Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 44:  The Only Thing That Is The End Of The World Is The End Of The World

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#44 of Counter Earth - Chaundoon Chronicles: Two Futures

Last Chapter:

On Free Counter Earth while serving dinner to his mistress and her colleagues, Alex learned that the knight core had captured extraterrestrials other than those responsible for the harvesting at Castle Wundagore.... Elsewhere, Spirit and what was left of the rebellion retreated to the only place left for them- the Oasis... Meanwhile beastials across the five cities started noticing that humans were behaving and acting differently in their presence- Song certainly did when she took Kiwi out to breakfast one morning [AND] On Chaundoon far and away from Conquered Counter Earth, Naka, Song, Kiwi and Tonka started to settle in to their new lives in the S'mar pride-lands before discovering that the Yowie had infiltrated Perna Pride- their latest attempt to take over the Marble Canyons. Just as this fact came horribly into view, Corey Collins recalled them back to World Seven while testing the space-gate platform.

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities

Chapter 44: The Only Thing That Is The End Of The World Is The End Of The World

October 9, YOE 35

10:45 AM Friendship Park (World Seven)

"OWIE, that hurt!" Kiwi said rubbing his uncovered behind. "What was that?"

"We were taken!" Tonka replied looking around. "Where are we now?!"

"This is Friendship Park in World Seven!!" The brown-haired teen shouted. "HOME!!! WE ARE HOME!!!"

The white leech boy seemed confused.

"This is my village!!!" Kiwi said pointing out the stone buildings all around them.

"Is this a dream?" Song asked standing. The chakat rubbed her eyes. She, Naka, Kiwi, Tonka, Bow, Pestle and Shred were all standing on a metallic platform. She saw professor Stern, Corbin, Rumble, Corey, Club and Axe nearby.

"Welcome back Song, Naka, Kiwi." Dawn said, greeting them.

"Although I can't say much about your tailor." The white werewolf joked.


"What?" Corey asked rubbing his head after the paw slapped he received from Rumble after that snide remark.

"...they were living with the S'mar..." Rumble grumbled.

"How can you tell?" The white werewolf asked the brown.

"...they brought some back with them..."

"We escaped the Chado who kidnapped us and then became stranded in the pridelands where we convinced one of the prides we encountered to take us in." Naka replied rubbing his eyes.

"Where are we?" Pestle asked looking at the greenery of the park and the stone buildings surrounding it.

"I think it is their village." Bow said studying her surroundings before realizing that she was not the only Kenja Pride warrior present. "Chief Club, Axe, is that really you?" Bow asked approaching her former chieftain and his former second in command.

"It is." Axe said, greeting his fellow warrior.

"How can this be?"

"When we journeyed back to the pridelands we discovered that Kenja Pride was no more." Club said gently. "With you absent and another in control, we assumed the worst."

"We returned to this village and were taken in by this tribe and now live with them." Axe added. "Be at ease, you are among friends."

"No, family." A mongoose boy said, correcting the loin-clothed warrior.

"I SEE." Bow said, looking at their clothing.

"Pestle!!" Naka said calling out to the healer. "Shred is bleeding!" The maned wolf shouted.

The slender witch doctor examined the fallen Perna Pride warrior. "He was impaled with his own weapon. I can't do anything to stop the bleeding."


"How bad is it?" Shred wheezed.

"Bad." Naka replied.


"You are bleeding out." The maned wolf replied.

"I see... I will be joining the ancestors soon." Shred coughed.

"Three Rivers Pride? Perna Pride?" Axe asked looking at felines the maned wolf was talking to.

"We have to get him to medical before it is too late!" Corbin announced.

"Dawn! The platform!" Song shouted.

"Not a good idea." Club replied to the surprised chakat.

"We have just started testing it!" The blond archaeologist said.

Song cast a confused glance to the archaeologist and her S'mar lover.

"We can send items, it is just we don't know where to." Corey Collins replied.

"Rumble, Axe, Club take Shred to the infirmary!" Dawn ordered. "Wait, Shred?"

"Perna Pride has a slightly different naming convention than Kenja Pride." Kiwi said.

"You are Kenja Pride?!" Shred coughed as he was being picked up.

"Teacher, now is not the time." Naka said to the bleeding feline. "Or would you prefer your cubs to be without a father?"

Naka followed as Axe, Club and Rumble who carried the wounded Perna Pride warrior to the infirmary.

"We made it home." Song said, tearing up as reality hit her hard.

"So this is the latest in tribal fashion?" The former black haired teen said eyeing Kiwi's and Tonka's wristband and shoulder bands and their exposed boy bits, the thin Three Rivers Pride warrior and the toned and athletic Kenja Pride warrior.

"For warrior attendants." The pre-teen boy said. "By the way, this is Tonka. A friend."

"And who is this pretty lady?" Corey said, looking her up and down.

"I am Bow of Kenja Pride." She replied, studying the white werewolf. "Well formerly."

By the way Corey what happened to you?!" Kiwi asked shocked. "You seem different."

