A Dumbening Kind of Date

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#3 of Dale's World of Magic

The day had already been quite strange for Dale, but his friends want to introduce him to Fiona: a tiefling. 

Whatever presumptions he had about creatures that look like aliens are out the window as Fiona is nice and charming and... very sexy. But when Dale refuses to express attraction for the buxom demon lady, magical methods are employed to get the young man to loosen up.

This is very similar to my Everyone's Furry For Krystal story, but it's a theme I like. 

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Dale's afternoon had been weird. He reacquainted himself with an imp named Franklin and got to meet two of Franklin's friends: Belula, a talking frog, and Pipes, a strange metal robot thingy. It was exciting for Dale but the others took it as an opportunity to hypnotize him: forcing him to do hard labor and have him fight a monster they capture!

When Dale came out of it, he was very upset with his new supernatural friends._

They walked, Dale carrying Belula in his hand again and having to slow himself down every couple yards as Pipes couldn't keep up with the myuman's walking speed. It was a bit of a trek to get to Fiona's but since Dale didn't have a car, walking had to do.

They left the forest and followed the edge of the agricultural center, then went through an abandoned field with grasses that went up to Dale's knees. They went up a hill overlooking a couple soccer fields that Dale had been to several years ago when he got to watch his cousin participate in a tournament. Down the hill, they found a hiking path. It was a public path so they were on the lookout for fellow hikers.

When a couple came running Dale's way, the three others took refuge in the nearby grasses. Dale slowed down his speed to not get ahead of them too much and he tried to look casual and wave friendily when the other hikers passed by. Once they were out of range, Pipes and Franklin took to Dale's side and Belula found a place on Dale's shoulder.

An old parking lot, a streamside path, and an old wooden bridge were the next landmarks on the way to Fiona's place. Across the bridge entered them into another forest.

Dale stretched his legs, "My legs are tired."

"We haven't been walking awhile," said Franklin, "Quit complainin'."

"I'm the only one here who's legs can get tired," said Dale.

Dale didn't know for sure if Pipes, the animated bundle of scrap in myumanoid form, could experience fatigue, but being that he was some sort of strange energy inhabiting a body of various metal bits, Dale assumed Pipes could not. Belula rode on his shoulder and Franklin flew with his tiny wings, which upon thinking about it seemed like they would get tired before anyone else.

There was a light in the forest. That's where they were heading, Franklin told Dale. In the midst of the trees there was a small shack. The shack looked old and decrepit with slanted shingles and a gutter that had broken off the edge of the roof, but there was furniture around and chair out at a metal outdoor table. There was music playing.

"Fiona-a-a-a-a!" Belula called in a sing-songy voice, "Are you home?"

"Is that you Belula?" a female voice called.

The door of the shack opened and out from the darkness inside stepped a particular myumanoid creature- Fiona. She had skin of light and dark blues. Out of the top of her forehead there was a plate about seven inches tall, like something off of a triceratops, for Dale's reference anyway. Her black pupils were horizontal slits on deep green irises. She had no prominent nose but if one looked closer they could see tiny nostrils on a flat face. Her lips were thin and when her mouth was open she displayed short, sharp teeth.

Her body was very myumanoid with a lady's figure. Her hands ended with sharp claws. Down her legs she stood on digitigrade feet with three toes and a large talon at the end of each. Behind her swung a whiplike tail. She was modest too, wearing a lavish purple coat and a matching pair of dress pants. Barefoot, though.

Fiona smiled and waved, "Hey there, friends. And who's this?" gesturing at Dale.

"Dis here's Dale," said Franklin, "He's a myuman."

Fiona walked up to Dale and that's when Dale noticed something. Fiona's coat cut down from her neck, revealing the top of a very ample bosom. There was enough of a curve sticking out of the top of her boob window to be categorized as a hill. From certain angles, the length of her chest from back to front was the same measurement as the thickness of her torso!

Dale couldn't help but stare. He had a pair of huge alien breasts blinking at him.

"I'm up here," said Fiona.

Dale cranked his eyes up at the tiefling girl gazing back at him, a smile warm but playful and eyes that were sensual but endearing.

"Hi Dale," said Fiona, extended a handshake, "You new around here?"

Dale blushed and a goofy smile extended on his face. He took the hand and shook, "Uh... yeah."

"Dale here is new to us supernatural creatures or paranormal creatures," Franklin shrugged dismissively, "or whatevuh the unwashed masses calls us."

"Oh?" said Fiona, tilting her head curiously, "Then this must be quite overwhelming for you?"

She returned her hand and Dale's eyes drifted downward. That chest was like a sore thumb. How could anyone have had tits that big, Dale wondered.

He snapped his eyes back to Fiona's face, "Uh... I guess..."

Fiona smiled and walked gracefully around the yard, "You don't have to worry about me, though. I'm no danger to you."

Dale rubbed his neck and looked around. He dawned on him that he was in the presence of four other people but he was the only myuman, something that would have thought impossible not a week ago. He looked around at Pipes, the possessed scrap pile, Belula, the talking frog on his shoulder, Franklin, the tiny winged flying imp dressed like a steampunk engineer, and now Fiona, an alien chick that dresses like a debutant and with an... unbelievable rack. Dale's eyes got lost on her breasts again.

He swallowed hard and pried his eyes away. He exhaled, "What... are all of you?"

Franklin patted Dale's shoulder, "You wannuh know what we all are? That's a lot of information for yous." He scoffed, "Kid, if we explained everything about the world you don't know you'd be so overwhelmed you'd need to change yeh pants." Franklin paused, composed himself, and then gestured out his hand matter-of-factly, "It's like I said the other day whence he met. There's a lot to this world you don't know."

Fiona pulled out a chair and sat down, folding her leg over the other and dangling her dinosaur-looking feet in the air. She smiled, "Dale, do you want to know what I am or do you want to know me? Come... sit."

Everyone had eyes on Dale, waiting for him to take a seat. The chair was a little rusted but he didn't think he was at the risk of tetanus or the mesh giving out. He sat down on the chair and pulled himself close to the table, nervous like he was in a job interview.

"Tell me about yourself, Dale," said Fiona.

"I don't know..." said Dale, "I'm between college semesters."

"Oh?" said Fiona, flapping her feet, "What are you studying?"

"Culinary arts," said Dale, after a brief a pause.

Fiona giggled loudly, "Oh? I was going to offer you dinner but maybe your palette is too refined!"

Dale chuckled and shook his head, "Not really. I can still enjoy... stuff."

Fiona's eyes glowed pleasantly, "Wonderful! Dinner will be ready soon. I found a recipe for a burrito bake and had to try it!"

Dale smiled, "Yeh. That sounds great."

Fiona giggled and Dale had to fight off a blush. For all of her alien properties, Fiona had the essence of a nice girl. It wasn't just her diet; it was also the way she presented herself. Dale looked over her figure again. Save for the skin color, a large part of Fiona's body was very normal.

But she wasn't a myuman! What was a monster doing with such a tantalizing body?

There was a spicy, tangy smell in the air coming from the cabin. It smelled pretty good! Fiona got herself up and went into the house. There was a moment of clatter and then she called out, "I'm going to need some help putting out plates!"

Dale sat still and did nothing. He thought about helping her but he didn't like the idea of getting close to her. She was poisonous, he felt, in a lusty way.

