Those Banana Days -(Chapter 3)-

Story by Moonblood on SoFurry

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#3 of Those Banana Days

Eeeeeeeeeeeep! Well it seems I am pumping out these stories at a good rate, I like that! Tis like how I first started with my other series, I'd get going good and then slowly stopped down the line, so hopefully that doesn't start or ever happen with this one, because I do like writing and everything! Great workout for your mind, helps practice English to be a better writer and I get to hear that you guys like it through votes, faves and comments! Awesome stuffs! Remember! I write for you guys!

Now, for the third installment of the oh so cheeky Monkey, I give you the next story!

Those Banana Days


Perks of this job are anything nice you can take out of it, there are by no means a lack of nice things, but that doesn't mean there are the fair share of bad things too. I sometimes make my way on a slow day of school or weekend to the city, believe it or not, I do have a life outside of what I do and for school, I hang out with friends, family whenever they visit, the usual.

Just comes from the oh so nice quote of "Don't mix work with pleasure". I do take that in an interesting way, my work revolves around pleasure while the other pleasure is having a nice time out with the people who know me as David, or Tye, depending on who I'm with. I'm still mother's youngest son, so that instantly means me being called her little cheeky furball is perfectly acceptable... to her. Let me tell you, I'm easy to make blush believe it or not and that name being brought up near any of my fellow siblings results in wishing I were a winged individual to fly so far away! Gah!

Anyway. the father just called, seems they are planning a trip up here to visit on the next break I have, I lose track out it all really, the days that is, I'm still organized and everything just turns into a blur here at University.

I mean, picking out the clothes to wear can be so very difficult at times when the finals and midterms come around. For crying out loud, a Biochemistry class at those times? Makes me wish I brought up good grades whenever details are discussed with a teacher here or there. Hmmm, the red Vixen of a Fox known as Ms. Gloria T Bell.

I'll give her a ring or two and fill her bell up to the brim, unfortunately, she's the married type, a strong believer of it too, so the chance of me implementing a new policy of "I'll fuck ya for the grades AND money" Cliché goodness will have to wait for another time, too. Still, she has a nice rack, gave a bloody nose with the ruler pointer to the first kid who made a joke about sex with her, 3 million hits as of today since it was uploaded a month ago.

Man I feel sorry for that kid.

But, that's the internet for you, you love it as much as you can and then you end up on it and it is the worst thing ever created. Fickle is the mind of those internet users, not real life guys.

Although it can ruin you, so, people make sure you take precaution when someone ask if they could record you. With everyone else, that means "Yaaay, I'm on camera, let us do something fun." For me, that means, "Lift yer tail boy, show off that sexy boy cunt to those gaping eyes out there."

Yeah, boy cunt, I have one apparently, AKA, my ass. Yes he did talk to me like that and yes it was a freaking amazing night of recorded sex that actually got good ratings on some porn sites. Hell, I even jacked off to me, getting that ass hammered is fun. Turns out being recorded is a huge turn on for me, so if someone says it, I'm all for it.

One rule though, no far away shots of my face to make it obvious who it is, you either zoom up close to show partials or don't show my face at all. Some people just like it for their personal stash, that's when they can hold up a camera to get my full face, damn I love making porn.

Bzzzzzzzt. Geez, this phone sounds louder than the damn vibrator I have.

"You guessed right." The text message read, it being an answer to one I had sent out a little bit ago to the friend who gave the mysterious guy my number.

Dammit, getting lost in thought again while I'm supposed to be studying and picking out and outfit, great David, hard enough learning these equations, now even harder with a rager going on between my legs.

No jacking off for me it seems with that call a few minutes ago and the text I sent a little after requesting if my guess of a certain outfit would be great for him.

No, not my father, the one before that. Did I not bring that up? Huh, maybe I should invest in like a cat scan or something, I find myself traveling the thoughts of my mind all too often.

