Between Two Moons

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#3 of PantheoRoyale

An average tanuki, or at least that's what he believes he is, goes about his day like normal while his own boyfriends do their own thing.

"Hey guys! Really sorry I'm late, again!" The tall, chubby tanuki almost stumbled into the office where he and a team of other mangaka artists work.

"Woke up late, again?" A young lady with sharp-looking glasses asked in a 'no bullshit' tone.

The tanuki felt himself sweating in nerves a bit as he squeaked out. "Maybe?"

"Come on, Sayu, cut the man some slack. His very important boyfriends probably wanted their morning 'creamed coffee'~" Another co-worker, a grey-furred tabby, replied with a suggestive tone and very clear gesture with his hands. "If you catch my drift."

"God, you're so disgusting James!" Another female coworker, human, with blonde hair and a side ponytail said with a laugh.

Oboro Watanabe was blushing the whole time as he sat down at his place, pulling out his equipment and setting them up on his station. He can't really say it, but that WAS the reason he was late, one of his boyfriends woke up really horny and wouldn't leave him alone until he was spent and refreshed.

They worked for a while, with some banter here and there, nothing pressing or important, just some random topics or asking each other for something. But then James stopped briefly for a much-needed stretch from his slouched position. "So, Obo-chan, how does it feel being the boyfriend of two pop idols?"

"Honestly, it's not that big of a deal." Oboro answered pretty casually. "Except for the times where they have to work for long hours, the fact that they have to wear disguises in public, not to mention the times where they have to travel abroad for a gig." He huffed out in disappointment. "Feels pretty lonely without them around for a long time.

"What about the fact that they're also Pantheonics, like you?" Pantheonics was the title given to individuals who awaken to superpowers inspired by deities and mythical figures of legends and myths.

"They are pretty amazing with their powers. Mine are pretty miniscule in comparison." Oboro pulled out a green leaf from his pocket and placed it into his open palm... a second later, with an audible *POOF* and a plume of smoke, it turned into a pen. "That's pretty much all I can do."

James had an impish glint in his eyes. "Say... can you turn those leaves into cash bills~?"

"What!? No! I refuse!"

"James! You know that's illegal." Their lady boss scolded loudly, fixing her glasses real quick afterwards.

"Joking, joking!" The tabby held out his hands defensively. "Sheesh, you people need a vacation. And lots of chill pills." Oboro huffed out as he continued working on his manga pages, pouting a bit. "You'd be quite the hero, though~"

"Wait, what? How!?" Oboro was shocked at that comment. "I don't have any heroic features! And my powers are useless!"

James was visibly upset at that, no matter how much he digs at Oboro here and there, he really doesn't like when his friend puts himself down like that. He silently stood up from his seat and walked around the table to where Oboro was sitting. "Really now?" He stood over the nervous tanuki, but didn't wait for a reply as he grabbed one of Oboro's shirt's sleeves and yanked it back, revealing a very muscular arm with a pretty big and strong-looking bicep, even though Oboro's arm was in a relaxed position. "Then what do you call this!?" Then reached up with both hands and pushed against the impressive pair of big, but semi-firm pecs of the tanuki's. "And these! And these!?" He finally reached down to firmly grab at both of Oboror's thick, powerful, and well-sculpted thighs. "You have an amazing body that anyone can see, even under all the loose clothing! And you trained in kendo, right? That's all there is to it for a hero starter pack!"

"I just don't like conflicts..." Oboro bashfully pressed his finger together, a faint blush glowing on his face.

"Yeah, like any of that is real. It's all a show for entertainment and you'd have a killer wage! Definitely more than being a manga artist would bring you."

"AHEM!" Their boss cleared her throat, everyone stiffening up in fear as she was visibly radiating this dangerous aura. "James... you're not trying to make one of our best artists quit are you?"

"Uh... n-no, boss... I'm sorry."

"Good. Now go back to your seat and back to work, before I write you up for sexual harrassment." James did as he was told without another word and everyone got back to work in silence, nothing but the scribbling of pencils and rubbing of erasers could be heard for quite a while.

