Cosmic Fur: Welcoming the Pride

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Hello! Been a longtime lurker/enjoyer of TF writing and figured it was finally time I contribute to the scene. This piece was heavily inspired by MisstressChange 's piece Cosmic Fur: Welcoming the Heat, and was published with permission from both her and nekogato, who commissioned the original piece. You can read it here:

Mine takes place in the same world, in which a cosmic event shifts reality and turns everyone into horny, bestial citizens caught by the whims of their collective heat. Among these newly transformed people are longtime friends Harry and Darian, who spend another day at their college campus as everything and everyone shifts around them. Maybe even they will discover newfound identities and repressed desires as they too succumb to the heat. Except... how could they succumb if their lives have always been like this?

Contains TF both physical and mental, TG, corruption, reality shift, group sex, public sex, dom/sub dynamics, plants and tentacles, musk and scentplay, and a dash of incest for good measure. If you don't enjoy any of those things, feel free to skip it at your leisure. For everyone else: enjoy the read, and let me know what you think!

Harry couldn't help but feel a little guilty every time he turned on his game console. At 20, his parents thought he'd have a part-time job by now, something to further his life between college courses that wasn't just sitting in the dark playing video games. As he put his headset on, a chime rang: WunderBlunder87 has invited you to a party. Phew, that was enough to distract him from the nagging feeling that his life wasn't going anywhere. Sure, it was still an issue, but as long as he could keep playing Apex with his pal Darian, it didn't hurt too much to put reality on hold. Since middle school, the two were inseparable, sharing similar tastes in games and music. They even tried to start a band with their classmate Sung in high school. It didn't last very long, but those were memories he wouldn't give up for anything.

"Hey duder," exclaimed Darian from the headset. Darian was about the same height as Harry, but with paler skin and darker hair. "You see the patch notes?"

"Yeah. They keep nerfing my boy."

"That's what you get for maining Crypto, Har. If you don't get on the Bloodhound train you'll-- Hey! Hey! Pipe the hell down, man!" Harry could hear Darian's frat brothers cackling in the background. As inseparable as Harry and Darian were, Harry valued his alone time too much to join the fraternity with him, preferring the calming solitude of his tiny room in his mom and dad's one-story house. Honestly, it was enough that they somehow managed to be accepted into the same local college they both wanted; it would be tempting fate on their friendship to start living together in a building full of loud, obnoxious frat bros. Besides, even with Darian's frat duties, he still managed to make time for his best friend, and that's really all Harry needed.

"Sorry about that," he finally added. "Joe 'n Jimmy never appreciated the nuance of a good shooter."

"I see you didn't go with JimmyJoe this time."

"We've reached a truce. I stop calling 'em JimmyJoe, they quit taking my beer from the fridge."

"Heheh, fair enough." The two continued playing well into the night, even though they both had early classes the next day. Midnight eventually rolled in with nary a peep from the usually boisterous fratsters. "Well, I'm off to bed. Nice to finally get a quiet sesh in."

"Yeah, apparently everyone else went out to the porch. I think there's fireworks outside."

"Huh. In the middle of April?"

"You know how dorm life is. Anyway, see ya at Phys tomorrow,"

"You too, bud." They disconnected from the party and Harry turned his console off. Fireworks, huh. Without thinking much on it, Harry went to open the window drapes and see what the hubbub was about. What he saw was nowhere near the realm of his expectations.

Sprawled across the night sky was a dizzying array light, colored in every spectrum of blue imaginable. Harry could only stare in disbelief. He'd make a Simpsons Aurora Borealis joke if there wasn't a strange buzzing in the back of his head, intrusive yet somehow comforting, like drowning in a sea of vibrations, rippling through the membrane of his very self into an all-consuming truth within...

...ugh. He was getting light-headed, unable to place the sensation or just what he was looking at. With the last of his mental fortitude, he tucked himself into the bed beside the window, turning to face the light's glow making colors on his walls and ceiling. He let the shifting lights lull him into sleep...

Harry awoke like he napped in a hot tub, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated as he stretched his limbs. Ah. Legs got a lil hairier. Understandable after not having shaved for so long. Maybe he should go to his bathroom by the... huh. Was the bathroom always connected to his room? He remembered having to go out to the hallway and wait for his parents to stop hogging the one toilet, but it felt more like a dream than a memory. Weird. Breakfast should clear his head up.

He rubbed his eyes as he made way for the stairs. Oh. Stairs. This place always had stairs, right? He knew that in his heart and yet there was an odd nagging in the back of his... Right. OJ. OJ and eggs. That'll be the ticket.

Finally downstairs, he walked through the enormous open living room/kitchen plan. His parents were beside each other on the counter, mom washing dishes, dad prepping coffee. Their tails wagged and intertwined. Oh yeah, their tails. Harry was familiar with their texture, the gray and white fur that had comforted him when he was a... pup? Whelp? Ugh, the food's right there on the table, just eat it and you'll stop with the weird thoughts like where's your own tail or was the house always this big or--

"Morning, sweetheart!" His mother came up and licked the spot between his ears. Ah, yeah, that always made him feel better. Head empty, no thoughts, only vibes. Now he can focus on eating. Mom continued as he chowed on his food, "I didn't think school would be open today."

His father chimed in, "Hey, you can't have a good heat month without socializing with your own peer group."

"I don't know. Back in my day, me and my sisters would traipse around Sandalwood Plaza for the nearest gloryhole in a three mile radius." Harry coughed abruptly at that line, but that didn't stop the flow of his mother's statement. "Heat month is just so... organized these days. All these mixers and events? What happened to going by good old-fashioned scent."

"Look, it's not our place to judge. There are plenty of nice kids at that campus who'll make a good heatbreaker for our pup."

She let out a sigh of resignation. "You're right."

"Uh, mom?" Both she and dad turned to their son. "What's that about your sisters? Weren't you an only-whelp?" That word again. Whelp. Why did it feel so... foreign to his tongue?

"Harry," his mom uttered as naturally as ever, "I meant my packsisters. You know I meant my packsisters, right?"

There was a hint of worry in her voice as she flicked her pointed right ear. It made Harry think. How did he forget his packsiblings? They all lived together, after all. Maybe it's because they weren't at the table with him. He'd been so used to eating breakfast with their packmates like they always do. Maybe it's because Norm and Linda were out on vacation for heat month. Yeah yeah, Norm and Linda and Terry and Santos and all their other... neighbors? No, not neighbors. They all lived here in the same house, as packmates. They were a pack after all. "Sorry, mom. Stayed up way too late playing games with Darian."

"Well, I hope you learn your lesson. You gotta keep your strength up, especially with all the heart blossoms blooming this time of year." Harry sighed and continued eating.

He could overhear his parents going back to their business, sniffing each other, making fuckeyes. Something in the back of his mind told him he should be bothered by seeing this, but it's like dad said. The heart blossoms are in bloom now, you can't help where that scent takes you. Scent... Yeah, he was starting to smell it too, his darkening, dampening nose twitching. Well, at least the professors were pretty lenient this time of year. Lenient with... what? What were they lenient with? Harry groaned again. It was gonna be a long day.

As Harry pulled down the seat buckle in his car, his mom rushed out to the driveway, tail waving behind her. "Oh, sweetie! Don't forget tonight's the big night with Nari! Make sure you're ready before you come back home!"

"Oh, uh, okay." As far as he knew, he couldn't remember a Nari. He tried to probe his already foggy memory before pushing it aside. It could wait for when he wasn't late for class. "I'm gonna go now," he said nervously, turning the key into the ignition. His mother came up to his window. He rolled it down for her.

"Have a wonderful first day of heat month, sweetie." She leaned in to lick his cheek in a prolonged, sensual way. His mind was screaming about how wrong that was until another thought reoriented itself in his fuzzy brain: she was likely in heat. She had to relieve herself somehow. It was only natural. Harry shook the thought off as he reversed his car and began to drive down the suburb streets, the wetness of his mother's tongue still tingling on his cheek.

Harry took in the sights of the neighborhood with his window still rolled down. A couple of high school students walked to school together, tails swaying in the breeze as one nuzzled the other. God, he forgot how he got through heat month in high school. The scents his nose was picking up were getting to him. Why'd he even have his window down at this time of year? He rolled it back up and turned on the radio to concentrate.

"And with a, uhn, cold front coming in, expect therrrrrr ngh, mmf, rrff... the winds to, ah, pick up at noon and spread that YIP! That delicious heart blossom scent all over the northern side of YIP! YIP! YIP!" The weatherman's pitch raised with each intense yip, higher and higher until a distinctly female orgasm echoed through the speakers. "Mmmmm... This is... Stella Brunson signing off. Have a, ah, wonderful heat month." She let out another sultry breath, one that made Harry's pants tent. God, he always had a thing for Will... Stella. Stella was her name. Where did he get Will from?

An assault of powerful scents hit Harry as he walked along the campus grounds. Where to even begin... Two gay bears sixty-nineing in the grass, a girl spreading apart her cloaca for a ravishing and thick bull as horns grew on his head and feathers spread across her skin, a naga tailfucking her own slit on the bench while a group of... er, people, watched, scales hardening on their fleshy skin. Harry had to cover his slightly more protruding nose to even think straight. Like, why did those other naga have pink and brown skin and legs today? He remembered them being naga, so why did they look like those... uh... skin-havers, or... why was the name escaping him?

