Farmer's Boy

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This story contains explicit scenes involving a cub. This is a M/m (gay) cub story, and contains elements such as slavery and a possibly non-consentual situation (Depending on how you view it).

Sweat dribbling down his brow from beneath his grey equine-like hairs, soft even though they were dirty to the touch of the boy's hand as he wiped it away. The sun beat down on his naked form as it did each day, working in the fields and pulling heavy cartloads of produce through the dirt and soil. Covered in bits of sand and dirt from head to hoof, the young nine year old donkey, fit and muscular for one his age, endured the biting pain from his arms and legs as he knelt down and uprooted potatoes by hand, leaving them raw while the sun beat down on his back as encouragement to work and complete the day. The work was grueling and rough, and being a servant on the farm like others out in the field, he wasn't even provided clothing. So day in, day out, he was in the fields and farm houses toiling over his tasks; musky with his short grey donkey fur matted down and dirty till he was able to rest and rince it all from his body. Up behind himself as he was on his hands and knees, his ebony furred tail was tied as to not drag along the ground while he worked like this, and stayed neatly bunched against the boy's firm, rounded, muscle-laiden backside. It was often not perfectly enough against the young worker's backside to cover the fleshy, outward pucker of his tailhole, which was black in color with a creamy colored spot at it's top right that crept down into the warm confines of that masculine ring of muscle. Tucked between his strong legs resided his equine sac and fleshy, gently hanging sheath. Testicles small and young, the ebony, not even haired area of flesh was a smooth and tight pouch up against his body.

While uprooting the vegetables from the earth below, fingers and the hoof-like nails upon them digging into the soil, a shadow appeared upon the ground the boy was working upon. The heat searing into his back and shoulders ceased at that moment, making the donkey look up from his work with his brown eyes. His expression was somber, not speaking a word to the man whom hovered above his vulnerable form. A horse, much older and well built, with a whip attached to his belt, stood over him with a commonly hard look on his face. The man was a driver - his supervisor of sorts, wearing the whip as a threat to those whom would be dumb enough to challenge his strength, or the words of the master.

"The boss wants to see you in his office. Right now", the adult horse ordered with his hands at his waist, before making a rough gesture for the boy to get up off the ground. To be summoned to the boss' office, as a servant, was always an ordeal, especially for a child like himself. The owner was a harsh man and wanted perfection from every worker, whether they were paid or simply given lodging for their toiling. This boy was one of the ones that did not get paid, and was an orphan work-slave. Beneath the dull grey of his back were scars from whips, while his childlike protests were still an issue during his younger years. A well placed lash across his spine was more then enough to make a little donkey howl out, and perform as told. Now being older, he was a true, tough little farmer, with pride in his work as he kept his home and learned his trade.

As ordered, the nine year old donkey climbed up to his hooves right away, starting up the trek for the "farmer's" home, across the fields. It wasn't a place for him unless ordered there. Large and luxurious, the stone and wood home crept closer to the worried lad, with the horse right behind him to ensure he marched quickly. Legs already aching from a long afternoon of work, it seemed he was likely in store for a punishment. But what had he done? The boy couldn't think of anything wrong he had done, unlike some of the other cubs that would be in his office for lashes often. For such purposes, to ensure the dirty worker cubs did not sully his home, there was a side entrance in which he was directed through, being made to hold the door for his older superior before closing it quietly behind. Turning and stepping, his hooves clopped on the stone floor, with his nostrils smelling clean, wood-like smells from the man's home. The horse pointed at the owner's office; the door right on the left with a stern and frightening look with one hand on his whip. The boy could only assume a boy or girl from the fields had fled at this point earlier, so he gave his superior a nod of obedience and turned to open the fancy wooden door. With a clack, the latch freed and the door hinges gave a squeek as he stepped in slowly, body feeling small, tense, and alone as he saw his master sitting behind his desk with his arms crossed.

Not being given any immediate orders, and his tall donkey ears recieving biting silence, he shut the door with his sore right hand, stepping towards the desk with his hands behind his back. His master, 'the boss', was a dragon. Black scaled with azure blue eyes - golden colored draconic plates on the backs of his claws and around his ankles. Silver horns stood from above his ear slits, and he was a good bit larger then the boy thanks to age. The eyes of the man could clearly be kind if he wished them to, but his reptilian eye-ridges were curled, as if expecting something. The donkey's dirt matted hands trembled against the small of his back, with his blackened nails scratching into his fur and palms.

