Snowy with a chance of Love (Illustrated)

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My entry to the wintertime contest. ENJOY!

Sooooo here I am, on New Year's Day trying to rush my submission for the winter contest. Therefore, I'm going to keep this part short and to the point. If you're reading this, you just contributed to my efforts. Thanks a lot for that, seriously. If on top of that, you vote it and fav it, then THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! And if you find something wrong or just want to drop an opinion, comments are always enjoyed. That being said, I really hope you enjoy this little story I'm putting together.

Box of chocolates, I'm coming to get you!!!!!

Illustrated by avatar?user=171210&character=0&clevel=2 Ketzio11

"Eeeeugh, not again..." The young snow leopard said as he walked through the city, cursing in disgust at the fresh falling snow. "I can't believe this... Again and again this stupid snow"

The sixteen year old snow leopard who hated the snow... How ironical... Still, on to introductions. His name is Timothy Greene, and he lives in the rich neighborhood of the city of Fer. Right now, he is expressing his lack of enthusiasm for the snow created by the AWSS, short for Automatic Weather Simulation System. Ah, but I began the wrong way. You see, Fer isn't a regular city like in history books, no. The year is 954 PFR, or post fur revolution. Therefore, it has been almost a millennium since humans were vanquished from earth by their very own creations, but that is a story for another time.

Now, as I was saying, Fer is quite the place. It has a bright blue sky, a shining sun which warms everything in summer, and that particularly bother of a snow that fell on winter, like it was on that ordinary day. However, none of the atmospheric phenomena described before were real. The true sky above Fer was indeed blue, but it wasn't made if air, but water. Fer was a submerged city, the last bastion of a once great society. The flood had caught all of them by surprise, which was pretty much the idea according to the few shards of information that remain today. Apparently, a human rebel movement known as 'The Cult of Chom' decided to get revenge on the furs for the great purge, and detonated an array of thermal stations along the polar shell.

But this is not a history lesson, and I only included so in my tale because it was necessary to understand Timothy's anger towards the AWSS. Now, back to the story:

Timothy hated that fake snow for one main reason: it wasn't necessary. The system just threw the white horror on top of them because it had been programmed to. And, besides making everything colder and getting into the soft white fur of his body, those micro shards of frozen water were useless. Now, as I said before, Timothy lived in the rich neighborhood of Fer. That indeed made him a wealthy young fur, and he could've very easily turned around and returned home for an umbrella or even a servant to carry it for him. However, he simply continued towards the tobacco shop. Why his father couldn't simply send a servant to buy his premium blend was beyond him, but he knew better than to simply disobey him.

And then it happened. His ears perked as he heard a distressed whimper, distinctly female. He turned around and quickly found its source: a little husky, of no more than fifteen years of age. Her back against the cold metal wall of the building, just outside of view from the half crowded street. Pinning her against the wall, a robust Rottweiler was making fun of her, laughing and barking at her. By her dress, it was obvious that she was an under-worlder.

Here again, fellow reader, another explanation is required. Fer worked on various levels rising from the rock bed all the way to the higher level, where Timothy was right now. The government, way back in time, had decided that people would be divided into layers, with the wealthy people living up and the workers down. Nobody down really knew what life was on top, and the people on top only used the under layers to scare little children in bedtime stories. Now, transit between the layers was possible, and at first heavily regulated. However, after a while, society itself made sure that everyone stayed in their corresponding layers. If someone from the lower layers visited the upper layers for too long, he or she would find such a hostile environment that it would force him or her to return. The brave and stupid that came from the upper layers to the lower layers were not so lucky. There were even reports of cannibalism on the lowest layer, "the pit".

So, back once more, Timothy saw this Rottweiler intimidating the under-worlder, which struck him as completely normal. It was an uncommon, but still normal sight. Why would this one be any different? In any case, he was about to keep walking when he heard her whimper once more. This one, however, was much more distressed. Again, nothing out of ordinary, except for one single thing: the husky was looking straight at him. She was looking at him and she was asking for help. For some reason, that clicked up inside his mind. With a quick movement he turned around and walked straight towards the Rottweiler.

"Hey, Craig! Craig Michelet!" Timothy asked, referring to the canine by name. He was acquainted with him; his father was the owner of the only pharmaceutical in the whole city. "Why don't you let me handle this little drift" he said as if he wanted to be the one who forced her back down. "It's been some time since I've had some ass..." Timothy finished, lying since he was a virgin.

"Well well well, seems like you've left your diapers at home today. Fine, bitch is all yours" he said as he motioned for him to approach. Timmy got closer and pinned her down so that Craig would let her go. He looked deep into the husky's eyes, so blue and cute... But he had to stay in character, at least while he left.

"Now stay put, bitch. I'm going to fuck you so hard; my cock will taste of your blood when I'm done. And you'll enjoy it, you'll squirm and moan and then yell for more. Isn't that right, you whore?" He asked in a menacing tone as he saw Craig leave. As soon as he had left, his hold loosened up a little and his voice became softer and gentler.

"I'm sorry for that, I really am. I couldn't risk him saying something to the police. I'm not supposed to help you, you know... What's your name?" Timothy asked, still holding her in place since she could bolt away due to fear.

