The Shrine (Revised)

Story by fatfoxcoon on SoFurry

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Well I will admit that the first version I made had allot of errors and such in it. so I went and updated it fixing them and adding in dialog so now they actually speak. I don't know what inspired this story but at least it's not full of errors. I spell checked it and double checked in word. but of course im not perfect so if there are any errors please let me know so I might fix them. so, um, enjoy?

In a time of myths and legends, in a time when the gods where petty and cruel... has absolutely nothing to do with this story. This is the beginning so let's start already!

In a quiet secluded town just like any other town that happens to have a forest readily handy right nearby live people. Witch in this story isn't exactly rare or even note worthy. But how else would you know other than by all the houses and cars. Here lives a young boy and a young girl, there's nothing fancy about them at all just your average teenagers who happen to be in love and in the same town. Like most teenagers whey where quite active when it came to their love life, much to their parents dismay. They weren't exactly the most upstanding teenagers in town but far from gangsters. So naturally on a nice warm weekend they got together and decided they would venture into the wood. Now they been in there countless times but there's always been one place everyone told them never to go. So of course they never did and nothing bad ever happened. But then that would make a rather dull and short story now wouldn't it? So then shall we find out just why this part of the forest is forbidden? Evil mutant aliens who brainwash people to take over the world? Gateway to other worlds? Read on and find out.

So we begin as they enter the woods and discuss what to do "Come on, it's the one place we never been. That will be the ultimate make out spot" he says with a grin holding his girlfriends hand. The boy happens to be 6 foot tall pretty well muscled and naturally has a dark tan look to his skin. He also happens to be a quarterback for the local high school football team. He is wearing an orange and black letter jacket with blue jeans and a pair of trainers. He is well groomed and has short blonde hair and icy blue eyes. The pants are naturally a rather tight fit to show off his body. The girl looks a little hesitant "I don't know, they always said that bad things would happen to anyone who went there. No one I ever talked to has even been remotely close. Not even my grandparents can remember anyone ever going there." The girls is rather short at just under 5 foot tall and quite petite in size but certainly what she lacks in height she more than makes up for in cup size, easily being quite endowed there. Her long red hair flows down her back like a fiery waterfall, her skin is pale and white, and her eyes are an off shade of green. She keeps her fingernails nice and long with a shade of light pink nail polish. She is wearing a low cut shirt that shows off her ample cleavage as well as her midriff. It's quite evident that this shirt was not bought this way but was modified afterwards. She wears only a short leather miniskirt to cover her legs and a pair of black leather Strappy Wedge Boots on her feet.

She still isn't really too sure about all this. "You really think it will be all right to go there?" she asks and he smiles and gives her a soft kiss "Of course it will, just imagine the looks when we tell our friends we made out there. She smiles at the kiss and finally agrees "Ok let's go, but where is it? We been through the woods here all over and never found it." He smiles and pulls out his cell phone. "With this, while I never found any references or maps online we can at least use this to keep track of where we have been. Plus I been marking allot of the places we have been so if we concentrate on the places we never been we should find it in no time." She giggles and starts off into the wood tugging him along "Well what are we waiting for lets go find it" she says and he just smiles as they head off into the woods. It takes half a day of searching before they finally happen upon what looks to be an old road made of stones that is nearly buried under all the deadfall of the forest. As opposed to the live fall of the sky. They are quite thrilled at their discovery and mark it on the gps before following it deeper into the forest. But the road twists and turns with many forks. "Wow who ever built this really didn't want anyone to find this place. But then they never counted on gps Smartphone's either hehe" the boy boasts. They pair finally reach what appears to be very old ruins of something but the sun is setting fast. "Well we finally found it but whatever it is it's getting to dark to look around. We better make camp for the night. Best to look around in the day" the boy suggests as they walk deeper into the ruins. Suddenly the ground beneath the pair gives way and they fall down into a huge cavern some hundred feet below and the force of the impact kills both of them and no one ever finds there body's. Of course that never happens and they set up the tent and a campfire but that would be a fitting end for tomb raiders.