"A dream come true." Corbin said approaching. The mongoose boy hugged the pre-teen followed by Corey, while Bow and Pestle looked on.

"My, you're fur is so soft." Kiwi replied.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." The white werewolf replied.

"So exactly where were you?" Dawn asked the beautiful chakat.

"In the Marble Canyons with the Perna Pride." The white leech replied.

"Yeah, after we escaped the Chado, we wound up in the pridelands." Song added.

"We made some new friends." Kiwi said gesturing to Pestle and Bow.

"Who tried to sneak us through another pride's territory." Tonka said continuing the story.

"We were captured, but we were ultimately taken in by the tribe." The beautiful chakat said concluding the synopsis of their journey.

"As what?" Corey asked.

"Tonka and myself were servants. Naka and Song were being trained as hunters. How did we get back?"

"We acquired this portable space-gate platform from a rogue Chado faction that had taken you." Corbin volunteered.

"By the ancestors!" Bow said, tapping it with her paw.

"This could be a very powerful tool or weapon." Pestle said joining Bow.

"We were trying to figure out how it works." Professor Stern replied.

"Testing." The former black haired teenager coughed.

"Well anyway, now you are here." Dawn added. "Along with a few guests."

"But your luggage is rather ugly." Corey replied. "And smells funny."

"Yowie cocoons!" Kiwi shouted.

"What are Yowie?" The white werewolf asked.

"Large spider creatures who are competing with Perna Pride for territory." Tonka replied.

"Are you saying there are spiders in there?" The blond archeologist asked,

"We should find out. Dawn, Corey, Corbin!" The pre-teen shouted as he started trying to tear through the white viscous structures while Song, Tonka, Bow and Pestle observed.

"Stand back." Mr. Collins warned.


Out popped a nude S'mar female unresponsive. In the adjacent cocoon there was her brother also unresponsive.

"Nope no spiders." Corey said shaking guck off of his claws.

"Who are they?" Corbin asked, scratching his head.

"Friends who were replaced by doppelgangers." Kiwi observed.

"So the Yowie have infiltrated Perna Pride? I feel sorry for them... almost." Bow replied.

Dawn and Song examined Stab and Impale.

Kiwi looked at the two females. Both shook their heads.

"We should get them to medical as well." Mr. Collins ordered as a warning bell from the watchtower sounded.

"What is that Bow?" Asked.

"An alert from the watchtower." Corbin replied.

"It means trouble is coming." Dawn added.

"Sounds like we missed a lot our time away." The chakat replied to her friends.

"Oh fire rain, sand storms, contrasting skies, gravity pockets, time pockets, stalled sunrises/sunsets you know the end of the world apocalyptic stuff." The white werewolf snarkily replied.

"It looks like fog." Song replied looking to the south.

"That looks really thick." Kiwi observed.

"Song, Kiwi, Pestle, Tonka and Bow, can you take Stab and Impale to medical?" Professor, Corbin we need to break down that space-gate platform just in case that fog is more than fog." Corey advised.

_11:12 AM Infirmary (Central Tower) _

The morning had been rather quiet for all of us in medical- no incidences of the crazy or the imbalances affecting the planet. I was about to go on break when a maned wolf, two S'mar warriors and a brown werewolf entered medical.

"Naka! When did you get back? And what happened to your clothing? I stammered.

'Don't knock it little cutie I think it is an improvement." The horny lioness next to me observed.

(That was such a Shakara statement.)

"While the science division was testing that space-gate platform from the Chado. That doesn't matter now. We have a medical emergency!" The knight announced.

I watched as Club, Axe and Rumble carried in a slender feline warrior who wore an arm and wristband (and nothing else) with a deep wound in his lower right abdomen and was bleeding profusely.

"Alex!" My red eyed lioness shouted.

"Right. I will get your scanner."

"Um, have room for a few more?" Kiwi asked. He, Corbin, were carrying a slender S'mar male. They were followed by Song, a S'mar female and white leech who were carrying a S'mar female.

"Scratch that I am getting the whole staff!" I shouted.


And just like that the infirmary went from zero to sixty.

11:34 AM S'mar Pridelands (Three River Pride's territory)

"It's soooo hot!!!" A topless teen wearing a very small white front facing loincloth complained.

"You were the one who decided to wait until midday to start your chores." Naomi's guard said chastizing her.

"She likes watching the suns rise master Barb." Sticks said trying to defend his friend and fellow slave.

"And watching the skies change color, seeing the village come to life, the mothers feeding their young, the fathers sharpening their weapons and the adolescents sparing and before she knew it half that day was gone isn't that right Naomi?" The warrior with the javelin-pike asked looking back at Saber's slaves.


"Naomi?" Sticks said rushing to the fallen teenager. He found her out cold, her skin was flushed and she was very, very, very warm.

11:50 AM Staff's Hut (Three River Pride's Village)

"Naomi will be fine. She is just over-warmed."

"Over-warmed?" Barb asked the old feline.