"Yo, Har!" Harry lit up from his confused haze. He knew that voice anywhere. With a smile, he turned to his dear friend Darian.

"Well? Notice anything different about me?" the half-lion inquired. Harry dipped back into his bewildered haze, staring at Darian like he asked a trick question. I mean, he looked how he always looked, right? Tufted tail swaying calmly, claws retracted in his paws, the makings of a thick mane growing nicely around his face, that flat nose and those piercingly blue-green eyes framed by his curved feline ears. Harry was so stumped he almost asked for a hint before he uncovered his nose. The scent hit him like a bottle in an Irish wake. A rich, earthy musk that conjured images of the Savannah, of dry, grassy plains so wide and vast you could get lost in them. "That's right, I splurged on some cologne," Darian added. "Gotta smell my best for heat month after all. Kinda hoped all the other scents would hide it but I should never underestimate that nose of yours." Harry chuckled. He was right on that. Harry's family always broke their heats a little early this month thanks to their, uh... er... He lost his train of thought. Darian immediately caught on. "What's up with you?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry, just... I've been... feeling a little off ever since I stared at those lights last night."

"What lights?" Darian asked with innocent confusion. Harry did a double-take at that.

"Y-You don't remember? You said they were fireworks but from where I was sitting they definitely weren't fireworks."

"I don't remember any fireworks, Ko... uh, Harry. I mean, I remember the rest of the pride went outside for some reason and I went out to join them. We must've hit the brewskis pretty hard 'cause all I remember after that is waking up in bed with a killer hangover. Though, it was nothing a li'l quality time with my pridemates didn't fix."

Harry wanted to cry fowl at everything he was saying. Like, what happened to Darian's fraternity? Was he always in a pride? Granted, he did remember a pride was Darian's species' version of a pack, so... Huh. Now that he thought on it, it did make sense. "Right," Harry replied with feigned assurance. "Let's just get to class." They walked past the swaths of fornicating students, Harry trying his damnedest not to let the scents get him too worked up.

Harry and Darian took their seats in the lecture hall. Something in the back of Harry's mind told him it was unusual for students to be fondling each other's sheaths during class, but what else were you supposed to do during heat month. In fact, when he looked down to see Professor McKinley, a herm bat woman, railing her rabbit TA on the desk with her sturdy meattool, the non-chalance with which the rest of the students treated it convinced him he had nothing to worry about. This is just a natural part of the year, just like he and Darian learned back in middle school. The rabbit below eventually melted as McKinley climaxed into her dripping wet pussy.

"Ah. Thank you, Gail." The bat said to her bunny before she turned to the class, outstretching her leathery, winged arms to welcome her students while the rabbit slinked to the side, leaving a trail of cum leaking from her furry snatch. "Hello, class! I hope you've all been keeping busy this heat month." The room responded with some moans and groans. Darian chuffed, his entire chest vibrating sensually. It took Harry aback. Was Darian's chuff always that powerful? Cuz, hooooo, uhhhh... that groaning purr shook him to his core. He tried to ignore it, as well as the beads of pre staining his pants.

"Now," the professor continued as she drew equations on the whiteboard, "Who can tell me about Schrodinger's Cat?"

A border collie raised her hand up high. The professor gestured her to answer. "It's only the most famous experiment Erwin Schrodinger did with his fabled test subject Drew The Calico."

"Right you are, my little A-student," the she-bat said as she sidled up to the collie and scratched under her chin. The lady collie murred and panted, loudly and repeatedly tapping her footpaw against the carpeted floor as her tongue bounced in her open maw. "Erwin had famously proven quantum physics with the theory of Schrodinger's Box, in which he posited an item in the box could exist in multiple states at once while unperceived. However..." The professor reached behind her desk and pulled out a large cardboard box big enough to fit a person inside. "He knew that he could alter the state of whatever's in the box with a constant, and it all started with this." The bat used the talons of her wings to carve out a hole on the side of the box. A glory hole.

Harry's mind started running on fumes. He could've sworn that there were inaccuracies with how the bat lady described Schrodinger's theory, but every time he mentally grasped at the reasoning, it dissolved like cotton candy in the rain. Professor McKinley continued, "Now with this being heat month, I thought we'd do something fun for this demonstration. Who here would like to demonstrate for the cla--"

Before anyone could raise their hands, a frightened student barged into the lecture hall. Harry saw he was like those other students staring at the naga, soft and fleshy like a... uh... the term escaped him. The pink-skinned student froze upon seeing where he ended up. "Excuse me," shouted Professor McKinley from the other side. "It would seem you're late for class. Would you like to demonstrate Schrodinger's theorem to everyone?"

The pinkskin stammered, trying to inconspicuously back up to the door he just barged through. "Uh, n-n-no thank you, ma'am. I w-w-was on my way to the... to theeeeee uhhhhhhh--"

"I'm sure it can wait, whatever it is." The bat grinned lecherously, causing the student to make a loud gulp. Harry stared at him, wondering why he looked so frightened. Did something happen on the way to class? He felt like there was some context he was missing. "Can someone escort our volunteer to the front of the class?"

"I can," said Darian with a confident swagger as he grabbed the shivering student's arm. Holy shit, was he always that buff? Harry had a hard time remembering. Neither of them were athletic kids in high school, but I guess it made sense for a lion like him to be so naturally beefy and authoritative. Darian eventually brought the frightened human (Human? Why did that word ring a bell?) to the front of class, where the Professor gestured him to crawl into the box, giving the poor boy a hungry look. Feeling cornered, the student shakily crawled into the box and laid inside before McKinley closed up the lid. "Extra credit for you, Mister Darian." Darian winked back at her. Half of the class came on the spot. Harry felt a pang of that same power. Whatever Darian was doing with himself, it was making him the envy of the campus, and Harry felt... lucky to be friends with him.

"Anyway," McKinley continued as she stroked her cock back to hardness. Once it was fully hard, she stuck it into the box's hole. The box shuddered. "Schrodinger knew he could influence this quantum causality with the right element." The box began to shuffle, and McKinley let out a whorish moan. "So he let an intern, Drew nngh Calico, take on the role of his test subject." A muffled groan emanated from the box. Professor McKinley's snout made a fanged smirk. "The once innocent intern, while mmff stuck in that all-encompassing superposition, was left with only one constant in his everchanging surroundings: Schrodinger's throbbing meat, unchanged as it was still connected to his body outside of the box. With a now constant variable added, Schrodinger could, unnnnhhh, guide the subject's quantum result to a AHHhhh desired state!" A torrent of cum splashed from the hole in the box, a light gurgle escaping from its upper flaps.

Harry felt himself edge at the display, clutching Darian's paw tightly while a growing pressure wiggled from his spine. Feeling Darian's soft fur in his hand caused something to short-circuit in Harry's head. He had no idea why, but it made him feel safe in such a vulnerable position.

McKinley finally opened the top flaps of the box. Inside was a horny female calico cat, fingerfucking her slit with reckless abandon and mewling like a slutty kitten. "With a 100% success rate, Schrodinger was able to turn interns like Drew the Calico into obedient test subjects, all with the power of quantum, eheh, railroading. If you catch my drift." In the front row, a female antelope gushed in her seat, making a booming bleat as she coated it in her juices. McKinley stepped closer to her with an assertive smirk. "You're lucky you have perfect attendance, missy." She rubbed the antelope's arm before turning to her new calico companion. "You there, Miss..."


"You clean this mess up, Ayla. For a job well done."

The calico purred in delight. "Thank mew, Professor." She goes over to the antelope's chair to lick it clean of her juices as the bell rings. Everyone gets up for the next class, already hot and bothered. Harry can only sit there in stunned silence. Darian leans his now slightly more grown muzzle into his ear.

"Giving you ideas, eh?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. Real *ahem* interesting stuff there."

"I'll say. You haven't stopped wagging your tail all class."

His tail...? Harry turned around. A fluffy appendage was in fact waving rhythmically behind him. An all-too obvious light bulb shined inside of him. Duh, his tail! It was always a dead giveaway. Easily excitable, soft and bushy, gray with a cream-colored strip in the underside. Between that and his nose, which he could now see in the periphery of his vision, he was always getting into awkward situations like... like...?

"Anyway, I think biology is up next. I say the two of us get reacquainted with it." He walked over to the exit. A million thoughts ricocheted in Harry's head. Was Darian always this flirty? Well, why wouldn't he be during heat month. Does that mean he's broken Harry's heat before? No, that can't be. Males can't go into heat. Though, now that he thought about it, that wouldn't have stopped them from experimenting in high school. All that activity and scent in the air, it was easy to forget he was male, especially with a nose as sensitive as his, and with Darian having that commanding scent that he has. It would make sense if he forgot. He often got lost in that haze of... well, he could ponder it another time. He had a class to go to. The shifting pink flesh thing with a wagging tail and a forming muzzle followed Darian out to the hallway.

