Maybe Next Year

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Christmas with Amethyst and Razak!

Or what we MAY do if given the opportunity. Hey, there's always next year!

Love you, wolf <3

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Amethyst and story (c) Amethyst Mare

Razak (c) Razakwolf

Tease and Denial

Written by Arian Mabe / Amethyst Mare for Razak

Merry Christmas, pup! <3

"In quite a predicament tonight now, aren't we, pup?"

The blue wolf on the bed growled through the ball gag and shook his head vehemently, straining against the ropes with all his might. On his knees, two spreader bars just below Razak's knees and at his ankles rendered him satisfactorily helpless in terms of escape, or lack of. Tipped forward to rest heavily on his forearms, between his wrists and elbows was encased within an arm sheath - a length of pliable, black leather that one was able to lace tightly, rendering the very thought of motion laughable. When he tried to move forward, the ropes linking the O-rings of the bottom spreader bar to the bed frame held him in place; when he tried to move backwards, the coils of rope looped around his wrists, stretching to the headboard, denied movement. Even the knots at his wrists had been tucked away from his teeth. The mare had thought of everything. The fact that he wore nothing but his fur went without saying.

The chestnut mare Amethyst sat on the end of the bed, one leg crossed over the other, with a smirk on her lips. Passing a riding crop adorned with a square flap of leather between her paws, she flicked it between his thighs, enjoying his struggle as the tip pressed to his balls. Tensing under the dubious caress, the wolf made as if to arch and the red ropes pulled taut. There was no escape, however, as he well knew, and the teasing tip of the crop made its way over his orbs, stroking lightly over the metal 'cage' that held his cock in check. Both a blessing and a curse, the cage prevented him from getting hard, though the flesh, flushed red with blood, fought at the very limits of the restraint. A drop of pre cum oozed between the metal rings and Razak ducked his head, suppressing a whimper as his tail pressed down over his raised rump. This was not at all what he had expected when he'd suggested he visit and spend Christmas with Ammy.

"Such a needy wolf..." She raised an eyebrow, meeting his eye as he craned his neck to look back to where she sat, in line with his rear. "Hard and straining against the cage already. A mare may think you are desperate, even."

He whined. She would wait until he was well and truly bound before digging in with the teasing. Amethyst had let him believe that he would be getting off easy that night - maybe actually getting off - but, then again, where was the fun in that? There was still a chance.

Sliding the tip of the crop over his buttocks, Amethyst smiled as she ran it down the wolf's spine, drawing out the anticipation. He shivered and arched, pushing into the touch of leather. Amethyst pressed the length of the riding crop beneath his tail and lifted it out of the way, pleased to see how the wolf obediently kept it raised, despite his shivers of anticipation. The ropes trembled as she brought the crop back and then down across his unprotected rear. The crop whipped through the air and hit with a sharp slap, blood rushing to the skin beneath the wolf's fur. Out of Razak's sight, Amethyst folded her legs under her body on the bed and grinned wickedly, smacking the crop on to her victim's rump several times in quick succession until she could feel the warmth radiating from the tormented flesh. Jerking in the restraints, Razak tried to yelp, but the sound was muffled by the gag and he could do little more than twist and whimper, submitting to the pleasurable abuse.

Rocking and whining against the ropes, Razak dipped his muzzle down to his paws as the stinging pain swelled. The whip snapped against his rear, each strike raising sharper pain as the mare was forced to cover previously struck spots. He imagined her with a cruel smile playing across her lips and twisted to look back over his shoulder, though from their respective positions, her muzzle was not clearly visible. Whining and gasping, he rubbed his muzzle into his paws. He caught his breath when the rain of wanted blows stopped, only to fight his restraints harder when the crop flicked lightly over his vulnerable balls. Groaning deep in his throat, he had no choice but to take every tremor of pain as Amethyst flicked the crop against his orbs until she had him moaning and panting with sore hurt. All through what many would consider unadulterated torture, his cock throbbed within the cage, pre slickening the tip and dripping to the bed. His own arousal could not be hidden from the most knowing of eyes.

"My, my," Amethyst paused to stroke the crop over his rump, bringing forth a fresh thrum of pain. "It seems like someone is rather enjoying himself...and making a mess about it too."

The insides of the wolf's ears flushed pink and he shook his head, a whimper escaping him around the gag. Rubbing her finger in the little pool of pre cum, Amethyst scooped up as much as would cling to her finger. Still concentrating on the soreness of his rear, Razak did not notice her actions immediately, though he definitely noticed when she wiped her paw off on his muzzle, leaving his needy scent on his snout and lips. Blushing bright red, he shook his head slowly, arching his back and looking up, pleadingly, for more. When she merely raised an eyebrow, brushing her red forelock out of her eyes, he mumbled around the ball gag, begging with words he could not truly form.

"Sorry, what was that?" Amethyst's lips twitched, hiding a smile. "I couldn't hear you."