"Let me go! I want... What?" She asked, really confused by now. "M-my name? It's Mia, Mia Lacroix. But what does it matter, you'll tip on me anyways." She said, baring her teeth at him.

"No I won't, Mia. My name is Timothy Greene. Tim, for short." He said with a smile.

"Wait, you mean... You can't be THE Timothy Greene I think right? The sole heir to the Greene hovercraft vehicle empire?" Mia asked in a very shocked way.

"In the flesh, yes. But tell me, Mia, what were you doing up here? It's a really dangerous place..." Timothy asked amazed that she knew who he was.

"I was looking for... Ungh..." She managed to say as she simply fainted. A look at her arm revealed a cut, a very deep one which was bleeding profusely. Timothy took off his tie and fancied a tourniquet out of it, slowing down the blood flow. He had no idea as to what to do, and finally settled with grabbing her petite frame and taking it home. Luckily for him, his house was pretty close by, and by taking the backstreets he managed to reach his home unseen. It was a huge mansion with all the commodities one could ask for, and several more.

He came into the servants' chambers, to the shocked look of a couple maids.

"Don't just stand there; get me a first aid kit and some boiled water. And say nothing of this, or your contracts are terminated." He said, not liking threatening them. Still, he couldn't risk getting caught. Not while helping an under-worlder. The two skunks quickly nodded and took off. Meanwhile, Timothy began to remove her old and dirty dress. He did it carefully, since it was probably the only dress she had, and when he was done the unconscious teenage husky was wearing only her underwear. While the maids returned, Tim couldn't help but gaze at her attractive figure. She had small hips, ending on two thin but toned legs which made sense, since she must've had to run all her life. Her belly was smooth and beautiful, and a bit thin again. It was clear that this little girl had been fighting for food for quite some time. Her chest, which heaved up and down in rhythmical movements, was small and somewhat muscular. Her breasts covered by an old looking bra which was a size or two larger than her own, and finally her face. Even unconscious, she had such a peaceful and loving expression, like she was sleeping and having soft and fluffy dreams.

"Master Greene, the items you requested" one of the skunks said as she placed everything on a tray.

"Thank you Lania. Now, can I get a bowl of soup for her?" He asked as he began to get everything ready.

"S-soup? But Master, we cannot feed her. She is an under-worlder!" The other skunk said.

"Yes, I kind of figured as much. Now get me the soup, and say nothing about this to no one." Timothy said firmly. As the girl left, the other servant stayed.

"Now you Lania, where are my parents?" He asked her.

"Master Greene is on his bedroom, resting as usual. The mistress is out with her cohort, shopping, I believe." The servant said.

"Good, make sure that neither of them gets word of this." Timmy ordered. "But stay for now. I could use some help" he said. She bowed politely and came close.

Timothy Greene was no surgeon, nor had he been instructed in the various parts of first aid care. However, he was an enthusiast of the health sciences and constantly watched and read everything related. He had never sutured a wound before, but there was no way of calling a doctor without risking detection. He applied some anesthetic and began, with the servant Lania aiding him.

He was still sitting in that very same spot when she woke up. They had put her dress back on, since they had nothing else to put on her and buying her a dress that late was out of the question. She woke up with a pained whine, and Timothy immediately applied another anesthetic patch. She immediately fell back to sleep, but twenty minutes later she was back up, this time without a trace of pain. She looked around in a scared way and tried to get up, but a gentle hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Wait... Take it slow; you lost a lot of blood. How do you feel?" Timothy asked.

"I feel... Good... I suppose you're responsible for that?" Mia asked, in a way that surprised Timothy. Under-worlder people were usually blunt and poorly educated, yet this husky was the complete opposite.

"Actually, yes. You had a pretty big cut on your arm, and I healed it." He said, pointing at her arm which had a neat bandage applied to it.

"I suppose a thank you is in order... Thank you, Mister Greene" she said in a polite way as she looked at her arm.

"Please, call me Tim. Now, before you fainted back there, you were telling me why you were up here in the first place" Timothy reminded her.

"Ah, yes... It's complicated, you see... I used to have a home in the middle section. I had everything I wanted for the first years of my life. Then, around a year ago, my father was killed in an accident. My mother... Sarah..." She said, but her voice began to break.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Tim said, although he was just dying to know the whole story.

"No, don't worry. My mother was devastated, she turned to drinking. All the while, debts began to grow and grow. My mother simply drank and drank, while my two brothers and I worked to try and keep us afloat. It simply wasn't enough. The bank came one day, said that the only way to avoid losing the home was to sell my brothers as slaves, and me as a maid. I can still see her some nights, clenching down to that bottle of vodka and screaming 'Take the bastards away!'" She said, her voice shaking and finally bursting into tears.

"Gods... Wait here, I'll get you something." He said as he ran to the bathroom and fetched a box of tissues. He gave her one, and she proceeded to clean her tears off. They stayed like this for a couple minutes, with him staring at her and with her cleaning her cheeks. After she had calmed down, she took a deep breath and continued.