They use whatever they can find to build a campfire, going so far as to even find some old wooden buildings still remaining somehow and stripping the wood off them for the fire. "Odd how there is still wood buildings around here, if this place is as off-limits as everyone says you think the wood would be more rotted but who knows. At least this will keep us warm tonight while we gaze upon each other's beauty" the girl laughs at that "Oh wow was that ever a corny line. You really need to come up with better material. That was just lame." The boy grins "Heh and I thought that was my best lines. Well let's see you do better." The girl smirks "ok but you'll be sorry." She grins and looks up at the sky seeing so many more stars than she usually ever could back in the city "all right here goes, your eyes shine like the stars up in the sky, the sparkle of thousands of lights can't outshine the beauty that stands before these very eyes." The boy just looks rather surprised "wow. Um, just wow. That's way better than anything I can come up with. Let's see. You look as hot as a fire tonight" the girl just busts out laughing "Oh wow and I thought your last one was lame. That's so bad it's funny." The boy chuckles and looks a bit embarrassed by that "Well you are hot looking and the fire was the only thing I could think of to compare" the girl giggles and gives him a hug and a kiss on his cheek "You're so funny. But here's a tip, telling a girl she's hot isn't exactly the best way to win her over. Try to think of more words to use. Here let me try. Your skin glows with a warmth of a fire, your body is like a flame dancing before my eyes. No matter how you burn nothing will ever extinguish my love for you." The boy just looks stunned "Um, wow. I don't know what to say."

She smiles and grins "Who says you need to talk just kiss me you fool" he laughs and they kiss in the firelight. He fun lasts for quite a while but much to his dismay she won't let him take his clothes off "Aww come on, can't we get it on without these clothes? You're killing me here." She smiles as they kiss, their hands all over each other's body's rubbing. "Just imagine how much fun it will be when we really go at it tomorrow. It will be so much fun" he chuckles and while the fire slowly goes out over time the fire inside the tent is burning hot. By dawn they are both fast asleep curled up into one large sleeping bag. Finally they wake up a few hours after sunrise and she smiles giving him a kiss "good morning my love. Did you have fun last night?"He smiles and nuzzles "Not as much fun as we are going to have today" he chuckles as they unzip the sleeping bag. They get up and stretch out and do there morning things. They dig though there stash of food and have breakfast. They soon pack up all their gear and wander through the ruins and explore.

They spend the day looking at all the buildings and are curious to why so many of the wood structures look like they have been maintained when the whole place feels like it's been abandoned for thousands of years. "This place is creepy, you sure it's safe to be in here? She asks holding his hand. He smiles reassuring her "Don't worry, no one comes to this old dump and they want to keep it to themselves. Why don't we have fun with this place? There's no way anyone ever comes here at all just look at the state this place is in. if someone wanted to trash it no one would ever know the difference." He picks up a rock and throws it at one of the buildings leaving a dent in the side. "See? No one around for miles, this place is just a dump. Let's see what else is around and then maybe we can set the place on fire after we leave. That way no one will get to come here again." She hmms and nods smiling "Yeah that's a good idea, watch this place burn to the ground, it's just a ruin no one will care or even know it was us, let's find the main spot of this place. Every place is centered around something" he grins "that's the spirit. Why don't we split up? This place is bigger than I thought so you give me a call if you find it and I will call you if I find it how's that?" they both agree and spit up.

They spend the next several hours looking all around the ruins; it's getting close to sunset by the time the girl finds the main temple. Or what's left of it. The roof has collapsed and half of the walls are gone but this seems to be what everything is based around as it's the biggest and most grand building. She calls the boy over and soon they are inside investigating and this is definitely a temple of worship. There's a huge statue of some lady on a wide pedestal. "Hey this looks like a great place to make out but there's this stupid statue is blocking the way. Help me get rid of it. Now everyone will worship us." The boy asks as he try's pushing the statue over but it's too big and heavy for just him. She joins him and nothing happens so they look around and find some old sticks to use as levers. "Yeah, this should do it. As boring as school is at least I can use something it taught me" the boy lays as they work the sticks under the base of the statue. After a several minutes of working it, the statue finally starts to give and tumbles over and crashes to the ground breaking into lots of pieces. They clear off the pedestal of any leftover debris and they look at each other and grin. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" the girl asks the boy and he just grins and nods "Oh yeah baby... We will put on a show to make them all worship us."