The only ones left in the lecture hall were McKinley, Ayla, and Gail the rabbit TA. McKinley eyed the bunny girl as she sat commandingly in her chair. "Well? Just 'cause she's busy lapping up cum, doesn't mean you have my permission to slouch." The rabbit nodded shyly, feeling an electric thrum in her nethers from the professor's orders.

Darian and Harry made it to the biology lab, where more than half of the students were fondling and fucking each other on top of those huge lab counters. A dripping filly being mounted by her hung stallion, two dobermans spit-roasting a transforming giraffe woman as her neck grew longer and longer and her throat fit more of that bulging knot, a skunk leaking out musky liquid as she's given cunnilingus by an enterprising doe. The scents were even stronger in here, amplified by the smallness of the lab compared to that cavernous lecture hall. Harry felt so overwhelmed he started panting, his tongue lolling out, drool dripping down to his... feet? At least they looked like feet. Were they always in a digitigrade stance? It was hard to recall while the fog of musk clouded his mind.

A chime from Darian's phone snapped him out of it. Darian looked at the screen. "Ah. One of my pridemates back home is in heat now. She's gonna need all the help she can get." Harry sat stunned as he watched Darian sling his bag back over his shoulder.

"You're skipping class?"

"Oh yeah. I can practically smell her snatch from here. She's been begging me to breed her all year."

Harry felt a pang of emotion at that word. Breed. He hadn't thought about it all day, but now that he had, something about it called to him, an instinct, not just to mate but to procreate. He was getting to be that age, after all. And his pack back home was probably expecting something of it by now. How long had he been cooped up in that house without doing something with his life? Like coming home claimed and bred? Seeing Darian move on with his pride while he languished in his pack rewired something in his brain.

He grabbed Darian's furred arm tightly. "Can't you... stay a while longer? At least until after class?"

Darian hadn't noticed before but Harry looked so small next to his leonine stature. Part of that was because he had grown a foot and a half between classes but as far as he knew he was always this tall. Regardless, seeing the small thing look up at him flicked a switch in his psyche, making him want to shelter the pup at his door. He smiled at his longtime friend. "Ah, she can wait a while longer. After all, it's the build-up that makes heat month so special."

Harry smiled at that, feeling a flutter in his chest. He didn't have time to question why before a sultry voice whispered to him from behind. "Psst. Harry," said the stranger. Where did it come from? "Harry!" He and Darian turned around to find a voluptuous, naked herm wolfess at the counter behind them, cock twitching below. "How's your heat month been, sexy."

The voice sent goosebumps down Harry's neck, goosebumps that caused the hairs in his whole body to grow thicker and darker. "S-Sorry, do I know you?"

"What you don't recognize your future alpha? It's me, Nari." Harry recalled his mother mentioning some big night with a "Nari" before he left. Before he could wonder what she meant by "future alpha", he picked up another scent. Something alien yet familiar. It conjured memories of days thrashing instruments in a garage. A garage that belonged to a high school classmate--

"Sung?!" Harry exclaimed.

"Sung? Who's Sung? I'm Nari, remember? Frontwoman of our high school band? Taker of your virginity? Both our packs arranged to mate for heat month this year? Did you seriously forget? Oohhh, I love a dumb little whore whose brains I can fuck senseless. You're gonna be a fun lay tonight."

There was something about her demeaning way of speaking to him that turned Harry on. Had this always been a kink? And what did she mean by whore? Was that how she talked to most guys she rutted? "I-I'm sorry, I just didn't expect to see you here. I remember you enrolling at Valley State."

"What're you talking about, man?" inquired Darian. "She's been taking classes with us for two years now."

Nari gasps to herself. "Did you honestly forget, you mindless little bimbo? Ooo, you must be so wet for me tonight. I already fucked your brains out and we haven't even touched yet. Heh, you got me poking out of my sheath already. You always were such a tease, Kov-- ah, Harry."

Before Harry could ask why she got his name wrong, Professor Whitmore, a stag with enormous antlers, entered the lab. "Alright class, get off those counters. You can breed each other senseless later." As the students crawled off their counters to start class, Whitmore placed a cooler on his counter, opening it and pulling out a small, potted red flower. Harry could smell everyone start leaking at the sight of it.

"To celebrate heat month, I figured you should start dissecting these heart blossoms with your lab partner. Maybe for a brief moment you'll understand the biology of these vital organisms before they fuck up your hormones all month. Now don't worry, these are inactive, so you can focus on your studies this once. Everyone pass them along."

Each student is handed a pot with a dormant blossom as well as a set of tweezers and microscopes. Harry and Darian both reached for the flower. His paw grazed the other's gradually furring hand. Harry tried his best to hide his blush and Darian pretended not to see it. "Here, you go on petal duty, I'll be on microscope," conceded Darian. Harry nods as he takes the tweezers, his nails starting to grow sharp and black as it clicked against the metal.

Carefully and gently he clamped the petal and pulled it out to see the bud inside. It was oddly beautiful, almost alien. Cosmic, even. He noticed something immediately. A faint blue glow, similar to what he remembered seeing last night, lined the stems of pollen inside. Wait, that could only mean--

The heart blossom blasted its pollen right onto Harry's face. He tried to back away, but a vine sputtered out of the soil and wrapped around his wrist. Harry struggled to shake it off while more vines emerged from the plant and began wrapping around every limb. They eventually suspended him in the air, trapping him in a cage of delicious pressure. Every classmate had their eyes on him, but none was willing to step up and free him. In fact, it looked as if they were more aroused than bothered. "Huh. We got a live one," added Professor Whitmore without an ounce of worry. He was pent up enough having to teach today of all days. Fuckit, he thought. He unzipped his pants, let out his thick cervine cock, and started stroking. "Take notes, class. This'll be on the final."

The vines snaked around Harry's cock and into his ass, penetrating and pleasuring him in front of the whole class. Darian had backed up for a better view while Nari just sat back and laughed. "Oh, dear sweet accident-prone Kova, you've done it again." Harry couldn't even ask why Nari called him "Kova" if he tried. The poor man was overloaded in every single sensory department. He could taste the pheromone-ridden vine as it wiggled into his mouth, smell its reason-melting pollen, hear as each vine constricted his limbs, see only the ceiling as the pleasure he felt in every cell of his body caused his eyes to roll back in their sockets.

As the vine in his ass pressed into his inner walls, the one on his groin pumped his cock, milking it for every last drop of seed it could get. Kov-- NO! Harry had never felt anything like this... except, he had, right? Of course he had. Heart blossoms were an integral part of heat month after all, and every year he'd either caught the scent of their pollen early, or gotten snagged by their pleasure-seeking tendrils, a fact that Nari continually made fun of her for.

Her. Yes, her. God, that was why she was so ditzy today, she'd been going by the wrong pronouns for some reason. She forgot how it started. A bet she made with Nari and Darian? Harry... No, Harry. HKarry! HKoarrvay? Yes, HarKovary! Kova couldn't remember how this shift in pronouns started. Was it a bet she made with Nari and Darian? It wouldn't be the first time her losing streak got her into some dumb hijinks. Ever since she was a pup she was always getting her tail caught in a bush, bumping her muzzle against doors, and getting her and her friends into all sorts of trouble with her weird luck.

Yet as she howled in unending pleasure from yet another mishap, she couldn't help but be grateful for all the memories flooding back to her. As the vines fucked her into feral submission, she felt the hazy fog in her mind finally clear, the cobwebs in her mental bookcase washed away in a sea of cum, sweat, and drool. Thick, gray fur sprouted all over her body, tail wagging in delight as her toes fused and thick, leathery pads grew on her feet and hands... her paws. Yes, her paws. As her fingers swelled, the pads grew in, and her claws sharpened, she took one of her soon-to-be complete paws and pressed down into the vine-constricted cock, fingering and pawing it like her life depended on it, pressing it deeper and deeper into her groin like a phantom slit.

"NEEHH! Nnnnrrrrrgh ruff! Ar-ar-arooo..." Kova's reduced to a creature of instinct as the vines stimulate every cell in her body and the pleasure reactivates every neuron in her brain, all of it culminating into a final epiphany of sensation:

Her heat. All this talk about heat month, and she didn't think to break her heat today of all days. That's what was wrong with her all day. Ahhh, it felt so good to finally--

The vines squeezed tighter one final time.

"A-AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Kova howled as her cock erupted ropes upon ropes of rich, salty cum, deflating it in size until all that was left was a nub, then a petal, then a crevice that dug inward into the heart of her pleasure. As her cock retreated into her body, her skull stretched and cracked, jaw spreading outward into a gray-furred muzzle. Her chest grew as well, fat redistributing around her nipples to create a small but firm pair of tits, perfect for squeezing and sucking. Kova felt sublime, complete, not even noticing as the dollops of cum she let out landed on a classmate who was lapping it up from her fur. God, she loved it all. She loved fur, she loved cocks, she loved tongues and feathers and scales and pussies and muzzles and most of all heat month. She had forgotten how much it all lit the fires of her soul, yet it seemed each year the high never dulled.

