Erin - Best Coach Ever!

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One friendly bet, one sketchy bet. It all comes down to a beat down.

Aries, a 28 year old Australian Shepherd, pulled up to the gym/fighting studio that he had a membership at in his modest, slightly worn down car. As per his routine, he grabbed the duffel bag containing all his gear. The driver side door creaked, groaned, and clicked in a rough fashion as he slammed it shut. "Gotta fix that damn thing.." He muttered to himself as he turned toward the entrance. He swung the glass door outward and stepped happily inside, greeting the front desk attendant with a smile. This place always cheered him up no matter what. After swiping his key card, he proceeded to the locker room to change from his street clothes into his exercise/fighting clothes. He needed no shoes or shirt, and wore only some long, royal purple boxing shorts in addition to the black and white striped sweatband that kept his medium length hair out of his eyes. Being in "uniform" brought excited energy every time, and he felt himself getting amped up. To get warmed up, he did some lifting, some light work on the treadmill, some footwork training, and some time spent on the punching bag.

As scheduled every day, Aries had a two hour session with his mixed martial arts trainer that he had hired. They had been working together for about 8 months. He used most of his excess funds every month to keep her hired, and was not disappointed. As the time approached, he ran back to his bag and snagged his gloves so he'd be ready. He bounced into her field of vision and grinned, "Hey Erin! Ready to go??"

Erin was a 32 year old dark colored Agouti Husky. She kept her smooth, medium-long obsidian mane tidied up in a ponytail when in the gym. Her icy blue eyes were such a bright and light color that they were almost a bit off-putting. She was a former semi-professional mma fighter that retired at the top of her game to follow her passion to train others to fight. She had a tendency to be a hard ass when it came to her trainees, but it was only because she wanted them to reach their full potential. In general, she was a true sweetheart. She always admired his energy and enthusiasm when it came to training and she rolled her eyes while pretending to be annoyed, "Ughhh... It's you. Yeah, yeah.. whatever, let's just go. Heh! Good to see ya!"

Aries flashed his teeth in a contagious smile, "It's good to see you too! Let's get to it!" He was her most dedicated trainee and never dallied when it came to their work together. They got straight into it, slipping into their standard routine, working on techniques, him receiving tips and pointers. A little under an hour into their session, while Erin had him hitting the bag, he let out a question between breaths, "So, when can I get in the ring with you for more than sparring??" He focused harder and put in more effort into the bag to show that he was not allowing himself to be distracted and losing his game.

Erin smirked humorously and replied with a smug statement, "Oh please.. You can't handle that for a while yet! Hehe. This girlie would knock your ass flat out on the mat! Ha!"

Having kept something from her for a couple of months, he chuckled "Maybe, maybe not. Heh. I bet I could hold my own against you!" He flicked his eyes to meet hers in between punches and showed her a fierceness underscored with some amusement to make himself seem less serious and confident than he actually was.

She laughed quite loudly actually turning some heads in their direction, "Ha! You *can't* be serious!"

He threw some impressively powerful punches and grinned a goofy smile, "Damn right, I'm serious! I think I could really surprise you. Heh."

The Agouti Husky raised her eyebrows dubiously and humored his challenge, "Hmm. Pretty cocky, mister. That'll get you in trouble." She stuck her tongue out briefly to poke fun at him. "If I kick your ass too hard, I'm not gonna refund you for the sessions you will miss when you need to recover and lick your wounds. Haha!" She figured this would deter him if he was serious and maybe end his joking in a fun way.

He stepped away from the equipment for a breather and threw some play punches in her direction, "Heh, that's fine with me! I think I've got a shot."

Erin rolled her eyes as she finally caught on that underneath his smiley exterior he was serious. "Hmm. Well, you mentioned a bet, eh? Well shit, ummmmm..... how about if I win, you have to come with me to compete in the half ironman triathlon this weekend, and that includes however bad I beat you and how sore you are?"

Aries had never done anything like that before, and suddenly felt incredibly intimidated but pushed on as his heart raced a little more than usual, "Umm. Yeah! Deal!"

Erin grinned aggressively at him and gestured in wait of the rest of his answer, "Dummy. You forgot to tell me your terms! Gosh... if you can't even figure out how bets work... heh! Doesn't look good for you! And since you have.... Well.. I won't say *no* chance, just cause I'm generous like that.. but pretty much no chance, just name anything at all, no matter how crazy because it's not gonna matter. I won't be holding back AT ALL, just so ya know. Hehe, it's not too late to back out, but once we make this bet, it will be too late. I'll expect you to follow through!"

The Shepherd chuckled at her joking insults and looked off thoughtfully, seeking something wild and limit pushing to make risking getting thoroughly broken worth it. His eyes flashed with inspiration, surprise, and a ferocious energy and he stepped closer to her as he noticed her face contorting in confusion at his unexpected advance. He made sure to keep quiet and murmured to her, "Well... since I'm not gonna win anyway.. How about if I win, we have a uhhhhh..... little fuck however I want..? That's my part of the wager. I mean, it doesn't matter, right? Heh." He raised his eyebrows and smiled widely in a way that communicated that he was actually completely serious.

