The Invite, part one

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Upon being invited by Amethyst to Roxan's summer party, Razak finds that her definition of 'party' is a little more sultry than what he is used to. And she has more than one surprise in store for a certain wolf - if he follows orders, that is.

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Well, if you didn't "know" by bloody well do now ^^; Play nice. I had fun writing this, though it was not the easiest of stories to write. I constantly think that I should be job hunting so it's difficult to sit down. This is admittedly late but worth it. I'll write up part two when I can and, don't worry: I left a couple of loose ends in this one DELIBERATELY. They come into play in the second half, no worries, put the pitchforks down.

Also, hun, you really shouldn't read these stories on your break if it has such an effect on you smirks

Enjoy, guys!

(Note: sorry about the gaps between paragraphs - I had trouble getting SoFurry to co-operate and will edit it again in a couple of days to try and get those out and possibly a larger font size.)

Razak (c) Razak Wolf,

Ammy and story (c) Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Story may be re-posted by Roxan in the relevant folder and added to the group pool only.

The Invite Written by Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Part One

Reclining into the smooth limousine seats, the chestnut mare ran her paw appreciatively over the black leather, freshly painted nails flashing crimson in the evening light. The vehicle was tastefully lit with tinted windows for privacy, so even that it was difficult for the occupants to perceive its onward progress along the long, winding road, hoping that their chauffeur was following directions to the letter; Amethyst would have hated to be late for such an event, even fashionably so. Again, she studied the interior, patting down the slinky skirt of her red dress, which was layered over with black lace, and sipped the complimentary champagne with a content murmur, warm blossoming in her stomach. Her friends had called the hire of the private limousine an 'unnecessary extravagance', but Amethyst thought that, just sometimes, a certain brand of luxury was justifiable, particularly with the rehearsed excuse of a special occasion and good company, which she was in the best of.

She glanced at the blue furred wolf at her side, watching how his ears twitched and he plucked coal suit jacket's sleeves and shifting every couple of seconds as if it had been some time since he had last had cause to dress in formal attire. Amethyst observed him from beneath her lashes, accentuated with mascara, which provided her ample opportunity to appreciate exactly how well the suit fit his muscled form. Fiddling with her forelock, the mare brushed stray hairs into place, berating herself for deciding upon her natural curled style, deigning to straighten her mane. Why had she thought that curls would be more appealing for the party? Sure, it was a natural look that she did not always have the patience to tame and there was a shine to the auburn hairs that drew attention to her dished muzzle, but it was such an annoyance. She hoped Razak did not notice anything untoward. Nipping the inside of her cheek to conceal a smile, Amethyst laughed inwardly at her own folly. What could she say? She was dressed to impress and nerves fluttered in the stomachs of even the bravest of furs.

"You're thinking hard," Razak said, snapping Amethyst out of her reverie. Her cheeks flushed guiltily and she tried to play it off, tipping the champagne glass up to her lips for a drop of liquid courage.

"Aren't I always?" She replied, lips quirking at the corner. The mare crossed her legs, deliberately letting the dress ride up her thighs and pretending not to notice the wolf's amber eyes following the hemline higher. Clearing his throat, Razak rested his weight into his heels - encased in smart shoes adapted for digitigrade furs - coiling his arm none too slyly around the mare's narrow waist. She raised an eyebrow and leaned in, brushing a paw over his short, purple hair, body tenser than it should have been: some things she simply was not accustomed too and they were the most everyday of occurrences for some furs. She had not been lucky in relationships before she had happened across the wolf. Following the line of white fur, with her nose, up his neck to the point where it met the back of his jaw, Amethyst breathed in his scent, comfortable in the quiet hum of the limousine.

"And when are you planning to tell me where we're going?" Razak breathed at last, glancing out of the darker window as they turned off the main road between a large set of wrought iron gates. The mare smiled secretively, putting a finger to her lips.

"Ah, ah, ah," she shook her head. "Not quite yet."

"If you are thinking of kidnapping me, I have to warn you that there is...not a soul that knows where I am," he grinned, stroking her hip through the lace. "I would be all yours with no one to come to my rescue. It would be a dreadful fate."

Giggling, Amethyst covered her muzzle with one paw, toying with the idea of calling his bluff; it would make for an especially interesting evening, despite her current plans. She could store the idea for a later date, however, as the lure of a kidnapped wolf was too tempting to brush aside due to circumstance. Words stuck in her throat, so she giggled again, embarrassment colouring her muzzle and warming her neck as the wolf gracefully dipped his muzzle. He pressed his nose into the crook of Amethyst's neck where she had dabbed perfume, inhaling the blend of red fruit and summer musk, a fashionable scent that perfectly suited the red mare. Loathe to break the embrace, Amethyst exhaled quietly, cupping one paw beneath his chin, turning his muzzle gently towards the window and the rapidly approaching building, pink light reflecting off the majestic windows. Razak's eyes widened, taking in every inch of the mansion.

"This is where we're going?" He said, disbelief highlighting his tone. "It's...well...not what I was expecting. Not in a bad way!" Amethyst chuckled, tail flicking with a cheerful swish against the seats.

"The Gatsby mansion," Amethyst nodded, lighting up with a smile. "Why else do you think I stressed the dress code? Roxan was very clear that it was to be a formal affair, even if I can't imagine many will retain their dress clothes for a great amount of time.

"Gatsby, like the film?" Razak probed, struggling to keep his expression neutral as he imagined various guests losing their clothing with minutes of arrival. What did she mean by that? Though he warranted that she was likely making a joke at his expense, he would have not objected to spending time solely in his underwear or completely dressed down, so to speak.

"Exactly like the film," Amethyst paused, lost in thought as she traced a fingertip across her lower lip. "I wonder how Roxan managed to swing this. I wouldn't have reckoned -"

She was cut off when a pair of lips pressed to her own, effectively silencing the stream of conversation, and Razak pulled the mare close, both arms encircling her waist. The mare leaned into him, paws sliding up the back of his jacket and lips parting eagerly to deepen the kiss, wickedly arching her body against his. The heady moan and jerk of the hips that this action encouraged made Amethyst smirk, her chuckle muffled, tongue dancing with the wolf's, the taste of him sweet within her muzzle. They both were breathing shallowly, excited, when the kiss broke, and Razak cast a knowing look at the dividing screen that afforded them privacy from their chauffer. Neither had any doubt as to the acts performed between some furs in the back of limousines, even if that liaison would occur at another time between them. It was too bad they were almost at their destination. The wolf's eyes roamed over Amethyst and shivered self-consciously, nuzzling her lips down his neck while his paws sought out her rear, giving it a firm squeeze through the rumpled dress-fabric.

"Tease," Amethyst made pretence at grumbling, flicking her tail so that it lashed the wolf's legs, the warm breath on his neck making Razak stiffen in all the right places.

"Ah...I tease and I do it well, mare," he chuckled, paw caressing her soft thigh. "That's how you keep a mare happy."

"Oh, is it now?" Amethyst nipped his throat, sitting back with a grin. "You don't know what you're in for, wolf."

"Mmm," he shivered, rubbing away the fading pain from the playful nip. "That's what I hope."