Other heat months of her past looped in her mind. The first to break her heat was Nari during sex ed. It was magical. Even then, Nari loved to tell her what a pathetic little bimbo she was as she stuffed her full of knotted wolf cock. Then there was the time her parents finally took her when she came of age. It had always been a big deal to be claimed by your pack at that time, especially when your father was the Alpha. God, she remembered it well, how much care her Alpha gave when he knotted her, the warmth of her Alphamother's flat tongue in her pussy folds, her other packmates digging their fangs into her as they rutted, shoved their cocks in her mouth, pulled her tail, treated her like a toy.

In reality, she turned to Darian, who had a satisfied look on his face as he watched her get vinefucked. Yes, Darian. They've been friends for years, right? He'd always licked her tail when it got stuck, and nuzzled her muzzle when she bumped it on a door. Where Nari hurt, Darian healed. He had to have broken her heat sometime over the course of their friendship, right? Why wouldn't they? The wolfess always loved his handsome muzzle, his thick frame and rough tongue. It would only make sense for friends that close to get their rut on at this time of year. So why was she having trouble remembering...?

"Rrrgh! Arf! Arf!" The vines dug deeper into her new pussy. Dear god, she knew she already orgasmed, yet this felt different. Why? She'd always had a pussy, hadn't she? And yet the way her snatch was getting pumped and milked felt so revolutionary, so unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Something was happening she couldn't explain. Was she just that stupid? Were her braincells so twisted beyond recognition? "Nnnyeh! Nnnrrr!" She barked and panted, her drooling flat tongue lulling out of her muzzle as her vision slowly went black. She was drowning in pleasure as the vines built up what felt like her first female orgasm. Wait, first? No, that was--

Yet she couldn't describe how this felt! "AWO-- A-A-ARRRROOO!" She'd already came just a few minutes ago. She should be familiar with this feeling. Then why-- "AHH! AHHRRRRGGH!" It was too much! Her mind couldn't hold out much longer! The pressure in her folds went tighter as the vine dug deeper, rearranging her insides to form ovaries and fallopian tubes and, and, and...

"You got this, babe," said Darian. Babe. That's what he called her. Something told Kova that's what he always called her. It always sounded so beautiful coming from his muzzle. It couldn't make more sense...

With her entire breath, she arched her suspended body to throw her head out to the ceiling: "AWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Louder and longer than she ever howled. Her first female orgasm, her transformation, all complete whether she knew it or not. Her vision went pitch black as she retreated into much needed rest...

With a soft murr, Kova awoke in a strange room. The afternoon sun was lowering outside the windows, and the entire floor was lined with soft pillows stained with cum. Her nose picked up the strong scent and knew exactly where she was. It was a breeding room, the hints of grassy earth in the scent telling her it was lion juices. What happened after biology? Was she taken to... no way. Did Darian take her to his pride house?

Oh, she'd fantasized of this moment many times, her mind clearer now that she'd rested from her intense heart blossom session. When she and Darian were rutting in high school, they knew that while their friendship would last forever, they would eventually go their separate ways; Kova to her wolf pack, and Darian to fulfill his lifelong dream of starting his own pride. Kova loved her pack, she was happy to be a part of it; yet a small voice in her head wondered what it would be like to go with Darian and join his pride. After all, groups taking in people of other species was not unheard of. Submissive antelopes and burly tigers often joined lion prides if they were close enough to the families, just as some wolf packs had the occasional deer or bear in the mix. Speaking of deer, she recalled vivid memories of her pack "hunting" a herd of them, leading to an entire week of divine wolf-on-deer debauchery.

Of course, Kova knew she'd always belong to her pack. She and Darian were great friends, she didn't want to ruin that by getting involved with his pride. They could still rut each other during heat month, after all. No one was stopping them! It's not like she often wondered what it would be like for the lion to claim her, fill her with his seed 'til she birthed his cubs. At least... she didn't think she had. Regardless, she had a good thing going with her pack. Nari was about to join, and they too were good friends. Kova knew Nari's knot to be an excellent bitchsplitter, and she'd be lying if she hadn't also fantasized the Alpha, her own father, filling her with cubs and completing the cycle of birth.

Sigh, there was simply too much going on in the wolf's life. Maybe Nari was right and she was just too dumb to be in charge. Mmmm, she could go for Nari telling her what to do and how to think. Maybe returning home to her pack would help clear her head.

Her left ear flicked at a faint sound from downstairs. Her acute senses told her what it was. It sounded like Darian was having fun downstairs with one of his mates. Hmm, she must be one lucky lioness. She could hear it in her ecstatic mewls and the vibrating chuff entwined with her moans. Maybe Darian will finally get a nice litter going. Wouldn't that be nice...

Kova quietly pawed down the stairs to find the main living quarters of the pride, also lined with pillows for comfortable mating in any location. As she sensed, Darian was plowing into a white-furred lioness with his barbed cock. Kova couldn't help but lick her lips at the sight, finally able to see the beefy lion in his natural element. Meanwhile, the other lionesses (and one pantheress) were lying beside them, their cunts already stained with Darian's seed. He's really been keeping busy. How long was Kova out for, anyway?

"Ooohhh mrrr, yes master! More master! Breed me! Fill me with cubs! Meewwrr drown me in your seed! Master! Masterrrr~!" The current lioness was awash with bliss from feral mating, and... wait. Did she just call him "master"?

"Grrrrr, take it," Darian growled. "You're fucking mine, slut. My little fucking cub factory."

"Nnnyes! Yes! Fill my whole fucking belly! Just like that! Ah! I'm just your little slut, master~!! Pump me full of babies! Give me the whole fucking litter!!"

Kova blushed under her fur. When she and Darian rutted, it was always very casual, filled with more physical passion than mental or emotional passion. She didn't know he could be so... commanding. Was he holding back with her? Did he think she couldn't handle it? Because seeing him claim the lioness like that made her forget all about Nari. Why couldn't he take her the way he took these strong felines and turned them into a submissive harem. Seeing it happen in front of her made Kova wet all over again.

Darian filled his mate's cunt full of hot, sticky lion milk, giving the little whore exactly what she craved. She moaned in pure bliss, her own juices mingling with his. Her tufted tail twitched like mad as her master leaned in to whisper in her folded ear:

"You're mine, kitten." He licked her face as if to mark her. Kova moaned and splashed on the spot.

Darian turned to find his best friend awake and gushing. He smiled. "Hey, Kova. Enjoying the show, I see?"

"Y-Yeah," Kova nervously replied, tail between her legs hoping to hide the scent of her leakage. "Soooo, this is your pride."

"Sure is. They all grew into such good little girls." He licked his black, leathery lips. "You jealous?"

Kova's fur bristled at that. "Me?! No! I mean-- I don't know-- I-I-I guess it's odd for me to see you this... domineering. This powerful and strong and musky, but--"

Darian laughed. "I'm fucking with you. Kind of. Though, I wasn't expecting you to call me powerful."

Oh god, she thought. I've just fallen into his trap, haven't I. Is he toying with me? He's never toyed with me. Maybe because I'm in his lair, in front of his pride? I'm sure he's just keeping up appearances for them. Gotta be the king, the leader, the--

He stepped closer to her. "You smell that?" Kova instinctually backed up, now cornered against a wall as Darian leaned his sniffing muzzle right over hers. "You've never smelled like that before. This needy scent you have on. Curious... I didn't know you thought that way about me."

Kova's mind blanked. "I..." Her mind tried desperately to catch up. "I... didn't know you thought... that way about me either..."

Darian curled his muzzle into a smug grin. "Maybe... We should make sure... That this feeling is real." He pressed his paw on her naked snatch. Kova shivered in delight. Was this really happening? She knew it was heat month but this was more than just her usual heat month lust. It felt deeper. Rawer. "You smell so fucking tight," he added. "All you have to do is say something, anything, and I'll stop." Oh, how sweet, Kova thought. Darian was always so thoughtful. _No, wait, it must be a trick! Of course it's a trick! He said it to tease you, 'cause he _knows _you won't say anything. Why would you? This is what you want, right? To abandon your beloved pack for a dangerously handsome feline?? _

Darian's muzzle brushed against hers. "You have five seconds to stop me. 5..."

Fuckfuckfuck just say something! Why can't you speak? Why can't you move?

"4..." Don't panic. You're just having heat month shenanigans! It'll be a raw night of passion that you guys can go back to casually joking about when heat month is over.

"3..." Oooohh but it doesn't feel casual at all! He looks like he wants to own me, possess me, chain me to the radiator with nothing but a bowl of kibble and a water dish!

"2..." Would that be so bad?? To be his property, his personal cumrag? Arrrooo it's kinda hot, actually. But, aren't I already the pack's property? Fuck, NO ONE'S ANYONE'S PROPERTY DURING HEAT MONTH!! IT'S ALL ONE BIG FREE-FOR-ALL FUCKFEST JUST LET IT HAPPEN LET IT--


Both their ears flicked at the sound of a bump coming from the basement stairs. Curious, Darian turned and stepped towards it, away from his bitch. Kova let out a deep breath, like she was underwater. Just being near him had her all out of sorts.

Darian opened the basement door to find Jimmy and Joe, the twins of the fraternity, furless and lying on the stairs after having tripped on a loose sock. The smell of musk and sex hit the poor humans as soon as Darian swung the door open. They looked up to find a towering lion looming over them. Jimmy stammered in the presence of the leonine adonis.