The female Husky pulled back in surprise before stopping to think things through. She looked him up and down, assessing him. She had caught herself admiring him in the past a little and as she considered it, she concluded that, should she lose for whatever reason, having a fuck with the attractive male wouldn't be the worst result for a lost bet. A somewhat heated grin spread across her muzzle and she reached out with her hand to shake his, "Well..... you've got yourself a deal sir! You better get practicing. Triathlons are tough as hell! Hehe. Uhh, when do you wanna do this?"

Aries was caught off guard, he had honestly expected her to reject his proposal, but he met her hand and shook it vigorously. "Whoa.... Awesome! Well, I'll go get in shape for the race while you get warmed up for out match. Just come get me when you're ready!" He hopped off to get himself prepared. He quickly drank down a bit of a protein shake, chugged most of an energy drink, and then set about keeping his momentum maintained at his peak. He put on his metal workout playlist and set about his task. Not wanting to overdo it and start exhausting himself, he hit a rhythm and pace that he could feel would keep him at his prime state.

A finger tapped his shoulder and he turned around to see Erin faking him out with a punch, causing him to flinch and her to burst out laughing. He pulled his headphones off and faked reluctance when he allowed her to punch his arm for flinching. "Ugh, verrrry funny! Just get in the damn ring already!"

Erin taunted the younger guy, "Aww, eager to get your ass beat, huh?? Is that your *real* plan then? Is that what gets you off?? Hehe. Come on mister, let's just get this over with so I can help take your crippled ass home." She let out a hearty laugh, amusing herself endlessly with her humor.

Aries couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she was, especially when she laughed, and how hot her body was. He shook his head, thinking, "Get it together man! You get distracted, you're going down hard. Don't get ahead of yourself." He followed her into the octagon cage, his heart beginning to thump hard in his chest as he padded up the stairs and stood in position.

Erin got herself prepared and her face grew a little more serious as she spoke, "Unfortunately, my dude, the bet's been made. No turning back. Heh, I guess you can just let me take you down and pin you, but I can't keep training a quitter! So we start when you say go, okay?" She bared her teeth at him for fun, still teasing him by showing that she really didn't take him all that seriously.

The increasingly focused Shepherd barely heard her, but did in fact register and understand her words. In his tunnel vision, he accidentally growled, "Go." This wasn't about winning the bet, though that was an amazing bonus, he really wanted to show his trainer how big of an impact she had on him and his skills. He lightly bounced over to her in the middle and touched their gloves together to officially indicate the start of the match. He fell into a sort of fighter's dance with his trainer as they got a feel for one another's styles and observed for potential strengths and weaknesses that he could work with. He took a few hits that were obviously still not 100% and noticed a relaxed grin on her face as she read him and seemed to know that he recognized he wasn't up against her full effort.

There was an unspoken understanding that the first shorter round would be as a warm up to get them both in the fighting mode. They parted at the roughly two minute mark and paced around, loosening up again and preparing themselves to get fully into it. Aries gestured with his fingers and eagerly shot out, "Alright, enough! Let's do this! Bring it, dude!"

Erin scoffed at her trainee and playfully barked at him, "Your funeral, boy! Ha!" She hopped to the center of the ring to meet him and threw a sudden jab which he caught with his guard. She popped off several more to get his guard pulled more up to his face and then swung low and caught him in the gut, and though not that hard it still provoked a "huurrrrff" from the aussie. She yet again fired off a joke, "Aww come on... You're making me feel like a bad trainer! Heh."

Aries shuffled quickly and swung his fist around the side and connected with the side of her gut and catching her off guard. She stumbled a bit and he used the opportunity to plant a lightning quick jab to her cheek. "My bad, how's that??"

The Husky shook her head rapidly and chuckled, "Oh good, I'm not a total failure!"

The male grinned with a heat that suggested something hidden was about to be released, "Oh no no. Quite the opposite!" What he had been hiding was that he was holding back as well, not so much that it would raise any suspicions, but enough to make it seem that he had no chance in hell at winning the match. He had won his past couple of amateur matches, and actually felt pretty great about them, finding them even a little easier than he would have hoped. Along with increasing his time training to essentially all of his free time, he had gotten a lot better and was itching to show off a bit. This was his chance. He kicked up into gear and landed a heavy kick to Erin's thigh, followed by a punch that knocked her backwards unsteadily on her feet.

She regained her balance and looked at him with shock, and a bit of excitement at what appeared to be an actual challenge perhaps. "Well, well, well... Have you been holding back from me?? Your trainer??"

Aries shrugged and winked at the much more alert Husky, "I guess I owe you an apology, that was rude of me. Heh. But I think you'll find me a bit more of a challenge than you thought!"

Erin's face lit up as she felt a thrill from possibly having a match worth having. "Mmm, well that was rude as hell. You owe me a triathlon outside of this bet for that. Heh. Good to know though!" She came flying back at him with a bolstered sense of enthusiasm and energy.

The match really spiced up and the next couple of short rounds were a bit of a blur as Erin adjusted to her student's skill. He was actually holding his own fairly well, though he nearly got knocked out a couple of times, and her thoughts turned toward their bet. As she pondered their wager, her eyes had unconsciously drifted down below his waist where she became aware that he was sporting a pretty serious hard on. She froze in place unable to do anything or look anywhere else.

