Captive in the Mansion
With a single quick pull, the lizardman slave's loincloth was whipped off, leaving the creature fully exposed to the waiting crowd. The aphrodisiac-high food he had been fed, and the scented oils and creams that he had been rubbed with prior to the M'Lady's impromptu gala had taken their effect leaving the lizardman's penis fully extended from its protective sheath. The gathered crowd ooh'd and aah'd in appreciation as the feline duchess led her newest purchase down the red-carpeted stairs into the main hall. His cock almost proudly leading the way as she bade him step up onto a plinth that had been constructed in the centre of the room especially for tonight's 'showing off'.
K'shirr, the lizardman, was dressed in nothing but polished golden jewellery. A thick, golden chocker and series of jewel-encrusted necklaces performed the double task of enhancing his appearance and hiding his vulgar, brown leather slave collar. Golden bracers and greaves covered his arms and digitigrade shins, while his waist and tail were draped with interconnected thin golden chains. The brightness of the singularly gold jewellery blending perfectly with, and enhancing the look of, his shiny, oiled and polished bright green scales.
"Magnificent, my lady!" exclaimed one of the guests, a vixen dressed in a flowing purple gown, "you found this slave in a common market stand?"
"Indeed! I believe he was one of the warriors of the northern swamps. Proud... Noble... And he knows his place now!" At this there was a smattering of applause from the gathered nobles in the room.
"My lady, if I may inspect him more closely?" the vixen asked.
"Come right up, you may all get your chance. He will not resist. Feel free to sample him all you wish, as readily as you may sample my wines!" She snapped her fingers and a half dozen exotically garbed slaves entered the room, carrying treys of wine goblets and fruit. There was another brief hurrah from the room, accompanied by applause.
The feline duchess, refered to simply as 'M'Lady' by most, left the nude lizard man on centre stage, upon the plinth as she left to mingle with her guests, passing as she went the first gathering of guests eager to view the captured warrior up close. The vixen wasted no time: "I have always wondered what the lizard-folk's, erm, intimates looked like." She voiced to her collection of handservants and cohorts, "I never dreamed I would be able to..." Her actions finished her sentence as she reached out a slender hand to grasp the tapered, red, slick flesh of the slave's exposed genitalia. "Oh, my..." she sighed as she stroked the lizardman's slick length.
K'shirr barely moved as one by one the gathered nobles and, on occasion, their favoured handservants, stepped up to peer at him. Stroking his polished scales, admiring his defined muscles, powerful jaws, thick tail and, of course, his everted penis. Some took his hand in theirs comparing sizes, some requested he open his large crocodilian maw to demonstrate his sharp, now glistening white, thanks to some vigorous and uncomfortable polishing earlier, teeth. Most, however, were interested in his exposed maleness. Many slaves in the city of Massadre were kept for their function as a sexual companion, the exotic of particularly beautiful were treated as measures of status, and new such 'purchases' often had their own 'showing off' event, attended by all.
He felt no shame at his predicament, however. For one, among his people, nudity was commonplace. Granted, he was not used to being so aroused for such a long length of time, nor was he used to the constant fondling, and this caused him to occasionally clench his buttocks and twitch slightly every once and a while when a particularly soft-furred, curious hand stroked a particularly sensitive spot of his anatomy. These occasions usually met with gasps of shock and bemusement from those that had coaxed them. Nor did he feel shame at his position as a slave. In his tribe he would automatically become the effective slave of whoever was the strongest. It just so happened that at this moment, the strongest was the feline M'Lady, and the source of her strength not a powerful blow or well-aimed dagger, but a thin strip of enchanted leather around his throat.
K'shirr's mistress, however, wanted more than to simply display her purchase. She had more planned, and as the evening went on, and fewer people gathered around the living statue of her lizardman display, she called for attention to be drawn to the front doors.
"Many of you were not expecting a show here, held by myself, this month, were you? There was going to be another venue, and another hostess." She gestures toward the crowd and a pretty young canine woman, dressed in green finery, stepped forward. M'Lady leant forward and kissed the younger woman in greeting. "Yes, I'm afraid I rather crashed my good friend Delie's party, didn't I."
"Don't feel too bad, M'Lady." Delie interrupted, "Your generosity with your wine and food has gone some way to earning my forgiveness!"
The crowd chuckled, and M'Lady started up again: "When I discovered this glorious specimen, I simply couldn't wait to show him to you, so I contacted Delie and organised a few alterations to our plan." M'Lady signalled then to Delie, and she left to a side door, "However, she too could not wait to show off her latest purchase, so we reached an agreement, we would display both! And provide to you, my beloved guests, a wonderful spectacle!"
With that, two toga-wearing slaves pulled the double doors at the back of the hall open, and Dealie entered again, this time holding a thin silver chain, like a leash, that lead back, over her dainty shoulder, to join eventually to a silver ring threaded through the erect penis of Delie's newest stallion.
The crowd gasped and applauded as Delie lead the naked, grey-dappled equine though through the room. The slave stood almost seven feet tall, and was rippling with powerful muscles. Unlike K'shirr, however, he was adorned with no jewellery; instead, he wore only his collar, a matching brown leather bridle and his distinctive piercing.
"Fabulous creature, don't you agree?" M'Lady asked the crowd, who all responded in the affirmative, as Delie lead the powerful creature up onto the plinth with the stoic lizardman. She paused to gather the chain and to disconnect it from its silver mooring, giving the stallion's thick cock a loving stroke as she did so, smiling at the equine's clear, ecstatic whiney.
"And now, please! Lay back and enjoy!"