Franklin grumbled at Dale, "I don't know if you noticed dis Dale, but you're the only one here besides Fiona who can carry a stack of plates."

Dale looked around awkwardly. Pipes, Franklin and Belula- all of them were too small to set the table. Dale got up and walked to the door of Fiona's shack and looked inside. It was a simple shack with a mix of utilities. Fiona took her casserole out of a modern stove and put it on top. She looked at the center of her shack at the wooden table.

"Do you want to eat inside or outside?" asked Fiona.

"Uh..." Dale looked around, "Outside I guess."

There wasn't a lot of room inside. The shack was smaller than most hotel rooms Dale had been in. There wasn't a lot of room with the shelves, a sink and a bed taking up space. There wasn't a shortage of chairs at least as the table was surrounded by a quartet of them.

Fiona opened a cupboard above the stove revealing a bunch of plates. The counter beside the stove had some drawers. Fiona opened up the second one from the top and revealed a tray of cutlery.

"Get the smaller forks and plates for our smaller friends," said Fiona.

Dale stepped forward, nervous to have the fuzzy collar of Fiona's coat to rub against his shoulder. He ignored it and reached up to get the plates. Three plates for the small dinner guests and two large ones for him and Fiona. Would Pipes even need to eat? That was a question he would ignore.

Into the drawers and get got five forks, their sizes relative to the person dining.

"The slides on the first drawer are pretty weak so I can't put the cutlery in there," said Fiona, "Could you pass me a spatula?"

Dale saw one to the side of the utensil tray. He picked it up- it was a silicone one- and handed it to Fiona. That's when he noticed Fiona wasn't holding the glass casserole dish with any over mitts- she was barehanded!

"Doesn't that hurt your hands?" asked Dale.

Fiona winked, "Not when you're a tiefling! Heat is our element."

Dale looked at the dishes, "Should I bring these out?"

Fiona peeked out the window at the table, "There won't be enough room for the casserole out there. Let's leave it in here and dish up."

Fiona took the spatula and scooped up a small serving for a tiny plate. It didn't look spectacular with a bland meat filling and the burrito base had thin burn marks underneath but it had a tangy smell and there were lots of vegetables in the mix. The steam rose from it and flickered into the air.

Fiona laid another scoop of the stuff on a small plate and Dale paired them up with forks and took the plates outside.

Franklin and Belula had found spots on the table and Pipes sat on a chair, his head just reaching over the edge of the table. They all gave him leering glances. It unnerved Dale but he said nothing about it.

"Are you going to eat, Pipes?" asked Dale.

"Hmmmm," said Pipes, "I don't need to eat but it certainly couldn't harm me!"

Dale put a plate down in front of Pipes and Franklin. Pipes climbed up the table to get a better angle on his plate. Dale went back inside where a large plate and small plate for Belula were waiting. He brought them back out to see Pipes eating the foot with his mechanical mouth, not a fork. He looked like a dog but he was a metal being so Dale didn't think to complain.

Franklin took a fork into the bake, cut off a piece, picked it up and put it into his fat imp mouth. He chewed, swallowed, and without expressing more than a slight grin said, "Hey, it's good."

Dale set down the larger plate at an empty seat and put the smaller one in front of Belula. There was more food on the plate than size on Belula's body but measuring out for someone who fit in his palm was a hard task for Dale. Belula forgo a fork, taking a halfcut olive with her tongue and zipping it back in her mouth. Tasty, she thought.

Fiona had scooped up a plate of her own and took it outside. There was a large empty piece of table beside Dale and that's when Dale realized the seductive monster lady was going to sit herself right beside him.

She pulled up a seat and sat down, putting her plate on the table. Her elbow brushed up against Dale's.

"So Dale," said Fiona, speaking into her food below, "tell me about yourself. Something more."

Dale dug a fork through the bake, tossing around burrito bread and lettuce. He said, "Not much to say. I'm a myuman. You're a... tiefling?" He waited for Fiona to give him a nod that he got the terminology right. He continued, "You're more interesting."

Dale stopped dancing his fork on the plate and took a bite of the food. The selection of spices didn't seem to follow any culinary pattern but they came together well and the vegetables were fresh. It was tasty!

"How about we quid pro quo then?" said Fiona, "What's your favorite animal?"

Dale thought for a moment, "I don't really have one. I don't like animals that much."

Belula tried not to take offense by Dale's remark.

Dale shrugged, "The rhino, I guess."

"Interesting!" said Fiona, her eyes lighting up. She scooted her chair over and whispered quietly, "You know, if I'm not mistaken, rhinos have uproarious mating sessions that last well into the night!"

Dale, midway chewing another mouthful of burrito bake, broke out into a nervous giggle, spitting tiny bits of it out.

Fiona softly elbowed Dale's arm, "Sounds like living life, huh?"

Dale giggled again, unable to contain himself. He chewed and swallowed while he looked around the area. They were deep in the trees. That's all Dale could see with only the faint sound of a stream underneath bird chirps.

"Do you live out here by yourself?" he looked at Fiona's shack, "Can't be comfortable..."

"It's not like I have many options," said Fiona, "I can't live in town!" She leaned back in her chair, taking a hand behind her head, "But I do alright. Unlike myumans, I can survive without many creature comforts."

"But where do you bath?" asked Dale, "Where do you go the washroom?"

"There's a pond nearby that serves as a nice bath," she looked at the corner of her shack, at a shovel, "And I got a shovel and the whole forest."

When Fiona leaned back forward, the light from the sun bounced off her cleavage and caught Dale's eye. They were right there, huge, round blue tits. The biggest Dale had ever seen in person. He couldn't help but imagine what he could have slotted in between the huge orbs.

What worried Dale was that Fiona clearly knew he was peeking at them but didn't seem offended. Were tieflings unable to feel creeped upon? Unable to feel disgust?

Take your eyes away, Dale told himself. She's not a myuman. She's a tiefling. You can't be attracted to her.

But it wasn't just her breasts that were teasing Dale. Her hips had nice curves too. He hadn't gotten a good look at her ass yet but he couldn't ignore the curiosity. The ass might have had a tail crowning it but that didn't weird him out enough for him not to want to take a glance.

And then there was the big question: did she have a vagina?

Dale turned his head away from Fiona, only drawing awkward attention to himself. Fiona didn't seem phased by his dismissiveness but she twirled a fork around the plate and glanced over at him slyly. She felt his discomfort but knew it came from a curious place.

She chuckled lightly, "Do you still live at home?"

Franklin listened in, curious himself about his new myuman acquaintance.

Dale turned himself back towards Fiona. He shook his head, "No. I rent a room."

Pipes stopped wolfing down food for a moment to lean up and say, "I bet with other kids his age."

"Do you work?" said Fiona.

Dale nodded, "Yeah. At an administration office."

Fiona chuckled, "Sounds boring. I'm assuming it's not a ripe subject for chit-chat?"

Belula had another mouthful of food and swallowed. She said to Dale, "You come off as a clerical fella."

Dale shrugged, "All I do is file away documents. Stuff like that. I don't do it because I enjoy it." He paused and then addressed Fiona, "What do you do?"

Fiona smiled wide and her eyes glowed. The hue caught Dale's heart and he had to grip the table to keep himself from swooning. Fiona said, "Let's just say that I'm a bookkeeper for..." she glanced at the others, "... us supernatural types."