She left her paw on his thigh, craning her neck to look out the window as the limo slowed, indicating their imminent arrival. Ahead, the mansion loomed, lit up in evening splendour as if it had been draped with ice; even in the fading sunset, the interior boasted warmth and festivities as a smartly clad security guard kept a watchful eye on approaching guests and vehicles. Dimly, Amethyst recalled the limousine pausing to show ID to a fur around the earlier gate, but she had been preoccupied with the wolf's closeness, not to mention her appearance, striving to look her best for many reasons and one special reason. As the vehicle drew to a standstill, engine idling like the purr of a jungle cat, Amethyst tugged down the hem of her dress, shooting a glance at her partner for the evening.

"Shall we?" She smiled, ears pricked attentively, waiting for him to nod. Halfway out of his seat, the wolf looked down, offering a paw that the mare clasped in her own, mirth dancing in her eyes as he met her smile, the evening seeming to brighten in a return to startling day, as opposed to the encroaching twilight. Subtly, she ran the tip of her tongue over her lips, hoping that he would pick up on the motion and mirror her, but there was no easy escape for him - not from the smear of feminine red streaking his lips, lingering evidence of the kiss.

"Oh," she swallowed a bubbling giggle, fighting to keep the amusement from her muzzle. "Um...Razak?"

"Yes?" He blinked uncomprehendingly.

She sighed and tapped her full lower lip, eyes creasing at the corners as she battled to restrain the giggles with an iron fist.

"Wipe off my lipstick, dear, it's not your shade."

The limousine door opened suddenly, stalling a quick-witted retort, and the canine driver, a black Labrador with warm, hazel eyes, offered his paw to Amethyst. She took it gladly, using her free paw to ensure the dress did not rise up as she stepped down to the gravel driveway, the black lace clinging to the crimson fabric and perfectly drawing attention to the curve of her hips. Swallowing, Razak followed close upon her heels, declining the offer of an assisting paw as he took in the rising mansion, furs emerging from private vehicles and rentals ahead and behind their limousine. The road curved around the front of the mansion and circled an impressive fountain that was illuminated by underwater lighting spaced at intervals around the perimeter so that the water appeared to be shimmering utterly of its own accord.

Briefly arranging with the limousine driver to call when the limo was required later that evening (or perhaps the early hours of the next morning), Amethyst clasped her black clutch loosely in her right paw, eyes darting from one sight to the next with nervous speed. Fed through a purpose-built slit in the rear of the dress, her tail flicked to and fro in subtle excitement and her ears angled forward as a friend waved to her from the sweeping steps, which led to the grand entranceway, flanked by low, stone walls. A light blush coloured the tips of her ears as she took the wolf's paw, winding her fingers between his, and led him up the steps, hooves clopping lightly on the carved stone. Smiling in turn, Razak squeezed her paw and leaned in close as they ascended the steps, lips teasing up from her warm cheek.

"It's rare that I would go to a place like this with a mare on my arm," he murmured, breath tickling the interior of her petal-shaped ear.

"I bet," the equine's lips twisted into a cheeky, one-sided smile. "I hear wolves are all about the vixens these days, always after that sexy brush." Razak laughed, nudging her side.

"Like you wouldn't look twice at a cute, red fox, Ammy," he nipped her ear, making her squeal in mock-indignation, tail swishing against his. "Though I'd rather have you."

Kissing the side of his muzzle as he straightened up, Amethyst lay her arm across the small of his back, paw on the far side of his waist, and he replicated the motion, paw falling to rest lower on her hip as if by accident.

They paused in the entrance foyer, blinking slowly. It was a great deal to take in and Amethyst resisted the urge to turn on the spot like an awestruck foal. A lavishly carpeted double staircase, which framed the entrance hall, led to the first floor and smartly dressed staff of all species trotted from guest to guest, offering selections of alcoholic beverages and trays of appetizers, enough to tempt the shyest appetite. Every corner of the hall and beyond exuded an element of modern grandeur, the rich, crimson carpeting over polished mahogany floorboards and rising walls tastefully lit so that no fur would be caught tripping over their paws due to lack of lighting - that would be down to the alcohol.

"Fancy something to drink?" Amethyst said after a moment, rubbing the back of her neck and carefully teasing out a chestnut curl. "May as well get the lay of the land while we can." She tilted her muzzle, seeming confident in the extravagant setting as she settled into her surroundings. "Considering how Roxan plans his...'parties', things are set to become rather heated in time. Trust me, we'll soon not know where to turn next."

"That would never be a bad thing."

It was not the simplest of buildings to navigate, bearing no signage, and the duo wandered corridors in puzzled amusement for some minutes, neither quite willing to halt the exploration or admit to finding themselves lost. It was not as if there were no other furs to query, however - staff were available in every direction and laughing party guests in varying states of formal dress and undress, so they were never entirely at a loss. Though formal attire had been required for the evening, the dynamic between some couples was unmistakable, if the collars and 'acceptable' public bondage gear were anything to go by. Amethyst noted one dragon with surprisingly bare paws, which was odd when considering the context of the venue, even if she felt that she was not one to judge without any hoof-boots adorning her shiny, black hooves: she had not thought they would complement the dress. The mare hesitated curiously beside an open doorway, laced with silks in the manner of an exotic harem (or the Westernised opinion of such), pressing her lips together to hide a chuckle as a familiar red fox stumbled from the room, ruffled and cursing fluently.

"Evening, Kiba," she winked. "Not having any trouble, are you?"

The red fox, Roxan's assistant, glanced up and shook his head, the platinum links of his collar clinking musically as he adjusted it so that the gold tag, reading 'staff' in capitals, rested over his collarbone.

"Not at all, Ms Scale," Kiba answered politely, though his eyes darted back and forth, tail thumping his thigh in a nervous twitch. Raucous laughter emanated from the room that he had so recently vacated and the mare wondered if he was quite conscious of how his hind paws inched away from the open doorway. "I trust you are finding your way? Is there anything I may do for you? Or your guest of the evening?" He added.

"We seem to be meandering in search of the bar," Amethyst bit the inside of her cheek, holding back giggles. Oblivious to her amusement, the fox nodded rapidly, eager to assist.

"Of course," he said smoothly, as composed as a nun. Smoothing his paws down the front of his crisp, black suit, the red undershirt adding a splash of colour, he gestured for them to follow, turning to lead at a relaxed pace down the wide corridor. As he passed the doorway, which was unfortunately in his path, he crossed the line of sight of several furs relaxing within. A toned giraffe, entirely nude and languishing across a pile of cushions, whistled obnoxiously as if he was calling a dog to heel; Kiba stiffened.

"Hey there, foxy-boy!"

Though the doorway had passed from sight, it was clearly the brown-spotted giraffe catcalling. Amethyst shook her head - couldn't some furs glean an ounce of ingenuity? - and followed close behind Kiba, a gentle tug on her partner's paw ensuring that he would not be left behind. Although he had not followed the entire exchange, Razak had a distinct feeling that the party would be a deal more 'adult' than Amethyst had previously let on in her suggestions and teasing beforehand. Leaving the mare to murmur to Kiba (a serving of encouragement for the night ahead) Razak's grin grew ever wider as he tried to imagine what exactly the devious mare had planned. She always had a plan. It was quite like her to take him to a kinky party and not tell him what was going on, Miss Far-From-Innocent.

