Claiming Saphira

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Saphira, after being manipulated by Shruikan in the mountains, is taken to Galbatorix's palace, the dungeons and the dragon tower, for his dragon to use as he pleases, dominating and controlling the dragoness...




This story contains non-consensual erotica in a fantasy context!




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Claiming Saphira

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by anonymous

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The dragoness quailed, chained in Galbatorix's dungeons - or a dungeon made specifically for dragons. It had been so long down there, the day and the night not proving to be any different for her. As Saphira did not need to eat daily to sustain herself, there was no way for her to tell that it had only been three days. Three long, excruciating days.

She laid her head down, barely able to move, water dripping, somewhere. The trickle was torturous, the heavy, metal collar around her neck, resistant to dragon fire, weighing her down. Her legs were hobbled, the fronts together and the backs together, even her tail weighed down at the back with a heavy ball and a short chain.

Of course, she had not been alone for that time. He had been there. The dragon of her nightmares, the one that she wished did not exist, the one that she wished had never found her. It was not worth it, not even the flow of sexual desire, not to leave her rider, not to leave the home that she had found.

Shuddering, the dragoness could not push away the memory in time of Shruikan pinning her down, his thick cock inside her, filling her, penetrating her so deeply that she doubted very much that there was even a single fraction of his cock remaining outside her strained vent. He had not left her alone for more than a couple of hours at a time, during which she snatched what little sleep she was able to, knowing that her taking, her breeding, would continue as soon as the dark dragon returned.

She wanted to think of him in a way that was as cruel as his rider, for the drake had not cared for her. There had been no softness, no aftercare, not for a single breeding, taking what he wanted from her and then leaving her in the darkness of the dungeon, reeking of his scent, his seed drooling from her strained, gaping slit. Saphira didn't know if her body would ever feel the same ever again, considering that she had taken him more times than she expected many dragons, if mating solely for offspring, would in their lifetimes.

The edges of her slit throbbed with soreness, yet she did not understand, her thoughts and her body not matching up. A part of her reeled in the horror of it and yet there was something else there too, a lingering desire, wanting the dragon, the bulk and the warmth of her body up against his.

She didn't think of how her jaws hung open, the corners of her lips twitching, her eyes half-lidded. She didn't think of what it meant that, despite everything, she was still lonely there, that she wanted him, wanted his company. It was wrong to be alone when her body burned as it did, though she knew that there was no possible way that she could not have fallen pregnant, not after the number of times that Shruikan had taken her. It was not possible and, still, her body ached as if it needed more, as if it needed to be taken, pinned down and bred until her muscles were so sore that the dragoness in question could not move a single inch, bondage or no bondage.

She didn't know that the palace magicians were working, day and night, to pour their power into the dungeon containing her, softening the edge of her disgust and horror with magic, though for a lust-addled dragoness as she was, hormones running wild, it was not difficult for them. Her mind only ran down the same old patterns that it did simply because that was what her body thought that it needed to do. It was what her mind thought was necessary, forcing itself back, fighting against the situation that she had found herself in, but that may not have been the truth of it.

Her body ached deeply, pleasurably too, warm on the inside, throbbing as if she was missing something when the hot rod of his breeding spire was not buried inside her. The dragons rarely changed positions in the dungeon, but it was not necessary for them to do so, not with her positioned at the ready for him, only needing to push her tail to the side. The tip of her tail pulled half-heartedly at the chain, but the heavy metal ball attached to it, manacled to her scales, though she didn't really want to go anywhere.

Well, she did. And she didn't. It didn't make sense.

It was where she needed to be, that much she knew. Whether she truly liked it or not, that was where she belonged, the only dragoness in the world, as far as she knew. Her body ached for him. All she needed was his cock to be happy and the rest of her life, the world at large, could wait. They had never done all that much for her anyway, even if a small part of her still panged for her rider, for Eragon.