Dale smirked, "Must be boring."

Fiona smiled, letting her fangs expose themselves, "It can be quite exciting. It isn't your typical myuman bookkeeping."

Dale chuckled and so did Fiona. For a moment, Dale felt a myuman connection with the demon creature. Her laugh made his heart pitter-patter. It made him anxious though. He was tempted to stay but felt that the wise decision was to leave.

What made it worse was when Fiona reached over to place a hand on Dale's wrist. Dale nearly choked on his food. His gaze went low, unable to look at the smiling tiefling beside him.

Dale went quiet for a minute, letting the others talk to themselves. The conversation frequently went towards topics he was unfamiliar with- supernatural stuff likely- so he kept to himself and tried to calm himself down by thinking of unsexy things like air conditioners.

Franklin finished his food quickly and Fiona wasn't far behind, so Fiona got up to bring her plate inside and asked Franklin to follow. The plate was a little too hard to carry with a fat imp's flight power but he grabbed the plate, fluttered up and carried it towards the shack, dropping crumbs of food on the ground.

While Dale was chatting with Pipes and Belula, Fiona ushered Franklin to the corner of the shack where she was sure that Dale couldn't hear them.

She whispered to Franklin, "Does your myuman friend have a girlfriend?"

Franklin looked out at Dale then back to Fiona, "I don't know. I don't know him that well. Why... are you interested?"

Fiona smiled, her eyes glowing like flames, "Why yes! He's quite the adorable myuman and I can feel his attraction for me."

"The kid might be shy," said Franklin, "You might need to charm him some more to get him to open up to you."

The two put their plates away and then went back out to join the others. Dale seemed forever uncomfortable with whatever discussions they shared or whatever questions they had for him. He was an outsider in the presence of others from a completely different world.

Fiona sat down beside him and those chest globes distracted Dale again. How smooth were they, Dale wondered. He had to force himself to keep his gaze at eye level.

"You got any hobbies?" asked Fiona.

"Hey, it's my turn for a question," said Dale.

Fiona leaned her plated head on a hand and rest that arm on the table. She smirked, "You are right. It's your turn. Go ahead."

Dale sat there in silence. In his overwhelming discomfort of being distracted by Fiona's body, no question about her came to mind.

"I can't think of one right now," said Dale.

A cackle came out of Franklin. Belula sighed and Pipes chuckled.

Fiona giggled, teeth out, "Alright, then. So... hobbies?"

"I scrapbook," said Dale, "or... I used to. I don't have a lot of space in the room I rent."

Fiona gestured at her cabin, "I can relate. Still... scrapbooking. That's interesting. So that's pictures and photos and stuff?"

Dale nodded, "And newspaper articles."

"What got you into that?" asked Belula, finished eating and hopping toward Dale.

"I guess people forget things," said Dale, "So it's nice to have a reminder."

"Dat's right," said Franklin, nearly done his dinner, "People forget things..." he took a forkfull of food and shoved it into his fangy mouth, "because people 'r idiots."

Fiona gazed at Dale dreamingly. He grinned, "That's very special, Dale."

Sometimes Fiona came off as insincere, like she was entertaining Dale in a patronizing way, but the more she talked to him, the more Dale felt like she was being complete with him. Was this supernatural creature legitimately interested in a simple myuman like Dale?

Dale looked over to the cabin, "Have you lived here long?"

Fiona leaned back in her chair, picking a fork back up, "A few weeks. A few months if you mean the surface world in general." She paused, "Up until a few weeks ago, they gave me an old house to live in. More space but the place was falling apart!" She picked up a fork of food and put it in her mouth, chewing a few times, "Plus, I had some very close neighbors that weren't meant to know their neighbor was a tiefling."

Paying attention, Dale construed that there was some kind of authority around. 'They', as Fiona referenced them. He had no idea who 'they' were but they were able to give an alien chick a cabin in the middle of the trees.

Dale looked around, "This cabin isn't near anyone else?"

Fiona swallowed, shaking her head, "No. The lovely couple that own this land, "she twirled a finger referencing the large area around them, "they never come out this far anyway. They're old."

"They don't even know she's living here!" said Franklin.

"I think if they came back here and saw that someone was living in their cabin," said Fiona, "I'd have to do something about that," she smiled menacingly, "something sinister."

Dale chuckled nervously. He had a question: What did she mean by that? But he was scared of the answer.

"It's nice out in the middle of nowhere," said Fiona, "Sometimes I can walk around..." she leaned close to Dale, "in the nude."

Dale clenched his fist and stilled a shiver down his body. He gulped. His body turned warm. He couldn't help but think of the image Fiona put in his head. Fiona? Completely naked? Strutting around the forest like some sort of animal? He had curiosities on what she looked like without any clothes on and if she was wandering around in the buff, he would have his answers!

A stiffness took his loins, the tip of his manhood stretching out to caress the side of his thigh and to rub up against the rim of his underwear.

His breathes became audible and long.

"Do you have any friends, Dale?" asked Belula.

"Yes," said Fiona, "that's a good one. That can count as one of my questions."

"A few," said Dale, "I had more in high school, but many moved away."

Fiona's expression deflated, "That's a shame. Everyone should have some friends." She reached across the table and took Dale's hand, "Do you want to be my friend?"

Dale's heart raced. The feel of her fingers touching the end of his was like electricity. Her claws scratched him only the tiniest degree. Dale's erection snaked down his pantleg.

"I..." Dale turned a word of a single syllable into a melody of multiple notes, "I guess."

"Maybe this conversation is getting too personal," said Fiona, taking her hand away.

Franklin smiled, tooth sticking out, "Nonsense!" He leaned back on a hand, "Hey kid, when'd ya lose yer virginity?"

Belula, Pipes, and Fiona shared a chuckled while Dale turned red with embarrassment.

"That's..." Dale composed himself. The erection he was hanging down his leg made the confrontation even more uncomfortable, "That's none of your business!"

"Dat late huh?" chuckled Franklin, "Or maybe you still are?"

"Leave him alone, Franklin," said Fiona. She shifted her chair closer to Dale and took a hand on his shoulder. Dale shivered. She leaned forward, eyes shimmering in the early dusk light. She smiled and Dale could feel her breath on his neck.

He couldn't help himself. He looked at her tits and he knew that she knew he was looking at them. He moved his eyes down to her hips. By god, were they ever curved. And she was barefoot, she was practically already undressing!

Dale shifted a bit and could feel the erection in his pants beaming down towards his leg.

Dale took a big scoop of food in his mouth, barely chewed, then swallowed, "When do we leave? I don't want to stay too late."

"Don't be a buzzkill, kid," said Franklin. He waved out his arms and looked up to the sky, "It's not even close to sunset!"

"I... I want to go home," Dale muttered in his shoulder away from Fiona.

Fiona took her hand off of Dale and shifted back into her place.

"Were not leaving jus' yet," said Franklin, "We haven't even showed yuh the uh..." He couldn't think of an excuse, and he eyed at Fiona to come up with something.

Fiona took the cue, "My garden. I grow some delicious herbs! Not to mention... we haven't had a drink yet."

"A drink?" asked Dale.

"Oh yeah," said Franklin, "You'res under drinking age."