"So, we were on our way out. The slavers were waiting outside for us already, ready to take my brothers down to the adionite mines around the pit, and ready to take me up here. But, I couldn't. I couldn't just part with my brothers, no way. So I ran away and went after them. By the time I reached the pit they were on the mines already. I lived with them for a while, taking them water and the little food I could procure. About a month ago, the mine caved in. I was there, I saw it happen. There was a wall through which one could hear them cry for help. I stayed there for two days, listening and crying, praying for a miracle. It never came, and one day the voices stopped. At that moment, I knew I was alone..." She said before once more bursting into tears. Timothy felt her cry, and he placed a soft and supportive paw on her shoulder.

Again, they had to stop for some time so that Mia would recover from her sorrow. Timothy was amazed at how much she had endured, and she was younger than him.

"Mia, sorry to interrupt. How old are you?" Timothy asked, handing her a new tissue.

"Huh? Oh, I think I'm fourteen and a bit... I can't quite remember my birthday so..." She said as she looked at him. She had never looked at him in such detail, and she was amazed to find him a bit... Attractive. His fur was an impeccable white and his eyes were green and deep. He had a warm expression, something that was quite weird amongst the cold, cruel people of the higher level.

"Wow... That's unbelievable. But please, continue your story" he asked kindly.

"Right, where was I? Oh, right. So, after I was all alone, I began to travel between the middle and lower levels. I looked for a job, for food, anything. That's when I caught word that, up here, you people threw away a lot of food. So, I took the risk, and you know the rest..." She finished up as she looked away, shyly.

"So, you came here looking for... Food?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I did. I'm... Hungry. I haven't had a decent meal in around a week or so..." She said, as if ashamed by that.

"Oh, I see. Give me a second" he said as he left the room. He came back with the bowl of soup he had asked the maid to prepare. It smelled delicious, and to the hungry husky it must've smelled pretty much like heaven. Her ears perked up and she looked at the bowl with hopeful eyes.

"Here, your hand is still too weak to hold it." He said as he placed it in the bedside table and helped her lift her chest. She groaned in slight pain, but relaxed as he slid a pillow under her back to hold her in place. She could breathe easier on this new, half sitting position.

"Thanks" she said, not taking her eyes off the bowl.

"No problem. Here, drink" he said as he took the bowl in his hand and fed her with a spoon. "Careful, it's hot" he warned. She didn't mind as she drank the spoonful of premium food, which must've felt delicious as it went down her throat, warming her insides nicely in that cold night.

"Thank you... You still haven't told me your reason" She said as she smiled.

"My reason? For what?" He asked, feeding her another spoonful.

"Mmmm, for not doing all those things you said you would in that alley, your reason for bringing me here and treating me like a real fur and not a slave, even though it puts you in danger" She said right after eating the next bit.

"Ahhh... I uh... It was cold and..." He stuttered. He hadn't thought of that.

"Well, don't worry about it. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you did... Thank you, sincerely" she said with a gaze deep inside his emerald green eyes. He focused on hers; blue lagoons of mystery. They simply looked, and looked... And without any of them noticing, they began to inch closer and closer. As they were simply focused on their eyes, the only indication of this was the very moment those two noses, cold and damp, touched slightly. From there, it was pure instinct that drove them into kissing each other.

It was a short lived kiss, with their lips only pressing together as they shared that fleeting moment. A couple of seconds later they both pulled away, and looked away with a heavy blush.

"M-more soup?" Timothy asked, trying to drive the awkwardness away.

"Y-yes please" Mia answered as she turned back. He fed her spoonful after spoonful, both of them ignoring what had just happened as she tended to her hunger. Finally, there was an empty bowl on the table and a happy husky on the bed.

"Okay then... You can sleep here since it's pretty late. I'll go and figure out something to put on you." He said as they both knew that going out in that dress again was suicide. "Please, don't hesitate in calling me if you err... Need anything. Only me, Lania and Nina know you're here and the two were instructed to watch over you without telling anyone, so those two will tend to anything you need." He said as he got up and helped her lay back down again. "Take a good night of sleep and I'll see you tomorrow. Good night" he said as he began to walk away.

"Tim?" She called out before he left.

"Yes Mia?" He turned around quickly, as if he had been expecting it.

"Thank you" she said softly.

"Oh, no problem" he said as he thought she meant about healing her.

"No... Thank you" she said with a certain emphasis in her words and a smile at him.

"Ah, o-okay, when... Whenever you want heh..." He said, blushing like a tomato under his fur before leaving the room.

"Rise and shine puppy! How are you feeling?" Timothy said as he came inside. He had woken up roughly three hours ago, and it had been quite a challenge for him not to barge right in. She needed rest to recover; she wasn't in a particularly good shape at all. He had stayed in his own bed those three hours, thinking about what to say when he woke her up and when would that be.

He had finally decided on the phrase he just used. However, he never got to see if it was the right one since she was sound asleep. Well, not necessarily sound asleep... She was having a nightmare, and a pretty bad one by the sound of it. She whimpered and whined softly as she wriggled slightly in her sleep.

"Michael, James, hold on... We're going to get you out, I promise... I promise..." She whined at one point. Timothy made the assumption that those were her late brothers.

"Umm, Mia?" He asked, poking her side gently.

"Wha...?! Ouch...." She exclaimed as she got up, a bit too harshly as her cut began to act up. She slumped back, eyes closed in pain.