It was not his fault that she had ended up there, though perhaps it had all been predetermined. Tension contracted in the pit of her belly, guts churning, and she let out a high-pitched whine, wanting to grind back, imagining that the drake was already there and driving into her, claiming her and showing Saphira who she belonged to all over again.

"Hello, my pretty jewel..."

She shivered, eyes alight, though she didn't like that the feeling was there, that her vent slickened further for him. She didn't have to be aroused for Shruikan to take her, with how much cum there was already wetting her passage down, making it easy for him to push into her body, but her body still did what it needed to either way. Saphira supposed that was a good thing, but the dragoness could only moan as he bit at her neck, enough for his teeth to graze her scales, that time, without breaking the barrier of her scales.

He'd said once that he didn't want to leave too many marks on her. That he liked her as she was, perfect in her body, in her scales, though he had had to tame her, yes. That he had had to bring her down, pin her, use her, all to show her the true place of a dragoness like her in the new world order.

Saphira swallowed hard, but did not resist as he pushed her tail to the side, his cock hard and throbbing, drooling already. She didn't say anything, but the drake rumbled his crooning approval more than enough for the both of them, shoving his dick deep up into her vent as she tried to hide her lust.


"You don't have to be so quiet for me, my dragoness," he growled, rumbling as he pushed over her, ignoring the press of her wings up against his stomach, for there was no true resistance in the weak motion anyway. "I adore your groans... But you are taking too long to break..."

She didn't need to be broken, she wanted to tell him, though the words stuck in her throat. She was her own dragoness, yes, she was free, she was her own dragoness. But that was not all that convincing even to her, not as she groaned deep in the back of her throat, her tail twitching passionately, to the limit that her restrictive bondage allowed.


"Yes, that's right," he hissed, pinning her more fervently, using the weight of his body against her as if there was no bondage in play at all. "Moan for me. My claim... My dragoness..."

He felt too good inside her for her mind to think about anything else, passage squeezing around him, milking him of his seed. After breeding so much, her body had learned, a little, what Shruikan liked, flexing and pulling around his cock actively, as if she was trying to coax his seed from him.

Shruikan growled approvingly, curling his tail around her ankle, just for an added sliver of control that, even then, was not truly needed.

"Better, my dragoness..."

She shivered. His, always his. Was that all that her life had become? Yet he ploughed her hard and fast, the weight of him looming over her hindquarters and bearing down, forcing her to accept every inch of his cock, not allowing a single sliver to be wasted. His scales crushed to her vent and tail with every rampant thrust, so harsh, so overpowering, pinning her to the ground with the sheer, raw force of his strokes.

Saphira groaned, moaning aloud, losing herself in lust. There was too much going on for her, not feeling as if she was at all still in her right mind, though there was no way for her to tell, not at all, not with him slamming into her, stroke after stroke powering deep. He dragged at her inner walls every time he pulled back with a lewd slop of their combined bodily fluids, slurping and bubbling, though it was mostly his cum at that point, as the drake had filled her so many times over. There was nowhere else, after all, for his seed to go.

"Unff... Yes... Ohhh..."

She didn't make any sense with her moans, but Saphira had learned that it did not have to seem rational to her. It only had to be. That was the best of things, where she didn't have to think, where she could let her mind slip away, almost as if she had never had a mind or free will in the first place.

Orgasm tore through her, her vent tightening around him, clenching onto his cock as if her body was trying to push him out. And yet the pleasure had to come, stroke after stroke, heaving, grunting, panting, ecstasy claiming her right there under Shruikan's claws. The drake snarled, saliva drooling onto her neck and between her shoulders, splattering her scales, furthering marking her as his, scent wrapped up even in that part of him.

