Ease & Bonding

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#35 of Midnight

Set after Julie's university quarter and follows her time back in Johto, focusing on adventures throughout, Alyssa's development, further building Julie and Midnight's relationship, and more.


Existing; complete stories: 'A Night She Couldn't Resist.' (Male midnight lycanroc x fem trainer.) 'Cassidy's Journey.' (Male braixen x fem trainer.) 'All They Knew.' (Male alolan ninetales x fem trainer.)'Only Crystal.'(Male human x fem espeon.)


All NSFW scenes: Chapter 4: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 7: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 14: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 23: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 27: Angie & Calda & Midnight.F human x F flareon x M umbreon. Chapter 37: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon.

~ Extra explicit scene(s) directory.

~ Timeline of all stories and upcoming projects are available in my profile.

Julie rubbed her face with a damp washcloth over the restroom sink early the next morning, finishing her routine. She wore socks, pajama pants, and a tee.

She hung the cloth up to dry and grabbed her antis, opening the bottle and shaking a pill into her palm.

She stared blankly at it for almost a minute, then took it with water.

Julie went downstairs afterward and saw her mother taking various items out of the refrigerator. She approached. "Are we cooking?" She grinned.

Her mother looked up. "Morning, sweetie." She grabbed an egg carton and set it on the counter. "I was readying to make breakfast, but I wasn't sure when Alyssa would wake up. It would be nice if we started the day together."

"She'll be up soon, so we can start. What'd you have in mind?"

"Egg and cheese bagels," her mom said while grabbing a hanging pan off the wall. "With a side of aspear berries for everyone."

"That'll be good... besides the berries. They're so sour," Julie said.

"That they are, but they're also one of the healthiest, so it's a trade-off. It boosts immune health, boosts energy, and a lot more. I have to start altering my diet and eating more naturally. I'm holding off on the pills they gave me if I can fix it myself. Can't exploit me that easily." She chuckled.

"For your chol levels, right?" Julie grabbed the pack of bagels from the bread box on the counter and the shredded mozzarella from the fridge, setting both on the counter by the stove.

"Mhm, and in general. I have to slow down and use food as medicine rather than pleasure."

"Just remember I'll do it too. We'll be in it together." Julie glanced at her mother lighting the stove using the dial and setting the fire to medium. "I forgot the butter," she said while returning to the fridge.

Her mother opened the bagels and glanced aside after spotting Lilly enter from her bedroom. "Hey there, Lilly." She looked at Julie, who set the container of butter down. "Would you mind feeding Lilly, sweetie?"

"Sure." Julie started toward the cabinets but turned back. "Do you need help prepping?"

"I've got it."

Julie went and crouched before a cabinet, grabbing the bag and taking it to Lilly's bowl, who was already sitting by it. "I know you'd eat out on the porch if it were up to you," she said while opening and tilting the bag over Lilly's bowl.

She yawned. "Pard." She watched Julie shake the bag until filling the bowl halfway with Chow.

Julie rolled it back up and patted Lilly's head. "Enjoy." As she stood, she saw Midnight walking down the stairs and grinned.

Julie set the bag down and met him at the second step, kneeling. "Did you sleep well, love?"

Midnight nodded and moved up as she leaned in to kiss his head.

"Both pokémon are awake?" her mother called from the kitchen. "Guess we're waiting on the sleepiest head."

Julie giggled and stood, returning to the kitchen and grabbing the bag of Chow on the way. She put it back in the cabinet and washed her hands over the sink, then stood by her mom, who'd already finished cooking an egg sunny-side-up with a spatula in hand.

"Pass me a bagel, sweetie, and the cheese."

Julie reached and took a bagel, then got the bag of cheese. "Can I do it?"

"Go ahead." Her mother stuck the spatula under the egg and lifted it.

She tore the bagel evenly and placed one half in the pan, letting her mother set the egg on top, then sprinkled a decent amount of mozzarella over it before placing the other half of the bun on top.

"Oh, Jule, grab a lid for the pot, and the salt and pepper."

Julie paced to a lower cabinet and got the top, then stood to grab both seasonings from a higher one. She returned and lifted the bagel to dash both over the egg, afterward fitting the top on the pot.

Both of them looked toward the dining area after hearing what sounded like growling and saw Lilly bat Midnight's face with a vicious glare in her eyes.

Midnight winced upon impact and backed away with folded ears, though he returned the liepard's glare.

"Lilly!" Julie stormed after her, making Lilly trot toward the living room and look back from the couch. Julie then leaned before Midnight. "You okay?"

