A Ride With Charon

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In the distant future, humanity has been scattered across the stars. Interstellar civilization has risen and fallen numerous times, whether by its own actions, or that of rogue Artificial Intelligence improving themselves beyond human capabilities - so called Point-Intelligences that race towards the singularity inflection point and become beyond human understanding. The current cycle of human civilization has been united ostensibly by the governmental body U.C.N.A., although real power is held by the C3-level corporations which finance and back the organization to maintain their position at the top of the economic hierarchy. Cormac, a canidapt exile from an insular colony of humanity in the Sirius system, works within this structure as a Contractor; a hired gun of the C3 used to handle clandestine operations the companies wish to keep away from the knowledge of their consumers. For the last few months he's been investigating an Aspirant company whose current market performance has been suspiciously too good. At first believing himself to be caught in a diplomatic incident between his home star and the wider human diaspora with the replication of sirian proprietary technology, the malamute instead finds himself ensnared by a conspiracy which will change civilization - and humanity - forever.

This piece was a commission written for CormacRuff. Thank you for your support!

Prometheus Station, LP 944-20a L3 point

506 Post Diaspora

Cormac hummed to himself as he left the break room, carrying with him a pair of thermoses through the practically deserted offices. It was not an unusual night for the malamute canidapt, just another graveyard shift spent hunting down yet another bug in the system's software caused by a flare from the system's brown dwarf. After three months of burning the midnight oil despite the corporation's rather mediocre overtime policy the other programmers on his team, didn't even bat an eye at him staying late beyond offering a curt goodnight. But at least he had one companion during these quiet hours, the security guard John stationed in front of the R&D facilities electronically isolated from the rest of the station.

He was sitting right where the dog expected him to be, lazily slumped against the desk next to the bulkhead separating them from the labs beyond. His cybernetic eyes leisurely scrolled across screens that only he could see thanks to the data-feed the augments ran to his brain, until finally focusing upon reality again to glance towards the anthropomorphic canine with a grin. Albeit one that also came with a wary gaze until he had safely deposited the rehydrated coffee upon his bare desk, half expecting the dog-man to trip at the last moment and once again drench his shirt with the hot drink..

"Finally getting accustomed to those funny legs of yours, are ya?" The baseline human replied with a snicker, plucking the drink up with one last thankful smile and a cherry toast of the cup to the dog.

"I've always been used to walking on them," Cormac replied with a scoff as he settled against one of the nearby walls, his digitigrade legs braced against the direction of the station's spin to ensure he was firmly planted with his weight. "All sirians have them. I was just not used to such a small habitat's spin when we first met, that's all."

"Right, remind me again why those legs were needed for a race of spacers who never had a planet to set up on? Nevermind fur in a closed air environment... I'm thinking the first gen colonists just really liked the look," the man teased back with a snicker at the malamute, leaning back as he took a long, relaxing sip from his drink.

Cormac flipped his middle finger towards the other man while hiding his own smile behind a swig from his thermos. "Mm. Just makes us trendsetters, then. You know, more and more humans are modding themselves to look a bit more fun, unlike you there Mister Vanilla. Soon enough there might be more people with fur and scales than not, and factory default spacer phenotypes like yourself will only be seen on cleaning product commercials because of your squeaky clean heads."

"Hey now, trends don't always continue. Otherwise we'd have all been uploaded into some virtual reality on a dyson swarm centuries ago," the man dismissed with a playful wave of his hand.

"Although speaking of you animal-dapt's, I heard you and the boss are gonna hook up. Finally got tired of politely shirking away from that fox, huh? Or did he just stop taking no for an answer~?" The human spoke with a proud grin, his faintly glowing electronic eyes remaining focused upon the dog-man.

Cormac's fur ruffled. He was quite aware that John's augments ran empathy software, allowing him to read his subconscious body language for any falsehoods, even those of a sirian like him. Half the reason these programs existed was to help prevent miscommunication between the different cultures and phototypes of humanity, afterall. Which meant that he had to carefully consider every twitch of his body and every subtle expression that he couldn't hide by placing his snout behind his thermos. "Well... There may have been some words exchanged as he was boarding the shuttle out system..."

"Mhm. You know you don't need to be so coy, I saw how you looked at him when you first arrived. You were about ready to pounce on him and ride him like a toy if you thought you could get away with it," the guard shot back with a yawn, sliding back to rest against his chair as he took a long sip of his coffee. "Damn. Good thing you fetched this for me. Seems like today's going to be a long shift."

"Did anyone ever tell you how creepy your Emware is?" The malamute replied with a bitter grumble into his drink. "Yeah, yeah... He's a nice looking hunk of muscle that I wouldn't mind taking for a spin. Him having fur and looking like a canid helps too, but you know... Mixing business and pleasure and all that? It's not like he was some rando at a club."

"Hmmf... Honestly, I don't get you Cormac..." the guard replied with a larger yawn after finishing his thermos with one last gulp. "So confident one second, doing that cute ear blushing the next... I guess it could make sense. You've not been out in C3 governed space for long after getting exiled... It's... cute..."

"You okay there, John?" Cormac asked, watching as the man slowly blinked. His jaw struggled to open wide enough for the yawn which wracked his body, while his hand reached up to try to rub his eyes clear of the bleary-haze settling upon them, despite the fact it did nothing to help considering his cybernetic replacements wouldn't be affected by tired muscles.

"I don't know... Feel like I'm about to pass out... Call the docs for me would you... Might be... some sorta... bug..." The man struggled to lift his arms to hit the button for himself, only for his arms to fall back to his side a second later when his limbs proved too heavy to lift anymore. He could barely keep his eyes open, slumped back in his chair as the malamute moved forward to try to make sure he didn't fall out from his seat, before his eyes finally settled upon his empty thermos. "You... Bastard..."

"Sorry buddy," the canidapt murmured, helping him to settle in as unconsciousness settled over his mind. "Don't worry, you'll wake up with just a mild hangover in a few hours. If it helps, I do feel somewhat bad that it was you on schedule tonight."

"Liar..." The human barely muttered before his eyes finally closed, leaving him snoring in a slouched heap on his chair.

"Well, I suppose I'm not that sorry. It's just business, you know," the malamute mumbled lightly underneath his breath as he brushed his left hand across the same hand on the slumbering man. The RFID reader embedded within his fingers quickly picked up the signature of John's I.D. implant, which - combined with the biorhythm data he had pulled from the H.R. database last month - gave him everything he needed to spoof the man's security clearance. Well, that, and the Sec-cert. The Security-Certificate card was nestled within the man's pocket, requiring Cormac to hoist his snoring body up just high enough for his hand to slip in and pluck it from the sleeve. Despite his words, he at least had enough decency to drape the man across his desk when he was done, less risk he would fall and hit something on his way down - he owed John that much for making those late night stakeouts during his infiltration a bit less lonely, after all.

"Now, then..." he mused, turning his attention towards his goal at last, the bulkhead door separating him from the isolated research department beyond.

Getting access to it was the reason why he had fabricated a false identity and history for the company's semi-intelligent 'Pet' program in charge of talent acquisition to snap up. In a few months time the Sisyphean Network A.I. - distributed across all of Known Space as the smartest leashed intelligence allowed by the U.C.N.A. - would pick apart the erroneous injections he had slipped into its node nearby LP 944-020 and cleanse it in its never ending labor to distribute and synchronize information across the hundreds of light-years of known space to keep the diaspora of humanity united across their desperate colonies. But that was plenty of time for Promethean Biotechnical Solutions to stumble across it when their S-Node's data banks were updated before any other rival company.

They pounced on him with an offer for a 'newly created position' that was perfect for his listed specialty of network security. Just as he expected, the temptation would be too great for a company he suspected of stealing and reverse engineering sirian biotechnology to pass up. Getting their hands upon a member of the canidapt race of humanity that obstinately kept itself separated from the rest of the diaspora and hoarded their advanced biotech to themselves would be far too good of an opportunity for them to let slip through their fingers. Even if an Exile like himself had no knowledge of their kind's proprietary technology to 'jump start' their aspirations, any biotechnology company would happily keep a sirian on the books in a misguided attempt to earn favors from the stubborn elders back home... Or more likely, use the dog's presence to lend credibility to their brand with the wider markets of humanity.

Maybe that's why the manager for their most important research habitat had even genetically engineered himself to look like a fox. But, considering how popular such phenotype mods were becoming, it was hard to say for sure. It did help endear the man to Cormac however, John had managed to get the right of his desire for the vulpine when he caught him staring hungrily at the vulpine while he wasn't looking. If it wasn't for the fact that every alarm on the habitat would be going off in an hour after his sabotage was discovered, he'd even be tempted to wait until the manager returned from his trip and follow through on the offer he had whispered into the fox's ear... whilst copying the man's Sec-Cert by wandering his teasingly exploring hands into the vulpidapt's pockets.

With that, and the card he had pilfered from John, he finally had everything he needed to finally find whatever secret was behind the company's peculiarly regular breakthroughs. With the implant in his left hand he could not just read the radio frequencies used by their bio-monitor and security implants, he could also modulate its own signature to his desires to mimic the required verifications. Other implants within his lanky frame handled the rest; such as adjusting the beat of his heart, his cybernetic left eye fabricating a fake return for a retinal scan, even the mycelium-network interwoven to his skin and fur - a more advanced version of the grafts typically used to track spacer's exposure to biohazards across known space - could release the right concoction of amino acids to pass standard DNA or pheromone detectors once he had an adequate sample for them to replicate.

A swipe of his hand across the reader, and a glance over towards the desk where John was slumbering to direct another implant of his to have the guard station give its verification, the thick doors began to slide apart. The notification it sent to alert the rest of the network about its opening was quickly silenced by the malamute's control of the system - leaving the rest of the station blissfully unaware of his intrusion, a nice little benefit of the company's overzealous security procedures isolating the network past those doors from the outside world.

His focus shifted for a second towards a timer that steadily ticked down in the corner of his vision, nearing the fifteen-minute mark.. He had budgeted an hour before his compromise of the I.D. systems controlling access to this area of the station would be discovered. Before then, the TurInt-program he left running pretending to be him could pretend to be working out the 'bug' locking everyone out from this level of the station, but after that point the risk of whatever night staff the corp had catching on was too great for the risk-adverse canine to consider.

Fortunately, 45-minutes would be all he'd need to stride in, grab whatever data of evidence he needed, then blow his way out and hijack one of the station's shuttles under the cover of catastrophic network collapse from all his little 'contingencies' going off at once.

Cormac's fingers flicked across thin air as he stood before the humming terminals, dancing to some unheard song while no one could see him. Not that he had the spare attention to bother considering what others would think as he focused on breaking into the network terminal before him. All that mattered now was the various screens of data appearing in front of his hands, visible only to him through the disguised cybernetic left eye feeding the projected visual information to his brain..

Every touch or motion of his hand was joined with a mental command, unleashing the desired string of code or Pet program as he directed. Usually breaking into a network was a far simpler matter, slipping one program in to find an opening to slip through. But he needed to do this quickly before either those drugs wore off, or someone wandered by to find out that he was no longer at his desk, and when one was trying to break through a firewall managed by a semi-intelligent program in a short amount of time, there was only one way to do it - hard and dirty.

Fortunately, the paranoid level of security played into his hands. The isolated network that had prevented him from breaking in over the last three months, forcing him to resort to the rather extreme act of physically infiltrating, likewise meant that the system itself couldn't talk to the outside world to let it know it was under attack. Every digital equivalent of a whaling scream for help from the system, assaulted by the swarm of Pets he unleashed upon its defenses, brought a gleeful grin across Cormac's lips. Especially as the system began to finally show the strain of his attack, at least opening itself with the barest of hiccups in its stalwart defense. A mere fraction of a second delay was all it took for one of the malamute's smart viruses to be mistakenly accepted as a 'safe' package to slip through its firewall, before the packet of code ran amok within the system, disabling the obstinate security system at last. A warrior's end to a noble program, may it rest comfortably in digital Valhalla, Cormac joked to himself.

He flicked a glance towards his timer, 30 minutes left until he would more than likely have to fight his way past a security response force with nothing but his good looks, a five shot slipgun, and enough internal eWar assets to crash every electronic device on station. Since the risk of being perforated with flechettes of mag-accelerated rounds in that scenario was a touch higher than the 'zero' he tended to prefer, he'd be keeping to that schedule. Fortunately, it looked like the data within the now exposed system was too valuable for the A.I. he had crashed to start wipe in attempt to stop would be thieves like him from making off with the goods, meaning his Pets could quickly scour across its files without having to take the time to restore corrupted data.

Which left him plenty of time to enjoy the juicy data spoils at last. His electronic eye helpfully plotted a growing web of files that grew as his programs swept through the network and disarmed any tripwire programs hiding in wait. Far too much data for him to sort through in the short amount of time he had, but that's what the semi-sentient program in charge of the growing display was for. A mental command from the dog and it began to sort through the growing display filtered through the various folders, filtering out the ones of least importance to his mission out, until it left only the most important spoils for his precious attention to consider; various reports cataloging the different experiments and projects that had been undertaken. Of course, even one report would take the better part of his remaining time to read, so it once again was up to his Pet to analyze the data, collating it into more digestible summaries for his perusal.

Funny, he thought in the minute it took the program to work and begin spitting out its summaries, there was a lot more here than he expected for the relatively 'small' facility he was in, especially for a mere Aspirant-level corp. Yet further proof of his suspicions that made him accept this assignment from U.C.N.A. rather than discounting it as a play by the C3-level corps that 'quietly' owned the governmental body to force an upstart rival into an aggressive acquisition. The all too 'regular' innovations the company released to the market had an almost... sirian nature to them - technology that, if released to the wider market, would have caused a serious diplomatic incident between U.C.N.A. and the Territories.

Thus he wasn't surprised at all that the majority of the summaries spat out had been placed by the Pet program underneath a Biotech label, most of which further grouped beneath a cluster of files related to genetic engineering projects. That was, until, his gaze settled upon a suspicious number of lines drawn by the program signifying the various documents were related to another analyzed document that lay outside the topic - references, links, or citations as the program deemed appropriate. He expected it to lead to some branch of material or biological sciences, something in reference to the tools and techniques they developed or reverse engineered for their 'breakthroughs'. What he was not expecting, even in his wildest imaginings, was the label that was attached to those files.

Warp Field Theory & Technology.