Switching to reality, Razak stopped up abruptly with the others, squeezing Amethyst's paw as he flashed a sidelong grin. It quickly became apparent why they had halted in the middle of an otherwise nondescript (for the location) corridor; two dragons, one forest green and one black, padded noisily towards them, seemingly minding their own business. Razak moistened his lips with the tip of his tongue, softening the dry skin. It should not have been such a surprise to see dragons at the party, but it was a surprise for the black to only be wearing a towel around his waist while the other was clad in only his scales. Nudging Amethyst in the ribs, he widened his eyes, trying not to stare, which only sent the mare into a heightened struggle to not laugh. Kiba, on the other hand, shifted his weight from one hind paw to the other, averting his eyes from the dragons as his ears splayed. Though they had been engaged in low, murmuring conversation, the dragons raked their eyes over the fox, coming to a standstill in the middle of the corridor so that any one of the trio would have had to squeeze past on either side if the reptiles did not allow room.

"Well, now, Kiba," the black dragon rumbled, wings spread so that he appeared twice as large as he actually was. "We're hurt, really, to see you out here, like this. It just isn't right, it isn't."

"And why would that be...sir?" Kiba asked coolly, professional but ever the reluctant servant, assistant, submissive... The list continued.

"We were only going to the showers, as we said, to get cleaned up," the green added, tail swinging lazily. His soft-scaled sheath bulged with the hint of a hard-on, the pink tip of his member slipping into view as he rubbed a paw over his balls in pretence of scratching an itch. "We were coming right back to see you in the exotic room, weren't we, Damien? Thing is, Kiba, we got into a little tail at the showers."

"Is that so?" Kiba tugged his shirt collar. "I trust you had a pleasant time...sirs."

"Sure, sure," the green dragon grinned toothily, groping his rapidly hardening cock and squeezing behind the tapered head. "Can't fault a bunny for taking it hard."

His friend, identified as 'Damien', snorted loudly, earning himself a warning glare that would have made a lesser fur quail.

"Yeah, and you're just like a damn bunny for stamina, aren't you?" Damien rolled his eyes. "Nothing to brag about, you are."

Amethyst, amused with the exchange, rested her weight on one hoof, speculatively tapping a finger against her collarbone. She knew Kiba in passing only but his reputation as a difficult assistant and more - what the collar, specifically, denoted - was widely known in their social circles. Still, she cared little for the dragons and their callous attitude. Had they not been required to remain clothed in the public areas? Her lips pursed and, subconsciously, she squeezed Razak's paw; though preoccupied with the view, he returned his arm to its place around her waist, rubbing her hip, the touch soothing to both, onlookers to a crackling exchange. The fox glanced over his shoulder at the rustle of clothing, rolling his eyes in his trademark, dramatic fashion.

"If you'll excuse me, gentlefurs," Kiba stood up tall, his height nothing compared to that of the dragons. "I must adjourn to escort this fine lady and gentlefur to the... I am their escort. Please excuse us." He narrowed his eyes, patience wearing thin even as the dragons laughed mockingly.

"Oooh," the black dragon held up his paws, the green snickering. "That's told us then! Where are you going, foxy?"

"Excuse me, gentlefurs," Kiba's tone turned frosty and his russet ears lay flat against his skull. "That is their destination and not yours. If you will excuse us."

To Razak's surprise, they moved without further word, though the green dragon thrust his hips forward as the trio paced by, something between a snort and a grunt huffing from his lips. Amethyst rolled her eyes once and, with the back of her neck prickling, whipped her head around, eyes dark. Of course Damien's eyes were cast obscenely down, but even he had the sense to take a step back when faced with a certain mare's death glare. She snorted dismissively, stalking onward as the dragons turned, doubtlessly to slink back to one of their play rooms and less aggressive subjects for their verbal debauchery.

"And formal dress is to be worn at all times outside the play rooms!" Kiba snapped at their retreating tails.

The wolf and horse exchanged curious glances, not chancing to voice their opinions while the dragons were still in earshot: there was a time and a place to pick every battle, if a battle need even be fought. For all they knew, the dragons were simply an obnoxious duo giving Kiba no end of grief as the head staff member of the night. The dragons' footsteps faded away and Razak swept his eyes down the long corridor, ears catching music and chatter from some way ahead, warmth and alcohol palatable on the tongue.

"What was all that about?" Amethyst asked, taking a couple of quick steps to catch right up with Kiba, Razak at her side. The fox scowled, brushing a paw between his ears and mussing up the neatly groomed fur.

"Roxan told me that I am not permitted to refuse a direct order from any guest here tonight," he said bluntly. "That may be expected, however, there are some that take advantage of the fact. I'll have to report those two for breaching the dress code." He winced. "We were not planning to be obscenely strict over that matter, but those two were taking the piss."

"Mhm, I was wondering why I was wearing a suit when they could walk around in towels and less," Razak chuckled lightly, breaking the tension. "And you have some explaining to do, Ammy, you didn't say that it was this kind of party."

"Hm...oh? id I forget to mention that? And don't play innocent with me, you were looking at more than the towels, wolf," Amethyst noted slyly, her eyes all but angelic.

"I was not!" Razak blustered, the red in his cheeks and ears telling a different story. "I mean, come on, that wouldn't be... I mean..." Amethyst giggled.

"Relax, I'm winding you up, hun," she shook her head, teeth shining white as they advanced towards a larger room, the corridor at last coming to an end. "Nothing wrong with a look...or two...or more."

Huffing, Razak splayed his ears, affecting an offended air that was swiftly shattered when the mare took hold of his paw, rubbing over the back of his fingers and paw. As predicted, the corridor ended up in the bar, which was the same as any other, if that could be said of a bar in such a grand location. Besides the bar stools, plush seating was set around tables of varying sizes and heights and, perhaps in testament to the heaviness of some furs' pockets, there were more than a few card games going on around the room while some casual canines played pool, simply shooting the breeze. Amethyst self-consciously adjusted her dress for the umpteenth time, absently thinking of the more comfortable jeans and shirts, even if they did not quite attract the same stares from a particular wolf. Tail wagging as if in relief, the fox nodded to both of them with a smile and made good his exit. As Kiba pivoted to leave - presumably to avoid as much trouble as possible - Amethyst clapped a paw over her muzzle, stifling a giggle that threatened to burst forth unchecked.

"What's so funny?" Razak pounced, tail flicking as Ammy shook her head, guiding him to a pair of stools at a quiet portion of the bar, thankful that the noise levels were respectable enough for conversation, yet still relaxed.

"Nothing's funny, I swear," she answered at last, hopping on to the nearest of the stools and propping her elbow up on the shiny bar top. "Would I lie to you?" Chuckling in turn, Razak took his seat and then leaned in, resting one paw on her knee as if playing the part of a partner in crime.

"Come on, what are you smiling at?" He persisted, muzzle inching closer.