"Oh crap... Here, take this" he said as he applied another anesthetic patch near the wound. It calmed her down right away, and she began to breathe regularly. "There, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before... This anesthetic is good but quick to dry out, so you'll probably want to carry a few in your pocket... Funny" he said as he looked at the wrapper.

"Thanks... W-what's funny?" She said, looking at it.

"It's the brand. Michelet industries... The owner is the father of the guy who roughed you up yesterday" He said.

"Ah... I see... Then it's good that I need them. That way the father atones for the sins of the son" she said, showcasing that vivid mind of hers.

"I... Hadn't thought of it this way... Here, I've got you some breakfast" he said as he placed the silver tray on her belly.

"Oh wow... Breakfast in bed? The miracles of kissing someone..." She said, obviously trying to make him feel nervous.

"Ahhh... Y-you didn't need to... I would've, anyways..." He said, blushing like a little cub.

"So, why were you saying I should keep some in my pocket? Am I getting kicked out?" She asked, half joking and half serious.

"No no no no, not at all. I can't send you anywhere alone in that state. Here, how about you eat something" he said quickly as he offered her some traditional breakfast. She didn't protest, happy she wasn't being thrown out and also happy for the food. After devouring it, she happily sighed and looked at him.

"Okies then, now what?" She asked in a soft tone.

"Now, I need to see how your arm is holding up. If it hurts, let me know" he said as he grabbed her wounded arm carefully. He began to lift it and move it gently in random directions until it was established that she was able to move it.

"There, good as new. Now, can you stand up?" He asked.

"Let me try, I'll see if I can... Do something" she answered as she got upright. Setting the feet on the floor, one at a time. Then, with Timothy's help, she stood upright. Her legs were wobbly, but her tones muscles soon recovered balance and she was up.

"Good! That's great, that means you're getting a lot better" he said with a smile. He let her go, and a second afterwards he noticed that he had been pressing against her breasts. Had he noticed that earlier, he would've focused on that, but now it didn't matter.

"Thanks to you I am, yeah" She replied with a smile. "What's that?" She asked, pointing to a medium sized folded dress. Along with it, underwear was also neatly prepared.

"Oh that, those are clothes for you. It would be dangerous for you to walk around here with that..." He said, pointing out. "So uh, I'll leave you to get dressed" he said to her as he began to turn around.

"W-wait. I uh... I could use your help with that, I'm still feeling faint and I might fall..." She said, blushing a lot but being completely honest.

"You what? I uh... If you say so, yeah" he said as he returned.

"Thanks... Now if you could please stand behind me and help me with the dress..." She asked, facing away from him.

"S-sure. I promise I won't peek" He said shyly as he helped her lift the old dress away.

"Oh, what's the point? You already did, didn't you?" She confronted him with a soft voice, throwing in a giggle for good measure as she picked up the new bra. "Or else, you wouldn't know I was wearing a bra larger than my size" she said as the dress came off.

"I uh... I had to, you were bleeding and I needed to work on your arm..." He defended himself. The sight in front of him was exhilarating, the lean and sexy back which ended up in a beautifully round and firm behind. She seemed to give off a white aura of beauty, and Timothy had a hard time hearing her next instruction.

"Would you help me with my bra, please?" She asked softly as she pointed awkwardly towards the clasp. He fumbled with it for a couple of seconds before finally deciphering the mechanism. Then, in the most sensual move Tim could have imagined, she moved her arms to remove the straps. She then tossed it to the bed in an unceremonious way.

"Can I have the new one please?" She asked, extending her hand out to the side. Tim had the sudden urge to say "No" and then turn her around, but in a display of respect or stupidity (depending on who tells the story) he didn't make a move. Instead, he obediently passed her the Bra, a nice B-cup, which she expertly put on.

"Okay then, now for the real fun." She said as she grabbed her small panties. Tim gulped, unsure of what to do as she began to lower them, revealing her soft and round Bum.

"Uh, are you sure you can bend down by yourself?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll be fine. Although, do stay here in case I fall or something" she said in that everyday tone of hers. She then proceeded to bend down, pushing the panties down to her ankles as she gave him a perfect view of her sex. He could see those two big and puffy lips, and the small hint of bright pink in the middle. He simply stared at that view with big curious eyes. He had seen countless of shows and read hundreds of books on that specific area of the females, and he knew what everything was down there. Still, seeing one in the flesh...

"Umm... Earth to Tim? Come in Tim" Mia said, snapping him back to reality.

"Sorry, I was just..." He began

"Enjoying the view? Yeah, figured as much. Now hold this, will you?" She said as she got back up, hiding her sex from view and extending him a hand with the panties. He grabbed them, but instead of just putting them away he snuck them into his pocket. Teens are stupid like that.

"Here, these are the new ones" he said as he handed her those. Mumbling some thanks, she performed the routine all over again. This time, however, he didn't notice. He had those old panties against his nose and was inhaling deeply. Her scent was... Hypnotizing. It smelled so dirty and at the same time so delicious and creamy... As she finished with the new set of panties she turned around at him. Luckily, he had managed to store his newfound drug in his pocket.