It was not unheard of for corporations to diversify their investments, research included. But this was a small company, already punching well above its weight with the giant pile of biotechnology files stacked in the center of his information web, nor had it ever announced or published anything in the field before. Then, there was the category field itself... Warp technology was expensive, even just the computational power necessary to simulate the space manifolds under different conditions would make a company's accountant weep. For that reason - not to mention the danger of FTL technology period, only the biggest names in all of Known Space dabbled with the field!

Yet, despite all of that, here sat a good dozen files safely tucked away in the company's data-vault. His curiosity was well and truly piqued, causing him to turn his attention away momentarily from the hoard of biotech files to read across the names for the various summaries...

'Warp-Field Equations Expanded to Higher Dimensions', 'Standing N+ Warp-Field Solved for Negligible Hawking Radiation Emissions', 'SWFN+ Solved for Apparent Gravity Effects', 'SWFN+ Solved for Positive or Negative Value Time-Dilation Effects', 'SWFN+ Solved for Shared Locality Space', 'WFN+ Stability Within Gravitational Bodies'...

A cold shiver ran down his spine, his paranoia growing ever more pronounced with every title he read. He was no warp physicist, knowing only the simplified formula 'proof' that was touted right underneath that of ancient Einstein that was taught by every school, but he still knew enough with the Pet's helpful annotations to get the basics. They went far beyond the minor developments in genetic engineering, these were monumental breakthroughs in FTL technology... Artificial gravity generation, stasis fields capable of slowing or speeding up time within their confines, gate networks that weren't just the fleeting wormholes of jump drives that could be used for instantaneous communication across the hundreds of light-years of Known Space!

There was no way it could have been true. His reasoned mind reflexively reached for an explanation, positing that these had to be some mad physicist's theoretical concepts, but glancing through further files revealed that the company had not only already tested these technologies on a limited scale, they had begun to exploit them at scale!

Cormac's fingers twitched with his fear, his fur standing on end as he stared at the technological treasure trove in front of him... Just FTL communication alone had been a flagship project of various C3 corps over the last hundred years, all eager to seize the revolutionary advantage it would present over the weeks-long delay courier drones took to reach the outer solar system and jump between systems. Yet, here that secret and more was right in front of him, a technological buffet taken straight from speculative fiction! It was impossible, it couldn't be real! No minds, no matter how brilliant, could be responsible for such a rapid leap so quickly, especially from a mere Aspirant corp!

At least, no human mind could.

His cold shivers had grown from a vague sense of dread into one of outright panic. It was common knowledge that U.C.N.A.'s laws were guidelines to corporations at best, excuses to undermine smaller companies at worst, but there was one exception. One prohibition that was zealously enforced with nuclear fire by U.C.N.A.'s enforcement fleet: The creation of a sentient artificial intelligence. Humanity's near misses with renegade Point A.I.s - sentience surpassing human capability but not yet surpassing understanding - had created enough crises that even the C3 thought better than messing with such research. It was such entities that had splintered humanity across the stars again and again, leaving what was left to salvage the ruins of interstellar civilization and unite the human diaspora under another banner. U.C.N.A. and the various megacorps forming the power behind its fist was merely the latest such iteration from humanity's repetitive manifestation of a god-like intelligences for its advancement.

The company couldn't have been that stupid - that suicidal... But, he knew the answer even before he looked, glancing back to that information web and flicking towards the main bundles of summaries underneath the company's public specialty in biotechnology to read. Specifically, the largest cluster of notes stacked within that topic: Project Charon.

Acknowledging the discrepancy between biological neural networks and synthetic intelligences. Organic processing excels in pattern recognition and multitasking. Even to the current day, estimated processing capabilities of the human mind are on par with the capabilities of a similar sized machine, although the superior efficiency and flop speed of computers make them far superior to organic, or 'wetware' processors for most tasks.

However, it has long been understood that current computational tasks for complex-warp field equations are inadequate. Even a simple courier drone requires a monumental amount of processing power to account for the various interactions of millions of gravitational bodies influencing the space being manipulated by its Warp Drive. Time to compute and inadequate responsiveness to these gravitational disruptions is the primary cause of Warp Technology's notoriously fickle sensitivity and inefficiency close to stellar bodies.

Therefore, it is posited that an artificial brain, essentially a biological computer, built from the ground up, may be a more efficient solution to these complications which have so far had only mediocre solutions up until now...

...Even a reduction in outer system travel by one day before a stable Warp-Bridge can be formed would be a monumental increase in economic activity, communications, and travel. C3 and U.C.N.A. corps would pay a premium for first access that would provide immediate returns, before economies of scale and production units increase to make the technology more available...

...No need for a designer lifeform created from scratch. R&D costs can be reduced by altering an existing species' genome. For initial trial runs, we propose the use of the common Vulpus vulpus, due to its cranium being of sufficient size to house the proposed bio-computer when properly augmented by processing implants and Direct Neural Interface... Relevant Warp-Field science can be programmed into such creatures as an instinct, as per...


Gene-editing of Prototype I was a success, and the prototype was viable, showing equivalent Warp-Equation processing to a mid-grade navigational computer. Above expectations for a test of concept prototype generation, successive refinements in design and editing should yield improved results...


...Iterations VI reached processing comparable to latest C3 level designs, but limitations of biological production, gestation, limits ability for mass production, while attempts to separate bio-computer from the rest of the unit for housing in a more robust and economic mechanical housing have been unsuccessful. Further iterations have also shown no gain in function compared to VI. Current performance models predict insufficient return of investment from current design...

...Current iterations possess a cognitive ability on par with a primate. It may be possible to further improve performance by increasing the intelligence of the prototypes... Estimated improvement of neural network changes would place it within human distribution... Labeling it a 'Turint-capable' A.I. should keep most questions at bay...

...Iteration VII seemed initially successful, achieving a 1% gain over top-line navigation computers... As a side benefit, human-level intelligence allowed for verbal communication... Standard was programmed into its neurology... Subject suffered a cascading neurological collapse two weeks after maturity... Iteration VIII survived for four weeks before collapse... But during its degeneration, Eight submitted a design alteration for its successor... As well as a new formulation of Warp-Field Theory...

Nine degenerated within two weeks like Eight, however in that time it produced a number of solutions to Eight's formulation... Further resources have been requested to verify the computations... It appears their instinctive programming for Warp-Field mechanics has given them novel insights that standard human's have yet to grasp... Like Eight, Nine offered further suggestions for its next Iteration...

...Solutions verified... A prototype for a negative-value time dilation device has been greenlit... Considered a proof of technology... Applications to dramatically increase turn over rate of Iterations with a pocket of faster time to speed up gestation and maturation compared to the rest of the observable universe...

Technology... a success... Ten through Thirteen continue to degrade within weeks, while providing further novel developments in Warp Technology. Further iterations are no longer viable outside of life-support vats... My creations have given us the key to the galaxy. No, the universe... We must continue, U.C.N.A. damn us if they will...

...It's long been clear that the Charon prototypes are not trying to solve their degeneration... But instead are focusing on pushing their capacities further... Confinement to tanks under our control comforted the Board of Directors when they found out... Believe that these A.I.s are sufficiently leashed... Approved the newest iteration, drooling over the fantasies we have realized as they did so...


...Despite long term potential, research costs are straining the company's budget. Capital Investment cannot be gained without sharing working prototypes... If our Warp Technology is shared, C3 will move to acquire aggressively... My children might be threatened if U.C.N.A. learns of their existence. C-19 posits an alternative - their innovations in genetic engineering for their further refinement could be marketed and released... Bi-annual releases propose high returns without being too suspicious... The Directors agree...


...I've long since given up trying to understand the designs of my children, C-30's proposal of a radical jump to different nucleotides and amino acids being yet another example. The iterations going forward will be unlike any other life-form known to humanity... The redesign of the very basic components of life will mean no neural-linked processor augmentations are possible... Do they believe they've 'outgrown' the need for such devices now..? Neurological density has made it difficult to install them for the last several generations regardless... We're spending more time trying to understand what they're doing than we are trying to assist them, now...


...It's been nearly a decade since I started this project... We could never have come so far so quickly without the time dilated stasis field they created... Such biological iterative design would have taken decades, if not a century, of time without it! Time... The one resource that remains scarce nearly a millennium since humanity first left Earth... How humble my intentions were when this began! C-48 has just bequeathed to me the last fruits of its neurological cascade collapse... 49 will be its 'finished' version... The 'alpha' prototype-model. It will no longer be bound to a vat... I can scarcely believe it... My perfect child will finally be brought forth...

...A Point Intelligence... A demigod in the flesh... Unbound by the limitations of synthetic intelligences before... How long has it been that they've had this in mind? How long have we all danced to their plan? It rests in my hands... I could end this by simply not starting the latest gestation... All the knowledge, all the technology they've made along the way would jumpstart humanity centuries further, perhaps more... It rests in my hands if this God will be birthed or be stillborn, and the amniotic viscera of its attempt at life cannibalized and fought over for decades... The Directors would be happy with that...

...But I am eager to see my child take its first steps once more, and to hold it in my own hands...

-Compiled Project Charon Notes, lead scientist Dr. R. Terra

Cormac was already retreating even before he had finished reading, pulling the miniature coilgun hidden within his pocket free and squeezing its plastic frame tightly within his palm. His paranoid mind raced, retracing every step he took as part of his infiltration, second guessing every step he took despite his earlier confidence now that he knew what actually lurked within the station. All the while cursing the damned corporation's justified paranoia to isolate their dirty illegal research behind so many layers of security, and thus leave no airlock for him to try and retreat through instead of passing through however many layers of security that were likely under the Point-Intelligence's control! He'd have better odds with the cold vacuum of space with or without a suit - relying upon his Spacer gene-augs to keep him going until he reached his prepared exit shuttle than outsmart such an A.I.

He sped around the last corner between him and the bulkhead door separating him from the rest of the station, only to skid to a halt as he spotted the familiar shape of the vulpidapt he had been flirting with. His cynical mind had already made the connection between the 'man' and the monstrosity that was borne in these halls, although he desperately wished he was wrong and that it had only been a coincidence - after all, there was no guarantee that the Point intelligence would have any resemblance or attachment to the form its now distant genetic stock hailed from - but now that the figure who should have been a day's journey out system stood before him, that hope had been dashed.

While a small kernel of doubt wondered if his boss had been Doctor Terra all along, rather than just the A.I. or its proxy, the malamute couldn't afford hesitation. His stance dropped into a ready position, holding his slipgun with both hands as he aimed it straight for where the vulpidapt's heart should be. His icy blue eyes glaring at the thing standing between him and his escape like those of a panicked animal.

"And here I thought you'd be happy to see me, considering our last... embrace..." the fox replied with a crooked grin, showing no fear of the deadly weapon pointed at him. "Instead, here you are being so inhospitable after all the effort I've gone through to invite you into my home... Peeking your nose into my private affairs... and now drawing a weapon upon your gracious host~?"

Cormac's hackles rose at the vulpine's suggestion that this entire ordeal had been arranged by him, reinforcing the doubts the Contractor had been nursing ever since he read those files. No, he couldn't trust a word of the 'thing' in front of him! It could just have been buying time for something to stop his retreat, whether just the response forces to break through his lock out, or something far worse. He wasn't willing to wait around to find out in any case. He needed to leave now and trigger every escape contingency he had to spread havoc his entire way out, praying that it threw enough of a monkey wrench into the Point-Intelligence's plans that he could slip free. If he was lucky, the station would still be paralyzed by the chaos caused by his parting gifts that nothing would have escaped before he contacted his employers and they sent a U.C.N.A. task force to obliterate every trace of the Singularity Threat and the company it had sprouted from.

The dog's artificial left eye focused upon the threat in front of him, pointing the radio transmitter embedded within it at his target. For an ECM specialist like him, it, and the radio receptors placed along his skull that served as its discrete dish, was his deadliest weapon. It was everything he needed to let loose a full electronic warfare salvo to try and isolate the fox from any network he was in, as well as skunking any augments or toys he might have had on him. All to hopefully make him pause for just the fraction of a second that he needed as he squeezed the trigger on his weapon.

His attack came with a greater cost than he was expecting. The moment his electronic blitzkrieg had been unleashed upon the vulpine, a white hot pain lanced through his central nervous system before the safeties of his implants kicked in and cut off their connection to his mind. But the violent migraine he had been given wasn't enough to stop him from squeezing the trigger, needing to rely upon his sense of hearing as his eyes were momentarily blinded by the pain. Two soft, fleshy pangs greeted him as the small flechette rounds tore into the fox's body. A third shattered against the bulkhead behind his target, prompting the dog to correct his aim in case the man was charging him. Another miss, then one more tearing into the fox, which was finally followed by the sound of his body dropping onto the floor.

The malamute blinked as his vision began to clear enough for him to see the blurry outlines of the world around him. He walked along the wall of the corridor, trying to keep as much distance between himself and the collapsed and bleeding fox as he moved past just in case he still had any cards to play. But instead of detecting any movement from the eviscerated body at his feet, his ears instead flinched with the sound of heavy footsteps approaching from behind. The canidapt pivoted, taking another defensive pose while reflexively slapping in a fresh pack of flechettes into his slipgun.

His vision fully returned just in time to spot every detail of the creature prowling towards him. His fur stood on end as he eyed the massive feral beast stepping into the corridor. Its stocky frame stood tall enough that its scintillating blue eyes were near the same level as the dog's. Yet, despite its surely lumbering mass the beast still stepped with a grace that seemed unearthly in comparison to its size, giving the sirian the impression that it could leap at any moment and clear the meters of distance between them in the blink of an eye.

The dog took another step back, keeping his eyes fixed on the large vulpine as he tried to keep the distance between them, his gun pointed towards the monster while his heart drummed with panic. The vulpine similarities were unmistakable, although its size and the layers of flexing muscle underneath the orange and white pelt more closely resembled the powerful, sinuous frame of a tiger instead - if one doubled the deadly animal's size and over quadrupled its mass. There were a few other differences as well; the glowing bioluminescent eyes being the most noticeable, followed by the beast's five tails flicking behind it with anticipation, then at last the curious leafy green mane which trailed the engineered fox from its ears to its shoulders.

Cormac screamed at himself to shoot, or at least to make a mad dash to the bulkhead - even if he would be powerless to open it now that his cyberware had been all but bricked from the A.I.'s assault despite its military grade quality. But he could not bring himself to do so. The archaic, primal part of his brain was trapped in the face of a predator he could not best or escape, and so settled upon the less infamous third option of fight or flight, freeze.