Breathing heavily, the wolf pressed his tongue to the gag and closed his eyes, feeling her paw teasing his abused rear and balls. He did not anticipate her closing her paw around his orbs and, when the hurt came, he yelped into the gag, the squeeze almost too much to bear. Chuckling as if to herself, the mare released his nuts only to smack them on each side with the flat of her paw. Her pup fell into whimpers, rump still raised and tail tellingly high.

Amethyst smiled privately, feeling the wolf tense as she stroked his balls, expecting pain that never came. Torn between relief and disappointment, Razak squirmed, chest heaving. The mare slipped off the bed, dropping a sly wink over her shoulder as the wolf's eyes followed her every move.

"Don't look, pup," she murmured, trailing a paw along his side.

How could he not? He thought she was busying herself but, when he chanced a look, she had both paws in the toy bag and her gaze fixated upon him.

"I said," her tone hardened, "don't look."

Swishing her red tail against her long legs, Amethyst rolled her eyes in exasperation. The wolf whined and lowered his eyes a hair too late, earning another irritated flick of the mare's tail. Digging deeper into the black, canvas toy bag, she withdrew a simple blindfold - red to match the ropes. Even as Razak shook his head and grunted through the gag, she slipped the blindfold over his eyes and fastened it at the back of his head. With his paws so bound, there was no way for the wolf to remove the blindfold and his visual world was reduced to what he could see of the soft fleece lining the interior of the blindfold. Not a sliver of light could be seen around the blindfold. Razak groaned quietly and the mare laughed.

"Next time, you'll listen. Now all you can do is listen."

The wolf rubbed his muzzle against the arm sheath, ears flicking as he listened intently. He did not bother turning his muzzle as the rummaging sounds grew louder and the mare let out a soft, 'aha', of finding. What was going on? What was going to be used on him next? He could not even guess what was in the bag as Amethyst made a habit of changing its contents every so often, just to ensure all would be a surprise.

Jumping, Razak grunted and leaned into the paw that suddenly rested on his muzzle; he had not heard her approach. The bed bowed gently under the mare's weight as she knelt at his hip, paws roaming Razak's bruised rump, squeezing whenever she rubbed a particularly sensitive spot that made him moan. Pulling one hoof up to rest on the bed, so that she balanced between the wolf's spread legs on one knee and one hoof, Amethyst held his tail high and pressed a slick, dripping strap-on dildo to his tail hole. The wolf swallowed hard and whined, though, if he had been free, he would have pushed back further, begging for her. Not so swift to provide, Amethyst rubbed two well lubricated fingers over his tight hole, squeezing them inside with a pleased flick of her tail. The strap-on sat comfortably at her crotch, even if she thought her wolf would have a surprise at the dildo she had chosen: it was new for the strap-on.

"Mmm," she leaned over his body, driving her fingers deep. "I bet my pup wants a thick cock under his tail."

Razak groaned and nodded several times, rocking back on to the thrusting digits.

"Shame you're not getting out of the cage just yet then, bitch." Unknown to him, Amethyst grinned widely. "How will it feel to be pounded and not be able to cum, or even get hard?"

He was about to protest when the mare pulled her fingers out with a small pop and presented the head of the dildo to his suddenly empty tail hole once more. The tapered tip betrayed the size as she leaned forward, holding on to his waist without true need to keep him in place. Spreading his hole wide, the head of the dildo sank in and the wolf tried to buck, fighting to relax. He had taken larger, from how this one felt, but every inch sinking into his tail hole felt larger than ever before, coupled with the inability to move even if he had desired to. Working the dildo back and forth, Amethyst murred and ran her fingers through his fur, muscles trembling as the pleasurable nubs on the other side of the strap-on harness, against her crotch, rubbed her clit. It was hard not to thrust when each thrust brought further sparks of pleasure; the mare snorted heavily.

Inch by inch, the hard length forced the wolf open, coaxing sweet whimpers from his lips. But Amethyst was hardly one to hold back when both trembled with desire, pussy dripping down her thighs as she pushed forward. Driven on by need, the mare licked her lips and thrust hard, pounding almost the full length of the dildo into her pup, each thrust with more power than the last. Gasping and struggling to keep up with her frantic, demanding thrusts, Razak clawed at the bed, settling for holding on to the rope that tied his wrists to the bed as a kind of anchor. Cruelly shifting her position so that the fake phallus ground across his prostrate with every buck of her hips, the mare chuckled breathlessly at Razak's predicament, tail lashing.

Finally, Amethyst arched her body over the wolf's, letting him feel the bulbous base of the dildo begging entry to his tail hole. His eyes shot wide behind the blindfold and he groaned as loudly as he could. If anything, his rump lifted higher and Amethyst laughed lightly.

"Mmmph," she moaned, grinding deep into the wolf's rear, hips so close to being flush with his rump. "Feel that, my needy pup?"