During their break, Oboro went out to the vending machine beside the building to get himself something to drink, just as he cracked his can open, James walked over. "Hey man, um... listen, I'm really sorry for how I acted back there. It was unprofessional and disrespectful."

"Hey, no harm no foul, right? I know you meant well, but... I am pretty comfortable and happy working where I am." Oboro assured him with a small tap of his fist against James' chest. He truly wasn't upset with his friend and coworker, he knew that James didn't mean anything by it and he can get a bit... excited about somethings.

"Still, it wasn't nice of me to do all that. You're a good guy, gentle, kind... good-looking, even." He said the last part with a small blush, Oboro sporting a blush of his own. "But, my point is: You need to learn to stop putting yourself down so much. A great guy like you deserves all the best, so... seeing you putting yourself down like that... it just rubbed me the wrong way."

"Thank you, James. But it's not that I'm not cut out for greater things, but I'm pretty comfortable with my life as it is. A nice job in my desired profession, great friends, amazing and loving boyfriends, still can't figure out how I landed two like that, hehe. Well, it's that and... I feel that wishing or wanting to do something more would, somehow, ruin it all, and that's something I'm really afraid of."

"Huh... didn't know you feel like that. You kept saying you're comfortable with everything, but I usually chalk it to you not believing in yourself." James scratched at his cheek nervously. "Great, now I feel like an asshole."

"Don't be!" Oboro suddenly surprised the tabby with an arm around his neck and pulling him close, pressing Jame's face against a plump pec. "You're just a great friend whose worried about someone close to him. Doesn't make you an asshole or anything bad like that."

"Hehe, thanks man." James gave the bigger tanuki some pats on the back, since he was unable to reach his shoulder. "Now, let's get back inside before boss-lady gets angry."

"Yeah, let's do that. Don't want her getting on my case for taking long breaks. Again." Oboro replied with a chuckle, but inside he was shivering. That woman is terrifying, at least during work hours.

Oboro and his team finally finished their work late in the afternoon, very close to evening time, but they were pretty proud of themselves for finishing a good chunk of their work that day, so they spent the last few minutes patting each other on the back, even boss-lady was happy and proud of her team. After saying goodbye, everyone went their own way, in Oboro's case, it was straight home, so that means the train would be the fastest and cheapest option. He usually took his time walking to the train station as the train he wants doesn't arrive for a while after he leaves work at this usual time, so he just wastes time either marveling at the colors and night light of the big city, the tall buildings, the hologram billboards floating around, the neon lights, everything was a far cry from his quiet home town.

As he was making his way to the station, he noticed one of those billboards showing a rerun of an ad that one of his boyfriends did a few weeks ago, it was for a body lotion, but the ad itself was a bit... risque, to say the least. The white rabbit with rainbow fauxhawk and back fades, ear and nipple piercings was completely naked with nothing but a tiny cloth that was supposed to 'cover' his privates.

"Oh my god, look, it's Fu-Yung!" Oboro did his best not to plug his ears, as that would be quite rude in public, as he heard the squealing and screeching of some fangirls watching the passing billboard. Not that he can blame them, with such an impressively athletic body, a great and confident personality, but gentle and caring soul, he had it all, it's easy to get along with him.

Soon enough, he finally arrived at the station and waited for his train, his eyes then fell on a pretty big poster that covered a large space of the wall behind him, this one showed another all-white rabbit with a identical features, but had a softer expression, his silver hair smoothed back and tied into a ponytail, and he was completely dressed in some fancy and sharp clothing, a white shirt with a dark vest, as well as dark-colored pants, shoes, and leather gloves, this one was for an ad about a men's cologne, luckily no screeching fangirls here, thank the gods.

His train, FINALLY, arrived and he got in pretty quickly, as there wasn't a large number of people around, so he grabbed a seat, pulled out his phone, and searched for some the rabbits' music videos, one of the first results was a playlist from his favorite album, so he began listening to that for the duration of the ride.

As he did, he would remember flashes of the last two years he and they were together, especially the day they first met, boy was that a bundle of chaos, but he never regretted it, not one bit, but who knew that helping to complete strangers would have the results of today?