They quickly get to it and soon the clothes start coming off, soon they are in the full on swing of passion. They have been waiting for this for quite a while. They built up quite a store of energy. They keep going till late into the night before they finally call it a day. They pull out there sleeping bag and don't even bother getting dressed. They are quite happy to sleep up on that big pedestal all night. By the dawn of the next day they are quite rested and sill a bit frisky so they don't even wait till they are out of the bag for a little fun. They finally get up about noon and start to get dressed. But not before adding more insult to the broken statue they broke. They spend the day inside the temple but they aren't sure why. "I can't figure this out" the boy says "As much as I want to get out of here I can't bring myself to leave" The girl nods and wanders around as well "Yeah, I just have this strange need to stay here, it's like I have to stay here or something will happen. But obviously nothing will but I just can't shake the feeling." After a few hours of wandering in the temple she heads back over to the boy feeling a bit odd.

The boy snugs her and blinks a little noticing something "I think you've gotten taller. I don't remember you going up to my neck before." The girl blinks and looks up at him and indeed she has grown a little bit. "I am not tall. That's weird. No wonder my clothes are feeling kinda small. There isn't any way I should have grown this much this fast" she snuggles with him as he pets her in his lap. Over the next hour as the sun sets a full moon starts to rise. They look up at the moon and the girl gasps a little. The looks at her curiously "Are you all right?" she stands up and is now growing again as her clothes are growing ever tighter on her body but oddly her breasts don't seem to be growing with her. If anything they are shrinking. The girl moans softly "I, I feel funny. I can't stop looking at the moon." Her breasts have gone down at least a cup size or more and a few minutes later the sound of her clothes tearing starts filling the air as her body grows taller little by little but also starts to bulk up in muscle. The boy watches his girlfriend change little by little "Oh god, what's happening. I ,I feel so horny suddenly." She says as her voice has deepened now as she finally reaches a good 6 inches over her boyfriend and a bulge is now pressing against her pants as little by little they tear away. "What's happening to you, you're getting bigger than me." Her shoulders grow broader. She can't help but start to rub the bulge "I, I can't help myself. It feels so good" she says as her voice is sounding more male, in fact as she keeps growing she is looking more and more male. It's not long before the last of the scraps of clothes gives way and she is revealed.

The boy watches as the clothes tear, the first thing he looks at is her chest which is now almost completely flat only a modest B cup remains but even that is shrinking away. Her body is starting to resemble a body builder physique with all the muscles. Oddly though her skin is not the pale white it used to be it has down much darker over the past 30 or so minutes she has been changing. As the boy looks at the shrinking breasts he can't help but think out loud "Ah man, such wonderful tits, what a waste" he blinks "I, I didn't mean that I don't know what came over me" He looks down as he remembers the bulge only to discover what ones was a female gender now is a rather large and hard male cock pointing right at him at eye level. There's no hair on her or now his huge body as he passes 6 foot and tops out at 7 as he keeps stoking himself "I, I can't stop. Feels too good. Oh gods does it ever feel good. I need more!" the new male says looking very buff and much older than he was as the girl, looking more like mid to late 20's with a dark skinned body as his hair starts to change from red to black and starts to curl up becoming shorter and shorter until by the end he is completely black looking like a natural male of African descent. The boy looks just dumb founded as the big male keeps stroking his much endowed maleness. The boy can start to smell the new males' strong musk in the air as he feels himself start to be aroused and unable to look away from the huge cock being stroked in front of him. He wants to run away screaming but the strong scent in the air just makes his pants bulge more as he starts to drool a little. The big male looks down to see the boy seemingly entranced by the huge cock "You want to suck me off boy? I am happy to stuff this in your mouth and cum". The boy nods a little and try's to shake this odd feeling off "I, I am not gay. I don't do this sort of thing." As much as he wants to he can't help but look back at the huge cock. The male smiles a bit "I'm sorry, I, I just can't stop myself from saying those things. Suck me hard you little boy, make me scream in pleasure" her grabs the boys head and pushes his head right into his cock and rubs his pre over the boys face "How do you like me now little boy?"