Anyway, Dorm house C, room 20B, shy type like none other, reference from a friend. I swear, I should totally start saying texting is okay if you don't want to talk about it, but either way, I'm going to show up in person, hahah, too funny.

Besides that, he said he'd top surprisingly enough from the stammering and gave me a time with just a hint of what to wear and a price of $200. I of course accepted as the phone clicked, so I hope he heard, huh, didn't even get a species from him.

Yes, that was the phone call and everything, so crazy you might not want to, but hey, a reference from a friend is nice, means trustable! The outfit description you might ask? Well, that's a surprise that'll either scare you off or bring you back, I know it'll do that sooner or later!

Right now however, I'm rocking the shorts, cargo of course, having an uber amount of pockets is just fun! Hang just below the knee, so they aren't too short, nice stuff, Normal Tshirt, red, "DrPepper" across it and the established date and logo, you bet your, I'm sure, sweet ass I'm rockin' that shirt. Love that soda, like a better version of coffee seeing as I don't drink coffee, that stuff tastes horrid unless murdered by flavorings that don't even make it coffee anymore!

Okay, so I'm a little picky about my drinks, can't help bu... wait! Clothes!

Ha! Caught myself there that time, no more hearing myself talk about drinks, a nice beer couldn't hurt though, or some fruity drink. Yup, call me a faggot for the drink, tastes great and I'll kick your ass two ways till Sunday.

Just because I take it up the rump doesn't mean I cannot take you down with a punch, haha!

But! Back to the chores at hand, seeing as I have a free period tomorrow, I can easily study up then, now though, tis a night of fun of course! Best part is, I get to look through my oh so little hidden stash of clothes that would make some of you guys drool out there if you saw me in them, hey, give me a call, I'm sure you know someone who knows me.

Little rummaging here and there and wouldn't you know, two traveling cases, large enough for a good stash of clothes, toys, entertainment, that sort of thing, come on over, I'll show you the contents!

It takes me a little bit to find a nice little ensemble of clothes that I believe would be great, nothing tooooooo over the top. Don't think I'll be changing here; the mates are just a door length away getting hammered while watching some Bitches Gone Wild. I'd totally participate and all, but as I was about to you know, the whole making plans for the night had come up!

A quick look of the clock, doing good on time for sure, you always want to keep your customer happy now!

Let's see, clothes in the backpack, papers if need be, some condoms of varying sizes, (you cannot just simply bring one size thinking it fits all, that's just bad prostitution!) a few sodas and of course a little pocket knife, for obvious reasons!

A quick getting sidetracked of coming out and chuggin' a beer with the friends, laughing at them discussing who has the better dick and of course not proving it either way. "No Homo!" Being the optimal word choice repeatedly said. Ah, if only they knew, but I rather they didn't, they are just the greatest to hang out with! Heck, I'm not even the nerdy one and that guy is still cool!

Nothing like a little jog after that, not for the exercise, I am found of my body, the slimness of the body with some muscles does make a little roleplaying fun. I'm not a twink either, I do have some body mass too! I can make myself look like one too, though, given the correct attention.

Doesn't take me long to find a nice little bush to hide behind, the normal clothes of David being hidden away and the clothes of the Alias, Riley, being put on all too nicely with trained perfection. Not before a good few moments of standing up and letting the cool breeze of the late evening air breathe over my exposed form, mmmmm, rutting in public... ahh, good memories... A quick noticing of a cute couple holding paws walking through the park right next to me turns me on with the ideas and makes my heart do a skipping of a beat.

Don't forget you're on a timeframe with a client, David!

Damn, you can never get these things to fit with a boner.

Some shimmying here, there and a tugging down of the top half, I'm ready to go and not a moments too soon, seems the time I said is just about up.