"Thomas, is it?", came the dragon's deep, colder voice. He was used to having servants, and speaking to one wasn't uncommon when it came down to one being in his office. Did not take much to see the adolescent equine was jittery and frightened, the way he hung his head slightly and looked as if he was waiting for a sharp blow. Too bad he would be disappointing the boy today. The lad in front of him did nod his head at hearing his name, adding a quiet 'yes sir' that could barely even be heard. Seeing different parts of his body darker due to the black dirt he worked in, and even his most personal of places being no different. The boy's ebony pouch between his legs as he stood at attention seemed to glisten with the sweat of his toils, and there was a bit of earthly grit in the opening of his tiny sheath. Chest smooth and broad, looking so active and 'male'. Outside of his window, the dragon land owner could see the young boy's efforts. The strain of pulling a cart that weighed more then his own body weight, and digging into the ground with his bare, tender little hands. The motions of the donkey's muscles beneath the hide of his backside, and feeling the heat and burn in his tired arms. Staring down at the male cub this close, seeing the small muscles in his arms and legs, and seeming brave to not be quivering or sobbing.. was even more of a turn on now then it was before. Now not only was the boy arousing to his mind and body, but he even appeared masculine despite his child body.

"Pull the step stool up to the front of my desk", the dragon had provided as a command, giving a gesture to the boy's left with his black claw, before smacking it down on the carved wooden table he used as a desk, to get the boy to move quickly. The donkey did take that as a direct order, and threat, as he fetched the wooden step stool from the side of the room and carried it to the front of the table, where he bent over and set it down. His brown eyes could see the top of it had fresh dirt, as if another cub had been in here for discipline only shortly before he. Trying to keep his nerves, the donkey stepped right up and placed his hands on the wooden desk, now having proper height to do so. Standing on something like this allowed the children to bend over the table for a lashing, and was synonamous with being punished. To the boy's current knowledge, the stool had that one purpose. Again, he would be disappointed. As expected, once his hooves began clapping onto the wooden stool, one, then two, the dragon had already slid back his chair and rose. Wearing clean clothes that draped down his body and a softer fabric that covered his legs, the simple dress was a luxury. Once the ebony scaled dragon disappeared from view behind him, Thomas felt his body tense up. Eyes finding something to focus on, he stared down onto the table where a tiny candle flickered a calm flame beside a paper the older man of authority had been writing with a quill and a pool of ink. Unable to read, he had no clue what was sprawled across the fibers of paper, and his mind was too busy with other worries to care. His hide may be thick, but it could still be cut. His breathing made his warm little chest heave, breathing through his nostrils a hot air that flowed across the black equine fur around them.

Behind the young lad, the dragon had one claw up to his muzzle in thought as he grinned and admired the back of the boy. The light in the room was fine enough at this time during the day to peer through the donkey's back fur to the bits of scar he himself had ordered be made, those three or four years ago. Observing his nervous, labored breathing was only intensifying his own feelings, as his free claw freed the knot that held his pants around his waist. With that, the clothing slid harmlessly to his draconic ankles, where they hugged his footclaws. Not bothering to remove the loose wool clothing, his claws upon his feet made sharp clicks against the stone, with each one making the boy before him more tense, even if his eyes stared forward and did not dare to turn and see what the master had in store. Clothing falling from his feet as he knelt down behind the fit little worker his claws placed themselves on the donkey's left thigh, and right hip, thumb to his buttox. The muscle seemed to flow beneath his touch, while the boy tried to keep up straight and await the first spank to his hide, hands gripping the table as he remained upright. Instead, he felt an intruding sort of prodding against his rear, while the older dragon stroked his right claw's fingers around his toned little rump, through the crease of his rear and up across the furless pucker of his tailhole to trail around his tail. Being tied, the lump of equine hair shook at the sharp tingles the movement caused at the base of is tail, not even really covering his rear in the least. His skin and fur felt hot and even lightly damp, which made the erect penis of the dragon pump with excitement. This was his slave, and working in the field was not all he was good for.

"You will hold still and obey me. Understood?", he looked up and said with a louder sort of voice, to ensure the boy would follow his every word.