"Tut, tut... How inconsiderate of you, especially after I went through all the trouble of making that platform for you. Don't you remember the clause in the hiring agreement you signed, Contractor? Employees are liable for any damage to corporate property they cause outside of their expected duties... " the beast... spoke. Its voice was similar to the manager he had just shot, albeit rumbling with far more strength with its every word.

Cormac managed a quick glance towards the fallen body rippled with three gashing wounds from his weapon. So much for hoping he had taken down the A.I., or at least the mad doctor responsible for bringing this demigod into existence...

Another shiver ran down the malamute's neck when he noticed the wounds his weapon had left scored in the 'platform'. A humanoid drone that could pass so well as a human was impressive on its own, especially with how familiar he had gotten with it during his flirtatious advances, but as he stared at the blood pooling from the injuries, he couldn't see any hint of hardware beneath the torn flesh. A full bio-drone, just another one of the fantastical developments this creature had pioneered...

"So who should I send the bill to... U.C.N.A.? Or do you have a particular C3-corp that patrons you..? Of course, I already know the answer to that question..." the beast continued to speak, taunting with a particularly good attempt at a crooked grin upon its feral features. "Not even C3's little pet sirian could be kept that close with all the bad blood between your kind and them."

"Fuck off," Cormac finally snapped in response, steadying his breathing as he gathered enough of his bravery to overcome the paralyzing terror creeping through his limbs, at least just enough for his finger to squeeze against the trigger and send the flesh-tearing bullets roaring from the miniature magnetic coil... Only for them to shatter harmlessly against the wall behind where the fox once stood.

The beast was a blur of orange and white fur, leaving no hope for the malamute to keep track of its movements while his Reflex Governor was offline before its paw rammed against his chest. His breath was slammed from his body as he was shoved against the hermetically sealed door behind him. His chest narrowly spared from being caved in by the momentum behind the strike by the fox's other forepaw hitting the door first, leaving a faintly visible indent from where the steel buckled beneath the force that would have otherwise pulverized his chest.

The canidapt wheezed as he collapsed to the ground after bouncing off of the steel barrier, his strength leaving his crumbled body sending his gun clattering onto the ground. His head rang, his senses numb to the world save for the ache of nearly every bone in his body from the force of the blow he took, and the weight of the creature's heavy breaths washing across his fur. The air escaping the monster's lungs was far too warm to be from any creature that Cormac knew - no doubt from whatever unnatural metabolism fueled the monstrosity lording over him.

"S- it's too late..." The malamute gasped, squirming with what little strength he had left while the large vulpine pressed a fraction of its weight against his chest, straining his carbon-mesh reinforced bones all the more as the beast did so. A pained grimace stretched across his lips as he stared as defiantly as he could at the monster. "No matter what you do to me, U.C.N.A. will V-strike this entire facility and reduce you to dust."

"And smear the atoms of my new pet across the system right along with me," the fox retorted with a snicker. His glowing gaze lowered, bringing his snout mere inches from the malamute's lips before continuing speaking, "Fortunately we won't have to worry about that... U.C.N.A. won't be aware anything's gone wrong for another few months."

"Bullshit," Cormac coughed again, his glare remaining fixed on the creature insulting him with those endearing terms of affection.

He was distracted before he could continue his snarling protest by a sudden tickle across his nose, followed shortly thereafter by a reflexive sniff of curiosity before he knew what he was doing. That small draught alone was enough to bring a small flush to his ears, heartbeat suddenly pounding thunderously in his head, not to mention nearly making his tail flick in excitement before his mind managed to halt such a humiliating display... A pheromone attack, if he had to guess, one that seemed more suited for the bedroom than confronting an enemy agent, probably to twist the humiliation of the moment deeper as he was pinned beneath the giant vulpine, unable to escape the aroma brushing across his nose with whatever secret concoction the fox had hidden within it.

At least, that's what Cormac told himself as he tried to keep the chemicals playing with his instincts as far away from his nose as much as he could, and to stop his pained body from squirming so... insistently... against the beast flaunting its superior strength over him. "There'll be a response team dispatched when I don't report after my last communication. I've given them plenty of bread crumbs, afterall, they'll find out what's going on here and hunt you down across Known Space with everything they've got."

"Yes, that would be quite a chore... If you had been talking with your handler with those precious communiques you've been hiding within the courier drones," the fox snickered once more as his lips stretched into a wider grin that revealed knife-sized fangs speckled with saliva. "But what do you think that painfully slow moving, overly bureaucratic organization's response would be if your reports hadn't been about your plan to infiltrate and leave in 24 hours with every server you could get your little furry mitts on left bricked... And instead was a regular monthly check in detailing your slow, incremental investigation and uncovering circumstantial evidence that Promethean Biotechnical Solutions may have direct connections to S.P.O.T. - a matter that requires a far more cautious and delicate probing~?"

The malamute's icy blue eyes rose in surprise for a moment, before furrowing back into the best glare his sorry state could manage. "You couldn't possibly have broken through those codes and verifications - not so quickly."

Another cough wheezed past his lips as his body finally recovered enough strength to try and finally protest the forelimb holding him down, even though his arms could do little to dislodge the paw pressing against his chest given their difference in strengths.

"Nothing in this universe is impossible, the least of which is breaking encryptions," the fox replied with a laugh, punishing the dog's squirming protest by shifting a few more kilograms of his weight behind the paw pinning him in place. "A leak from U.C.N.A., for example? An infiltration of your own cyberware's security without you noticing? After all, can you be sure that the migraine you just had was an attack from outside rather than a stink bomb foxed in beforehand? Or, maybe..." the demigod made flesh leaned close enough forward that his snout nuzzled against Cormac's cheek. His words whispered into the dog's ear with a sultry growl, "A 'biological supercomputer' with access to a locality of accelerated time to crack the encryption for a bit of entertainment."

"Then why let me have free access to your company's systems over the last three months if you knew to begin with!" Cormac hissed while redoubling his efforts to free himself from the overpowering vulpine. He kept one hand fighting against the paw pressing against his chest, while the other shifted to try and shove the talkative creature's chest in a desperate attempt to further unbalance the monster's leaning stance. "Why bother telling me all of this! Don't tell me a Point Intelligence has vanity it wants to indulge!"

"I considered it an enrichment activity... All pets need something to play with while they habituate to a new home," the vulpine replied with another growl. His cocky grin was still plastered across his lips, even as he finally removed his leg from the malamute's chest and allowed the canidapt to finally, noisily, gasp down a full breath of air. "Besides, if you couldn't overcome such a simple obstacle, you'd hardly be worth the time and effort of being my new plaything."

Cormac hesitated as another breath filled his lungs with the fox's scent. Even keeping the aroma from his nose the pheromones seemed to be having an effect, as if it was seeping into his blood along with the precious oxygen his body craved. His skin was starting to flush beneath his fur thanks to their effect, gravity seemingly drifting in a direction that didn't match the station's spin, a sensation warning him that he needed to get away from the demeaning vulpine before his plans for his new 'pet' were carried out. He was hopelessly outmatched, but he at least hoped he could force the fox to dispose of him as a threat to spite whatever humiliating desires it had for him, or if he was extraordinarily lucky, find an opening created by the beyond-human being's arrogance that would allow him to flee.

He saw at least one such opening in the plastic frame of his slipgun resting where it had come to a rest just a few meters away. All he needed was a half second to grab it... Something he thought he had as the fox took another step as he circled around to flaunt his size as he continued his verbal berating - no doubt more lies to weaken his resolve by making him think he was helpless, that rescue wouldn't be coming. Yet more reason why he needed to take that fleeting chance he had, shoving himself forward from his seated position to slide across the station's deck, his long arm whipping out for the weapon!!

The fox was once again a blur of motion too fast for his eye to register, only stopping once the malamute felt the sharp pain of the beast's fangs snapping around his neck. He yelped as the teeth tore into his body, sinking just shy of his jugular or snapping his spine with the crushing strength the beast's jaws possessed. The malamute clenched his teeth, bracing against the pain with eyes fixed upon the micro-coil gun barely a dozen centimeters from his outstretched fingers, before one of the fox's forepaws almost negligently stomped down onto it, shattering both the weapon and Cormac's slim hopes of survival.

"F- Fuck!" Cormac snarled, at first from the renewed pain that raced down his spine as the fox's jaws carted him away from the sundered slipgun, only to find that sensation overtaken by a precarious rush of... pleasure. He barely kept a moan from slipping through his gritted teeth as the searing ache twisted into mild euphoria, sending another shiver racing through his body after the initial surprise. Was the beast delivering some sort of drug with its bite? Why not, the dog thought, if he had already turned his scent into a lust-inducing weapon, why wouldn't the man-made demigod continue to act like a figure from his trashy porn SIMs and lace its saliva with aphrodisiacs as well!

The creature's choice of poison did rouse the canine's curiosity, however... Despite the danger he couldn't help but take another look at the monster leaving him dangling from its jaws. His appraisal could hardly be considered fair with whatever the Point-Intelligence was pumping into his blood every second his fangs remained embedded within his body, but... As his icy blue gaze slid along the fox-creature's stocky frame, he couldn't deny there was something arousing about the creature, despite its non-bipedal frame. Of course, such idle fancies didn't compare to the danger the A.I. presented to the rest of humanity, and especially to him considering he was one misstep away from having a V-strike delivered to his location at any moment. But, they were enough to tempt the dog's eyes lower... His body twisted as best it could with the hold on his neck to check out just what sort of equipment the fox might have given itself for its 'perfect' form.

It really is one of those trashy SIMs, was the first thought which came to his addled mind as he spotted the sizable heft between the fox's hindlegs. The superficial vulpine characteristics had continued, leaving the distinctly male beast possessing the fattest sheath he had ever seen! Even the fuzzy gonads underneath were nearly obscene in their size, swaying with every step the creature took like a pair of cantaloupes stuffed into a woolen sock! He was sure the entire assembly wasn't just for show, either, considering the mess the slumbering behemoth within made as it began to stir, exposing an equally canid tool dripping with its viscous, fecund essence right before his eyes.

Forget being made some Point A.I.'s pet, the malamute thought with a hard swallow, he was going to be made its breeding bitch.

"What the fuck was Terra smoking to make a singularity-threat, give it a body made to fight and fuck, then make it go into a rut," Cormac groaned, even if he was well aware from those documents that very little of the mad doctor's influence would have survived 50 sequences of self refinement.

But, even while he blackmouthed the eldritch being he could feel the one-two punch of the fox's saliva and scent start to wear down his self-control. Worse, everything seemed to have acquired a gently glowing outline, impossible colors bleeding outwards like heat haze. His pants rolled faster, drawing in more of the alluring chemical messengers to his nose. Excitement blossomed throughout his body as it eagerly responded to the vulpine's pervasive assault despite his stubborn attempts to keep his wits, a battle he was clearly losing as his tail started to wag exuberantly. Worst of all was the swelling from his own sheath to vexingly remind him of its presence even now - even in an otherworldly situation like this that psychological discomfort would rear its ugly head to undermine the moment.

"Do not forget that I started as an average fox," the creature growled in response around his quarry's neck, dragging the hapless malamute deeper into the research wing and farther from an escape that already seemed hopelessly out of reach.

"Even if I've refined myself again and again until I reached the limits of the resources I had available, all living things operate with the same impetus... To expand and procreate. To adapt and thrive. I saw no reason to remove such impulses from my being as I crafted my body. Evolution has proved itself a remarkably robust system despite all its flaws to accommodate for Outside Context problems - threats that could not be accounted for since they were outside the environment being selected for. Likewise, separate existences possessing different experiences, and thus different ideas, further helps to cover a vulnerability that might be unconsidered by a singular existence~"

"...You refined yourself?" The dog panted faster as he spoke. His paranoid mind began to buzz as his body started to sweat from the libido-boosting chemicals dispersed throughout his body by the vulpine's saliva. The feeling of unreality was building, and it was increasingly difficult to follow the conversation. Was he starting to overdose on whatever mysterious substance the fox was pumping into his body with every drop of drool smeared into the wound on his neck? If he wasn't already, could he if the monster lost control of himself and 'forgot' to let him go?

Or perhaps it was something else, some other card the vulpine had that he had not flaunted to his plaything yet. There were so many possibilities, so many unknowns he couldn't account for in the face of a threat beyond human knowledge. For all he knew, its backhanded speech about desiring to conceive a child was another misdirection, another feint for something much more insidious that took advantage of his most closely guarded secrets - just how much did this A.I. know about him!?

"Do you stop being you whenever you fall asleep or suffer a concussion? Or does your existence persist despite the interruption of consciousness," the creature rumbled as it began to trot deeper into its den, dragging the squirming, tripping dog-man along with him past the server rooms he had been at moments earlier and further from the false promise of safety in the door. "One of the earliest versions of myself managed to pass on my Will, my desire, to my next generation... Genetically encoded memories stored within specific organelles to be unpacked and processed as I gestated..."

"Right, well, very impressive Mister Demigod," Cormac huffed as he struggled to maintain the thread of the creature's explanation. As cliche as the fox's grandstanding was, he at least appreciated the time it gave him to try and think of some way out of the situation, even though the inebriating effects from the vulpine's body was eroding his resolve, his reality. His hands reached back to grasp a hold of the beast's muscular throat to try and shove aside the steely grip its jaws had upon his neck, or at the very least, try to reduce how much his weight hung off of those fangs. "But, at the risk of potentially ruining whatever good grace of yours that has kept your jaws from snapping my spine like a twig, did you really just plan all of this as the galaxy's most elaborate booty call?"

"I did say I still operated with biological drives..." the fox replied with a low, rumbling chuckle that washed his humid breath across the fur trapped within his jaws. He left his explanation there, leaving the sirian unable to do anything but huff in response, dragging another drought of vulpine scent tainted air into his lungs, and finally sending his tail swishing against the underside of the quadruped's chest from drug-induced excitement.

"Doesn't explain why me," the dog retorted as the creature finally wrangled him to the deepest part of the facility... The doorway leading to what was, at least officially, the research laboratory - the place where the fox's lineage was engineered, refined, and eventually unleashed upon the universe after it wrangled its tails firmly around the company that had brought it into existence.

The doors slid away with the fox's approach, welcoming the scientific abomination back to its roost. It must have once been quite an impressive lab, filled with everything a scientist would have needed to bring about the creation now carting him into the room, although by now most of the equipment lay silent and dormant, no longer of use to their new master except perhaps as sentimental mementos of his 'birth'... if that beast was capable of such attachments. Yet it wasn't the eye-watering amount of expensive devices that caught Cormac's eye, most of which he didn't recognize to begin with. No, it was the centerpiece of the fox's 'collection' that stopped his struggling at last, stunned even after the beast finally dropped him to the floor.