He could feel 'that' and the very notion of it made him tense pleasurably. The large, canine knot teased the sensitive nerves at his anal ring, pushing in a little as the muscle viciously resisted. It was so big! Was it too large for him to take? He could not remember the last time he took something so large under his tail. What was she going to do? Did he have a choice? As if reading his mind, Amethyst nickered softly.

"You're taking that," she said quietly as if there was no room for discussion.

Huffing a sigh that could have been of resignation or anticipation equally, Razak ducked his muzzle submissively. What could he do in such a position? Nothing, that was what. Though he found himself not minding that in the slightest. Flipping his tail back up from where it had drooped, he grunted in time with the mare's renewed thrusts, cock straining with fierce intensity within the cage. Oh, what would he give to be unlocked for just one night! His whole body rocked forward when she drove in and Amethyst's wanton whinnies and moans grew in volume as the harness stimulated her to greater heights.

Dropping to both knees between Razak's spread thighs, Amethyst let her lower legs lay over the spreader bar, hooves finding purchase on the bed for her thrusts. She wrapped her arms around his waist and smirked as she hammered into his tight hole, startling a medley of gasps coupled with sharp inhalations from the wolf. But she was not going to let up. Fingers digging into fur and skin, she slammed her hips forward, reminding him of that knot as it slapped his rump. As the canine dildo pounded into his rump and stroked his prostrate, Razak's breathing became laboured, feeling as if he should be on the brink of cumming but unable to actually climax, due to the cage. Instead of shooting a heavy load of cum over the cum below his stomach, a steady stream of pre cum dripped from the tip, shiny on the silver cage, forming a far larger pool of pre than the one Amethyst had teased him for not so long ago. He bit down on the gag and willed the intensity to dwindle, or at least become more bearable. As it was, he felt as if every nerve ending in his body was on fire with relentless sensation.

Bit by bit, the slick knot bore down upon his tail hole. The mare powered forward, arms drawing his hips back as the knot demanded entry, stretching him out more and more with every passing second. Razak growled and moaned, trying to relax as much as possible, though nothing could prevent the edge of pain behind the pleasure. Determined to knot her wolf, Amethyst snorted loudly and gripped him more tightly, pulling back to thrust in with the taste of need on her lips. When she drove in brutally hard to sink that knot into the wolf, the nubs pressed more forcibly to her clit, making her breath catch. She had to have him!

On the brink of climax, Amethyst nickered in the back of her throat and bucked like a wild horse, stretching out the pup's tail hole until she saw it giving up resistance, noticeably so. Razak squirmed beneath her, fur lightly matted with sweat, and rocked helplessly, the knot straining him open almost beyond his limits as it reached its midpoint. Pre cum drooled from the tip of his cock as he imagined once again what it would be like to cum - and then the largest part of the knot was past his anal ring and the mare was driving forward triumphantly. Her hips smacked into his rump and she whinnied shrilly, the knot entirely buried under his tail and his mistress trembling on the very edge of ecstasy.

Shuddering bodily, Amethyst bucked shallowly, feeling how she was restricted in how much she could 'take' her wolf now. He whimpered surprisingly loudly around the gag, the scene of his mare's arousal heavy in the air, more intoxicating than the strongest of liquor. Resting her body over his, she let him take her weight as her hips worked, grinding in so that the nubs rubbed her clit and two fingers worked deep into her dripping cunny. Razak felt the moment that she climaxed as she bucked tremendously, sending the canine-cock cruelly deep, crying out her pleasure loud enough to disturb the neighbours. If they had had care to listen, that was.

She collapsed on top of the blue wolf, body shivering lightly in the afterglow of climax. Though it was impossible for Razak to forget the large dildo lodged under his tail, it seemed to slip the mare's mind for the moment as she murred, paws tracing sensually over his body. Amethyst slowly came back to herself and sighed in what he hoped with satisfaction, a warm glow encompassing him for having had his mistress orgasm while pounding under his tail. He could not help it though; his thick length pressed painfully to the interior of the cage and his tail hole ached in the best way. It left him hornier than ever and he wondered...did she have more in store for him. Wriggling, the wolf panted and grunted below Ammy to grab her attention. Had she forgotten him? Was he not going to be allowed to cum too, for Christmas?

Chuckling throatily, she half-pushed herself up, lower body still resting over his rump and lower back.

"Aw, did you hope to cum tonight, pup?"

The mare's grin grew ever wider and she reached around the wolf's body, toying with his caged cock until the pup once again dissolved into a chorus of muffled moans and whines. It was torture! Rubbing her paw in the thick pool of pre cum, the mare smeared it over his length, through the confines of the cage, letting him grunt and groan from the sensation alone. He was far too much fun to tease. Ears slanted back submissively, Razak dipped his muzzle and whimpered as Amethyst wiped off the remaining fluids on his muzzle.

"Maybe next year!"


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