He hummed the rest of the way to the large building where Fu-Yung's and Satoru's penthouse, his and their home, was located, the receptionist there, a young female calico with an adorable personality knew and greeted him by name, he's pretty much became friends with the staff by the time he moved in. After some quick chatting to pass this boring night, he bid her goodnight and rode the special elevator all the way to the penthouse, watching through the glass walls of the elevator as the city became smaller and moved further away.

Eventually, the doors opened to reveal the penthouse, a large and spacious, two-floor place with all the walls being windows, the living room being the largest area of everything, with a large TV sitting a small distance from the couch with a wide glass table between them. The kitchen was also a pretty big area, with a bar-like design, without the wall of fancy wines, but just cupboards, cabinets, and fridge, as well as everything else that can be found in a normal kitchen. All of that was on the lower floor, the upper floor is where the master bedroom and bathroom are, as well as a mini-library for Satoru's books.

"Guys! I'm home!" Oboro announced as he stepped in, but was met with silence. "Are they still out?... Not the first time they've been held back."

"Nope, we returned earlier than usual, luckily enough." Oboro turned to the stairs leading to the upper floor, just as Satoru, now dressed in a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. "Fu is in the shower, probably 'getting ready' for you." He said the last part with a wink.

"Oh, jeez. Hasn't he drained me dry this morning already?"

"Hehe, he's... not the only one that was preparing though~" Satoru had a very faint blush on his face as he said that, slowly walking up to Oboro and gently hooking his arms around the tanuki's neck before nuzzling their noses together, the size difference being very evident with the rabbit being around six-feet-plus while the tanuki was above seven feet. "I believe it's my turn, no?" Then pressed their lips together, both of them moaning gently into the kiss as one of Satoru's hands rubbed it's way down to one of Oboro's pecs, groping and kneading gently at it, teasing the nipple through the t-shirt, electing a deeper moan from the tanuki.

Oboro returned the favor by reaching around to rub and grope at Satoru's rear, the rabbit unconsciously pushing back into the big, soft hand, demanding more. "Mmm... gods, the things you to do to me." Oboro whispered between kisses.

"Just being good wives for our man~" The rabbit pressed their foreheads together as his hand trailed further down, finally reaching it's target before grabbing a firm handful of Oboro's big, semi-hard cock, the tanuki flicking his head back and letting out a loud moan, almost like a small howl. "For someone who's been 'drained' this morning, you sure feel pretty full~"

"Sa-Satoru..." Oboro panted out as sweat was already rolling down his face, his cock growing bigger by the second under the rabbit's hand.

"Come along now~" Satoru pulled him along by the wrist up to their bedroom. Once inside, he let go only to start pulling down his sweatpants, making a show of revealing his ass, clad in pink, lace panties. "Whenever you're ready, darling~" The whole time, his blush was deepening, he loves being sexy for his boyfriend, but it's still not easy to do so, he's not a outgoing and confident as his brother.

"Oh my... You look so... beautiful, Satoru~" Oboro compliment as he watched the rabbit undressing slowly, giving him quite the show before he stopped, leaving the panties on, slowly turning to face Oboro, his topaz-studded, nipple barbells glimmering from the faint light of the room. The tanuki stepped closer as Satoru sat down, briefly kissing him once more before grabbing his own shirt and slowly taking it off, his soft belly flopping out cutely, but was soon followed by his firm pecs and massively muscular arms.

Seeing this sight will never get old, as Satoru gently bit his lower lip. "Speaking for yourself, love~" He decided to be the one to help his man with the pants, undoing them slowly before pushing them down, letting the tanuki's cock flop out and tap him on the cheek. "Mmm, never get tired of this big boy~" Oboro's cock was, at best, around six inches when soft but quickly grows to its full size of one foot when fully hard, and it was THICK, not to mention his big balls, the true mark of a tanuki. Satoru took the fat head into his mouth, gently sucking on it, while his tongue softly tickled the underside of it, but always had trouble taking more than that into his mouth. "Gods... so big~"

"Ehehe... sorry that it's too big." Oboro always had issues with his cock scaring away people, both men and women, rarely was there anyone adventurous enough to try taking him.