"I have seen it before in other clans. She is not as hardy as we S'mar so excessive heat is bad for her." The witch-doctor said placing a cold compress to the teen's forehead, arms and legs.

"Will she be okay?" Sticks asked concerned.

"She will be fine. But she needs to seek shelter during the hottest time of the day. I would recommend that she performs her chores in the early morning or late evening, not during mid-day." Staff advised.

The healer received a nod from Barb as she and Sticks exited the hut.

11:59 AM Infirmary Meeting Room (World Seven)

"So what is the verdict Psi?" The maned wolf asked the grey scaled sand dragon while Song, Kiwi, Tonka, Pestle and Bow looked on.

"You are a very handsome canine; a nice representation of your kind and Song is a very lovely female. If you two decide to dress like a traditional S'mar from now on. I will not complain." Penny's crush said to the blushing knight and council member.

"I know. I am lucky to have her." Naka replied. "But I was asking about Shred."

"Shakara and Alex managed to stop the bleeding and seal his wounds- S'mar warriors are a hardy bunch, he will be fine... in time.."

"What about Stab and Impale?" The brown haired boy asked, scared to know the answer.

"Penny and Lilly Blossom are looking at those two now. So far there has been no change in their condition."

"Is Bow alright?" The leech boy asked the silent feline warrior.

"This village is a place of wonders." She replied.

"It is." Tonka replied abruptly not wasting words.

"You are mad that I knocked you out aren't you?"

Bow received her answer in a hard stare for the leech boy.

"Well I better check in with knight command." The maned wolf replied.

"And I should inform the colony council of our return as well the chakat added."

"Actually none of you are going anywhere until you have been fully evaluated."

"Shaman Psi?" Kiwi asked the sentient former statue.

"You four have been through something truly traumatic... abduction, capture, escape, imprisonment and now returning with souvenirs from your time away." The sand dragon observed.

"I wouldn't actually frame it that way." The chakat replied.

"Well you brought five S'mar with you." Psi said opening the door of the meeting room. As he did very thick fog started rolling in.

"Looks like the fog has arrived." Kiwi gasped as he started coughing.

"This is not ordinary fog!" Bow shouted wheezing.

*cough* "What type of fog does this?" *cough* Song gasped.

"The toxic type!" Psi shouted.

"It's the imbalance!" Naka shouted.

Psi looked out into medical everyone present was on the floor, gasping and wheezing.

12:01 PM King Dragon's Throne Room (Central Tower)

"Your majesties you wouldn't believe what happened!" Professor Stern said greeting King Dragon and Duchess Jua."

"You have become proficient in the operation of the Chado device?" The leader of the sand dragons asked leaning forward, giving the blond female her full attention.

"Well no not exactly." She replied as the colony council members turned her direction.

"You have become somewhat familiar with how to use the device?" King Dragon asked looking at Jua and the members of the colony council.

"Well we are getting there." Corbin added.

"Then what is it?" Basil asked.

"We successfully brought back Naka, Song and Kiwi." A white werewolf announced confidently as he entered the room, standing behind Dawn smiling. "You are welcome."

"Really? They are back?!" Shira asked.

"They are being examined in medical." Dawn replied.

"Are they okay?" Masha asked.

"They seem fine, but the friends they brought back with them are a bit banged up." Corey replied as Rumble entered the room and immediately started scenting the air.

"I suspect they will have quite a story to tell us." The duchess replied as the room started turning misty white.

"What is this?" Haem signed.

"Oh yes, fog is over-running the city." Dawn coughed.

Everyone in the room soon joined her.

"...not ordinary fog..." Rumble wheezed.

All present in the throne room heard the warning bell from the watchtower but it was too late.

12:20 PM Stairwell (Central Tower)

"The craftsmanship of the column of stairs is impeccable." Raizi said to his subordinate as they made their way up the tower.

"Most likely because the constructors did not put in a turbo-lift." Centaurion observed.

"Point taken." The grey and black robo bear acknowledged. "Something wrong Centaurion?"

"Captain, instead of climbing this primitive structure, why can't we just contact the infirmary to check on our crew?" The smaller blue bear asked.

"Because communication as we know it is non-existent on this world." Raizi replied to his subordinate.

"I did notice a lot of atmospheric interference when we arrived here sir." The smaller bear replied.

"Which is why transmissions from this planet don't exist." The leader of the robo bears observed. "Here we are."

"This tower seems rather quiet today." The grey and black metallic bear said as they walked out of the stairwell toward medical.

"Perhaps it has something to do with the cloud formation that has swept over the city, limiting visibility?" The blue metallic bear reasoned.

As the duo walked through medical the silence was deafening. Inside they noticed the medical staff were incapacitated; they were lying on the floor, slumped over tables, chairs, and beds. In one of the meeting rooms a grey dragon was running back and forth.

"You are the healer known as Psi are you not?" Centurion asked.

"Can't talk right now!" Penny's squeeze shouted. "We are under attack!"

"You mean the fog?"

"Yes!" The sand dragon said running into another examination room.

