, letting his cock fire upwards into the sky without restraint. Every now and then Jenna would go to Balto to give him some food and company, or it would be one of his daughters, or one of the many women and men he's claimed and dominated. But Balto refused to move or cease his orgasm, not until the week was over. Even Jenna couldn't persuade the wolf-dog to stop and come back home.

By the time the week had ended, however, Balto had one last thing he wanted to do. He even called Steele over to witness it, and the malamute, admittedly curious what the wolf-dog had planned, agreed to watch.

And, at the stroke of midnight, ending the week and beginning the next, Balto gave a loud yell as he thrust his hips up. His cock throbbed, before it unleashed the largest, hardest spurt of sperm anyone had ever seen. The stream of wolf-dog puppy-batter was so forceful that it burst through the Earth's atmosphere, firing through space, to land on and end up flooding the moon!

Only once he had done that did Balto let his orgasm cease. The stream of cum dwindled, still forceful enough to create a long streak along half of the Earth, before finally settling and leaving just a few small (for Balto, at least) trickles that leaked down the wolf-dog's red tower.

Steele just looked at Balto in shock, especially when the wolf-dog nonchalantly got up from his place and walked back home, leaving a large imprint of his balls in the ground behind him. The malamute had to admit, he admired Balto's stamina, being able to act like normal even after a week-long orgasm and shooting a load of cum hard enough to reach the moon. Steele knew he wouldn't be able to do anything even remotely similar; he couldn't make an orgasm last an hour, let alone a week, and he'd be lucky to be capable of being up for a fuck immediately after. But, judging from the sounds coming from Salvatore Manor (which, somehow, despite being in direct line of Balto's cum streak, remained relatively clean of the stuff) Balto was already fucking Jenna, or Aleu, or Saba, or any of his bitches.

Shaking his head, Steele made his way back home, before rushing to bed.

Over the next two weeks, not much seemed to have changed. The moon shone brighter at night, and the air around the world had a distinctly Balto taste for a few days, but other than that, things felt normal. Until the fourteenth day had passed.

Steele had woken up and showered, before heading downstairs and starting to cook himself and Sansha breakfast, when he noticed something large fall from the sky out the kitchen window. He looked out the window, before running to the conservatory to look out the window there, just in time to see a massive drop of cum fall with a splat on the ground outside. And then another. And another.

Before Steele could believe it, it had started raining semen. He watched, mouth agape, as the thick cream fell to the ground in heavy torrents, looking like a regular rainstorm, but with cum instead of water.

Upstairs, Sansha was watching from her bedroom window, just as aghast at the situation as her father. She quickly ran downstairs, just as Steele went to the living-room and turned on the news.

As it turned out, Nome was the only place in the midst of a 'cum-storm', as the news reporter put it. Balto had filled every cloud around the planet with cum, and even caused new ones to form as well. And, according to weather reports, they were unlikely to be fully empty for the next few months. Every time precipitation was to be expected, such as rain or snow, it would be Balto's sperm falling instead of regular water.

Steele and Sansha stayed in all day that day, as the cum-storm didn't seem to want to relent. Steele suspected that Balto or his sister-in-law Rosie were deliberately keeping the storm going, but had no way of telling for sure. He ended up shutting all the blinds and curtains around the house in an attempt to keep the sight of falling cum away, but the loud sounds of it splattering outside were harder to block out.

Eventually, Sansha had to use her telepathy to force Steele to ignore the sounds, having gotten fed up hearing him grumble about them. She then had Steele help her prepare dinner for that night, although she acted far more playful and alluring than usual. She even gave her father a couple hard spanks while he was sorting the oven out, not that Steele minded.

The next day, the rain had relented, for the moment. Seizing the chance, Steele quickly ran out and used his wand to trace a line on the ground around the house, forming a circle around Blackhawk Manor and its land. When done, he ran back inside to look through the Blackhawk Grimoire, then outside to the back yard. He then plunged his wand into the ground, saying, "Aqua Metura!"

The moment the spell left his lips, a pulse of red light emitted from his wand around the entirety of the circle he'd drawn, before all the cum that had landed inside it transformed into water. Steele then watched as a purple field of light rose out of the circle's circumference, growing and shaping into a bubble of light around Blackhawk Manor. Once the bubble had finished forming, it vanished from sight.

Satisfied, Steele walked back into the manor. Sansha was sitting in the living-room, reading the morning newspaper, when she heard Steele walk in, his feet leave wet squelches on the floor. Looking from her paper to her father, she couldn't help but give a disapproving look. Steele shrugged, before waving his wand and drying his feet and clearing the wet footprints he'd left behind him.

Just three hours later, the heavens opened again, pouring more cum drops to the earth below. This time, it was mainly just Alaska that delt with the cum-rain, but there were a few countries in Europe and Africa that had it as well. And this time, Steele had been looking forward to it. Because the moment the cum fell within the circumference of his circle, it was transformed into ordinary rain.

Steele watched with glee as Balto's cum-storm was rendered ineffective around his home. Believing he had managed to ruin the wolf-dog's plans to further humiliate him, the malamute happily sat himself in his living-room and watched several films on the TV, all the while rubbing both hands on his large, erect cock. The orgasms he gave himself that day were definitely some of his best. And cleaning up his cum afterwards was a fun time, too.

Having become more confident in his efforts to stop Balto, Steele began to seek out other people around the world who could help. To his luck, he came in contact with many men who had either become disillusioned with Balto, or outright hated the wolf-dog due to him taking any female he wanted, most of whom were mates with those same men.

But even though he managed to find others who had similar opinions to him about Balto, Steele found the connections the Blackhawk Family had were diminishing rapidly. While it wasn't a very influential family, the Blackhawk Family did hold some sway over areas of Alaska, and enjoyed negotiating travel and deliveries between countries for cheap. Now, Steele was lucky if he could get priority mail from Europe without having to pay a fortune.

A few weeks passed by, slowly for Steele, but quickly for Balto. The wolf-dog had found himself lovingly woken up by several of his daughters as they licked, sucked, and rubbed his cock in the early hours of the morning. With a little temporal manipulation, Balto managed to breed all of them twice before getting downstairs to join the rest of the family for breakfast.

The dining table (again, magically expanded to fit the dozens upon dozens of people living in the manor, as well as comfortably accommodate the males' enormous genitalia) was fairly messy by the time Balto and his recently bred daughters arrived. Food and juice had been thrown and spilt, along with cutlery and broken bowls and plates, but the biggest messes were the puddles, streaks, and splotches of cum covering the wood and floor.

Balto smiled at the sight, thinking it was actually rather tame compared to the ruckuses that could occur, before he went and sat in his usual chair at the head of the table, immediately calling Jenna over to give her yet another fuck. Jenna had obediently gone to him, and shortly after was pressed into the table as Balto spread open her pussy once again.

When he was done (and the table had been cleaned), Balto held Jenna close to him as he walked into the living-room, thinking. Jenna noticed, but didn't say anything. Instead, she just snuggled herself as close to him as she could, every now and then clenching her pussy around his cock.

Just after Balto had sat down in one of the armchairs, he looked down at Jenna, saying, "I've been thinking, and I reckon we should go and visit Venice today."

"What's brought this on?" Jenna asked.

"I felt like it. And I'm fairly certain there are still a few bitches in need of some wolf-dog dick over there," Balto said.

"Well, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself," Jenna said.

"Jen, if I'm going, then so is the rest of the family," Balto said.

"But what about the new-borns? Saba's still nursing her latest litter, and Valerie's struggling with weaning her youngest three, and..." Jenna began.

"Don't worry about it. My parents and your mom and sister can look after the younger ones, while the rest of us enjoy ourselves," Balto said. Jenna sighed, before giving Balto a deep kiss on the lips.

"Very well. Let's go to Venice, then," she said. Balto grinned, before raising his hand. He and Jenna Faded out of the manor.

All around the house, the members of the family were teleported out as well. Some were Faded, some Swirled, some vanished in flurries of tiny white and light-blue orbs, and a few were Flashed or Gleamed out.

In just a second, Salvatore Manor had gone from full and bustling with empty.

Outside, just two minutes later, a figure wearing a cloak with his hood up walked up to the manor. Unaware that the house was currently vacant, he got as close to the house as he could, right up to the fence. He looked around, before conjuring his wand and firing a spell at the manor.

The spell hit a small cluster of crystals placed on the side of the house, before sending streaks of orange light across the manor, hitting more crystals and creating a chain reaction. The cloaked figure turned and walked away, just as the last crystal placed on the house was hit.

For a few moments, all that happened was the manor started creaking loudly, with cracks forming in the wood. Then, with a tremendous BANG, the manor exploded, sending splintered and charred wood, shattered glass, and broken brick flying. The explosion was so powerful it ripped the enchantments concealing the manor's grounds apart, causing the area to rapidly expand, only to then shrink back to how it was before the manor was even constructed. The only thing that remained, aside from the rubble, was the statue of Balto.

As people rushed about in panic at the scene, the cloaked figure calmly left the area, before vanishing from sight. Many people ran to the now destroyed house, rummaging through the debris, fearing that the Alpha Supreme was dead.

An hour later, Steele and Sansha walked into the foyer of Blackhawk Manor, having just returned from a trip to Brazil. Steele had a bag slung over his shoulder, filled with ancient-looking scrolls which he hoped would provide him a method to help him defeat Balto.

While Steele went into his study to try and read the scrolls, Sansha walked into the living-room and turned on the TV. She flicked through the channels, barley suppressing a disgusted _growl_at the number of programmes showing Balto having sex, before stopping on a news channel.

"...hour ago, number forty-eight Aurora Avenue, home of Balto Salvatore, was destroyed in an explosion," the reporter said, standing in front of the debris that was Salvatore Manor.

"Dad!" Sansha called. Steele came running up to her, before looking at the TV screen when Sansha pointed at it.

"Local Officers of Law are looking into who caused the explosion, but early examination of the wreckage revealed traces of Charge Crystals. Charge Crystals, also known as just charges, are a powerful substance that, when activated by a spell, causes the object they have been implanted in to explode. As defined by the Urban Protection Act of Nineteen Ninety-Nine, the use of charges to destroy a home that has not been condemned is illegal, and warrants a ten-year prison sentence," the reporter continued.

"Someone blew up the mutt's home?" Steele asked.

"Looks like it. Hopefully he was killed in the explosion," Sansha said. She sat down, just as a letter was posted through the mailbox. Steele went and picked it up. Seeing that it was addressed to him, he opened it and read it.


By the time this letter reaches you, the task I gave myself will have been completed.

I have placed charges around the wolf-dog's house, and I intend to set them off in the early morning. With luck, the resulting explosion will be enough to finally rid the world of the plight that is Balto Salvatore.

I am aware that the Investigations Office in the Department of Law will be able to trace my magical residue from the charges back to me, but I care not about it. Ten years in prison is a price worth paying to have the wolf-dog destroyed.

A follower.

Steele looked over the letter, eyebrow raised. He couldn't help but feel disappointed. Not with the plan the letter detailed, but with the fact that it wasn't him who did it. But then curiosity set in.

Was Balto really dead?

Wanting to know for certain, Steele made up an excuse to Sansha, before rushing out of the house and down to Aurora Avenue. A crowd of people had gathered, held back by some of the Officers of Law, all of them staring at the pile of destruction before them. There were Officers searching through the detritus, trying to find any bodies that may have been there. Among the crowd, Steele noticed Nikki, Kaltag, and Star were near the front, looking worried. Steele could also see the news team nearby, still reporting on the situation.

Noticing the statue was still intact, Steele couldn't stop himself from muttering, "The whole place goes up in flames, and that bloody thing survives?" He shook his head, but had to admit he admired the durability the statue had. But seeing that the rest of the house was destroyed, with no Balto in sight, the malamute smirked to himself, and made to walk away, when something happened that made his jaw drop.

Just before the fence, Balto and Jenna Swirled in, while nearby, the rest of their large family were teleported in. At first, everyone was silent, with Balto and his family looking in confusion at the state their home was in, and everyone else in shock at the fact that they were alive. Then, there was an explosion of noise; everyone aside from Steele clambered over to Balto, all of them desperate to see if he really was there.

Balto let them rush him for a few moments, before silently indicating for them to stop. He then stepped towards the ruined manor, and the Officers in or around the wreckage respectfully backed away.

"Well, what happened here?" Balto asked. He didn't sound angry; in fact, he seemed quite amused by the situation.

"Um...someone blew up your house," an Officer of Law said.

"Really, Pakak, it's no wonder you've not managed to rise above a basic Officer," Balto said. He glanced at the Officer in question, and added, "I hope your wife and daughter are the ones actually looking after the pups I put in them."

A few of the other Officers snickered at Pakak's expense, only to instantly shut up when Balto looked at them. That didn't stop people in the crowd from laughing, however.

"Now, let me guess. Someone set up some Charge Crystals on the house, with the intention of blowing it up while I'm still there?" Balto asked.

"That's what it looks like, sir, but't know who set the charges," a different Officer responded.

"Oh, that's easy to work out. Doug Graves. He lives in Buckland," Balto said. Everyone looked at him in surprise and admiration. Steele had to momentarily look away to keep anyone from seeing his scowl.

"I'll go and make the arrest, then," an Officer said. He made to Disapparate, but Balto stopped him by grabbing hold on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. I don't mind that the house was destroyed. I was planning on remodelling it anyway," he said. "Besides, no one was harmed. The house was empty," he added.

"Through a stroke of luck, surely!" someone exclaimed.

"Sure, it was lucky, but the point still stands. If it weren't for me deciding to go and breed the Venetian bitches, then I'd most likely be in that pile of rubble. But I'm not, and honestly I'm in a good mood thanks to fucking so many cunts," Balto said, crossing his arms.

"But, sir, the law says..."

"Need I remind you that, as the Alpha Supreme, I make the law?" Balto asked. The Officer bowed his head. "Now, I might as well sort this out," Balto continued. He waved his hand in a few circles before him, magical energy following his fingers.

Magical energy swirled around the wreckage, before growing into a huge vortex. Everyone watched the display as the vortex spun faster. The houses on either side of the wreck suddenly started to move further away, while the vortex grew wider and larger. The broken parts of the house began flying around as well, before getting obscured by the vortex.

Finally, after a few minutes, Balto clenched his fist, and the magical vortex vanished. Now that the vortex was gone, everyone could see what now it had done. Instead of revealing a repaired Salvatore Manor, a much larger, more grandiose mansion stood in its place.

Five floors high, the newly built mansion was made of smooth bricks painted a soft blue, with sloping black roofs and several dormers. Rather than a perfect rectangle, on either side of the mansion's front, a large section, roughly an eighth-of-a-mile, jutted out roughly twenty feet. The front doors were now in the middle of the mansion, underneath a large, receded balcony, which, in turn, was below a large dormer, with a tall archway giving entrance and forming a porch around five feet in size. Two other balconies sat, one each, on the extended parts of the mansion. At the top of the mansion, just off centre, was a square clocktower, with a balcony below it, and a turret on top. Another turret sat next to the tower, but was not as high. A small bridge connected the lower turret to the clocktower balcony. At the back left of the mansion was a large, glass dome.