"Nothing," she said sweetly, shooting a not so innocent look from the corner of her eye. "Do I need a reason to smile?"

"Mm, no, don't make me persuade you, mare," he whispered, brushing his lips over her cheek and planting soft kisses down to her neck.

Groaning quietly, conscious of the other guests, Amethyst brought her paw up to Razak's cheek, stroking through the fur and down the sharp front of his suit, half wishing that it was open or preferably on the floor. She could not hold out for long when she wanted to confide an amusing occurrence, though the wolf's attentions were a large factor in her weakness. Gently, she laid her fingers on his arm, collecting his attention.

"Ah...see, Kiba?" She said lowly, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention.

"The fox?" He lifted his head.

"Yes, the 'fox'," Amethyst put a finger on the side of his muzzle, turning his head to face the direction in which the fox had left. "There's something not quite right about the seat of his dress trousers."

Straining his neck, though he tried to appear nonchalant, Razak cast his eyes about for the fox, finding a streak of his red shirt on the opposite side of the bar, behind a cluster of low-slung armchairs that were occupied with ferrets engaged in a card game. He squinted, trying to discern what Amethyst had noted already, and then sat back with a grin, meeting her eyes.

"That looks like..." He couldn't put it into words. "Like...there's a panel under his tail that could be removed?"

"No prizes for guessing what use that serves," Amethyst winked, teeth digging lightly into her lower lip. "But that was not quite why I was laughing earlier."

"Then why?"

"The panel was undone and I got a good look at his flank," she chuckled throatily as Razak's eyebrows shot up. "Don't look so surprised. He was coming out of one of Roxan's play rooms and there was cum on his ass. Looked like they'd really been hammering under his tail in there, doubt he'll be walking straight for weeks after this party."

Razak swallowed, tail curling through the legs of the bar stool, struggling to find words fit to respond to her crudeness. Angling her legs so they rested against his, the mare tucked one hoof over the other, resting her chin upon her paw in a thoughtful pose.

"Too bad he's gay, I'd take him for a romp," she added as an afterthought, sneaking a glance to catch the wolf's reaction.

"Maybe I'd have more luck than you then," Razak winked, dropping a quick kiss on her lips before she could react. "Though I've used up a fair deal of my luck."

Blushing, Amethyst slid her gaze away. It was not often she found someone who could stump her for words and this wolf seemed to do it with ease, giving her a run for her money when it came to teasing. It was all a challenge. She decided that she did not need words for the present moment, isolated as she was with her wolf in the midst of the moderately busy bar, the hum of voices and music comforting background noise to their liaison. Tipping nearer, Amethyst stroked her paws over the wolf's waist, unsurprised to find his lips meeting hers in a lusty kiss that may have been better suited to a venue with greater privacy. Unaware of the glances they drew, both furs were panting heavily when they broke, nerves fizzing pleasantly.

Considering the reason they had come to the bar and spotting the nearest opportunity, Amethyst took a second to compose herself and called a waiter in a white jacket over with a smile. The Black Panther was tall with a distinctly feline elegance as he walked, long tail curling behind his legs; he stopped at their seats and lifted his silver tray, a row of clear glasses balanced on the flat surface.

"Would you care to sample the champagne?" He smiled politely, offering the tray of bubbling champagne flutes with one, skilful paw. "It was hand-picked by our host of the evening."

"It would be a good way to start the evening, thank you," Amethyst selected two glasses, handing one to Razak. "Hope you're not too run off your paws tonight."

"If it wasn't busy, it wouldn't be a party!" He grinned sharply, the flash of white teeth startling through his jet black fur, and he padded off to the next guest who required his attentions, tail flicking to a tune that only he could hear.

"Friendly cat," Razak commented, resting the glass on the bar top. "Though I thought this was going to be an open bar?"

"It is," Amethyst chuckled. "Don't worry. Sometimes you've got to celebrate a bit, you know?"

The wolf leaned back, studying the mare as she brushed her mane back, suddenly overly conscious of her appearance. Was her forelock out of place? She really should have straightened it.

"What are we celebrating?" He asked at last, the pause seeming to have stretched on forever.

"Toast to better times?" She suggested, muzzle dipping, thinking herself a fool for suggesting it.

To her surprise, the wolf smiled, lifting his glass and gesturing for her to do the same. Through an inexplicable air of apprehension - since when had things ever gone so smoothly? - she raised her flute delicately to his, swearing that she caught the lion bartender winking as he poured a drink further down the bar. Taking her other paw in his, Razak's clinked their glasses together.

"To better times."

They fell silent, observing their surroundings. The music throbbed up a level, pulsing around the gathered furs so that ears twitched in protest, some of the more disgruntled canines pinning their ears back. A mixed group of femfurs whooped at the change of music, conveniently branding themselves as likely the culprits for the particular song request, which boasted some kind of club remix. They leapt to their hooves, paws and claws and dashed to the one space in the bar that could be construed as an impromptu dance floor, purely because it was the one area devoid of devoted seating. Rolling her eyes, Amethyst shook her head slowly, drawing the motion out until the wolf's lips twitched in a barely suppressed grin.

"Hey," he nudged her shoulder. "How many glasses will it take for you to start dancing?"

"What?" She yelped, replacing the glass on the counter, lest she spill it in sincere indignation. "I am so not a dancer, hun, you should know that." Razak grinned mischievously.

"With the champagne in the limo and this now," he tilted his head towards her narrow, half-emptied glass, "you may find yourself tipsy before long."

"I'm not that easy to get drunk!" She protested, a light flush creeping up the arch of her neck. Razak leaned back, looking her up and down with a crafty quirk to his lips.

"Hm... I didn't say 'drunk', did I?" He teased. "Though I want to see what happens when you are drunk."

Amethyst winced, shaking her head with exaggerated brevity. Glancing back at a standing tiger who had not been educated in the concept of personal space, she fought down a scowl as she was rudely jostled, tail swishing, and returned to conversation with a small murmur of discomfort.

"Something like that would be akin to feeding Pinkie Pie copious amounts of caffeinated chocolate," she replied at last, scraping the stool obnoxiously away from the tiger's restless tail, though space was reluctant to be claimed as the motion had the unfortunate effect of pressing Amethyst's thigh to Razak's knee. He stiffened and pretended not to notice, tail tip twitching.

"Why not give her coffee?" He suggested after a moment's thought. Amethyst flashed a quick, white smile and held up a single finger to stall further talk at his end.

"Because Pinkie loves her sweets!" She stated. "It's the most efficient method of conducting the caffeine experiment!" Pausing, she had the good grace to appear mildly sheepish. "Though I'm not one to trifle with caffeine either."

Laughing lightly, the wolf's mirth was drowned in a medley of bar noise, the energetic ladies who had taken to the 'dance floor' protesting the change of music and subsequent lowering of volume. It was a relief to be able to talk without straining one's ears, however; Ammy had a tendency to be too quiet at times, softly spoken. Taking a sip of champagne, the pleasant warmth bubbled through his nerves, and he silently promised to learn the truth behind her quiet, whether she was shy or...something more. Did furs not say that it was the quiet ones that you had to watch? Meeting the mare's warm, brown eyes, he smiled without thinking and took her paw in his own, brushing his thumb over the back of her fingers.