"I was wondering where you two were," Darian uttered, his lips curling into a possessive smile.

Joe and Jimmy, the human twins, thought they were lucky. Last night, they had gone to the basement to smoke some weed while the rest of the frat went outside. When they came back upstairs, they found all of their frat brothers undergoing various states of transformation, both in species and gender. The only one who was still male was Darian, his flowing mane denoting him King as he possessed each lioness in the fraternity and inducted them into his pride. The twins remained hidden in the basement, waiting for help to come, trying to block out the thick air of sweat and sex. But no such help came, and the air only grew thicker. Now, their master had come to claim them.

"D-D-Darian?" stammered Joe, the eldest twin by two minutes. "Is that still y-you under there?"

"Of course. So what have you been doing down there, Jess? Lezzing out with Jenny again?"

Jess? Jenny? The twins knew those weren't their names. But the fog of musk let in by the open door started to reshuffle their bookshelf, made it hard to tell him he was wrong or come up with counterexamples to his statement. Jes-- er, Joe replied, "We were just-- just laying low. I think...?"

Kova peered in from the living room. She could smell the absolute authority radiating from Darian's musk. He commanded the twins, "Why don't you two come upstairs. You're missing out on the fun. I don't like to see any of my girls neglected."

The twins looked at each other. They knew they weren't supposed to go up, but something was drawing them to the lion. He seemed genuine in not wanting them to feel neglected. They... They didn't want to be neglected, didn't they? Jen-- agh, Jimmy stood back up. "O-Okay, we'll get up. Just don't... Don't do anything funny." The twins walked up the stairs, but it felt more accurate to say they were pulled along by a string.

Kova stared at the twins as they emerged from the basement stairs. Something about them felt familiar. They were furless, yet they had no scales like reptiles. Their skin was pink, like pigs, but they lacked snouts or curly tails, not to mention their hooves didn't look like hooves at all. More like deformed gorilla paws. The twins scanned the room and saw all the lionesses resting around them, a full-on den for the pride, the big cats lazing and purring in their rut-fueled exhaustion. The smell grew stronger now that they were out of the basement. "So," Darian began, not mincing words, "Which of you wants to be bred first?"

An electricity hummed in the air between Jimmy and Joe. They felt trapped, but not. The two were at the whims of this "master", but... was that bad? Was he just trying to take care of them? Jimmy was the first to speak up. "Y-You're doing something to us. What's--"

"Jimmy, stop!" Joe interrupted. "Something's... I don't know what, but something's wrong here. Don't answer him!"

Kova could sense what was wrong. The twins' doubts about being in the pride were feeding off each other. Maybe... if she could separate them, distract them from each other, they could be eased back into the fold more smoothly. But was it her business to meddle in pride affairs as an interloper? Maybe so. But she wanted to help out her lifelong friend, no matter what. The wolf nodded. Yeah. That was as good a reason as any. Let's help the _fuck _out of this pride.

Swaying her hips and tail as sumptuously as possible, she walked up to Joe with her digitigrade paws and wrapped her furry arms around his arm. She leaned her muzzle right up to his ear: "There's nothing wrong happening, Jess." The human boy shivered at the sound of her voice, it felt like honey down his throat. He knew his sis-- agh, brother said to not listen to these beasts, but then why would it feel so good?? Darian was surprised to see Kova step up to the plate. She never had a domme streak, always the subby bottom of any pairing. Why was she doing this? To impress him? Whatever it was, it made his dick peek back out of his sheath.

"This is all perfectly natural," Kova continued. "It's heat month. What did you think would happen? That you could resist it? Trust me, I thought I could... for a while, at least. It's easier to just... give in."

Joe-- Jess-- Joe... He was unsure. But Kova's soft fur on his skin was so comforting, her words so inviting, her paws so precise and teasing. "What's... What's heat month?" Kova smiled. Is this really happening? Someone dumber than her? This must be the feeling that Nari had all those times she teased her, that delicious taste of control and dominance. A switch flicked in her head. Another role to take.

"Did you not pay attention in school?" Kova prodded as she pulled Joe away from his twin. Jimmy wanted to sputter something, to keep his brother close, but Darian loomed behind him, just his shadow keeping the human petrified in place. Kova reached her paw down Joe's pants, just like she'd been taught by all the various doms and tops of her life. "Of course you didn't listen during sex ed. You were busy skipping class to get fucked in every hole, weren't you." Her paw started massaging his scrotum. The chemical reaction of her words and touch made Joe's mind reel. Did the stuff she's saying happen? It didn't seem real, but then why would she lie about that? He didn't know how, but he could tell she wasn't lying. "I can't blame you. You're such a pretty lioness, Jess. I can see why you chose to be in Darian's pride. You've been waiting for a hot stud of a lion to take you, and here he came swaggering down campus, looking for a harem to claim. You would've been stupid not to."

Joe-- ngh! Jess's eyes lit up at that, the chemicals in her brain rewriting themselves from such heavy exposure to the wolf's delectable musk. It all made sense. Why else would he she be here? "Mmmmrrrr," her throat shook. "I'm soooo luckyyyy."

"Joe, don't listen to--" Jimmy tried to run to her but Darian held him back easily with his muscular arms.

"Watch," Darian commanded. Jimmy could do nothing except obey against his will.

"You feel it now, don't you," Kova said as she started stroking Jess's cock, feeling a sheet of fur grow around her scrotum. "That itch in your body begging to be scratched."

Jess stood still for a moment, and in that stillness she felt it. Heat. All-encompassing heat, boiling her blood and radiating from her tongue. "I... I do!" Jess exclaimed, her voice raising in pitch. "I-- mrow! I feel it!" Jimmy could only watch as whiskers grew on his brother-turned-sister's face. The twins were no longer identical. "It's heat month! I'm in heat! I'm-- ah! ahhhrrr!" Kova stroked her dick harder and harder. Darian watched her go. It was thrilling to him. He didn't know his longtime bitch had this in her. Jess's feet cracked, claws poking out of her shoes and shredding them apart, her hips shifting into an hourglass shape.

Kova licked Jess's face. "Mmmm, that's a good kitten." A patch of fur was left where her tongue made contact, and it spread all over her.

Jenny was frozen in place. Jenny? No, that wasn't her name. It was Jenny. No, not Jenny. Jenny. Jenny felt a rush of mixed emotions as she watched her twin transform. She knew they were twins, they'd been together through thick and thin. But now Jess looked different. Or was it Jenny who looked different? Was it her who was forgetting?

Darian grinned as he felt Jenny melt in his arms. "It's alright, pet. This heat has got you all mixed up."

Jenny's mouth, gradually stretching out into a muzzle, was agape. Dumbstruck. "I... I don't know what to think."

"Silly. Leave the thinking to master."

"M... Master??" The word sent shivers down Jenny's spine. Shivers that traveled down and stretched out into a nub above her ass. Did she always have a master? She couldn't remember. Though, her master did say he would think for her. Maybe that's why she was having so much trouble. She hadn't given enough trust to her master. How could she! She had to remember. She couldn't fail her twin sister, she knew that much. "Will you... help me remember... master?"

She felt something bump into her ass. She turned around and saw Darian's erect cock poking out of his sheath. It looked so red and juicy to the changing lioness. "Go on," he said. Darian gently put a paw over her head and pressed her down to groin level. "Worship me." Jenny hesitated for a moment, unsure if this was what she wanted. But it was shortlived, as that rich, earthy scent filled her flattening nose. Maybe... just a little lick. She reached her rough, sandpaper tongue toward the barbed penis. Her nerves pulsed at the taste. She took another lick. Then another. Then put her whole mouth around that throbbing lion meat, sucking and milking it for every drop she could get. Darian growled, happy to be of service to another of his harem.

Memories flooded back into Jenny as more and more pre went down her throat. She and Jess were always skipping school on heat month, looking for the roughest suitors they could get their paws on. They had lost their virginity together, and eventually, experimented on each other. The two spent so many wild nights together. Even when there wasn't a new partner to find, they never spent a night alone, keeping each other company in so many different positions. They didn't really need a pride to join. At least, they thought that at first. But the second they smelled Darian, they knew there was something about him. Something that promised unending debauchery with likeminded lionesses. They would've been fools not to follow him, and god was doing so worth it.

Darian came, letting out a bestial roar to go with his torrents of seed. Jenny swallowed it all like a champ, slurping every drop she could, savoring its flavor as it danced in her tastebuds. Like Kova before her, her cock shrunk into salivating pussy lips grinding against the pillows. The heat engulfed her and everything became clear.

Meanwhile, Jess was nearly fully transformed, covered in fur, standing on her two footpaws, tufted tail whipping like mad. Even her cunt had fully formed, Kova now excavating its walls with three fingers. All that was left was for Jess's muzzle to grow. She panted, wanting more from the mysterious new wolf lady who had just rocked her world. "Please... Please, mistress," the almost complete lioness pleaded. "Mark me. Break my heat! I'm sooo close, I'm begging you! Mistressssss~"

Kova's fur tingled and she licked her lips. "Mistress." She'd never been called mistress before. This was what it was to no longer be the beggar, but the one being begged to. She liked it.