As he did he snapped the string holding the totem necklace around his neck counteracting its magic. Raizi and Centurion watched as the grey scaled dragon became an inanimate statue.

The grey and black bear looked at the blue bear. "Analysis?"

"The air quality in the immediate area has deteriorated to dangerous levels sir." Centurion replied conducting a visual inspection of the air breathing medical staff and patients in the infirmary. "Those here are starting to succumb."

"It must be the fog that has enveloped this city and those here in medical were trying to counteract it before they became incapacitated." Raizi replied.

"It appears their leadership was right, their world is in peril." Centurion observed. "Shall we assist?"

"We shall." The robo bear leader replied. "They came to our aid when we were in need."

"But how?"

"Alert the crew- every air breather in this city is to be encased." Raizi ordered.

Centurion nodded and left to check on his crewmates who were being cared for in medical.

The leader of the robo bears walked over to the dragon statue and refastened the totem around his neck re-animating him.

1:03 PM Throne Room (Central Tower)

"Captain Raizi it is quite possible you saved our lives today." The Duchess said thanking the metallic bear.

"Actually, dear he did." Sorren said looking at the form fitting bubbles he, Jua and the rest of the colony council were encased in. It was like a transparent form fitting space suit.

"We were just returning the favor. Your civilization was in distress." Raizi replied.

"Just the planet trying to kill us again." Basil replied

"Rather the imbalances caused by the dark moon Professor Stern said to the bear with the grey muzzle.

"...worst kept secret is out..." Rumble grumbled studying his transparent suit.

"You mean that Chaundoon will most likely be destroyed from the dark moon's influence and all life as we know it will cease?" Corey Collins replied standing next to Dawn and Corbin.

"I would say what happened just now was a dry run through." Masha added.

"What scares me is what could be next." Shira added.

"I agree the talking and planning stages are over. Action is needed now." King Dragon said glancing at his beloved. Besides, I do not want to wear this form of protection for the rest of my existence either, feels too much like a cond-."

"Professor Stern how far along are you with the space-gate platform?" The white she dragon asked cutting off her beau.

"We are in the testing phase your majesties." The archeologist replied.

"Dawn that has concluded." Haem signed.

"Chaundoon is at its end. We must act now to save our world." Sorren said pensively.

"Well, I am confident that Arthur's plan will work. It is just getting the platform near the dark moon."

"I think that we can help with that." Raizi said stepping forward. "It is the least I and my crew can do."

"How long with preparations take?" The ugly pitbull female asked.

"We can be ready within an hour."

"Alright, we will use the central tower and the Manassas' ship as shelters." The leader of the sand dragons announced.

"Dawn assemble your away team." King Dragon ordered. "Work with captain Raizi and his crew."

"By your command your majesty." The blond female bowed.

Once again World Seven was a flurry of activity as the residents prepared for the next assault on the dark moon.

2:03 PM Manassas' Spaceship (Near World Seven)

"Please walk this way, calmly and orderly." Titanous said directing the crowd to the valley where the sky ship was parked.

"Are you sure this is where we want to be?" Yogi asked his companions.

"Are you kidding?" Kip said to Tina, Yogi, Little Gia, Ganzel and Trail.

The five of them looked at Basil and Rose's son.

"This is literally our last stand. If this doesn't work the planet is doomed."

Little Gia looked at her sister Tina.

"I am wondering if relocating to this backwater of a planet was actually a good idea." The she dingo asked as Yogi placed his paw on her shoulder.

"It sure beats working in a restaurant and bar wearing only an apron right?" The manufactured toy asked the dingo.

"Besides if this does end in spectacular failure, at least we will have a good view." Ganzel added.

"I guess we will sit by the proto-type over there." Trail added.

"Supposedly that will protect us if this all goes south." The little black bear cub announced as the group huddled around blue coupe and the meerkat mechanics within.

2:20 PM Bridge (Manassas' Spaceship)

"Alright everyone take your stations." The red tentacled eyeball said to his crew.

"And here we are again for round two." I replied to Hue, Cassia, Milo, Panada Lee, my perfect person and my devious person.

"Hopefully this time we won't have to rescue the rescuers." My bear knight said crossing her arms.

"I see what you did there!" My lioness added.

"I have a visual on the central tower." Panda Lee announced. "Wheels and Roadie have engaged their deflectors and extended it around the structure. "The toxins from the fog have been filtered out."

"Overwatch has done the same here." Milo announced. "Our fall out shelters as they are, are in effect."

"And it looks like Raizi and his crew are about to begin the operation." Cassia said looking at the third monitor in front of Hue, Milo and Panda Lee's stations.

"Here goes everything." Hue said pressing some buttons on his console while one of his tentacles reached out for Cassia's.

2:21 PM Bridge (Robo Bear's Spacecraft)

"Oh your ship cleaned up nicely!" Minka replied as she, Midnight Black and Arthur made their way to the bridge. "I like the metallic look, you and the Manassas must have the same interior decorator."

"Repairs are not complete but well enough along for us to assist in this operation."

