A hot shower... It was the lack of simple things in life that killed you, the little things one didn't notice until they were gone. Iza always missed hot showers. When he was on a ship, the Chieftain would usually let him use his personal shower,...
Running Late
Arianne was late. Not only that but she was worried, too; this wasn't just any kind of late. This was a very specific, significant late that could spell big trouble for her if it kept on getting later. The ironic thing was that it had...
Soap and Cheese
Obvious signs of Leco'thian's occupation decorated the kitchen. Despite nightly attention with a nail file, the dragon's claws always seemed sharp again by morning. Scars covered the linoleum floor, especially in front of the oven and the sink where...
Soap Opera
## soap operas hominids love soap-operas. soap-operas are the predominant television story-form on other hominid planets, just like situation-comedies and cop-shows are predominant on earth-sol.
SoaP Epilogue
Epilogue Rishi's concerns eventually dissipated as time went on. Day in and day out, Roland would go off to conduct his business, carry out his lordly duties about the Darreen Plains, and at the end of every day he would show the mouse what he truly...
Dropping the soap
He was glad he had avoided the still pouring stream of water so there was still plenty of soap foam covering his cock.
A Latex Band of Cynda Brothers
As he realized that the soap was relieving his itch he spread more and more soap over his body, as he scrubbed in he didn't realize that the soap wasn't just relieving the itching it was also spreading the goo faster.
Bath Night
This is the best way to do it, so as to get the soap down between the follicles and remove the dirt.
Tina II Chapter 20 SPOILER ALERT!!!
Author's note: Every year, before I do a writing seminar, I'll sit down at the keyboard, and do some writing, just to stay in touch. Usually, I'll do a one off, a simple piece, just to get my creativity going. This time, however, I wanted something...
Randy Red
Her lower lips gaped around the soap, and rudy had a similarly-shaped organ. he helped red shower by rubbing another phallic soap around her sexy firm rump and fondling her up and down her tail.
Don't Drop the Soap
Loki said as the soap slipped from his paws and landed on the floor too far away below. "oh now you drop the soap..."
SoaP Ch23: Finale
CHAPTER 23 Finale The sun rose over the eastern mountains, lighting up the Darreen Plains and warming the cool air of last night's shadow. Soon, the streets would be speckled with the denizens of the Plains going about their daily business and the...