The boy blinks as he is shoves into the tip of the males' dick; it only gets him even more aroused. The bulge in his pants becoming ever tighter, the desire to actually partake in this is starting to grow within him. As much as he wants to fight it he finds himself slowly starting to take the tip into his mouth. He wants to scream out and run but some strange desire is making him also want to do this so bad. He slowly stars to suckle more as a soft moan of pleasure escapes from him. The male mrrs and smiles Lets a good boy, make me proud." In his mind though the girl he once was is rather horrified wanting this to stop but no water how much he wants to the pleasure is just too good to pass up. The boy keeps sucking and soon the male starts to rock his hips to pump his maleness inside the boy's mouth. The pleasure for both males is unlike anything they ever felt before. The boy's pants can barely keep his arousal inside; the bulge seems to be growing bigger to. The more he sucks on the male's cock the bigger the bulge gets until little by little the zipper starts to give way as his maleness is growing too big and little by little it bursts out releasing a huge sac and shaft oozing pre but the boy doesn't seem to notice, his eyes have glazed over as he just keeps sucking more and more until the male gasps and cums hard into the boy feeling him with his hot sticky seed, the boy mmms happily tasting the males seed as it fills him with warmth. His own maleness gushes forth as well to show just how much he loved it.

The boy soon slips off and falls to the floor sitting there looking stunned .After what seems like ages the both just stay where they are looking at each other before the male finally breaks the silence "Um, a, are you all right? I, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. It was like I wasn't myself." he asks looking down at the boy who just gave him the most amazing feeling ever. The boy nods slowly and stars to stand up "Um, I, I think so. What the hell is wrong with us and what happened to you? You look like a huge body builder. You're even taller than I am. Plus look at me, I'm as hung as you are or so. Not that I am complaining, It just means I can stick it to more girls at school besides you" they both blink at that comment. The male looks puzzled "Did you just say you were going to stick it to all the other girls?" now the boy is in a panic as he didn't mean to actually say that out loud "I don't know, I didn't even think about it. I just said it. I didn't really mean it you know you're the only one for me." He says trying to sound convincing but the big male doesn't seem to buy it. The huge male hmms and thinks standing over the boy. He pets him and looks down at the boy's endowment. "You certainly got lucky here. Tell me honestly. What was it about me you liked the most?" he grips the boy's sac and cock "Think carefully about what you say. I will know if you're lying. I want your honest thought." The boy gulps and looks rather nervous. The male is huge, not only in height but his body is rippling with muscles. "Ok, I like your tits, I wanted to have a girlfriend with big breasts. I don't really care about you as long as you have big boobs and fat tits and I can screw you till I am sore"

The big male growls and tightens his grip "What the hell is the matter with you? You think it's just a game? See how many times you can get laid? What happens when you get a girl pregnant huh? Just forget about it?" he growls and shoves the boy away. "This is all your fault you know. Look at me, I'm huge, I'm black and I am a guy. What's worst is all I want is to screw you. As much as you piss me off I still want to shove my dick into you. If you where a girl you certainly would know it's not all fun and games with you boys. I could screw you so hard you wouldn't ever forget how it feels." The boy listens and gets annoyed "Screw that bitch, the only reason I ever dated you was for your tits. I am not a gay and I won't be talked dawn to but some little whore. Even if you have changed. You think I won't have my choice of girls now with this package? Especially now that you are... whatever you are. You can be a male sure but you're probably going to be one of those gays." The male looks down and smiles noticing something "With what package? You look smaller than you used to be" the boy blinks and looks down and indeed it has shrunk while he wasn't looking. It is a little smaller than it used to be to. "What the hell? How am I supposed to screw the girls now, and why do I keep saying things like that. I am not really trying to screw every girl. What the hell is the matter with me?" the two just glare at each other and go there separate ways for the day but still can't leave the temple no matter how hard they try.

By the next morning they have both calmed down and though they aren't speaking to each other just yet they both at least acknowledge each other and look a bit sorry. Though they don't seem to be sorry about the statue which they both use as a place to relive them self on. What little of the once mighty statue remains is not just used as a bathroom. They already went through all the food in the backpack the other night since they went planning to stay so long but oddly up on the pedestal there's a whole bunch of fresh fruit and vegetables like they were just picked. They both look at each other curiously bit both shake their head not having gone to get it. They both go and get some food in there bellies and finally after breakfast they start talking. "Um, look. I really didn't mean what I said. I do like or liked? Your breasts. But that was just icing on the cake. You where fun to be with. I don't know what's going on here but this place has been messing with us since we got here. I mean you're a guy, and I must say you look amazing. I could suck you any day" he blinks and covers his mouth "Grr that's not what I meant." The big male mms thinking and looks over the boy" I don't know about all that but I think your tan is wearing off big shot." He smirks and the boy blinks "What the hell?" he looks over his hands curiously and they do look lighter and his nails have grown out longer to. "What? My 'tan' as you call it doesn't come off. And what the hell with my nails? They shouldn't be this long" the male snickers "you're starting to look cute. And your jacket looks a little big on you" the boy hmms? And looks at his jacket and it has gone from a nice perfect fit to covering half his hands and noticing his clothes are getting looser "Now what's happening?" the big male grins "such a nice voice, your sounding more feminine. I think you're becoming a girl like I was."