The crowd applauded, as the two slaves faced off with each other, their powerful erections nearly touching. As they did, slaves poured out from the other room, bringing large soft cushions for the guests to rest upon, while they enjoyed both the show, and the erotic attentions of their own pleasure slaves.
Settling into a large velvet cushion, M'Lady lightly gripped a simple leather band tied around her wrist and whispered a few command words, command words that would have distinct effects on the slave band around K'shirr's neck.
At first K'shirr was unsure what to do. However, the gleam in the eye and the slight curl of a smile on the stallion's face indicated that this new slave wasn't as ignorant of the situation as K'shirr was. However, at that point, K'shirr felt a gentle warmth from his collar. A slow, pleasing feeling of peace and relaxation seeped through his body. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back and the wave of relaxation passed through him. He'd felt like this before, the witch-doctor of his tribe concocted herbs and potions that had a similar effect, but this was different, he did not lose consciousness, he did not feel drowsy, he simply felt content.
However, before he could properly begin to experience this sensation, and new sensation gripped him as his cock was surrounded by something warm and very moist. He opened his eyes and looked down to see the stallion, now on one knee, with his mouth surrounding the lizardman's erect member. This was a sensation that was utterly unfamiliar to K'shirr. Oral sex among his people was almost unheard of, what with both genders possessing viciously sharp teeth and powerful jaws, the practice was uncomfortable at best, and dangerous at worst. But this stallion, he knew what he was doing. His long muzzle allowed him to accept K'shirr's length completely, while his thick tongue rolled and dragged along the sensitive organ with every dip and withdrawal the stallion made.
Once again, the lizardman tipped his head back, now thoroughly awash with overwhelming waves of pleasure. The feeling of peace from his collar, the stimulating ointments that covered him, the hour or so of gentle, erotic, exploratory fondling and now the engulfing experience of the stallion's educated mouth and tongue all reached a crescendo within the reptile's core. He was lost in a sea of sensation.
Withdrawing the lizardman's cock from his mouth for a moment, the stallion gently reached up, placing one hand on the reptiles chest, the other around his back. Gently the stallion guided the entranced lizard down, and onto his back, where the stallion the knelt between the legs of his submissive partner, straddling the lizardman's thick tail. Taking his own cock in his hand, the stallion gently guided his flared cock towards the soft, ready lubricated opening at the reptiles tailbase. At his touch, the lizardman took in a deep gasp of air, and, almost instinctively, drew his knees up, allowing the stallion easier access.
The stallions thrust was slow, smooth, almost imperceptible by the watching crowd. Centimetre by centimetre, the stallion's gentle motion allowed the pleasure-saturated lizardman to savour every moment of the experience. The stallion had never performed with a Lizardman before, never had his wide, pierced cock inside a cold-blooded creature. The sensation was unlike anything he had experienced before. Moist, but cool, especially compared to the Lizardman's throbbing penis, the cool sensation of the Lizardman's inside was different but pleasant.
K'shirr was luxuriating in a swamp of sexual sensation. Every part of him, each limb, each joint, every single scale tingled with feelings previously unknown to him, and when he felt the stallions groin finally press against the base of his tail, when he finally knew that every inch of the stallion's cock inside him, the lizardman threw back his head and roared. Wrapping his thick legs around the stallions waist, pulling his partner tight against him, lifting himself up off the floor. K'Shirr clenched his claws, his thick toes balling up, his clawed hands scratching groves in the carpeted floor. The stallion slipped his hands under the K'shirr's back and lifted, pressing himself against the lizardman's base. Drawing himself to his knees, the stallion lifted his green-scaled, gold-adorned partner up, presenting both the lizardman's red, throbbing cock to the watching crowd as well as demonstrating his deep penetration into the reptile's core.
The two paused there for a few seconds before the stallion began to slowly rock his hips. Rhythmically withdrawing his thick cock, and slowly sliding it back in. Different lengths of withdrawal, different speeds of entry, different pauses between motion. With the lizardman's feet crossed behind the stallion's back, his thick legs wrapped around the stallion's waist, the stallion removed his hands from his partner and for a moment spread them out at his sides, tipping back his own head, continuing the rocking motions thorough his display to the crowd.
After a few moments of presenting himself as a living statue to the gathered nobles, themselves enraptured by the stallion's skilful exhibition, he brought his hands back together, gently encircling them around the prominent, skyward pointing cock of the lizardman. Gently, he increased the pressure of his grip, and slowly he began to stroke the throbbing, hot flesh of K'shirr's member.
This new sensation was the final straw for the reptillain. The combination of the aphrodisiac oils covering his skin, the enhanced waves of pleasure from his enchanted collar, the deep pressure of the stallion's cock and now the gentle massage of his own penis, Kshirr could take no more. He roared, pushing his head back against the ground almost lifting his shoulders up, bucking his hips hard into the stallion's stomach, digging his claws into the floor, clenching and pulling on the scissor grip around the stallions waist and, finally, ejaculating into the air. He pumped once, twice three times into the air spraying thick ropes onto his own and the stallion's chests.
There was a moment of silence before the first, applause came. Soon, the whole room was filled with clapping and cheers at the two slave's performance. Although K'shirr was in no condition to do anything, the stallion slowly, finally and completely withdrew from the lizardman, before standing and bowing to the crowd, his erection still glistening with lubricating oils. Soon he was joined on the stage by M'Lady and Delie, who both waved at the exhausted and thoroughly satisfied crowd.
Lying on the floor, his swimming consciousness beginning to fade, K'shirr overheard a few words from his owner as he looked up through blurred, slowly dimming eyes: "A successful show, my dear. We must do this again!"