Steele looked at the newly built mansion with his jaw dropped. Balto's house before had the effect of making nearly every other house in Nome (including, he reluctantly admitted, his own) look small or substandard, but now it made every building in the town look like primitive shacks in comparison.

"Wow, Balto, that looks amazing!" Star shouted.

"Yeah, Dad, nice one!" Kodi cheered.

"Can we move in as well?" someone asked.

"I'll be lucky if I can get Robert to make our house even a quarter as impressive as this."

"How big is it, Balto?" Nikki asked, walking up to the wolf-dog.

"Half-a-mile in length, quarter-of-a-mile in width. And the grounds are two miles," Balto replied.

Steele felt his eye twitch. At this point, he was sure Balto did this solely to irritate him - why else would he choose to make his home so big and extravagant?

Balto brought Jenna close to him as he flashed a smirk over at Steele, saying, "What do you think, Jen?"

"I think...that we better get it filled up," Jenna replied, grinning lustfully at her husband.

"Now that's an idea I can get behind," Balto said. He picked Jenna up in his arms, before marching towards the house. The moment they passed through the gate, the area inside grew into expansive grounds of lush, green grass, with many flowers and hedges and trees growing around. A gravel pathway, wide enough for two cars to comfortably drive side-by-side, led from the gate up to the front of the mansion, a good fifty feet away.

As their kids followed, eager to explore their new home, the fence around it started to glow with bright light, before collapsing into magical energy, which then reformed into large, stone walls that stood around eleven feet tall. The formerly wooden gate had also transformed, but into a wide pair of wrought iron gates.

While a few people stayed to admire the new mansion a little more, others left to return to whatever it was they were doing. Nikki and Kaltag headed to a nearby pub, talking about how exhausting they found raising Balto's pups could be, and Kaltag complaining that Erica never felt tight for him anymore, with Star tagging along. Steele, however, walked up to the gates, before looking in and seeing Balto and his family get closer to the mansion's front doors. He gave an annoyed growl, before turning and Disapparating.

A few more weeks passed by, and one morning, Steele woke up quite late into the morning. He didn't want to move from the bed, even trying to bury his head in his pillow to fall back asleep, but the smell of freshly cooked bacon eventually enveloped his nose and got his stomach grumbling.

Sighing, Steele rolled onto his back, before throwing back his covers and shifting himself so he was sat on the side of the bed. He ran his hands over his head for a moment, and stood up. He stumbled for a moment, realising his balls felt much heavier than the previous night. Looking down, Steele didn't see anything out of the ordinary; his balls looked the same shape and size as before.

Chalking it up to the fact he hadn't had a decent orgasm in a while, Steele made his way out of his bedroom and downstairs, dragging his heavy nuts along the floor as he did so. Once he was downstairs, he walked over to the kitchen.

Sansha was there, using her power over fire to effortlessly cook some strips of bacon quickly, and then charm some bread to wrap around them.

"Morning, Dad," she said, sending a plate with a few bacon sandwiches over to the kitchen table just as Steele sat down.

"Morning, honey," Steele said. He took a bite out of one of the sandwiches, and smiled. "This tastes great."

"Thanks. I worried I might have burnt the bacon," Sansha replied. She finished making her own bacon sandwiches, before carrying her plate over to the table and sitting down opposite Steele.

The two sat and ate their breakfasts in near silence for the next few minutes, before Steele heard his phone go off. He quickly conjured it from the pocket dimension he kept it in, and looked at it. He'd received a text from Nikki, asking him to head to a nearby mountain range.

Confused, Steele looked up at Sansha, who was currently reading a page from a magazine.

About half an hour later, Steele and Sansha both Flashed in before the base of a mountain that had recently been christened Eagle's Peak, so named because of the high number of bald eagles that nested there. Steele looked around, before he saw Nikki waving to him, closer to the mountain. The two malamutes walked up to him, spotting just behind him an excavation crew attempting to dig into the mountain.

"Hey, Steele. Glad you could come," Nikki said.

"Why did you need me to come here? What's going on, Nikki?" Steele asked.

"Oh, that's simple. See, me and the boys got contracted to construct a tunnel through Eagle's Peak so a train can pass through, connecting Nome and Anchorage. Except it's taking a lot longer than we anticipated," Nikki said, pointing at the excavation group. Steele raised an eyebrow, but Sansha beat him to the punch.

"So why call Dad here? Why not ask Tempus or someone to speed up your crew's time or something?" she asked.

"Well, the deadline for us to have the tunnel completed is tomorrow evening, and if I'm right, at our current pace, we'll not have it finished for another three days. But since you're a telekinetic, Steele, I thought you might be able to speed up the process," Nikki said.

"You expect me to speed up digging a tunnel?" Steele asked.

"Can't be too hard, can it? I mean, you've torn rocks off cliffs before," Nikki said. Steele thought it through.

"Go for it, Dad." The voice made Steele jump, before he looked at Sansha. She smiled. "Go on, do it. Maybe you'll make these dimwits realise you're a reliable guy to fall back on, instead of Balto."

Hearing his daughter say that to him telepathically, Steele recognised she was right. Him helping Nikki to dig a tunnel and therefore speed up the process of a trainline being built between Nome and Anchorage would definitely make him seem better than Balto.

With a nod, Steele looked at Nikki, saying, "Fine, I'll help."

"Great!" Nikki said, before leading Steele up to the excavation site. Once up there, Steele could see they really hadn't made much progress; the tunnel they were meant to be constructing looked little more than a dent in the mountainside.

"And when exactly were you contracted to do this?" Steele asked, waving a hand and shifting a few rocks out of the hole.

"The contract was signed last Friday, but we weren't able to get permission from the Council until yesterday evening," Nikki said. Steele looked at him in surprise.

"Surely it would've made more sense to get permission from the Council first before signing a contract," he said. Nikki shrugged. Sighing, Steele looked back at the site, before holding his hands out. Focussing on the hole, Steele clenched his fists and pulled back. Cracks formed in the rock, before, with a lot of effort on his part, Steele managed to wrench a large portion of rock from the hole. He threw his hands back, tossing the rock behind him to land (safely) on the ground.

"See? I knew you could do it, Steele!" Nikki said. Steele smirked, relishing in the praise, however small it may seem. He felt like he had gone back in time, to when Nikki, Kaltag, and Star were his sycophants, and not mindless drones for Balto.

For the next hour, Steele helped the crew by using his telekinesis to rip large amounts of rock out of the mountain, while they refined the tunnel. Sansha just sat back and watched, enjoying the sight of several men working hard.

After Steele managed to pull a particularly large piece of rock from the tunnel and toss it to the pile behind him, he grinned. The tunnel now had enough depth to it to be considered a cave, which Steele felt was good progress. If he had to guess, he'd say they were a quarter of the way there.

"Well, this is an interesting sight."

Steele and Sansha whipped around in fright, while the rest of the excavation crew turned in delight, to find Balto standing nearby, watching.

"What are you doing here, Balto?" Sansha asked, not bothering to hide the venom in her voice.

"Just came to see how the tunnel's coming along, that's all," Balto said, walking up to the group. As he did so, Steele noticed his muscles looked bigger, more toned, than the last time he saw him. Balto caught Steele's eyes, before chuckling. "I take it you noticed, huh?"

"W-what?" Steele asked, snapping out of the daze Balto's godlike physique put him in.

"Guess the little puppy is feeling jealous," Balto taunted in a mock baby voice.

"If you're just here to show off your muscles, then piss off! Dad and the others need to get back to work," Sansha snapped.

"You think I don't know that?" Balto asked. He strolled past Steele to the tunnel, glancing at it. "From the looks of things, though, you lot need help if you want to get this tunnel ready in time," he said.

"That's why I'm here," Steele pointed out.

Balto gave the malamute a passing glance as he said, "I meant help from a proper man."

"What'd you say?!" Steele asked, angered.

"You heard me, blue-balls," Balto retorted. He turned and looked at the tunnel. "Still, I suppose you made some good progress. But with numb-nuts over there being the guy meant to handle moving most of the rock," he continued, jerking his head in Steele's direction, "it's little wonder you haven't got this tunnel properly sorted."

"I've only been at it for an hour, wolf-dog," Steele gritted.

"And yet you're making incompetence sound like an achievement," Balto responded. At that, everyone except Steele and Sansha laughed. "Now, give me a few minutes, and I'll have this tunnel dug out properly," Balto said.

"Let me guess, you'll just snap your fingers and the tunnel will just be there?" Steele asked, scoffing. Balto chuckled at his response.

"See, there's the fundamental difference between you and I, Steele. So over reliant on magic. You can't even fully satisfy a bitch without needing to use some form of magic," Balto said. He placed a hand on his ginormous sheath, and continued, "But me? I just need to be in the same room, and all my bitches will be screaming my name. I don't need magic to make my life easy, or hype up my sexual abilities. Just pure, simple masculinity. And a cup of Jen's coffee every morning." That final statement drew a few chortles from the excavation crew.

"T-then how are you going to dig the tunnel?" Steele asked. Balto rolled his eyes.

"God, you're dumb," he muttered.

"Don't insult my dad like that!" Sansha said.

"Ain't an insult if it's the truth," Balto countered. He looked over at Steele, stating, "Isn't it obvious, Steele?" He patted his sheath for emphasis, causing a few feet of cock to jut out.

Steele's eyes widened when he caught on what Balto planned on doing.

"You mean, you're going to..." he began.

"Give the boy a prize. He's not _that_dumb, then," Balto fake praised. He stepped closer to the tunnel, widening his stance and pointing his erecting cock at it. "Get ready, boys. Cause when Papa Balto's done here, you'll be adding the finishing touches."

Everyone watched in disbelief as Balto thrust his hips forwards, plunging his cock into the tunnel. The sound of rock _shattering_could be heard, and when Balto brought his hips back, pulling his cock out of the tunnel, there was tiny pieces of rock and debris on the tip. Balto didn't seem phased, and just slammed his cock back into the tunnel.

Ignoring the others' stunned expressions, Balto pulled back a few feet, and thrust in even further than before. He was treating the slowly forming tunnel like he would a bitch's pussy! The rocky walls did not matter to the Alpha Supreme, despite the likely jagged or broken pieces of stone inside. Balto would retreat two or three feet every time, only to then press forwards further and further with every thrust.

Trails of pre-cum started to flow out of the tunnel, some of it carrying small pieces of rock and dust along. Considering there was no sign of blood, Steele and Sansha both couldn't help but wonder just how tough Balto's cock was.

After only ten minutes, Balto had pushed his cock inside far enough that his knot was partially in the tunnel's mouth. It was an impressive feat of strength, but Balto knew it would not be good enough. He flashed a smirk over to the others, before flying up and angling himself so he was lying horizontally in the air, and his cock was floating a few inches above the ground. He then brought himself back so that just his tip was in the tunnel.

"Hey, Nikki!" Balto called, making the chow-chow look up at him. One of Balto's portals then opened up beside Nikki, with the other end directly beside Balto's backside. "Time for you to put those strong hands of yours to use. Give me some encouragement," Balto said.

Nikki looked excited at the prospect, far more excited than Steele figured he should. He happily stuck his hand into the portal, before feeling about for a second. Balto just patiently waited. When Nikki felt his hand brush against one of Balto's glutes, he grinned up at the wolf-dog, who smirked and nodded. Nikki nodded in return, before bringing his hand up, and...


The sound of the chow-chow's hand impacting on the wolf-dog's buttock echoed around the area. But Nikki wasn't done, raising his hand and slamming it back down on Balto's butt, and again, and again. He didn't let up, repeatedly spanking his friend and Alpha like his life depended on it.

Balto happily groaned, his toes curling, at the bouts of pleasure he was receiving. His cock throbbed and leaked tremendous amounts of pre, dislodging more pieces of rock in the tunnel entrance.

After about a minute or two, Nikki reached slightly further into the portal, intending on starting to strike Balto's other rump cheek. But just before he swung his hand down, the portal moved and forced his arm to exit, a move that caused Nikki to stumble for a moment when his swing hit nothing.

Everyone looked up, just in time to see Balto grin down at them, before he shot himself forwards. His cock was like a missile, or, more accurately, a rocket, launching towards the tunnel. It shot inside easily enough, and then, with a sound akin to that of an explosion, the tip made contact with the end of the tunnel, shattering metres of rock into dust and allowing Balto to cram his entire cock, all the way up to his groin, inside the tunnel.

Balto then started humping back and forth, hugging the part of the mountain above the tunnel entrance as much as he could. The others down below had a near perfect view of the action, seeing Balto's balls bounce and sway in the air, part of his cock briefly exiting the tunnel, only to then be shoved back in almost as quickly, all below the muscular god of a wolf-dog, letting his hips thrust and his ass flex in mid-air.

"This guy just has no shame," Steele thought.

On and on and on, Balto fucked the mountain, proving himself to be a force that can dominate nature itself. There was very little that could stand up to him, and mountains clearly weren't one of them. The wolf-dog had started getting harder in his movements, so hard that the entire mountain was starting to shake! Disgruntled eagles flew out of their nests, but none moved to attack Balto. Luckily for them, Balto was making sure that all the nests on the mountain weren't destroyed, and that any eggs in them remained safe.

"If he keeps this up, he's gonna uproot the thing!" someone whispered to Steele.

Steele growled, before saying, "Are you just here for the running commentary?"

"No need to get so uptight, bud. No wonder you can't match Balto's might," the bloke responded. He walked over to some of the others, and they watched Balto in delight.

"That should be me_,_" Steele said to himself.

"Don't worry, Dad. We'll find a way to fix this," Sansha thought to him.

Finally, Balto gave out a loud howl, rocketing his hips forwards and hurling his cock deeply into the tunnel. Steele swore he saw a small spark of magical energy near Balto's groin, but had no time to dwell on that. The sound of rocks crumbling could be heard over Balto's_howling_, only to be drowned out by the loud, wet splurts of the wolf-dog's climax.

Balto's balls pulsed and clenched like usual, but as they were hovering mere inches above the ground, they didn't cause tremors in the surrounding area. But on the other side of the mountain, cum was flowing out of the now fully finished tunnel, turning the exit into a drooling mouth.

It was over almost as quickly as it had begun. With a final jerk of the hips, Balto propelled himself back, pulling his cock out of the tunnel. He landed a few feet away, letting his still leaking cock spray his cream over the ground.

"There you go, boys. One tunnel, freshly fucked into existence," Balto said. Everyone immediately looked, and saw he was correct. Light could now be seen at the end of the (very gooey and sticky) tunnel, meaning it was, indeed, fully dug out.

"That's amazing! Now all that needs to be done is refining the walls and then construction on the train tracks can start!" Nikki said.

"Oh, that's an easy task for you. Just use the Gouging Spell to smooth out the tunnel," Balto said.

"Got it," Nikki said, before he turned to the rest. "You heard the boss, boys. Get to it!" They all nodded, and went to the tunnel, brandishing wands and starting to refine the tunnel. Nikki then turned back to Balto, saying, "Thanks for the help, Balto. We couldn't have finished the tunnel without you."

"Er, I helped out too," Steele pointed out.

"Yeah, Dad managed to get some progress done. Besides, you called Dad over to help, not him," Sansha said.

"And look at the time and effort I've saved him from wasting. Like I said earlier, Steele relies far too heavily on magic. Can't blame him, though, he's not likely to reach peak masculinity like me," Balto boasted.