The boy looks panicked now as the huge male seems to grow little by little in front of him but it's really him shrinking. It isn't too long before the once broad shoulder of the muscular quarter back fade into small petite shoulders as his jacket slides off him showing he's dropped at least a foot in height "Wh, what the hell is happening?" he looks at his hands after rolling up the shirt that now looks way to big. His skin as faded to a very pale while and his voice has grown softer as has his skin, becoming silky smooth and devoid of any hair other than his head which has become rather light now. , his pants drop to the floor and he blinks blushing as he looks up at the huge male who is grinning down at her "My my, look at you. Aren't you just a pretty little thing? No pants and only a shirt. Even with no tots I so want to screw you hard, you're getting me rather horny just looking at you. What you say? Don't you want to feel my dick shoved up inside you?" he grins and leas down and rips open the new girls shirt and smiles "Mmm, you certainly are a nice little bitch. I could use someone nice and tight to stuff." Her chest isn't much to look at since it's almost flat. Being what one would call a large A cup and the girl is certainly female all the way. No more maleness hanging between the legs, having been replaced by a nice smooth female gender. The male grins and towers over the girl who now has blond hair reaching all the way to the ground, with really wide hips and a big round rear with lush full lips and dark brown eyes. The male walks toward her and she gulps backing away until she hits a wall and the male grins and leans in trapping her between his huge arms "Ready for me to rock your world like you've never imagined? I will screw you so hard you will beg me to stop" he presses his rather hard maleness against her sex and chuckles, the girl looks up and looks terrified and suddenly faints.

She wakes up some time later with their letter jacket draped over them like a blanket. She wakes up in a panic and looks around "Relax, I didn't screw you, as much as I want to. I am sure you can imagine how horny I am now. You have the most delicious looking body. It's too bad you don't have bigger tit. I so want to see them bounce when I shove my dick inside you finally. You know it's only a matter of time before I do. I can't believe how much I want you fuck you." He blinks "Did I just seriously say that? What the hell is wrong with me?" she pulls the jacket over her and zips it up, the jacket is just huge. It hangs down to her knees since she is so small. "Y, you wouldn't would you? I don't even know what to do as a girl. I'm supposed to be a quarterback for god's sake. Now I'm like 4 foot tall. Besides even if we manage to leave this stupid run down place, who's going to believe us about what happened? I do not want to spend the rest of my life as some little bimbo whose only job in life is to be screwed by guys. That's all girls are good for anyway." She looks shocked "What the hell is wrong? I am not trying to say that" the male hmm and walks over to her looking down "Oh but I think that's just it. I think we are saying it. Let's just cut the crap here, I want to fuck you hard. As much as I hate to admit it this desire is getting stronger and I seriously don't think I can keep myself from jumping you for too much longer. As for you though, it seems all the rumors I heard about you where true after all. You certainly are sexist. I really loved you ya know. I didn't want to believe all those things. I would have done anything to please you. I would have gladly set this ruin on fore to please you." She just scoffs "Well if we are going to be honest here, you girls are all alike, you care so much about your precious dolls and sleep over's, the only good thing about you is screwing you till you scream, your all so weak you can't even play football and don't even get me started on being so short, this is horrible. Tall is what men are supposed to be, none of that short and slender. We are supposed to have hairy bodies and big muscles and have out choice of woman to screw."