Every drop of seed he had to give poured up inside her as he reached his peak too, pumped deep with every stroke of his cock, fucking her long and hard, all through his orgasm. He could have paused or slowed, but the drake too was infatuated with her, longing for her, though Shruikan too had learned that he could take what he willed, a kindred spirit to Galbatorix. That was, after all, why he had chosen the man as his rider, so many years ago. There was no going back from that point for Shruikan, the drake as much a product of the suffering Galbatorix had been denoted the cause of as Galbatorix himself was.

She panted, laying her head down, the drake's cock sliding softly from her. Even though he was out of her body, she kept her tail hiked to the side, demonstrating her readiness for him.

"Please..." She breathed, barely able to find the words. "Take me... Take me again. This... This is where I belong. I am...yours. Yours... Always. Always...yours..."

Shruikan cocked his head, a gleam in his eye.

"Is this the path you choose, dragoness?"

She didn't know, but she was still nodded, groaning, lifting her tail for him, trying with all her might to stagger to her feet with the hobbles in place - but only so she could go to him, close the distance between his body and hers. She needed him, to be near him, to let him do as he willed to her. As long as she got those rushes of intoxicating pleasure, time after time again, there was nothing more that the dragoness could ever imagine needing in the world. Only him, his control, his presence, to be his mate, the only mate that Shruikan could take in the world, with the lack of other dragons in it.

It was a mateship of need, of purpose...but Saphira could not find the willpower inside her to care about that. It felt as if it was inevitable anyway.

The magic curled into the walls of the dungeon, lowering her inhibitions, pushing her further. But that was not something that she would ever know about, forever under the impression that she had free will, that she was making every decision there because it was something that she wanted, that she was allowing everything to happen.

In reality, she would never know. But that was not the case.

He had the guards come and unchain her, though her body felt strange, as if it was too light, without the metal weighing her down. Stretching out her wings to the limits that her prison allowed, she worked blood back into her sore limbs, though Saphira still endeavoured to keep her tail arched up over her back, making her body available for him. With her belonging to him, it felt like the very least she could do for Shruikan.

The drake's eyes glinted, enjoying the show, anticipating the months in which her flanks would round out, showing her pregnancy. That would be very much one of the things that he was looking forward to, seeing her in one of her most natural of states, exactly as she needed to be and no more than that. There was no more needed, for the rest of her life there, as his lifelong mate, would be simple.

Slowly, uncomfortably, she tried to keep up with the long, sinuous sway of Shruikan's tail and the rest of his body through the palace, barely raising her head. It was not that she was ashamed, but her body still prickled with heat, as if it was trying to release more than it believed itself able to, her jaws hanging open, harsh pants raking down her windpipe. They didn't help, not as her tail half-lowered, though her shame trickled down her legs, showing that her vent was stretched and well-bred. Eventually, when Shruikan was not taking her and breeding her daily, her body would return to a normal, softer state, but she would still carve the length of his cock, how it could reach places inside her smaller body that a tongue or any other stimuli simply would not.

Galbatorix had little to say to her, but Saphira would not have heard it anyway, not as she was presented to him. She only had eyes for Shruikan as the drake's fleshy length pushed out all over again...


Six months later...

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Saphira had been granted a position in the dragon's keep: a tall, stone tower decorated extravagantly, made for fewer than one hundred dragons at a time, though the smaller caves and sleeping areas were not suitable for her. No, she was a breeding dragoness and she took herself right to the top, as if it was a mountain and she was seeking out the eyrie, the very peak of it, taking the largest cave for herself. After all, Shruikan did not live there with her, not when he was needed by his rider, the king, so often.

The nest she had built was composed of plush, lavish cloth - reams of it, such as what would be found at the seamstress or tailor of a royal, just like Galbatorix. She had not requested such finery, only what instinct demanded of her, and it had been brought to her anyway, along with the myriad of sticks, twigs and huge branches that she had woven together to create her nest.

Of course, she'd had to make sure that her hatchlings, once hatched, did not tumble out of their nest to a premature death and short end. That was something lingering in dragon instinct from times long gone by when they would, naturally, nest in the mountains, seeking out the highest of peaks for safety, fiercely protecting their young.