"Yeah, Balto fucked a mountain! That's way more impressive than Steele ripping rocks out of it," Nikki said.

"Shut up, Nikki," Sansha said.

"So he fucked a mountain, big deal," Steele added, trying not to sound jealous. "I bet it took him a lot of effort to do it, anyway."

"Please. If I wanted, I could level the entire mountain with just a slap of the dick. I was actually holding back quite a bit," Balto said. He then chuckled. "Actually, there's an idea," he mused.

"Well, you can leave me out of it," Steele said. He looked at Nikki, before practically spitting at him, "Thanks for wasting mine and Sansha's time, Nik."

"No need to get so angry, Steele," Nikki said, shrugging. Steele growled, before grabbing Sansha's arm and Flashing out. Both Nikki and Balto looked at each other, before they both shrugged.

A few days passed since the incident at the mountain. Steele, whether out of anger or sheer stubbornness, stayed mostly in his study, searching for ways to defeat Balto. But with his connections and number of friends dwindling, in spite of the growing following of people also wishing to see Balto gone, it was becoming harder for Steele to create decent plans.

But his search and planning were interrupted one day, when, to the horror of everyone on the planet, the one sound no one wanted to hear could be heard. The deep, gong-like sound of the Cloister Bells ringing.

Panic ran amok throughout the world, as that sound meant one thing: the Bells could sense danger. And as every Bell for every country was ringing, it meant the danger was worldwide.

Steele ran out of his study, to find Sansha standing in the living-room, looking at the TV. A news report was currently showing, explaining that a meteor was heading straight for Earth, large and fast enough to easily wipe out all life on the planet within moments. The report went on to state that, in preparation a few months ago, a protective shield had been cast around the world, but splinters of the meteor, broken off earlier, had smashed holes into the shield, and the meteor itself was likely to completely shatter the shield entirely before crashing into the planet.

As people screamed and ran around outside (with some taking advantage of the chaos to loot shops and homes), Steele and Sansha went and stood out on the veranda of their home. Up in the sky, they could see the rippling magical energy that was supposed to be the protective shield, and, further beyond, the fiery sphere that was the incoming meteor.

"You wouldn't happen to underground bunker capable of surviving the apocalypse built in the basement and just never told me about it, would you?" Sansha asked, looking at Steele.

Before Steele could answer, someone shouted his name. "STEELE!" Turning to look, Steele and Sansha watched as Star and a few others ran up to the foot of the steps leading up to Blackhawk Manor.

"Star? What..." Steele began.

"You're telekinetic, right? Can't you...just shove the meteor away?" Star asked.

"You want shove away a meteor?" Steele asked.

"You gotta try, Steele!"

"Yeah, please, just try!"

"You're our last hope!"

"Why don't you go ask Balto?" Steele asked.

"He wouldn't...answer his door," Star mumbled.

"So I'm your backup plan, huh?" Steele asked, unimpressed. He huffed and shook his head. "Sorry, but I can't. Even if I wanted to, I don't have the kind of power needed to do it."

"You won't even try?" one of the guys who followed Star asked.

"Dad, maybe you should try. Your powers might have advanced enough to do it. Besides," Sansha said, before lowering her voice to a whisper, "you can prove to be more reliable than Balto."

Steele thought it over for a moment, before looking at Sansha, then Star and the others. Before anyone could say anything, Steele Disapparated.

"Where did he go?"

"Did he bail on us?"

"Ugh, rude."

"If I'm gonna be let down before dying, I would have preferred he said so."

"Dad, what are you doing?" Sansha muttered to herself.

A split second later, Steele Apparated beside his daughter, before grabbing her arm.

"Come on, town centre," he said, Disapparating again, taking Sansha with him.

"Did he just say 'town centre'?"

"Let's go!"

The group of males quickly ran to Aurora Avenue, and found Steele using his wand to draw a circle in the middle of the street.

"So, what exactly is your plan?" Sansha asked.

"I had to go check the Grimoire, but this ritual - Centrik's Ring of Enhancement - boosts the magical power of whoever stands inside it. Should give me enough of an increase to knock that meteor away," Steele said. He muttered a rather lengthy incantation under his breath once he finished the circle, before tapping his wand on the outline. Magical symbols etched themselves inside the circle, before glowing a brilliant blue.

Grinning, Steele stepped into the circle. Immediately, he felt even more powerful than just a moment ago, while his feet felt like he was standing on warm sand. With everyone around watching with bated breath, Steele looked up at the approaching meteor, before holding his hands out.

When he felt he had the meteor in his (metaphorical) grasp, Steele clenched his fists, before, with a yell that sounded close to a roar, he threw his arms to the side. The effort caused the circle to vanish as a wave of energy erupted around him, knocking everyone else back and causing nearby windows to shatter.

Steele panted, before he collapsed to his knees. Huffing, he grinned, before looking up, expecting to find the sky clear. But, to his horror, the meteor was still heading to Earth, just at a slightly different angle!

"I-it's still coming towards us!" someone screamed.

"We're doomed!"

Everyone started rushing about in even more of a panic than before. Sansha ran over to Steele and knelt down beside him, and they both looked up at the oncoming meteor.

"Wow, you lot really are useless without me, huh?"

Steele and Sansha turned to look behind them, and saw Balto strolling down the street, sheath and balls swaying and bouncing with every step he took.

"Balto?" Steele asked. He dreaded whatever would happen next, fully expecting to hear more humiliation from the wolf-dog.

"I suppose some people would say I am unfashionably late, but no matter. I'm here now, and since everyone else is struggling, I guess it's up to me to sort this mess out," Balto said, ignoring Steele for the time being. He walked past the two malamutes, until he was standing a few feet in front of them. Seeing Balto raise a hand, ready to snap his fingers, Steele figured the wolf-dog was going to magically rebound the meteor.

He was proven wrong less than a second later, as when Balto snapped his fingers, all that happened afterwards was the Alpha Supreme's cock erecting to full. He then angled himself so that his tip was pointing in the meteor's direction, before running his hands along part of his knot. Every so often, he'd use magic to rub and tickle the parts of his cock that he couldn't reach otherwise. The sight was so odd, and so arousing, that even those who were downright terrified of their impending doom stopped to watch.

After a few minutes, Balto gave a low grunt of warning, followed by an eerie silence. Then, with a force that could make tidal waves look like droplets, cum erupted out of Balto with a booming _splurt!_Gallons of hot, white genetic stew shot up through the sky, rocketing towards the meteor. Upon contact, Balto's puppy-batter won, ramming into the meteor with enough force to not only knock it off its earthbound course, but send it shooting right into the sun!

Even with the meteor now no longer a problem, Balto kept his orgasm up for another few minutes, enjoying himself far too much to let it end that moment. Once he did let it end, splattering cum as far as the eye can see, Balto looked around at everyone.

"No need to worry anymore. That rock isn't going to be hurting anyone now. You're welcome," he said.

At first, stunned silence. And then, rampant cheering and screams of adulation as everyone crowded around Balto. Everyone, that is, except Steele and Sansha. The two of them had retreated to an alleyway, safely avoiding the crowd that would have surely crushed them to death otherwise.

Balto held his hands up after a few minutes, causing the crowd to calm down, and slowly disperse, with Balto promising to visit all of them soon for some 'intimate thanks'. He then walked up to the alleyway Sansha and Steele were in. Steele stood definitely in front of Sansha, as if to say, "If you want her, you'll have to go through me."

"Why so tense, Steele?" Balto asked. Steele glared at him. "Now, I know I said a couple weeks ago at the mountain range that you rely too much on magic, but this takes the cake. I figured you'd have something to make up for it - quick thinking, logic, just something- but from how you tried to handle this? Evidently not."

"What are you..." Sansha began.

"I'll be honest with you, Steele," Balto interrupted, holding up a hand, "it's honestly pathetic. How can you expect to match me in power or might, if you can't even sort out something like a meteor strike?"

"I had a plan," Steele muttered.

"And it was shit. Oh, I'll give you credit for using Centrik's Ring of Enhancement - it's a very little-known spell - but you went about it in entirely the wrong way. The Ring of Enhancement was designed to just boost a wizard's power slightly, like a megaphone enhances someone's voice, not augment them to incredibly high levels like a jet engine on a bike," Balto said. He reached out to pat Steele on the shoulder, but the malamute recoiled before he could. "Well, either way, try to use this as a learning experience," Balto said. He turned and left.

Steele and Sansha looked at each other, before Steele grabbed Sansha's wrist and Gleamed out.

More time passed since then. Whether it was weeks or months, Steele had no clue. He didn't care, either, focussing more on something he believed would be vital to helping him defeat Balto. He used what remained of his, now rapidly diminishing, connections, chased whatever leads he could find, and, occasionally, enlisted the help of those sympathising with his cause, all just to track down this single item.

The malamute wasn't content to just sit back, however. Whenever a solid lead presented itself, he, and a reluctant Sansha, travelled to whatever country it took them too. Most of the time, to Steele's disappointment and Sansha's growing exasperation, they didn't reveal much more than what Steele already knew.

Finally, after ages of searching, and having spent a fortune to obtain it, Steele found himself, one morning, in his study, a small box on his desk, having just been delivered. He used his wand to unseal the box, before nervously opening it and taking out what was inside.

It was a necklace. The chain was silver, and intimately woven to appear as though made of silk. The charm, however, was what made the necklace truly special. Appositely called a Moon Pearl, it was a small pearl designed to look like the full moon, with magical symbols etched onto it; the Moon Pearl was both eye catching, and powerful, for it had the power to augment the powers of the wearer.

Steele felt over the necklace and Moon Pearl, already feeling its power flowing through him. Grinning, he then put the amulet on. Immediately, the power he felt earlier was amplified, _his_power was amplified.

Excited to try it out, Steele looked around, before focussing on a pen on his desk. As Steele concentrated, the pen floated into the air, before splitting apart into its individual pieces. Steele twitched one of his fingers, and the ink reservoir went shooting off at incredible speed towards the wall. Steele watched it go, before he looked back at the rest of the pen. He raised an eyebrow, thinking, then clenched his fist.

The rest of the pen suddenly disintegrated, becoming tiny pieces of dust that piled on the desktop. Steele laughed, amazed at the level his powers can grow to. And that was just his telekinesis. What could his ice powers do? Or his speed?

As Steele thought it over, he walked out of his study and to the kitchen. Sansha was there, reading a book.

"Well?" Sansha asked, not looking up from her book.

"It works. The amulet really did amplify my powers," Steele said. Sansha looked up.

"Really? Then what can you do?" she asked.

"I'm not sure about the rest, but I'm able to rip things apart on an atomic level," Steele said.

"Sounds like you need to get some practise in," Sansha noted. Steele nodded, before running insanely quickly to the garden. He was so fast that, for a moment, Sansha thought he'd teleported. To Steele, however, time seemed to slow down to a crawl. Unable to resist, rather than take the direct route to the garden, he ran around the entire house, grabbing the Blackhawk Grimoire in the process, before reaching the garden, in just a few seconds. And he didn't even feel exhausted.

For the rest of the day, Steele trained and practised with his newly enhanced powers. His ice powers, he discovered, had evolved far enough that, not only could he create ice that was almost completely indestructible, but also form huge snowstorms and blizzards with ease (and, fortunately, he was also able to dispel them, as well as cease forms of cold weather he did not conjure), and, his favourite new development, he could teleport via ice.

Steele's telekinesis, he also found out, was much more powerful than just allowing him to disintegrate objects. While before he was able to move multiple objects, and even move them in intricate paths, now he was able to perform complex moves with dozens of objects of various shapes and sizes, such as moving every leaf on the ground into a continuously moving spiral. Weight was not as much of an issue as before; Steele figured he could easily rip and lift Blackhawk Manor out of its foundations.

But the biggest expansion of his powers was that he was now able to fly. His telekinesis had grown strong enough that, at first with a struggle, but later effortlessly, he was able to lift _himself_off the ground. He was able to combine his new flight with his speed, managing to shoot around the sky above Nome and back in a second.

By the time night had fallen, Sansha went out into the garden to find out how Steele was doing. He was sitting cross-legged in mid-air, as if meditating, with his back to the house, and his balls dangling in the air. A few rocks and leaves were floating about around him, while the ground beneath him was covered in ice. The _Blackhawk Grimoire_was sat on the garden table nearby, open on a page that Sansha couldn't quite see at the moment.

"Dad, it's late. I think you've practised enough," Sansha said.

"That I have. I found a spell in the _Grimoire_that can help a wizard or witch exercise and learn about their powers at a quicker rate. I think I've got as good of a grasp of my new power level as I ever will," Steele said.

"Do you think it'll be enough to stand up against Balto, though?" Sansha asked.

Instead of responding, Steele just held a hand up by his head, waving his fingers and causing a swirl of magical energy to follow them for a second. A car suddenly appeared beside Sansha in a yellow glow. Sansha looked over at Steele, confused. Her father just held his hand to his side, before slowly clenching his fist.

A horrible sound of metal creaking_and bending assaulted Sansha's ears, making her clasp her hands over them, before she looked at the car. It was getting crushed, metal being contorted and bent like it was just paper. The windows _shattered as the roof of the car was caved in.

Steele unclenched his fist, and the car stopped getting crushed. It was unusable, a crumpled lump of broken metal and shattered glass. Finally, Steele turned his head to look at Sansha, grinning.

"I think I can handle him," he said.

"Well, then, clear this stuff up, and get to bed," Sansha said.

"Yes, 'Mother'," Steele joked. Sansha tried to glare, but couldn't help but giggle.

A few minutes later, the garden was clear of everything Steele used to practise his powers, or returned to their proper places. Steele walked Sansha upstairs to her room, kissing her goodnight, before he Iced to his room, his body transforming into ice that instantly broke into tiny pieces that vanished, only to appear in Steele's room and reform and thaw out into him.

After getting into bed, Steele wondered about his future. He placed a hand on the Moon Pearl, and smiled, falling into a comfortable sleep.

"All right, Steele... You win..."

Steele couldn't believe it. He had beaten Balto! The once great Alpha Supreme, now submissive to Steele. Lying meekly on the ground before Steele, Balto glanced up at his superior, the new Alpha Supreme.

The malamute crouched down to look at the wolf-dog in the eye, before roughly grabbing at his face. Balto didn't move to escape, and just let Steele manhandle his face for a few moments.

"Hmph. Pathetic. A useless mutt like you doesn't deserve to be the Alpha Supreme, the Heart of Magic, or Jenna's husband. You never did," Steele said. He slapped his hand against Balto, making the wolf-dog wince and whimper. "Am I wrong, Balto?"

"N-no, Steele..." Balto whimpered.

"Aah, you don't get to address me like an equal anymore. You're not worthy of that either. Understand?" Steele asked, grinning.

"Yes...sir," Balto answered.

"Good boy. Now, to sort out something," Steele said. He placed his hands on Balto's shoulders, before closing his eyes and concentrating.

A few seconds later, Steele opened his eyes. He grinned as he looked down. Balto lay on the floor, all his muscles and size gone. Scrawny and skinny, the wolf-dog was curled up, holding his hands over his now tiny genitals, while his cock-ring lay piled up on the floor beside him.