"Love, you've been 'apologizing' for the last two years. I think we made it clear that we love every part of you~" Satoru chuckled a bit before pulling away and laying back on the bed, making a show of slowly taking of the panties, twirling them around a finger as he spread his legs wide, exposing his freshly-lubed hole. "Lets hope this time you get it into your head."

Oboro didn't say anything, gulping back some nerves before crawling up on the bed, eventually looming over Satoru, who gently pressed his hands against the tanuki's chest. "Um... j-just tell me if it hurts, okay?" Satoru just gave him the 'not my first rodeo' look, that was all the permission Oboro needed, he rubbed his cock head against the rabbit's entrance... and then started to push in, it always was the most hard part, but once it schlopped in, everything was smooth sailing from there.

"Ah! Obo-chan!" Satoru moaned out, hands gripping the bed sheets tightly, he always loved this feeling, the sudden spread followed by the inevitably fullness once the tanuki was fully inside, the sensation of his insides being pushed around and his belly stretching a bit to accommodate the sheer size of Oboro. *dink* "OOOOHHHHH~!" Apparently he was anticipating this a bit too hard, the moment Oboro's cock head pressed against his prostrate, his back arched as rope after rope of his cum were flying out, splattering his body, a bit of his face, and the mattress a bit.

"Um..." Oboro didn't know what to say or do, this isn't the first time Satoru had a hair-trigger, but he was always super sensitive to the slightest touch and movement for a short time.

"I'm... so... so sorry. G-Give me a minute." Despite shooting early, the sensation was still pretty intense.

"Hah! Always the short fuse, eh bro?" They both turned their heads to the bathroom. Leaning on the door frame with nothing but a towel covering his waist was Satoru's twin brother, Fu-Yung, or just Fu to most, saying they were physically identical was an understatement, they were mirror images of each other, right down to the eye color, the only way one could tell the difference is from their piercings and hairstyle, as well as their personalities.

The difference in name was due to their parents being of differing, Asian ethnicities, their mother being Chinese while their father was Japanese, of course that meant they took their father's family name, as well.

"Leave me alone, brother. You know I've been aching bad for it." Satoru huffed, still a bit shook from the earlier orgasm, but a bit more composed than earlier.

"Whatever. How rude of you to cum before our man does, especially when he's already inside of you?" Fu teased some more as he walked over to the two, getting down on his knees behind the tanuki, groping and rubbing at his rear. "Since you're such an ingrate, let me help you along~" Without another word, he buried himself right in Oboro's crack, lapping, kissing, and sucking at his hole, occasionally darting his tongue in as deep as possible.

"Mmmmfff!" Oboro stifled his moan a bit, but Fu knew where to swipe and push that tongue of his to get the tanuki's blood pumping to all the right places. Before he knew what he was doing, his body started moving, starting off slow at first, humping and grinding into Satoru who was turned into a moaning, groaning mess from just having the tanuki's cock rolling around inside of him. "Y-You two... hah... are gonna be the... death of me."

"Least you'll be going out with a bang~" Fu 'assured' with a firm swat to Oboro's rear, then went back to eating him out.

"Ah! Darling! Don't stop, please!" Satoru begged as he crossed his legs around Oboro's waist, at least as much as possible, while his hands held onto the tanuki's big, powerful biceps, trying to steady himself, feeling Oboro starting to thrust harder into him, his entire body shaking with each thrust.

"That's it, give it to him, babe!" Fu cheered as he got down between Oboro's legs, tonguing, kissing, and sucking on his big balls, which only riled the tanuki even more.

"RRRhhh... gggrrfff..." Oboro started growling and groaning deeply from the sensations, an expert tongue working his balls and a tight hole grasping on his cock, it didn't take him long before he reached his peak. "Fuck! Here it... CUMS!!" He thrust in one last time, with all of his strength, crashing his cock deep inside of Satoru, the rabbit seeing starts and flashing lights as his prostate was bashed in like that, triggering his second orgasm in minutes, while he felt, and faintly heard, as the tanuki pumped his belly full, his belly slowly extending and bloating out, his abs slowly fading away as they were replaced by a round, cumgut.

