OC: Jacklyn Amirr

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#8 of Original Characters

I had to rework the tags

Name :Jacklyn Amirr Nickname : "Jackie" by her parents, "Lyn" by a small handful Age : 38 Gender : Female Height : 6'1 Species : Spotted-striped Hyena

Summary Description : a bizarre woman with a beautifully twisted mind that is a wonderful mother. Personality : Jacklyn is... kind of nuts... in a fun way, She used to be a bit of an adrenaline junkie until Rhyne broke that habit and got her to settle down. Jacklyn can be incredibly work oriented, and doesn't like to something unfinished; one of the key traits that keeps her lovers going throughout the day even during the darkest times. The household would frankly fall into Chaos if she was away for an extended period of time. Likes/dislikes : Jacklyn enjoys reading...(Seriously, I am not kidding), when she isn't busy with her daily activities, if you were to search a drawer close to any place Jacklyn would nap, you'd find a stack of various magazines that detail in useful information. She also has a stack of erotic magazines hidden in the back of her wardrobe...

Jacklyn doesn't like drugs or alcohol with perfect reason, She has seen enough people become addicted to barbiturates and liquor in order to make excuses for some idiotic reason. She does make an exception though for when Rhyne partakes in herbal stimulants, even occasionally using some for a little boost when she tires out.

Bio : Jacklyn was born in Casablanca, Morocco, when her mother, Jordan Rhodes, was on loan from the U.S. Marines to Moroccan Army. She was assign to lead a squad of conscripts dealing with rebel militants in the Western Sahara; the squad had a long track record of accidents involving a solider named Husam Amirr, the squad's lucky klutz who happen to have more kills (as well as 1st degree burns) than the rest of his squad mates combined, due to improper handling of grenades and poor timing with accurate shots landing in a rebel's skull instead of a Gasoline canister.

A month after her arrival: One day while performing patrol along the N1 Highway, the squad's technical ran out of coolant near Dalkha, the engine overheated then its casing cracked when they reached the turn off for the port town. The technical had be taken to the dilapidating army base in the coastal town for repairs, using the squad's jeep to tow it into the city; Once they checked in with the Skeleton crew maintaining the base and its commanding officer, they received a 24-hour leave after they checked in their equipment.

Jordan's squad begged her to take them to the nearby Hotel Sahara Regency for the night, offering to pooling their money together to help pay for the room , They had one rule though, whenever they stayed anyplace, Husam gets a room separate from the squad so she offered to have him stay in the same room as him; The time they reached the hotel, the Manager had took their money and converted the amount into euros, they fell short. Husam pulled out his credit card then payed for a room with 3 beds and one suite for him and Jordan. The rest of the squad went to their room to wager that their officer will either maim or "lay" the lucky klutz; later on in the middle of the night, Jordan decided to skinny dip with in the hotel's rooftop pool, unknowing that a few of the soldiers were spying on her until Husam noticed a few squad members missing from the temporary gambling den of a hotel room then began searching for them.

He found them hiding behind the shrubbery adjacent to the poolside steps, asking what they were doing before they ran off with their Commanding officer's clothing, leaving him to take the blame. Jordan took notice to the clueless comrade, climbing out of the pool, Husam heard the splash of the water then turned towards the spotted woman charging at him before she wrapped her arm around his neck, placing him in a chokehold, then pinning back against the ground.

Husam, slowly being suffocated by his commanding officer who was without a shred of clothing, noticed a unique part of Jordan's anatomy then took advantage of its shape. He uttered the words "Snakebite" before wrapping both his hands around her pseudophallic appendage then rapidly twisted his hands in opposite directions, this caused her to break her hold over him then she fell over, curling up in the fetal position in response to the sharp pain.

Jordan commanded Husam to take her back to their room, He had her lean on him as they walked; Once they had reached the room, she sat down on the bed, still experiencing the disdainful pain from the "Indian Burn" so Husam offered to make it better that lead the two to the "crossing of swords", as this "event" proceeded, She returned the favor of an insidious rub burn from earlier in the process. They still had sex, Regardless...

The next morning, the poor excuses of soldiers sent one of their squad mates up to their room to settle the "Maim or Game" Wager, their scout managed to sneak into the suite to find their 'safety hazard' in bed with officer before hightailing it back to the room to announce "Gamed!". The odds were actually stacked against Husam because a majority from both fireteams picked "Maim" with exception the two teams' designated Marksmen who chosen the positive alternative.