Steele, on the other hand, had grown. He was now twice as muscular as before, and twice as tall as well. But his cock had gotten most of the growth. Having taken Balto's size and added it to his own, Steele outranked the wolf-dog's original size. His sheath was easily twelve feet, and his balls twenty-two feet four inches wide. Steele moved a hand to his gorgeously huge sheath, and patted it.

At once, his newly enhanced cock erected. Fifty-one feet three inches in length, and ten-and-a-half feet wide, the throbbing tower of red meat looked imposing and delicious. Helping with the image was Steele's ginormous knot; two huge, thick bulges standing five feet four inches wide on either side of the base of his cock, creating a knot twenty-one feet thick. A size fit for an Alpha, Steele thought; a size fit for him.

Steele picked up the cock-ring off the floor, and looked it over. He was tempted to restore it to normal, and make it his Golden Collar once more, but decided he liked the idea of it being a cock-ring even more, especially now it was back in his possession. So, he wrapped the cock-ring around the base of his sheath and scrotum, fastening the buckle. He took a moment to admire himself, conjuring a mirror to do so, and grinned at how imposing and handsome he had become. To him, he was the most beautiful creature on Earth, with his cock-ring emphasising his champion status, and supreme genitals.

Feeling more powerful than ever thanks to taking Balto's muscles, size, and magical power (including the Heart of Magic), Steele grabbed the weakling of a wolf-dog, before carrying him towards Nome. His very footsteps caused the earth to quake, unable to fully handle his new and improved body and might.

People stared with wide eyes as Steele marched into Nome, showing off his victory over Balto. He let his titanic cock slap and bash against anything he wanted, his massive balls bounce and crush whatever he desired. Seeing the towering malamute, and defeated wolf-dog, led to everyone rushing up to Steele, pouring the adoration they once held for Balto over Steele instead, begging, pleading, for him to fuck them.

Steele drank it all in, drunk on power and lust. He glanced at the wolf-dog hanging like a noodle in his hand, before grinning. He ignored the others for now, his sights set on one woman in particular to be his first conquest.

Jenna was sitting in the main living-room of Salvatore Mansion, when Steele barged into the foyer, literally kicking the doors off their hinges. The husky immediately jumped to her feet, ready to fight. Steele grinned at her, flexing his muscles as he flung Balto towards her, saying, "Here's your husband. Well, what's left of him."

Jenna looked at Balto as he struggled to stand, collapsing to the floor. He glanced up at her, shame written all over his face. The familiar scent she was used to from him was gone, replaced by a new, far more overpowering smell - the smell of Steele's superior musk.

Before Jenna could fully comprehend the situation, she felt Steele grab hold of her, before she was pressed into the ground. Steele was grinning, looming over her, his intentions clear as his throbbing cock aimed at her entrance. He was going to fuck her, completely ravage her and wash away any trace of that pathetic wolf-dog from her womb and ovaries, replacing it instead with his purebred genes.

Then, Steele plunged his hips down. Jenna screamed, her tunnel spreading wider than ever, Steele's gigantic dick stretching her walls even more than Balto ever did. All the while, Balto was forced to watch as his wife was taken by Steele.

"See that, runt? I'm rocking Jenna's world better than you ever did!" Steele said, looking over at Balto. Balto didn't respond, but Steele cared not for it. He had his prize.

The hulking malamute shoved his tumescent tower deep into Jenna, right up to the knot. The husky gave a loud, piercing cry, "OOOOOHHHHH!"

Like a machine built for sex, Steele thrust in and out of Jenna, slamming his knot into her slowly spreading cunt. His gargantuan balls churned and pulsed behind him, firing pre through his shaft as they prepared to send for the real deal.

"Oh, God!" Jenna screamed.

"Call me Steele," Steele replied, smirking. He pulled back slowly, letting his cock rub at Jenna's walls and set off orgasm after orgasm in her. But just before he could thrust down and shove his godly knot in her, she screamed.


With a start, Steele woke up, gasping and panting. He looked around, realising he was in his room in Blackhawk Manor. It was early morning, and still dark outside. Steele looked down, and found, to his disappointment, that he was his regular size, shape, and height.

"It was just a dream? Dammit! It felt so real_, though," Steele thought. He fell back into his bed, resting his head on his pillow. "_Well, if all goes to plan, it won't be just_a dream._"

Grinning, Steele fell back asleep, wanting to be well-rested for later that day.

Hours passed, and it was soon evening. Balto was walking along a street, looking content with himself. He had just finished breeding several dozen bitches, and a few males as well, some of whom had before somehow managed to 'escape' his sight. As of that moment, Balto was heading home to give his family some fun times, but he was taking his time, enjoying the evening ambience.

Looking up, Balto smiled when he saw the Aurora Borealis dancing across the sky. The Northern Lights were something the wolf-dog adored, and something he enjoyed watching alongside Jenna, especially if it was during their afterglow.

Turning his head to look where he was going, Balto paused for a moment when he saw something dart just out of his line of sight. He turned around, hearing someone giggling behind him, but saw no one.

Curious, Balto headed in the direction he heard the giggling, exiting the street and entering the next in the process. Again, he didn't see anyone in his direct line of sight. He made to go back and continue heading home, but stopped when he noticed something.

A young woman, either a husky or a malamute, was leaning out from behind a wall, beckoning Balto over. Balto didn't recognise her, but knew that also meant that he hadn't fucked her. Licking his lips, Balto walked over to the woman. She giggled, vanishing behind the wall.

As the wolf-dog reached the wall and looked around it, he saw the woman was already more than halfway down the next street. She looked back at Balto, swaying her hips and keeping her tail raised, all in an effort to show off her ass. Balto's eyes were locked on her rear, and he chased after her.

Again, she rounded a corner, and by the time Balto got there, she was further down the street.

"Hey, slow down!" Balto called, starting to jog to try and catch up.

"A prize is hardly worth it if you don't work for it, Balto," the woman responded. She stopped for a moment, and so did Balto. Turning to the wolf-dog, the woman said, "And I expect you to work veryhard for this prize." To emphasise her point, she leaned back, spreading her legs to show off her swollen mound.

"My work won't be the only thing hard, my dear," Balto said. He leapt forwards, but found himself landing on just the ground. The woman was standing further back, crouched down and wiggling her ass.

"Ooh, so fast and strong. But you're not done yet, Balto. You gotta work just a little more to get me," she said, practically moaning out every other word. She then ran off, Balto chasing after her. She was moaning every now and then, telling Balto all the things she wanted him to do to her when he finally catches her.

They reached the town outskirts, and Balto, his libido now insanely high, darted forwards, reaching out to grab his target. Just as he was about to grab her wrist with his hand, she vanished. Confused, Balto looked around.

"Heh, honestly surprised that you're that pathetic, Balto."

Balto looked ahead, and saw Steele walking up to him. From the way the malamute was walking, shaking his hips every now and then to make his sheath wobble and his massive balls bounce as they were dragged along the floor, Balto figured he was trying to show off.

"Didn't think you would be so desperate for sex that you'll try and fuck a woman upon first seeing her," Steele continued. "Guess Sansha was right to suggest that method."

"What are you talking about, Steele?" Balto asked.

"It's simple, wolf-dog. That woman you saw earlier, who led you out here? Doesn't exist, never has. Just an illusion to lure you here," Steele said. He was pacing before Balto, looking proud of himself.

"Lure me? Why?" Balto asked.

"And you called me dumb. Isn't it obvious, Balto? I had that illusion lure you out here so you can finally be gotten rid of!" Steele said.

"Gotten rid of? Let me guess. You_are going to try and beat me into submission? Ha! Good luck with that, Steele. Just look at the both of us. Do you _really think you have the power or the might to beat me?" Balto asked, finding the idea amusing.

"Oh, I have more than enough power to defeat some big-dicked ditz that thinks he's the hottest guy around," Steele answered, grinning. "But, just to make sure, I asked for some assistance from others who always want to see you gone." With that, he held a hand by his head, snapping his fingers.

Immediately after, around two dozen or so people Apparated, Flashed, or Gleamed in behind Steele, while Sansha appeared beside her father in a flash of flames. Aside from Sansha, everyone who had teleported to the area was male, and Balto recognised most of them as mates of a few of the women he'd bred. There were horses, tigers, a lion, at least three grizzly bears and two polar bears, and several dogs.

Rather than look daunted, Balto just smirked.

"So, you all want me gone, huh?" he asked.

"You keep taking our mates, boy," the lion said.

"Yeah, and for those of us who don't have mates, it's impossible to find one, because they're either wanting you, or you've already had them!" one of the horses shouted.

"See, Balto, actions have consequences. And your actions have been lingering behind you for long enough," Sansha said.

Balto couldn't help but laugh, unfazed. He pointed at the group, saying, "So, you all banded together to get rid of me? Well, sorry, boys, but you wasted your time. I'm not going anywhere."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that, Balto," Steele said.

"Brave words, from a man who couldn't stop his mother from falling for me," Balto said.

Steele growled, clenching his fist, "I'm going to make you regret even looking at my mother."

"Sure about that, Steele? Remember, every time in the past you tried to show me up, I prevailed. The sooner you realise that I'm the better man, the better for all of us," Balto said.

"You're not better than anyone here, Bingo," Steele said. His comrades shouted in agreement.

"Oh, really? So tell me, why is it after I fucked all your wives, your sisters, your daughters, your mothers...after I fucked all of them, why did none of them stand against me?" Balto asked.

"You've got some nerve, bragging about that," one of the polar bears said.

"I don't need to brag. The whole world knows that I'm the greatest," Balto said, smiling.

"I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your stupid face," a tiger said.

"Good luck with that, kitty," Balto taunted.

"What did you call me?" the tiger growled.

"Look, fellas, this is all going to end in crippling failure for you all, so let's just end this now before anyone gets hurt," Balto said.

"What's the matter, Balto? Scared you might lose?" Sansha asked.

"Oh, please. I'm not scared of losing," Balto said.

"Sounds like you are. Can't believe the great Balto, the Alpha Supreme, is really just a little pussy," a horse snorted. Everyone except Balto laughed. Balto stood his ground, crossing his arms.

"So, you want a fight? Fine. But do you all really think that you're man enough to stand up to me?" he asked.

"We're more than capable, Balto. We know all your tricks," Steele said.

"Sure about that? Because I'll let you in on a little secret. All these past few years, I've been holding back," Balto said. He grinned when he noticed a flicker of fear pass by nearly everyone. "Oh yes. The power and might you've seen me exude before? Ha, that's just the start. Although, Steele, you've caught a glimpse of my true might before. Remember, back with the train tunnel?"

Steele thought back to the moment. He couldn't think of anything that indicated Balto unleashed more power than he normally demonstrated. Except for that small spark of magic he thought he saw.

"I'll admit, it was very brief. But since you're expecting a fight, then fine. I won't hold back," Balto said. He raised a hand, producing a flare of magical energy, which quickly enveloped him, before exploding outwards.

Once it had cleared, everyone stared with wide eyes and dropped jaws. Standing before them was Balto, his massive erection on full display, but it was much, much bigger than before. His colossal cock was one hundred and thirty-five feet long, and twenty-seven feet nine inches thick, while his gargantuan knot was fifty-five feet six inches wide, and his behemoth balls fifty-seven feet large. He was so huge, the wolf-dog had to fly in order to let everyone still see his body!

"You should feel honoured. Besides Jenna, you guys are the first to see my true size," Balto said.

"Y-yeah, yeah. You just made yourself a bigger target!" Steele said, trying to put on a brave face. Inside, however, he was panicking. If Balto had been hiding how large he was, then what else was he hiding?

"Is that so? Then why don't you take the first shot?" Balto asked.

Before Steele could react, someone else did. One of the dogs, Steele only knew his name was Malik, fired a curse at Balto, aiming directly at the wolf-dog's cock. But while the curse did hit the wolf-dog's penis, it did nothing. Balto didn't even flinch.

"No fucking way," the dog said in disbelief.

"Well, that was a shit shot," Balto said. He smirked, before leaping up into the air. Everyone watched as the wolf-dog fell back down to the ground, directly above them, before they all scarpered. Balto landed where they were, just missing them, but causing the world to shake and knock a few of them off their feet.

Now the battle had begun. Balto shrunk his cock back into his sheath (which was fifteen feet long), and turned his head when he heard someone cast a spell at him. He sighed, holding his hands up and unleashing a wave of telekinetic energy which redirected the spell and knocked the guy who cast it back.

The three grizzles charged at Balto, one conjuring a sword, one creating balls of electricity in his hands, and the other clenching his fists. On Balto's other side, the two polar bears and the lion were charging at him as well, all three of them holding their wands in preparation to strike him with spells.

Balto stood his ground, letting them approach. And, once they were well within range, he jumped and spun around, causing his nuts to swing around him like massive wrecking balls. Only the lion realised, all too late, what was going to happen, and he attempted to turn and run away.. Unfortunately for him, he, along with the five bears, were hit by Balto's extremely hefty bollocks, sending them flying away several feet, to land painfully on the ground. The sword one of the grizzles summoned had been impaled in the floor.

Noticing it, one of the horses ran over, using speed that could have rivalled Steele's own before he used the Moon Pearl. The horse grabbed the sword, before running up to Balto and slashing at his sheath.

Except, upon contact, the sword didn't slice through the wolf-dog. Instead, it shattered into pieces, while also unleashing a shockwave that knocked the horse onto his back. Groaning, the horse looked up, just in time to see Balto's sheath looming over him. Giving off a snort in alarm, the horse tried to back up, but he only managed to move a few inches, before the huge sheath slammed down on him.

Muffles whinnies and neighs_sounded from the horse, being crushed beneath Balto's gigantic sheath. Balto just grinned, before he noticed one of the polar bears getting up and advancing on him. A gallant grin on his face, Balto held his hand to his side, conjuring his wand, and waited. The polar bear _roared and charged at Balto. But he barely made a few steps, before Balto shot a spell at him.

The polar bear stopped when hit by the spell, but then looked confused upon feeling nothing. He looked at Balto, who was still grinning. Still confused, the bear made to step forward. Instantly, an intense feeling shot up through his groin, making the bear nearly keel over. He glanced down, and saw, horrified, his cock was fully erect and throbbing.

"W-what the... What the hell are you doing?!" the polar bear asked, looking at Balto.

"You know exactly what I'm doing. Can't you feel it?" Balto asked. Despite being at least twenty feet from the bear, his voice sounded like it was being said directly into his ear. "Yes, you can, can't you? That deep, carnal desire to breed. That spell I cast? It just gives you a little taste of what it's like to be me. To constantly need to fuck."

The bear groaned, falling to his knees. His erection was starting to become painful. Unable to help himself, he gripped at his shaft, trying to rub it and orgasm.

"Of course, because you're a lesser man than I am, you can't handle it," Balto continued.


The bear moaned, sending out a few trickles of sperm, but gasped when his cock refused to die down. He tried masturbating again, but the pain was becoming too much. Tears forming in his eyes, the bear collapsed to the floor, before he crawled over to Balto.

"P-please...make it stop...make it stop!" he pleaded. Balto chuckled.

"It'll stop soon. Just be a good little boy and don't try to fight your superior," the wolf-dog said. The polar bear nodded, tears streaming down his face.

"I-I won't. You're our Alpha! We can't beat you," he said.