The floor of the nest was soft, while the branches and natural wood formed the exterior, a lip for Saphira to hop over when she needed to leave the nest, though the branches framed the walls inside more nicely. The far side of her abode, where it did not open to the inside of the tower, opened out on the lands that Galbatorix ruled, though that was not the reign of a dragon. For a nesting mother, it did not concern her.

She had more pressing matters to hold in mind.

Laying her first clutch was terrifying, all alone up there, though she had been offered guards and support. They were only there to make sure that she did not fly off without the consent of Shruikan, but, frankly, Shruikan himself could have brought her back at any time, if the dragoness had gotten a little flighty. Nesting instinct, however, was a powerful thing indeed and once she had made her nest, it was there that the dragoness had stuck. Nothing short of absolute disaster would force a dragoness from their nest, much less their mates, if they had formed a mateship bond for the process of nesting and hatching. Some remained mates forever, others only took temporary mates for breeding and companionship. There were no wrong paths to follow in the lives of dragons.

Of course, for Saphira, she could not see herself being with anyone other than Shruikan. The dragon was the only other in the world and she wanted a mate, wanted that companionship. He had not come to see her since she had ascended to the nesting room, her chamber, even if it was a sort of quasi-prison nest. Saphira had made it as good as she could, for her purposes, and it would have to do.

Still, she paced restlessly wherever she could, wanting to stretch her wings, even though the time for laying her eggs was near. In the end, she was stuck in the nest for three full days, having food brought to her, the pains in her stomach trying to tell her that it was time. And yet she feared pushing, all alone as, finally, instinct and the natural rhythms of her body took over.

Pushing egg after egg out was a trial, one after the other plopping into her nest, framed softly by the cloth, the velvet, everything rich in the land that would be the first thing they saw, apart from their mother, when they hatched. And yet her heart ached for the companionship of another, the feel of Shruikan pressed up to her, even if Saphira did not think that he would be as comforting as she needed him to be.

She would be stronger, she vowed, all for him. To be his mate, the only dragoness in the kingdom. There was nothing else she could do as, exhausted, she curled up around her eggs, nestling them deeper into the nest, protected by her body and, of course, the guards who prevented anyone that Saphira did not allow from entering her tower. Of course, Shruikan and Galbatorix and anyone they ordered could enter the tower at any time, but the eggs were of the utmost priority.

And Saphira too, of course, as Shruikan's mate. In that alone, she held a vital importance to the king.

She ate and she slept, though her body ached, burning, straining. She felt as if she had healed after laying her eggs and buried them suitably in the nest, using the warmth of her body to keep them at a suitable temperature, though she fretted and worried. Then what was wrong? Why was she still so on edge, as if she was about to face an attack at any moment?

Whenever she was not curled up around her eggs, she paced, working her wings, the guards eyeing her worriedly whenever she came into view. The spiralling path, running along the inside of the tower, from cavern to cavern, was too narrow for her to walk, but she spiralled in flight, up and down, working her wings, needing the strain simply for her body to feel something, even though the dragoness did not know what it was that she was seeking out.

Yet all became clear when Shruikan appeared at the entrance to her abode, the black dragon filling the space as if with pure darkness, the evil that he encompassed swarming within. The dragoness pulled back, her muzzle tilted levelly, as if she was appraising him from head to toe. And yet her heart panged for him, as if she had been shocked by a jolt of lightning, every fibre of her being screaming at her to go to him, to be with him, to submit to him.

"You have come," she whispered instead, keeping herself rooted in place, wings lifted a little from her back, every muscle locked where it was. "You... It has been too long, Shruikan."

The black dragon rumbled, walking into her new home as if he owned it - which, she supposed, technically, he did.

"My dragoness," he all but purred, letting his body rub up against hers, scale on scale contact. "You have grown. Not physically, no, but mentally. Perhaps emotionally too? That will be seen."