He nodded and shook his head a little after taking a smack to the face.

She rubbed his head and stood, walking back to the kitchen. "I don't know what her problem is sometimes."

"I'm assuming it's because she's outside all the time," her mother said while watching Lilly lift her forepaw and flick it to begin grooming. "It's difficult for her to trust; that instinct is alive and well in her."

Julie rolled her eyes. "She should know by now she doesn't have to be on edge in here." She loved Lilly, but she wouldn't allow her to make Midnight uncomfortable.

In around ten minutes, when Julie and her mother were finished cooking the second bagel, Alyssa joined them and was gathering plates and cups from the upper cabinets to set the table with.

"I almost forgot about Rebirth Day, actually," Alyssa said while stacking three plates and glass cups. "Are we attending?"

"Of course," Julie's mother replied. "Every year. It's wonderful seeing Goldenrod come together, and the festivities never get old."

"Well, sure, as long as I'm not forced into face paint," Alyssa said.

Julie grinned. "It's only a bit of coercion."

"And the Film Awards are like two weeks after Rebirth," Alyssa added.

"Then the New Year," said Julie. "Johto gets busy toward the end of the year."

After breakfast and clean-up, everyone separated. Julie was back upstairs with Alyssa and Midnight. Julie had him in her lap while sitting on the edge of the bed, stroking his back.

His eyes were glued to the TV, which displayed a terrified furret speeding through a vast, dark forest while a pack of snarling mightyena pursued it. It was a poképrogram Julie had put on for him.

Julie watched Alyssa rummage through her open suitcase. "What are you looking for?" Julie placed her hands on Midnight's shoulder rings and circled them, who had turned to watch as well.

"Clothes. I need to wash what I have eventually," Alyssa replied. She took out her GameCube and set it on the carpet, then set a couple of clothing items on the empty side of her suitcase.

"You brought your system?"

"Yeah," she replied. "Haven't touched it, though."

"We should play something. It's been forever."

"Sure." Alyssa grabbed the cords and two controllers.

Julie set Midnight down, who followed them over to the TV. "Sorry, love. Do you mind if I turn from your show?"

"Umbre." He shook his head, then sat and watched them set everything up in a couple of minutes.

"I'll fetch the games," Alyssa said while going back to her suitcase.

Julie was plugging both controllers into the console on the floor while Midnight sat by her. She sat on her knees.

He leaned against her thigh, shifting his foreleg against her skin.

"Being a touchy bree?" Julie smiled a little, leaning down to kiss his head.

"Bre." He swayed his tail, nuzzling her thigh with his cheek.

Alyssa returned with a stack of almost ten cases and set them down.

Julie took the one from the top. "Oh, I liked this one the last few times we played." She eyed the gold cover detailing a boy riding a small sailboat.

"Nuh-uh, I'm not watching you play Wind Waker."


"Cause you don't do anything but free roam and mess around with the waker for an hour." Alyssa took it from her and slid it under the bottom of the deck. "I've got something better."

"Do you still have that Starfox one?"

"I might, but that's also banned right now."

Julie watched her pull another case. "Melee?"

"You're actually semi-decent at that one."

"You're so mean, Ali." Julie giggled.

Alyssa took out the disc and hit a button that lifted the console's lid, putting it in and closing it. "Take five stocks from me this time. I'll be scared then."

So, they spent the next hour or so playing together, with Midnight in Julie's lap watching.

After they were done, they were back on Julie's bed. She was on her side with Midnight curled up next to her, who was in a light doze.

Alyssa sat before her by her pillow at the bottom of the mattress.

"So you got to Ultra Space in the book, right?" Julie asked.

"You really wanna know, huh? I did. It says we could technically get to it through some ultra-warphole in Alola," Alyssa replied.

"Crazy, right? Alola is one of the most sacred and spiritual regions on the map. It's essentially a treasure to existence," Julie said. "And about Ultra Space, that means you got to the Ultra Megalopolis, right? It's the chapter right after."

Alyssa nodded. "It's pretty cool. Massive city in Ultra Space using a tower to light the city. I was never an avid reader, but I'm liking this book. I think I've gotten through more than half."

"Mhm, Megalo Tower." Julie smiled. "I'm so happy you've picked up reading, though. We've got to read The World's Most Successful Tropic together too."

Alyssa reached behind and squeezed the back of her neck. "You mean the one you've read like a billion times?"

"Well, yes, but what's one more?" She glanced at Alyssa's shoulder. "Something wrong, by the way? I saw you do that yesterday."

She shrugged. "I just have some discomfort in the back of my neck. It's been there for like a week now."