"Good boy. Now, let's see what your comrade thinks," Balto said. He let his sheath lift up, revealing the horse, now drenched in sweat, his own erection leaking pre-cum on his stomach.

"N-no. More, more! I want more!" the horse begged, sitting up and trying to grab at Balto's sheath.

"Ah, so glad you saw the light," Balto said.

Steele was staring in rage. Two of his followers had been swayed to Balto already. Looking over at the lion, Steele nodded.

The lion nodded in return, before he ran forwards. At the same time, one of the tigers ran at Balto's other side. Balto let them approach, waiting. The lion and tiger both leapt forwards, unsheathing claws and making to slash at Balto. The wolf-dog just raised his arms high, before telekinetically pulling the lion and tiger forwards, slamming their faces into his armpits, and lowering his arms.

The two felines attempted to pull back and away, but Balto's arms proved to be too strong for them. Trapped in a headlock, the two were unable to do anything except breathe in Balto's musk. The lion gagged, trying to pull away again and unintentionally rubbing his face even more into Balto's pit. The tiger, however, tried to hold his breath. But after a few seconds, he gasped for air, inhaling a massive amount of musk.

Balto chuckled as he felt the two struggle, liking the almost ticklish sensation.

"That's it, you two. Breathe in, nice and deep," the wolf-dog said. He squeezed his arms in tighter, forcing his captives to press their faces in further.

After just a few seconds, the job was done. Instead of struggling to pull away, the lion and tiger were pushing into Balto's armpits, greedily breathing in his musk and even licking at his pits.

Now that they were also enthralled by him, Balto raised his arms, and gently nudged the two away, lowering his arms again. The lion and tiger, alongside the bear and horse, instantly began worshiping Balto's body, rubbing against him as they tried to take in as much of him as they could. Balto waved his hands, and they backed up.

The wolf-dog then turned and walked towards the others. One of the dogs backed up slightly, looking scared. Steele stood his ground with the others, but then let out a shout of irritation when the dog ran forwards, jumped up, and latched himself onto Balto's sheath, hugging and kissing it. Balto chuckled.

"Looks like this one knows his place already," he said. He grabbed at the dog and sent him other to the other enthralled guys. "Now this just leaves you lot."

Steele held a hand up, before thrusting it down. The remaining horses ran around in a large circle, tracing the ground with their wands. When they were done, they stamped on the circle's outline, causing a wall of magical energy to erupt upwards.

Balto looked at Steele, an eyebrow raised.

"And what's this supposed to be?" he asked.

"A basic protection spell that I should have had cast before you got here. To stop you from using magic," Steele said.

Balto laughed, before shaking his head. "Steele, buddy, I know I said you're too over reliant on magic, but that doesn't mean I am as well." He pointed to the five behind him, saying, "Look at those five. Of all of them, I only magic on one to sway them to me."

"Yeah, well, now it means you can't use magic to defend yourself," one of the grizzle bears said.

"Au contraire, Winston," Balto said. He held up a hand, forming an orb of magical energy in his palm. "See, that spell _does_prevent someone from using their magic while within its boundaries. But it's not powerful enough to stop me." He threw the orb at the wall of magic, causing the wall to break apart and vanish. "Now, then. Shall we continue?"

Steele backed up, grabbing Sansha's hand in the process. The horses, however, ran forwards. One summoned a magical circle over his hand, before throwing it towards Balto like a frisbee. Balto just leaned to the side to avoid it. The other horse clapped his hands together, unleashing a force of energy towards Balto. While it was enough to stagger Balto backwards, he remained unharmed.

Sansha eyed everyone's movements, before she thought of something.

"Try to cast a spell to shrink him," she thought to the horse standing closes to Balto. He nodded, and darted around Balto, ducking to avoid getting hit by the wolf-dog's sheath, before aiming his wand.

"Diminuendo!" he shouted. White light escaped his wand and trailed down Balto's body like streaks of energy, with the horse intending for the spell to mainly affect Balto's genitals. But once the white light vanished, Balto was left untouched. He hadn't even shrunk a millimetre.

Amused, Balto looked at the horse, and said, "Not the effect you had in mind, huh?" The horse made to back away, but Balto grabbed hold of him by the neck, not hard enough to choke him, but with enough of a grip that he wasn't likely to escape. "Still, if size is something you want to play with..."

A burst of magical energy escaped Balto's hand, sending the horse flying. When he landed, he found his landing was not as hard as he thought. Confused, the horse tried to stand up, only to find he couldn't move. Looking down, the horse neighed in surprise when he saw his ass had been enlarged to the point where it was twice his height!

"Now, I prefer pussy, but I do love me some ass," Balto mused. He looked over at the others. "Oh, you lot wait for a moment," he said, waving his hand and freezing them all in place. He then looked at the horse. "Hope you're prepared, because I'm about to show you _exactly_what my bitches feel."

With that, Balto's cock became fully erect, and the horse found himself being angled so that his inflated rear was directly above the wolf-dog's cock tip.

To Steele and the others, one moment they just witnessed Balto use a spell to inflate the horse's ass, and the next, Balto was hovering above his swollen cock, with a massively swollen horse beside him, his rump leaking cum. However, unlike every other bitch Balto's fucked, the horse was just lying limply on top of his stomach, which was only slightly bigger than Balto's balls.

"I didn't give him a full dose. Don't have time for that. He's just full of pre at the moment," Balto said. He smirked, before saying, "Here, why don't you have a taster as well?"

The wolf-dog's cock throbbed, before it shot a massive stream of cum towards the group. Most of them managed to run or teleport out of its way, but the three grizzles weren't quick enough. Caught in the shot, they found themselves covered from head to toe in Balto's semen, feeling like they were stuck in tar.

Then they were unable to move. The white goo around them suddenly became rock solid, trapping them. The bears grew worried, especially when they realised that all they could smell and taste was Balto's musk and cum.

"Don't resist. Let it in." Balto's voice was echoing in their minds, coaxing out the parts of them that wanted to submit to him, that wanted him to be their Alpha.

While letting the bears slowly had their minds reform, Balto looked at the others.

"Have you realised now? You can't beat me," the wolf-dog said.

Steele growled, holding his hands up. The wind rustled, before a blizzard surrounded Balto, obscuring him from sight.

"Ooh, impressive."

Alarmed, Steele whipped around, to find Balto was standing right behind him.

"But a blizzard is hardly going to stop me, Steele," Balto continued. He made to advance on the malamute, but just before he could grab him, Steele Iced out. "Hah! Wondered if you could do that," Balto mused. He staggered for a moment when he felt something hit him. Turning his head to look, he found a knife had been thrown and impaled into his side.

Balto pulled the knife out, the wound healing instantly, and looked at it, impressed. Considering his skin was the hardest substance on the planet, the knife had to have been enchanted previously to be able to even cut him. Balto then looked to his left, looking at the person who had thrown the knife, a young border collie.

"Impressive. But not good enough," Balto said. He tossed the knife aside, before dashing over to the collie. He only had enough time to take a step back, before he found himself grabbed by the scruff of the neck. "Now, what to do with you? Naughty boys deserve to be punished, don't they?" Balto asked mockingly.

"Let go of me!" the collie said, struggling to get free.

"Tut, tut. Now that attitude will not do, will it?" Balto asked, sounding like he was talking to an unruly two-year-old. He sat back against his balls, and forced the collie over his knee, locking his wrists and feet together to prevent him from running off. "Seems like you deserve a good spanking," Balto continued. He ran a hand along the collie's buttocks, which made him flail about in an attempt to escape.

"Hey! Let him go!" someone shouted. Three dogs, all of them Great Danes, ran towards Balto. Balto just smiled, pointing a finger at the three, releasing a wave of magical energy that enveloped them for a second.

The effect caused them to stagger, but seemingly nothing else. Taking that moment, Balto raised his other hand, before bringing it crashing down onto the collie's ass.


The collie yelped in pain at the strike against his rump, but, surprisingly, so did the Danes. The three jumped in surprise and pain, looking back at their asses. Balto spanked the collie again, and the Danes felt the strike as well.

"I'm sure this will make you all think twice before trying to cross me," Balto said, slapping the collie once more. He wasn't holding back with his strikes, using so much force that it was a miracle the collie and Danes' asses weren't pulverised. Balto, admittedly, was surprised, since he figured the only ones who could handle the strength he was using were himself and his sons - certainly, he and they seemed to be the only ones capable of deriving pleasure from it.

For the next few minutes, Balto spanked the collie, and, by extension, the Danes as well. All four of them were now crying and whimpering, begging for Balto to stop. Their asses were now so brightly red that they seemed to be glowing, even through their fur.

"So," Balto asked, still slapping the collie, "are you boys," SLAP, "going to behave," SLAP, SLAP, "now?" SLAP, SLAP, SLAP!

"Yes! We'll behave! We'll follow you, sir!" the collie screamed, the Danes whimpering and yelping in agreement.

"Good boys," Balto praised. He gave the collie and Danes one last, extremely hard and loud spank, which made the four scream in pained pleasure, as they were starting to enjoy the strikes.

Balto then felt something hit his balls. Looking down, he grew amused when he saw the second polar bear clutching at his hand in pain. Tossing the collie over to the Danes, causing all three to limply fall into a pile, Balto got down from his balls and went to the bear.

"Damn it. The fuck have you got in those things? Bricks?"

"Nope. Just a lot of sperm. Besides, I didn't hear your wife or sisters complaining when I fucked them," Balto said. Roaring, the polar bear made to punch Balto in the face, but when his fist contacted Balto's jaw, he recoiled in even more pain. Balto, however, didn't flinch. He just smirked, before kicking the bear in the stomach.

Winded, the polar bear fell onto his back. He coughed and spluttered, before the world suddenly went dark. Dark, and stinky. Widening his eyes, the polar bear realised his face was in direct contact with Balto's perfectly chiselled ass!

Struggling with both pain and Balto's immense weight and strength, the bear tried to get free and breathe in as little of Balto's scent as he could. But Balto was too much for him to handle.

"Mmph, struggle all you want, mate. I ain't moving until I feel like it," Balto said, moaning. The bear refused to listen, flailing his limbs about, trying to claw at Balto's thighs and backside to make him move, but he couldn't even scratch the wolf-dog.

As the bear continued to struggle and wound up breathing in Balto's musk, the wolf-dog looked ahead, to find, aside from Steele and Sansha, the rest of his 'opposition' was facing him.

"Well, well, still think you've got a chance, huh?" Balto asked.

"Do you want us to deal with them, sir?" the lion asked, now eager to obey and please Balto.

"No, I can handle them. You go back to...whatever," Balto said dismissively. The lion nodded, and ran to sit back down next to the others. He was directly next to the other polar bear, who was now staring at his cock, which, while now flaccid, hurt if he so much as tapped a finger against it.

Balto turned his attention back to the others, only vaguely aware of the bear beneath him now starting to lick at his anus.

"So here's an idea, boys. Since none of you are going to be able to match up to me, why don't you all cast a spell at the same time?" the wolf-dog asked.

Up above, Steele was flying as he watched, holding Sansha next to him so they could both observe. They both looked at each other, confused, when they heard Balto's proposition.

The others all looked at each other, before they nodded. They readied themselves.

"No, wait, don't!" Sansha shouted.

Too late.

The group fired their spells at Balto at the same time. Balto just held a hand up, halting the spells just inches from him. He then clenched his fist, combining the spells into a giant glowing orb, before throwing it back at the group.

They all scrambled out of the way, just as the orb hit the ground and caused an explosion. Some of the men were thrown off their feet, while others barely managed to avoid getting caught. As some of the males, a horse, a tiger, and a German Shephard, stumbled to their feet, Balto conjured his wand and fired a stream of mist at them.

Within a moment the mist surrounded the three males, before being absorbed into them. Immediately after, the three groaned, clutching at their groins in agony. Their cocks grew erect against their will, and their balls began to tighten. They couldn't stay standing, the pain growing so immense they fell to their knees.

And then, like a coil snapping back, they all moaned as their cocks began spurting incredibly copious amounts of semen. Despite their best efforts, they couldn't stop cumming, their balls tightening and pulsing as they fired humongous waves from them. Everyone just watched in stunned silence at what Balto had done, until, five minutes later, the three climaxes stopped.

Before anyone could say or do anything, the three gave out weak moans, followed by their balls tightening one last time, shooting a few large, yet rather watery, ropes of cum into the gigantic puddles they'd formed. After that, however, they felt nothing. As their mental faculties returned, they realised that Balto had caused them to jizz so much and so hard that their balls were completely dried up.

The Shephard even looked down and gave a pitiful whine when he saw his balls, previous full and plump, looked shrivelled and flat. Even if the three were to wait a week, a month, a year, they could never cum again.

"W-what did you do" the tiger moaned, looking at Balto as he cradled his now useless testicles.

"Don't worry. You never needed those balls anyway," Balto said.

"Why? Why did you... How am I meant to give my wife any foals now?" the horse asked.

"You never were. Remember, I claimed _every_egg your wife will ever produce. As well as every egg of nearly every woman on the planet. So your sperm was useless anyway; might as well let it out with a bang, so to speak," Balto said.

"How's that supposed to make us feel better?!" the tiger snapped.

Before anyone could respond, a pair of hands instantly placed themselves on either side of Balto's head, and the wolf-dog found himself plunged into a trance.

"Yes!" Steele said, before he looked at the three males Balto had 'ruined'. "Get him while he's out!"

"What's the point? Even if we get rid of him, I'm never gonna be able to cum again," the horse bemoaned.

"Yeah, we're ruined. He may as well stay in charge," the tiger agreed. The German Shephard didn't answer, just staring almost blankly ahead of him.

"For God's sake," Steele muttered.

The person who had placed Balto into a trance, another tiger, this one with white fur, was leaning out of a portal that had opened behind the wolf-dog. However, he was struggling to hold the wolf-dog in place. He was using his power to induce a mind meld with a target, to try and scan through Balto's mind and figure out any weaknesses that they could exploit.

But soon he found his delving in Balto's mind to be rapidly ceased. Instead, he was standing in a black void, with Balto standing before him.

"So, you wanted to look inside my head, huh? You should have just asked," Balto said. He advanced on the tiger, who tried to back up. "Here, let me show you," Balto continued, before he ran up to the tiger, and clasping both hands on the tiger's head.

At once, countless thoughts, feelings, images, and sounds invaded the tiger's mind, while echoes briefly appeared around the two. The tiger yelled in horror and pain, trying to escape from Balto's grasp. He couldn't handle it, he felt like his own mind was going to snap.

Then, as if by some miracle, the sensations stopped. Balto had let go of the tiger, leaving him to bend over, panting and gasping. He glanced up at Balto, now terrified.

"I go through that all the time. And you can't even handle it for ten seconds? Shows how useless a mind melder you are if you're unable to properly take on mine," Balto said. He leaned down to look at the tiger, adding, "But don't you worry. You'll have other things on your mind."

With that, the wolf-dog stood up, before kicking at the tiger, sending him hurtling off into the dark void.

In the real world, the tiger was thrown back, landing heavily on his back on the ground. Balto turned his head to look, and smirked.