Aries waved his hands to capture her attention away from where it was, "Oy! I'm not gonna let myself win because you're distracted! That wouldn't be fair. Focus, lady! Heh. Are you able to continue, or do we need to reschedule??" He laughed as he swelled with embarrassment and confidence at the same time. He hadn't realized he was that hard, and glanced down briefly to confirm that he was fully up and ready. "I'll try and keep it out of the way."

Erin took a deep breath, shook out some anxiety, and gestured for Aries to lower his voice while whispering loudly, "Goddd.. shut up Aries.. keep that quiet! I'm... I'm fine! Just uhh.. Let's keep going!" She darted her eyes around the room and saw that miraculously, nobody had even looked in their direction, which put her at ease and allowed her to center herself again.

Aries gave his trainer a little extra time to get her wits about her before looking questioningly to see if she was feeling up to it. He observed her pounding her fists together before indicating her desire and capability to get back to it. She had gotten to where she no longer appeared to be bothered by or interested in what was in his shorts for the moment, she just wanted to win the fight and have a partner to compete with that weekend.

As soon as they resumed the match, she lunged forward and rocked the Shepherd with a beautifully orchestrated combo that left him slightly dazed and had him staggering backwards and fully guarding himself. Once he bounced back, he saw a ferocious light in her eyes which caused euphoric, excited rushes to course through his body. In a split second, he filled his vision with her body and was rewarded with a near invincible sensation and an almost painful, burning energy that was equal parts unquenchable lust for her as well as a deep need to prove himself to his friend and mentor. With his spirit sent soaring, he shot forward with an unexpected quickness and managed to fire multiple heavy hits that rocked her in the side of the belly, followed by one that she blocked, and finally one that slipped past her guard and met her face, temporarily stunning her. Aries used this opportunity to sweep her leg backwards, causing her to land flat on her chest and belly and knocking her breathless. He had the upper hand now, so he climbed on top of her and attempted to pin her. Being that there was no referee to make the count, they were going until one of them tapped out. He growled at her as he asked, "Give up??"

Erin reeled weakly on the mat, the residual smells left from previous fights, sweat, a little blood, and cleaning products overwhelmed her as she pieced her conscious ability mostly back. She growled back at him, "Ha! Nice try, rookie. You think you can hold me here until I give up? Nahh!" She tried ripping out of his grip but found it to be unexpectedly impossible. "Shit, you've got a hard grip. We haven't worked on this together, have we?" Her breath worked on overdrive and her mind raced, checking with her body sensations to find a way out of his grapple.

As she tugged and twisted, Aries found that she wasn't making much progress. He had never actually seen her get too much into the wrestling aspect of fighting. She had been dangerous with her fists though and won almost exclusively via brute force. His laughter was dripping with smugness and excitement, "Aww, you kinda suck at this part, don't you?"

A rush of aggression came over her and she managed to swing over her shoulder at him, connecting hard right on his muzzle and busting his lip on the inside, causing an immediate taste of blood to permeate and coat his mouth. Almost angrily she barked, "Shut up! You haven't won yet!"

His head rocked back as it buzzed with dizziness. He brought it back and maneuvered his way into pinning her face to the mat by her neck. "Fuck! Good shot dude. I mean, you're still losing, but whew! Come on, just admit that I've got you."

A deep rumble vibrated against the mat and Aries as Erin struggled in frustration. "Never!!" She shouted while trying to thrash her way free. An impact to her side forced the breath from her lungs and caused her to go rigid. Then another and another, his fist knocking into her side, the same spot every single time. Before long, her body loosened and signaled that she might be conceding the match to him.

Aries was stunned for a few seconds before he asked, "Got any more fight left in ya??" For a long time, nothing happened. They stayed in place, not moving, and caught their breath as best they could while their senses started to really register the pain and fatigue in their muscles. Finally, she shook her head and fully relaxed herself laying limp. "Holy fuck... I won? Wow. No way!"

She growled but let out a tiny giggle immediately after, "Ughh, fine. Yeah, you won. But if we weren't doing any of this grappling/wrestling bullshit, you wouldn't stand a chance!"

Aries released her neck and held himself up with his other arm. He was on top of her, sitting on her ass, and took some time gazing up and down her body. Her fur was so gorgeous, she was so fit and sexy, and he was already hard. He spoke with an obvious air of confidence and agreed, "Well.. I can't say I disagree. Though if you want a straight fight for a rematch, I'll give it a shot and take the beating I'm sure will probably happen. Heh. So, umm..." He scooted backwards and thought extremely hard as his mind raced along with his heart as it thundered away at the mere idea of what he was considering trying. He tugged down her shorts and brushed her tail aside, revealing her slit and the glistening wetness that had accumulated.

Erin gasped, "Aries..?! The fuck are you doing..??"

He placed his hands on her waist and rubbed them up and down her sides while murring, "Oh umm.. well, I'm taking my winnings. Our bet was however I want, and what I want is right here, right now."

Her voice trembled while a whirlwind of emotions twisted through her, "I.. but.. no! Not here... not in front of these people.."