"Thank you, thank you all for coming to our aid." The hedgehog boy replied.

"And helping us to try to save our world." The akita added. "Seeing one planet die is one too many."

The hedgehog boy was shocked by the assassin's bluntness.

"You are most welcome." The grey bear turned his attention to the blue smaller bear. "Centurion, is this ship capable of travel?" Raizi asked.

Arthur was quiet as he took in the activities on the minimally staffed bridge. Centaurion was at the controls in front of Raizi. Off to the side a pink bear was at some type of science station monitoring the dark moon. To the captain's left a blue bear who was at some type of weapon's station.

"Yes sir. We are operating at 70% efficiency captain."

The robo bear captain then engaged the intercom reaching out to the archeologist and her team- consisting of her son, two werewolves and two S'mar warriors in the loading dock.

"Professor Stern, is your team ready?" He asked.

"Almost." The blond archaeologist replied.

"Is there a problem?" Raizi speaking into the intercom.

"We are having a slight problem Raizi dear."

"With?" The dark akita asked.

"The some assembly required part."

"Explain." Midnight Black asked.

"I had written the assembly instructions of the space-gate platform on a cloth that I seemed to have misplaced."

"Ah no my Dawn. You used it to cover the Perna Pride warrior's wound before he was taken to the healer." Club said gently.

The entire bridge crew heard a loud audible face-palm over the intercom from the rest of Dawn's away team.

"I guess we should go help." Arthur said to his companions.

The ship's captain nodded.

"Give them a few cycles then take us out." The grey robotic bear ordered.

Arthur, Midnight Black and Minka made their way to the main loading dock. There they found the professor, Corbin, two S'mar warriors, Corey and Rumble all trying to assemble the platform without their notes.

Seeing the site, Minka started laughing.

"Something funny?" The mongoose boy asked the monkey.

"Yeah, how many people does it take to assemble a space-gate platform?" She snickered.

"Not a word." Axe said grinding his teeth.

"I thought this had been figured out during the testing phase?" The dark akita asked.

"It was. We even had the sections numbered." Axe replied.

"I think I see the pattern." Corey replied. "Club, take your portion over there. Axe your portion there. Rumble can you move toward my position? Dawn and Corbin add your section immediately behind Rumble and Mr. Black and Arthur you two grab those pieces right behind Minka."

"That did it!" The blond archeologist replied. She walked toward a communicator on the wall. "Captain, we are ready here!"

Dawn, Corbin, Corey, Rumble, Club, Axe, Midnight Black, Minka and Arthur watched as a transportation platform was affixed to another probe as the robo bear's ship launched into space.

2:42 PM Infirmary (Central Tower)

"There they go." Psi said staring out a window. Our hope and our tomorrows depend on them.

"Psi, this has to work, it must work- you, me the whole planet is running out of time!" Penny said grabbing her dreamy dragon.

2:55 PM Observation Deck (Robo Bear's Ship)

The away team made their way to one of the few decks that was not damaged during the robo bears' first attempt to save Chaundoon. A room that was made of transparent metal which provided excellent views of space.

"We could use this on the central tower." The white werewolf said, looking around.

"There goes the probe." Corbin announced as they pressed their faces against the wall watching a metallic bowl carrying their final attempt to save a planet.

2:56 PM Bridge (Manassas Spaceship)

"The robo bears have launched their probe with the space-gate platform attached to it." Panda Lee said narrating the images we were seeing on the viewscreen.

"Watch out for the pulses!!" Milo shouted as the probe managed to dodge two rings that were sent from the dark moon toward Chaundoon. "That was a close one."

"Looks like they are going to land the probe near the top pole of the dark moon." Hue announced. "It is done."

I exchanged glances with my bear and lioness and then reached for their paws. I closed my eyes and listened to the bridge crew.

3:11 PM Observation Deck (Robo Bear's Ship)

"This is Raizi. Dawn Stern the platform is at the agreed location. You may commence. Good luck."

It was at that moment Corbin handed his adoptive mother a box. Inside was the remote control Naka had used to escape from the rogue Chado. Dawn clasp it and walked over to Club. She nodded.

The former leader of the Kenja Pride pressed a button on the device thus concluding the quest he, Axe and Spear had begun when they left their tribe and the pridelands earlier this year.


A lot of debris and dust exploded from the event horizon of the space-gate. It was several minutes before it cleared and anyone had a visual.

"Dawn to bridge."

"Raizi here."

"I have no visual on the fourth moon. Can you confirm?"

"Confirmed. The fourth moon of your planet is gone."

3:14 PM Bridge (Manassas Spaceship)

"They... they did it!" The rotund wolverine boy shouted.

"Are you kidding me?! Are you kidding me?!" I shouted looking at my companions, especially the red eyed lioness next to me.

The dark moon and its dark pulses were gone never to return!! Chaundoon and all its enchanted-ness had been saved. The nightmare was over!

So what does one do when a world ending event has been eliminated?! I did the first thing that came to my mind.... I kissed my lioness and then my bear.