"Trying to use one of my own spells against me, now, are we?" he asked. The portal the tiger had been leaning out of quickly closed, but Balto didn't care. Instead, he looked forwards, just in time to see a barrage of knives flying towards him. Balto just yawned, bored, before suddenly sneezing. The force of the sneeze was enough to both press Balto back further against the polar bear worshipping his ass, and send for a gust of wind that knocked the knives away.

Uncaring, Balto moved off of the polar bear, grinning down at him. The bear looked confused and dazed at the sudden increase in light. Realising what had happened, the bear rolled over onto his front, before trying to crawl up to Balto, whimpering.

"No, don't...I...I need... Need ass...want taste..." His brain was too frazzled to even form a proper sentence, but Balto couldn't help but laugh. He petted the bear on the head.

"Good boy. You'll get what you need soon," he commented, before sending the bear to the others. He then made his way over to the white tiger that had tried to scan his mind. The tiger was still on the floor, moaning and writhing about. All he could think about was Balto, unable to get the wolf-dog out of his head.

He had first tried to resist, but in the few seconds it took Balto to sneeze away a barrage of knives, the tiger had lost. Now his moaning and writhing wasn't out of a desire to be free, but a _craving_to be one of Balto's obedient subjects. After all, having been given a small glimpse into how Balto's mind worked, and being unable to see or think of anything other than him afterwards, all the tiger could do was submit.

Then, like a fog vanishing from the land, his mind became clear. At first, he didn't know what to do. But then he saw Balto, standing over him. Confusion burnt away, leaving desire in its place. The tiger leapt at the wolf-dog, gripping at his sheath. From a distance, for a moment, Steele watched and thought the tiger was attacking, but seconds later realised that he was instead hugging and rubbing his body against Balto's sheath.

Amused, Balto looked over at the remaining 'opposers'. There was only six of them left, not including Steele and Sansha. Four dogs, a horse, and a black tiger. Not concerned, Balto started to walk up to them, leaving the white tiger behind for the time being.

"Now, are you lot going to finally stop supressing the parts of you that know your true place is beneath me, or are we going to need some more enforcement?" Balto asked.

"Our true place is not beneath you_, wolf-dog._" Steele Iced in beside the black tiger, with Sansha next to him. "And the only thing we need is for you to get lost," Steele continued.

"Actually, Steele...he's right," the horse said.

"Yeah. I don't want to fight anymore," one of the dogs, a brown husky, added.

"There's no point. He'll win anyway," the tiger said.

"W-what?" Steele asked, surprised. To his shock, the husky, horse, tiger, and the other three dogs walked over to Balto, and the rest of the enthralled.

"And then there were two," Balto said.

"You better not try anything, Balto," Sansha said.

"Oh, don't worry. You'll come around like the others, eventually," Balto replied, grinning.

"You're out of your mind if you think I'm going to submit to you. And you can forget about trying to take Sansha as well," Steele said.

"Steele, enough. I've been patient with you for the last few decades, and I was respectful enough of both of your decisions to leave Sansha alone, but now I'm afraid that patience has worn thin. You don't want me taking Sansha? Shame, but I'm no longer going to respect that," Balto said, advancing towards Steele.

"You stay away!" Steele shouted, conjuring his wand and shooting a Stunning Spell at Balto. Balto knocked it aside with his hand, not breaking his stride. Worried, Steele grabbed Sansha's hand and made to Ice out, but Balto flicked his hand at his side, causing Steele's attempt to teleport fail.

Now that Balto was getting closer, Steele picked Sansha up in his arms and ran off at his immense speed. But even though he was running faster than sound, Balto managed to stop Steele from escaping by opening up a portal before the malamute, leading back to where he was initially standing.

For the next few seconds, Steele kept running between the portals, with Balto watching, amused. Finally, Steele stopped just after exiting the second portal, and looked over at the wolf-dog.

"You don't get to escape so easily, Steele," Balto said, closing the portals. "You called me here to fight, so fight we shall." He leapt towards the two, but Steele managed to push him back with telekinesis. Balto blinked in surprise. "Well, well. Where did you manage to get the power to do that to me?"

"I've always been able to do that!" Steele snapped.

"You really haven't. Oh, you've been able to use telekinesis on others, but never on me. Not when I didn't let you," Balto said. He eyed the Moon Pearl.

"So he's gotten more powerful, then," Sansha said.

"Hmm, but is it a natural growth, like mine?" Balto asked. He began advancing on the duo.

Steele held his hands out, projecting icy blasts towards Balto. Balto pushed against them, but icicles were starting to form on his fur. He held a hand out, going to grab Sansha, but when he was just a few feet from her, with his sheath almost touching her, he was completely frozen, his entire body covered in a thick sheet of solid ice.

"Keep him frozen. I might be able to reverse what he's done to the others," Sansha said, holding a hand to her head.

"Won't be a problem. There's no way he can break out," Steele said. He didn't notice cracks starting to form in the ice, particularly around Balto's groin.

Sansha tried to telepathically restore the minds of the others, to undo the 'damage' Balto had done to them. But of those she could reach, they proved impossible for her to change. Blocking certain memories was impossible, and trying to pull up their old thoughts and feelings for the wolf-dog did nothing. Eventually, she had to stop, as the navigation through those minds was starting to weaken her resistance to Balto.

Unfortunately for Sansha, she'd soon discover that the damage was done.

The younger malamute looked at her father, and could only shake her head.

"They won't come back. Something's keeping me from restoring them," she said.

"Well, screw 'em. We don't need some useless lugs like them," Steele said. He grinned, looking at his daughter, saying, "We'll just shatter the wolf-dog into a million pieces. Maybe I'll be kind and use his remains to cool down my drinks for a while."

Before Sansha could respond, the sound of ice cracking made them both look at the frozen wolf-dog. More cracks, now much more obvious, were forming along his body, while steam started rising from him. Steele kept up his icy blasts, looking incredulous that Balto was still managing to break his near-unbreakable ice. He shouldn't even be able to breathe, let alone break free.

Then, the ice covering Balto shattered, some of it melting into surprisingly warm water that splashed on the ground. The force of Balto managing to melt and break free of the ice send Steele and Sansha flying backwards several feet. Steele quickly scrambled to his feet and held one of his hands out, firing a stream of ice at Balto.

Balto flinched for a moment, but pressed on. This time, ice didn't form on him. Steele looked worried, with a momentary lapse in concentration causing his ice stream to vanish. Steele quickly shot another stream of ice at Balto, but this time, when it got near the wolf-dog, it dissipated.

"Why isn't it working?!" Sansha hissed.

"I don't know!" Steele replied. He and Sansha then noticed the air had grown warmer around them, and a lot more stinky too. Steele knew what that meant; hot air and a distinctive smell could only signify that Balto had let his musk regain its full potency. Coughing at the pungent assault on his senses, Steele glared at the wolf-dog. "You revolting bastard."

"I don't hear the ladies complaining. Or anyone else, for that matter," Balto replied, smirking.

Sansha growled, waving her hand and forming a fireball in her palm. She threw it at Balto, but he extinguished it with a flick of his hand. With the wolf-dog getting closer, Sansha glanced at her father, before throwing her hands forwards, sending forth a continuous stream of fire. The flames wrapped around Balto, obscuring him from view.

"What are you doing?" Steele asked.

"If he's hot enough to melt your ice, then let's see how he handles even more heat," Sansha said. She kept the fire stream up for the next few seconds, but then she saw a foot step forward out of the flames. The fire then began swirling around, condensing into a sphere, with Balto standing behind it, looking no worse for wear.

Stopping her fire, Sansha stared in disbelief, while Steele felt his eye twitch. Balto grinned, clapping his hands together and snuffing the fireball with a soft pop.

"I'll admit, that was rather impressive," he said. Before he could do anything else, however, time appeared to slow down to a near stop. Steele glanced at Sansha, before he walked up to Balto. Thinking he caught Balto off guard by moving at super-speed, Steele raised a fist, and punched the wolf-dog in the face.

To his surprise and delight, his strength (admittedly minimal compared to Balto's), combined with the speed he was travelling at, was enough to cause Balto to react, making him move his head appropriately. Grinning, Steele ran to Balto's other side and punched him in the face again, this time causing Balto to stumble back slightly.

But when Steele tried to punch Balto again, the wolf-dog's movements suddenly sped up to match Steele's, giving him time to grab Steele's fist before it could hit him. Steele grunted, trying to pull back, but Balto's grip was too strong.

"You'll have to do better than that, Steele," Balto said in an almost whispering growl. Steele only had enough time to widen his eyes, before he felt Balto punch him in the gut with his free hand. Winded, Steele was sent flying backwards. And at the speed he was going, when he landed on the ground, it was with enough force to almost break every bone in his body, and more than enough to knock him out.

"Dad!" Sansha screamed. She made to run over to him, but her path was blocked by Balto.

"He's fine. Give him a bit," Balto said. Sansha backed up. "Now, let's worry less about him, and more about you," Balto continued, starting to advance on Sansha.

"Y-you keep away from me," Sansha said.

"Don't worry, Sansha. I'm not going to hurt you," Balto said calmly. "I just want to show you what you've been missing," he added telepathically.

"Get out of my head!" Sansha shouted. She made to throw a fireball at Balto, but he caught her wrist before she could finish forming it.

"You know, I shouldn't be surprised at how reluctant you are to let your desires escape, considering who your dad is. If only it was so easy to break down those barriers your father helped put up in that head of yours," Balto said.

"Dad's not telepathic, he can't..." Sansha started, struggling to free her wrist.

"Can't create a psychic shield in someone's mind, yes, I know. The little runt barely has the capacity to use Legilimency, never mind work out how to use Occlumency," Balto said. "But that's what helped you try and resist me, isn't it? Having unfiltered access to his head - empty as it is - and seeing how most of his love for you stems less from the fact you're his daughter, but more from how you have a 'shared' hatred of me. But that's not true, is it, Sansha? You don't hate me, and you don't hate your mother."

"S-shut up!" Sansha cried.

"Because of your father's feelings for me, you tried your best to replicate them so he would keep on loving you. You managed to place a few barriers around the parts of your mind that wanted me, just to keep the thoughts from taking over, knowing that Steele would never be able to see them."

"Stop it!" Tears were starting to stream down Sansha's face. But despite her best efforts, she was not able to disprove the wolf-dog.

"You have my sympathy, Sansha. It must be hard, living with a father you know would never love you if you followed what's really in your heart," Balto said. His tone was kind, and he was being sincere. He truly did pity Sansha, and had hoped that someday, she would realise her life would be better off without Steele holding her back.

Sansha didn't know what to do. Could she betray her father, and let her desires free? Or should she remain his loyal daughter? Too many thoughts and feelings were racing through her head.

"Look at me, Sansha," Balto thought. Through teary eyes, Sansha did so. When her eyes met his, she could already see the kindness in them, true kindness, not marred by hatred or jaded with resentment. Unable to help herself, Sansha found herself navigating through Balto's mind.

Working her way through the wolf-dog's thoughts and memories, Sansha discovered more than she ever thought possible. The love he had for his family, his love for everyone in general, was more than enough to break down her reservations. But seeing how intense and passionate he was at sex, feeling those sensations for herself, left her mind completely devoid of loyalty to Steele.

An empty void wrapped around her, leaving her feeling alone and confused. But then Balto appeared before her, holding out a hand. Sansha looked behind her, and saw Steele standing nearby. Sansha looked between the two, before she made up her mind. Ignoring Steele entirely, the woman ran up to Balto and hugged him.

In the real world, Sansha opened her eyes, just in time to see Balto part his lips from hers. Tasting the wolf-dog, Sansha knew she made the right choice.

"Welcome home, Sansha," Balto whispered. He chuckled when Sansha wrapped her arms around him. "Well, as a welcoming about I give you some pups?"

"But I'm not due to go into heat for another six weeks," Sansha said.

"Hasn't stopped me before," Balto replied, smirking. He gave a glance over at Steele, still unconscious, before adding, "I'm half-tempted to wait until he wakes up before I pump you full, but you've waited long enough."

Sansha practically squealed in delight when Balto let his cock harden to full, and sent her to its tip. Then, when she felt his tip brush against her folds, she really did squeal as her first proper orgasm rocketed through her body.

Steele groaned, struggling to prop himself up. He ignored the sounds around him, and forced himself to stand up. He felt at his side, and winced for a moment at the pain. Then, he turned around, and his eyes widened at the sight.

"No... NO!"

Horrified, Steele ran up to Sansha, but there was very little of her that remained his faithful child. Her womb had been swollen to a humongous thirty thousand feet, stuffed full of Balto's supreme puppy-batter. It shifted and swirled inside her, preparing Sansha for not only her incoming pregnancy, but also her fate to be forever bonded to Balto.

Speaking of Balto, he was still pumping his hips into Sansha, his hugely muscled body almost obscuring her own. He glanced over, and smirked when he saw Steele run up.

"Hello, Steele. Enjoy your nap?" he asked.

"W-what have you... How could you do this to my daughter?!" Steele asked.

"She wanted it, Steele," Balto replied. He grinned, and continued, "But, if you think otherwise, then you should have no problem in getting her to go back to you." He pulled free of Sansha with a grotesquely loud splop, splitting her cunt apart to let his godly knot exit, splashing cum on the floor, some of it coating Steele's feet.

Steele ignored that for now, just staring in horror at the state his daughter was in. "S-Sansha?"

Hearing her name, Sansha turned her head to look at Steele, and at once the euphoric smile on her face vanished.

"Dad." Her voice had a painful bluntness to it now.

"Sansha, what... What happened?" Steele asked.

"The best thing that has ever happened to me. I gave in and submitted to Balto," Sansha said. Steele felt his ears droop.

"But...but you and I...we..." was as far as he could reach, before Sansha interrupted him.

"There never was a 'you and I', Dad. There was only ever you," she said. Steele was so taken aback that he couldn't even stammer. "Years and years, I've wasted my life trying to please you, to be the good little daughter I thought you wanted. But it was never good enough, was it? No matter what I did, you could never find a reason to love me more than because I didn't run to Balto at the first opportunity like everyone else."

"That's not... I never..." Steele stuttered.

"Doesn't matter. I tried to stay loyal, but it was never going to be worth it. Balto finally showed me what I've been missing in my life - someone who genuinely loves me, whose thoughts and feelings for me aren't tainted by animosity towards someone," Sansha said.

"Don't be stupid, he doesn't _love_you. You're nothing more than a living incubator for him," Steele snapped.

"Like you saw me as any different," Sansha scoffed. She ran a hand along her swollen stomach, giving a content sigh. "At least with Balto, I know that my children will have the best genes possible."


"Shut it, Dad! I am done with trying to please you, only to never get anything out of it. You think living with you has been easy? Because it's not! For pretty much my entire life, I have had to hide parts of myself that I knew, the moment you found out, would make you throw me out!" Sansha shouted. Steele stepped back in slight fear. "I just wanted to have a dad. Not someone to share a hatred for Balto with, not someone who barely loves me, just a dad. Balto might not be my father, but in the past hour he's already proven to be a better dad to me than you. And that's while he was fucking me!" Sansha continued.

Before Steele could say anything in response, Sansha held up a hand in front of him. Almost immediately after, Steele vanished in a burst of flames, only to reappear just a second later, several feet away and falling on his ass.

"Good girl, Sansha. See what you can do when you've not got numb-nuts holding you back?" Balto asked.