"Yes sir!", Thomas replied with haste, sounding genuinely tense at this point. What was the dragon doing with his rear? Was this preparation for some new punishment, now that he was older? The thought made him cringe, giving the dragon a wonderful sight as his tailhole clenched tight and became loose one again, curling the soft fleshy equine skin before his eyes. Feeling he didn't need to give a servant any further orders then simply 'obey', his right claw pulled the donkey boy's tail to the side, pressing it against his right side. Black reptilian muzzle close enough to the boy's backside, his nostrils could smell the scent of the soil the boy worked in, as well as the scents of his tailhole and male musk. A sweet, tantalizing aroma that beckoned his attention to the small, young, puckered oriface. The tan colored spot looked delicious, and it looked like a warm pocket for him to enjoy. Filthy from the fields or not, the dragon's long, forked tongue, coated with his flowing saliva, licked upwards across the soft mound of flesh. The donkey seemed to shiver, and he heard a sharp intake of air, but he did remain still as told. Not needing to worry about a frightened cub, the draconic owner of this boy pressed his scaly lips to the hot tailhole and pushed his tongue inward with a firm press. That seemed to make the boy's hips jut forward, with the fingers on the lad's hip feeling the boy's sheath jiggle to tap the tips of his claws in it's fleshy, side to side sway. The boy's simple motions drove the dragon wild, breathing quickly with his hot breath flowing across the kid's tailbase while he gave the wonderful pucker a 'special' kiss.

Moist red tongue running across sensitive, nerve littered flesh sent waves up the spine of the donkey, and waves of hard pulses through the needy cock waiting behind him. The donkey's own stirred without his knowledge, not being yet sexual or knowing his thick adolescent appendage's purpose. It wasn't uncommon for him to feel his sheath bigger and harder then other times as he grew up, so as it became that way now, it slipped his mind, focusing on his rear. The muscles in his round bottom's cheeks clenched and his tailhole muscles changed their tenseness randomly to give a stroke back across the tongue licking across and into his black and tan little hole. The smooth, salty flavored skin rubbing back at the tongue made the man push harder getting his ticklish and strongly pleasureful tips of his forked tongue deeper into the tough little boy's bowels. Grey ears standing erect, Thomas heard the slurping of the dragon behind him, and felt the feelings in his legs and chest. He was breathing faster and his rear felt very well from the attention.. finding pleasure without understanding it was sexual. As time passed he could feel saliva run over the lip of his fleshy piece of tailhole meat to run down the crease of his ass, going down, and down, accumulating the cool fluid till it touched into the flesh below his rear, where his sac began to meet his body. His sheath grew thicker to the point it's gentle shakes stiffened and stopped, and the dragon has to reach further around to feel the hot, smooth feeling of the boy's genitals. His fingers draped across his sheath, with one finger stroking across the opening of the donkey's protective cock-sleeve, and his pinky finger's claw giving a pinch into the lad's ball sack. It was sharp, and his groin was feeling firmer then normal. His rear was full of this new sensation, spreading out wider till his tailhole made a pop with the removal of the dragon's tongue. Thomas' ears heard a moan of sorts once the sensation left his young rear, turning his head a bit behind himself before getting a sharper grunt as an order to turn his gaze back to his front.

Brown little eyes once again facing towards the window behind the man's wooden desk table, the grip upon his sheath seemed to slowly tighten as the dragon's scales stroked and moved about against his skin. His left claw moved in tiny motions, allowing his fingers to do the molesting and to soak in the heat that came from the working boy's genitals. The hairless flesh that surrounded the boy's penis was so soft, even as he felt his cock swelling inside, firm and stiff, so close to emerging into the open air for him to marvel upon. Even so, the child he owned needed a bit of a warning to keep that head of his forward. Reaching beneath the stepping stool the young male's sand covered hooves stood upon, he pulled a small riding crop from where it had been attached, giving it a prompt tap to the boy's muscular left butt-cheek. With a quick motion, he slapped it across that part of his rear, seeing the boy's hide and flesh ripple from the slap. The wince seemed to make the boy raise up, making a solitary, unknowing hump against the older dragon's claw, which rewarded the action with a couple of full strokes to the little sheath with three of his fingers, and his thumb. Not being a hard swat, it didn't really hurt the donkey, but he did know to keep his eyes settled elsewhere.

The tip of the donkey's penis pushed against the dragon's claw, feeling broad and flat as it moved the man's fingers out of the way and stroked past them as it unfolded and grew longer. Looking around the boy's left hip, it was a sight to enjoy. Fleshy red with black spots, it was almost as soft looking as his innocent and undefiled sheath as it extended, bobbing lightly from gravity. Within moments, with the gentle coaxing of the adult's fingers against it's sensitive underside, it began pointing forward, then a little upwards as it reached it's maximum blood flow and erection. Now this was something the boy wasn't too used to, but it did happen, usually for no reason at his age. Trailing the palm of his claw down the side of the boy's cock, he examined it's texture, from it's broad equine head, to a bulge in the center, then down back to the boy's sheath. All of it hot, and his penis a bit moist from being tucked away inside the boy as he worked and toiled. Not for his donkey's own pleasure, he gripped that little adolescent shaft and began masturbating it in short, quick strokes of his fingers, with his thumb massaging into the left side of it with each forward and back motion. The physical response in return was the jolt of a muscular lil' pump in his claw, as if the penis tried to leap away from his sexually stimulating attentions. Biting his lip, the donkey stifled a whimper, trying hard at this point to stay still. Something inside of him made him want to rock his hips, and clop side to side on his hooves. This was not a feeling he had felt before, and it was intense. The dragon went on, not stopping till his index finger's scales felt the slick, sticky juices of the young boy's precum dribble across them as they hung from the broad tip of his cock in a delightful strand. Finding that to be enough enjoyment for the boy, not wishing him to orgasm this time around, he had to pull his claw from the little shaft to tame himself from touching it. Blue eyes re-focusing back behind the boy, he stared at his warm, inviting bottom, feeling this was the time for his well earned release.