Pipes finished his meal and sat down on the table. The strange ghost-like creature could consume mortal food, it seemed. He said, "Dale's age is an arbitrary thing to attach to alcohol, if you are worried about that."

Franklin chuckled, "I don't tink us non-myumans care a lot for myuman laws, but I know what myuman teenagers 'r like and dey want to get the booze all the time!"

"I've had a drink before," said Dale, unable to hide his annoyance.

Fiona, seeing Dale's discontent, tried to calm the situation, "Then we'll have a drink, then."

Dale wanted to leave but a drink didn't sound too bad. He sighed and resigned for another hour or so of hanging out with a bunch of monsters.

Fiona recommended that Dale check out her garden so after calming down and letting his erection deflate, he got up to walk over to the garden, just a few feet off of the cabin's main lounging place- about 12 feet in length and width. The rows of plants looked very good and for being a supernatural creature, Fiona's crops were quite normal looking.

Dale didn't have much else to do but he didn't want to leave without the others so he would have to occupy himself before the time came. He wandered around the garden, occasionally reaching down to get a closer look at the plants. He didn't know herbs- he couldn't recognize any of them.

Franklin, seeing him alone, fluttered over to check on his myuman pal.

"So what are you thinking?" asked Franklin.

"It's... good," said Dale, waving at the garden.

"No, I mean Fiona," said Franklin, hovering close to Dale, "What do you think of her?"

Dale twisted away from Franklin awkwardly, "She's cool."

"That's not what I meant," said Franklin, "What do you think of her physically? I was thinking about heading back with the others and leaving you and her for a romantic evening."

"What?" Dale's volume got a few glances from the others. He composed himself and leaned close to whisper to Franklin, "She teethlin or whatever she's called. I can't have sex with her!"

"Why not?"

"Because it's not right!" Dale stood up, glaring down at Franklin with discomfort behind his disgust.

Franklin shrugged his shoulders, "You shouldn't care about-"

"Forget it, Franklin," Dale said through his teeth.

Franklin raised a hand, ready to give Dale a good talking to, but saw Dale was enraged and wouldn't listen to reason. Without another word, Franklin flew away.

Dale realized that the garden wasn't important enough to fake as a distraction for too long and rejoined the party, talking to Pipes and Belula while Franklin went into the cabin with Fiona. Fiona had a small fridge in the corner. She opened it up and took a bottle of sparkling wine.

"Sorry," said Franklin, "but I don't think-" he twisted his head around to see if Dale was within earshot- no, he wasn't- then turned back around and lowered his voice, "I don't think the kid's into you, Fiona."

"He most certainly is," she said, opening the cupboards above, "During dinner he had a steely erection around me."

Franklin snerked, "Dat so? Unfortunately he's too uncomfortable with being attracted to a tiefling to pursue you. It's against de rules apparently."

Fiona set down a few glasses onto the counter. She had to make due with what she had so all that was available was a series of simple drinking glasses, nothing fancy. She took a paper towel off of the roll by the stove and wiped them down quick. The cabin was a place for dust after all.

"He wants me animalistically," said Fiona, "but his societal intelligence is getting in the way."

"Seems 'bout right," said Franklin.

Fiona put a finger to her chin, thinking for a moment. She walked over to her bed and looked underneath. Reaching into the shadows, she pulled out a box. It was a small wicker chest. She opened it and there were some knick-knacks in there but there was also a vial of blue dust.

Franklin smiled, "Monkey dust!"

Fiona took the vial and slid the chest back under the bed. She got up, and looked at the vial while she walked back over to the cups.

"Monkey dust, ook-ook dust, atavizine," said Fiona, "Whatever you call it... it works very instantly if inhaled or takes its time if ingested."

Franklin and Fiona glanced at the bottle of sparkling wine.

Outside, Dale sat down back at the table. Pipes and Belula sat on the table, their plates had been taken inside. Dale couldn't shake the awkwardness of the situation: he knew he was an unpleasant guest to the get-together and he also was an outsider being a myuman in the company of supernatural beings.

Belula croaked and smiled wide, "That was a nice meal, now wasn't it?"

"Yeah," said Dale, his voice crestfallen and quiet.

"This has been an exciting day for you?" asked Belula.

Dale sighed and rolled his eyes, "This day has been a lot of things."

Pipes' luminescent eyes were sincere, "It must be said, Dale, that you shouldn't mention any of this to anyone."

"Oh don't worry," said Dale, "I'm not going to tell anyone how you guys made me walk around with a boner."

Belula hopped forward, bowing in a gesture of peace, "We're sorry for that, Dale. We didn't know that hypnotizing you would have that kind of effect."

Dale crossed his arms, "It's embarrassing to even think about."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, Dale," said Pipes, an empathizing glance on his metallic face, "Any myuman enchanted by the cards would be in an aroused state."

"We're serious, Dale," said Belula, hopping up to Dale's hand and patting him with a slimy froggy foot, "Don't tell anyone about us."

Dale wanted to be contrarian and say otherwise out of spite, but he felt like there was an unspoken authority behind his new friends that would be a danger to him if he was irresponsible.

He sighed, "I won't tell a soul."

With Franklin fluttering behind her, Fiona came out with a bottle of wine in one hand and a glass of wine in the other, already poured. Fiona walked over and set the glass down on the table before Dale, trying her best to hide any anticipation of making the myuman drink the cup.

Franklin did his best to carry a glass with his small imp body, but when he set the glass down on the table, he was glad to be done with the exhausting chore.

"Are you drinking, Pipes?" asked Fiona.

"I'll pass," said Pipes, patting his tin belly, "I've consumed enough myuman substances for the evening."

Dale took the glass without suspicion. He took a smell and it had a fresh berry smell. He had only ever had beer so it would have been a new experience.

The others watched Dale as he took a sip of his drink. He didn't think much of it but found the berry flavor to be tasty and the alcohol taste to not be annoyingly strong.

"It's good," said Dale.

It was just a sip. Dale's body could fight off the effects of the monkey dust. Fiona kept an eye on him, though. She sat down, this time across from him. As she talked to him, she leaned down to give him a good look into her cleavage.

"This is a decent place to live, though," said Fiona, "isn't it?"

Dale kept his eyes off her breasts. He raised his gaze up to her face and put some metaphorical glue on it to keep it there.

He nodded lightly, "Yeah. Um... I don't have a lot of reference, though. I've only lived around here for most of my life."

"Haven't traveled far from home yet?" asked Fiona.

"He's not the only one," said Belula.

"Maybe one day," said Dale.

He took another sip from his drink. He didn't seem to notice anything different with his drink. Fiona was happy. It was working perfectly.

"So what do you do for leisure?" asked Pipes.

"Yes," said Fiona, "what do you do to unwind?"

Franklin turned away and whispered to himself, "Besides cranking it..."

"Play video games," said Dale.

"Video games?" said Fiona, "I heard of them but I'm not familiar." She leaned forward at Dale, her eyes lighting up a bit, "The games I can play in real life are far more entertaining than any video game."

Dale chuckled, quelling the nervousness that would creep into his voice, "I see."

He took another sip of the wine. It was tasty but the faint glow of tipsiness muttered deep within him. When was the last time he got drunk, he thought. It had been awhile. Maybe it was that night after the local college football game he and his friends went to Martin's house to kick back a few brews. Dale stayed up until 2 in the morning playing... playing... what was it?