He paid sharp attention to her body and voice for any sign of absolute refusal for him to continue, but he wasn't sensing it. So he continued, sliding his hands over her ass and giving them a firm squeeze. He dug his nails into her tight butt and heard a muffled sound as she suppressed something into the mat. He trailed a finger slowly down to her slit and felt the primal heat and moisture of her. Her hands were free to do as they wanted, she could have propped herself up and pushed him away, smacked him, wiggled free, but nothing. "Mmm.. you really don't mind though, do you..?" He inserted his fingertip gently and brushed up against her engorged clit, causing her to twitch and shudder. "If I take you right now, would you stop me? Just tell me and I'll stop. We can go elsewhere, if that's what you TRULY want. Buuuuut. I have a feeling that you might want to show off a bit, hmm..?"

He lifted her waist up, while her top half remained against the mat, still dazed and trying to convince herself that she didn't want to. He moved slowly, in part to not pull unnecessary attention and in part to give her time to process and decide, and pushed his own shorts down in order to push his tip against the hot, wet entrance. She turned around and saw the full animal drive behind his eyes and the effort he was using to keep himself restrained from crossing any lines. That look woke something up inside her, and her own urges took precedent over any reservations she may have had. Erin looked around and spotted an unusual number of others in the gym, being only eight when there was typically 30 or more and at times touching into the high 60's. She decided in that moment that she needed it here... and she needed it right now. She pushed her hips back and made him enter her as she whimpered, "Fuck, Aries... okay.. please.. do it.."

When she caused his cock to become engulfed in her cunt, they moaned in unison, "Oh my god...". She felt him automatically push forward in an attempt to go deeper, but was already completely inside her. He started humping her hard without thinking, before reining it in. Though ecstatic that she wanted to go through with it, she shot back a look that made him slow back down and be more gentle, to avoid drawing an unnecessary amount of attention to them. Being in the ring and the thick particular type of cage obscuring some of the view, it would likely pass for wrestling practice for a short time. Eventually someone would see their true actions but for now they were clear to go.

Aries dug his nails deep into Erin's waist and thrust into her as fast as he felt comfortable with. After a several minutes, he began to think that they might be able to complete what he had won. As he was having this particular thought, he heard off to their left, "Holy shit!!! Are they fucking???" The Aussie sighed with a heavy hint of excitement, "Well, it had to happen sometime, eh?"

Erin found herself grinning and wondered why. Had Aries been right when he suggested that she actually desired to have others watch them going at it? She moaned in deep relief, "Mmm, yeah. I suppose there's no point in you holding back then, is there??"

Aries' fire burned even hotter for his trainer and he groaned, "Mmm fuck. You're liking this, aren't you?" Her head bounced up and down in enthusiastic agreement. "Yeah? You like being dirty in front of a crowd??"

Erin wanted to yell it but toned it down, "I love it, Aries! Take me in front of them! Give them a....." She trailed off and her body tensed visibly.

Aries was caught up in a torrent of lust and passion when he noticed what had happened. He glanced around and observed that multiple others had pulled out their phones and started recording their act. He hadn't thought that far ahead when he went to initiate their public display. Suddenly he barked in such a tone and volume that almost everyone jumped and even stepped back, "Put your FUCKING PHONES AWAY, NOW!!!" He glared at all of them, making sure to make direct eye contact with each of them. His fury was fully present in his eyes and those who saw them felt like they were looking directly through the gates of hell. He saw them all lower their phones and without him even needing to ask, they tapped at their screens, quite obviously deleting what little video they had gotten for fear of his wrath. He settled himself quickly and with a satisfied and much more content tone he proclaimed, "Much better! Thanks! Now, feel free to enjoy the show!"

When Aries returned to pumping into her, Erin found herself peering around at the other members of the gym. She discovered that looking at each one of them, especially making eye contact, drove her mad with raw, untamed desire and pleasure. She maintained a constant moan as well as a high pitched whine every so often as she felt Aries slapping against her ass and driving his cock deep into her. Upon a closer look at her audience, she caught a couple of the guys shamelessly stroking themselves and one woman with one hand rubbing on her tit and one hand down her yoga pants with her fingers inside her. Her choice of light blue leggings showed a complete view of just how wet she was as the darker patch soaked lower down her thighs.

The sounds of Erin's whines grew louder and more frequent. Aries could hear her getting closer and closer. Off in his periphery, he caught the visual and audio of one of the males cumming on the gym floor as he groaned before looking a little embarrassed by him needing to clean up his mess. Nobody paid any mind to him, as all attendees were focused solely on the show.

Aries saw the suspense and anticipation in the eyes of his audience as they heard what was building. His display of angry dominance in defense of Erin had caused waves to flow through her, filling her with a heat spreading through her bottom half. He listened to her vocalizations and knew that it was time to really go for it. He started humping her with every ounce of strength and energy that he had.

She shuddered hard as she made a point to focus on the fact that she was bent over and being fucked in front of a crowd in public, and that she was about to have an orgasm in front of them all. This was what brought her over the edge. Before today, she had no clue that this could ever be her thing, but now she couldn't stop thinking about it. She cried out in euphoric bliss as she shook somewhat violently, "Fuck Aries! I'm cumming!!! Ahhhhh!!!"