"Thanks for showing me how," Sansha said happily. Her tail was wagging high, a clear indicator of what she was after. Balto chuckled, walking past her.

"Don't worry, Sansha. I'll give you another dose soon. Just got one last thing to sort out," he said. Sansha _whined_for the moment, but nodded in understanding. As he passed, Balto let his tail briefly entwine with Sansha's, before softly running along one of her ass cheeks, the move making her giggle and moan in bliss.

Steele stood up, facing Balto. It was just him left, meaning that, like it or not, he was his last chance. Standing in a stance he hoped displayed his defiance and bravado, Steele stared directly at Balto.

"I'm going to make you pay for what you did to Sansha and the others," he growled, praying Balto wouldn't detect the lack of force.

"No, you're not. For one thing, none of them want you to 'avenge' them. And for another, as I have said before, you don't have the strength to get rid of me," Balto said, crossing his arms.

Steele gave a yell of annoyance, holding his hands out. Dozens of knives appeared around him, before they pointed at Balto and shot towards him. Balto just grinned as he let the knives approach.

But then, just before they could hit him, Balto vanished, and the knives were now heading towards Steele. The malamute conjured his wand and waved it, forcing the knives to transform into a cloud of black smoke which quickly dissipated. With Balto still gone, Steele looked around, before he looked up.

The wolf-dog was directly above him, plummeting to the earth like a meteor, his balls ready to drop right on Steele. Quickly, Steele sped to the side, just as Balto hit the ground. The resulting shockwave of Balto slamming his god-like nuts to the earth made Steele stumble and trip. He quickly stood up and turned around, seeing Balto heading towards him.

Worried, Steele quickly conjured his wand, before spinning around, holding his wand out. "Protego Diabolica!" Black flames appeared in a wide circle around him, but Steele kept spinning, conjuring more and more of the dark fire until he was surrounded by a circular torrent of it. He grinned as he looked over at Balto, while the wolf-dog looked unimpressed.

"The Protego Diabolica. Wow, you must be desperate," he said.

"Excuse me?" Steele asked. He pointed his wand at Balto, and a tendril of black fire snaked its way from the circle towards the wolf-dog. The Alpha Supreme just batted it aside with his hand as he made his way closer to Steele.

"I'll admit, it is impressive that you've managed to even cast it," the hybrid said. His sheath was close to the fire now, and he continued, "But using it against me? I thought you ran out of ways to amuse me, but clear I was wrong. Now, let's see how this stands up against my power. Forp Fleoge."

As if a powerful air current passed, the flames were nearly extinguished, going from blazing fire to barely more than smouldering embers. Thinking quickly, Steele shouted, "Fyr withere!" and the flames restored to full strength and might.

But then, to Steele's surprise, the wolf-dog just walked through the fire like it wasn't there. He began to panic. Those flames should be protecting him, not letting his enemy through.

"The burning might of the Protego Diabolica is capable of destroying any enemies of the caster should they encounter it, but that does little when it comes to something that has greater power," Balto said. He stepped fully through the fire, which instantly extinguished.

"H-how?!" Steele asked, astonished.

"You can't destroy the unbreakable, Steele," Balto replied. He shot towards the malamute, who barely jumped out the way. "Are we really going to be doing this, now?" Balto asked, sounding bored.

Steele quickly slammed his hand on the ground, sending a shockwave rippling towards Balto and ripping the ground apart.

The Alpha Supreme was momentarily subdued, but before the shockwave could knock him backwards, he and it both slowed down, before outright stopping. The wolf-dog then leaned forwards and slammed his own hand on the ground, reversing the shockwave and sending it back to Steele. Unable to react quick enough, Steele was sent flying backwards.

Jumping to his feet, Steele conjured a magical circle and threw it towards Balto like a frisbee, intending to have it slice through the wolf-dog. He just held up an arm, letting the circle hit it and instantly shatter.

As Balto lowered his arm, Steele raised his own, forming several icicles in the air. He then threw them at Balto. Each one hit Balto, but none of them did any damage, aside from making Balto chuckle at the sensation. He then formed a fireball, and threw it at Steele.

Steele waved his wand and conjured a Shield Charm, blocking the fireball. He kept his Shield up, and Balto ran towards him, clenching his fist and making to punch Steele. His fist contacted the Shield, making it ripple for a moment, but also forcing Steele to slide back a few inches. Balto brought his hand back, and thrust it forwards again.

This time, Steele's Shield shattered like glass on impact. Terrified, Steele leapt back, before shooting up into the air. Balto laughed as he watched.

"So you're able to do that as well, huh?" he asked. Steele made to cast a spell, but before he could, he found himself gripped in a telekinetic hold, and tugged down rapidly towards Balto. Before Steele knew it, Balto had a hold of his neck. "You're definitely full of more tricks than I gave you credit for, Steele. But in the end, even your greatest weapon can't match me," Balto said. He grabbed the Moon Pearl around Steele's neck, and tore it off. He then looked at it. "Now this is a surprise. The Moon Pearl is the most powerful power amulet in existence. Well, it was."

"It''s," Steele choked out.

"That remains to be seen," Balto said. He grinned. "Still, such a shame its final outing was with you."

"W-what do you mean, 'final'?" Steele asked, struggling to free himself from Balto.

"You'll see, soon enough," Balto replied. Cracks began to appear along the Moon Pearl. "You should have tried to find the Eye of Otarum. Sure, it wouldn't have let you tap into the full potential of your powers, but it would have given you the knowledge that fighting me is a lost cause."

Now the cracks on the Moon Pearl were starting to glow. Steele couldn't help but look at it, making Balto laugh.

"Noticed, huh? Well, keep watching," he said. The cracks glowed brighter, before magical energy streamed out of them, swirling around Balto's hand, only to then be absorbed into him. Steele watched in both amazement and horror, knowing what Balto was doing; he was absorbing the magic within the Moon Pearl into himself. Even now, although he was no longer wearing it, Steele could feel the Moon Pearl's power fading.

After a few seconds, the flow of magic from the pearl stopped, and Balto let it drop to the ground with a clatter. He flexed his wrist for a moment, letting a small burst of magical energy swirl around his fingers. Then, he looked at Steele.

"You know, I'm surprised you haven't managed to escape. I've not been holding you that tightly, or with much attention," Balto said. He then laughed, adding, "Or are you really just that weak?"

Steele didn't know how to respond. He tried to pry Balto's fingers from his neck, but all that did was get the Alpha Supreme to laugh at the pitiful attempt.

"In the end, you really are weak and unskilled. Magic may give you a little power, but that power is no match to that of the Alpha Supreme. I don't often call myself a god, but in this instance, it fits: a tiny insect against an almighty god. Now, what to do with you?" Balto mused.

"If you're going to kill me, then do it already," Steele said. He was sure his neck was starting to bruise.

"Kill you? Why would I want to kill you?" Balto asked, sounding genuinely confused. He waved a hand behind him, noting, "You've seen what I did to the others. What made you think I'd give you a different fate?"

Steele's eyes widened, and for a moment he thought he was going to lose control of his bladder. Luckily, he didn't, but that just meant one less thing Balto could humiliate him with.

"Well, okay, I'm going to do something a_little_ different to you. But don't you worry. You'll soon grow to love it," Balto said. Steele felt his grip on him loosen slightly; not enough that the malamute could free himself, but still noticeable. Then, Steele felt his body go lax; no matter what he tried to do, his body refused to move on its own.

Magical energy began to swirl around Steele, literally pouring out of his body. Said energy then swirled around Balto's outstretched hand and arm, being absorbed into him. Steele felt drained, unable to do anything as Balto stole his power.

But that wasn't the only thing Balto was taking from the malamute. Unbeknownst to Steele at the time, his muscles were starting to shrink. Previously a size that both looked and felt strong and powerful, now Steele was turning scrawny and skinny. His abs vanished into a now flat stomach, his arms became twigs, and his legs looked barely stronger than a branch.

Then there was Steele's genitalia. Small pulses erupted around his balls, while his cock erected itself. But rather than signifying orgasm, the motions instead gave way to sudden stillness, followed by shrinkage. Steele's pride began to grow smaller and thinner, just like his muscles.

Balto finally let go of Steele a few minutes later, feeling he didn't need to drain any more from Steele. The malamute collapsed onto the floor in a heap, feeling weaker than ever before. Struggling to even move his arms, Steele rolled himself onto his back, and gasped.

All that size and musculature had to go somewhere, and Balto knew how to use it. Standing now a staggering_twenty feet tall, the wolf-dog grinned down at Steele. His muscles were _ginormous, completely dwarfing even professional bodybuilders; bulging pectorals and quads that seemed to radiate with power, a back with enough muscles alone to put anyone to shame, and glutes so powerful that even diamonds could be crushed into dust between them.

Balto's balls and sheath had also grown, again. His gigantic globes were now easily three times his new height, at sixty feet in diameter, while his sheath was a very impressive eighteen feet - almost as tall as the wolf-dog it was attached to.

"Now this is a body fitting for the Alpha Supreme," Balto said. He flexed his arm, the action alone causing the air to rush with tremendous force.

While Balto admired his new body, Steele struggled to get to his feet. He already felt weak, his legs buckling to even hold his own weight. With effort, he pointed his hand at a branch on the ground, before waving it to the side. But, rather than go shooting off, the branch just...shifted a few inches. Alarmed, Steele looked at his hands, before holding them out, trying to conjure a blast of ice, only to create just a few snowflakes that vanished in the warm air.

The malamute slumped his arms in defeat. While not completely powerless, Balto had drained him of so much of his magic that he wouldn't even be able to rival a child. Speaking of children...

When Steele looked down, he gave an alarmed yipe! Having not noticed when it happened, he now saw what had happened to his genitals. His cock was still erect, but instead of the seventy-five inches he'd sported before, it was only half-an-inch long, barely even able to be compared to a pencil nub, with his knot being only a little thicker than it. And his balls were so small, even marbles would look bigger in comparison.

A pitiful moan escaped Steele's mouth, one filled with anguish and despair. Balto's ears perked up at the sound, and he looked down at the malamute. Smirking, Balto reached down, before grabbing Steele and effortlessly picking him up.

"Let go of me!" Steele shouted.

"Naw, look at the little puppy," Balto said. He brought Steele closer to his face. "Like your new size, buddy? Now you're as weak on the outside as you are on the inside."

"Why did you do this to me?" Steele moaned.

"Because it's what you deserve, Steele," Balto replied. He moved his thumb rather roughly around Steele's groin, the appendage easily dwarfing his nub of a dick. Steele whined and groaned in pain. "Just think, Steele. If you weren't so obsessed with getting 'revenge' on me, or being the top dog, you might have had a different fate. I could have made you one of my Alpha Delegates. But instead, we had to go down this route. A pity: all that potential, nearly wasted away on a bitch like you. Luckily, I was able to save it before you squandered it."

It took Steele a few seconds to realise he was no longer being held in Balto's hand, and instead floating in the air a little before him.

"Now it's time you really learn why it is a bad idea to cross me," Balto said. He waved a hand, causing Steele to be sent flying backwards. When he stopped, he looked confused, before he felt a searing heat behind him. Turning his head to look, the malamute's eyes widened.

Impossibly imposing, Balto's cock was fully erect. One hundred and forty-one feet long, twenty-nine feet three inches wide, with a fifty-eight-feet-six-inch knot, the tower of tantalising meat was at once the most beautiful thing to be seen, and Steele's worst nightmare.

Steele had no time to dwell, however, as a second after, he was thrown down and back. Fear travelled through his body when he felt Balto's humongous tip, wider than his body, press up against his virgin anus. A giant glob of pre-cum was spat out of the tip, coating Steele's entire lower half in the stuff. If anything, Steele was thankful that Balto at least had the curtesy to attempt to lube him up.

Steele then felt two strong hands grip at his legs, tight enough that he worried his bones would snap. Fortunately, that didn't happen (yet). Instead, Steele was tugged back roughly, forcing at least six feet of cock inside his anus. Unable to help himself, Steele screamed in pain. His anus felt like it was being torn apart, skin stretching wider than it ever should have.

Balto sat himself comfortably against his balls, prepared for a long ride. He pulled back on Steele, forcing another three feet of length inside. Steele shouted and screamed, yelling swears and curses so colourful that even Balto was mildly impressed at the language being spoken.

It was more than Balto's abundant pre-cum greasing his insides now, Steele knew. His tail-hole didn't just feel_like it was tearing open, it _was tearing apart. Skin was being pulled so taut that it ripped apart like paper, unable to stand up to Balto. Blood was trailing down Balto's cock an inch or two, only to be forced up into Steele's rectum as Balto shoved more cock inside.

Steele's eyes were watering, his legs unable to move in Balto's grip, while his arms would flail about in erratic movements due to sudden bouts of unimaginable pain.

"Make it stop... Please, just...make it stop!" Unable to properly speak with the pain, Steele could only think the words. A loud crack sounded, and Steele yelled out in pain when he realised his spin was starting to break, Balto's cock so huge that it pressed up against the boney column as well as stretching Steele's belly into incredible sizes.

"Come on, Steele. We aren't even a quarter of the way there, yet," Balto said. He moved a hand from Steele's leg to stroke his rump, feeling the soft fur covering his buttocks. Then, without warning, he spanked the malamute so hard, Steele couldn't even scream, an empty yell exiting his mouth. When Balto felt at Steele's ass, the previously soft mounds now felt mushy.

Balto didn't care, instead gripped Steele's leg again, and pulling back so hard at least twelve feet of cock was rammed into the malamute. Whimpering in pain, Steele looked behind him, and saw he still had three-quarters of the shaft to go, including the knot.

"I'm going to die," the malamute thought.

"No you're not. I'm not going to let that_happen," Balto said. He tugged back again, hammering into Steele with very little mercy. He made sure the malamute would remain alive, but other than that, he had no consideration for him; all he was concerned with was his own pleasure. And, since stealing Steele's size and power had also increased his libido even higher than before (and Balto was already permanently horny), he had _a lot of arousal to take care of.

Steele began screaming and crying so loudly that his voice echoed around the area, trying to escape, but the pitifully weak male was too weak to even Splinch himself. More and more of Balto's colossal, fat cock meat was stuffed into his stretched anus, rearranging his insides and bulging his belly. His mind was being torn to pieces and blended into mush as both pain and pleasure mixed within him.

The wolf-dog's dick was now pressing so hard on Steele's prostate that it was a wonder how it hadn't been destroyed yet. As Balto continued to drill into Steele, turning his tail-hole into a canyon, he grinned.

To Steele, time seemed to speed up for a moment, minutes becoming barely a second. Before he knew it, he had been pulled so far down Balto's dick that his pulverised rump was bumping against Balto's gargantuan knot. Steele gulped, even as his mind caught up on the pain of having the entirety of the wolf-dog's shaft forced into his guts. Because Steele knew, despite the pain he was in now, taking Balto's knot would be worse.

"Damn, you're tighter than Dixie!" Balto groaned. Steele's hoarse moan in response brought a chuckle from Balto. "I hope you're enjoying yourself, Steele. Here, I'll give you a few minutes to adjust. Then we'll get this knot in."

Hearing that, Steele breathed a sigh of relief. Even a small respite would be enough for him. However, Balto had other ideas. Rather than stay still, he pumped his hips back and forth, sliding Steele a few feet up and down. Steele whined and whimpered, pain coursing through his body like waves in the ocean.

