Charizard takes control

Story by HornyBunny on SoFurry

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Charizard takes control

"just up ahead this part of the park is never used because of the overgrowth of weeds and roots that the city won't bother to clean up" Lopunny says pushing aside some bushes opening up to a clearing "this should be just fine, we get to enjoy the warm sun while we have some fun" he says with a grin.

"okay, so what so you want to do this time" Riolstretchingu says looking at the Lopunny and Lucario.

"I just want to watch while you two go at it" Lucario tells them.

"okay, but next time I get to nail your ass" the Riolu says rubbing his cock through his pants.

"fine" the Lucario says unzipping his pants fishing out his cock.

"slow down, we know your horny, but let us get started" Lopunny tells him before he grabs the Riolu and pulls him into a kiss. The two swap spit for a minute while Lopunny squeezes Riolu's ass.

They pulls apart with a string of saliva running down their chins and start stripping. Lucario watches them enjoying the show until they're both nude and their cock are hanging from their sheaths.

Riolu grabs a hold of the blue and black cock and licks the head feeling it growing in his paw. He licks the head tasting the musk on it until it's throbbing in his paw and on his tongue. "bend over" he tells Lucario.

Lucario bends over against a tree as Lopunny sits down in the grass next to the watching and stroking his cock. Riolu licks at Lucario tailhole getting it slippery. "oh, yes tongue fuck me" he moans as Riolu shoves his tongue as far as he can up Lucario's tailhole making his legs shake a little.

"ohhh, yes, lick him deep" Lopunny says stroking his cock a little faster and then realizing it and slowing down.

Riolu pulls his tongue from the dripping wet hole and pushes the head of his cock against the slightly gaping entrance and with a grunt from Lucario, sinks his 8 inch length into him in a single thrust. "so good, so tight" Riolu says bending over Lucario's back and licking his neck.

"fuck, your big. I haven't been on the receiving end of this for a while, but I love it" Lucario groans feeling the big cock in his bowels twitch followed by a gush of pre-cum making it even easier to fuck him.

Lucario lets go of the tree and starts stroking his length, all 7 inches of it. Every time his paw hit's the head of his cock his rectum tightens making Riolu let out a groan with a jab.

"don't rush" Lopunny says massaging his balls as he masturbates to the show.

All three of them are so wrapped up in their fun they don't hear the bushes being pushed apart. "what do we have hear" a female voice says and the three jump out of their skins and look at the female Charizard. They all quickly try to get dressed "don't, I just want to join you" she tells them setting down her purse and they stop moving.

"we're gay, we don't do women" Lopunny tells her.

"well then, I'll just have to call the police and have you three arrested for public indecency" she says with a smile.

"no, please don't" Lucario begs her and sees her smile get bigger.

"okay, but you have to do as I say or I will go to the cops. I know some and they will do anything I want, so don't even think about telling me, no" she tells them.

"come over here and kneel in front of me" she tells them and they go over to her and kneel in front of her. "I have a surprise you three might like" she says reaching for the zipper on her pants and slowly lowering it. As they watch her they all see a bulge appearing in the fabric as the zipper is lowered. Finally after what feels like an eternity to the three kneel pokemon the zipper reaches the bottom and a long tube of flesh spills out.

"get over here and suck me hard" shi tells them and they seem to hesitate "I said get over here" shi says grabbing Lopunny by his ears and grinding hir soft cock against his face groaning as his fur tickle hir balls. The other two quickly scramble over to hir and each grabs a testicle massaging it drawing even more moans and groans from her. "good boys" shi says letting go of lop puny's ears and he starts licking the head of hir cock tasting the leaking pre-cum.

she strokes each of their heads until hir cock has grown to it's full foot long length. "enough" shi tells them and they sit back watching the orange monster bounce in front of them and drool pre-cum. "get up and bend over against the tree like Lucario was" shi tells Riolu.

He gets up and bends over holding onto the tree "good boy" shi says rubbing his head like a dog. shi spits on hir cock head and smears it and pre-cum down hir length. shi presses the head against his tight tailhole and with a buck of hir hips, shi sinks hir cock halfway into him.

"so tight, you two bring my purse over to me" shi says pushing a few more inches into him and stopping. Lucario hands hir purse to hir and shi sets it on Riolu's back and pulls out a couple of rings "put this on this dog" shi says handing one of the rings to Lopunny. He crouches down under Riolu and slips the ring up his length of cock and he groans when it squeezes him tight. "good, now put these on" shi tells the other two.

They put on the rings and groan when they feel their manhood's swelling with blood. shi starts thrusting into Riolu feeling his tight hole griping hir like a vice until he lets out a pained moan and reaches for his cock "oh no you don't" shi says grabbing his arms and enjoying the milking his tailhole is giving hir as he tries to cum. "you two get over here and play with my breast" shi says pulling back on Riolu's arms using them to help hir fuck him deeper and harder until she's sank the last inch into him.

"fuck...your tight" shi groan feeling hir cock swell in his rump.

"do it, cum in me" Riolu says pulling one hand from hir grip and rubbing hir cock head through his belly.

