Temeraire: In the Service of the Enemy

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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Hello!spoiler alert

This is a short Temeraire fanfic and occurs during the end of Empire of Ivory, where Laurence and Temeraire are staying in France after delivering the cure for the dragon plague.

Contains straight, somewhat non-consensual straight hate-sex between Temeraire and Lien.

Feedback is appreciated!

Temeraire and Lien belong to Naomi Novik, along with the novels in which they are based.

Also, lol at writing porny fanfic before reading Crucible of Gold :p

Temeraire: In the Service of the Enemy

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Lien sneered as she saw the black Celestial approach her shaded pavilion. Her eerily red eyes glared at him as she shook her head in disapproval at his manner.

"I will not have it," Temeraire said, "I will not stand here and watch you shake your head at me like that! If Laurence hadn't insisted that I accept your invitation I would not have come, ever!"

"Settle down," she said, "Have some tea. Imported from home."

"I will not! It is probably very unpleasant, or you will watch me drink it and remark about how I drink it! I should not have even come, Laurence might be in danger. Who knows what you are planning!"

Her red eyes were rather unsettling against her ghostly white scaly skin. "So savage," she said, "To even consider such an act. No, Lung Tien Xiang, I already told you. I will not do anything but watch as everything you love crumbles around you, and everyone who loves you is hurt. Why should I bother wasting effort to murder your precious captain when he will so foolishly return to Britain to be hanged?" She barked out a hoarse laugh that hurt Temeraire's ears. "So perfect."

"Silence, you," Temeraire said, "I will not let him go back! I will not let Laurence be hanged!"

"Your captain is blinded by duty," she said, "And he will go whether by your will or not. Now sit down and have some tea, it is incredibly rude for you to continue to refuse."

Temeraire frowned at her. "It is incredibly rude for you to insist I sit and drink your unpleasant tea."

"You are the one being a rude guest," she said, "I invited you and you accepted, now stop acting so hostile. We are only here to talk. And despite how unpleasant it is to be saved by you, I still must be graciously grateful."

Temeraire grunted as he recalled what De Guignes had said. Lien was one of the first to be treated for the dragon plague, and he was entirely unhappy about it.

He acquiesced and set himself down in the pavilion, which was shaded for Lien's comfort. Temeraire couldn't help but admire the design and extravagance of the structure, but he would never speak a compliment of its owner. He took a sip of the tea from the dish set before him, and it neither tasted unpleasant nor foul. Indeed, he did remember the taste as the same from the palace in Peking where he had spent time with his mother and Mei.

He drank some more and watched as Lien stared at him with disapproval. He knew she would do that, either the tea would have been unpleasant or she would have made unpleasant remarks about how he drank it.

Temeraire lifted his head away from the tea to trade words with her, but to his surprise he found himself unable to bring his head up enough. Then his legs felt weak, and he fell over to his side. In his last moments of consciousness, he thought about how he knew he should've seen this coming. The tea was poisoned, and he was afraid of what might happen to Laurence before he could no longer stay awake.

Lien smirked as her ghastly eyes watched the young dragon fall.

When Temeraire opened his eyes again, he saw himself staring at the roof the pavilion. He felt the ground along his back and tried to twist himself over, but then he found that all his limbs, along his wings, were chained and he could not move. It was a most frightful feeling to him, and he remembered the time on the Allegiance when he was forced to similar bondage for safety from a heavy storm.

His neck was still unbound so he lifted his head up and tried to look around. He saw Lien, sipping from her dish, and remembered what had happened.

"You! You deceitful, treacherous woman! What have you done? You've gone and murdered my Laurence while I was drugged, haven't you?"

She raised her head from the dish and snarled at him. "Such notions you carry. I told you I would not harm your precious captain. He is has the good graces of Napoleon now, and besides I owe my life to you and him, despite how unpleasant it is to bear such a thought."

"Stuff," he said, "Then why have you tied me up? Release me!"

"A gesture of gratitude," she said, "Something I think even a boor such as you might appreciate."

"Gratitude? You have me bound like some plaything!"

"Plaything?" she asked with a suspicious grin. "A somewhat accurate assessment of your current state, I should think."

Temeraire attempted to lash about his chains, but found they were taut tightly and gave up when he felt no give.

"Curse you, let me go!" he said.

"When you are done thrashing," Lien said, "Then I may present you my gratitude."

Temeraire said nothing. He did not want her 'gratitude,' and he did not intend to humor her anymore.

"I will be honest," she said. "It incredibly lonely here without the attention of other royal blooded dragons. Bonaparte offended me, Lung Tien Xiang, by trying to force three other males upon me, but that I have forgiven."

"I care not a bit about your problems," Temeraire said. "If it is your intention to tie me here while you prance on about your tribulations, you will be disappointed because I will not listen, not at all."