The big male grins and walks over "you know if you're going to be such a jerk you shouldn't get to have any clothes either." He promptly lifts the jacket off the girl and gathers up the clothes and tosses them outside since neither still can manage to muster up the energy to leave for some reason. "There, now since I have to be naked you do to." The male walks back over and picks the girl up and rubs a thick finger over her breast. She squirms and tries to fight back but he is too strong "Oh you don't like it when I tease you huh? You're just lucky I still have enough sense of mind to not do anything worse to you. As much as I would like, besides you just don't have big enough tits" he chuckles rubbing over a nipple on her body causing her to gasps and shudder some at the pleasure. He puts the girl down and chuckles "Just remember little girl, it's only a matter of time before you are filled. This urge is growing stronger every moment. Nothing I can do about it either" the rest of the night passes in awkward silence as neither want to talk about how they are feeling. The girl won't admit it but she is feeling the strong urges to mate as well. They finally go to sleep and by the next morning the urges are even stronger than before. The male wakes up already fully aroused and when he finally starts to awaken enough he can't help but start to stroke it to feel the pleasure. He grunts and lets out a soft moan witch awaken s the girl who also starts to feel the urge to be filled by the male. She starts to feel herself grow more aroused watching the male stroke himself. She watches and little by little gets closer as her arousal grows stronger the nearer she gets.

The male notices her grow closer as he strokes himself and soon as she is in reach he grabs a hold of her and shoves her down on to his hard cock as they both moan and gasp at the feeling, the girl being stretched out wide over the males large cock, he pumps her hard up and down with quite allot of strength "Come on bitch show me your worth my cock" he turns her around se she faces him as she is quite rough with her shoving her further and further onto his large piece of meat. While they are engrossed with the pleasure they fail to notice other changes starting to happen. As the girl is thrust onto him her breasts grow a little each time she is impaled on him. Little by little they grow to a full C cup but don't stop there as they keep going bigger and bigger. The male does notice finally and is quite happy to see the girl finally fill out. His pace quickens but what he doesn't know is while the girl's breasts grow another cup size as her nipples also seem to change becoming much thicker and longer now almost 2 inches long and a good inch thick as her breast grow to a D and keep going, but she's not the only one changing. His maleness is also beefing up stretching the girl out wider as his sac also grows is size. Bigger and bigger as it soon is touching the floor and still going. The male is so intent on watching the girls breasts finally grow to a very impressive DD cup he doesn't feel his own maleness start to shift becoming more bovine as the girls nipples grow thicker and longer before his eyes as her large breasts bounce and jiggle witch each thrust. Soon her nipples are a good 6 inches around and just as long. It doesn't take too long before the male's climax finally comes on and with one final push her shoves the girl as far down as she will go on his fully bovine maleness and cums hard letting out a mooing moan. He doesn't even notice his fingers starting to fuse together. He fills the girl with a flood of bovine seed causing her to climax as well moaning in delight as she is filled.

After what seems like ages they both finally start to calm down. They both look quite pleased and happy. Neither say a word for a while as they relax as she stays impaled on his maleness. Sometime later when he is soften up some does he finally slip out and stands up and finally feels what's been happening to him, his sac is huge. He is now quite hung. From the looks of him one would say he is hung like a bull. "What the hell? How the hell can I have a sac like this? This thing is way too big and heavy." E hefts up his huge sac feeling how heavy it is and then realizes his fingers are getting rather stiff and fused. 4 of his fingers have fused into 2 rather thick fingers but they are getting harder and harder as his thumb also is shrinking. and hardening. The girl isn't even watching she's still in a daze from before. Before too long the males' hands have hardened fully into cloven hooves. He looks at them rather puzzled "What the hell" *mooo* he blinks at the moo "Seriously? Moo? What the hell is *mooo* happening to me?" the girl finally looks up "Ha serves you right. I can't believe you can even stand with a dick and sac that huge..." *squeee* she blinks and tries to stand up but falls to the ground "Ow, how the hell do you *squee* stand with these massive tits?" He smirks "Oh suck it up you pig. I may be a bull. *moo* but at least I can stand up *mooo* you can't even lift your fat tits can you?" she tries to stand but she can't get the hang of all the weight up front and when she drops to her hands and knees again she notices her hands are changing as well "Now what? *Squeee* what's happening to my hands?" her fingers are shrinking while her nails grow longer and harder. Soon her fingers start growing thick paw pads on them as well as her palm, she watches her hands become paws right before her eyes "What the *squee* hell? I can't have *squee* paws. I can't stop *squee* squealing and I can't stand with these *squee* massive tits."