Julie shifted and sat up, glancing as Midnight lifted his head with sleepy eyes. "Sorry, love." She stood off the bed and went to Alyssa, standing behind her. "Let me see."


"Your neck."

Alyssa moved back a little so she was closer to the edge. "What is this?"

"Tell me when you feel pain or discomfort." Julie placed her hands on Alyssa's shoulders, moving them slowly over to the back of her neck while pressing into her skin with her fingers.

When halfway there, Alyssa stiffened. "There..."

Julie rubbed her shoulder. "It's likely stress-related. I can relieve it if you'd like."

"What do you mean?" Alyssa looked back at her.

"Well, stress can affect people more than they realize. Like, it can affect everything from your mental and physical health and even mortality."

Alyssa sighed. "And here I thought it was only history."

Julie giggled. "I know some stuff 'cause my dad was a chiropractor. He did the same for me, especially if I had stress or anxiousness for a long period." She lightly pressed and rubbed the spot while Alyssa tensed and pulled away, but Julie firmed her grip. "I feel it. Let me soften it?"

"Mh, fine. Is it gonna hurt?" Alyssa asked.

Midnight had sat up, meanwhile, walking over.

"It might. Sit through it for a few minutes. You're tough," Julie said. She started by pressing her thumbs into the muscle, rubbing in small circles.

"Mn." Alyssa winced and lowered her head.

After some moments, Julie placed her knuckle on it and pressed a bit harder while rubbing back and forth; Alyssa pulled against it. "Sorry. You'll feel better afterward."

"It's not bad, actually." Alyssa opened her eyes and reached in front of her to Midnight, who stared before approaching. She scritched his cheek and under his chin, which he slightly tilted his head against.

"Hey, Ali, what are we doing for your birthday, by the way?"

"Uh, we don't have to. It's barely important."

"Of course it is, and it's on New Year's, so it's amplified." Julie pushed harder while massaging. "I was thinking we could go to the Goldenrod Aquarium or take the bullet train to Kanto. I know you like Fioretown down there."

Alyssa sighed and patted Midnight's head before letting her hand fall. "I mean, a trip to Fioretown wouldn't be half-bad. I haven't had good sushi in a while, and Vermillion is pretty sick."

Julie looked over at her map on the wall. "Vermillion's only a quick hour walk down from Saffron."

"Hour?... And who's walking? We're taking a taxi."

Julie sucked her teeth. "Fine, it's your day."

After a few more minutes, Julie stopped. "It's more tender now. Tell me how it feels."

She rolled her shoulders and took a breath. "A lot better, thanks." Alyssa turned around and lay on her back.

"Great." Julie flexed her fingers. "What's next?"

Alyssa looked at her. "Grab the Tropic book."


She nodded. "I can keep up with two."

Julie went and pulled it from her bookshelf, then brought it to bed and sat on the edge while Alyssa moved up to join her. Julie looked back at Midnight and patted the mattress on her other side. "Come, love. You want to read with us?"

"Umb." He padded over and sat next to Julie.

Julie held it over her lap and skipped to chapter one, titled 'Tropical Beginnings':

'When Captain Adrian Bay and his Crew first discovered the mystical land we call Alola today, it was one of nature's primary hubs, diverse and prolific in countless pokémon, berry, and plant life species. It had breathtaking beaches, tropical forests, and steep mountains spanning hundreds of miles.

Today, the region boasts all of that and more. The government has worked arduously to preserve Alola's nature on all fronts to coexist with civilization; it has also built the iconic Hau'oli City, the world's most-visited capital metropolis with an impressive infrastructure second only to Castelia (and arguably Eterna).

As the region modernizes and develops in every metric, so does the quality of life. More foreigners have moved onto Heahea and Akala Island within the last decade than ever recorded in history. Alola has only expanded in popularity and is expected to grow exponentially for generations to come.'

Warmth in Reunion

The cruise dragged when it did and didn't when it didn't, from good meals and sunlight to boredom and water-watching. Julie and Midnight felt better when they left the room at least once every two days. They'd run into Jamie and Aria individually twice...

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Curbing Concern

"Tomorrow is Friday, and I'm nervous all over again," Julie told Alyssa while they sat on Julie's bed after school. They were mostly talking but getting some homework done as well. It was a perfect balance if you asked Alyssa. "There's nothing to...

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An Ocean's View

The following morning was bright and positive, the stark opposite of yesterday, but it was exactly what Julie needed. She was in the shower, blowing an upcoming lunch out of proportion. "One hour... You don't know these people at all... and you agreed...

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