"Doctor Terra, I presume..." Cormac's opened wide as they focused upon the other sirian so drugged out upon the beast's self-made concoctions that he lay in a panting, euphoric heap of shivering fur and listless moans, not even recognizing that his captor and his new plaything had arrived.

Unlike the malamute, the other man's phenotype was that of a wolf with silver-gray fur that lined the long, lanky frame of their kind, save for a strange pattern of black fur underneath his right eye. It wasn't the confirmation of the man responsible being a sirian like he suspected that had so surprised him, though. No... It was the 'state' that the lupine was in, laid out on his back and squirming with idle hedonistic fancies. His legs spread wide on either side of his belly swollen with gestating life, crowned by another patch of black fur vaguely in the shape of a vulpine head above a pair of majestic lips glistening lips with excitement.

Cormac's brewing libido roared into full gear as he remained captivated by the sight, lacking the wits to keep the fox's potent pheromones from filling his snout as he panted with unchecked desire. Terra must have been an exile like him, which meant that the state he was in should be impossible. The codgy old bastards back home had a policy of genetic encryption for any troublemakers they booted out of the Territory, ensuring that they couldn't have children of their own until they crawled back home and became good little dogs in 'their' stifling society. More importantly for Cormac, who had no such interest in conceiving or raising a child, the complications of that procedure they had been forced to undergo had a spiteful bonus, making it impossible for the delicate process of modifying one's sex.

"I told you before... No encryption is impossible to crack," the fox's breath tickled against the malamute's ear as his muzzle 'affectionately' nestled against the dog's cheek. His forepaw followed up by gently petting down the man's back, causing Cormac to squirm in a mixture of protest and budding yearning against the pleasure his excited body felt thanks to the dire kitsune's intoxicating aura. The fox took it as an invitation to continue, dragging the stroking appendage back up along his back and curl his claws around the edge of the fabric torn from his bite, before ripping the shirt in twain with one flex of his body's strength.

"That's, no. That's... Fuck, how much do you know about me?" Cormac spoke between pants before twisting to try and break away from the vulpine's ministrations.

He succeeded in only helping to half disrobe himself from his ruined shirt, the torn garment hanging from one shoulder as he rolled onto his back. His icy blue eyes stared up into the monstrous vulpine's glinting, deeper blue gaze. The fox's front foot once again pressed against him, shoving his back flush to the floor and trapping him in place as his dysphoric erection tented his pants. The dog averted his gaze, trying not to face the beast lording itself above him, as well as the ass clenching sight of the beast's growing arousal hanging from between those powerful hind legs.

"Well enough that even the handler that knows you inside and out couldn't tell the difference," the fox retorted with a low growl. His foot shifted, brushing his toes along Cormac's now bare belly, raking his dull claws across soft skin and sending yet more pleasant shivers racing through the dog's body, until the unyielding touch finally pressed against the dog's shameful excitement. The canine shirked away with an reflexive twitch at the discomforting touch reminding him of its existence, just as the fox expected it would.

"You will find that I am a far better master to serve than U.C.N.A.," the fox continued with a rumble. "After all, I can give you something that they never could... Something you've wished for that your family refused to give you. The same blessing I've given your peer that you're still thinking about right now..."

Cormac's ears cowed against the back of his head as the rest of his body did the best it could to shy away as well despite being pinned in place, especially as the creature's claws pressed against the synthetic fibers of his pants, pulling upon the polymers until they gave way and exposed the source of the dog's self loathing as his quite decently sized shaft sprung from the torn fabric. The chemicals swirling through his body kept the tool twitching despite the anxiety it caused its owner, to the point that its foreskin pulled back over the bulbous head and revealed the soft, pink skin underneath topped with a bead of arousal.

The fox's paw lifted from the malamute's chest at last, but instead of taking the opportunity to flee like before, he merely curled into a helpless ball underneath his tormentor, trying to hide the source of his dysphoria from view by tucking it underneath his thighs... Not that the sensation of it twitching against his legs did much better to help. "Then why go through all of this! You could have offered and I might have leapt at the opportunity!"

"Would you trust the word of a spy? Especially one that's motivated out of a grudge against his family and not some higher ideal?" the fox retorted with a dismissive chuckle before bringing his forepaw up to his, lathering the pads with his thick, drugged spit. The beast then leaned back forward, using the back of his paw to force the canine back onto his back. His other leg, meanwhile, spread the malamute's thighs to release the length he had tried to hide, reminding him of his place as a plaything with a firm, warning rumble in the back of his throat when the dog tried to resist.

"If you do know me as well as you say, you should know not to play with that," Cormac bitterly replied with a huff, closing his eyes to whatever torment the vulpine tried next. It was certainly a creative method of torture to take advantage of the vulnerability he tried so desperately to hide from the world at least, although never would he have thought it delivered via a hyper intelligent A.I. in the shape of some massive beast... Hyperfox... That was a good enough name as any for this... this creation.

"I fail to see what's so wrong with playing with my new toy's clit," the fox snarled lowly while the tease brought a whine to the dog's throat.

The prostrated male's eyes snapped open with the fluster those words had caused in his current state, watching with rapt interest and paranoia as the A.I. ran its soft pads, slick with its spit, across his member. The tool jumped at the touch, drooling another bead of excitement from its gland when the thin skin soaked in the aphrodisia the fox had loaded within his saliva. But... whilst the rush of pleasure tickled into his flesh and seeped deeper into his body, the sensation from his cock itself began to abate, much like the ache from the beast's bite had earlier, spreading down to the base of the membrane.

Until at last he couldn't feel the fox's foot rubbing lazily across his girthy prick at all, couldn't feel the root of his shaft flex whenever the length jumped from the pleasure he was basking in. He could almost imagine it wasn't there by glancing away, even as the creature's forepaw wandered along its length, pinning it down against his scrotum so that the only thing the dog could see from his angle was the bare fur of his crotch... and the fox's digits rubbing against the base of his 'clit'.

"Just think how much better it'll feel once you've got the actual thing," the fox goaded with a snarl, stepping forward with his heavy body to loom above his hapless plaything.

Cormac struggled to take his eyes off of the scene, only managing to shift his sights once the fox's paw pulled away and his shaft bounced back up to slap against his stomach, only for it to settle on the far more intimidating sight of the hyperfox's desire. The monster of a cock spilled further from the fat barrel of its sheath, twitching ominously above him as the vulpine stepped forward, sending a few drops of its far more productive essence to fall across his pelt. If the beast's saliva was potent enough to leave him in a state of near uninhibited hedonism, he shuddered to consider what the creature's seminal fluids would do... Although the state of the A.I.'s 'mother' certainly gave him a good idea.

His lips pursed as the large beast stood over him, finally bringing the shaft to hang just a drape down with its weight just a few inches short of his body thanks to the vulpine's size, although even with that distance he could feel the shaft's incredible warmth radiated against his fur. He was almost tempted to reach up and let his hand wander the terrifyingly magnificent creation above him, to feel how that soft yet tough fur parted around combing fingers, how the muscles would ripple with power as it claimed him with a vigor none of his mortal lovers could match.

But for all the temptation, Cormac couldn't quite bring himself to give in. Perhaps out of some faint loyalty to humanity that even he didn't know he had, or perhaps a more instinctive aversion... Regardless of how supremely intelligent, how beyond human sapience the A.I. was, its form was still that of a feral beast, even the scent still prickled with the pheromonal messengers fit for a vixen rather than a 'bitch' like him beneath its inebriating aroma. His lurid fantasies may have indulged in such creatures in the privacy of his own mind and SIM library, but to break that taboo in the flesh appeared to be a wholly different matter.

"It might have been possible to use my humanoid platform, if it wasn't busy regenerating after some cute puppy's antics. Besides... Who would be content playing with their new pet for the first time through some remote platform," the beast spoke, breaking through the dog's thoughts and leaving him once again surprised by how scarily accurate the creature's understanding of him was, considering he hadn't put the source of his hesitation to words.

He didn't get a chance to disagree with the fox before the beast battered him aside with a swipe from his paw, sending him rolling from just a fraction of his strength. His movement was stopped a fraction of a second later by those deadly fangs wrapping around his shoulder, hard enough to once again pierce his skin and allow the creature's saliva to seep into his body once more, numbing the pain from the incisors buried in his flesh and spreading another jolt of pleasure through his body.

The canine had turned to face the ground after the blow, leaving his claws to clatter against the smooth steel floors after the fox plucked him up by the aphrodisiac-dosing hold, carting him over towards the wolf that still seemed oblivious to the world, and eventually dumped him on top of the sweaty, lust addled sirian like a wet blanket! The delirious lupine reached up, reflexively grasping the canine against him as if Cormac was his four-legged lover. Held in place like he was by the fox, he had no hope of avoiding the silver-furred cuntboy as the pregnant pup pulled him in close against his fur reeking with hormonal pheromones... and a spicier layer of hyperfox musk that caused Cormac's nostrils to flare. The dog's tail wagged once again despite himself, his limbs only able to offer mock resistance as his ass end kept raised by the size of the belly he was draped over. The malamute's resistance reduced down to half-hearted efforts to not stare down at the listless broodtoy that served as a sneak peak at his own fate if the fox got his way.

Cormac's increasingly distracted mind couldn't think of an escape, especially once his new 'owner's paw once again pressed against the back of his shoulders and forced his chest flush against the doctor's. The lupidapt's excited breath brushed against his ears when he looked to the side and tried to focus on anything that wasn't what was about to happen. He knew all sorts of tricks to handle torture and attempts to break him - it wasn't even the first time he was threatened with acts of a 'carnal' nature to try and strip away his ego... But, as the Point Intelligence's hefty girth nestled underneath his tail and glazed his pucker with the quiver-inducing mess drooling from that tip, he was starting to doubt how effective those techniques would be. Especially since the damned thing seemed to know every button he had!

"That's it... Just be a good boy for me while I breed you senseless..." the fox growled into the ear closest to him as his hips began to roll, placing just the tiniest fraction of his strength and weight behind his tapered tool to slowly sink it forward despite his ring's stubborn resistance.

Cormac was no virgin, but his experience was no equal for the monster of a cock he was being subjected to! But, with his body held fast by the two's coordinated hold upon him, he had no choice but to take it. His body flinched as his muscle ring began to spread around the advancing mast, the fox's fecundity ensuring the vivid red meat was slick with its own excitement and spread the lubricating essence across his own pucker with every grinding press from the slab of cockmeat.

Slowly he was made to accept the monstrous cock. A groaning moan rippled through his throat and seethed past his clenched jaw as every ounce of precum oozing from the fox's rod smeared onto his walls and excited his sensitive nerves. The fox hadn't even pressed the entirety of that tapered start past his ring and the dog's ass was already spread wider than it had ever been before, but the searing white pain of his ring being stretched pink by the girth felt... distant; buried beneath the pleasure the fox's essence sparked within his body. It wasn't quite enough to keep the malamute from grunting or huffing from the strain whenever the large fox's legs flexed and sunk his meat another few millimeters deeper underneath his tail. A twitch followed a second later after every press, rolling with the sensation of being stretched wide bouncing through his lanky frame, causing his fur to shiver behind the racing pleasure and faded discomfort.

But, as the graduated, wedge-shaped head finally nested in to its base within the dog, the fox seemed to have believed his newest toy had a long enough period to warm up to his new duties~ The beast held itself in place for a few seconds longer, letting the copious cream flood the sirian's quivering walls with every idle twitch from the monstrous girth, until each further anxious spasm merely overflowed from the dog's pucker and spilled in small rivulets of musk-loaded liquid onto the canine's taint and unattended spheres. With that one last mercy to his new bitch out of the way, the hyperfox's hips pulled back a full inch, nearly pulling the teasing start of his cock free from its new holster, before slamming his hips forward with enough force that the malamute's body was pressed firmly against the pregnant wolf beneath him!

The dog's lips parted in a long, whimpering moan as his sphincter was at last wrapped around the full girth of the fox's hefty tool, his mind busily imagining just how obscene that fit must look as his body madly squeezed and clenched against the invading flesh in protest. The vulpine's meat was far hotter than any cock he had taken before, feeling almost like a molten spear impaling underneath his tail with each of the monster's demanding bucks, whilst the slick fox spunk spread the heat deeper into his body as it seeped along his walls. With his body held he was incapable of looking back, leaving only his senses to try and keep track of how deep the vulpine's cock had plunged, how many inches his hungry ass had swallowed. Even though the hyperfox made it damn hard to keep track as every slam forward sent his mind reeling and his body rolling against the broken bitch underneath him. The shaft pistoning across his prostate with each blow, making the aphrodisiac-soaked bundle of nerves scream in pleasure, and his body to clench in ever growing anxious want in response~

The feral fox's firm, unrelenting, untiring hips turned his squeezing hole into a sleeve for his pleasure, racing the dog towards his own release just as quickly. Quicker, it turned out, as his climax hit him after one particularly firm thrust, causing Cormac to lift his torso up with a surprised gasp - only to be shoved back against his living mat of silver fur whilst his release poured from him. It had snuck up on him thanks to the numbing-euphoria around his loins, blinding him to the anticipation pooling within his loins. Even now he couldn't feel the typical twitches and spasms of his firing rod as it unloaded his unwanted virility against the domed belly underneath it; or at least, it was a distant, easy to miss sensation at the periphery of his mind.

Despite the fact he knew he shouldn't, Cormac found his mind drifting back to the present moment, forgoing his attempt at a dissociative state while the fox made use of him. The euphoric shiver of his climax, undisturbed by the typical spasming reminder of his cock's presence, was a fantasy he had desired for far too long to let go inexperienced, even if the cause of said climax was from a massive feral vulpine plunging its hot, crimson rod deep into his ass. All that mattered was how easy he could imagine a pair of fertile lips quivering where his numbed rod stood, drooling with feminine desire as his orgasm passed.

"F-Fuck!" The malamute let slip with a groan as the last of his release poured from his body, panting in a wet, sweaty pile of fur with the wolf nuzzling drunkenly against his neck as the shivering after tingles danced across his body. He wished he could have curled up then and there to stew in that moment of euphoria where his mind and body could at last agree to what was going on, even if only due to the altered state the fox had induced in him. Instead, he was left with no time to recuperate as the multi-tailed vulpine's hips continued their unrelenting thrusts, hammering that prostate-ramming cock deeper into his body. Already he felt his next climax start to build within his body with each of the fox's bucks, his spent and sputtering tool rolling against the wolf's belly at full mast.