Standing up onto his footclaws, he brushed his knees to remove a bit of sting kneeling on the stone had caused, and broke a string of his own pre from his penis on the way up, leaving a shimmering line on the back of his right claw. The dragon's own larger and matured shaft stood at peak erection, hard as a rock to his own touch, as he blessed it with a couple of strokes to the side of it with the backs of his fingers. The meer touch sent shivers through the muscles in his draconic pelvis, with the red appendage coming from his reptilian sheath slit making a hard jump. The donkey's tailhole was still slick with all the saliva he gave him hungrily, which would prove useful as a toothy, selfish sort of smile crept across the snout of the ebony dragon. Typical of a dragon of his type, his male appendage was thickest at the base, coming outwards to a rounded tip. It was long, and looked possibly prehensile, but it actually was not, as it stood hard and ready to mate with what it's owner desired.

The donkey boy closed his eyes as something hard and warm pressed to his bottom, searching for it's mark beneath his tail. The rounded tip of the dragon's cock slipped into the glove-like hole easily; better then a finger would the way it was designed. Even then, as the sharp feelings dived deeper and deeper into his backside, the cock working it's way in, the thickness pushing against the ring of thick equine flesh increased. What was once just a finger-like intrusion to an out-hole, was becoming thicker and stretching the hole wider. The boy had no time to protest or cry out, as once the dragon had enough in the lad for leverage, about two inches of his length, he shoved his scaled hips forward till they smacked against the muscular cheeks of the adolescent donkey. Claws gripping at the boy's sides, the size of the base of his shaft was forced into his pleasuerer's tailhole, till it wrapped around it tightly. In a pained clench, the donkey's grey furred legs tenced and his right hoof clopped against the wooden stool, just as the dragon began his work. The red dragon cock, slickened with saliva and his own precum, glided across thick walls of muscle and fatty young flesh, with the ring along the outside squeezing at the base of his penis to urge the dragon on, unintentionally. The boy's own shaft bounced up and down as it remained erect and his body was thrusted into, shifting the boy's groin to and fro. Even his legs shifted the bare skin of his sac, bunching it up from time to time against the base of his firm sheath.

It was a hard, yet strangely euphoric feeling that washed over the nine year old farm servant. Sullen, dirty hands gripped at the table he was beginning to slightly lean forward upon - cocktip slapping the rough wooden surface in that position. A sharp whelling of sensation built up in what felt like the tops of his legs, and deep below his genitals, not understanding this was his own prostate being deeply massaged by the perfect shape of his master's cock. Going from thin to wide, the dragon's penis slid with ease, giving his tailhole brief moments of relief before a heavy streching burn as the black scales of the master's thighs impacted his young bottom. Ears filled with the sounds of their hard, fast breathing, and the squishing and vulgarly wet sound of their intercourse as the object below his tail brought that pleasure and pain. From his throat and muzzle the donkey made squeeling whines, even if they were supressed to a lower, braver sound. To the adult looming over him, cock basting in the child's warmth and sweaty feel, it was a driving sort of cry.. sexual in his mind, making his thrusts and hip gyrations hasten. His reptilian rear and thick base of his tail moved about, making tiny dimples in his rear from such forceful thrusts. It brought heat and hurt to the boy's virgin tailhole, but also that forgiving cocktip to slide wonderfully deep. At his age it wasn't so wonderful, but there was still a feel there. Prostate swelling with arousal, and his penis beginning to form the first bits of precum he ever made at the hole-like slit at the center of his broad, flat cocktip, he threw his head back and took it.