"So, how do I look?" She said, like a little girl.

"Like an angel... Nice! You look nice" he slipped in a moment of sheer confusion. She wasn't the perfect woman (or girl considering she was 14), her breasts on the small side, and her stature a couple inches below ideal. But for Timothy she looked perfect, flawless and divine.

"Tee hee, you're so cute when you blush" she said as she put the dress on. Later, Mia would tell Timmy that she had been waiting for him to make a move all along, but that is quite ahead in time. Once dressed, Mia looked at herself in a mirror. She looked beautiful in that dress indeed.

"Alright then! Shall we head out?" He asked.

"I'd love that" was the answer.

"Oh my gods! The sun! And clouds and wind!" She exclaimed with ecstasy in her voice.

"None of them is real though..." Tim reminded her. One would expect Mia to get angry at that, but her newfound bliss didn't allow for that.

"Oh, come on. Does that make them less beautiful?" She asked with a smile.

Timmy, knowing she was right, decided to change the subject. "So, I was thinking that maybe, since it's so rare to find a day like this in winter, we could head out to the park for a picnic. There's one close by, but nobody ever goes there" he mentioned. "Especially in the night" he added.

"Well, in that case we should go! But only after you show me your whole district" she said with a beaming smile.

"Well, I'll give it a try. I'm no tour expert though" he said

"I'm not looking for a tour expert. I want my Tim" she said before turning and kissing him. It was the first kiss since the day before, and Timothy had already begun to worry if it had been a one-time thing. This one removed all doubts; however, as her head tilted sideways and they opened their lips instinctively. Timothy was quite unsure of whether to use his tongue or not, so he couldn't stifle a small gasp when he felt hers already within his mouth. He moved his tongue to find hers, and shivered as they met. It was sort of like yin and yang, his tongue small and rough and hers broad and soft, which only helped their pleasure increase by a tenfold. This one was considerably longer than their first one, and both lost track of time as they joined their souls. Finally breaking it up, around two minutes later, they looked at each other.

"Mia... would you...?" Tim began

"Yes, yes I do, I want to be your mate" she blurted out, her eyes watering immediately from the excitement.

"I was going to ask you to please step off my tail..." He said, grimacing.

"What? Oh gods, I'm so sorry!" She said, visibly embarrassed and ashamed as she got off his tail.

"But I'm really glad you misinterpreted that... Because I really, really want to be your mate" he said which brought the girl's mood up like a rocket. She hugged him close, really close, and squeezed him like a huge plush toy.

"So, shall we be off to the district?" He asked, heart melting down.

"Oh yes! But you must hold my hand, Mr. Greene" she said in a mock tone as she extended her paw.

"Gladly, Miss Lacroix" He replied and took her paw, and they both took off towards the district plaza.

The two furs came out of the huge shopping mall, but instead of finding the blue sunny sky they had seen a couple hours before, they were thrown into the cold night.

"Oh, that was soooo fun. You really have some talent for bowling" She said as she laughed.

"Oh, it's only knowing when to release the... Wait, what happened to the sky?" He asked, noticing it concerned and glancing at his watch. "Geez, when did it get so late?" He said, frustrated.

"Doesn't matter, we'll have a moonlit dinner! Now that I think about it... And the moon?" She asked, noticing the sun's counterpart was nowhere to be seen.

"Aaaah, that's not the night sky... Those are clouds, all over the district... This generally means..." He began. Then, in that very precise moment, as if trying to piss Timothy off, the AWSS decided to throw them some snow. A light flurry at first, with the tiny little crystals fluttering down. One of them landed softly in Mia's nose, and she shook it off with a squeal.

"Oh my gods, real snow! Snow!" She cried out happily, like a little kid. Timmy was about to remind her that it wasn't real snow at all. In fact, it had a certain bunch of chemicals that allowed the crystals to form at higher temperatures, meaning they weren't that cold outside. However, the sixteen year old snow leopard refrained from ruining her moment of juvenile bliss.

"Oh, this is so fuuuun, how can someone not like this?" She said as she twisted around like a ballerina. Timothy was about to reply with his opinion, when something else came to his mind.

"Darn... So much for our picnic..." He said as he looked at the disposable picnic basket they had just bought. "We'll have to do it tomorrow, and who knows if it'll snow as well." He expressed in sheer frustration.

"Come on, Tim, you can't just give up because of the weather! Tell you what, let's go to that park and have our romantic picnic right now. And if tomorrow ends up with another sunny day, we can do it again? Deal?" She said with a soft smile as her tail wrapped around his.

"I really think... Oh, what's the point?" He sighed, before smiling at her. "You know I can't say no to one of your smiles, let alone a tail hug" he said as he smooched her quickly and playfully under the falling snow. "Now come on, this way" he said as he began to walk. She followed with a giggle, playing with the falling snow as she walked. It took them around an hour to get back to the park, and by then the whole district had a nice white blanket covering it. The park was a small one, right beside the Greene mansion. In the middle, a huge tree, bared of its leaves, acted as a central point and its thick branches managed to shield the area below it, but not entirely. In the mornings and during sunny days, the park had a nice green color to it, but now it was purely white.