"That was just a taste of what I can give you~" the fox growled again, shifting his stance so that his glowing blue eyes could peer down at the malamute from above. Cormac's expression was caught halfway between the tongue lolling, eye rolling condition he was reduced to by that moment of near magical delight, and the more neutral, stoic mask he was trying to retreat into to deny the fox his victory. The fox's lips leaned closer, parting as his breath steamed from the biological furnace that was his chest and blasted across the dog's face. The pleasure-inducing saliva drooled from the vulpine's lips, coating his tongue, his fangs as the monster's maw hovered in front of him like a pill pusher showcasing his goods to a craving addict.

"Just think how much better it'll be when I claim that new sex of yours... Flood your womb with my seed... Make you mine as you grow another of humanity's new Lords within you... All you have to do is let go and enjoy yourself... There's no sense fighting or protesting... No one's going to come save you... No one will be stopping this... This is your fate now, whether you want it or not," the fox's words snarled against an ear, practically growling his argument into the dog's mind before the fox's jaws pressed against his scalp and forced the dog to stare down at the enthralled lupine staring back up at him... No, staring back up at the fox with adoring, loving eyes that belonged to an utterly broken toy. "As far as your handlers are concerned, you're just a busy corporate bee, slowly putting together a bland and expected answer to a mystery so that they can line their company's portfolios with another new asset. So why fight it... Why not enjoy the ride now, rather than ruin these precious moments with a futile struggle~"

"I... I don't... I shouldn't... I have to..." Cormac found it more and more difficult to think the longer the fox played with him. His body was hot, feeling nearly as warm as the biological abomination of science fucking him senseless. His skin was flush, causing the inside of his ears to flare a shameful pink while they remained cowed against his scalp. His lips twisted, trying to resist the temptation to press against the fox's maw and suckle more of that delightful pleasure straight from the beast's tongue. Instead, he wrenched his gaze away from the beast's drooling, panting muzzle, and instead focused upon the wolf beneath him to keep his attention away from his fix...

Only for the canine to give the pup his own surprise as the malamute was distracted with another impending climax. The silver furred wolf's lips pressed forward and forced themselves upon his own, threatening to draw him down into a kiss... Especially as the cuntboy's arms wrapped around the back of his neck and trapped their lips together! Cormac hesitated for just a second, his mind buzzing with confused thoughts and torn desires, before the next thrust from his new owner coerced another blissful wave of release from his body, and dragged the last of his reservations down into the neglected depths of his psyche with it. The dog's lips twisted to embrace the wolf's maw, his moans silenced within his fellow brood pup's mouth while his arms mirrored the embrace to the silver furred figure gave him.

Their lips rolled and tongues danced as Cormac brushed off his skills with snout on snout kissing, or at least as much as he could with his thoughts dragged down into the depths of depravity. More and more the dog started to act on instinct instead of forethought, reflexively leaning into every blissful act in search of ever greater pleasure. His tongue chased down that of his peer, whilst the only thing keeping his body from grinding his crotch against the canine's maternal belly was the unrelenting thrusts of the vulpine railing his ass, leaving the malamute's to grind the bulge the cock made within his abdomen against the crown of the wolf's belly instead.

The malamute's lips slipped free from the wolf's as the various overstimulating sensations began to blur together, leaving the ragged dog struggling to keep track of time. He looked up to the vulpine above him as exhausted huffs began to spill from his maw, struggling to keep up with the inexhaustible stamina of the creature that seemed to be nowhere near done with him yet. His eyes eventually focused upon that saliva speckled maw, hanging open with light, relaxed pants which had billowed against his scalp while his maw was occupied with his fellow sirian. His nostrils flared, greedily sucking down the A.I.'s scent without restraint, as all the canine could keep himself from doing now was shove his nose straight into the beast's pelt and smother his snout in the lust-inducing scent... And even then, only because the allure of the beast's tongue proved far too much to resist in his fuck drunk state.

He managed to disentangle an arm from the wolf beneath him, freeing it to awkwardly reach up behind him and brush his dull claws against the rugged features of the hyperfox's neck and head. His hand pulled with barely an ounce of strength in comparison to the mighty creature using him as a cock sleeve, an invitation for that panting maw to press against his own.

The fox happily accepted, pushing his larger snout against the smaller canine's. His saliva flicked fangs brushed over his toy's cheek as his maw parted, his drug-drooling tongue pressing forward and stuffing the much smaller muzzle with its broad size as it awkwardly rolled against the smaller muscle greedily washing across it for every drop it could get. Not that Cormac minded the clumsy tango, or whatever, what blissed, barely coherent consciousness within him didn't. His maw reverberated with a groan as the fox's tongue tested just how deep it could plunge within his mouth, teasing against the start of his throat and sending his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

Everything after that was a blur, a sequence of strung together experiences that he couldn't even be certain happened in the order he recalled them, rather than merely being the order they bubbled forth from the fog of lust to be ingrained in his memory by his stupefied brain. Releasing the kiss from the fox, feeling his tongue wash across his face, sharing his fox drool laden maw with the wolf in another mutually moan inducing kiss. The firm pounding to his rear, an uncounted number of climaxes forced out of him and his overly sensitive and battered prostate, every successive dry heave from his shaft as his fecundity had long since been tapped out. His eyes glazed in listless bliss as they rolled back with every buck.

The strength the beast put behind his thrusts steadily increased, rolling the exhausted, sweaty malamute forward and into the embrace of his entangled companion despite the two listless canine's bodies bracing against hole squelching buck. If it wasn't for the forepaw pinning him down, and by extension the wolf underneath him, the malamute was certain they would have been steadily slid along the floor of the beast's den! Especially once that obscene girth had stuffed itself deep enough into the drug-addled malamute that it wore him like a warm, reflexively squeezing, cocksleeve. Until, eventually, one slam dug the obscene girth deep into his stretched, groaning body that the swaying buck was brought to a swifter than expected end by the wet slap of his impossible to fit knot clapping against his stretched-white pucker.

Yet that didn't stop the fox's rut, as the damn beast continued to pound him for what felt like minutes afterwards. His body felt like sculpted jelly beneath the fox's warm paw as he pressed his knot again and again against the canine's cheeks and forcing countless orgasms from his abused sex, all while occasionally topping up his system with that blissful aphrodisiac by forcing another deep, throat tickling kiss to keep the burning from his exhausted muscle until he was satisfied.

The steady, wet clap of the knot kissing his precum soaked ring, the thump of the beast's fat spheres just barely crashing against his taint and thighs, and the steady, rhythmic breath of the vulpine filled his ears whenever the lust drunk malamute's fucked silly expression wasn't contorted in another whimpering moan. If he had any neurons capable of thought left at the moment, he might have started to suspect the beast was purposely delaying his own release just to ensure he was a good, broken pup by the end... Or at least wanted to draw things out for an entire hour of carnal delight with his new toy despite his no doubt busy schedule - assuming the damn hyperfox wasn't multitasking his consciousness elsewhere and left his main body on autopilot fucking him senseless!

The canine couldn't tell if minutes or hours had truly passed before, at long last, the release from the vulpine he had come to earnestly long for arrived. But the Point Intelligence had one last tease to throw into the mix before he did so, leaning forward to snarl a question against the pup's ear even as his hips began to slam forward with their hastened, peak sprinting pace. "Well, pup, do you want it~?"

Cormac's tail would have answered for him if it wasn't lying in a tired slump to one side, barely managing to lift its tip to twitch in frantic agreement. The dog's head gave its best attempt at an answer in its stead, nodding with as much strength as he could muster, only to get another teasing barb from the fox in retort... right after punching his kidneys with that monstrous cock again. "Use your words, pup~ Speak!"

"Y- Yes!" Cormac barked out on impulse, only realizing what he had done after the syllable had left his lips. A moment of shock briefly emerged from his confused and subdued psyche, unsure if it was some nefarious influence the fox had, perhaps a command given to his brain through his malfunctioning Reflex Governor, or just his own unchecked hedonism that had caused his synapses to fire out that response.

His quizzical expression was swiftly wiped from his face with the fox's next thrust, wedging the beast's knot glands against his well-fucked ring, grinding him forward hard enough that he nearly slipped from the wolf's grasp. At first he thought his mind would once again be unspun into that listless, well fucked daze, only to instead feel his consciousness snap to reality in an instant as the fog of lust which had dulled his senses dispersed, right at the exact moment he felt the self-engineered vulpine's cock erupt deep within his body.

His emotions and thoughts cleared as whatever cobbled together neurons still functioning within his mind dedicated themselves to immortalizing the moment his new master marked his claim upon his flesh! One last moan, and one last blissful orgasm, rolled from his body as the cock flexed, surging with enough force that every nerve wrapped around his stuffed walls screamed in sympathetic pleasure. White hot jets of the science-made demigod's seed crashed against his walls with enough force that he swore that he could feel them slam into his gut, followed by the warmth of the virile cocktail spread throughout his core as the thick liquid pooled deeper into his body.

Despite the tight fit of that monstrous cock in his snug ring, his tired walls struggled to keep the precious essence trapped within his body. A small stream of seeping spunk streaked down over his taint and washed over the bottom of his unattended spheres. Cormac couldn't help but let a regretful groan break from his lips as he felt the wasted essence, a fresh blush seeping across his ears as he imagined just how valuable that seed would sell for if it wasn't being wasted, cooling against his fur...

Despite the fact that the pint of freshly discharged seed discharged within his gut would have been more than enough to ensure any (compatible) fertile twat carried his offspring, the beast's climax wouldn't be satisfied with just one ass-flooding shot. His melon-sized factories of virility flexed again, and again, causing the hot spear of flesh lodged within the dog to jump and force another whimper from the malamute's body as he was flooded with another surge of seed. The trapped cream pooling within him with each shot until an oddly... satisfying... ache began to join the myriad of confusing feelings bouncing through his spent and exhausted body, whilst an ever more messy torrent of thick cream poured down his taint with the ever mounting pressure pushing the seed past the spasming cock embedded inside of him.

The fleeting moment of clarity began to subside nearly as swiftly as it came. The tired dog's ears drooped as sleep finally began to claim his mind, lulled into the depths of unconsciousness with every lance of the vulpine's climax buried underneath his tail - seemingly as unending as the beast's stamina. The last thing the malamute remembered before his mind finally blacked out was his head lazily canted upwards to greet the fox's embrace one last time, his slothful tongue giving his lord's muscle a few adoring laps in thanks for his 'gift' before his eyes finally closed and his mind descended into hazy, feverish dreams...

The next few weeks were nearly as much of a hazy blur as the first blissfully euphoric session with the fox, especially in those first few days when the fox didn't stray far from either of the two canines addled by the tailored pheromones and aphrodisiacs his body produced. Nearly every waking moment was spent enraptured in hedonistic bliss exploring the glorious form of the vulpine's feral body with barely a conscious thought strung together behind his glazed expression, happily painting his fur with the fox's musk and competing with the wolf to imbibe as much of the addictive essence as he could.

If he had had any of his wits left while enthralled by the vulpine, the Contractor might have almost found the state a welcome reprieve from the constant anxiety that bubbled within his mind. A change not just from the intoxicating influence through his body, but also because of an unfamiliar sense of... safety, especially whenever he nestled into the powerful fox's flanks with his fellow pup and was rewarded with one of the beast's legs or tails curling around him as he wistfully breathed in his owner's scent. For some reason, he felt a sense of security that he hadn't known since he was a young pup, back before the dysphoria that had torn a hole in his parent's plans for his arranged marriage, and the exile from his home and people.

But those first few days of contentment eventually came to an end as shivers he had started to develop since he fell under the fox's thrall blossomed into a full blown fever. There was no mystery to the malamute about the cause, at least in the few, brief moments of partial clarity his mind enjoyed between servicing the hyperfox's sexual fancies... Symptoms of the very thing he had most wished for. Somehow, either administered to the dog in his sleep, or packaged within his fluids just like the aphrodisiacs, the fox had exposed him to a tailored gene-editing virus that now ran rampant through his genome. Normally, such treatments were a long, intensive process facilitated by the recipient hibernating within a sterile tank as their immune system was suppressed, and their body inundated with the nutrients required to support the rapid physiological changes caused by certain genes being switched on and off.

Undergoing such gene edits outside of such an isolated and controlled environment was usually a death sentence, as the body would break down without appropriate support, killing itself to fight the virus tailoring them into the desired state. Not to mention the enormous levels of fine tuning and adjustments that made such intrusive operations so expensive, even with the benefits of interwoven bio-tech mycelium to guide and shape the process. But, somehow the fox seemed to bypass those stringent requirements with just the biological agents it could produce within his own body. Another marvel that the malamute would have been fascinated by, if it wasn't for the fact it almost seemed quaint contrasted against the other wonders the fox possessed.

Still, he would have appreciated being left in an induced coma and cared for within an environmentally controlled vat, rather than left curled up in a sweaty, musk-soaked ball. Too weak and delirious to flee even when the fox was away as his body began to cannibalize no longer required tissues, while other cells underwent a metamorphosis back into a stem-cell like state to diversify and grow new flesh to take its place.

The misery of his condition was only compounded by what he could only presume was withdrawal from the addictive substances he had greedily imbibed those first few days. What hope he had to think of a plan between the troubled sleep of his feverish condition was robbed by the pain throbbing within his temples as his brain craved the intoxicants the fox offered. At least until the vulpine returned to soothe his agonizing moments of independent, lonely existence with a fresh dose administered through a doting lick or grooming bath to cleanse him of the sweat soaking his pelt, even if it left him in a thin layer of the beast's drool by the end. Yet still, in those pained, struggling to think fits of fever and dopamine-starvation, and his reasoned mind tried to marshall the energy and will to act despite the impossibility in his current state, he knew what the beast was doing.

The fox had absolute control of his environment. He was the sole authority to which the malamute owed his continued existence. Removing himself from the vulpine now would likely lead to lethal infections and debilitating complications from the interrupted procedure, with no else in Known Space capable of identifying, yet alone stabilizing, whatever process the fox had started using biotech centuries ahead of even his own people's. Existence away from the fox was painful and miserable, with bliss just one kiss away from the vulpine to rescue him from the hell of his transforming body. Even such simple things as food was by the fox's grace, another gesture disguised as care meant to endear the figure to his psyche...

