Possessed by the Succubus (part one of three)

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I just wanted to see what would happen, you know...if I summoned a succubus for some fun in my dreams. Setting everything up, it was just a bit of fun, but how could I have known how wrong things were to go?


This story contains possession, dubcon, non-con and soul death/draining in the second and third parts.


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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

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Possessed by the Succubus

Part one of three

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by anonymous

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Miles' perspective

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I knew I had to try it, the moment I found the instructions on how to invite a succubus into my dreams. Okay, sure, my friends thought I was a bit weird because I was into all that supernatural stuff, but everyone had to have their interests and, well, I didn't want to be boring. Not to myself.

That would have sucked.

Sitting on my bed, I leaned over, peering at the screen. My zebra tail thwapped lightly against the side of the bed, stirring up the sheets, though I know had a pair of boxers on. I knew mom wouldn't be in too late; we'd already said goodnight to each other earlier that night. And once she got going on a couple of glasses of Chardonnay and her shows, well, she often dropped off to sleep on the sofa. It wasn't a bad thing, I knew just how hard mom worked. I just wished she took more time for herself.

But there wasn't all that much I could do about that, fussing about the house chores and retreating to my room when things were really good enough. After finishing school, I'd started work, but they didn't give me as many hours as I wanted, which was annoying.

That was how I'd ended up researching weird stuff online, delving into a compendium of supernatural creatures.

I leaned in closer, scratching my chin.

"Huh... So..." I mumbled. "Spiritual beings... Yeah, alright then. But...they can't feed completely on a virgin? Weird."

It was probably all made-up, I was sure of it, but I was still fascinated by darker spiritual stuff and the occult. Every teen, just as foolish, I guess, had tried playing with an Ouija board at some point, but I'd just kept going with it, even when I'd moved from one friend group to another and become a little lonelier. Everyone just seemed so busy.

But it was weird to read, even if it may not have been real, that a succubus, apparently, couldn't take someone's virginity by force. Yet seducing them and draining them - I could only imagine, my cock twitching within my sheath, what that meant - was possible.

I read on.

A male will not completely lose their virginity, only partially, he read, unless they climax during sex. This must be undertaken through anal or vaginal sex, penetration, for a succubus to fully take their virginity.

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Virginity, or the lack of it, was a personal thing, but I thought I got the gist of it. Shaking my head, I tried to ignore just how my sheath plumped up with the rise of my cock, need curling through me even then. It seemed like sex was on my mind most of the time but, well, that was what they said about young zebras my age anyway. It didn't help that our dicks were as obvious as they were (though great in other ways) as it made any arousal hard to hide.

I shuddered. Best not to think about those embarrassing moments, yeah...

If I hadn't been as bored as I was and if the soft head of my dick had not already been protruding temptingly from my sheath, I may not have given it a go. But, well, there was no harm from it, really, that could come, I was sure.

"Heh... Well, I wouldn't mind dreaming about a succubus..."

By performing the following ritual, the spellcaster may invite a succubus into their dreams for a reality safe night of fun. This ritual will only work for virgins; the ritual to call a succubus for dream walking is depicted on the following pages and rather more in-depth.

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I didn't bother reading on, however, though I would have seen the warning if I had. For there was never to be any true fun in the world without some safety precautions, even though I wasn't all that good at taking those. Safety equipment for sports and stuff, I was even terrible at catching and burning my hands when I was taking things out of the oven. That was why mom did most of the cooking, though she always made sure I knew how to do things, for when I was out on my own.

I really was going to miss her when I left home for real. But I knew I could always go back there.

I laid out the items for the ritual as my cock swelled to a point that, really, it should not have been possible to get to sleep. But, as a zebra stallion, well...I was cursed with unfortunate erections. If I didn't have the time to take care of one in the evening, bone-tired after work, I just had to deal with it.

"Right, there..." I muttered, looking over the items I'd set out on the bed. "A clump of hair, a bunch of sage... Suppose that sage incense stick will have to do... Earth for grounding... And pre-cum? Heh..."

I couldn't help but smirk a little at that one, but, well...my cock was already drooling. I slipped into the middle of the bed, not bothering to slide under the covers, for my cock sprung out and would have just tented them up uncomfortably anyway, the items surrounding me. For that final touch, I smirked and scooped my finger through the thick, bubbling pre-cum at the head of my cock.

That was dropped onto the bed - or, rather, smeared into the sheets. No one would notice, I was sure.

If I hadn't been so tired, I would have taken care of my boner first, but it was too much too late at night, so I flopped onto the bed, the pillows so soft under my head.

Yeah... I'd see if the dreams came, or most likely not, though my hard-on was sure to give me the sweetest of dreams.

Continued in part two of three...

Cuckolded (part two of three)

**Cuckolded** **Part two of three** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _A continuation of Unfaithful._ _ _ _ _ The cougar, however, surprised her. Only a little, but he...

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Cuckolded (part one of three)

**Cuckolded** **Part one of three** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _A continuation of Unfaithful._ Fyr couldn't get over it. She didn't move out and she didn't make...

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