"It is over it is truly over!!!" Panda Lee said crying. Cassia petted the she panda while Milo shook one of Hue's tentacles.

3:15 PM Observation Deck (Robo Bear's Ship)

"It is over!! It is truly over!!" Corbin shouted jumping onto Axe, then Corey and Rumble.

"Our lives..."

"We can resume them." Club said completing Dawn's sentence as they shared a intimate kiss.

"I do love it when a plan comes together." Arthur said looking at the akita and monkey who were also exchanging kisses.

(Apparently Midnight Black is Minka's Akita.)

"Dawn Stern please report the bridge for debriefing."

The away team joined the captain on the bridge as the ship returned to Chaundoon.

The white werewolf found the hedgehog boy at a science station confirming the final readings.

"Well chosen one?"

"It is true the nightmare is over. I guess now we need to determine what effect the loss of that celestial body will have on the planet?" Mr. Speedwell said thinking.

"That will be for planetary sciences to decide." Corey replied.

"The medical division will also need to determine if those affected by the crazy have been cured." Corbin said thinking out loud.

"Oliver, Theresa, Corbin and myself will be busy determining if the imbalance that affected the planet has been resolved." Dawn said looking at Club and Axe.

"I do have one question though." The leader of the Ghost Hunters asked.

"What is that Arthur?" Professor Stern asked.

"Where did you send the dark moon?"

"Well, I am not entirely sure. We didn't have enough time to fully test the Chado device... I can say with some certainty that it will not affect us ever again... but as to where it was sent I am not entirely sure..."

"So you were better at recalling things then sending them?" The dark akita asked.


"Such a flake." Corbin sighed.

9:59 PM S'mar Pridelands (Three Rivers Pride Territory)

"How are you feeling Naomi?" The feline boy formerly from the Kokee Pride asked his fellow slave.

"Much better now. I think suns set is my favorite time of day." The freckled teen said sitting on the ground and looking up at the night sky.

"Why is that?" Sticks asked joining her.

"It isn't as hot. Thanks for helping me with my chores by the way."

"There was no way you would finish, especially after collapsing earlier."

"Yeah sorry, about that."

"Not your fault that you aren't built as tough as we S'mar." Sticks joked.

Naomi gave the feline boy who could have doubled as her kid brother a look.

"A'hem, do you miss your world? I mean where you come from?" He asked changing the subject.

"I miss following Wasted Life, Girls Smashing Guitars, and Pistols and Pansies."

The boy looked at the teen.

"Bands I used to skip school for. But here all that is gone. All the modern conveniences of Counter Earth are gone too." The freckled teen sighed. "But so are the empire's human restrictions."

"You sound like you regret coming here." Sticks said to the human teen.

"I do miss some aspects of my former life- but not all of it. This planet is rather primitive compared to where I have come from, but there is certain purity to it, you know."

"So you like living here with all of us then?"

"Yeah, I never thought bloodthirsty savages could become my family but you have." Naomi said wrapping her arm around Sticks as they looked upward. "Besides this world is different, exotic, enchanted, come on- there are red trees, white shrubs, floating rock structures and four moons!"


"Err... three moons." Ms. Good said, correcting herself.

"The fourth moon!!! It disappeared!." Sticks gasped.

"And the enchantment continues...." The freckled teen said shaking her head.

To Be Continued....


October 9, YOE 35

10:45 AM Oasis Tavern (Dark Forest)

"Right this way Mayor Merit." The barmaid with the orange hair said, directing the leader of the fledgling human colony. Mayor Merit was wearing black pants, a brown vest and his favorite tie that sunny fall morning.

"Thank you Liv." He replied as she guided him to a small table within the bar.

Upon his arrival, he found a blond haired man with a nicely trimmed beard in green pants, brown boots, a brown shirt and frilled collar sitting across from a similarly dressed bald headed man with a nicely trimmed beard.

"Ritz Site, William Masters you two looked like you lost your best friend." The mayor replied sitting down with the leader of the rebellion and his second in command.

"The Oasis is in jeopardy." Deer-feeder said, making a grim face.

"In jeopardy, how?"

"Sir Ram." Will replied.

"The secret project that he had in development?" Mayor Merit asked.

"No longer in development, I am afraid. It has been completed and deployed." Ritz said glumly.

"I don't believe it!" The mayor said stone-faced.

"Believe it." Deer-feeder's second in command replied.

"Do you have proof?"

"Ritz." Will said to his superior.

"Very well. John, this was taken from one of our back-channels within Castle Wundgore."

"Welcome home little buddy!" A goofy dragon said hugging a blond haired freckled human at a doorway to a home he shared with a female ursine. "So you and mama bear kissed and made up huh?"

"And licked, and nibbled, and sucked and boinked..." The male human admitted openly.

"After our lunch in the diner I had my doubts you two would ever reconcile. But everything is good now eh?" The red dragon asked.

"Well I do hope so- I cleaned the windows, the floor, dusted, did the laundry, made the bed and polished her weapons and all the silverware." The former operative of the rebellion admitted.