"Wow... You weren't kidding, this place is beautiful!" Mia exclaimed as she jumped and did a small snow angel, before rising back up quickly. "Eep! Cold!" She said. Although the air was at around 10 to 15 degrees Celsius, the artificial snow was well below that.

"Oh, you silly little puppy... Here, let me warm you up" Timothy said as he gave her a big warm hug, which certainly fulfilled his promise.

"Thanks, I needed that" she said with a soft smile as she grabbed the big sheet and placed it under the tree. It was waterproof, so they wouldn't find themselves sitting on a soaked fabric.

Timothy, meanwhile, began to unpack the delicatessens that were on the basket. They looked delicious and they didn't waste a single second before devouring them. They didn't talk much during the eating, soft moans of delight escaping their throats with every bite. Sooner than they thought, they had taken care of every single piece of food. After packing the picnic's trash up in the basket, Timothy was about to get up and leave.

"Well, we should get going. It's late and you need some rest" Tim said before he felt a soft tug on his tail.

"No, stay for a while... Please?" She said.

"Uh... Sure, why not." He said. They both laid down, side by side, looking up.

"Tim, do you love me?" Mia asked, looking at him.

"Of course I do, I love you! Why wouldn't I?" He said, looking at her.

"Love has no reasons... It's not the consequence of cause and effect... It can't be measured or quantified... You can't even understand how much you love someone, because as soon as you lose them you understand that you loved them more than you thought..." She said from the heart, a speech not suited for a regular 14 year old girl from the middle levels. "That's why I wanted to ask, mainly so you would forgive me" she said.

Timothy was about to ask what she meant for forgiveness, but the words never left his mouth. She was on top of him, her petite frame was pinning him down to the ground. Her tongue battled against his for mouth supremacy. He allowed her to kiss him, unsure of what this was all about. It all came together when he felt one of her paws softly brushing against his groin. Breaking the kiss, he looked at her.

"W-what happened? D-don't you want it?" She asked with a wounded look.

"Y-yes but... Wouldn't it be better inside, on a bed?" He asked, nervous and blushing.

"No... Because I don't know if that moment will come. The one thing I learned while living in the pit was that you can't postpone anything that has to do with the heart. Ever since I lost my brothers all I've been thinking is about how much better would it have been if I had known this..." She said as her eyes became moist. "And I don't want to waste any time with you. I won't make the same mistakes I did back there. I want to be one with you, nothing else matters right now" she said, looking at him with a heavy blush on her face.

"Mia, I..." Timothy began. He wanted to have sex with Mia, obviously. Still, he was worried that she might be rushing into it without thinking it properly. "Are you sure I'm the one you want to do this with?" He asked softly.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. No one else, not later, not tomorrow. Just my Tim right here, right now, under the snow" She said in a burst of emotion as she leaned back to kiss him again. Timothy had nothing else to say, and followed her lead. And for the next thirty seconds after they broke the kiss, they stared awkwardly at each other.

"Soooo... What now?" Mia asked

"I don't know, you're the one who began..." Was the reply

"Well, because I thought you'd take control of the situation.... I've never done this before" The husky girl replied, still on top of her mate.

"Me neither, you would be the first" Tim said, coming out as a virgin.

"What? No way... I get to take your innocence?" She said with a wide smile.

"Not if I take yours first" Tim said, finally springing into action. He pushed his lips against hers, silencing a witty remark that was on its way up Mia's throat. They kissed passionately, muffling moans and whimpers under the bluish light of the park lights. It didn't take long for Tim's hormones to begin guiding him. His paws roaming around her back finally found her behind, and he slid his hands in like a shy little puppy, waiting for an almost certain refusal. It never came, and Tim found his paws over her bare, soft butt as Mia giggled happily. Her paws roamed his chest over that pricy silk shirt and that classy red tie, so unfit for most teens but not her Tim.

They weren't speaking anymore, nor were they kissing. They both had their eyes closed, focusing on the touch of their beloved one. The silence was only broken in small, random cases, like when Tim accidentally rubbed at the base of Mia's tail.

"Hehe, that tickles..." Was all she said, although Tim had no interest in back door play.

The two kept on with this intimate and innocent groping, until the snow leopard felt Mia undoing his shirt. He began to retaliate, taking off her dress. The top portion first, which exposed the little girl's back to the cold fresh snow. She didn't seem to mind, however, as she finally got around to getting his tie off and opening his shirt. He was greeted by his white and soft chest hair, and allowed her two puppy paws to roam freely on it. Timothy had focused on a different target. Or maybe targets would be more appropriate. His paws began to caress the fur on Mia's sides, dangerously close to her small breasts. He was patient, that's for sure. His thumb began to rub on the side of her boobs gently, as Mia played along feigning she had not noticed. She wasn't expecting him to simply grope them all of a sudden, which caused her to gasp and accidentally shake off some snow that had built up on her back. Her hands remained in their place, getting him to rise a bit so that she could get that shirt off. It was a hard task, considering that his hands were still cupping her small breasts. However, after a cute and funny struggle with the Italian silk, the shirt ended up in the same heap as the tie.

"There, now we're both naked waist up." Mia said proudly.