Clasping her paw over the back of Jess's head, she guided her mouth to her exposed, furred breast. "Drink," she commanded. Jess didn't even hesitate, wrapping her lips around Kova's nipple like she was her own young. With each suckle and slurp, her face stretched further and further out, growing into a regal muzzle. She dug that muzzle deeper into her breast, wanting more of that sweet, milky ambrosia. Kova's other nipple started leaking out more milk. Sniffing it with her now enhanced nose, Jess switched to the other nipple, guzzling every drop of milk she could get. She wanted to please her mistress so bad, to thank her for breaking her heat and showing love to their pride. In between suckles, she moaned at her. "Mmm yes....... More...... More, mommy....... Make me....... Make me your kitten!"

"Silly," Kova teased. "I'm a wolf. Wolves don't have kittens."

"Y-You're right! I'm your puppy!"

"Bark for me, puppy."

"Rrrrgh, arf! Arf!" It sounded unnatural in the feline's muzzle but she didn't care, and neither did Kova. It felt right for Jess to be so demeaned, and it felt even righter for Kova to turn this lioness into her personal little pup.

As Jess finished lapping up the milk, her own liquids splashed out of her cunt. She had finally come. Jess was now, complete.

She flopped down and lied on the pillowed floor, right next to her identical sister Jenny as milk dribbled from her muzzle. They looked into each other's eyes, both panting hungrily. "That," breathed Jenny, "was just what I needed."

"I'm glad, sister," Jess replied. "I can't even remember what we were so worried about."

"Me neither." Their paws grazed. The two were so close they could smell each other's need wafting out of their cunts. "You know... I think my heat's not fully broken yet."

"Oh..." Jess got up on her paws and knees. "Are you sure that's not my heat you're smelling?"

"Mmmm, I don't know, sister."

Jess climbed over Jenny. "Purrrrhaps we should... Kill two birds with one stone." The lioness crawled until her maw faced her sister's glistening pussy. All while presenting her quivering tailhole to Jenny's muzzle. "Just in case."

Without a reply, Jenny leaned in to lap up her twin's pucker. Jess moaned and began digging her own tongue into Jenny's snatch, the two pleasuring and tending to each other as they always had. They couldn't be happier to be in each other's company and under the care of their wonderful master.

Darian and Kova stood over them, panting in post-coital bliss as they watched the new lionesses on the floor revel in each other's bodies and juices. The lion and wolf looked proud of their work. Eventually, Darian turned to Kova. "Why did you do that?"

Kova startled, snapping out of her newfound persona and seeming just as surprised by it as Darian was. "Oh! I... I don't know. It just felt right. Didn't it?"

"Righter than right. But that still doesn't answer my question."

Kova thought long and hard. She'd never been like this in her pack, let alone around Darian. She was used to being taken and fucked every which way like the whore she was. It's not like she was tired of it. And yet, she saw how wonderful Darian was in his current role as prideleader. It filled her with warmth, seeing how far he'd come from the friendly cub she'd been friends with half her life. Her parents always asked her why she hadn't ventured outside the pack that much compared to the rest of her mates. Her answer was simple. She felt she belonged to the pack. She loved being owned, loved being among her lupine peers, loved the familiar scents that greeted her when she came back home from a long day of school. After all, it was all she'd known. But this new feeling that Darian found upon forming his own pride... had she found it too? Was there something she didn't know she was missing?

She thought about Darian. It's not like he changed that much, right? He was the same lion deep down, but seeing him here now, having come into his own, it made Kova question everything. She recalled all the times they'd kissed and rutted over the many heat months that have passed. Many partners had come and gone, but only Darian and Nari persisted in her life. Nari let her be who she always knew she was: a sloppy, clumsy, brainless, pathetic wittle puppy who needed an assuring mommy to tell her what to do and remind her what a dumb bitch she was. But Darian... Darian made her want to grow, explore more of herself. Sure, she'd always be a forgetful, ditzy bimbo bottom deep down, but that wasn't all she had to be. What if she could be more? A breeder, a mommy, a domme, a top. If Darian could do it, why couldn't she? She loved her pack, but with them it was like she was in a beautiful, pristine fish tank. In Darian's pride, she felt something more, a vast ocean of sensation

Except, it wasn't just that. She'd be lying if that was all she admitted to. Nari was a hot bitch, don't get her wrong, but there was something about Darian, his thick frame, his controlling musk... She wanted to follow him. Follow him to the ends of the earth. Grab him by the tail and let him take her wherever he wanted. She was safe in his arms, and in his pride she felt kinship, a shared passion for the perfect feline who dominated their thoughts and desires. They'd worship his barbed cock, shuddering with anticipation over who'd be next to bear his cubs. But Kova knew. She would always be first in his pride. The thought of carrying his litter in her belly shook her essence, not just warming her heart but igniting a fire in her loins.

"You," Kova finally responded. "I wanted you to see... if I would fit into your pride."

Darian smirked and stepped up to her, his pecs pressing into her cold, wet nose, flooding her senses with his kingly musk. She looked up at his beautiful muzzle. "Oh, Kova," he purred. "You were always part of my pride."

And just like that, it became true. Kova couldn't remember a time she wasn't hopelessly in love with the lion. How he made her drip with need from every orifice. The wolf smiled, tears in her eyes, as she leaned in to embrace and kiss him. She wrapped her legs around his pelvis as she intertwined her tongue with his. Darian forcefully laid himself down on his back, letting the wolf top him and ride his rod to kingdom come.

"Fuck yeah! You want in on this den?"

"Yes! Yes! Take me! Make me one of the pride!"

"Then be a good girl and make me cum! Only good girls can take this royal cock."

"Grrrr, I'm a good girl!" The wolf squeaked and whimpered as she bounced on his meat like a pogo stick. "I'm yours, master! Fill me! Kittens, pups, whatever! I want it! I want your young! Our young! Please, master!"

"Yes, my mistress! Swear fealty to my cock!"

"Grrr, I swear to worship your cock, master!"

"Take my seed, birth out my cubs, and raise them right!"

"Gyah! Of course, master! All of your young! In my cunt! My mouth! All over me, master~!!"

Darian grit his fangs as the wolf ground harder on his cock. It was unbelievable, almost a decade of pent-up lust made it unlike any of the other times they rutted before. Her cries echoed in his leonine skull. If he only knew how much she wanted his cubs, he'd have claimed the bitch sooner. He growled in delight, his groin spasming with feelings both all too familiar and completely new. "Take it! Rrrrrgh TAKE IT!" He bellowed out a mighty roar, one that commanded all the lionesses in his harem to awaken from their slumber and watch as a lupine topped their king. The sight of a wolfess panting and moaning over their master was unexpected but not unwelcome. Who was this lupid beauty and why had master held out on them all? They shuddered with curiosity.

Kova was too overwhelmed with the leonine barbs digging into her pussy walls to notice the lionesses slowly crawling toward her. She wanted to feel this way forever, to stay in eternal rapture with... not her friend, not her casual rutmate. Her master, her king, her lover, the father of their future cubs. The promise of it sent her tail lashing in the air.

Darian was so close. He reminisced on the wolf he was currently powerbottoming. She was always so adorable and innocent, even as she did the naughtiest things with him. That she was willing to stretch her own limits when near him only spoke to how he'd grown as a prideleader and a master. He would fill her with his cubs, that much he knew, but he thought up one more test to see how she'd fit into his pride. As he watched his harem of lionesses crawl toward the mating pair, a delicious idea dominated his mind. It was enough to send him over the edge.

*"ROOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR!!!!" * The lion shot his bitch full of cum am Kova howled in harmony with his roar, feeling the warm batter of life coat her canals and fill her with the promise of her master's children. Even as some of the cum leaked out of her now resting pussy, Darian could tell he impregnated her by instinct alone. The scent of his mark on her made the lionesses go wild. They swarmed Kova, licking and grooming her fur, sucking up all her sweat and juices while she panted in the afterglow of ecstasy.

"Mmmm, my mistress," one of the lionesses purred, "We've been waiting for you to join our pride."

Another one chimed in between licks, "Mrrrrrr, yes, you taste so goooood. No wonder master chose you~"

"Mistress is so pretty. So soft..."

"I love how mistress tastes."

"Oooohh mommy, I don't know what we'd be without youuu..."

"Her tail is so big and fluffy. I want her to just choke me with it!"

Kova blushed under her fur from all the kind and sexy affirmations. She looked down at Darian only to see him smile approvingly at her. "Show them," he said to his mate. "Show them your worth to the pride." Kova smiled, ready to flick the switch for her mate once more. She'd never dominate his excellence, but she'd proudly take 2nd, being a loving mommy to this harem of lionesses.

With force, she grasped her claws over one lioness's headfur and drove her maw into her cunt. "Clean me," she commanded.

"Mrrrow, yes, mistress~" The feline didn't hesitate lapping up the leftover cum leaking from her pussy. Kova moaned as she leaned in to lick one of the lionesses licking her.