I knock on his door, careful of whom might see me, but, given the peripheral or even looking at a distance, I could be seen as a nice pi-

"R-riley...?" He asked through the crack of the door, the scent of alcohol making me cringe my nose a little as I come to see who I'd be servicing for the night. A rather large mouse is what I see, that's a first. He's cute, pink of a blush on his cheeks, shirt off to see he has a white underbelly of white fur coming to clash with the sprinkled brown fur of varying colors and hues along his back. The white and brown coming to meet humorously at his nose too, long whiskers and a pink nose, freaking adorable.

He looks me over and I see it, he gets hard just looking at me anyone with horrible eyesight could tell, that tenting and pulsating snake moving around in his pants is a nice little compliment I take, I do love to know I turn guys on. That breath of his still smelling of alcohol, I guess he needed something to ease the tension.

Of course, it isn't until I'm inside that I offer a paw with a little femininity added to my voice.

"Hi there, Daniel, looks like I'll be helping you relax tonight?" I say with a soft smile and a wink to follow, letting my tail wrap around his frame, the small pink bow at the end of it coming to brush through his whiskers.

The tail of course connected to what moments ago, made a flaccid mouse turn into a hornball. The lovely slender appendage connected underneath the crimson and light purple skirt I had so kindly kept from you till this moment. The red shirt I have contrasting lightly with the darker complement below, but by no means a detriment to the overall success. That shirt fits snugly alright, giving off a little midriff of my toned abdomen for all to see as I keep that mouse in my tails grasp. He stutters, I turn around and show him the reason I didn't hike up the skirt under my tail where the tail clip is, I hid my tail under so, of course, I could do this.

I raise my tail and show him it lifts the material up high enough to expose those sooooft, velvety panties of a dark violet color, the pink and red outlined heart I added later right over my right cheek a perfect addition if I do say so myself.

That's right, I turned myself into a sexy bitch with just a few choice of clothes, man, knowing it turns guys on seeing me in this just rubs me the right way, much like the snugness of these panties are doing now.

Of course, business is short like it usually is, I noticed an extra thirty bucks when I counted it before tossing it in my bag, then placing my bag down gently as to not shake up the sodas before he pushed me onto the bed and made good use of his generous payment. He's definitely not one to waste time, his slender muzzle nuzzling up alongside mine, tickling with the whiskers which actually make me giggle and squirm with a high pitch, I wasn't even acting.

His tongue is short, that's for sure, really an interesting image I must admit, my face is more flat while his is a longer one, but I make it work. I slap his ass with both palms and gently start massaging his scaly, skin tail with my feet, getting in the practice of using them like hands.

He murmurs, I grope him and bathe his tongue with my own, pushing up against his lips and playing with him. Took me minute to realize he was humping me with my skirt upturned to cover a portion of my upper half, revealing just my panties to him and some lower tummy fur. He grinds against me, his cute felt-like pajama bottoms pulled down a little so show off that reason he probably called for sex than ever hooked up with someone.

He lacks, that's for sure. I hate it when guys cannot find girls for the sole reason they want a big dick. Ahhh, don't worry Daniel, I'll be your girl for tonight.

"Yes... Daniel..." I gingerly breathe out against his cheek as I pull him to my body, letting his now nearly nude body rub up against my own fully clothed form, I grip his ass firm and hard.

He whimpers.

The sensation of a warm sport on my panties becomes evident soon after.

"Fuck..." He stammers as he pulls back, that pinkness returning to his face as he just accidentally got off before even taking me. He grips his prick and strokes it a few times to milk it dry over the article of clothing, wiping himself off before sitting on the edge of the bed, I myself just thinking how much I could charge again, though, I'm sure I said I have a conscience somewhere.

Takes an hour and a half of me telling him it is perfectly okay and that it was a compliment if anything it happened. Yeah, I have a way with words, also, stripping out of my newly cum stained panties and stuffing them in his slender maw helped too.

Then wouldn't you know? He finally got inside of me.