The other two grabs a breast each and suck on the nipple through the clothe of hir shirt. "stop" shi says pushing them away fighting the pleasure of Riolu rubbing hir cock through his stomach. shi grabs hir shirt and tears it open "now suck on my nipples" shi tells them pulling back halfway and slamming hir cock back into the smaller blue pokemon.

Lopunny and Lucario each take a large nipple in their mouth's and suck on them, nibbling on them "do it like you mean it. you won't hurt me, my skin is meant for dragons. Chew on my nipples" shi tells them fucking Riolu with 4 inch strokes. They each bite down on the nipple making hir hips buck driving hir cock back into Riolu making both of them cry out in pleasure.

Lucario chews on the nipple and feels a liquid fill his mouth. He swallows it and pulls his mouth off the nipple "don't stop it's only milk, now suck and chew" shi tells him and mashes his face into hir breast. He continues sucking and chewing on hir nipples until shi throws hir head back and roars as hir cock grows 2 inches longer and an inch thicker stretching Riolu even wider making him cry out in pain. His cry of pain turns into a scream on mixed pain and pleasure when hir balls unload in his rear end.

A gush of dragon seed fills his belly stretching it out and with every gush it makes him grow bigger and bigger until he burps and feels hir load reaching his stomach. A few seconds later shi pulls him harder onto hir cock and a gush of white sprays from his mouth painting the grass and the base of the tree white. shi roars a few more times and rips hir cock from the gaping hole that was a pokemon tailhole before shi got a hold of it. shi grabs Lucario and pulls him off hir breast and pushes hir softening cock in his face "lick it clean" shi tells him as Riolu collapses on the ground cradling his swollen stomach occasionally burping up dragon cum.

A few minutes later hir cock swells back up to full hardness "you lay down" shi tells Lopunny who quickly complies feeling his cock throb painfully hard as it sways in the air. shi lets go of Lucario and straddles Lopunny sinking down his length "this is a lot smaller then I like my cocks, but my pussy is screaming for pleasure and you're the biggest of the two" shi says settling on his lap, hearing him moan deeply from the heat and tightness.

she leans forward pressing hir lips to his and thrust hir tongue down his throat making him gag on it. shi pulls hir tongue from his throat " you, get over here and push that twig in my tailhole, NOW" shi tells Lucario.

He steps up behind hir as shi kisses Lopunny again shoving hir tongue down his throat fucking it as shi rides him. shi gives a soft groan when Lucario slips into hir big backside. He starts fucking hir moaning the whole time as hir body heat urns his cock with pleasure.

A few minutes later, "Riolu get over here and fuck this bitch behind" shi says and he gets up with cum running down his chin holding his bloated belly. When he starts moving a rush of semen spills from his gapping tail hole down his legs and into the grass. "I said get over here" shi says again looking over hir shoulder.

He hurries over to Lucario and kneels down behind him and shoves his cock into the blue and black backside of his friend. They all fuck until Charizard straightens up pushing Lucario on to Riolu and throws hir head back roaring as hir cock explodes shooting finger thick ropes of cum several feet across the grass leaving streaks of white on the grass. hir pussy milk Lopunny making him jerk as he tries to explode, but only twitches in orgasmic pleasure.

she roars with every jerk of hir cock until it finally stops spitting ropes and drools the reaming seed on Lopunny turning his brown fur white. shi lays down on him resting feeling the tingle of a great orgasm slowly fade. Finally shi gets up with a wet slurp when the cocks pull from hir body. "can we cum{" Lopunny asks as they all reach for their cocks.

"no, you'll cum when I want you to. Thos will only come off if I want them to come off" shi tells them as they try to remove the rings and find them getting tighter. "please, let us cum" Lucario says feeling his cock throbbing with need.

"only if you become my sex slaves" shi tells them.

"okay, just let us cum we can't stand this pain" Riolu says.

"good boys, I give you permission" shi says and the rings seem to loosen a little and all three fall to their knees screaming. All three of them shoot their loads across the grass until they collapse out cold for several minutes before Charizard wakes them up.

"get up, I still need to mark you as mine" shi tells them "get on your knees and look up at me and open your mouths."

"what are you going to do?" Lopunny asks.

"I'm going to mark you like an arcanine would" shi says grabbing hir soft cock and pointing it at him first. With a grunt a jet of yellow, foul smelling fluid hits him and fills his mouth. He start coughing spitting out the stuff as shi move the stream over to Lucario and then to Riolu "don't any of you dare to move" shi tells them when they starts to get up "tighten" shi says and the rings become painfully tight making the stay on their knees.

she continues to satrapy them for a few more seconds filling each of their mouth again before the stream weakens and falls of the grass before it ends.

"get up, bitches. Let's go home" shi says turning away from them "tighten times 2" shi says and the rings become even tighter then before if that's possible making them grab the rings. "loosen" shi says and the rings loosen come on" shi says as they quickly scramble to their feet and go for their clothes "leave them you won't be needing them anymore" shi says and they follow her.

The End

This story was requested by renamon93

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