"Yesssss, that's good, girls. I'm so happy master put you in your proper places." The lionesses cooed and purred in agreement. "I've got some leftover milk for anyone who's still thirsty..." Four of the lionesses immediately lunged at her nipples, wanting first dibs of their mistress's milk. Kova let out a feral growl as she was licked in so many places. Though, it's not like she had lost her affinity for servicing others as well. "You there!" She turned her head to a lioness who was fingering herself as she watched the display. "I'm thirsty too. Help mommy out and I can give you a good time." The lioness nodded eagerly as she stood over Kova and pressed her cunt into Kova's muzzle. Kova lapped her folds attentively, making sure to press every single button for maximum pleasure. The standing lioness mewled. Despite being a feline, she felt like Kova's bitch. She wouldn't want it any other way.

Darian proudly watched her command his harem. By now he figured she could take it from there. He joined in by grasping another lioness from behind and digging his sandpaper tongue into her puckering tailhole. She joined in the chorus of mewls and moans. Any lioness not serviced by their master or mistress took it upon themselves to pleasure each other, turning their pride into a massive orgy, a writhing sea of fur and limbs all coalescing into two whirlpools of pleasure centered on their king and queen. The rest of the world melted away. Thoughts of their classes and studies became unimportant. All that mattered was the singular, all-consuming drive to fuck and be fucked. There was truly nothing better.

Kova groaned as she drove back home while a lioness in the passenger seat had bent over to give her cunnilingus during the drive. It was a good idea to take one of her new pridemates with her. The moon was out tonight, almost but not quite full. Still, it was just enough to send her wolfish instincts ablaze. If that combined with her heat, she'd go completely feral, and she couldn't let that happen when she had both a pack and a pride. The lioness kept her in check, writing letters with her rough tongue that probably spelled "MISTRESS" in all caps.

Eventually, the wolf made it to her large, two-story house, parking her car on the driveway. She took a look at the house while the lioness serviced her, thinking of all the memories she's had with her pack. She knew it would be bittersweet to move on, but she knew she was claimed by something greater. Kova pet the lioness to tell her she was done. "Thank you. Will you wait in the car for mistress?" The lioness nodded and purred in response. Kova gave her nose a nice big lick before leaving the car and padding up to the front door. The lioness was left to purr in satisfaction for pleasing her mistress so.

Kova entered the house, the door not even locked. It was never locked, after all. Who locked their doors on heat month? Either way, Kova was immediately hit with earthy wolf musk. Right in the living room, a pack of eight wolves, including Nari, were sucking and fucking each other in an orgy of their own, tangled in a mess of furred limbs, knotted cocks, and bushy tails. At the center of it all was Kova's mom and dad, or rather, the pack's Alpha and his Bitch. They were fully transformed into two large, regal wolves with thick coats of gray and cream-colored fur. The Alpha's enormous cock was worshipped by the pack. Nari was herself nursing it in her maw while another wolf sucked her cock in his, creating a lupine chain of interconnected pleasure. Alpha's Bitch was scissoring a male wolf's cunt. Kova recognized the cuntboi as Norman Pallot, her neighbor packmate who had gone away for vacation. It would seem that he and Linda Artys came back early. In fact, there was Artys, lapping up Alpha's footpaw pads with her flattened tongue. It all felt so right to Kova. A pack sticks together, loving and pleasuring one another through thick and thin, especially during heat month. She knew she'd stay together with them after she told them her piece.

Mom and dad both raised their noses as a new scent wafted into the room. They turned to find their beautiful daughter standing before the pack, fur stained in cum and tail wagging. "Welcome back, Kova," mama said while trying to stifle a moan. "You look like you're enjoying heat month already."

Dad-- no, Alpha spoke next. "Mmmm, much more than usual, I see. You've got the scent of lion all over you. And not just Darian either."

"It's true," Kova said with a proud smile. "I've had such an amazing day, Alpha! I can't wait to tell you all about it."

Mama, Alpha's Bitch, patted her lap. "Come tell us, pup. We'd love to hear it."

Kova stepped forward, stretching her legs so as not to step on her packmates. She eventually made it to her mother's lap. The feeling of their fur brushing against each other flooded her brain with memories of her mama wolf, her rich scent, her slimy tongue, her paws which have petted her during lonely nights... in more ways than one. Then there was the musk wafting from Alpha's cock being lapped up next to her. The scent made her shudder. Her parents were having fun it seemed. Not just with the pack, either. She could smell traces of Bill, the beaver cashier who worked in the grocery store, and Mr. Faraday-- no, Mrs. Faraday, the busty librarian vixen. Kova loved being a wolf in heat month. It allowed her to experience so much more pleasure indirectly through people's scents, their memories, their histories of conquest and mating, a communal tapestry woven in cum. It was divine.

"I spent some, mmmmrr, quality time with Darian's pride today," Kova told them. "I think... I was always meant to be claimed by him. To be part of his pride."

Alpha's bitch groaned and gently scratched her claws behind Kova's ear, just where she liked it. Kova's leg bounced up and down like a broken toy, which, in a way, was what she was. "Ohh, sweetheart. We figured he'd claim you someday. The two of you were always so, hunnngh, close." Alpha himself moved his cock away from Nari's lapping tongue. The herm bitch snapped out of her horny trance and saw that Kova was right next to her. Alpha opened his muzzle:

"That's why we brought Nari and her pack into the fold. We knew we'd need someone to fill in your eventual absence. By no means does this mean she's taking your place. You will always belong in our pack because you will always be our wonderful pup. We've been waiting for you to seek out more mates beyond our happy little pride. We couldn't be more proud of where you're going." Kova teared up at the loving words. She had the best Alpha in the whole world. She'd do them proud.

"I love you so much... Alpha... Mama... I don't know what I'd do without you." She wiped the tears from her muzzle and smiled. Her heartfelt words were cut short, however, by an intrusive and teasing voice.

"Wow, you finally figured it out," mocked Nari in her typical mommy-domme tone. "I can't believe it took you so long, you empty-headed slut." Kova's knees grew weak. Just because she had found her more dominant side, did not mean she didn't still have a weak spot for being someone's subby little bitch. "Oh, did that turn you on? You pitiful whelp. A butterfly could land on your leg and you'd cum on the spot, you're such a weak little whore." Kova could only moan in delight. Her Alphamother bapped Nari's nose with her tail.

"Tone it down, Nari," she said with a slight growl. Nari lowered her ears in submission. "Kova's an independent wolf now. You wouldn't want me to punish you, right?" She stuck two clawed fingers into Nari's tailhole. The bitch whimpered in delight, having a submissive streak of her own. It seemed Kova and Nari were more similar than they initially thought.

"Mommy? Alpha?" Kova uttered, nuzzling her mother's furred shoulder. "Thank you. For everything. I want... I want you to claim me one last time, before I join Darian's pride."

Her mother and father grinned with both genuine love and wicked lust. The Alpha spoke, "We'd be honored, our little whelp."

The two majestic wolves sat up and started caressing their daughter, petting her head fur deeply and passionately. The sensation allowed more memories to be cleared up from the cobwebs of Kova's mind. She could remember the first time they claimed her when she became of age. It was the honor of not just every wolf pup, but every cub of every species in the known world. There was nothing like being mated with the very cocks and pussies that helped birth you, a primal connection that rivaled no other. She was happy to reexperience it once more before submitting herself to Darian.

Nari stroked her dick as she watched the Alpha put Kova into position, her footpaws in the air as he readied his mighty rocket to ream her cunt silly. Mama kissed Kova deeply, their muzzles intertwined and drool mixed into each other. Nari thought it was so fucking hot, and she came from a family where both her parents had cocks. She'd never admit it out loud, but she was proud of Kova for becoming her own bitch.

Alpha plunged his beast of a cock into Kova, his knot becoming a stopgap for the strings of pre that were now painting her inner walls. Kova shuddered in delight, waves of pleasure rocking in her body like waves on a shore, in and out, in and out. The rest of the pack let out light howls in celebration of this moment. "Ahhhh. Daddyyyyyy," she moaned. It felt so good to be reminded she was daddy's little cocksleeve. There were few things in life that beat being the Alpha's daughter. And as her Alpha's knot squeezed further into her hole, she let out a whimpering howl. "Ooohh, that's a good girl," her mama cooed. Good girl. The word sent shivers down her spine and tail. She was a good girl. A very, very good girl.

Everyone's ears flicked as they heard the sound of the front door open. The lioness Kova left in her car peeked in, naked and panting. "Mistress! I couldn't wait any longer. I heard your howl and..." She was greeted by a pack of horny, salivating wolves eyeing her hungrily like a piece of meat. "Ohh. Forgive me, mistress. I see you're being serviced. Would you like me to leave?"

"Nnnnnuh, not at all," Kova said while stifling another growl. With approval from her mistress, the lioness stepped further in, wondering if she'd be wolf food for the third time today. She stood there, witnessing the Alpha continue to breed his pup while their lupine subjects writhed and groaned around them. The feline couldn't help but feel out of place--

"Well, aren't you a pretty little kitty." The lioness startled as the voice of a sultry wolfess whispered in her ear. She felt a thick cock press against her ass cheeks. Her tail shot up and her fur stood on end. Behind her was an extremely thirsty Nari, grasping the lioness's shoulders with possessive intent. "Did your new mistress bring you here?"

"I-- Ah-- I--"

"I-- Ah-- I--" the wolf mimicked with a mocking tone. "Did that bitch fuck your brains out or what?"