Drinking in the image of her amazing peak, he gripped around her entire waist and started fucking her like he was close and trying to catch up. He almost whined, "God.. Erin... I'm about to..."

Erin pushed through into a slightly more aware state and requested breathlessly, "Please don't cum in me..."

It caught his ear and he understood just in time. Within a few more thrusts, he slipped out in the brink of time and shot his load up her backside. It was so intense, so powerful, that his cum made it into her hair and created multiple long white streaks down her back and on her rump as he slowly emptied himself onto her. He chose to fall backwards onto his butt and catch his breath while he observed the perfectly satisfied Husky collapse onto her belly to do the same. After a couple of minutes, during which the other guy and girl managed to agree to help each other get off, Aries happily commented, "Fuckin A, Erin... that was excellent!"

Erin turned around with a huge smile and agreed, "God.. it really was.. that was so damn hot!" She glanced around momentarily in thought before her face twisted a little. "Did you really have to cum all over me though..? Ugh..." She ran her hand over her hair, as she had thought she felt something land there. "You got it in my hair?? Damn it Aries... urghh.. but... impressive. Heh."

Aries blushed, which seemed odd considering they had just fucked in front of a group of onlookers, and shyly said, "Oops.. I suppose I coulda done it on the mats. Heh! I'm sorry. Thanks though! That is pretty awesome!" He was about to say something else when he heard the cage open off to the side and his mind raced. He was worried that maybe one of the employees was coming to kick them out or punish them or something, but realized that the only employee was the one who went to tend to his and the woman's needs. He looked over and was hit by a wave of anxiety.

Someone entered the ring, a great Dane by the name of Zak. He was huge, muscular and tall. Rumor had it that he was engaged in some artificial performance enhancement. He didn't go overboard, but it was apparent, and the attitude showed too. He was quick to anger, aggressive, and beyond arrogant. He strutted in with a powerful, dark look of desire, and he spoke the words that the Shepherd and Husky were afraid he would say. "Ha! Nice show! I think I'll take a turn now." His eyes brutally locked onto Erin, "But unlike that punk" pointing at Aries, "I don't pull out. I'm gonna breed you like the bitch you are."

Aries went into a full blown panic. He knew the rest of the others were too afraid of him, and both he and his trainer had exhausted most of their energy, rendering them next to helpless. He shouted, "Fuck you! You will not "take a turn". The fuck is wrong with you??"

Zak grinned a terrifying smile, "Oh, and who's gonna stop me..? You? Ha! Right. Ooh! Or maybe one of these nice people outside the ring?" He cast an intimidating gaze out at the audience, causing them all to look down, away, or simply cower or walk away. "Hmm, looks like no luck! So what I'm gonna do, is take my turn with her while you watch me fill her up nice and good."

Erin broke her horrified silence to almost scream, "Fuck you!" She could tell that he was going to unless she could figure out a way to distract him with something more interesting. "Uhh! Fight Aries for me! If you win.... I'll do whatever you want..."

Zak paused as his mind tried to process what she had just said, scrunching his face in deep thought (as much as he was capable of, anyway) before laughing, "Haha! Oh, that's cute! So I get to beat him down before I get you? I'm in!"

Erin rolled her eyes and sighed, "Ugh. What is it with you guys?" She glanced over at the aussie with a light humor in her eyes as a way to distance her thoughts from the huge canine and as a way of comfort from her friend, Aries. "I didn't say my terms yet, dipshit! If he wins..... hmm... He gets to fuck YOU! And you have to do whatever HE says." She saw Aries return a look of exasperation and terror.

Zak scoffed and surprisingly, without hesitation, agreed to the terms. "Hah! Oh yeah, I'm fine with that. This little bitch is really gonna beat me? You're backing the wrong fighter, babe. Let's just get this over with. I'm itching to use that pussy of yours!"

Erin growled, "Not now, asshole! Aries just got done fighting after a day of training! Come back tomorrow, say... 7 pm. That way it's more fair."

Zak rolled his eyes in a scary level of irritation, "Fuckin whatever... Fine! Not like it'll help, but hopefully he'll live past the first round since he gets to prepare. See you two tomorrow." He swiftly left the ring and headed towards the exit, clearly sexually frustrated and angry at having been blocked from getting his way.

Aries looked at her in stunned silence with a terribly concerned look drawn on his face, "You... shouldn't have made that bet.. why did you do that..?" He suddenly felt miserable from the predicament they found themselves in.

Erin sighed sadly but with a hint of something else, "I needed to stop him.. It was what came to my mind.. and... I believe in you. You're a great fighter, Aries. This will probably be the fight of a lifetime, but I truly think you have a chance if we get the right strategy. Hey, with that in mind, would you maybe wanna come over to my place tonight? I could really use the company.."

The Australian Shepherd thought quickly, reviewed his schedule and considered his options, before nodding, "Of course I will! Uhhmmm.... Here." He tossed his unused sweat towel to her to wipe his cum out of her fur and hair. "Sorry again for that."