"Hoooo... phew... guess I was the one with the fast trigger this time, hehe." Oboro bashfully chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Not fast enough, hot stuff~" Fu gave Oboro's balls a small kiss before getting out from between the tanuki's legs. "That felt like a big load, huh bro?... Bro?" They looked down at Satoru to see him completely knocked out. "Huh... guess the fatigue finally caught up to him."

"Fatigue?" Oboro asked before sloooowly pulling out of the rabbit under him, his load gushing and splashing right back out, Satoru's belly slowly deflating.

"Oh yeah, his schedule was a bit more grueling than mine today, for some reason. Poor guy barely had time to rest." Fu explained as he undid the towel from around his waist, using it to wipe his brother as clean as possible before tossing it with the dirty laundry. "Then he had the bright idea of staying up to wait for you."

Oboro sigh in slight frustration. "I keep telling him not exert himself like that." He then picked up the unconscious rabbit and placed him properly on the bed, before getting in himself, Fu taking the tanuki's other side.

"That's show biz. Tight schedules and hovering managers." He yawned a bit before speaking again. "And things are gonna be much tighter after today. No pun intended." Seeing Oboro's quizical look, he gave him a small peck on the cheek. "We'll tell you tomorrow." The tanuki didn't say anything and decided to get some sleep, Fu snuggling close as they drifted off.

The next day, Oboro didn't have to get to work since they're waiting for word from his boss about their project, so he was up early and flipping some pancakes for breakfast, Fu watching him as he did so, both of them wearing nothing but boxers. Eventually, Fu noticed his brother coming down, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "And he rises, ladies and gentlemen." Satoru just chuckled tiredly and poked his tongue out at his brother playfully.

"Good morning, hun. Hope you slept well." Oboro greeted as he flipped the last pancake right into a small stack, placing that plate beside the other two.

"Very well~" Satoru assured before giving the tanuki a small kiss on the cheek. Then he turned to his brother. "Have you told him, yet?"

"Nope. Was waiting for you to wake up so we can do so together."

Oboro looked between them in confusion. "Um... what's going on?"

"We got accepted into the Pantheon Show as Heroes!" Satoru announced quite excitedly.

"And what's more, the outfit designs you made for us were approved!" And Fu-Yung concluded the announcement.

"Surpriiiiiise~!" Both of the exclaimed loudly and enthusiastically.

"Oh my god! Congrats!!" Oboro hugged both of them tightly. He knew how much they wanted to get into the Pantheon Show.

The Pantheon Show is where Pantheonics duke it out in mock battles between 'Heroes' and 'Villains', but unlike the stuff in comics and movies, it's all in the name, everything is just a show made to entertain people. No one is in real danger, but the heroes and villains will use everything trick they know to win the match, while keeping their 'roles' in mind, of course.

"But, uh... there's a small tidbit you need to know." Fu started, twiddling his fingers nervously and glancing at his brother.

"We, uh... we told the association that you designed our outfits." Satoru concluded with slightly dejected look.

"WHAT!?" That bit of news Oboro was NOT happy about. "You guys promised not to tell!"

"We're so sorry!" Satoru clasped his hands together in apology. "We were so happy that it kinda slipped. Especially when some of the other applicants were gushing over the designs."

Oboro knew in his mind that it is just a matter of time before someone from the Association comes knocking on his door. If they approved of such designs then that means they liked them. And if they liked the designs, there's a high chance they'll seek out the creator. That is not an interaction he wants to happen, but he just let out a defeated sigh. "It's fine... we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"Yeah, but still, we're so sorry." Fu apologized as well... but then he and Satoru had those impish glints in their eyes. "And to show how sorry we are~" They walked out of the kitchen, pancakes practically forgotten.

"You guys don't really have... to..." Oboro followed them out to the living room, but stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the sight in front of him. Both brothers leaning on the couch, their rears exposed and pushed out, legs spread wide which opened their asses to reveal their respective puckers.

"Now then...who will you choose first~?" Both of them asked in unison, both shaking and swaying their rears invitingly.

Oboro had quite the boner tenting his boxers, almost threatening to tear right through. "Well... guess you can see the moon in the morning. Who knew~"

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