She shivered, holding back a moan. What was wrong with her? Why did she feel so hot all over, all over again? She should have realised, for even though her body was no longer in heat, having laid her eggs, her mind still craved him, the bulk of him, how reassuring it was to be taken, as if everything was right with her world when she handed over control to the drake in charge.

Whimpering, she shook her head back and forth, panting softly, the only remaining measure of her imprisonment the collar around her neck. That had been placed by the guards, though she did not know the limits of it, for she had never wanted to go all that far from the tower, the scope of her world narrowed, limited. Magically infused, it would prevent her from leaving, though she suspected that it kept her linked to Shruikan rather than Galbatorix.

She panted, licking her lips, trying not to look weak, though Shruikan already knew what she needed.

"Give in, little dragoness," he whispered, caressing her jaw with a claw that she could not help but lean into, despite everything. "I want you like this. Is it not better to allow the desires of your body to take over?"

It was not as if she had a choice in the matter, but, like that time she had returned to the river, seeking out the dragon who had, that first time, taken her against her will, she went to him. She went willingly, gasping as his tongue flickered out over her neck, as she showed her tenderness that she had not even known Shruikan was capable of. Or perhaps her expectations of him were simply so low that there was no way that he could not surpass them from the smallest of acts, the most minuscule of moments making a difference, at least to her.

There was no time for contemplating, not as he pressed up to her, bearing her back, cautious only of the eggs, nestled down safe and warm on one side of the nest. A small trinket, a gemstone with facets cut into it, hung near the opening of the cave, catching the light, though it was not valuable enough to capture Shruikan's attention more than fleetingly. He had far more expensive jewels, like the dragoness herself, in his collection.

"Are you finally submitting?" He teased, letting his snout trace a line down her back, the dragoness arching into it with a moan. "Sublime... Though I expected nothing less of my dragoness."

She couldn't help it, every part of her body quivering for him, aching for him, wanting the drake so terribly. She moaned for it, yearning, shivering where she was as his nose quested down under her tail. He had only done that once before, that first time that she remembered, though her memories of the larger, more powerful drake were hazy at best.

If magic hadn't rendered the edges of her senses and her memory shaky at best, Saphira might have been more concerned about the apparent loss of her memory. But nothing was wrong, nothing at all, not as she whimpered and groaned, his tongue skating over her vent, teasing her.

"Please..." She breathed, submitting, giving into everything that she had known, in some small way, that her body wanted. "I need you... Please, breed me again."

"You're not even fertile again yet and you beg me to take you? How far you have fallen, Saphira..."

He teased her even as his tongue pushed into her sex, curling up inside her against her sensitive spots, flicking and wriggling until the dragoness quaked in pleasure. It had been so long, too long, and she had not known just how denial could course through her like that, weak at the knees, her head hanging.

She didn't need to be Saphira, didn't need to be anyone else, as long as she was Shruikan's. If she belonged to the great drake, there was nothing else at all in the world that could ever concern her ever again.

Her legs braced as he aroused her further, tail pushed up over her back, the tip brushing the back of her collar with reverence. When she would not leave him, it felt superfluous, but she didn't feel like it was important to mention. All the dragoness could do was moan as his tongue wormed up deep inside her, making her blood sing, the tip pressing and flickering ever so gently up against her innermost barrier, demonstrating the snaking length of it.

He groaned against her, rumbling a growl, the soft vibrations growing in intensity as they travelled into her body. After so many visits, it was only natural for her to submit, yet it had taken that final wall of resistance in Saphira crumbling for her to truly see her place there, where she belonged. There was nowhere else for her and, as far as the dragoness was concerned, she would take the drake's cock every day for the rest of her natural life as long as it meant that he would be there, always with her.