Dale muttered and put a hand to his head.

"What is it?" Fiona's tone was concerning even if she knew exactly what was going on with him and was eager for it. She dragged her digitigrade foot across the dirt below.

"How alcoholic is this wine?" asked Dale, glancing at his glass.

Fiona and Franklin shared a smirk. Fiona leaned back in her chair, folding her hands behind her head, "Don't have wine very often?"

Dale shook his head, "No, mostly beer."

"Dat's the thing," said Franklin, "if yer not used to certain kinds of alcohol, it's effect can be more powerful."

Dale looked at his drink again and put a hand to his head, "... I see."

Fiona looked at Dale and saw him holding his glass of wine. She picked up hers and said, "When I look at it... this is almost like a date."

Dale had his lips up to the glass when she said it and he coughed. After getting a grip he asked, "A date!?"

Fiona smiled and flapped her foot underneath the table, lightly scritching along Dale's pantleg. She giggled, "We are two adults... sitting at a small table drinking wine..." she looked up at the sky, "The dusk sky is getting quite beautiful. Perfect for a romantic evening, isn't it?"

Dale lowered his head, "But you're a... a..." He couldn't remember the name of it. He wanted to say 'teeth' but everyone had teeth.

"A tiefling," said Franklin.

"It's true that I'm not a myuman," said Fiona in a performatively disappointed tone. She leaned close to Dale, "But if I was a myuman... this would be nice, right?"

Dale looked up at the sky, "Yeah."

"If I was a myuman," said Fiona, "where would you take me for a date?"

The others listened in, Franklin curving a smile in amusement at Fiona's teasing.

"Uhhhh..." Dale wracked his mind to think of a good answer. "A... a..." he imagined a place meant for eating dinner together but couldn't think of the word. He said the syllables that came to him first, "Restu-rin."

"What?" said Fiona.

The others giggled. Belula croaked, "Do you mean 'restaurant'?"

"Yeah!" Dale smiled. He dropped the smile, "I think. It's that... place for eating."

Franklin giggled, cherishing how well the monkey dust was depleting Dale's ability to think.

"Not just a table out in the middle of the woods," said Fiona, opening her arms to gesture at the environment around them, "but a real restaurant with service and people."

Dale thought of saying something, but instead nodded.

"Where else would you take me?" asked Fiona.

Dale couldn't think of a better place. He shrugged, "I dunno."

"Not even a movie theater?" asked Belula.

"A movie theater?" said Franklin, "Dat's a sucker's idea of date. Take her to a ball game."

"What if the date doesn't like baseball?" asked Pipes.

Fiona sloshed her wine, "I don't mind baseball."

"A movie theater is more exciting than a baseball game," said Belula, giving the side eye to Franklin.

Franklin sat down on the table, "What could be better than an open arena with crowds of cheering fans?"

While they argued, Dale's mind wandered and his eyes too. Fiona's breasts were not a few feet away from them. Even in the evening sun, they glimmered. The blue color was inviting too.

Fiona noticed Dale's stare and smiled, "Like anything you see, Dale?"

Dale realized he had been caught. This got a titter out of the others and Dale ripped his eyes away, chuckling nervously, "I... uh... sorry."

Fiona smiled, and let her chest heave out. She would pretend that she didn't want the myuman boy staring at her breasts but she loved having him stare at her breasts like the magical orbs they literally were physiologically.

"Let's say movie theater then," said Fiona. She mused an alluring grin on her face in Dale's direction, "What kind of movie would you take me to see?"

Dale lowered his gaze and rolled the base of his glass on the table, "Maybe... Jurassic Park."

He tried sneaking a peak at Fiona's breasts again. They were so big, he couldn't get over it. He rose his eyes to her head and stared at her lips. Her sharp teeth were weird looking but also appealing. He wondered what it would have been like to kiss those lips.

"I'm not familiar with it," said Fiona.

"It's a movie from years ago," said Franklin, "It's not playing in theaters."

"Oh?" said Fiona, "What's playing in theaters, then?"

Franklin groaned, fluttering up into the air, shrugging, "Do I look like I go to da movies? Lessee... I think dere's that new one about the horse that wants to be a movie star. Izza talking animal cartoon."

Fiona smiled, "Is that so? That would be nice to see..." she looked a Belula and then Dale, "but maybe talking animals aren't so fascinating now, are they? They've lost their 'wow' factor?"

"Yeah," Dale replied monotonously. His mind was elsewhere. As he fantasized about what Fiona's body was like, his loins churned and his member expanded out. His boner for Fiona crawled through his pants, like a snake ready to strike.

"Talking animals in movies are far different from the real thing," said Belula, showing off her white dress in a proud pose, "most of them are naked!"

Fiona leaned her head on her wrist and sipped the wine. She said, "Maybe they know what's good for them!"

Dale was tapping his fingers on the table. He took a final sip of his wine, getting a bit of his chin, and then putting the glass down on the table haphazardly so it fell over, rolling all the metal surface.

"Careful," said Franklin, flying up to stop the glass and push it back up.

"How about it?" asked Fiona, "Should I get you another?"

Dale blinked, "Another what?"

Everyone had their chuckle. Pipes spoke up, "If there's any sign he should be cut off, that one's it."

"How are you feeling, Dale?" asked Belula.

Dale thought for a moment. There was a warmth flowing through his body, but he felt ok. What he wasn't aware was the monkey dust that Fiona had put in his drink was slowly sealing off his mental faculties, but seldom victims of the magic drug were able to notice themselves losing their thinking abilities.

Dale looked out at the group, vacancy in his eyes, "I'm..." he didn't know what to say.

Kid's losing the ability to respond to anything but a yes or no question, thought Franklin.

"Hey kid," said Franklin. He landed on the table and walked over to Dale's hand. Franklin patted it, "Let's ask you some questions to get to know ya better?"

"Ok..." said Dale.

"When did you lose your virginity?" asked Franklin.

"Ummm..." Dale thought hard. He almost needed a refresher on what virginity meant but the word brought up a picture in his mind: that night with- what was her name?- in his bedroom, "Sigs-teen."

A round of chuckles.

It was a question Franklin had asked and gotten an answer to earlier but he wanted to try again to see how many mental barriers had collapsed in Dale's mind. One good question deserved another, though.

"When'dju stop wetting the bed?" asked Franklin.

"Six...teen," said Dale.

Another round of chuckles amongst the party guests, including Dale who wasn't sure what they were laughing at. He had lost the ability to recognize why bedwetting was an embarrassing thing, but their chuckling was contagious.

Fiona's breasts caught Dale's eye when her chuckled caused them to jiggle up and down. They were so inviting with all that skin exposed. It was blue skin, but did it feel any different from myuman flesh?

Everyone noticed Dale staring again. Dale didn't notice them noticing.

"If you keep on staring at me like that," said Fiona, "I might think you have a thing for me."

Dale looked around himself. He checked his hands and the table in front of him, "What... thing?"

Fiona giggled, "I mean, you are attracted to me."

Dale understood that. He nodded, his mouth hanging open like a cow.

"Is that so, Dale?" asked Franklin.