"Not just yet" Tim answered as the hands that had been cupping her breasts over her bra switched their plan. A finger dragged inside the garment, brushing against the soft fur of her mounds before hitting its target: her nipples, standing proud due to an overwhelming mix of cold and arousal. The fingers began to stimulate her nips beneath her bra, and caused the little husky to whimper softly. From that point on, removing her bra was a breeze. Weeeeelllll not exactly a breeze, but it was easy once he had figured out the secret of that dreaded lock mechanism that held it together. The garment slipped out, her hands tossed it into the heap carefully as the fourteen year old husky's breasts said hello to the chilly air. It didn't last long, since up came Tim's hands to warm them up. A very soft, very shy moan escaped Mia's lips for the very first time as he toyed with her breasts almost expertly, as if he had done it before. His paws moved curiously, kneading the soft bulges and teasing her nips, and even suckling a bit on them once he got confident. However, that wasn't Mia's cup of tea, so they kept on to more kinky stuff.

It all began, as most sexy stories do, with a paw. A sneaky paw that made its way to her side. Once then, he used his strength to roll them sideways. A small "eep!" Came out of Mia but she didn't complain, since now she had an easier access to her lover. Her paw brushed softly against Tim's growing bulge, which caused him to stop in his tracks. She didn't, however, and began to caress his bulge directly, cupping and rubbing and stroking the tent in Timothy's pants. She was determined, firm and yet one could see the curiosity in her eyes. Touching the bubblegum wrap wasn't enough... She wanted her candy. Her paws began to unbutton his black high end pants, and Tim suddenly felt an urge to stop her, leave her and run. Gladly, this panic was short lived. He lifted his rump and she slid the pants out of the way, putting them in the heap. Now, only his briefs remained. She could see a hint of red under the stretched out white fabric, and simply couldn't resist but pull those briefs down. Timothy closed his eyes in shame, as the 5 inch feline member jumped into view. It was average, in length and girth, and had the characteristic feline barbs on its tip's base.

"Wow... I had never seen one before... It looks so swollen up! Doesn't it hurt?" Mia said in disbelief, being a fourteen year older.

"N-no... It just feels itchy, like you've got to scratch it" he said.

"Oh, poor kitty. Lemme help" she said as she began to run her paws over it in random directions. "There, does it feel better?" She asked, the movements now turning into a slow jerking, up and down in a steady way as she gained experience by gauging his reaction.

"Ahhh... It feels so weird if it's not me doing it... And yes, thank you..." He said as he felt her crawl down. Was she really gonna...?

"Then this should get rid of that itch" Mia said from his hip as she took a lick out of his member. She took some time to get used to the taste, but quickly returned to give that meat pole a few more licks. She could hear the way Timmy whined and writhed and squirmed under her tongue. He began to squirm even more when she took the penis inside her mouth. She went about three quarters down, but couldn't go any further. Congratulating herself mentally for such a feat, she began to bob her head up and down, which pulled the first moans of the night out of her Tim's mouth.

"Oh gods... Mia, don't stop, I'm gonna..." He began, preparing for a mind shattering orgasm... Which never came.

"Nooooo, let's save it for later?" She asked happily. Timothy couldn't resist something like that, and nodded begrudgingly as his pleasure died down.

"In that case... My turn" Tim said as he removed the lower part of her dress, a green skirt which had gone beautifully with her yellow shirt. She was left only with those panties, which showed the outlines of her untouched sex. He turned her on her back, shaking off the small amount of snow that had collected on her side, and began to go down and down her body, strategically placing kisses on her belly, her navel, and her beautiful hips as he finally reached the panties. He began by slowly dragging a finger over her panties and waiting for her reaction. She gave off a whimper, a really cute whimper and shifted her legs a bit, spreading them ever so slightly as a subtle invitation for him.

Although said invitation went unnoticed, Timothy advanced. His finger dove under her panties, pulling them down until the tiniest hint of her clit was out in the cold. He continued to drive his finger down, her panties still covering up most of her naughty bits as his digit found its mark. First, he felt the warmth and the moisture. Second, the softest fur he could ever imagine, covering two small outer lips. Finally, as the finger wriggled a bit, he felt the soft flesh of her very sex, all while the preteen husky whimpered. Timmy was amazed at this array of new sensations, and wished to add sight to it. He began to pull at Mia's panties ever so slightly, but before he could uncover that hot and nice smelling snatch, her paw stopped his.

"Promise me you won't laugh..." She said

"I wouldn't, not ever... But why?" Was the kitten's response.

"I don't know... I haven't showed it to anyone, how do I know it's normal?" She said before letting go, allowing him to pull the garment down to her ankles. He had seen the girl's sex before, earlier in the morning, but this was different.

"There. It's perfectly normal... And I must say, beautiful." Timmy replied, his anatomical knowledge backing up the first claim and his hormones the second.

Mia, evidently relieved, let out a content sigh which turned into a moan as Tim began to prod at her sex. She could tell he was curious, exploring, and dared not to stop him as small electric tingles ran through her body. After pressing his finger at practically everything down there, he had a naughty idea. The lick, strong but gentle, made her moan into the falling snow as the rough tongue teased her sex. He did it again, and again, until he felt a pair of paws on his cheeks. She pulled him up from those, as he ended up between her legs and their faces almost level. His member was being pressed in its length to her virginal sex, causing them both to gasp in excitement.