He's subtle, and gentle, that fat gut of his hanging onto my lower back as he ruts me like a dog, at least I can feel him inside of me, he even put on a condom for me. Man I hope I placed that backpack in a good spot.

He grips my chest under my shirt, pinching and rolling and groping my pecks and nipples while I egg him on with that dirty talk I love so much, he likes my "breasts" he tells me, says my pussy is so tight around his wet dick too. I shoot a spurt of pre onto his sheet, not caring if it gets caught in the skirt he so kindly asked if I would leave on. Yup, he likes the twinks and femboys alright, good thing I have a body that could pass for one given the right attention, or else I'd lose some customers!

He drools on my back, bucks his hips against me, that incredibly sexy sound of wet sloppy sex ringing in my ears. I rub my tail across his face, he bites it, suckles on it and groans out loud. This fucker is an interesting one alright, little chubby, but I like a big man who has some fat at times, makes the desire of "dirty" sex that much more easy for me to blow my load when one calls me up. I reach under me and jerk myself off to his subtle poundings, my upper half having now leaned forward to raise that moneymaker for his delight. The increased force tells me he likes it.

I moan, and beg him for more; pushing back against the tiny pink fuckstick he likes to call a dick. His breath smelling like I'd not pass a breathalyzer if I kissed him anymore, some kind of Rum, little fruity too, maybe I'll get the brand if he left it out somewhere.

My lips hang open while I loll my tongue out to the side. One palm plays with his balls and the other with my own member, I feel the heated lube spurt out of my backside and land on the hand massaging his sack, nice coincidence to help him out.

I tug at my foreskin, rub a thumb across my sensitive head and work the tip, coming down to stroke myself in tune with his thrusts which actually help me get off in the end. I stroke faster and faster to help make it something nice, making sure to be audible with my "Oh.. OoooOhh Ooooohh!!!" moans and whimpers, clenching my ring around him which in turn, actually makes me feel him better as I blow a sticky, hot load down the inside of my skirt.

He slumps against me and his humps turn to gentle grindings, a labored panting blowing through my headfur as I feel him drool on the back of my neck.

We stay like that for 30 or so minutes, the feeling of just cuddling after sex is amazing, his hands still wrapped around me, thumbs caressing over my now sensitive nips seeing as he didn't let go of them once while taking me.

A soft wheezing mixed with a small snort makes me chuckle inside a little, the fat fuck of a furball fell asleep. I didn't even realize he'd slipped out of me. A pitiful amount of semen inside of that condom, I notice while getting a close up view after rummaging through my bag. Hope you enjoyed your drunken fun, Daniel, I'm sure others will too.


I get changed right there, leave a little note of "You were a real treat, half off your next time. XOXO -Riley, your Monkey bitch." On a sticky note I found in his room, I leave the panties he so kindly spit up, placing the card on top of them for him to remember.

Twenty minutes later, I'm back at my own dorm, the mates are passed out, one is getting laid in his room, sounds enjoyable.

Lucky girl.

I take a few sips of the beer so kindly left for me, figuring I'd pass out to be ready for the busy Monday school tomorrow. I hook up the iPod from my backpack to the computer and promptly look up some nice areas to upload after a quick darkening of the light to hide my face, still obviously me, but hard to tell now and editing for time, finding 3 in total for a 2 minute search. That should do.

Six or so click later and a closing of the bathroom door, I'm in an icy shower turning warm as the now 45 minute and twenty two second video of a fat, drunken mouse having his way with a subby, crossdressing "boyfriend" is being uploaded. Premature and a close up of the used condom contents included.


Hey, I said those rules were for the clients, I never said I had rules shooting my own. Hehe!

Well there you go again, another story of the oh so crazy David! Hope everyone enjoyed it as they have enjoyed the others! I'm glad they are getting such great feedback, means a lot and is a great driving force for getting the work done faster! Thanks everyone and remember, fav and vote if you like, comment if you loved! Also! All bad language used here is for the character, I do not talk like this at all, gah!