"My, this place is spotless." The red dragon said, studying his friend's handiwork.

"Well, it is important that we humans put ourselves within the best light for our beasital superiors." Alex replied.

"It is an improvement. While you were.... away this place became unkempt and dumpy. I suspect it was because Lady Ursa... I mean Commander Ursa worked long days and nights." Sorren hypothesized.

"Yes, I realized that after my return." Alex Winter replied as his friend noticed what he was wearing.

"So you are back to wearing your old loincloth again?" The goofy dragon asked realizing that his friend was exposing a lot more skin than usual. "Let me guess, part of the reconciliation?"

"Not exactly. This is a new one triple wrapped with tinges of white and red." The blond freckled human replied.

"And only front facing." The dragon said, looking at Alex's exposed behind. "Well it is good to have you back here in the castle."

"Sorren Dragon, good morning!" A brown bear said appearing behind the freckled human. She wrapped her arms around his tummy placing her snout on his right shoulder. "So what do we owe this visit?"

"Commander Ursa! I was going to ask if Alex might be interested in a threesome with my bull and my coyote?" The dragon asked, bouncing his eyebrows jokingly.

"If you like." Alex replied rather casually. "It is important that we humans make a good impression to our beastial superiors."

The dragon's jaw nearly dropped to the floor. Apparently he was surprised by his friend's reaction to his spontaneous question.

"Alex will have to take a raincheck Sorren." The she beast said as pulled her human into a bear hug."

"Aw." The red dragon replied.

"We are taking a little trip to the Dark Forest today." The female brown bear said nuzzling her pet.

"Super secret knight stuff?" Sorren asked.

"Something like that." Lady Ursa responded as the image turned to black.

"We recorded that earlier this morning." Ritz replied, gauging the mayor's reaction.

"Sir Ram's mind control device removes all free will from humanity making them susceptible to beastial influence." Will added. "Our operations inside the five cities have collapsed, and our operatives have become compromised revealing our strongholds to the enemy."

"What they know, the empire now knows. Including the existence of the Oasis; in other words they are coming."

"We are a small colonial community!! We can't fight the forces of the empire!! What are we going to do?!" Mayor Merit panicked.

"Prepare for the end of everything." Deer-feeder replied, looking at his lieutenant.

"I am going to hold an assembly with the entire colony. They deserve the right to know." The mayor replied, shaking.

11:12 AM Common Area (Oasis)

"And because of this invention of that beastial scientist our entire way of life is threatened?" Liv asked.

"Not threatened, over." Courtney Perfect added as murmuring was heard from the crowd assembled in the common area that morning. "Geez, I was starting to like it here."

"Mayor, we will fight to the very last person." Goliath said growling.

"That will end badly luv." The barmaid said to the titan. "Remember the knight core is large, well organized and knows what the operatives of the rebellion know."

"If we make a stand, it will be our last." Leslie Arrow shouted from the crowd.

"What is the alternative? We are captured, judged and then iced like the residents of World Six?" Someone else in the crowd asked.

"I disagree." A tian mountain dog replied, stepping forward from the audience. "

"What are you thinking Spirit?" William asked.

"Because of the deployment of Sir Ram's device, it is safe to say that by now the High Evolutionary's enforcers know what we know."

"Go on." Ritz Site said encouraging the partial beastial.

"It goes both ways- do they know, that we know, that they know... you know?" Spirit asked, smiling menacingly.

"It is times like this that I do start to wonder if beastials are the superior class." Mayor Merit replied thinking out-loud.

"I can see why you are one of Ritz top operatives." The barmaid replied, hugging the tian mountain dog.

_11:34 AM World One Cement Factory [Very Haunted] _

"Arthur, Minka..." The Ghost Hunter's latest intern said shaking.

"You don't want to be here Chip?" Minka said, turning around to look at the brown haired pencil thin homely human trailing behind her and Arthur.

"Since you asked so bluntly, no."

"But what is not to like? You are a extreme skeptic and this place is one of the most haunted places within the city!!" The she monkey said smiling.

"In other words she can't wait to see if your belief holds or changes drastically along with your worldview." The hedgehog boy said confidently as he led the trio through a tunnel underneath the factor. "Alright, according to reports this is where the majority of the sightings have taken place."

"You recording?" Minka asked her fellow ghost hunter.

"Affirmative." Arthur said, holding out his cube as they proceeded through narrower and narrower tunnels.

The tunnel they were in turned left, then right, then tracked upward, then downward. Confidently, and boldly the hedgehog and monkey kept walking while their human intern quivered. As they rounded the next corner a full body apparition appeared in front of the trio- humanoid, white shirt, brown pants and a undefined face. It walked away from the group and down the tunnel.

Arthur looked at Minka as if to silently ask are you seeing what I am seeing? Minka looked at Chip smiling.

"G-G-G-GHOST!!!!!" Chip screamed.

"Yup." The she beast said. "So do you believe now?"

"I think you startled it." Arthur said as the apparition appeared to jog away from them. The trio followed before watching it disappear where the tunnel dead ended.