The dragoness cried out as he pressed in closer, slurping up her essence, drinking her juices down as if he was taking something from her too, though the dragoness knew it was another ploy at securing his control over her. His dominating claws could hold her, could pin her, could take her any way that he wanted to, as long as he fucked her raw at the end of it all.

The tightness in her belly, hot and twisting, coiled, building to a crescendo released in a roar, her delight echoing around the tower, off the walls of her cavern. For she had no hope of controlling herself as she rocked back and forth on his muzzle, pleasing herself even as an orgasm tore through her with more force than a storm. The kind of storm that ripped her from the air and tossed her to the bare slopes of the mountains, dashing her upon them as her body was taken apart, scale by scale. Of course, with Shruikan, she was safe and protected, but the sensations coursing through her in throbs of bliss did not know that.

The next thing she knew was the weight of him on top of her, forcing her tail out of the way, scraping her scales in his haste to breed her. The drake, after all, was not infallible, and yet it was their joint groans that cut through the air, his shaft ploughing up deeply into her. he did not need to pause to line up with her sex, not after they had spent as much time, prior, mating as they had, his cock knowing exactly where it had to go to sink home.

So full.

It was all as she yearned for it, her sex spreading around him, eagerly gripping the drake's cock, wanting him, yearning for him, whimpering for him. Oh, had it been so long without the pressure of the powerful dragon on her back? No longer did it look like her nest, her cave, somewhere that she could call her own, but something that Shruikan dominated, a domain that he commanded. As he would always command her, forever and always, his cock thrusting and grinding deep.

She bowed her front half to the ground submissively, tremors of lust coursing through her, the aftershocks of her first orgasm, though she was more than wet enough to take him, the drake slamming in hard and fast. Perhaps he had lusted for her as much as she had longed for him, her tongue hanging out of her muzzle as he ground in deeply. The dragon above her growled deeply, the trembling vibrations thrilling through her body, but she wanted more, even more, pressing her tail wantonly up against the side of his body, as if that would be enough to show him what she craved from him, everything she yearned for and so much more.

She would have to be patient, however, for it was not Saphira who was in control as he ploughed her, the rough grind of his cock penetrating her deeply. His tail lashed back and forth, disturbing the far side of her nest, the largest cavern there not even big enough for Shruikan. He would not have been comfortable living up there full-time, though, if Saphira was to stay, she would eventually outgrow the cavern too. That, however, would take many, many years.

Better to revel in the moment, the lust of his cock sinking into her, needing it, craving it, whimpering for him. She barely managed to pull a word to her lips other than a moan, his cock straining her pussy, for it had been so long since he had been inside her.

He snarled, clamping his teeth down on her neck, digging in, a mating bite that would leave a permanent mark on her, showing everyone openly just who she belonged to. Always his, forever and always, his breeding dragoness, giving him clutch after clutch of eggs.

With Shruikan's teeth digging into her neck, trickles of blood dripping down her neck, she climaxed with him, twin orgasms taking them as long, hot ropes of cum filled her. He forced himself deeper, using his body to hold her down, even though the dragoness wasn't going anywhere. She needed it, whimpering breathlessly, though he drove as deeply up into her as she could, holding his dick there to make sure that every drop went where it belonged.

Even if she wasn't in heat then, he would return, again and again, when she was, all to ensure that another clutch was seeded inside her. Again, and again, and again...

One round would not be enough for their reacquaintance, however, Saphira submissively worming her way under the larger drake when his half-hard cock eased from her slit to please him. She didn't know what to do, driven by instinct, seeking out his cock as she caressed his length with her long tongue, her head ducked under his stomach. Shruikan rumbled, pleased with her service, though it was unskilled. He would teach her, in time...

She purred, nuzzling his shaft, pressing her nose to the slit where it swelled forth, wanting him, his spicy musk spreading through her deliciously. Again, she inhaled, hissing softly, curling her tongue around him as she teased him back to full hardness, though it did not take very much at all. He was already so hot and ready for her, burning up, a drake who knew what he craved from a dragoness who was submissive and ready to serve.