To Steele's great embarrassment, however, despite the pain he was going through, he was excruciatingly aware that his tiny penis was throbbing beneath him. He couldn't see it, due to Balto's own demolition spear blocking any view Steele had below, but he could feel it.

Balto knew about it as well. He laughed, pulling Steele all the way back, right up to the knot. Feeling that bulging mass press on his injured ass made Steele yelp, but Balto ignored it. Instead, he began pulling back even harder. Eyes wide, Steele yelped and_yipped_ in protest, but couldn't do anything to escape. All his efforts rewarded him was one of his knees breaking, causing his left leg to go limp, and his right shoulder dislocating.

Paralysed with pain, Steele could do nothing to stop Balto from forcing his anus to spread wider for his knot - not that Steele would have been able to stop it anyway. Balto grunted, pulling harder. But his knot seemed to refuse to go any further than a quarter inside. Tears spilling from his eyes and blood gushing out his ass, Steele looked back when Balto grew still.

"W-what are you..."

With a loud roar, Balto slammed his hips forwards with speeds faster than sound, forcing his knot to push against Steele's now destroyed anus. Just when the force felt too great, that it would rip Steele completely in two and kill him, the malamute's tail-hole was magically widened just enough for Balto's knot to slot itself inside with a tremendous POP!

Panting and gasping in pain, Steele found himself in a strong embrace from Balto. The wolf-dog continued to pump his hips in and out of Steele, who could only look at the shape his belly had taken. Balto's entire colossal cock was now inside the malamute, stretching his stomach and rump into taking its shape.

"I-I-I took it all?" Steele asked in disbelief.

"Yes you did. See how well you've done?" Balto asked. He moved a hand down to Steele's ass, letting his palm glow a soft blue-white light, healing his anus, but nothing more. He then gripped at Steele's arm, the one that wasn't dislocated at the shoulder, with his other hand grabbing his thigh, before going still.

Confused, Steele looked up at the wolf-dog, trying to see his face through his pecs. Unable to, he asked, "What's going..."

Again, interrupting Steele before he could finish his question, Balto yelled and thrust his hips upwards, tugging down on Steele's body.


Steele screamed in pain, his arm breaking into splinters, and his ribs cracking in half. Balto was acting too rough on him; if he kept this up, he'd kill the malamute.

Fortunately for Steele, Balto knew his limits. Feeling he'd demonstrated enough, the wolf-dog was now content to simply fuck him. His groin hit Steele's ass with strength and speed, while his cock continued to stretch and spread Steele wide.

Unable to control himself, Steele let out a pitiful groan, his little dicklet shooting out a few tiny drops of watery cum. Even that pathetic orgasm was painful for the malamute, his small balls aching with the effort alone.

"Oh, did my little bitch boy get off? Perhaps I should, too," Balto said.

"Nnngh... Please..." Steele moaned in response. He looked up, to see Balto's face grinning down at him. "I...I need it..."

"Say my name," Balto commanded.

Utterly defeated, resigning himself to his fate, Steele obeyed. "Balto! Oh, God, please, fill me up! Breed me! Mark me like the useless bitch I am! Oh, God, Balto, please!"

"That's it," Balto grunted. He was pounding Steele's backside with abandon, using him like he would a fertile bitch. Steele threw his head back, baying to the sky, tail wagging furiously as he was forever moulded to Balto's grand design.

Deep inside his ass, Steele felt Balto's cock throb in time with the beat of his heart, pulses of pre-cum erupting into his destroyed rectum, forming enormous bulges in the malamute's stomach. The amount of pleasure he was receiving was too much for Steele, and with a pained squeal, he dribbled another few tiny drops of watery jizz, smaller than the last and causing a painfully sharp ache to shoot through his diminutive nuts.

Balto laughed, feeling Steele's anal tunnel clamp down as much as it could around his cock. He reared back, his knot stretching Steele's anus out like it was made of rubber, before slamming his hips forwards.


With force stronger than any tsunami, Balto erupted inside of Steele, howling so loudly that all of Alaska could hear it. The boiling hot cream gushed down his widened tunnel in quantities unable to be comprehended by any mere mortal - gallons upon gallons of seed fertile enough to impregnate everyone on the planet trillions of times over. Steele felt the hot flood bathe his insides in just a matter of seconds. He couldn't stop himself from gasping, his little nub twitching as oceans of pure wolf-dog seed poured into him. His belly began to swell, shape changing so that, soon, the bulging outline of Balto's cock was replaced with a growing sphere.

Unable to cum himself, Steele found his head reeling as more and more wolfseed was pumped down his ass. Oddly, the searing heat washing over his ruined rectum felt...good to the malamute. He moaned and whined, his body shuddering and twitching, all the while Balto continued to seed him.

Balto's balls pulsed and quaked, rocking the planet enough to nearly hurl it out of orbit. It didn't take long, but finally, the wolf-dog's orgasm quelled. His titanic testicles continued to pulse and quiver, sending small vibrations along the Alaskan wilderness, but for now, Balto had finished.

Steele looked up when his mind cleared, and his throat went dry. His belly, previously once strong with abs and then flattened to the point of insignificance, now towered over everything in sight. Sixty thousand feet tall and wide, a gigantic globe of stretched skin and bottled cum.

Hearing Balto chuckle made Steele crane his neck to look up at him.

"Welcome to your new life, bitch," Balto said. He pointed his hand to his side.

The Moon Pearl, discarded carelessly after being drained of its power, went shooting towards Balto. He grabbed it, before holding it in Steele's eyesight. A small spark of magic appeared around Balto's hand, before the amulet transformed. The chain became black leather, very much a simple collar, while the Moon Pearl was turned into a tag. Writing then appeared on the tag. Steele gulped when he read the words.

Balto's Bitch

Before Steele had a chance to say anything, the collar wrapped itself around his neck and fastened securely. He then was nearly knocked out when Balto patted his head.

"Give me a couple minutes, and then we're heading home," the wolf-dog said. He was lightly pumping his hips into Steele's, forcing Steele to feel the wolf-dog's cock-ring press against his ass, taunting him.

As time passed by, Jenna found herself waiting outside the gates to Salvatore Mansion. She placed a hand on her gravid stomach, feeling the pups inside it kick and squirm. Thunderous footsteps made her look up.

Balto was striding down the street, proudly showing off his new size and might. His cock was poking out of his enormous sheath, leaking gigantic globs of pre-cum wherever it pointed. Slung over his shoulder, dazed and broken, was Steele. Held so his ass was on full display, near Balto's head, the malamute couldn't do anything but let Balto show off his greatest conquest, legs dangling uselessly and tail wagging. The dog's ass was entirely coated in cum, to the point his black fur seemed non-existent there, while his anus was spread so wide another person could easily fit their entire torso inside.

Trailing behind the two was Sansha. Her stomach had been shrunken down to just a little above the size of the average pregnant belly, just to give her enough mobility to walk. She was staring up at Balto in adoration, not even giving her father a passing glance.

Jenna ran up to the trio, unable to hide her surprise.

"Balto, what... My God, you're huge," she said.

"Always have been, babe," Balto said.

"You know what I mean," Jenna said. Considering how tall Balto was, she had to use her power over gravity to fly up to look him face-to-face. "So where've you been hiding this from, big boy?"

"Oh, this is recent thing. Thanks to bitch-boy here," Balto said, shaking his shoulder to get a small stir out of Steele. The dog just whimpered for a moment. "And it looks like everyone thinks it's a great thing."

"How do you know?" Jenna asked.

"The amount of people currently hugging my legs is a big indication," Balto said. Jenna glanced down, and saw there was, indeed, a large gaggle of people crowding around the now towering Balto, all clambering to just so much as touch him. "Now, I'm going to send Steele to the hospital so they can fix his bones," Balto said. He started to walk off, with Jenna shifting to the side before flying after him.

Getting to the hospital was easy, since Balto's new size meant he could travel leagues of distance with minimal effort, so crossing a few streets in Nome was a piece of cake. Balto did have to enchant himself so that doorways and such would expand to fit him in order to enter, but once he did so, he instructed the doctors there to heal Steele's bones, but not to rush.

When that was sorted, Balto left the hospital, picking Jenna up and cradling her in his arm as he made his way back to Salvatore Mansion. Sansha and the others returned home, although some needed to be told several times in order to do so.

The gates of Salvatore Mansion opened automatically for Balto, and he strode confidently up the pathway. Jenna sighed with content as she rested in Balto's arm.

"You really are perfect, you know?" she asked.

"You could stand to mention it a bit more," Balto joked. He rubbed a finger against her cheek. "Besides, I'm only perfect because you bring out the best in me." Jenna giggled.

Evidently, Balto was deliberately pacing himself, since they hadn't even gotten a quarter of the way up the path by this point.

"Perhaps I'll show the boys how to do this. I reckon Kodi could bulk up enough to give me a run for my money," Balto mused.

"You know that even Kodi can't match you," Jenna said.

"Doesn't mean he won't have to try," Balto said. Jenna kissed at his arm, unable to reach up to his face at the moment.

"Well, we'll worry about that later. Right now...I want to experience what the new you can do," she said. Those words definitely got Balto's attention, as he sped up and entered the mansion quickly.

Not even a minute later, loud slaps_and _smacks of two bodies becoming one resonated from the mansion.

Time passed, seasons coming and changing. Steele was released from the hospital three days after his admittance, his bones healed. He was no longer seen as a powerful man or, indeed, anything other than Balto's little bitch. No woman even wanted to look at his cock, not that it mattered - it transpired that Steele had been rendered impotent, entirely unable to produce anything meaningful in his semen, and he was no longer interested in trying to find bitches to breed. All Steele wanted now was for Balto to breed him. Even when walking in the streets, Steele was mostly just a public display for Balto, forced to wear the collar and show off his permanently stretched and gaping anus, leaking cum wherever he went.

Perhaps the most hilarious thing that happened to Steele, however, was what happened shortly after he was released from hospital. Discussing it first with Balto, in order to get permission from the wolf-dog, Tempus decided to give the final spit on Steele's obliterated pride. His size increased thanks to Balto to the point his genitals were the same size as Balto's before he revealed his true size to Steele and the others, Tempus bred Steele out in the open, using him like a cheap sex toy. But upon unleashing the flood, swelling Steele to twenty thousand feet, Tempus cast a spell on Steele, the effect of which was made apparent some days later.

The malamute had fallen pregnant. Tempus was manipulating Steele's time to speed up the pregnancy, but there was no denying it for anyone: Steele Blackhawk was pregnant with Tempus's brood. It was such an amusing sight for anyone to witness, seeing Steele with a permanently gaped anus and a swollen stomach full of kicking pups. Steele was lucky that, having taken gargantuan knots repeatedly by the point he gave birth, he was able to push the pups out with minimal issue. He didn't feel so lucky when, after pushing out his sixteenth and final pup of the litter, he heard Tempus and Balto discuss the situation happening again, but with maybe Balto being the breeder instead.

Sansha had her first litter a few weeks later, and initially managed to beat Jenna in size. She had given birth to one hundred and twenty-seven pups in that litter alone, breaking Jenna's own record of forty-five pups. But, not to be outdone, Jenna's next litter outclassed Sansha's; two hundred and forty-nine pups.

Balto remained the Alpha Supreme, enjoying his life to its fullest. The statue that sat in his garden was 'updated' so that Steele was now included, stuck behind Balto and rimming him with his head as far up Balto's ass as it could go; a scenario that Balto had Steele do several times in reality as well.

It all culminated to one day where, in the middle of Nome, Balto began to fuck Jenna with all his might, while Steele dutifully stayed by his side to either rim and tongue Balto's ass, or lick at his cock and point of union with Jenna. But as the day rolled on, it became apparent that Balto was not going to end this public mating session any time soon.

Two days passed, then three more, but Balto refused to part his hips from Jenna's. He just continued to pump into her, sending pulsing deluges of fertile sperm inside her swollen womb. Already, her size was reaching over half the size of the planet, yet still she was getting cum thrust inside her. While Balto and Jenna basked in their pleasure, Steele was unable to derive much bliss. Being so close in proximity to Balto already got Steele's body riling up, his tiny nub trying (and mostly failing) to send out whatever little spurts of cum his balls could produce. After the first day, he was in pain. By this point, it was torture for the small-dicked dog.

Another week passed, and soon it wasn't just Jenna's belly that was getting bigger. All the adulation he was receiving, as well as the joys of breeding his wife, had a wonderful effect on Balto, causing his balls to grow larger. At first they just reached eighty feet, but then shot up in size to one hundred. His cock, similarly, grew in size too, lengthening to a staggering three hundred feet.

On and on Balto fucked Jenna. Small tributaries of cum leaked out of her, which were instantly cleaned up by Steele, the malamute having grown used to his food source for now being these leaks of cum. Occasionally, Balto's sons, Kodi mostly, would come up to their parents to hang out or watch. Kodi, on several occasions, brought Dusty with him to fuck, but he'd only last a day or two before returning home with her. The only reason Steele was unable to leave was due to Balto forcing him to stay.

Finally, after a whole month, Balto let his hips still. He nuzzled Jenna (having had to open a portal around his head to do so), before they both looked up. Jenna's stomach was so stuffed with cum, it extended far beyond their line of sight. Bloated to the absolute extreme, the husky's belly was roughly six times the size of Earth!

Balto's balls, meanwhile, had reached a stupendous size of two thousand one hundred and seventy-nine miles and one thousand nine hundred and eighty feet (over half the size of the Earth). His cock and knot were similarly enhanced, reaching sizes of five thousand two hundred and thirty-nine and a half miles for his cock and two thousand one hundred and fifty-six miles and three thousand one hundred and sixty-eight feet for his knot.

The only reason everything in the world hadn't been crushed by Jenna's belly or Balto's balls was because Balto was levitating both of them high enough that everything underneath was safe.

Standing balls-deep in Jenna, Balto rubbed a hand along her planet-sized belly. Jenna giggled at his touch.

"See what we can do together, Jen?" Balto asked.

"I never had any doubt about it," Jenna replied.

"This one did." Balto reached behind him and pulled Steele up to look at him. "Luckily, he's come around. Haven't you, my little bitch?"

"Yes, sir," Steele replied meekly.

"Good boy. Can't have a bitch that doesn't know his place, can I?" Balto asked. Steele didn't answer, knowing the question was rhetorical. "You have to admit, don't I wear your muscles much better than you?"

"Yes, sir," Steele responded.

"Such an obedient bitch. I think I'll give you a reward soon. Maybe a nice, new litter, to go along with the last one Tempus put in you. Heh, if you're lucky, you, Jen, and Sansha might give birth at the same time. Wouldn't that be neat?" Balto asked. Steele shivered, still unused to the fact he had given birth to a litter.

When Balto pulled free of Jenna two hours later, and the flood of cum spilling out of her was halted, Balto instantly replaced her with Steele on his cock, before pumping into his so hard it was a wonder his bones didn't break again.

By the end of that savage mating, Steele was left with a belly nearly a third the size of Jenna's, and therefore nearly twice the size of the Earth. And, deep inside, Balto's powerful sperm met with eggs in droves. Steele was going to be pregnant again.

And, at last, Balto was content with his life.

The End.