Minute after minute, the reptilian shaft pulsed and throbbed in heavy pleasure, till it grew sharp and hyper stimulating with the feelings dancing across the smooth red skin. Orgasm so near, his right claw slipped in front of the donkey, and more of his weight pressed to his back. The boy winced from the new angle of thrust, getting more pressure on the sore, reddened ring of horse-like tailhole as the saliva and pre spread around the hole's opening and onto his bare cheeks. Claw pressing to the top of his shaft, the dragon only wanted to feel it, closing his eyes as he breathed only from his open maw. So small and hot, filled in blood and arousal, making weak adolescent pumps against his table. The sensations in the donkey's backside never changed even as the dragon came with a deep growl, not giving the unknowledged boy any idea of what was going on. He never knew of an orgasm, until his tailhole began to feel more wet, and something began to spill from his little hole down the crease of his rear. Thomas whined with discomfort and uncertainty, feeling his sore tailhole begin to sting from the ordeal as the dragon's thrusts began to slow, and something upon his sensitive tailhole felt sticky. He could feel this thick fluid traveling down between his legs and coating his ballsac, as well as going down his thighs. The rest remained in his rectum, sealed away inside, or dripping out to land upon the stool of the floor. Each drip of male juices made a distinct drip against the wood, as if someone had lightly tapped it, and it was louder in the tense boy's mind then the heaving breaths of the now sedated dragon.

Claw pressing the younger male's cock to the rough table made the boy cringe, but it was only so he could upright himself comfortable. Thomas' one filled, masculine little rump was quickly empty, with nothing more then the dragon taking a quick step back to withdraw himself. His tailhole had widened visibly, holding the shape and after effects of a session of darker sodomy. The once creamy colored spot upon the top right of the tailhole was now more red, with the pucker swollen from such rough abuses. But in the end, the boy's prostate spoke a story of male enjoyment, and his penis remained erect with a bead of immature pre at the tip of his shaft. The master's blue eyes looked over the boy's shoulders, taking his softening penis to wipe it against the small of the donkey's back thouroughly, to clean himself and provide the boy a bit of a marking. He could see Thomas' lower lip silently quivering, as he came down from the experience the only way he knew how, while the dragon did it his own way. It's not like the boy understood what was being shamefully wiped onto his back, besides that it was sticky and initially warm, cooling rapidly. Grey back fur looking messy, matted, and shiny like a cum-rag, the dragon picked up his pants and took his time putting the simple garb back on, speaking to the boy as he tied it's draw-rope.

"Step down from there and place the stool back where it belongs", was his simple order, sounding clear once again even though his breathing was still heavy. The front of his garment even had a slight bulge, while his cock softened and receeded back into the slit in which it emerged, and the testicles deep within his reptilian groin refilled themselves. Once Thomas took a step back, a few thick globs of cum fell from beneath his tail, with a strand hanging from a piece of his tail. The boy lifted the stool back into his arms, walking funny and making the dragon grin, seeing his wet and sloppy bottom and how it had gone down his legs a bit. Wood 'clunking' against the stone floor, the boy turned his look back to his master, head held low. Blue eyes meeting brown, the dragon could see the boy's apprehension. This was something he didn't understand, and likely did hurt such a tiny oriface. Too bad this wouldn't be the last time it would occur. The boy would have to look deeper into the good side of the act; the side his penis seemed to have found, as it continued to stand outward in full erection, even in front of the older male. Seeing the tip of the boy's penis shine, he stepped closer to the boy and swiped a finger across the tip of it to give it a lick and taste. Obediently, the servant remained silent, until seeing those blue eyes look down at him once more.

"You're a fast learner Thomas. This is now one of your secondary duties, and a private one. Do not speak of this with your fellows, or I will be forced to let your supervisor have a turn with you. Being a horse, his endowment, lad, would leave you more then just sore. Understand?", he spoke down to the donkey, laying down the law and providing a clear threat. This wasn't something he would do with each worker out in the field, and it would not be beneficial if they all knew of it. Only his special ones would provide this service.. the ones he had such an interest in. Not having a choice, the boy accepted, and performed what he was told in order to seal the deal. The dragon had ordered the boy onto his knees, on the harsh stone, to lick his footclaws. It was brief, though demeaning, to place his message in the mind of his servant. Young little tongue slurping with disdain across his feet and between his toes, he allowed it to go on for only a minute before beckoning the child up and sending him on his way. The horse from earlier, as instructed by his boss, and set up a small, bucket-like tub for the donkey to bathe in across the hall in the washroom. Thomas was told to clean himself and return to work, which he did. The water was cold, but from the work and sun, it was soothing. Almost like a reward, stepping out of the side door to the big house fresh and clean. A portion of his day had passed, leaving him with less work to perform. Even so, his hooves finding dirt once again as he stepped back out into the field, it was back to situation normal once again.

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