The male laughs and moos as her hands turn into feral looking paws. The male notices his feet have only 2 rather large toes. He sighs and helps the girl up just to check out her paws though his hands are cloven hooves he is more interested in the girls breasts. He can't take his eyes off those large soft jingly breasts. Soon a woman wanders in looking very lovely and elegant with a long flowing white dress and long blonde hair and wearing only sandals. "Well well don't you two make a lovely couple? A big bull and a cute little piggy. You two enjoying yourselves?" they look over at her puzzled "Who the hell *mooo* are you lady?" she giggles "Oh just someone who comes by now and then. This place has seen better days. Though I think something might have happened sometime in the past few months. I wear I remember a statue up there" they look back up at the empty pedestal "Aint nothing *squee* up there. Just was a pile *squee* of rubble when we got here." The girl says as she starts to get the hang of standing with her huge breasts "Oh? I wonder what happened? You haven't been up to much have you? I bet you haven't been up to a whole lot since your both naked and all. Just out of curiosity what have you been up to?" they both look at each other and back at the lady "None of your *moo* business what we are doing in this dump." The girl nods "Yeah *squee* this was a disaster *squee* area when we got here *squeee* we haven't done nothing" the lady hmms "Ah well ok, just thought I would ask. Well have fun I'm sure you will make a lovely couple" she smiles and starts to walk out and the male calls out "Hey *mooo* can you help us get out of here? We been *mooo* stuck here all weekend and can't *mooo* leave." She smiles "Silly, animals can come and go as they please just walk out. But I'm sure you booth want to play some more don't you. Just enjoy being able to mate like animals while you can and feel free to use the pedestal since it's empty" she smiles and just leaves as mysteriously as she appeared.

They look at each other rather puzzled and then look back up at the pedestal where the huge statue once stood. They look batch at each other for a moment and the urge to mate again comes back like hitting a brick wall and they both seem to agree about the pedestal without saying a word. When they get up there oddly there's a set of restraints made just for the girls size. Iron wrist, ankle and a collar all chained to the pedestal. The girl smiles "ooo look *squeee* please use those I need to be chained *squee* up like a bad girl" the male grins and mooos a little in agreement and happily chains her up tight, the restraints lock tight around her and there's no way to open them again once closed. They don't seem to mind as the male's shaft is quickly growing as he smiles as the girl rattle the chains "Take me *squee* hard my big beefy bull!" the male is more than happy to do so as he stroked himself up to his full bovine length and then shoves it hard as he can into the girl making her squeal in delight. The male smiles as he watches her "Show me *mooo* how well your fat tits bounce" he starts to thrust in her causing her large breasts shift and bounce around. The girl doesn't seem to mind at all in fact she seems to be having the time of her life as the male mates her. The male holds nothing back giving it his all. His huge sac hanging down under him as his hooves rub over her large breasts and nipples. It doesn't take too long before the climax is reached as the big male once more releases his torrent of seed within the girl mooing loudly in triumph while the girl squeals in delight like a pig. "Oh my, *squee* that was wonderful. Do it again. I want my tits to only *squee* bounce for e you my love*

The male smiles and pets over the girl and watches as her ears start to change, at firls becoming more pointed but soon the widen and start to flop over become full pig ears but the male isn't immune to this, his ears also change to a more bovine like appearance and suddenly their minds snap back to normal from the lusty beasts they were. The girl feels over her ears, "W, what the *squee* hell is *squee* happening to *squee* us? I am *squee* not a *squee* pig. I can't *squee* stop squealing *squee* I don't want to *squee*" with that she stopped talking, her voice gone replaced by only pig noises. The male laughs at this "Hahah serves you right you *mooo* little pig, At least I *moooo* can still talk. You got *mooo* just what you *moooo*" suddenly he loses his ability to speak as well. The girl grins and oinks starting to feel a bit off. Her belly seems to be swelling but that's not all that s happening to her. Her breasts are swelling up again growing even larger and heaver than before along with her growing belly. Even her nipples grow and grow. Soon they are quite big at 6 inches wide and a full foot long but oddly new nipples start to form over her belly, 4 more large sensitive nipples grow and soon more breasts grow under those nipples becoming just a big and heavy as her original ones. She grunts and squeals as she starts to look very pregnant. The male watches on and this only gets him even more aroused. Within the hour she looks 9 months pregnant with 6 very large full and heavy breasts. The male's lust keeps rising seeing all those big bouncy breasts. The thought of watching all 6 bounce and jiggle is too much even if she is pregnant. He knows this is wrong and he's not supposed to be like this. He's a human who was a teenage girl a few days ago. He has no idea what caused all this as he keeps thrusting as hard as he can into her. Witch each thrust into the girl something starts to happen to his face, it's starting to change. After a few moment he feels his face becoming wader and longer growing out into a bovine like muzzle while a sharp splitting headache suddenly comes on as a large pair of bull horns grow from his head making him allot more bovine now than human.