"You are such a geek."

"Look who's talking," she whispered, glancing down at their loosely held paws.

Squeezing Razak's paw, she waylaid further conversation by slipping her fingers between his. Unexpectedly tongue tied, the wolf inhaled deeply, Amethyst's perfume tickling his nose, complimenting the rich champagne on his tongue. The senses seemed enhanced in the quiet and his ears twitched to pick up every small sound in the cheery vicinity: the clink of glasses, the mare's gentle exhalation, the flutter of cards on a round table and the tinkle of feminine laughter. Razak cleared his throat, ears shyly splayed, seeking words that refused to step forward.

"Are you meeting up with Roxan?" He eventually fumbled, half-turning as if expecting the host to appear from the woodwork. Amethyst tilted her muzzle curiously, fingers stroking through his.

"Oh, if we bump into one another, we'll be sure to have a chat," she assured him, curling the fingers of her free paw around the champagne flute, beads of condensation cool on the exterior of the glass. "I expect he's busy with his guests or something or the other," she added, innocent vagueness unconvincing.

Shifting closer, Amethyst pulled Razak's paw into her lap so that the back of his paw pressed warmly against her bare thigh. The dress had ridden up, predictably, high enough to be considered inappropriate for such a venue, if others had cared or even dared to look. With the glass of champagne empty, the mare's breath caught in her throat, heartbeat fluttering just beneath the skin. Her dark eyelashes dropped over a deceptively sultry smile, paw controlling the wolf's and edging it up her thigh. Startled, he jerked it away reflexively, heat firing along his veins, ensuring that it was rapidly too warm to be sitting so close in a formal suit and thick coat of fur.

"It's too warm in here for suits," he said obviously as he loosened his tie, claws catching in the fabric. "Half wish I could take it off, you know?" He laughed awkwardly, looking down at the paw he had pulled away without thinking.

"Why not?" Amethyst smirked, stroking one fingertip across her lower lip. "I'm sure it's difficult for you, or anyone who knows you, to imagine, but you look even sexier in a state of undress."

Widening his eyes, Razak leaned back, elbows propped upon the bar top, and cast his eyes down the equine's lithe body, fetlocks demurely crossed. She was not fooling anyone.

"Is that an invitation?" He shot back, lips twitching. "What about a mare? Is she going to stay all prettied up in a dress that is too short not to notice?"

"I'd say that a dress so daring was made to be hiked up around one's hips," she chuckled throatily. "I didn't wear it only so you could stare at my flanks all night."

There was only so much a wolf could take when faced with the most devious of mares. Sliding off his stool with a modest thump, which was lost in the bar crowd, Razak wrapped his arms around his mare and bit his tongue, forcing back the premature growls, desire making his skin tingle pleasantly. She raised her eyebrows in the very picture of innocence, parting her legs slowly so that the dress rode up even more, baring her rich, chestnut coat right up to the top of her thigh. Breath catching in his throat, the wolf could not help but sweep his gaze over her body, taking in the small curves and teasing, crimson edge of her underwear, visible at the lace hem of the dress. Pushing his knee between her thighs, he moaned lightly as she ground lewdly against the limb, the twinkle in her eye promising far more unladylike delights than what she had displayed so far. Tracing his claws up her thighs, Razak caught the edge of the dress, raising it up to her hips and flushing suddenly, aware of their audience. The tiger at Amethyst's back cocked his muzzle, striped tail flicking in what Razak supposed was eagerness. Meeting the wolf's eyes, the unknown tiger raised his glass in toast, winking as if he thought himself a partner in crime, though he only served as a pawn in the audience. Groaning, Razak tucked his muzzle under the mare's chin, tail curling about one leg.

"Ammy..." His ears flicked twice, catching the rustle of comments like shifting cloth, some raunchy enough to raise a blush even to his cheeks: it seemed some of the furs knew Amethyst in one manner or another. "Are you sure this is okay? Not... I mean... Doing" He waved his paw vaguely and Amethyst giggled.

"Didn't you see the sign on the way in?" Amethyst traced her paws down to the small of his back, drawing his hips in close, the growing bulge in his dress trousers grinding into her lace underwear, barely covering anything of note. "This is a 'special' area of the venue... Anything goes here."

"My eyes were fixed elsewhere, mare," Razak murmured against her throat, nuzzling up to nibble her ear.

Struggling not to squirm on the stool, Amethyst huffed out a breath, sliding her rump over the smooth imitation leather until her crotch rested on the very edge. Razak ground forward with a low growl, the heady scent of the mare's arousal evident to his sensitive canine nose. He inhaled deeply, bringing his lips to hers in a passionate kiss that Amethyst eagerly responded to, flicking her tongue across his lips and between them, into his muzzle, in playful lust. Bodies near crushed together, the mare clutched at his suit, snaking a paw around to the back of his neck, ensuring that he could not pull away from the deep kiss: she would not allow him to escape so soon. Breathing heavily through flared nostrils, Amethyst bucked against the wolf like a filly in her first season, a large damp patch on her panties making the sheer fabric cling to her pussy lips. She groaned into the kiss and Razak responded in kind, the textured lace dress under his paws and the taste of mare and champagne in his muzzle, narrowing his world to the here and the now, regardless of their audience.

Amethyst broke the kiss with a gasp, panting lightly, fresh but champagne scented breath sweeping over the wolf's muzzle. Her warm, brown gaze met Razak's eyes like molten amber, and she smiled faintly, a gleam that he was all too familiar with twinkling in the corner of her eye. Nuzzling down her neck, he breathed in the scent of her fruity, yet sophisticated perfume, the natural scent of her chestnut coat barely discernible whilst under the influence. The wolf's tail wagged, a visible reminder of his own excitement, and he did not care who saw or who commented on him humping the seated mare as if he was simply an eager pup needing to cum. Nearby, a fur that he did not recognise passed comment that he wanted to be in the 'blue wolf's' position and he barely stopped himself from growling, despite the rush of giddy pleasure those words brought. Nothing was clear and nothing was certain with an equine teasing his bulge, forcing it to strain through his underwear. In a burst of cockiness, Razak nipped Amethyst's neck sharply, startling forth a low moan, and smirked involuntarily, though the smirk was swiftly lost when he looked up and froze, gaze locked.

"Strip," she said, eyes betraying the intensity of the softly spoken command.

He did not know what he had expected other than to remove the uncomfortable suit, at least to some extent, but the unquestionable instruction sent a shiver through his body, glad of the fur that his the worst of the heat along his muzzle. Was she serious? Was she really going to make him strip while she sat there, watching everything? Painted lips curving upwards in a wicked smile, Amethyst nodded, answering the unspoken question, and Razak swallowed hard, nervous excitement thrumming through his veins.