"I am sorry Arthur... Minka I can't do this..." Chip said shaking.

"Are you saying you are going to disappoint your beastial superiors?" Minka asked making a pouting face.

"No. All humans must respect and obey our bestial overlords." Chip responded as if in a trance.

"Good then let's continue, there are quite a few more tunnels I want to explore."

"You enjoyed that didn't you?" Arthur asked elbowing his partner.

"I am starting to enjoy the NEW order of things within the empire." The cheeky she monkey replied.

"Well don't abuse it!" The hedgehog boy replied.

11:50 AM Near the Dark Forest

*What do you think of Sir Ram and Mara's improvements Alex?* The automated assistant asked me.

"Stunning." I replied looking at what had been done to the blue coupe's interior since the last time I had sat inside.

The dashboard with the three monitors in the center stack had been replaced with one screen that went from the heads up display over the driver's steering column past the center stack and to the passenger's glove compartment.

*They felt it was necessary.*

"The weapons console seems unchanged." I replied as I pressed the third toggle switch. Once again the glovebox opened but this time only the co-pilot keyboard emerged. "What happened to the monitor?"

*You are looking at it Mr. Winter.*

I gasped as the space immediately above the keyboard illuminated; that large aforementioned screen could be segmented into driver's information, weapons menu, system status, communications and co-pilot monitor. New and improved but still simplistic.

"What is our status Overwatch?"

*We are about fifteen minutes from the Dark Forest Commander Ursa.* The automated assistant said displaying our location on the monitor in the center stack with a flashing red warning light.

"I take that to mean we will be outside of communication range with the empire." I said studying the read out.

*Affirmative Mr. Winter.*

"What if we get into trouble? I know the dark forest isn't one of our favorite places." I said throwing it all out there.

"It isn't pet but our field trip is necessary for the preservation of the empire." My bear said grasping my hand with her paw. "Besides I am my own back-up remember?"

"Yes mistress."

"It is no different than the mission you accompanied me on to fetch the Legends who had illegally moved away from the empire." My she beast said returning her paw to the steering column as we landed.

*The forest canopy is heavy over here despite the leaves changing colors. I suggest remaining in hover mode.* The automated assistant replied.

"Overwatch continuous scans." My she beast ordered.

*There seems to be something in that direction, Commander.*

"Yes, I believe that is the correct direction, mistress. The colony was established in the deepest part of the forest."

"Hidden away from prying eyes." My warrior bear said dodging trees as we went deeper into the forest.

"I was there numerous times... I knew the general direction but it was Spirit who guided us to the exact location." I said nervously not wanting to disappoint my beastial superior.

"It is alright pet." She said placing her paw on my shoulder. "Try to remember as much as you can."

And so we traveled aways before bringing the blue coupe to what I thought was the boundary of the colonial community where Spirit and I had met its guardian Goliath.

"It think it is here mistress."

"Outside of scanning range too. Good job pet." The warrior bear said stepping out of the vehicle. "Overwatch engage the PA system and project."

*By your command Lady Ursa*.

"Residents of the Oasis Colony you are in violation of the statue settlement! You will be taken in for questioning, judged and punished!" The fierce female knight shouted.

It looked like she was screaming into the forest as there was no acknowledgement from the colony; it remained hidden.

"Overwatch are you detecting anything?" My bear knight asked.

*Scanners show nothing there commander. Which means there is most likely something there.*

I looked at the golden eyed ursine, she looked at me. Strong, bold and confident.

"You have one minute to reveal yourselves!!!" She warned.

They did. Instead of seeing the colonial community with the high stockade fence and wooden structures, we saw the trees in front of us transform into a spaceship... Black, large and tri-angular.

"NO!!!" My perfect person gasped stumbling backward landing on her butt.

"Mistress!" I said, grabbing her paw. "We are too close!"

I pulled her back just as the craft lifted up off the ground ascending into the sky. It moved away from us at a high rate of speed. She and I felt the whoosh from the craft as it rose higher and higher before it disappeared into the heavens.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"The Oasis colony was built within a well hidden spacecraft, so they could cut and run at a moment's notice if detected."

"All the times I went there I never knew that." I gasped.

"It makes sense Alex."

I looked at my beloved bear.

"Think about it pet, they were in league with the KLIS; apparently some technology was shared as well."

"I see. So now what?"

"The empire needs to focus on the alien threat." She said collecting herself. "Come there is nothing further to be done here."

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 43: All You Know Will End

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 43: All You Know Will End** October 8th, YOE 35 6:01 PM Commander Ursa's Lair (Castle Wundgore) "One order of baked salmon." I said cheerfully placing a plate down in front of my she...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 42: Nothing Ever Is Going To Be Enough

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities Chapter 42: Nothing Ever Is Going To Be Enough October 6th, YOE 35 (Continued) 8:00 AM Lady Ursa's Chambers (Castle Wundgore) "You are holding back on me Alex." The female ursine warned- eyeing me...

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