"Well-- I-- NYEH!" The lioness gasped in pure pleasure as Nari poked her dick into the big cat's tailhole. A sumptuous grin filled her muzzle.

"Hey, Kova! Mind sharing your new pridemate for a bit?"

Kova was busy being plowed by her Alpha, thrusting repeatedly into her like a manic jackhammer. The Alpha grit his fangs, lust and instinct taking over, a deep part of his psyche not wanting to let go of his pup, hoping to mark her as his property. He pushed the feeling aside as he gave her the ride of her life. Kova, for her part, let out a vibrating whine as she suckled her mama's padded fingers. Nari politely waited while the wolf was rocked and fucked into another stratosphere.

Finally, with a reverberating howl, the Alpha bred his bitch. Kova let out a howl of her own, and then panted in exhaustion, her tongue lying on its side on the hardwood floors of a living room covered in clawed scratches.

She eyed Nari and her lucky lioness, both quivering with anticipation for an answer from the bitch of the hour. "Go ahead, Nari. Show her what a night with the pack is like." Nari grinned at the confirmation. The wolfess roughly pushed the feline's head down and forced her on her knees. The lion was now in a doggystyle position, and she was ready to be claimed by a bitch with a real hard-on for pussycats.

Nari tugged at her headfur and whispered into her folded ear, "What's your name, my hungry little tabby?" The lioness thought for a moment. A word surfaced in her head: "Corey". Images of football scholarships and locker rooms rushed through her mind. Why? She couldn't remember ever touching a football, though she had fond memories of touching feet and balls, sometimes in that order. Oh, and Corey wasn't her name. She knew it wasn't because her name was so obvious to her! It was--

"Sita. My name is, nrrrr, Sita."

"What a pretty name for a dumb little kitten. Did it really take you that long to think of your name? Ooo, you're such a useless fucking pet. No wonder Kova likes you!" The wolf licked her ear. The lioness purred. "I can't wait to fucking breed you. Ever been knotted before?" Sita shook her head. "Oh. Well don't blame me if the paltry amount of braincells you had left get fucked to oblivion tonight." Nari rammed her cock into Sita's hole, leaving her a mewling, hissing mess. Something in Sita's skull told her this was wrong, that this was more than just a rut, that this wolf was looking to claim her. She wouldn't be with Master Darian anymore! This new, sexy wolf woman was quite literally inserting herself into her world, and while some part of her wanted to maintain loyalty to Darian's pride, another part was much more loudly screaming...

"Moooore!" Sita moaned as Nari's dominating musk wafted into her flat nose. Nari was happy to oblige.

Meanwhile, Kova was still knotted by her Alpha, unable to leave his side as they both waited for the knot to deflate. She'd been biding her time by drinking her mama's wolf cream straight from the tap, lapping up her tits with the ferocity and need of a newborn pup. The warm milk dribbled down her throat. It bore hints of earth and pine flavor, reactivating ancestral memories of padding through thick forest, hunting for prey to feed the cubs back home. Kova thought of all the memories from her puphood of mama feeding her, whether it was milk from her breast or the entrails of a feral beast. She remembered all the times she watched her father mate with mama, how rough and possessing he was of his bitch. Kova swelled not just with the Alpha's juices inside of her but pride, ironically enough. She was proud to be a wolf, proud to be a descendent of the Alpha, and most of all, proud to be claimed by Darian. She knew she would make a great mother to the lion's young, because she came from a long line of loving wolf mothers. Kova felt her future cubs growing inside her, and it was enough to make her wanna howl at the moon all over again. Instead, she felt obligated to whisper into the triangular ears of her Alpha's bitch.

"I... I think I'm pregnant," Kova said with a smile. Mama beamed at the revelation. She whispered it into her Alpha's ear. He, too, was awash with happiness.

"MY BELOVED PACK!" the Alpha's voice boomed, causing every wolf to freeze in the middle of their pleasure-making. "Our very own packmate, my daughter Kova, is bearing cubs!" The pack howled in a chorus of celebration! All except Sita, who roared in delight as Nari went on knotting her. The Alpha continued, "Our pup has grown. And whether her cubs turn out to be pups or kittens, we will love them as our own no matter what!" Everyone howled again in approval. Kova was moved by the communal love in the room.

Finally, Alpha's knot deflated. He exited Kova with a loud squelch as he got up on his footpaws and walked over to the closet. "I say we celebrate by taking our rut further! To send our mate off in glorious fashion!" He opened the closet door to reveal a heart blossom that had grown inside. He kicked it awake, causing it to flood the room with its aphrodisiac pollen. Everyone in the room moaned. They knew they'd be sending their packmate off just right.

"Mommy! Mommyyyyyy!" Sita begged to Nari as the pheromones restructured her mind. "Make me part of your pack! Make me yours!" With a smile, Nari lunged in to dig her fangs into Sita's beige-furred shoulder. The lioness let out a mrowl of ecstasy as she felt claimed by the herm wolf. The Alpha returned to the pack to dig his tongue into one of his mates' asses. Kova leaned down to suck Alpha's dick while he performed his rimjob, all while Mama was taken by a swath of writhing vines. The celebration had only just begun. And it showed no signs of slowing.

One Year Later...

Kova rubbed her swollen belly as she was licked and pleasured by a harem of lionesses. She had already given birth to her first litter quite a few months ago, and was patiently waiting for her second. The litter consisted of three wolf puppies and five lion cubs. Twins Jess and Jenny were tending to them, rocking a crib that was set up by the window, and leaning in for the occasional lick. The cubs looked so peaceful as they slept in the morning light, their tails lightly swaying to indicate sweet dreams. Kova loved them so, and so did Darian. She could see Darian outside from the window, playing with some of the other cubs his harem had birthed. He was a loving, attentive father, and Kova felt lucky to be in his pride. Everyone looked out for each other, and it would be that way for a long time.

Eventually, Darian came back inside, carrying the excitable cubs and bringing them to their room upstairs. When he came back down, he gave his wolf a loving lick. "Almost time for class. Can you believe we're in our senior year?"

"Mmmm, it all just flew by." They nuzzled each other affectionately before locking muzzles once more. "Wanna... go another round before we head out to campus?"

Darian smiled. "You don't even have to ask," he uttered as he took a thick paw finger and stuck it in her gaping slit. Kova breathed hot and heavy as the furry digit took her to paradise.

The campus grounds were as frisky as last year. Heat month was just about starting up again, and the students were getting into their usually kinky activity. One student, a female ferret, was supposed to be manning a stand that handed out birth control pills, except she could only moan into her microphone while a kangaroo pounded her against the table. Next to them was a donkey boy getting double-teamed by two reptiles, a muscular komodo dragon and a salivating crocodile. And just by the library was a conga line of rabbits, all being vinefucked by a rogue patch of heart blossoms.

In the center of the quad were Nari and Sita, their tails wrapping around each other as Nari muzzlefucked the submissive lioness with her knotted tool. Sita seemed to be trying to say something, but it only came out in muffles as Nari continued to demean her little slut. "Aww yeah take it, kitty. Guzzle my entire supply, that's all you're fucking good for! What's a stupid little fuckmachine like you even doing on a campus like this? Oh, right. This greedy whore only wanted more cock for herself. Well, you're mine, now. My horny bimbo slave--"

"Nari." Nari yelped, turning around to find Darian and Kova watching her go at it. "What did we agree on?" the lion continued. "Our pride gets Mondays and Wednesdays. Your pack has Thursdays and weekends."

Kova chimed in, "And did you throat knot her again? She's gonna be late for class."

"Tch, not like that'll make a difference with her feeble mind," Nari chuckled... then let out a resigned sigh. "Buuut, you're right. Soon as my knot deflates, I'll drop her off at your pride."

Sita waved at her master and mistress from below, the cock still stuck in her muzzle. Darian and Kova waved back. "Good," said Darian before he and Kova walked off to class.

Nari turned back to the lioness in her claim as soon as they were gone. "Wanna sneak another round before they get custody back, my dumb lil fucktoy?" Sita nodded as the knot gradually deflated and she popped her mouth out.

"Anything for you, mommy~"

As Kova and Darian walked and eyed the activity surrounding the campus, the two took a deep breath of that musky air. It got them right back in the seasonal mood, already anticipating what more they had in store. They already made their plans for next week. Darian's parents were coming over, themselves king and queen of their own pride, to give Kova's snatch a little test drive. Meanwhile, Darian had agreed to visit Kova's pack to give the Alpha and his bitch an intimate visit. They were both giddy with horny suspense, and it was only exacerbated by the immense saturation of breeding happening around them. Scents mingled, blossoms bloomed, and the entire world was just awash in pleasure.

Kova couldn't help but think as she rubbed her swollen belly. She almost couldn't believe she'd been impregnated twice. Huh. Some small part of her body told her that was wrong. That her body wasn't made to be pregnant. Why was that? Was she... not always like this?

...pffah! Of course not! She had a perfect mate, two loving families, and a neverending supply of cocks, cunts, tits, tails, and paws to fuck. Why wouldn't she accept this magnificent life. With that in mind, the wolf smiled and opened her muzzle to tell her adoring mate for what wouldn't be the first or last time:

"God, I love heat month."