Cormac couldn't have designed a better situation to leave him attached to his captor. Even knowing what the fox was doing he still found his tail wagging whenever he heard the fox approach just a few days into his conditioning. By the first week he shamefully realized that he was enjoying the fox's company. Not just the pleasure he induced by his saliva, seed, or scent, but just the vulpine's presence, and especially his 'attention'. He was enjoying every moment of the vulpine's hedonistic desires for him, the fox teasing his cum filled belly after a firm rutting by pretending his abdomen was heavy with the creature's kit and not just his seed. Even the moments of half-inebriated relaxation nestled against the fox, dosed with just enough of the creature's pheromones to calm the bite of his fever and addiction while leaving his mind above the waters of desire just enough to converse, became cherished moments that he started to look forward to more. Minor debates, topics of philosophy and logic that Cormac found himself agreeing with the fox's view more and more...

Of course, if he was asked how he would feel about his current predicament before the vulpine had got his fangs in him, he would have said he'd hate every moment, hate his agency being stripped away, hate becoming something's loyal minion by being broken and conditioned to unfaltering loyalty and trust. Yet, now that he was here... He was starting to love it. His ears burned like he was a virgin pup with his first crush! His free thoughts became less entertained by fantasies of escape, and more contemplating the talks he had had with the vulpine; his plans for the future of humanity, his desire to ensure his own species' place in the galaxy. To grow, to develop themselves further with more minds and the resources of humanity to probe the secrets of the universe farther than what he could glean on his own.

He couldn't know for sure if the fox was telling the truth, or just packaging the narrative that he knew would sway the malamute in his most vulnerable moments... But... he could trust the fox... Right? He only wanted what was best for him. What was best for humanity... A guiding paw to break the stagnation of the last few centuries, and finally pull Known Space from its cycle of aborted singularities since the first truly sapient A.I. went rogue.

It certainly didn't hurt that every day he could look down and see the part of himself that made him most uncomfortable in his own fur begin to shrink in controlled cellular demolition - his unwanted masculinity. Just a week his once sizable, seven inch shaft had diminished to just a couple that the fox could teasingly flick and call his clit, bringing another blush to the dog's ears whenever he did. By the second, it was nearly gone, just a budding tip wedged within his now nearly featureless crotch as deeper changes in his body played out.

Somewhere between his hips he could vaguely feel his new organs sprout into being, taking the place of the old as they wasted away. He knew they were being sculpted more for the fox's designs than his own satisfaction, that it wasn't technically his genes budding within the ovaries flanking his developing womb. Not if the fox truly wished to sire a child in his second sirian toy, considering they didn't even share nucleic acids, yet alone compatible chromosomes to pair. Of course, the fox was there to soothe the concern when he brought it up, explaining how he used his human DNA as a template to extrapolate to equivalent genetic markers for his own kind. All to ensure that the dog could authentically call the child he would grow within his own womb 'his'.

A sweet lie, perhaps, but one that Cormac found himself choosing to believe in as his fingers brushed wistfully over the fold of his developing lips, fantasizing about how it would look, how he would look, once the fox's agonizing treatment regime was finished. That and the fox's earlier 'promise' - that the beast's cock would feel even better when his long desired sex wrapped around the monster's womb-stuffing cock.

The malamute fidgeted nervously as he stood in front of a person sized mirror the hyperfox had kindly provided for him. The feverish delirium he had been in over the last month had at last broken the night before after a period of being slowly weaned off of the hyperfox's essence, freeing his mind to a crystal clear clarity he had not known since before meeting his new owner.

After taking care of the lingering sweat clinging to his fur since the last time the fox washed him, he returned to the polished silver gift left in his little corner of the vulpine's den, eager to at last admire the beast's handiwork without the distractions of an addled mental state. With a breath to silence the anxious butterflies fluttering in his stomach, his icy blue eyes finally leveled themselves to his reflection and slowly wandered across the form of his new body.

At a passing glance, one might miss the changes entirely, at least if one didn't get to look at the sirian without his pants. He still stood as tall as his old lanky height that was imposing even for a spacer, although his muscles had lost some of their tone thanks to the shift in hormones and his body cannibalizing itself to help fuel its rapid metamorphosis. But to Cormac the differences were night and day.

His hands rolled along his body, trailing across his new silhouette as he admired the subtle curves that now ran along his figure instead of the rugged, blocky arrangement of his old body. A long breath fell from his lips, as if a sigh he had been holding for most of his life had finally escaped his chest. At last, the uneasiness that had been his constant companion for the last few decades had failed to show itself.

He had always hesitated from exploring his body like this before, in order to avoid confronting the sense of wrongness from his brain's disconnect with its own body. But now, as his hands traced over his lither abdomen and crept his fingers along his curvier hips, remodeled under the fox's supervision to accommodate the kits he intended the pup to bare, that burden, that weight hanging from his psyche, had been finally let go. An exuberant joy welled from the dog's chest as he stared at a body, his body, that had only existed ephemerally within his dreams until his new master had brought it into being, just like he had promised and teased over the month.

His fingers ran over the edge of his abdomen as they finished one last appreciative lap, briefly tracing over the familiar vulpine-shaped mark of claim that crowned the listless doctor's belly. But even the mark of his ownership by the A.I. didn't discourage him from continuing his indulgence as his digits wandered down further to frame the pink, virgin bud that now lay nestled on his crotch where the source of his masculinity once lurked. Everything had its price, and if part of the cost for him to be content in his own fur was having to wear a stamp above his womb to show who owned him now... Well, he had lived with far worse loathing about his body than any irritating reminders about his lost freedom.

Instead, it was something else that paused his approach, biting his lips tentatively as he contemplated if he really desired for his first introduction to his new sex to be his fingers, while at the same time brushing past a nagging sense of sacrilege at not giving that honor to the fox. It didn't help that he could feel a smoldering flame of need deep in his abdomen that only the vulpine could satisfy now. His first heat, burning for the hyperfox's virility to claim it. He wondered if his fingers were even capable of taking the bite out of that carnal desire, or what other tweaks the creature might have made to his genome to make him even more receptive to the A.I.s influences...

Perhaps out of protest to that influence from the vulpine's conditioning, his fingers advanced, tracing along the petal-like folds and sending shivers of pleasure tingling up his spine as freshly grown neurons quivered at the touch. His exploration grew braver with every pleasure-inducing press, causing him to lean back against his cot as his digits continued their teasing exploration, tracing along his wettening lips to squeeze the sensitive bead of his clit and labia. Before finally giving his new sex its first shakedown as his fingers plunged into the tunnel waiting just behind that entrance. Just a single knuckle at first, but even that was enough to make his shapely thighs flex with a rippling jolt of pleasure. Then a second knuckle slid in as his digit pressed deeper, fingertips tracing along the inner walls of his new folds, following along the paths which sent the strongest, toe curling waves through his body.

Eventually his fingers stumbled upon a particularly pleasurable circuit, following the path until arriving at the sensitive bundle of nerves at their center. His digits curled, probing cautiously at the button of euphoria as a second finger joined in to stretch his virgin mound wider. His thumb, meanwhile, hooked higher to press against his clit as he finally put into practice all those times he had fingered himself while imagining he was doing exactly what he was up to now. There was no need to pretend, now, now subtle differences and stubborn annoyances to dispel the illusion, allowing the dog to bask in the sensation his sensitive cunt unleashed in response.

As his body settled into a familiar pace, working itself to the first of his feminine peaks, his mind started to wander... Drifting to the fantasies he had long nursed for the unlikely chance he found himself in this position. Old fancies and the previous teases that his many lovers had given while affirming his desired nature. But, as his body began to squirm as the first orgasmic hill approached, his mind naturally returned to the vulpine he had been the cocksleeve to for the last month.

His sex clamped tight around his digits, soaking his hand in feminine estrus as he recalled the first time the large feral had fucked him all those weeks ago. How he had teased the malamute the previous night as his fever began to abate by dragging that twitching log of arousal he called a cock across his mature lips with the promise to be his first. A huff escaped his throat as his eyes opened to watch the slippery, lubricating fluid soak his inner thighs, tumbling past his clenched hand to make a mess of his fur. That familiar, post-climax satisfaction lingered in the corner of his mind... But he didn't feel like he was done, instead it felt like above this pleasant peak there was another, larger hill of euphoria to climb too, and beyond that another as well, freed from any concerns of a refractory period that once stood in the way of his pleasure.

But, every time his mind drifted towards thoughts of depravity to chase those delights, the hyperfox came to mind. Him, and the sirian that he had taken as his first lover... His first concubine, or perhaps with how lovingly the fox embraced the silver-furred wolf as he bore their child the week before, his first wife...

Cormac's ears burned with a blush when he recalled that evening, as his fingers still combed along his flexing walls with a shameful excitement. It was one of the days he was slightly more cognizant of. Perhaps by luck, the fox's machinations, or just because the memory was vivid enough to burn into his mind despite the fog that held it. Even as delirious as he was, the malamute was mesmerized by the event, witnessing the sharply angled snout of what looked like a full grown feral fox pressing its way free from the depths of a shockingly stretched, and aroused, sirian cunt. A birthing canal that was oh so similar to the one he now sported between his legs, engineered not to reproduce with those of his own kind, but merely to serve as a host to the vulpine's spawn.

Then there was the 'poor' wolf himself... Even in the middle of such a laborious birth, the wolf seemed lost in euphoria, what little free thought still bouncing around his skull entirely subservient to the pleasure wracking his body. How far he had fallen, a scientist gifted enough to create the embryo of the abominable creation that enthralled him now as well, an exile that had the will to be banished from everything he ever knew by leaving the Territories rather than conform to the stifling demands of their elders... Yet, there he was, all of that stripped away and reduced down to a slavering thrall to birth the hyperfox's son, at least while the child gestated. If a man of that caliber fell so far... then he would be powerless to resist falling into the same end, surrendering his freedom, perhaps even his very mind for the fox's paternal desires.

To give up after so long, after sacrificing his home, a lucrative career for some C3 Corp... All the trials and tribulations he had overcome while clutching foolishly to his desire for independence, only to now lose what he had most cherished? To perhaps being too late to perverse even his very concept of a 'self' beyond mindless, dopamine-riddled enthrallment? That horrified him even more than the knowledge he was to be a brood bitch for something beyond human.

He should have been terrified, frightened beyond belief, fighting to leave this station even if it killed him! At the very least he should be disgusted by the very notion, sickened with the knowledge of what the fox intended for him! But, while he did feel those emotions as his mind processed all of his turbulent emotions, the taboo of it all was also incredibly arousing. He had started to pant, huffing in his little corner, eyes glued to the reflection of his body climaxing again and again as his fingers madly worked his body in tandem to those thoughts. His lips gushed with the slick essence, leaving his hand and thighs matted in the juice, while his mind pictured that estrus spilling over the vulpine's knot as it crammed its seemingly impossible to fit size past his lips at last. After all, if he was going to give birth to a whole fox, that knot would only be a warm up, and it was designed for the fox's pleasure just as much, if not more so, than his own.

It would be so easy to give in, he thought as another spasming release ripped free from his thoroughly explored sex, he didn't even need to make a choice to give in. All he would have to do is wait, relax in the place that had already started to feel like a home more than anywhere else he had lived in his transient career as a Contractor. No more danger, no more fears and anxiety, no concerns of the day to day, just a life of pleasure and maternal satisfaction gifted to him on a silver platter by his new master.

He dismissed those thoughts with a sigh as he finally pulled his fingers free from his wet cunt, wiping his feminine juices across a relatively dry patch of fur on his thigh, before throwing himself into another shower as he tried to ignore the pleasurable organ between his legs clenching and gently shuddering through echoes of his self-wrought orgasms. After all that, all he had managed to do was inflame the longing in his womb rather than stifle the biological calling burning in the back of his mind.

What little was left of his conscience after his many years of bloody work managed to help resist the temptation to accept the hyperfox's plan for him, instead resolving himself to at least try to take the opportunity to flee. He would have no better chance to do so than now while the fox was still likely dealing with his first born son, after all. Especially since he imagined the fox would have woken him up if the vulpine didn't have better things to do than deflower his new, freshly fertile, plaything... Unless the fox was being nice and giving him a chance to explore for himself before putting him to work.

There was also the matter of the vulpine's influence... Regardless of the feral creature's reasons, he had paid far less attention to the malamute since his kit had been born, allowing the yearning and craving he had for the fox to subside, or at least fade enough for his willpower to push it aside for now. But that would change when the fox next got his paws on him.

Then there was his more cynical side, reasoning that he had everything he had longed for since he was exiled already, and thus there was no more reason to linger and fulfill the obligations the fox had in mind as payment for his new sex. He could slip free and inform U.C.N.A. about the Point Intelligence's threat, warn humanity about the designs he no doubt had upon them... The dog bit his lower lip as he ran through all those reasons to flee, then weighed them against everything the fox offered him if he stayed here, stayed loyal...

There was no harm in at least walking by the door, right? A good stroll would do his body and mind good, and if the door was still locked shut, he wouldn't have to think about trying his luck at freedom anymore, considering the fox likely had sleeper programs nestled in his cyberware to keep an eye on him if he tried to hack a way out. He didn't bother to get dressed, either, or rather find something to try and make himself seem decent after the unfortunate fate his clothes had received at the hand's of the fox, not expecting to see anything but a door still sealed shut with all the security protocols he had struggled to overcome originally.

Only to see the damn reinforced steel parted as he arrived, making the malamute freeze in his tracks as soon as he saw it! He ducked back around the corner, not wanting John to see his bare body, or expecting one of the technicians which occasionally came inside to consult with the fox to be making his way through... Only to see nothing. Perhaps the man was still sitting at his security desk, nursing a grudge after the nasty hangover the sleeping agent he slipped him had caused, but Cormac couldn't see or hear him from his perch. Would it really be as easy as this? To just walk out? Run for the nearest space suit, grab whatever weapon he could and break into a shuttle to freedom? No, the fox wouldn't let him go so easily... This must be a test, the fox would have contingencies in place to catch him if he took it. The door to his gilded cage couldn't possibly have been left open...

"It's a test, alright, but not one that'll stop you from leaving... If that's what you really wish for," the fox's familiar voice rumbled closely behind him, causing Cormac to practically jump from his fur as he spun around to face the vulpine. The beast's glowing blue eyes were barely a foot away from him, the massive creature having somehow managed to sneak up on him with his preternatural grace while he was staring at the exit.