His blush grew fiercer as he started with the jacket, sliding it over his shoulders and draping it self-consciously over the top of his vacated stool, foolishly feeling as if he should fold it neatly, regardless of how he usually stored the garment. The crowd had grown, heated bodies pressing together too close for comfort, and he spied a muscled horse eyeing him with what may have been approval or perhaps merely undressing him with his gaze. Skin burning, he kept his eyes on the mare who suddenly had a glass of ruby wine in her paw from which she sipped. Her eyes never left his body as it was so tantalisingly revealed, shirt unbuttoned with shaking paws and dropped on top of the dark jacket. A fur wolf whistled and Razak's ears perked proudly, muscles along his torso defined beneath the white fur of his stomach and the rich, blue hues elsewhere.

"Talk about drawing some attention," Amethyst grinned, widening the gap between her legs as if by accident.

Considering that he had more drawing his attention than whistling furs, the wolf smiled shyly, barely showing a glimpse of teeth. Gesturing with one paw, Amethyst tipped the wine glass to her lips once more, sipping the sweet wine and inhaling the intoxicating aroma, which was almost as good as the taste itself. Words were not needed for the moment; he knew exactly what was expected of him. Confidence growing, Razak fumbled with the smart trousers, claws catching in the fabric as he rushed, too keen to continue. Some of the surrounding female furs giggled and he rolled his eyes while Amethyst covered her muzzle modestly with one paw, hiding a smile at his reaction.

In a shiver of fabric, the trousers crumpled in a heap about his hind paws and the watching furs called out their appreciation, shouts lost amongst one another as the wolf hesitated for a moment, eyeing the crowd pressing closer. A sharp glance from Amethyst sent them back a few paces - there was the issue of personal space, after all - and she winked, arching her back just to see the very noticeable bulge in his underwear swell, a damp patch of pre cum soaking the front. Her not so humble display sent Razak's heart racing, pounding the interior of his ribcage with such force that he feared for a moment that it would burst out of his chest entirely, if it was not done pumping blood to his half-sheathed cock, that was. Panting lightly, he looked to the mare as if for permission, surprisingly warm despite being down to his underwear and paw-shoes.

"Underwear first, wolf, then the shoes," she confirmed, one ear flicking to catch a peal of laughter. "Try not to think of our...admirers. All those eyes on you, watching, waiting and taking in every, little detail."

Groaning deep in his throat - she had a way of getting to him like that - Razak hooked his claws under the light-coloured edge of his underwear, indecision brief in passing. How could he forget all the furs watching? Ridiculous! The light in the bar was semi-dim, bright enough to see everything but low enough to lend an air of mystery and sensuality to the scene. Shuddering, he chanced he felt those many, many pairs of eyes on him, mentally devouring his body, ghostly paws caressing and teasing, begging silently for more. Without allowing himself further pause, he tugged his underwear down, freeing his shaft, and stepped out of them with a sigh of relief. After being so contained, his fleshy-pink shaft grew fully from the sheath, swelling to plump out the sheath while remaining achingly hard in the most pleasurable of ways. A hyena cackled and raised a glass to Razak, muzzle tilted down to where the wolf's tail flicked over his bare rump, showing off the curve of white fur meeting the blue, white stretching up the underside of his tail as if to demand attention. He swallowed nerves sparked off by the appreciative furs, flashes betraying the presence of camera phones capturing every angle of his aroused state.

There was one more barrier to the undressing, however: the paw-shoes. Normally an easy part to dressing or undressing, Razak was perplexed as to how he may undertake the task without giving more of a show than he had initially bargained for. Foreseeing his predicament, Amethyst smiled secretively, squeezing her thighs together to hide the slick patch of feminine arousal on the stool top, preferring to wait and watch. How could she not when the sight was so enjoyable? She played with a curl of hair, shaking her head as Razak edged towards the stool where he had strewn some of his attire not so long ago. He glanced between her and the stool, blinking hopefully, hopes quickly quelled as she held her paw out, palm vertical in a signal that no one could misunderstand. He sighed quietly, hiding the delicious shiver that trickled down his spine like icy fingers, down to the very tip of his tail. She left him one option.

Gathering his courage, he assured himself that it was not so bad, that he enjoyed being watched. It did not make the nervous flutters lessen and he took a deep breath, bending far over to pull loose the laces as quickly as possible. In his haste, his fingers fell to fumble, muzzle burning fiercely from the good-humoured whistles and calls of appreciation as his rear was placed on full display. Razak wished in hindsight that he had decided against facing Amethyst; he felt loathe to turn away, though this inclination left his rear facing the majority of the crowd. Dropping a sly wink, Amethyst blew him a kiss, spreading her long legs once more as he looked up. The wolf's jaw fell slack as Amethyst tugged the lace underwear, now revealed as a thong (she had confessed an unusual liking of those) to the side, showing off her damp pussy lips, gleaming with her own juices. He whined.

"G'wan, wolf!" One fur, out of his line of sight, shouted, making him jump. "Lift that tail, gi' us a show!"

A growl leapt unbidden to his lips and he clamped his tail down, protecting his balls from view the best he could. They thought he was deliberately bending over for them, too preoccupied to see how the mare was teasing him! Tempted to shoot Ammy a glare that he only half-meant, perhaps, he tugged furtively at the laces, huffing his respite when he was finally able to yank off his left paw-shoe and straighten up, holding it awkwardly as if he was unsure what to do with it. Reaching forward, Amethyst relieved him, placed the shoe carefully on the floor and leaned back, fingers teasing along the folds of her pussy, shiny in the low light. Razak's tongue lolled from his muzzle and he shook himself, hard-on begging for attention as his attention reverted to his remaining paw-show, carpet scratchy beneath his unclad hind paw.

"You know you want to show off," Amethyst murred lowly, so quiet that he had to strain his ears to catch her meaning halfway through the motion of tangling with the laces. "Why don't you show them what you've got? It would make a mare very pleased."

Opening and closing his mouth several times, Razak ducked his muzzle, shifting his weight on to the opposite paw. Grinning unashamedly, the mare sipped her wine, one eyebrow cocked in challenge, waiting. She had him and she knew it. Obscenely self-conscious, Razak ducked his muzzle, bending far over as he tackled the second set of laces, fingers clumsy in heated haste. He focused on the black shoe, tipped on to its side, ears twitching to catch the disgruntled mutters from behind, tail clamped over his rear. Would he do it? He swallowed, loosening the stubborn knot, nerves ricocheting around his stomach, bouncing off an edge of excitement that could not be constrained. The tips of his ears turned pink and the blue wolf raised his tail with a hesitant wag.

One fur whooped in appreciation - an over the top exclamation - and Razak struggled against the urge to pin his tail between his legs again. He was no stranger to eyes upon his rear but so many all at once... The wolf trembled, the very tip of his tail wagging faintly, as he stumbled out of the accursed paw-shoe and kicked it aside, nerves electrified to the point that one thought chased the other, jumbling all measure of rationality. His ears rang with white noise, coarse comments blending together, and he whined unconsciously, feeling the warmth of his orbs resting over his crotch. Beneath the scrutiny, Razak's length hardened, the toned wolf unable to stand the sensation without traitorous, bodily reaction, though he made no effort to conceal his rampant arousal. Straightening up with a shy smile, Razak met the mare's eyes and kept his tail lifted, half-turning to give her a better view of his rump; he did not see why the gathered furs should be the only ones to get an eyeful. Amethyst smiled, putting aside her emptied glass.