Dale said nothing. He stared at Fiona some more, letting an erection come over him and being happy with it. He didn't know how to approach, though. He thought of the words to say to get females to have sex with him but nothing was coming to mind. Wasn't there a word that makes girls fuck you?

Fiona reached over and patted Dale's hand, causing the myuman boy to blush, "It's fine if you are, Dale. I know I'm not a myuman but..."

Dale bit his lip, "I... I want to sex you."

Another round of laughs from around the table. Dale looked at them then around the forest to see what they were laughing at because he couldn't comprehend it was them. He returned his gaze to Belula. He knew that she was an animal but was forgetting which one she was. His mind sprung the word 'chicken'.

Franklin fluttered up to Dale's face and waved his hand in front of the myuman's eyes. Dale followed them closely but Fiona was not amused by this teasing.

"What are you doing, Franklin?" asked the tiefling, "Don't be a pest."

"Come on," said Franklin, "I luv dis part!" He put his hands down, "Hey Dale: what's 2 + 2?"

Addition was not something Dale knew anymore. He kept silent for a moment then realized everyone was expecting an answer. Nervous, he said, "Two."

Franklin chuckled and fluttered over to Dale's shoulder to pat it, "You got one right!"

Belula hopped forward, "He's about to lose his ability to speak alright."

Fiona rolled her eyes, "You people are so mean."

"You can say anything to him and he doesn't know what it means," Franklin went back in front of Dale, "Hey Dale, I fugged your muther last night so hard she fell in a coma."

Belula tittered but Fiona and Pipes weren't amused and Dale didn't even understand most of the words. Franklin spoke them too fast for the dimwitted myuman to grasp them.

Dale stared at Franklin, eyes glazed over and drool hanging from his mouth, and the myuman tried grabbing Franklin. Franklin was too fast and swooped away from Dale's grasp.

"Hey," said Franklin, "Watch it!"

"He can't understand you," teased Fiona.

Fiona's voice got Dale's attention. He looked at her again. Her beautiful glowing eyes and her huge tits. Dale couldn't resist. He leaned forward and clutched the rim of her top, his fingers rubbing the top of her boobs.

Fiona would have been offended, usually, but having the dumbed down myuman grope her had a playful charm and the tiefling let out a cackle before sliding away from Dale to escape his reach.

"He likes ya!" said Franklin, smiling wide.

Fiona moved around the table, away from Dale's hands, and the myuman sat himself back in his chair, idly. Their conversation was pleasant to hear even if he didn't understand any words any longer.

"Does this work on all myumans?" asked Fiona.

Belula hopped forward and croaked, "Unless they've developed a magic immunity to it, it'll work."

Franklin landed beside Belula, giving her a snarky smile, "And it doesn't take a whole lot to get 'em in monkey mode!"

Pipes clacked a metal hand on his steel chest, "You could put some in a water supply and really have some fun!"

"Don't think I haven't thought of it," said Franklin, "but that kind of attention would get the boss angry."

Dale sat quietly- dumb as a doorknob.

Fiona asked, "Should we still show in the water pond?"

Pipes looked at the boy, "I supposed we will have to corral him to the pond then."

Franklin took Dale's hand and lifted it up, directing the myuman out of his seat, "Come on, idiot. Up and attem!"

Dale rose from his seat, Fiona got a cloth from her cabin and the quartet of them lead Dale into the woods.

Dale was cooperative with Fiona leading him. He would get distracted by a tree every couple minutes or would try to pick at Franklin, but he followed Fiona with a drooly smile on his face and a boner in his pants. The slower pace allowed Pipes to keep on his small metallic legs.

"Maybe you shudda fetched a collar," said Franklin, watching Dale walk up to a tree and scratch at its bark.

"This is the first time I've dumbed down a myuman like this," said Fiona.

Belula rode on Fiona's shoulder. She looked over at Dale, looking like he just discovered what a tree was, touching its sides and looking around its shape to see what's on the other side.

Belula quipped, "Is this the first time you've gotten a myuman dumb?"

Fiona smirked, "Nope!"

She walked up to Dale and took his hand to pull him away from the tree. Dale would oblige if the pretty female was going to touch him like that.

Belula huffed her throat and chittered pleasantly, "I love seeing myumans like this! They try to be so put together and civilized," she looked at Dale gaze around the world with his glazed eyes and drooly mouth, "but deep down they are apes!"

Fiona rubbed a thumb on Dale's palms. Dale looked at her dreamingly and Fiona couldn't help but blush.

"Maybe," said Fiona, "But I'm liking this ape quite a bit right now."

"And the kid's been liking you," said Franklin. The imp pointed at Dale's crotch, a hefty bulge pressing the front of his crotch. Dale's body was screaming to get with Fiona!

"It seems that the myuman lacks shame when his mental faculties have been quieted," said Pipes.

"I got what I asked for," said Fiona, "I wanted him to be honest about what he felt for me," she looked down at his massive tent, hanging out like it was for hanging up hats, "and he's being very, very honest!"

"We better get him out of those pants quick," said Franklin, "otherwise he's going to tear a hole through them!"

Belula looked at his pants. They were stolen anyway, they could abandon them.

"You're right," said Fiona.

She stopped and reached down at Dale's shirt, pulling it upwards. Dale was confused what Fiona was trying to do but wanted to get out of the weird things covering his body so when Fiona tapped the bottom of his shoulders, he raised his arms and allowed Fiona to pull off his shirt, revealing Dale's scrawny myuman figure.

She tossed the shirt on the ground and distracted Dale by rubbing his chin while lifting his left leg. Pipes came over and removed Dale's footwear and then Pipes and Fiona did the same for Dale's right leg.

After dealing with that, Fiona rubbed Dale's belly to get him to relax while she pulled down his pants and underwear. The garments were caught on his crotch but after wiggling them around a bit, they eventually dropped, letting free Dale's 8 inch erect cock, bouncing in the cool night air.

Fiona's eyes lit up, "And what to we have here?"

The others gaped at the myuman boy's hefty dick. It was 8 inches with a prominent thickness. The myuman walked out of his pants and underwear, happy to be a naked animal in the night!

"Da kid's _hung!" said Franklin. He side-eyed, "Ya know... for a myuman."

"He might be dumb as a monkey," said Belula, "but he has a lot of offer a woman!"

Pipes walked close to Dale, getting a good look of the myuman's long thick rod, "I believe that the size and shape of his genitals would be desirable to females of the myuman specie."_

They heard smacking and when they looked over they were treated to the image of Dale humping a tree! They all laughed hysterically at the sight of the myuman bumping uglies with a random oak. Fiona smiled and walked over to see how the myuman was enjoying it. Dale's eyes were content and dumb and his lips were wet. He held onto the trunk tightly.

Franklin was laughing so hard he lost his composure and descended to the ground, "Someone really needs to get fucked!"

"I better get you into my pants quick!" said Fiona.

Dale's cock was in the tree. He found a knothole that made a very fuckable lumbery vagina. Fiona directed him away from the tree and he pulled out from his wooden mate, debris dusting his erect dick. Fiona dusted him off and took him along to the pond.

Nothing but crickets and frogs at the pond. Frogs, the kind that didn't talk, unlike their froggy companion Belula. Dale approached the pond, curiously. He crouched down, his penis smacking down on the grass, and he waved his hand across the surface, likely to check its temperature.