Erin, feeling a bit freed from the awful feelings for the moment, giggled while feeling herself flush with embarrassed heat, "Yay! Thanks so much. And oh um. Don't worry about it, just don't get it in my hair next time, alright? Hehe."

Aries opened his muzzle but closed it. He was going to ask 'next time?' But figured it could wait until a more appropriate seeming time. He attempted to return to normal by smiling, "Sure thing! I'll grab my things and follow you in your car?"

Erin used the towel to clean up Aries' mess the best she could, which got some but also left her fur and hair slightly matted in spots. But it was enough so that it wouldn't be spread around her fur or in her car. "Yep! I'll be by the entrance." She went on the safe side by making sure he was with her when they got outside. They got in their cars and she led him back to her home. She walked him through the door and went to toss her things on the floor in her room. Upon returning, she found her guest standing awkwardly around still by the door and still holding his bag. Shaking her head amusedly she laughed, "You don't know how bets work... you don't know how to be a house guest.. How the hell did you end up winning?? Gosh, make yourself comfortable already!" His face changed as his mood improved and he was pulled from his dwelling thoughts. It spread a warmth in her and had a goofy smile on her face without even realizing it.

Aries scrunched his face and threw his bag down by the door in fake agitation, "Grrr! Looks like you don't know how to be a good HOST! Being so ruuuude, right when I get here. Hehe. I won cause I've got the best coach ever! And I WILL make myself comfortable, because I'm the CHAMPION! Ha!" He plopped himself down on the couch and closed his eyes while leaning his head back.

The female Husky scoffed, "Pshhhh. Wooow! I must say though, your trainer has done a damn fine job."

Aries smirked at her comment and replied with his eyes remaining closed, "Well, you're not wrong. She's an incredible coach! I mean... she SUCKS at wrestling.. but that doesn't bother me too much. Hehe."

Carried away in a swirl of emotions as she flashed back to their adventure in the ring earlier, she groaned, "Urggh.. oh god.. yeah, I bet it doesn't! Heh. Come on, follow me 'champ'." She walked over and pulled him off the couch by her hand, leading him through her bedroom and into the bathroom. The water was turned on after she stripped down and stepped into the hot stream. Seeing Aries' shock, she beckoned to him, "Oh please.. this can't be that crazy. Or is it that you need someone to watch..? Hah! Plus, I just need you to clean up the mess that you made!"

Aries thought a few moments before deciding to go with it. He undressed happily, forgetting for the moment the stress of the day, and took his time entering while he took in the sight of her entire body. She had had her sports bra on when they were in the ring and he got his first image of her tits burned into his eyes. He appreciated their size and shape, the tiny little nipples capping the mounds. He broke his stare quickly and turned his attention to her eyes. His mouth opened to speak his mind but it was as if she knew what he was going to say and stopped him.

Erin glided over to him and placed her finger to his lips and softly ordered, "Shhh... none of that for now. Let's just chill out. The other stuff can wait." She shined a look at him, asking for just a little bit of comfort and peace before needing to address the gargantuan problem that had arisen with the great dane. Her request was wholeheartedly approved and the two dogs spent their time in the shower until the water ran completely cold, grooming each other and maintaining constant contact.

After they were completely dried off, Erin made them both a meal and they sat down on the couch to fill their desperately empty bellies. It was mostly silent except for the clinking of utensils on ceramic and quiet chewing. Mostly done, Aries set his plate on the table in front of them and whined almost inaudibly before saying, "Can I.. oof.. what are we gonna do? What am I gonna do?? FUCK!" He slapped his hands over his face, covering his eyes and huffing hard and fast as his full awareness of their situation returned to the forefront of his mind.

Erin winced as his vocalized thoughts shoved hers into the same place. She also slid her plate onto the table and the scooted over to him so her hand could rub his back. "Hey now.." She felt the need to cough and then cleared her throat, "Calm down.. I know, I know.. I'm sorry for putting you in this position. But seriously, I do believe in you. What you're gonna do, is win. We just need to figure out the right strategy, alright?"

Keeping his hands where they were, he murmured, "Uhh... yeah, okay.. it's alright I guess. What if I lose though..?"

Erin leaned over and kissed her friend on the cheek before offering some reassurance, "Hush. You won't. But... whatever happens, I'll get through it. I'd really like to see you breed him though, to put him right in his fucking place. Do you think you can if... when.. you win..?"

Aries was baffled and uncomfortable while remembering that certain aspect of the ordeal, "Fuck, Erin... I don't know. I hope so... I'll need to get it done right then and there, because I can't try and schedule something like that with someone like him... that's too much.. hmm.. maybe if you give me a bit of a show I could get it up enough to make it happen.. heh. Would you maybe do that?"

The idea made the Husky giggle and rub his back more sensually, "Mmm, I think I can do that! I know we need to focus on strategy. mfff.. I wish I could have another go at you, but we have other matters, plus I think it's probably best to keep that energy for tomorrow. Both for the fight and the prize. Hehe. Okay so.... Strategy..." The two went on to discuss their ideas over each of the combatants' strengths and weaknesses and likely successful tactics. The rest of the night involved some relaxing by each other, followed by some light training in Erin's garage and then finally sleeping next to each other, completely exhausted from the day.

