1 - Apocalypse
#1 of Am - Diane
How much is enough is too much? Written 2013. This will be important later, but sometimes you have to survive the worst to find the best.
She hung up her phone and sighed. Brandon wouldn't be happy if she told him the truth, so she decided to tell him only the parts he would be okay with. There was nothing wrong with the truth. The kids were safe.
There was nothing wrong with Brandon. He loved her enough to give her two wonderful kids and take care of her and Julie Ann after Robert died. But Brandon and the truth didn't go well together when it wasn't how he wanted it. Not much went well unless it was how Brandon wanted it, but he was a Marine and they're used to things being a certain way.
She removed two place settings from the table and sent him and their daughter a text message that dinner was ready, then started moving the food to the table.
Her husband came in and served himself, then looked up as Kristine ran in, "Where are the other two?"
"Julie Ann just called to say Brian wanted to spend the night with a friend and she would be staying with her friend, so its just us tonight."
"Do we know these friends?"
"Oh yes, everything is fine."
"Whatever happened to asking your parent's permission before doing anything?" He stuffed food in his mouth and they all ate in silence.
"Okay, Kristine, take your dishes to the sink, then get ready for bed. Your father will tuck you in."
She looked at her mother pleadingly.
"Go on."
The girl took her dishes, then walked solemnly to her room.
Her father got up and went to the bathroom while her mother cleared the table.
She sat down and saw him walk across the hall to tuck his daughter in.
Kristine cowered under the covers as her father came into her room.
He stood over her and just stared at her for a moment, "Are you dressed for bed?"
She nodded.
He reached down and flung her covers down the bed, "Show me."
She whimpered and pulled her nightie up, showing her white panties.
"Give 'em to me."
She lifted her legs as he reached down and pulled her panties off, then shoved them in his pants, "Are you clean?"
She nodded, but he waved his fingers and she reluctantly spread her legs for him.
The big man leaned down with his nose between his daughter's legs and inhaled deeply, then stood up again. He stared at her a moment longer, then stepped forward and leaned over to kiss her.
She closed her eyes and cringed as he kissed her lips, hoping he would leave soon.
He was satisfied for the night and walked out, turning off the light and shutting the door behind him.
Diane stood by the kitchen table and looked at her husband as he walked by, "Bran. The kids are all doing their own thing and we're all alone. What do you say we do our thing?"
"Really? That's what you want?"
"I only want to spend some personal time with my husband. Maybe we can rekindle the old passion."
"That's what you want?" He shoved her against the table, "You want passion?" He grabbed her head and rammed his lips against hers as he violently pulled her clothes off. Once she was sufficiently exposed, he turned her around and bent her over the table. He pulled her panties down her legs, then stuffed them in his pants. "Here's your passion." He unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis, then shoved her face into the table and his dick into her ass. She tried not to scream and disturb their daughter, but he shoved hard and fast into her, grinding her hips against the edge of the table.
Kristine heard the commotion and came out to see what was happening. She stood shocked, watching her father shove her mother's face into the kitchen table while he pounded his hips against her bare rear, making her yell with each thrust.
Finally he finished, shooting his load into her, then shoved her one more hard time into the table before walking off without a word to leave her whimpering on the table, staring at her distraught daughter.
She wanted to explain to her that everything was alright, "Kristine."
The young girl ran back to her room and shut the door.
Diane pushed herself off the table and stumbled to keep her feet as she pulled her torn clothes about her as best she could. She went down the hall to her daughter's room and knocked on the door, "Kristine, can I come in, honey?"
The girl opened the door and looked around the hall, then waved her mother in and shut it behind her.
Her mother sat on her bed, trying to keep her clothes up, "Its alright dear. Daddy was just playing."
"No he wasn't. He was hurting you."
"I'm fine. I just caught him at a bad time. You shouldn't think bad of your father."
"That's not my father. That's a monster."
"Don't say that. Your daddy loves you."
"I don't want that thing to love me any more. I want it to go away."
"Oh, honey." She tried to hug her daughter, but the little one stepped away.
"He's not my father. Are you still my mother?"
"Of course I am, sweetie."
"Then don't let him touch me ever again. Or you. Go find my real father."
"Oh honey."
"Go on. Go!"
She got up, hugging her clothes about her and left her daughter's room, the door slamming behind her. She wasn't sure what was going on. She hoped this was just a nightmare and she would wake up safe with a loving family. She went to her room and got a night gown from her closet to wear, then sat down with her computer on her lap.
CanaryJane [Hey sis. How's your side of the state?]
Hot4Red [A little rough at the moment.]
C [What's happening? Do you need money?]
H [No, I'm just having a bad night.]
C [Tell your little sis.]
H [Julie Ann and Brian are sleeping with a friend. I think Julie Ann might be having sex with him.]
C [She's having sex with her brother?]
H [No, her friend. He's a vetrinarian.]
C [So, what's up with Brian?]
H [I don't know. Julie Anne said something about finding a friend in the woods that needed help, so they took it to her vet friend and he's staying there to watch over it. Her; she said it was female.]
C [Okay, doesn't sound too bad. And you know Julie Ann is old enough to be doing that sort of thing, right?]
H [I know. I just don't want to lose her.]
C [You can't lose her. You're a good mom and she loves you. Just let her make her own family.]
H [I know, but her vet friend is also one of those morphs and I haven't told Brandon, yet.]
C [Oh. And he's one of those assholes that thinks morphs are animals and not people.]
H [Well, he has his sense. I can't argue with it.]
C [I can. He's an asshole.]
H [He can be a little rough sometimes, but he's a good man.]
C [Rough? Did he hit you?]
H [No, not exactly. I thought we could fool around while the kids were away and Kristine was in bed, but he wanted a quickie.]
C [A quickie? Is that what you call it when he breaks your shoulder shoving you into the wall?]
H [It was on the kitchen table. You know that was always one of my fantasies.]
C [Sure. How did it measure up?]
H [My hips are a little sore and he had to lean on my head. Its not as romantic a position as it sounds.]
C [Doesn't sound very romantic at all.]
H [Unfortunately, Kristine walked out and saw us.]
C [Oh no! How did she take it?]
H [She thinks a monster has taken his place and wants me to go find her real father.]
C [Oh no! You guys need to get away from there.]
H [We're fine. We just need to get a good night's sleep and everything will be alright in the morning.]
C [You two come visit me for a while. Tell Brandon I'm sick and you need to take care of me. Just get out here. I'll buy you some train tickets and you pack for the weekend.]
H [You don't need to do that.]
C [I need to see my niece and my big sister. Just get here. I'll send you the info.]
H [June. I can't just run off.]
She saw her sister had signed off and sighed. Once June set her mind on something, there was no changing her mind. She closed her computer and started packing a bag. She said a weekend, but didn't say what they would be doing, so she packed enough variety for a week. She hid the bag under the bed, so she could get to sleep without Brandon asking about it. She would tell him once she knew when they were leaving.
What a day. She pulled the covers back and crawled into bed. Brandon would be in later and she tried to sleep before he did.