Fiona rolled up her pantlegs and raised Dale's arm to make him standup. She directed him to the water. When Fiona stepped in, Dale stepped in- even if it was a little chilly. Fiona walked deeper into the water but soon realized that she would need to get deeper to do what needed to be done.

Gesturing Dale to stay where he was, and succeeding surprisingly, Fiona walked out of the water and got undressing. She started with her coat. She unbuttoned its buttons and took it off, finding a tree nearby to hang it up. She didn't like to dirty such lavish articles of clothing by leaving them on the ground. In case of incident she was a tiefling and knew way better dry cleaners than any myuman could know.

After that she lifted an arm and pulled off her frilly longsleeved shirt. She hung it up on the branch as well. The tiefling was enough into myuman traditions to wear a bra. She needed a big one to hold her big globes. She reached back and unclipped the device, then pulled the straps forward, unsheathing her huge blue tits with darker blue nipples.

The others watched, impressed by the size of Fiona's chest. When she walked over to hang her bra on another tree branch, the tits swayed and bounced. Franklin was having a hard time not finding the naked body of his friend to be very sexy.

Fiona undid her belt. Down the pants went, revealing shapely legs, the same hue as the rest of her body. Her clothes had holes behind them to fit her tail, which swung from a nice shapely ass. She stepped out of her pants and put them on the tree with the rest. Finally the panties. She wore a pair of burgundy panties with a stitch in front in the shape of a growling bear. She slid them down her legs and down to her feet.

Her pussy was hairless. It was smooth as a marble statue. Fiona moaned, feeling the night air breeze underneath her and it tickled her nethers. She reached down to take the panties and slap them on the tree branch.

Now completely nude, she walked over to the pond and stepped in where Dale, having moved further out into the water, was waiting. When Dale, the brute, saw that Fiona was naked, he grunted and smiled reaching at her large breasts when she got close.

"Now he's ready for ya!" said Franklin.

Fiona could see Dale's erection in the water. It had gotten a little flaccid while Fiona was taking off her clothes but now that she was back and completely nude, the cock got hard again. Dale tried reaching for her breasts and Fiona slapped his hands lightly.

"Not just yet!" said Fiona.

She went to the shore to grab the cloth and went back into the water to wet it. She moved closer to Dale.

"Franklin," said Fiona, "could you distract him?"

Franklin fluttered over to get in Dale's face. Pipes watched from ashore and Belula slipped out of her dress and hopped into the water, swimming around the surface.

Fiona smiled at the toad, "Did you need to join us naked folk, Belula?"

Belula eyed Fiona, raising her mouth out of the water to speak, "I don't think I'd be able to float with that dress on."

Franklin got in Dale's face and like a moth, Dale was fascinated by the flying imp, trying to snatch Franklin from the air. Meanwhile, Fiona slipped around back and began wiping Dale's back. Fiona figured a good bath was tradition before sleeping with a myuman.

Dale felt the cloth go down his buttcrack and found it pleasurable, ignoring Franklin and relaxing, letting the tiefling clean him.

Fiona placed a hand on Dale's shoulder and leaned in close, "Gotta get you clean so you're ready to mate!"

Belula flipped on her backside and kicked around the surface of the water. She asked, "Did you want us to leave you and your boyfriend alone?"

Fiona got down between Dale's legs, wiping down his thighs. Dale was getting impatient with Fiona cleaning him and wanted to turn around and grab some tit but Fiona kept him still. She rubbed the hair on Dale's head, "No... Don't you want to watch your new friend rut like a beast?"

Franklin chuckled, floating towards the shore to join Pipes by the pond. Belula only needed a few minutes of swimming to get her fill, so she went back to shore to dry off and put her clothes back on.

Fiona walked out of the pond and took Dale's hand to bring him with her. Dale rose out of the pond, dick fully erect. He was ready for loving!

Fiona faced Dale and smiled at him. Dale returned a smile, dumb and drooly. Fiona leaned forward and wrapped her hands on his ass and opened her mouth wide to kiss him. She slid her tongue on his lips and after a few smooches the brute got the idea and began making out.

He grunted like an ape and his tongue danced with Fiona's. That big hard cock smacked Fiona's side so she repositioned herself so it beamed through her legs and smacked up against her taint and pressed the bottom of her vulva. Ooooh, she was really craving it!

Dale reached up and kneaded Fiona's big flappy tits. He rubbed his palms on the outer curve then moved inward to scissor his fingers across her nipples.

Belula remained undressed, waiting for herself to dry off before putting her dress back on. She joined Pipes and Franklin who relocated themselves to a rock nearby.

"He wants ta monkey with you so bad, Fiona!" said Franklin.

Fiona backed away, slobber hanging from her and Dale's mouths. She got down on the ground and fanned out her legs. Her powerful thighs framed a wanting vagina, wet with anticipation.

Dale dropped down on her, his arms holding up from the ground and clasping around Fiona. Fiona watched as that rock hard cock hovered in front of her base, descending into her, and then docked into her pussy.

Fiona moaned as the member pushed down her catacombs, rubbing all the sultry sex flesh that she had inside. It was the good pinch: a big rod making room in her netherspace.

With grunts like a bison, Dale thrust into Fiona. His body bucked downward into her core, jiggling her legs and shifting her body with every jab. Her breasts waved and shook with the rest of her.

Fiona didn't mind getting undignified. She rolled her eyes back, let her tongue hang out, and drooled with pleasure. She gripped the ground, her hands close to where Dale had his. All she had to do was keep her legs wide open and amazing pleasure was laid upon her.

Dale's face was wild. His gaze was primal and his smile was drooly. He stared into space with his berkserker eyes while he drilled into his tiefling lover. Dale, in that state, could not understand many things, but he would be especially clueless on why a myuman like him wouldn't want to mate with a tiefling like Fiona.

He looked at her. The pretty myuman-shaped girl with the large breasts and a vagina that felt so good to stick his hard cock in made his heart race. The way his balls smacked the firm taint filled him with ecstasy. He wanted to make it last with the female.

Belula, Pipes and Franklin cheered the two on. Franklin wanted to be polite, but seeing Fiona and Dale going at it- it tickled something in him. Fiona was a friend and he didn't want to see her anything but a fellow supernatural entity in that myuman world but she was naked, had a sexy body, and looked like she was having the time of her life getting porked... so a small bulge pushed out on the front of Franklin's slacks.

Pipes chuckled, "This is... how do you say... like watching a nature documentary."

Dale took Fiona's legs and held them apart, not that the tiefling needed any help. She took his cock like a soda machine took coins- endlessly and uncompromisingly. She wanted him inside her, poking her core and letting her be happy as a dumb beast.

Dale could feel the orgasm creep up in his loins so the myuman let down his floodgates and let his shaft pump up his seed, up and out into Fiona's quarters. He bit his mouth and grunted, pushing his fangs down into his lip as he released his cream.

Fiona could feel the myuman cock ejecting jizz inside her and moaned. It was like slimy electricity being flooded into her netherregions. She squirmed her legs and twisted her toes, the night air blowing on the bottoms of her feet and toes.

Dale filled her. He cranked his body into Fiona and pushed out spurt after spurt of his jizz. He cranked until his balls slowed down, his churning stopped, and his cock started to deflate.