The next day the two woke up and Erin made them both a healthy breakfast, prime for the upcoming fight. They got right to warming up, discussing what the plan was the whole time and brainstorming. They got to the gym a couple of hours early and continued their work so that Aries stayed loose and warmed up. 45 minutes before the scheduled time, Zak strutted in and locked his eyes immediately to the pair and smiled a predatory grin with the dark look in his eyes that he had the previous day. He knew he had disturbed them and shouted across the room at them, "Hey bitches, it's not too late for the lady to just take it for the team! Hah! Seriously though!"

Erin shot back with a scowl, "Fuck off! I'm not gonna miss you getting mounted! Hah!" She quickly suggested that they put on headphones so they could block out any harassment and get in the zone better, which they did and were put at ease.

Ten minutes prior to the start time, all parties arrived by the ring and took in the environment, as word had gotten out of both the fight and the stakes as well. It had drawn a crowd of just under 60 along with about 20 others who just happened to be at the gym for their workouts and had become aware of the event.

As the minutes ticked by and the match became imminent, Erin gave a small pep talk. "Okay Aries, just remember what we talked about. Stay sharp and stay quick. Keep loose and bouncy. Don't get caught up in your head, don't worry about winning or losing. Just keep your head in the game and you'll do alright. I believe in your and trust you." She gave him the tightest hug possible, which he returned equally. Aries softly responded, "Thanks Erin, I'll give it my all. I won't let you down.." Erin finished with one last assurance, "You can't let me down, dude. Just give it everything and I'll be proud of you. If things go bad, it's not your fault. Remember that too." The nervous Aussie nodded and shook himself to loosen himself again.

At this point, the participants stepped into the ring, Aries on edge and jittery, while Zak seemed relaxed and cocky. The Shepherd paced a bit before getting into position and assuming his fighting stance while the dane followed suit. Someone rang the bell and they bumped gloves. Aries jumped into defense right away to try and assess the giant male's movements and strategies. He took many hits to his guard which always pushed him back from the sheer power and force of the brutish male's punches. While continuing to test the waters and gather as much information as possible, Zak threw a few high shots to raise Aries' blocking before connecting a ruthless slam to the Aussie's gut. The hit resulted in Aries making a gruesome noise as he lost his breath and nearly vomited, something along the lines of, "HWWWHUUUEEEHHHH".

Aries fell to his knees and took several seconds to gather his strength back and gulp down some stomach acid that had made it to the back of his tongue. He noticed that Zak had stepped back to give him some space and look amusedly at the temporarily immobilized guy. Once he got to his feet, he refocused and pieced his thoughts and strategy together again. Stay quick, stay sharp. The entire plan hinged upon him taking advantage of Zak being less quick than him. A full dose of endorphins and adrenaline surged through his body and fired him up. He felt even more clear than before and was much less absorbed in his thoughts. His evasive tactics were sharpened and he managed to elude most of the swings directed at him. He managed a few good kicks and punches, but seemed to do little significant damage. What he was able to do was get Zak to exhaust his energy and become a little winded. His spirits brightened and he felt that his time was coming.

The battle waged on, with Aries taking the worst of the hits. Finally, he got his window. After an overly heavy swing taken at him, Aries was able to pop off with an uppercut that sent the dane stumbling backwards. He used this opportunity to fling a flying kick square in Zak's chest and toppling the giant over. Nearly the instant the other male's back slammed into the mats, Aries flew through the air, landed on roided out male's chest, and savagely connected four beats to the stunned face. The last hit produced a sickening noise, to the uncomfortable reaction of disgust by many of the audience, as Aries' fist rocked Zak's skull against the mat. He could feel that he had won, and he instinctually looked over to see Erin fully playing with herself with a desperate look of desire in her eyes. It was enough to get him started, and as he became aware that he had won the right to exhibit his dominance over such a fierce, terrifying male, he felt his dick already emerging.

At this point Zak had gone unconscious, actually by the second punch, and with some effort, Aries was able to flip the dead weight over on it's front. He now was in a euphoric rush and, though not at all interested in males, he was as hard as he had ever been. He yanked Zak's shorts completely off and lifted, with his entire strength, the rear of the dane's body up and into position. He drooled out a hefty amount of spit and dribbled it onto the exposed tail hole. He pulled his own shorts down and heard a widespread gasp as the crowd realized that this was actually going to happen.

Aries only barely restrained himself from brutally entering Zak's, up until now, unused tail hole. As he inserted his cock, he bellowed out a triumphant howl that drove the crowd to whistle and cheer and scream and even moan. He started humping hard and fast as surges of dominant energy coruscated through his veins.

About 20 seconds in, Zak came to and screamed, "RRRRRYOOWWWCCCHHHHH!!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??? GET OFF OF ME!!!"

Aries belted out a laugh and growled at the bastard, "Ha! Fuck no! Had you won, you wouldn't have stopped with Erin, so what you're gonna do is take it like the, as you called her, 'BITCH YOU ARE'! You lost, motherfucker! So lose like a man or I'll let these fine people outside the ring post whatever they want all over the internet, kay bitch??"