"Are you ready to do it?" Tim said as he began to feel some snow piling on his back, shaking it off a bit.

"As long as I'm with you... It'll hurt, right?" Mia asked; the nervousness visible in her face.

"Yeah, it's the most likely scenario. And there will be some bleeding too, but not to worry" Tim explained.

"Okay... I trust you with my life so... But still, please be gentle." She cooed into his ear.

"I'll do my best" Timothy said as he began to carefully push into her. As soon as he reached her hymen, however, she reared a bit with a pained face.

"S-sorry, it hurts a bit... And I'm guessing I'm too nervous" she said as she looked at him.

"I think it has to be done quickly..." Tim said. "I have an idea. Whenever you feel ready, close your eyes and kiss me, and by the time you pull away you won't be a virgin" He suggested.

Mia nodded and took several deep breaths. She then looked at him and kissed him, closing her eyes tightly. Timothy wasted no time, and pushed forward in one powerful but controlled thrust. Her barrier tore as it strained beyond its limits to give way for the intruding male organ, and by the time she broke the kiss to cry out in pain, he was all the way inside her. She began to squirm and whimper as small tears ran down her cheeks, and a trickle of blood did the same on the other set of cheeks. Timothy, always a gentleman, held her close against him as he whispered small loving words of encouragement into her ear, not moving his member in the slightest bit as he felt her walls spasm around his member. He took in some deep breaths, forcing an orgasm back to where it came from, before looking at his girl. He was met with a smile and a lusty look from the preteen husky.

"G-go on... I'm fine now" She told him. Later, he would understand that she was still in a bit of pain, and that she was hiding it.

Timothy did exactly that, pulling out of her warm and wet sex, his feline barbs scratching the girl's vaginal walls in their way. However, instead of pain, those small and almost blunt barbs stimulated the girl in ways she never imagined possible. They left a soft burning sensation in their wake, which was quickly soothed by his member driving back in and filling her again. Her current state was cried into the air in the form of juvenile moans, whimpers and gasps, as she was unable to find words for her situation. Tim began to hump her with a steady rhythm, every thrust shaking a bit of snow off his back as more fluttered down to replace it. He closed his eyes, focusing only on the sensations brought by his mate, pinned down below him and squirming in pleasure. The sounds that came from her mouth were like music to his ears, and he couldn't help but feel proud of himself for having her in such state.

"F-faster Tim..." She said; the words visible in the cold air as the small white cloud formed in front of her mouth, only to be pushed by the rushing air of an escaping moan. Timothy was in no position to deny her that, and he began to pick up the pace. He held her tight against him, her head buried in his chest as he mated with her young frame. Neither of them announced their impending orgasm, both lost in pleasure far beyond being polite. Timothy's spire bumped occasionally against the husky's cervical opening, which sent ripples of delightful pleasure through her juvenile body. Instead of a sensation, however, it was a sight that brought her over the edge. It was her Tim, covering her completely from the falling snow. For once she felt safe, loved and pleased at the same time. That realization set her on a state of bliss, and from there it only took another thrust for her to whimper in orgasmic ecstasy. Her sex clamped down on the feline member intruding, her inner muscles trying to milk that shaft for every single drop as she rode that tidal wave of endorphins. She was followed quite closely by the snow leopard's orgasm, a monstrous thing that had been building up for the last 24 hours. He whimpered out her name, before pushing in as far as he could. His barbs flared a bit, keeping the tip of his member pressed against her womb's entrance. Then, with a groan, strings of warm white cum jumped energetically out of his penis and into her awaiting sanctum. String after string splashed against the cervix, with some of it going in to her unprotected and likely fertile womb. The rest coated her vaginal tunnel and flowed out, joining the small trickle of blood.


Five seconds after that, it was all over. They both looked at each other, knowing very well what the other was thinking. No words were needed, and none were said between the lovers, both unaware of the peeping Tom in the bushes. Thinking his weight had become uncomfortable for the husky, he rolled them around until they were both sideways. She was quick to take a nap, exhausted beyond measure. He looked at her and then at the sky. It was still snowing, cold and wet and especially unnecessary snow... But those white pieces of frozen water had never felt so good on his face.

The voyeur was quick to go to the police, motivated by the handsome rewards they gave to snitches. They arrested the couple on the next morning, in Timothy's own mansion. They were thrown into jail, on separate cells, until the day of trial. Two days later, the lovers were reunited under the Supreme Court of Fer. They were charged with an array of public disturbances and other laws too long to explain here. The usual punishment for this would be death, to be carried out in the city's airlock. However, being the son of such a high roller had its perks, and in the last minute Mr. Greene pulled a couple favors from the judge. The new sentence: Exile.

They were dropped by a small vessel in a shore, which was located in the ancient area of the Kilimanjaro. A few miles away, a small refugee camp poured a thin line of smoke into the snow filled air. They would survive. Their last wish before leaving was a rather unusual one: a blank journal and a pen. They took it with them up into the real world, and he wrote his story there for generations to come.

That, dear reader; is the very journal you are holding. My name is Timothy Greene, and this is my story.