He can't control himself any longer as he takes the girl even harder. Watching all those breasts and big fat nipples jiggle around only fuels his beastly desires. The girl squeals and grunts as the male take her very pregnant body; it feels so amazingly good she almost forgets that she used to be human. It's getting harder to think with all those desires running through her head. She wants to give birth to her piglets and start a family which is a very odd thing to be thinking of. The desire to suckle her little piglets on her fat teats seems like such a wonderful idea and perfectly normal but really odd at the same time. The male doesn't know what to think, he looks more bovine than human now as he fills the girl; again with a flood of his bovine seed mooing in delight whole she sequels happily to be filled. The male pants as he keep himself in her catching his breath and the girl lays there on her back looking up at him not sure what to think at this point. She's feeling rather conflicted between her new motherly instincts and the fact that she's supposed to be human. But all that changes when her toes start to go num. she grunts curiously and sits up only to watch as her toes fuse and become harder and darker. Before long they are a pair of cloven hooves. Then suddenly a sharp pain sweeps through her body and causes her to squeal loudly, her legs are in allot of pain now, they starts to stretch out longer and longer, becoming more thin. The girl squeals in pain as her legs shift little by little from human to animal but her face is also changing. She can feel her nose starting to turn up and her face push out. It isn't too long before her legs look more digitigrade but she feels something odd about them as they shift but can't figure it out. Her face is looking more and more like a pig snout and even has tusks starting to grow out. The male watches curiously not sure what to make of this. After a few minutes of excruciating pain her legs have become fully digitigrade like a pig, and her face looks allot like a big as well with large tusks. She tries to stands up but she falls to the ground. She thinks it's just her heavy breasts but after several attempts she realizes her arms have changed in length to. She now can only walk around on all fours. It feels perfectly normal and it does help distribute the weight of her 6 massive breasts and her large pregnant belly.

The male watches her and feels his lust rising once again. This is the strongest it's ever been there's no holding back with this one. Soon his huge bovine shaft is hard and throbbing, He just knows he wants to stuff himself in the girl as hard as he can; watching those huge breasts jiggles under her as he takes her is all he cares about. By now pure animal lust is what occupy's his mind, his original mind having given in to the animal instincts grabs the girl by the hips and shoves himself as far as the girl can take his massive shaft stretching her wide causing her to squeal in pleasure. He starts to thrust himself within and makes love with her and can feel those huge breasts under the girl jiggle and shift with each thrust. It's not too long before they both climax at the same time, the sound of a lust filled moo of a bull and the lustful squeal of a sow fill the air and soon all goes silent but they pair seem to be frozen. They still have the same expression on their faces as they did the moment of the highest pleasure.

Moments go by and they don't move, soon minuets and hours, slowly there body's start to become more stiff, but still no movement and as the hours pass and then days. Oddly neither of them have been hungry at all or needed anything to drink. What's more odd is with each passing day the pedestal they are on seems to get smaller but they are actually growing bigger. After a full year has passed they have lost most all their colour and started to become stone statue's. The moment of pure animal ecstasy frozen in place forever more now. The woman from before appears in a flash and looks over the statures that are forever joined now "Hmmm, maybe I should have made them more animal but it's not too bad I guess. I admit it certainly is a nice change from my statue there. That's what you kids get for destroying the shrine. I gave you a chance and you didn't take it. Maybe this will teach you a lesson. Oh I know you can hear me my pretty's. I made sure to leave enough of your minds intact so you are fully aware of what's going on. Not that you will ever be able to do anything about it. You said you wanted to be worshiped and now you can be as the symbol of pure lust. You should be thankful. Next times don't go breaking other people's things, or at least take some responsibility. Don't worry about ever going home. You will be here for a VERY long time my children." The woman laughs and vanishes once again. The sound of silence descends on the shrine and the 2 lovers are forever bound to each other by their lust and remain statues for the rest of time. Never moving or feeling but fully aware of what's happening around them and never sleeping.