"Oh, but you misunderstand," she said, "You see, Lung Tien Xiang, you have been the only Imperial or Celestial I have seen in many months, and on this side of the world, it is unlikely I will meet another for quite a while."

"I do not care about your company," Temeraire said. "Or how particular you are about them."

Lien waltzed up to him and spoke into his ear, "I am not keeping you to hear you talk. You are here to satisfy my needs."

The weight of her words finally hit him, and he tried to thrash his chains as he understood her implications.

"No, no," Temeraire screamed, "I will not humor you, ever!"

"You are in no position to deny me," she said. Then she licked her lips as if to savor the moment before flexing her tail over to Temeraire's exposed loins.

"I will not!" he cried.

She rubbed her tail against his genital slit just like he remembered Mei had done in China, but he tried to resist Lien's coaxing and refused to let her win his prize.

Nevertheless, it definitely did feel better than the rocks Temeraire was used to, and he found it difficult to prevent that tail from exciting him.

Then she moved her head over the tip of his muzzle and slowly slithered her long tongue out. She wrapped that fleshy, wet, and flexible appendage around his tendrils.

The breath was knocked out of him as she stimulated those sensitive tendrils, and his ruff straightened as pleasure engulfed his mind. His eyes grew heavy and they became half-lidded as she was relentlessly tormenting him with pleasure. Despite his intolerance of her company, he couldn't prevent his body from submitting to her desires.

The tip of his cock started rising out of his sheath, and Lien gave it no chance to retreat. She wrapped her tail around it and gently tugged on it, forcing it out. Meanwhile, she rubbed his neck with a free forepaw to ensure she would not lose the game.

Before long, Temeraire's pride stood fully erect, and she released her merciless grip around his tendrils so she could twist her head around to admire it.

"Not bad," she said, "Exceptionally large for such a young and churlish dragon like you." She moved closer so she could get a closer look and added, "Marvelous, your Celestial ridges are already developed. I'm going to enjoy this. You should try to as well, Lung Tien Xiang."

Temeraire could not tolerate such a compliment coming from his mortal enemy. "Do as you will, it is only physical pleasure and I will not like it at all."

She leapt up and fell atop the black dragon's body, and he turned his head away in shame.

His body sent all the wrong feelings to his mind, and the pleasure tried to convince him to like what she was doing. He wouldn't have it and vowed that he would rather sleep with rocks for the rest of his days than enjoy the albino Celestial above him.

Lien peered below herself and saw his will was starting to win his body back, so she did something she knew would pleasure the young dragon beyond what he thought possible. Lien took both his tendrils and suckled them into her mouth, and Temeraire groaned; half in pleasure, half to resist her temptation.

Then he saw her ruff vibrate slightly, and suddenly his tendrils were forced to experience the unbearable pleasure brought on by the vibration of the divine wind. His resistance broke, and he roared as he let the dam of pleasure break and wash over him. Yet again, Temeraire had learned another use for the divine wind from his more experienced enemy; and he thought to himself that he should try it on Mei the next time they were together. Then he wondered how it would feel if she applied the divine wind while his cock was in her mouth and almost wanted to beg her to do it, but he managed to keep himself from giving her such satisfaction. The very thought, however, was enough to surge desire in his heart, and suddenly he wanted to have her upon him, but he promised to himself that he would never say it to her.

Lien released his tendrils and took another glance down his belly. As she expected, Temeraire's thick shaft stood hard and tall. She wasted no time and began lowering herself onto the dragon cock and moaned a little as the tip pressed into her slit.

Indeed, Temeraire was large, Lien thought. Larger than any Imperial she had ever taken in China, and he had the Celestial trait of pleasurable ridges along his impressive length that she had only read about. That knowledge, along with her dominating position and lack of relief for many months, made her almost shiver in anticipation. She pushed harder to take his length and yelped out in pleasure as his first ridge passed into her.

At that point, she had to stop and adjust herself to his size. The tightness of her hole kept Temeraire's mind flooded with pleasure and thoughts he knew he shouldn't approve of, but the sheer satisfaction he was receiving made it difficult for him to fight them.

She resumed pushing and took the second ridge without stopping. His size made her mind swim in pleasure, and her tightness clamped around his erection did the same for him. They both made lewd noises as Lien continued pushing down, and Temeraire instinctually bucked his hips forward. The chains gave slightly, and he did manage to stick another inch and another ridge forcefully into Lien, much to her surprise.

Not that she disapproved; it had felt incredibly good to have a little surprise once in a while. She would have been somewhat disappointed anyway, if Temeraire had not done anything unexpected this entire session.

Indeed, the sudden thrust had brought pleasure to both of them, and Temeraire enjoyed it enough to try to buck harder up into her, but the chains kept him from getting far.

Nevertheless, Lien managed to shove the entire spear into her sex by herself, and she quivered as the first two ridges were deep enough to rub along her sensitive spot. It was a quiver that Temeraire felt as a slight vibration, and the pleasure made him thrash up and down his chains as far as they would give.