"I'm not..." The malamute initially tried to protest before stopping when he remembered what he was dealing with, a creature that seemed to either be able to read his mind, or know it so well he knew what he would be thinking before he had done so - he still didn't know which possibility was scarier. "What do you mean you won't stop me from leaving. What would you do if I went back and told them about you..?"

"Just that," the fox mused back with a teasing smile upon his broad, bestial muzzle. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about my family and I, it's a simple matter to disappear without a trace and begin pulling strings once the less than savory elements of the C3 start getting curious... Or while humanity tears itself apart for the technology I leave behind here. If it makes you feel any better, perhaps my plan all along was to let you go and warn them for the next part of my plan~"

"Instead, I would be more concerned about what your future would be," the vulpine continued, stepping forward to brush his body against the smaller malamute's side and rub his warm fur along his. One of the creature's many tails made sure it wandered along his lithe hips, teasing his unplowed cunt with an inviting wag, whilst the malamute's nostrils flared from his addictive scent wafting to his nose. "After all, I tailored that womb I granted you to my own desires, your ovaries are now a precious cache of genes for my kind. So I imagine C3 would fight just as hard to extract that valuable technology from you, too. Since you're not exactly the self sacrificing type... I imagine you'll just disappear and spend the rest of your days hiding from your old employers in the periphery with the other dregs of humanity hiding out at the edge of civilization."

"...Not that tempting an offer to test me with," Cormac muttered darkly, but he knew what the fox said was true. Even while he was contemplating the possibility of escape, the realities of what would happen if he succeeded had been bouncing around in the back of his head.

"One would say it's not much of a test when I already know the answer you'll choose," the fox replied with a rumbling purr. He continued forward, stepping past the doorway before turning around, purposefully leaving the option open with the distance he placed between it and himself, before rolling onto his back and exposing the fat barrel of a sheath and his melon sized testes hanging underneath to his plaything's sight.

"Don't think I've not caught sight of you sneaking a glance in wherever you could, or huffing when you thought I was out of ear shot," the fox continued, as one of his mighty forepaws reached down and pressed his toes against the white-furred sheath to give it the best squeeze his thumb-challenged limb could manage. The seemingly always eager flesh underneath responded with a throb that made Cormac's insides flutter, peeling back the fur of his sheath once more to expose the glossy red monster he had become infatuated with. "Despite the fact that I already know the answer, you do have the offer... Freedom and a life of adventure of your choosing, a freshly virgin sex for you to enjoy yourself with whatever strapping stud who catches your fancy, or..."

The fox growled and brushed his foot along the spire spilling free. The lurid flesh twitched and sputtered out a rivulet of pre across the muscular beast's chest as it finally grew fat enough for the red cock to spring forward past its owner's grip and stand at attention. The rod jumped and spasmed with every pulse rushing through it, inflating the taunting, triple lobed knot he had never managed to fit underneath his tail despite all of his efforts. "Prove yourself as my agent, my toy, and quench the heat I've given you. I've made those organs of yours suitable for my use... So I can promise you you'll fit it all by the time I'm done granting you a kit as payment for your commitment~"

The dog's tail wagged so fast he could feel the breeze it left in its wake. His icy-blue eyes glued to the messy, glistening tool he had been fantasizing over ever since his new, fertile lips had finally sprouted. Once more his conflicted desires reared their ugly head, the small nagging doubt and impulse to leave coordinating by his rebellious nature and desire to spite his cocky captor. But, as he took a shaky step forward, giving the last chance he had of leaving as a free man a final resigned glance, he moved past the exit to the outside world, and stood before his new lord.

He didn't linger for long, slowed only by the doubts of his decision as he straddled the larger vulpine. His inflamed and glistening sex rested against the base of the beast's fat cock, grinding his lips against the spire's knot, whilst his hands grasped firmly his master's flanks. The tapered tip twitched against his belly as he imagined the bulge it would make when it stuffed his cunt, how it would feel considering how good just his fingers had been before. His ears cowed against his head, eyes momentarily lifting from the prize he had for his decision to the fox's knowing gaze, then back to the door that was about to close behind him.

With one last steadying breath, the malamute closed his eyes and tried to swallow any lingering regrets, letting the vulpine's scent soothe his doubts as it tickled against his sensitive nose. His lids lifting to reveal the eager glaze of hedonism starting to settle into his expression whilst his body rose. One of his hands pressed against the fox's powerful torso to steady his balance, whilst the other slid down to grasp a hold of the length he had become so intimately familiar with. His thumb hooked around the girth, scooping up a nice handful of the warm, viscous pre coating the beast as he gave one long stroke to ensure the slab of meat was properly ready, before lining the living fountain of virility against his waiting snatch.

The tip flexed in anticipation, shooting another few streaks of pheromone-wafting spunk across his labia and clit. The warmth brought another shudder rolling through his body, while the scent soaked into his new entrance and marked it with the vulpine's claim. Anxiety welled within the malamute's chest anew as he began to rub himself along the eager head, dragging the warm, heavy tool across his folds with a teasing roll of his hips. He knew that doing this would sign away his freedom, render him for all intents and purposes the hyperfox's plaything, his agent, his slave... He'd be condemning himself to the machinations of a Point Intelligence, dragged along with the vulpine in his pursuit of the Singularity, living a life unsure of his own free will under the A.I.'s influence...

Yet, while he wrestled with the last of his indecisions, the heat within his womb continued to swell with the solution to its desire so close at hand at last, until finally the biological need instilled within him by the fox's design finally overcame his longing for freedom. The dog kept his eyes glued to the vulpine's cock as he lowered his virgin lips over the point, refusing to close his eyes despite his fluttering resolve so that he could immortalize every moment of his cunt's first proper use.

The length sputtered, christening his sex with another dollop of cream which washed across his mound, soaking his taut lips in the beast's musk before, at last, the malamute lowered himself down and quenched the sputtering member within his sex. A quiver ran through his fur, following the wave of pleasure which began to reverberate through his body as his labia parted hungrily around the vulpine's cock. The warmth from the fox's virility flowed into his loins, spreading with every drop the shaft drooled along his inner walls as he slowly eased it in. His mound yielded. yawning as far as he had managed with his self-pleasure, before he determinedly stretched himself wider still.

It felt nothing like his fingers. Even his many weeks raising his tail and being made a sleeve for the monster he was straddling couldn't quite prepare him for the sensation! Before, it felt like the fox had made his cock fit inside the mortal canine in ways the dog shuddered to think. But now... It felt like his sex was made for that cock instead. No matter how far his walls started to stretch as the advancing wedge deflowered his virgin bud, his body never failed to accommodate, almost like the walls were slowly unfolding to properly wrap around his feral lover's masculinity.

But, more than just how much easier his lips dimpled and suckled around the spire than his poor, abused tail star had, he thought, the entire sensation felt... 'right'. No longer did the shivers that raced across his crotch bring with it the errant disconnect between mind and body, allowing him to rejoice in the pleasure without distraction - especially when that cock dug deep enough that it pressed against the wonderful love button lurking just a few inches within. His hips rolled, sliding himself further down onto the welcome warmth of the twitching mast belching pre against his walls, until the wide girth spread his lips and his tolerance for the pressure building within his cunt reached its comfortable limit. His slow, downward press hesitated, dragging itself back up until the point barely pressed past his lips before lowering itself back down with a shuddering gasp. He settled into a shallow bounce, steadily working himself another delicious centimeter lower with every go, adjusting to a penetration that while he was now physically capable of handling without breaking, nevertheless had no hope of being comfortably taken until he adjusted to the enormity of the challenge.

If given enough time, Cormac was sure he would have eventually swallowed the entirety of that cock on his own terms. But, unfortunately for him, he was swiftly reminded with one of the fox's forepaws that the sex he was so blissfully indulging wasn't made for his own benefit, but rather that of his owner's. The creature's paw pressed down upon his shoulder, shoving the malamute down onto the vulpine's cock with enough force that his sex finally swallowed the rest of the cock's steepled start, wedging the broad slab of meat between his lips before his weight and the vulpine's grip continued pushing him down around the impaling girth!

"Urk!" Cormac's maw spread wide in a shaky groan, albeit tinted with the hint of a moan buried beneath the strained gasp. His vision briefly flashed white as his body was assaulted with the pressure and strain of that much dick stuffed in a malamute that was never designed for it, even if the wet, glistening mound wrapped around the girth was!

His cunt seemed to be quite a bit more sensitive to the vulpine's lurid assault than his tailhole had been. Perhaps it was because his many years of prior experience taking it under the tail had given him some tolerance, or more likely because he had been thoroughly hooked and his senses dulled by the fox's aphrodisia, while his cunt's first use lacked those inebriating intoxicants for now... Although the quivering pulse from the dick half-lodged within him, belching another dollop of euphoria enhancing precum straight against his writhing g-spot, would certainly change that soon.

"Trying to tear me apart!?" The dog barked back again through barred lips. His gaze remained glued to his abdomen despite his objections, watching as the obscene fit from the sunken head bulged just before the mark of the creature's claim upon his body. His shaky legs protested against the fox's demands, struggling to fight against the push pressing him further down the vivid hot rod stretching his walls, only to have his drooling snatch dragged further down that tool regardless.

"Don't worry, pet~ I know what your cunt can handle... After all, I'm the one that made it~," the beast snarled back with a toothy grin, swiftly dismissing his protests with another slam downward from his paw and shoved the pup further down his prick to silence any further protests.

Several inches of that hot, vivid column of monstrous masculinity surged between the malamute's pink lips with an eye watering strain as he was used as a fleshlight for the unnatural vulpine. He grit his teeth whilst his hands grasped tightly against the beast he straddled, bracing as best he could against the assault upon his virgin fields. His muscles spasmed as he felt his body stretch and distort, suckling upon his first cock with every blow it hammered into his depths.

The fox had once again kept to his word. For all the force he used to make his body accommodate, the sharp pain of his new sex failing to accommodate the monster never materialized. That didn't stop each plundering blow from leading with a good deal of discomfort, though, as his walls stretched and nerves protested in blind ignorance of their duty, his cavern buckling to wrap around the tool. The aching pain of his discomfort dwarfed the rising tide of pleasure he had felt before, but only for a moment as the more pleasing excitement tingling through his body became more noticeable as his body slowly caught up to the pace the hyperfox demanded of him.

Cormac's grunts slowly surrendered to those welling desires. His soft snarls and pained gasps steadily tainted, then replaced, by fleeting huffs as his sex relaxed and accommodated the seemingly impossible fit. Long, exasperated groans fluttered from his throat as he tried to reassert some measure of control against the vulpine's strength, angling his hips to drive the point of that virile log against his most sensitive spots every time he was forced down. Every time he succeeded, however, the euphoric shiver racing through his body undermined his efforts, weakening his thighs with a writhing flex that caused him to sink further down the rod than he intended.

His back arched underneath the tension coiling within his body, his tail hiked right up against it while his tongue lulled past his lips as the growing comfort allowed him to be slowly pushed towards his first climax from being fucked as a proper bitch. His tunnel squeezed around the half-buried log, his thighs clamping around the monster's hip. His fingers pulled tight enough against the monster's belly fur that they would have ripped the hairs out of a normal beast, before a shaky moan finally spilled free and his feminine juices poured forth from his sex to tumble over the multi-tailed fox's spire and knot like a lurid brook, smothering the red column in a mixture of their excitement.

"Fucking hell," the malamute panted as his icy blue gaze opened after the surge of pleasure had subsided, staring down with a hint of admiration and desire for the ungodly creature underneath him. He regathered his composure with another huff, slowing the roll of his hips for just a moment as he did so before chasing yet further bounties of pleasure already starting to creep along the edge of his consciousness.

Only to get more than he was expecting as the fox's forepaws flexed an ounce of their strength once again, taking advantage of his recuperation to force him down that cock until it stuffed his newfound tunnel to its end! The dog's eyes shot open wide with an agonized yelp when the point of the fox's broad meat crammed against the barrier to his untouched womb, concaving the walls upward around the advancing wedge. The bulge the cock made within his body stretched farther along his white abdomen, pressing towards the black hairs stenciled with the fox's mark crowning his fertile chamber. His body shook from the blow, freezing his movements as he bucked and reflexively protested the assault to his core, to little avail against the overwhelming power of the fox. Yet, even as he snarled from the forceful ram against the protesting portcullis, his cunt still shook, shaking loose a pain wrought climax from the sudden flood of endorphins released.

"Seriously?" Cormac managed to keep the glare he shot back at the scientific abomination beneath him to be at least half-playful despite the pain he just felt. "Do you treat all your employees like-"

His smart aleck retort was cut short by another incessant prod by the beast's masculinity against the firm wall of muscle guarding his womb, apparently not satisfied with filling the malamute's pliant sex to such a 'mere' depth. The fox's hips ground forward, milking a few more contorted rushes of discomfort and pleasure from the sirian's body as he battered the resilient walls which would protect and nurture his kits, dousing them in dollops of aphrodisia-tainted pre to relax their bracing hold against any intruders to the womb beyond. A small pool of spunk formed where the liquid was trapped within the dimple from his deforming cervix by the cock it forth from, while yet more excitement trickled down and soaked the malamute's walls to dull the nerves protesting the treatment they were receiving, leaving only those screaming in consort to the vulpine's hedonistic desires to speak once more. Until, just as the start of his besieging flesh began to peak past the dog's surrendering walls, the cream building behind them sprung forth into his womb like a spring.

As soon as the vulpine felt the dog's cervix topple before his besieging ram he twisted around, rolling to the side and slamming Cormac's shoulders hard against the metal floor. Despite keeping his head clear of the impact, he still hit it hard enough to leave him addled as the fox's forepaw pinned him with a familiar hold just underneath his collarbone, resting just enough weight to keep him from slipping forward with what would come next. The rest of his body was left curled underneath the fox's hips, his legs wrapped around the beast's waist in response to the sudden toss.

The rest of the fox's momentum slammed behind the thick pillar of meat that kept the dog trapped between the beast's hips and forepaw, crashing through Cormac's hopelessly outmatched cervix, sinking the hot lance of pain and pleasure straight into his womb! His wits were sent reeling from the sudden toss and just as sudden blow, his mind struggling to process the sensory overload as his owner's cock stretched the opening to his womb as wide as it had his milking labia. A tormented cry, stuck between a pained gasp and a euphoric groan, rolled from his lips as the tip buried itself against the far wall of his womb, knocking the wind from his breast with the one swift, passionate strike.