"Good boy," she crooned, making the wolf duck his muzzle to the side, mixed emotions battling for control. "You know how to give a lady a show when so...encouraged, sweetheart."

"If you say so," he mumbled, licking his lips, stepping closer to the mare, unable to help himself: he was well and truly under her spell.

Amethyst raised an eyebrow, lazily circling a finger around a pink and swollen clit. Body searing with desire, she thrust her hips off the stool, hooves propped on the narrow wooden bars between the legs, slipping dangerously. The shorter, red hair around her cunny darkened with her juices, trails of pearly arousal trickling. Grazing the wolf's body with a smouldering gaze, she snorted, and a warm breath ruffled the white fur on his chest, neither quite touching the other.

"On your knees."

The wolf sank to his knees before the final syllable passed the mare's lips. At another time, he might have thought twice before kneeling so compliantly; the scent of the equine's arousal clouded his senses, his world narrowing to that which lay between her soft thighs. Razak panted heavily, aching to nuzzle into her slit, a little way above his snout, but the mare placed a finger on top of his muzzle, staying him from diving in like a hungry pup. Stretching his neck as far as was comfortable, he rested his chin on the edge of the stool, inches away from the mare's hot pussy. He imagined he could feel the warmth physically emanating from it and only Amethyst's finger on his muzzle prevented him from delving his tongue between the dripping, pink lips. She studied him for several long moments that seemed to stretch out with every, panting breath, and traced her paw to the back of his head, gripping to draw him in, nose rubbing her clit.

"Lick," she murmured, voice husky.

He inhaled sharply, inadvertently intoxicating his senses with aroused mare, and tipped forward, groaning as his tongue swept over her folds. Paws spread her legs and Amethyst held on to the wolf's head and shoulders, allowing him to take some of her weight while her muscles trembled. Razak pressed his nose between her folds, muzzle swiftly soaked with her juices, which dripped down his chin. He dug his short claws into her thighs, moaning lustfully as his tongue curled into her warmth, dipping into her honey pot with teasing flicks until Amethyst bucked up to his muzzle.

Partially unaware of his own actions, Razak's tail beat the legs of the stool behind him, high enough so that onlookers had the perfect view of his tight pucker and plump balls that appeared as if they had not been permitted release in too many days. Knees spread, the wolf whined, humping the air, need coursing through every fibre of his body. His nerve endings were on fire, every touch amplified, and he growled, allowing the mare to grasp his hair, grinding his muzzle harder into her sex. A snap and a flash captured his tongue mid-motion as it left a trail of saliva along Amethyst's sex, the wolf lapping eagerly over her clit just to hear her moan. Her paw tightened over his shoulder, hips rising to his muzzle, and she near crushed his lips to her sensitive nub, nickering her proud pleasure for the ears of their enraptured audience.

"Come on, pup," she panted, dragging him closer as the stool rocked dangerously. "Make me cum, I'm so fucking close. Harder."

Ears flicking, Razak murred into her sex, lips pursing around her clit and sucking hard, earning a gasp from the squirming mare. She shook her head, striving to stave off the so sorely desired ecstasy that was all too swift in racing upon her. Too sensitive - she was far too needy, moaning like a filly entering her first season, begging to be mounted by the biggest stud in the herd. Her thighs squeezed around Razak's head, trapping him there as one paw snaked behind her back, holding the mare steady for him to delve two fingers deep into her clenching pussy. Eyes closed, Amethyst thrust her hips lewdly, tail flipping over the back of the stool and dress rumpled around her hips, leaving little below the waist to anyone's imagination. His tongue writhed around her clit, eyes cast up, roaming over the contours of her heaving chest, and the wolf worked another finger deep into her cunt, pumping them hard and fast, the mare rocking demandingly against his muzzle.

Arching her back to a vicious degree, the mare neighed boldly, mane falling off the curve of her neck as she climaxed with a bodily shudder of pure pleasure. Humping the wolf's muzzle, Amethyst snorted, nostrils flaring, and rode out her orgasm, a pool of feminine moisture staining the seat beneath her hips. The wolf panted, hot breath rushing over her tender pussy, feeling her muscles twitch around his fingers thrusting in with long, lazy strokes. Amethyst groaned, legs aching fiercely from clutching the stool, and reluctantly released her hold on Razak's head, resting her weight solely on the stool. Not to be dissuaded, he lapped up the offerings of her orgasm, cleaning her sex with gentle sweeps, and licked up her dripping, creamy juices from the seat, cheeks burning pleasantly. It would have been a shame to let her nectar go to waste, after all.

Pushing the wolf away with a firm paw on his shoulder, Amethyst licked her suddenly dry lips, tail flicking restlessly from side to side. Without a word, she stood, ushering the wolf back on his knees with the proximity of her body, turning a slow half-circle, tail proudly flagged. Razak watched with his jaw slack, paws half-reaching to grope her rear, all but exposed by the tiny thong, but was halted mid-motion by the lash of her tail across his muzzle, a warning stroke. He whined pleadingly, ears folding, and bucked his hips wantonly, ignoring the amused giggle of a fur that took particular liking to his open need.

Taking her time, Amethyst slipped the thong down her shapely legs and dropped the soaked fabric over the wolf's muzzle. He groaned softly, claws digging into his own thigh, begging any listening god's for the self-restraint he so desperately required. The mare's lips quirked into a crooked smile and she reached out to wind the material around his muzzle, pressing the soaked crotch piece over his lips and nose. When Razak made to open his muzzle, he found that he was unable to part his lips more than enough to wriggle his tongue between the teeth, mildly gagged with the overpowering scent of mare dizzying, forced upon him with every inhalation.

Apparently satisfied with her work, Amethyst adjusted the hem of her dress above her hips, smoothing it down over her stomach, before leaning over the bar stool, belly resting on the stool and paws stretched forward, grasping the bar top for balance. Shaking her head, she dislodged a curl of forelock, which tumbled rebelliously into her eye, the mare tossing her muzzle and looking back over her shoulder at the speechless wolf. Razak looked up pleadingly, on his knees with legs spread and fingers curled into his thighs, body coiled like a spring, ready to spring into action. She spread her legs invitingly, dark desire replacing her playful smirk as need sent tremors through her body, eyes riveted to the wolf's rock hard shaft, simply begging to be used.

"Fuck me, wolf," she growled throatily, sounding quite unlike an equine in the throes of need. "Hard."

Ears roaring, Razak clambered upright, sweeping his tongue up the mare's cunny as he did so, moaning and pushing back to him, passage squeezing around an imaginary shaft. The wolf gripped her hips and she hissed between her teeth as his claws dug in, tail raised and lashing his stomach. Hardly believing that they were fucking in the bar, Razak rubbed the head of his achingly hard shaft over the mare's damp cunt, amazed at how swiftly her arousal resurfaced. She flagged her tail even higher, rocking back demandingly, and snorted, so close to having that cock exactly where she wanted it to be. The wolf's breath came harshly with every pant and he could not restrain himself, wanting to tease her as she had teased him but overcome with need. He groaned, defeated, as her hips gyrated, sliding his thick shaft between her rump cheeks, and held her still, head nuzzling between her pussy lips, easing in. He gasped.