Jordan marshaled everyone to breakfast to maintain their rhythm of their military schedule, Husam took his time to collect his part of the wager by collecting a Loan by said a Marksman who borrowed Euros from Husam to pay for a Niece's birthday gift. He then gave the cash to Jordan then told they had been gambling, She went ballistic with silencer attached, forcing the entire squad to run drills from the time they had finished eating at 7:00 AM till 1:00 PM in the scorching Saharan Sun.

Her relationship with Private Amirr grew to the point where they consummated with the result of their love being born in a hospital in Casablanca, Jordan had to return to the states for maternity leave but Husam couldn't go...until he shanghaied his squadmates into confessing to the brass that he was an extreme safety hazard to them and the country of Morroco. Let's just say after that, he was eager to pass his American Citizenship test once the plane landed in Kennedy International.

Family : Jacklyn loves her parents and they have the scars to prove it, Well mainly her Dad who has learned that raising an athletic young girl can be physically demanding.

Jacklyn admires her mother and somewhat envies her (but that's for an entirely different reason...); although, she has her father's sense of greed which is one the reasons she became a private military contractor, "PMC work is gritty but it pays it;s worth in suitcases filled with brand new dollar bills" As she would say to anyone seeking that kind of future.

Jacklyn gave up the "Merc" occupation once she paid off her boyfriend's School Debts and settled down with him as well as Bunny girl. How she met Rhyne was after he was rescued from a drug cartel that kidnapped him in Tijuana, She had visit his apartment in order to follow up on the details then he smooth-talked her into staying for a "while with his silver tongue.

Kaina came into the equation with determination for Rhyne's attention so she figured, "Why make her an enemy when I can have her as an ally" Jacklyn thought, They became fast friends and best ones at that with the same goal in mind.

Body : Jacklyn is pretty damn strong; her athleticism keeps her in shape. Type : Hourglass Hair Color : Brown Eyes: Blue Fur/Scales: Desert tan with dark spots on her backside and stripes on her limbs.

Setting : Whatever feel like! Wardrobe : Jacklyn isn't too fond of wearing "girly" clothes but if Rhyne asks, She can put something sensible together... or just walk around in the buff; Frankly, Jacklyn isn't fond of wearing clothes anyhow Accessories: A stylish black collar around her neck that was a gift from Rhyne. Sexuality : Bisexual Reproduction: a 9-inch pseudophallic barrel-shaped clitoris situated above her "Canal", her urethral track runs through her clitoris.

Abilites : Jacklyn, Unknowingly, has a unique cardiovascular system involving denser than average muscle cells and the capability to exert more muscular control than a normal person; her muscular cells have the ability to stand against disuse atrophy for an extended period of time, meaning if Jacklyn were to just sit around for a month, She'd still be as strong as she was a month prior. Jacklyn's brain is also strangly wired to enable her to mimic maneuvers and fighting moves.

Pack-a-Punch : Jacklyn can hit like a freaking 5th Wheel Truck going at 30 MPH down a highway, she's knocked a lot of teeth during her lifetime and provided a lot of headaches, Ask Ancil why there is frying a pan with the shape of his face indented into it.

Decelerated Muscular Degeneration rate : As stated before, Jacklyn's muscular structure has the ability withstand cardiovascular degradation, meaning she is least likely to have arthritis when she becomes older in age.

*Look'n'Learn: * Jacklyn has the ability to perfectly copy another individual's motions and complex maneuvers such as firing a rifle or how they fight, this is the reason she can quickly learn how to fight.

Enhanced Control : Jacklyn also has greater muscle control than the average person, manipulating various muscles throughout her body including her Pelvic Floor muscles... Let's just say whelping Rociel was easy, and Jacklyn can make her Pseudophallic clitoris stand up at will.

OC: Zoya Markov

Name: Zoya Markov Nickname: "Zo" Age: 14 Gender: Female Height: 5'7 Species: Siberian Husky Summary Description: a psychopathic adolescent girl that takes every chance to blackmail someone due to her emotional issues involving her father....

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Original Character: Daniel Rowick

**Name: ** Daniel Rowick **Nickname: "** Danny" by his wife **Age: ** 50 years old **Gender: ** Male **Height: ** 5'9 **Species: ** Lynx (Anthromorph) **Summary Description: ** An English teacher with a wife that doesn't understand how to deal...

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Jordan Rhodes Interview

\*_Rociel and her grandmother,Jordan, take a dip In a Hot tub, starting a relaxing conversation\*_ **Hey RoRo, How have you been sweetheart?** Fine, I am just kind of curious about my heritage... **I think I could help you on that... but you have to...

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