It was barely another inch that he could move alone, however, but that was enough for his ridges to dig along her sweet spot and caused her to actually moan out Temeraire's name in English, to both their surprises.

She let him wrestle with the chains for a while before his movements were no longer enough to satisfy her. Then she slid up and pulled herself away from the dragon cock, moaning as each fleshy ridge went out, and then thrust down to take the entire length again.

Both of the dragons roared as their scaly hips touched again, and then Lien began using her plaything in earnest. She started with a slow rhythm up and down his shaft, while Temeraire continued humping with need.

The voice in his head that was telling him this whole thing was wrong and that he should stop enjoying it was getting more and more distant. "To hell with the rocks," he muttered, "This is too good."

"What was that?" Lien asked. "You like this now, don't you?"

"N-no," Temeraire stammered out. He was still trying to spear into her, though.

"It is not a good thing to lie," she said.

He glared at her, but didn't stop thrusting against the chains. "How dare you accuse me of lying, when it is only you who are the deceitful one!"

"Stuff," she said, "I have only lied when it was necessary. Now accept your graciously given gift."

Temeraire wanted to say something back at her, but then she had started thrusting faster and harder. The pleasure was becoming unbearable, and he could feel his climax approaching.

His cock started twitching with need for release, but Lien sensed it. She stopped and lifted herself entirely off of him.

Temeraire gasped in displeasure as the cold air wrapped itself around his loins. He leaned his free neck up and asked, "Why'd you stop?"

"Tell me you want it," she said.

"I," he stammered, "I will not!"

She started walking away and wistfully said, "Then goodbye, Lung Tien Xiang."

Temeraire hated to admit it, but she had won. She had broken his will, but in his need he couldn't care enough to satisfy his pride.

"I want you," he said softly.

"What was that?" Lien called back.

"I want you!" he shouted. "I need you!"

Lien chuckled and grinned as she heard Temeraire submit. Truth be told, she would not have gone until she had been suitably pleasured, and wouldn't have actually left. It was, therefore, much to her delight that Temeraire said what she wanted and that only drove her even madder with need.

"I'm glad you decided to accept my gift," she said sinisterly.

"Please," Temeraire said, "I need release!"

Lien settled herself over him again, but this time her body was aligned a little higher. She leaned herself down onto his rock hard cock, but this time it pointed into her tailhole.

"Why, why did you move?" Temeraire asked.

"Because, I would never want an egg from you."

"Hmph," he said, "Fine."

She lowered her rear end and let the tapered tip of the dragon cock slide into her. She pushed harder, but found it much harder to take his thick length into her tailhole.

Temeraire grunted as her rear passage was even tighter than the front one, and again he tried to heave himself forward to feel more of her walls clamp around his shaft.

Every ridge Lien took was another spike of pain and pleasure for her, but eventually she had him fully hilted and she leaned up to bring a claw into her front slit. She started sliding herself up and down Temeraire's cock while he thrust as much as he could while bound, and she had her clawed finger wiggling into her sex.

Even though Temeraire was close before she lifted away, Lien actually roared as she came first. Temeraire craned his neck to look at her and saw she had coated her paw with a layer of fluids from her slit, and then he moaned as she felt the muscles in her rear walls tug against his dragon cock.

That was too much, and Temeraire found himself yelling out Mei's name as he came hard into Lien's tailhole. His length pulsed as his precious Celestial seed flowed through it and into Lien's rear. There was too much for her to contain, and soon each pulse of his cock caused a load of his cum to spurt out around her tailhole and he could feel his own seed sliding down his length back into his sheath and down along his loins.

They both rode out their orgasms, and then Lien lowered herself near Temeraire's head. She started lapping at his now oversensitive tendrils, which caused him to recoil, and whispered to him, "See, that was not as unpleasant as you thought it would be, yes?"

He hated to admit it, but she had been the only dragon he had felt other than Mei. "It was agreeable," he finally said.

"Good," she said. "Now you will tell nobody of this. We were here, in my pavilion, and had tea and quiet repose as stated in the invitation."

Temeraire felt the need to rebel against her, especially now that a pleasant afterglow had replaced his insatiable lust. His mind was clearing, and in a desperate attempt to annoy her, he asked, "And what if I do?"

"Then I will tell your precious Laurence exactly what happened, with no detail neglected. Especially the part where you begged me to come back."

Temeraire acquiesced. She had won. "Fine," he said.

She had dominated him and broken his will. He didn't like it, not at all, he repeatedly told himself, but he did feel his loins stir whenever he thought about it.

At least he wouldn't have to think about it for the moment. There were far more serious concerns. He had to convince Laurence to not go back to Britain and face the Admiralty, who would most certainly hang his captain if he did not intervene.


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