His cock was like a plug holding in the filling in a donut because when he removed himself, Fiona's pussy oozed. It dripped down her thighs, down to her butt, and onto the grass below. Dale laid on the grass.

Belula cheered, "Was it good?"

Fiona folded her legs together, "Mmmmm, he may be a monkey, but he knows how to mate with a lady!"

There was a break and then time for round two. Fiona lifted her legs and Dale went in her, sticking a cock into her vagina from below the thighs. He got the idea of holding Fiona's legs up while he drilled her. Fiona leaned back and let him do his work.

Fiona liked to condescend to myumans- the unsupernatural creatures they were. She liked to call them apes and brutes but was she any better when behaving like a monkey and mating like a beast was her idea of fun? She wasn't so different from her myuman neighbors, it seemed!

The dick went in and out and swayed the lips of her pussy. His shoulder went up against the backs of her thighs and calves and although it wasn't an intense feeling, the sensation of his skin rubbing against hers was pleasurable. It made her feet flap and twitch.

Belula saw how hard and thick Dale's rod was and chuckled, "He's hammering her, isn't he?"

She looked over and saw that Franklin had a big pointy tent on the front of his pants. She snerked, "F-Franklin...!"

Franklin was confused for a moment but then felt the pressure down below. He looked down at the imp was setting up a tent for the evening! A chill went down his back, it was so embarrassed for a grown imp like himself to be so casually erect!

Fiona was too busy having her vagina excavated to notice the commotion happening over by the others and if she had an opinion of Franklin getting a boner from them, it would have been approval.

Pipes saw Franklin's erection and chuckled warmly, "Enjoying the show, are you Franklin?"

"Uhhhh..." Franklin took his hands over his tent, a lot of good that did. He gulped, "It's... Fiona! I don't get to see her like this too often, ya know?"

"Guessing you are jealous of our myuman friend over there," said Belula pointing a frog leg over at the myuman dummy.

Franklin scowled, waving a fist at his froggy friend, "Now that's uncalled for!"

Dale's cock was long and steely inside Fiona's cradle. Every time he thrust in her, he tilted himself so that the rim of his bellend rubbed against the walls of her vaginal cave. It felt so pleasurable to the lusty myuman. He ooked with delight!

Fiona's body flailed, the myuman struggling to hold on to the wild bronco. Dale kept jabbing her in her innermost essence and she was losing grip of her passion. Another strike of Dale's cock and she could feel a squirt spritzing out of her. Another and she gave up trying to hold back an orgasm.

She moaned, twisting her body and leaning back. She tore out clumps of grass before and smacked her big dragonlike feet together. Her tail wrapped around the back of Dale's body and squeezed into the top curves of his buttocks, like she needed to tug that myuman even closer and deeper than before.

Fiona gasped and moaned more, rubbing her ass cheeks in the ground. Her deluge flooded her canals and coated Dale's cock. In an instant, there was no room for her essence so it pushed towards the exit of her cave and spewed out where Dale's rod and her vulva met, ringing around the shaft and dripping down her taint.

She bucked and turned, and she screamed gutturally into the sky. Something that would have been concerning for neighbors to hear but hopefully wasn't heard by any curious myumans.

Out out out, flowed Fiona's cum. She screamed and bucked to push out her orgasm and essence seeped from her like a bag of milk with a big hole poked into it. Her juice got everywhere: on the ground, on her legs, all over Dale's waist. She seeped.

Her vaginal quarters ceased producing sex juice and her bucking slowed. She caught her breath and collapsed on the ground. Dale saw that she was spent and pulled out, his cock still hard and long. He stepped away a few steps and stared at her, stroking his cock.

Fiona hadn't had enough. After a moment of recovery, she got down on her hands and knees and presented that cerulean pussy to Dale. Who could have resisted it? She didn't wipe herself down too much so the netherlips were coated with love juice. Dale climbed aboard and docked his cock inside.

They rutted like the two animals they were. Dale- having his mind regressed to that state but in that moment, as advanced of a lifeform as the tiefling was, Fiona was no different. All she desired in that moment, all she thought about was dick. Dick inside her pussy.

The others enjoyed the show, cheering on their friends as they porked in the middle of the wilderness. Franklin's boner didn't go anywhere.

Dale hit his limit and came inside the tiefling so after letting his squeeze out every bit of his orgasm, then dislodging. Had he had enough? No, so Fiona walked up to a tree and leaned against it, her ass facing outwards. It was a chance for some anal but Dale wanted to go breeder once more so he walked up and stuck a cock inside Fiona's sex.

Fiona pressed herself up against the tree, the trunk parsing her breasts in two directions. Dale smacked his pelvis into Fiona's ass. Fiona gasped, looking back behind at her lover. The drooly idiot was a demigod to her.

Dale and Fiona got into a brutal rhythm of smacking against the tree while grunting like apes. Their yelps and howls were loud, accompanied by thumps of Fiona smacking herself against the bark. The unended flame of Dale's cock sawing the sides of her vag- it was amazing!

The others were surprised to see the way Fiona was that evening. Their friend was a real beast when getting fucked, no different from the animals in the forest. Underneath Fiona's grace was a woman who wanted to get stupidly fucked!

When Fiona and Dale came, the jizz rode down the insides of their thighs and dripped into the grass. They leaned against the tree, getting their breath. They had a moment of recovery and then Fiona laid Dale down in the grass. She climbed on top of him, slapped his dick around until he got hard, then raised herself up and over the brute.

The fuck was a slow one. She rocked on him slowly and quietly. It was time to cool things down and that was the cue for the three others to leave them alone for the night. Belula slipped on her dress and climbed up on Pipes. Their footspeed would be slower than if they had their myumanoid friends as rides, but it was alright. The night was beautiful, they could walk back.

"Are you going to be alright with him?" asked Franklin.

"I think so," said Fiona, switching to a reverse cowgirl position on top of Dale, "He won't come out of it for a few hours so maybe he'll sleep it off."

Dale saw those big blue cheeks and put his hand on Fiona's ass. Fiona smiled, her eyes dreamy, "We're going to have a fun night still."

Franklin chuckled, "Alright. You two have fun."

Pipes waved, "Maybe we'll see you tomorrow."

Belula croaked happily, "Give us all the sexy deets!"

Fiona nodded, "I will cer-" a pang of arousal went up her body when Dale's cock rubbed the center of her V-zone. She giggled, "I will fill you in, I promise."

They said their byes and left the place, Franklin looking back at Fiona and Dale- Fiona leaning back and yelping, Dale grabbing her ass and ooking- rutting in the forest delightfully.

Lewd Passtimes For Long Voyages

_THE STORY SO FAR... Stella Darwin is an herbalist from a small town of Drecker. When she and her friend gathered herbs one day, they discovered a strange plant that had the ability to transform people into horrendous demons! Stella took it...

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Suck Dick at Sunset

_THE STORY SO FAR... Stella Darwin is an herbalist from a small town of Drecker. When she and her friend gathered herbs one day, they discovered a strange plant that had the ability to transform people into horrendous demons! Stella took it...

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We're All Fauna [Scat/WS]

It was the end of the afternoon. The sun rested over the horizon, in the beginnings of losing it's bright white light as sunset changed its color. There were few clouds in the sky and it had been a beautiful day. On the edge of the city, where the...

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