She was so tight.

Razak leaned forward, tongue fighting to loll out past the gag, forcing himself deeper. Her pussy clamped down like a vice, making him work for it, and he groaned quietly, drawing back only to thrust in, harder, half his thick length disappearing into her stretched sex. Snorting, Amethyst's fingers curled around the edge of the bar top, balancing one hoof on the bar between the stool legs, eyes half-lidded as she put on a show of her own, giving her admirers a clear view of her pussy. Several of the males that she could see from the corners of her eyes had their cocks out, stroking hard shafts with their eyes riveted to her body, imagining all the things they would never be able to do to it. She huffed, thrusting back to Razak, half his rod buried within and eager for more, always more. Catching the eye of a piebald stallion, she winked, moaning loudly as the wolf drove in harder, pole spearing through the rippling muscles, teasing his length.

Desperately, the wolf slid his paws around her waist, shifting her on the stool and giving a series of rough, short thrusts that pierced her with a few more inches of his length. As her juices soaked his shaft - deliciously warm - he whined, ears back, and pressed his chest to her back, his only desire to sink every inch of his shaft into her tightness. Amethyst arched, moving with him as he thrust, slowly but surely burying his bone until his balls slapped her pussy lightly; she moaned, vaguely conscious of a pretty doe being bent over a stool to her side, a dragon flipping up her skirt and driving a ridged cock into her depths. And she was a large part of the cause of their lust.

Grinding his hips flush to her raised rump with a triumphant growl, even if it came out muffled, Razak cast his eyes over her half-nude body, wishing that the dress could have been hiked up even more. She held on to his dick as if reluctant to be so unfilled and the wolf shook his head, withdrawing a few inches only before ramming home again, their groans of obvious pleasure simultaneous, rising above the crowd's writhing eroticism. Nipping at her curled mane, Razak worked his shaft, able to move more easily as she relaxed, allowing him to thrust freely for the first time. The wolf's grunts muffled by the gag, Amethyst's dizzyingly intoxicating scent pushed him onwards, dictating his moves as if he had merely become a puppet, slave to desire, want and sheer, raw need. Breath ragged, he pressed his muzzle into the back of Amethyst's neck, hips working like a piston to pound her into the stool, sure that he was bruising her stomach and certainly crushing his own paws yet entirely unable to stop.

Everything was heat and trembling pleasure. Cliché at best, the wolf would have sworn on the spot that he had never fucked such a tight hole, though he would have had a lot more than that to say if he had been at all capable of talking. Razak wormed his tongue between his lips, tasting the mare's essence on her panties, cock throbbing as it spilled pre cum into her passage. So much fluid coated her thighs and his needy balls that it was impossible to discern between her arousal and his thick pre, nuts aching in that pleasantly fraught need. Amethyst's legs trembled and she feared that she would be unable to support her own weight for much longer, tossing aside the notion of switching positions. The mare huffed noisily, catching the grunt-moans of her pup, and shuddered bodily, tail angled far to the side, chestnut hair brushing against Razak's thigh.

Every thrust sent his balls forward in a sharp motion, bouncing off Amethyst's pussy right over her clit, making her snort sharply, though she fought off a second orgasm for the time being, wanting it to be sweeter. She could not say the same for her partner, however, his heaving form bearing down on to her back, gagged muzzle slipping down the side of her neck in quick, urgent kisses, the best he could manage with the makeshift gag. The wolf's thrusts skewed erratic and he whine-growled franticly, driving Amethyst's hips down into the stool, paws numb from being trapped between her stomach and the seat, arms constricting warmly about her form.

He went to speak without thinking, words emerging in a mumble that made the mare chuckle breathlessly, ears flicking to listen. Again, he tried to communicate his need, hips hammering into her rear, fuelled by her breathy moans and flushed muzzle, pussy muscles squeezing and working to chase him closer and closer to the edge, beneath him but in total control. She knew what he wanted but she waited, making him hold back for moments upon moments that seemed to stretch into eternity as he held back his climax, eyes closed and muscles taut with his struggle. Turning her head at a brutal angle, she nibbled on his ear, letting him moan into her throat, and finally uttered the words he had been dying to hear.

"Cum in me, pup," she hissed. "Fuck me harder, I want your cum in me now."

Body jerking, Razak powered forward, the head of his cock pressed to the mare's cervix, and tried to howl past the gag, hips bucking uncontrollably as his balls pumped hot wolf cum into her depths, orbs drawing up against his crotch through the thick spurts. Cream trailed down Amethyst's pussy, forced out by the pressure of his cock in her clenching passage, making the lips shine, straining wide around the veined shaft. The mare grasped the bar weakly, trusting the wolf to support most of her weight as she dropped her hoof heavily to the floor, unable to find the energy to keep it raised any longer. Sucking in a much needed lungful of air, Razak tiredly nuzzled down the back of her neck, arms sliding further around her slim waist, bodies moulding together in the embrace.

"Regretting taking me up on the invite yet, wolf?" The mare murmured wickedly, rubbing her rear into his crotch as his softening length slipped out, cum dripping viscously from her gaping lips. He shook his head vehemently, the only response he was able to provide, and kissed along the arch of her neck, unwilling to move away.

Taking a firmer hold around the mare's waist, Razak straightened and drew her in close, her rump grinding over his crotch in a motion that may have been accidental, though nothing was accidental with this mistress mare. Thighs painted with trickling wolf cream, Amethyst turned slowly to face him, lips meeting his in a light, chaste kiss. Unable to do more than submit to her attentions - at least in the muzzle region - Razak breathed in the still erotic aroma of her well used underwear, strangely content to have it upon his muzzle. Amethyst chuckled playfully, flicking her tongue over his bottom lip as his own squirmed between his teeth to meet hers, ever eager. Her gaze switched once to the crowd, who dispersed into increasingly erotic pairs and groups, incited into lust by the equine and the wolf, and back to her wolf, leaning in close. He sighed, breath tickling her cheek and she shook her head, answering the unspoken question with a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry there, pup. The night's not over yet," she paused, eyes bright as she touched her nose to his, breath mingling. "We still have the slave auction to visit. I have something very special planned for you."

Collection of equine themed poems

**_The Red Mare_** They say we lead to borrow freedom, Freedom to let us be. Perhaps, my dear, you'd be so kind As to share your freedom with me? Forget distress, to hell with the rest, Curling onward - you think the shadows care? Honey, what...

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Dragons in the Dungeon

**Dragons in the Dungeon** _Written by Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe_ "I think this is it." The white dragon stretched his arms up to the roof of the Subaru SVX, working out the tension of the road with a groan of relief, even within the cramped...

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Last Rites

**Last Rites** Snow blanketed the sweeping hills, suffocating the land in a heavy, icy blanket, chilling all clutched within its lethal embrace. Though there was sunlight brightening the expanse, it was weak, futile and could not bring a ray of...

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