"Very good, my dragoness..."

He groaned as she turned, rolling onto her back, a good distance from her eggs so that they would remain safe, exposing herself, her tail leading up directly to her vent: slick and parted from his initial penetration. Being on her back was not the most comfortable position for her, but it was what the dragoness yearned for, showing him how much she wanted him, everything that she was willing to do for him.

If he kept dominating her, using her, she would remain his submissive lover until the end of time.

Shruikan's tail lashed the air hopefully as he stepped over her, his cock leaving a trail of pre-cum and her juices on her scales as he made for her vent. There was only one thing that could be done and he adjusted the angle of his hips, fearfully larger than her in such a position, though the dragoness welcomed him in all the same.

"Ohhhhh, yes..." She breathed, eyes half-lidded, smoke curling from her nostrils. "This... I"

It was the most she'd managed to say and yet rang true with more honesty than anything else, the drake using the full length of his cock to take her, thrust after thrust. There was no rush, but there was desire, a burning, flickering simmer of dragon fire that was more potent than any flame the humans could call to life.

He would not be satisfied with her until she was fertile again and in heat, fucked through another breeding session (after session) until she was ripe with his eggs once more. For now, that he had had her once, Shruikan craved the feel of the muscle-hardened dragoness under him, her wings folded down and in submissively, tail entwining with hers. He squeezed around her tail, locking it in place, instinctively taking his dominance wherever he felt it was most appropriate, though it was mostly done unconsciously, not something the drake actively thought about.

Saphira took everything, her passage a little looser that time, a little more accepting of him now that she was warmed up. She cried out his name, begging him for more, to take her, harder and faster, to use her, as long as he was there with her. She wanted it, groaning softly, licking her lips, the taste of Shruikan lingering there, tongue swiping across the side of her muzzle repeatedly as if she was hoping to find a little more of his spicy musk there.

She could do as she willed, within reason, the collar a sign of ownership and his bite mark, there for all to see at the base of her neck. The dragoness didn't need any more as her passage flexed and pulled around him, though she was too caught up in lust to think about giving him more pleasure. Her body as it was would have to be enough for the moment and she could give that to Shruikan whenever he pleased, absolutely wherever he asked for her submission.

With a heave of his body, he pinned one of her hind legs down to the ground, forcing it to splay out even further at an uncomfortable angle, though Saphira did not mind. She only had eyes for the dragon, the only mate she would ever have, no longer loathing him but revelling in submission to him. Of course, things would never remain exactly the same during the course of their mateship, but that was the nature of relationships, especially ones that had come from beginnings as rough and as fraught as theirs had.

Saphira would never know that the magicians infused the tower with runes, giving her positive feelings, though it was Shruikan who had truly broken her. It would always be Shruikan, their moans tangling in the air as he slammed into her, taking her in long, rough, powerful strokes, using the full depth of her cunt, though there was something more between them, a bond that could never be broken.

His seed spurted deep, ropes splattering up inside her strained vent, adding to the first load, Saphira's head rolling back against the floor, something soft cushioning her horns, though she wasn't focusing on that. Her mind was entirely engaged by the pulse of his dick inside her, how every throb made her feel as if she was being stretched just a little bit wider.

There, she would stay. There, she was content. There, she had a mate. Shruikan growled, his teeth scraping the front of her neck tenderly, tightening his tail around hers where it had slackened off.


She trembled.

Always. Always his.

Forever his mate.

Dominant Mares

**Dominant Mares** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Irving Writes_ _ _ _ _ Eugene groaned, rolling over in bed, though...something was wrong, very wrong. Or right, depending on how one looked at it,...

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The Coming of Dragons: Chapter Seven

**The Coming of Dragons** **Chapter Seven** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ "How long do you think you spend down here every day?" Arya flicked her tail, heart-shaped at the tip, musing over a set of...

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