Zak knew it was all over and fully submitted to Aries. He was humped roughly and with hate and anger, and the pain seared his brutalized hole.

Aries smacked the dane's ass and raised his arms in the air, "Can we get a round of applause for my bitch, Zak? He's taking it so nicely for me, and for all of you!" Wild applause erupted from the crowd and he looked across over everyone to see Erin's lip bit extremely hard as she approached her orgasm. The sight fueled him like nothing else and inspired him to go overboard, fucking Zak harder than he had ever fucked anyone before, listening to the music of the whines he created, and slipped out just in time to make his marking his territory all over the larger male's back. When his cock stopped throbbing and it dripped out the last tiny ivory beads, he groaned and stood up, raising his hands above his head in victory. His attention had been elsewhere, and glancing back over at his trainer he saw her heaving her chest and leaning against the wall having clearly just came in her shorts. He exchanged a triumphant grin with her before responsibly asking the crowd, "Will someone take care of Zak here? I'm certain he has a concussion and should get to the hospital. Give him a ride or call a taxi or something." He grabbed his towel and wiped his spunk from the lower of the fight's backside. "I'm gonna go celebrate my victory with my trainer, my friend Erin, who helped me to win this match. Thanks everyone for coming to watch, and heh.. I'd like it if you could mmm celebrate for me as well!" He peered around, seeing a burning horniness in almost the entire crowd and observed many of the audience picking partners to fuck.

Aries pulled his shorts up, exited the octagon and ran across the room to meet and embrace Erin who was still panting from her delightful orgasm. He spoke with care, amazement and tremendous relief, "Fuckin hell... I can't believe we did it.." She sweetly replied, "You did it. I helped a bit, but you were fucking incredible dude!!! And mmm.. you really gave it to him... and saved me from him! I'm so fucking hot for you right now... I'm taking you home right now!! Follow!" She took his hand in a vice like grip and pretty much dragged him out of the gym.

Erin drove almost recklessly and got back to her house as soon as physically possible while being mostly safe. Aries kept almost tripping and falling over due to his balance being thrown off by not being able to keep up. She took him straight to the shower and cranked up the water to scalding hot. She hungrily got his cock out and washed it thoroughly before suggesting, "Mmm.. how about you take me. Fuck that guy, but I want you to make me your bitch.. breed me hard!" She saw the anxiety in his eyes and she defused it by following with, "Shhh, not like that. I don't want any pups yet, just do it for me."

Aries released a sigh of relief, "Ooof. Don't scare me like that! Heh. But you got it!" His hormones were raging inside of him and it filled him with strength he shoved her against the wall with her facing him and lifted her up against it. He angled himself just right and dropped her down, sinking her down and engulfing his cock in her. He had his breath escape him automatically and heard Erin gasp as she wrapped her arms and legs around him to help support their position. He devolved into a fully primal, animal state and he chomped into her neck, causing her to yipe. It only further incited his firestorm of beastlike passion as he rode the intense high of feeling like a true alpha male for the first time in his life. He pinned her to the wall and bred her deep and hard. Near the end he roared out and for a lightning second, he terrified her before she realized what was happening. He met her eyes with more passion and desire than she had ever seen as he growled, "MINE!"

Erin shook as everything in her agreed with his statement, "Mmmffff.. that's right! I'm fucking yours, Aries!!!"

That was exactly what he needed to hear. He thrust almost painfully hard into her several more times beyond that and then pushed his knot into her and filled her with his seed as he howled to claim his second prize of the day. As the extra thick segment of his cock forced it's way in and plugged her cunt, it seized around it and helped drink his cum into her, her body's natural reaction and attempt to fully take the breeding in hopes of bringing pups into the world. It would not be so, but it was the way of nature. He kept her sandwiched between the wall and himself as they breathed in each other's essences and bathed in the glorious moment.

Aries, filled to the brim with satisfaction, let loose heavy breaths into Erin's ears. "Heh. You're the best coach ever. Thanks for helping me achieve such a potential."

Erin soaked in the feeling of hot seed inside her and was beyond satisfied with her savior of sorts. She huffed back, "Mmm.. thanks! I do my best! Hehe. Hey, maybe you can help me do better at wrestling.. get some real practice in, mm?"

Aries sighed contently and murred, "Love to. Heh. Give me a little and I'll show you a 'tip' or two. And if we're competing in the triathlon, you better help me get in shape. Mm."

Erin simply grinned and mirrored, "Mmf.. love to!"

The Turn of a Feather - Part 5 of Sunny

A further two years down the line, Sunny had an extraordinary life event. For his entire life as a demon, the tanuki found himself alone in terms of having no contact with other dark beings. The sensation of being separated from all mortals by this...

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Demonic Practices - Sunny Part 4

"Sunny....? SUNNY??!! IS THAT YOU?!" Catherine escalated into a high volume that was outside of her control due to how flabbergasted and excited she had become. Her hand clasped over her muzzle with an audible slap as tears immediately...

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New Horizons - Streetwalker's Break pt 3

Approximately three years after the events of parts one and two: A loud crashing, splashing noise shook Sunny awake as a salty ocean spray misted his face and body. An initial stirring transitioned into sitting up with his torso bent over his...

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