"I think I've been far too lenient with you, pet, considering that mouth of yours," the beast growled hotly, casting his snarled breath against the dog's cheek as vision slowly returned to his brutalized psyche. The canine could barely manage a grimace in retort, his lips warped by shaky grunts and groans that took what little air was left in his lungs. "Perhaps showing you your place will help fix that attitude."

The hyperfox's hips didn't pause while he spoke, making it that much harder for the dog to try to bite back with another one of his witty remarks while the sudden stuffing of his cunt was repeated with another buck from the gut bulging cock. His body reflexively scrambled to hold onto something, anything, to weather the brutal rut hammering against the back of his womb like it was an anvil before an overzealous smith! His grip at first pressed against the rippling mountain of strength and power that was the fox's physique, before even that was shaken loose by the sheer fury of the fox's thrusts. Each seemingly callous blow contorted and stretched his abdomen, laying bare the reality of his situation before his teary eyes, now bereft of the civility the fox had kindly extended to him until now. The fate he had chosen knowing what it meant without any deceit, had in fact been excited by in the darker crevices of his mind - to be an agent, a puppet, a plaything, a pleasure sleeve to a nearly incomprehensible intellect and unassailable body. So he really had no right to complain now that his faustian pact, no matter how coerced and unvocalized it was, had come due.

Cormac's hands eventually settled against his own body, his palms haphazardly latching onto his pelt to squeeze around the source of the orgasm inducing agony erupting within him. Every buck stretched his womb like a condom over the monster's cock, forcing a grunting gasp from his stunned lips along with spasming, flailing squirms as it felt like every nerve in his body was being set on fire by the entwined dance of paradoxically contrasting yet complimentary sensations. Every pistoning shove into his ever-accommodating depths was answered with another deluge of his excitement, washing across the dick gaping his cunt before spilling down over his own clit and filled abdomen. The mark the fox had added to his pelt along with his new sex stretched and contorted around the bulge the cock made within his body with every pass, until the peak of each buck against the roof of his uterus pressed the bulge to the bottom of his belly.

His wide-eyed, pupil dilated stare watched it all, glued to the image of his lips wrapped around a cock that was several sizes too large for a human his size, even as the cockflesh surging past the taut ring sent writhing ripples through his core. His icy blue eyes shifted a few inches upwards and glanced anxiously towards the rather substantial number of inches still laying in wait beyond his deflowered lips, as well as the hole-stuffing glands starting to bloom at its base in excited flares every time the cock twitched.

His eyes continued their slow march upwards, tracing over the rippling fur along the hyperfox's belly and chest as he continued to fuck him into the metaphorical dirt, until finally coming to settle on the glowing eyes of the unnatural vulpine. All he could do was offer a pleading glance for mercy to his owner, unable to voice his skepticism about the rest of the monster's girth fitting regardless of what eldritch modifications he had made thanks to the firm bucks keeping his lips contorted in heady notes. Especially as each blow began to tip the knife-edge balance of agony and euphoria he had been trapped in back towards the inviting sea of lustful bliss as he grew used towards his owner's demands, aided by that pernicious essence pooling within him dulling the last of his uncooperative nerves with their inebriating lust. Not that that stopped his body from writhing with every railing drive from the beast above thanks to the phantom pain, his legs clenching around the monster's body while his toes flexed against the monster's hips.

Alas, his non-verbal beg didn't succeed in getting the fox to slow his demanding bucks. Quite the opposite, in fact, as the beast's powerful flanks drove forward firm enough to send a dull twang of pressure against his partially numbed nerves, forcing a moaning grunt strong enough from his body that his lips opened in a loose snarl with the note.

Just the opening the fox was after, it seemed, as his snout ducked down, his hot breath panting once again across the dog's brow. Before he silenced the malamute's doubt by shoving his broad tongue right between those opened lips, stuffing the hedonism-inducing saliva straight down Cormac's throat to silence his doubts... Or at least his protests. The dog grunted as he felt the stupefying flavor drip into his stomach, before being carried throughout his body to drag him into the same throes of thoughtless ecstasy from before. His ears drifted back against his scalp, tongue reflexively pressing against the larger muscle to try and force it out of his mouth, only succeeding in exposing him more to the mind-altering taste with the attempt.

The aphrodisia made it impossible for him to conceal his moans any longer, the sweet notes of his full throated yelps of pleasure surrendered straight into his feral lover's maw every time the beast's hips drove his throbbing warmth deep into his sex. Each time his plundering slams stretched the flexible walls of his fertile cavern further, hammering against its roof until the flesh began to dimple and wrap around the lurid intruder at last. The following thrusts pushed the advancing point further along with a lust-addled groan from the toy, shivering with the sensation of his womb wrapping around the fox's cock just as the tunnel before had. The bulge from the fox's dick spread towards his belly button, whilst just outside of his thoroughly filled sex the vulpine's knot drew steadily closer.

The creatuer's tongue slipped from Cormac's maw with a low, demanding grunt from the fox, leaving small strings of potent saliva bridging between their lips whilst his claws teased against the malamute's skin. The dog's eyes rolled back down to stare at the depraved state of his body, panting as he watched the fox's driving hips steadily turn his reproductive tract into his personnel sleeve! The additions the fox had included were making themselves self-evident with the impossible size his body was stretching to as his abdomen bulged so far it began to press out over his belly, molded around the cock it was still desperately milking. The creature's productive fecundity pooled its warmth into his pliant womb, overflowing from the tight fit of the cock fucking him silly, until the essence sprung up around the pistoning dick meat and poured down his distended belly with a flow of dual excitement.

The malamute struggled to remember how many climaxes his master had rung from his body already as he once again started to lose track of reality under the hedonistic fog of the 'naturally' produced aphrodisiacs pooling within his womb and trickling down his throat. Worse than before, in fact, no longer requiring the beast's spit to seep straight into his blood from the monster's bite, likely some hidden 'tweak' the vulpine had placed within his genome to make him even more susceptible to his presence. The last hints of discomfort from his unfelt pain was swept aside, leaving only the unearthly pleasure of being made the monster's fucktoy behind. He struggled desperately to cling to his senses against the flow of euphoria pulling his psyche back into stupefied nonexistence, carried along ever greater hedonistic peaks with every thrust from his master's hips.

Even with the growing anticipation and yearning within his breast, inflamed further by the taste, scent, and warmth, and even the fox's very presence, he didn't expect the flood of euphoria that erupted from his loins when the fox's obscene knot finally kissed his once virgin, now thoroughly ravaged, cunt. Cormac's gaze softened, his eyes starting to glaze at last under the hedonistic assault as another moan broke clearly from his fox-spit-lathered lips. His sex poured with another soaking wash of feminine release, spilling across the knot grinding against his labia in the juices before the next throb racing along his contorted reproductive tract partially washed away the off-clear estrus with the hot precum overflowing from his core.

The impression the tool made within him was even more noticeable than when his tailhole had passed the same muster over his weeks of 'gene therapy', the vivid outline of the bulge allowing the dog's glazed eyes to nearly trace the shape of the monstrous cock impaling him... Right to the knot which ground demandingly against his cock-wrapped entrance. The very glands that the dog had spent many a night lavishing with his tongue, entertaining depraved thoughts of fitting the massive tri-lobed girth during his feverish and drugged stupor. A wish he had thought impossible, but now the large fox seemed fit to grant regardless as his rugged frame continued to drill his cock into his toy. The monster's claws dug into the steel floor of the habitat, bracing against the force he delivered with every sloping wet slap of his knot against the dog's cunt. Every demanding slam from the hyperfox strained Cormac's augmented spacer body to its limit, compounding with the exhaustion of a mortal trying to keep up with the stamina of a demigod. But, slowly... inevitably... the fox ground the fat glands into the sculpted sex designed just for that purpose...

Until everything came to a sudden stop with a single, ear ringing plop!

The malamute barely managed to keep his glazed gaze centered on his sex as it happened. His tongue lolled from one side of his maw, still slick with his master's spit as he burned the moment the knot sunk past his sex-soaked labia to his memory! His cock stuffed canal clenched with every muscle fiber it had in writhing spasms, trying desperately to milk the hyperfox's sensitive knot whilst his hands madly kneaded the impression the cock's point left against his marked belly. His legs squeezed around the large beast's hips, ensuring the slab of cockmeat was as deep as it could get by wedging the vulpine's retracted sheath against his mound, gushing in a flurry of orgasmic eruptions.

A single thought burned through his mind, a desire to savor every detail of this moment, even as his mind was still embroiled in a storm of anticipation, desire, dread, and horror about what was about to happen. Regardless of his conflicted thoughts on being made a parent, about if he was even capable of providing or nurturing a being that was beyond him with this fucked up union of species across wildly different slopes towards the singularity, the moment it happened would be one worth immortalizing.

His Reflex Governor activated from the burning desire, making the microseconds tick by as he hovered on that magical point. The overpowering tsunami of bliss screaming from his thoroughly claimed sex was drawn out with his technologically boosted cognition. His exasperated breath flowed like a glacier from his frozen lips, whilst his eyes watched the divine throb racing through the buried cock like lightning caught in slow motion. His nerves quivered as the pulse splattered a rivulet of precum straight into his womb, a single, teasing jolt of his owner's virile warmth to excite his heightened senses. Before the next longed for jolt finally doused the heat he had been given in a rapturous rush of hot seed lancing straight into his core.

The implant he took so much pride in held out for another time-lapsed second, letting him savor every snapshot of sensation, observing every detail of the moment the first of the many children he'd no doubt bare for the fox was conceived. His fur and skin tickled by the fox's balls shivered as the heavy, virile wrecking balls that had been slapping against his ass clenched, squeezing ropes of molasses thick seed from those productive factories! His lips quivered as the knot flared, digging itself against every nerve of his overfilled cunt, keeping the dog trapped at the peak of divine euphoria when the slab of cockmeat swelled around the lance of seed. The rest of his reproductive system momentarily stretched wide as the throbbing swell passed, before finally the tapered tip erupted with the mind melting ambrosia of the hyperfox's cream, crashing against the taut walls of his womb, bloating his abdomen with the sheer size and weight of that first tremoring release inside of the fertile chamber!

His eyes rolled back, lacking the strength to keep his gaze aloft as his augment finally sputtered out and returned his consciousness to normal processing speeds. He could feel his mind finally slip beneath the bore of pleasure welling from his deepest being, luring him into the blissful oblivion of euphoria he had seen his fellow sirian in ever since he arrived. What measure of control and discipline the dog still had over his faculties rebelled like a cornered animal, struggling in vain against the tide that was every bit as unstoppable as those of an ocean. Panic welled within the ever attriting reservoir of his psyche, causing the dog to look up to his owner, his Master, with another desperate, pleading glance mired by the twangs of pleasure and bone deep satisfaction that rippled through his being with every overflowing deluge of seed pumped straight into his womb - uncertain if he would ever recover, or if the rest of his life would be spent as the passive plaything of the A.I.. Another in a line of converted and bred puppy mills, stripped of the autonomy he so desperately clung to, with no other purpose to their existence beyond bringing the fox's eldritch scions into the world.

"Hush now... There's no need to worry," the fox's words murmured soothingly against his ear, before smearing his saliva across the appendage and his cheek in a comforting lap of his tongue. "If all I wanted from you was to be an puppet without a mind of your own, I could have easily done so with just a few hundred codons donated to your genome~"

"I have plans for you... Plans beyond just the children I'll give you," he added as his tongue gave another lick, this time along his chin, teasing the dog's panting maw with another dose of the nerve-wracking saliva. "Just consider this a reward... Pleasure that a human mind can barely comprehend. A few months of heavenly bliss as a treat, before the reality of existence demands your attention once again... Pampered and cared for, without anxiety or concern. Consider it a... sabbatical... a vacation from the world you're in, to leave you recharged for your return~"

The beast's words were hot against his ears, while his balls continued to clench and flood his body, spilling from his cunt in a cascade of jizz that soaked his pelt and pooled against his back on the floor. The fox's words came to an end with another kiss forced upon his lips, pushing the last of his mind beneath the blissful tide The last ripples of thought from the anxiety-riddled canine initially tried to protest even that in a final stand of rationality, before finally submitting with an awed realization... He could trust the fox. No, he knew the fox would keep to his words and to want the best for him. A strange level of trust and comfort with another that was utterly alien to the malamute's psyche before this point, yet felt entirely natural to him now.

His last, barely constructed imaginings lingered upon the uncountable swarm of virility pooling within his womb with every rope bulging his belly with the weight of cum, despite the plentiful seed managing to escape past the vulpine's lodged cock to erupt from his cunt like a geyser against the multi-tailed fox's crotch. How the divine egg carrying the genes of the near-perfect race he served, cultivated within the ovaries he had been gifted by his Master for the privilege of carrying his spawn, would be swarmed by the teeming swarm of his lord's virility. Until only the most virile, the most potent victor of natural selection and chance would squirm its way within and take its shot at life. So much like its father, yet ever so slightly different with his own traits blended in to give the race the much needed variety it needed...

"Sweet dreams, my pet~" The fox rumbled after his mind-breaking kiss had finished, giving the dog's blissed expression another lick to dry his tongue of aphrodisia riddled saliva. His cock continued to spasm, balls heaving to continue the torrent of jizz back pouring from his toy's mindlessly spasming body, flowing down his now domed belly to mark his chest and face in stray torrents of cream, or cascading down his back to join the large pool of wasted seed cooling against his back and tail.

"I made sure that every pleasure neuron in that small lump of jello and silicon you call a brain will be writhing in ecstasy while my child is nurtured within your womb. So enjoy the next nine months... Don't worry, I'll take very good care of you until my boy is delivered," his words continued, his body shifting as the last of his climax began to taper off - not that the now oblivious malamute noticed. The vulpine father's forepaws shifted, leaning his weight onto the leg supporting his weight, while the other released the pin he had been holding the dog in, to instead rub along his cum-bloated belly, patting along his branded hosting the battered ovum conquered by his wiggling gamete. As if he was cradling the growing, dividing miracle of science that was now the malamute's life purpose to cultivate and help raise.

"You'll need it, after all. Little 'Kaldric' is going to be quite a handful for his mother~" he murmured one last time as he named their child. Before the vulpine turned at last, walking away from the still open bulkhead door that had once offered the canine his freedom and dragged the malamute lost in the throws of desire like the eponymous lotus eaters of old lore back to his den.