3 - Brian gets help

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#4 of Am - Brian

Brian is worried about Gizelle, but still has time to think of other things. Written 2013.

After school, Brian scanned the parking lot and saw Julie Ann leaning out of the passenger side window of an old pickup and waving at him. He hurried over and lifted his bike into the back then climbed in the cab beside his sister.

"This is Dr Windon Lem and this is my brother Brian."

The rabbit morph behind the wheel offered a paw, "Nice to meet you, Brian."

The young human put his hand out cautiously and the doc shook it firmly.

"So, where are we going?"

"Turn left out of the parking lot and a ways down on the right is some woods and a path."

Don waded through traffic and followed the directions.

"There. There it is!" Brian almost got out before Don could stop his truck. He hurried down the path. Don kept up behind him, but Julie Ann lagged behind. He stopped suddenly and started looking around, "Gizelle! Gizelle! This is the spot. See, here's where my tires skidded and I went of the path. Maybe she's at the bottom."

He pushed through the brush and ran down the slope, looking around for the bear, "Here's the rock where my bike was and here's the log where we... where we sat." They didn't need to know everything. "Gizelle! Gizelle!"

"Maybe she's just a little late."

"Can we wait for her?"

"I should go move my truck. I'll be right back." Don headed back up the slope.

Brian sat down on the log and sighed, "I didn't imagine her."

"I believe you."

He pulled out his phone and brought up the pictures, quickly flipping past the first few to find the shot with both of them together before she sat down beside him, "See"

His sister took the phone from him and smiled, "she looks cute."

Brian glared at her.

"You're still young enough to be called cute, too," she ruffled his hair and he sighed.

"I wonder if Don knows her." She casually flipped through the pictures.

Brian scanned the trees, looking for some clue, "Where could she be?"

"Um, Brian." The video started playing, "Hi, I'm Gizelle..."

Brian's stomach overtook his heart in a race to his throat as he heard the bear's voice then realized where it was coming from. He snatched his phone from his sister's hand and stopped it, but not before it revealed more than he wanted her to know, "...and I love it when Brian puts his rod in my honeypot."

"Is there something more I need to know?"

He shoved his phone in his pocket, resisting the urge to throw it as far as he could, "I think you know it all, now."

"You had sex with her?"

"Do you need to see the pictures again? Maybe the video?"

"No. Brian. Relax. I'm not mad at you."

He quelled his own anger and looked at her as she put her arms around him.

"You're my brother. I care about you. I love you. I'm worried that you're a little young, but I can't change what you already did."

"You think I made a mistake?"

"Everyone makes mistakes, its how we learn to avoid making them again."

"I never want to make this one again."

"Did you learn anything?"

"Yeah, if someone's in trouble, never leave without them, ever."

"Good enough," she sighed and pulled him in for a hug.

He closed his eyes and remembered his last time on that log, then lifted his head and kissed her lips.

His sister froze, letting him press his lips to hers, passionately. His urges welled inside him and he wrapped his hand around her breast.

She pushed him back in surprise, "Brian!"

"I'm sorry!" He punched the log and hurried away from her, clamoring up the slope as Don came down. Then he went searching for the truck to get his bike.

He found it down the road, where there was a little more shoulder to park on. He pulled his bike out of the back, then realized that he left them where Gizelle would be coming. If she came while it was just them there, she would probably run away. He hopped on his bike and hurried down the path as fast as he could. He parked his bike on the path and came skidding down the slope, "You guys gotta go. You're scarring her off."

"We should all go home. She's not here."

"NO!" he gave her a glare, "I am not leaving without her again."

"Brian. We wrote a note for her, so she can find you. If she's not here, she's someplace else."

"She walked here. We should go through the woods and find the house where they're holding her."

"Or maybe we could check a map to see who lives around these woods, then Don can find out who would most likely be keeping a bear."

"You're right. He knows." Brian stepped toe to toe with the doc and shoved his phone in the rabbit's face, "Where is she?"

Don looked at Brian, then at the screen, "I don't recognize that bear."

"Well find her!"

His sister grabbed his arms, "Brian! We're trying to help."

"Then go away."

"If we find her, we will need you to talk to her."

"But what if she comes looking for me here?"

"The note will tell her how to find you."

He fell into his sister's arms, fighting back tears and finally giving in to sobs.

Don got up whispering, "I'll go get the truck." and climbed the slope.

Brian pushed off of his sister's chest and leaned on it, his cheeks wet with tears, "She needs me and I need her. I need to find her. I need to help her."

"I know and we will." She pulled him back against her and he fell limp in her lap, crying softly. She cradled him and rocked, stroking his hair soothingly.

"Julie Ann?"

She looked at him and paused her hand behind his ear.

"Do all girls like stroking hair?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Gizelle did it, too."

"Oh, did she? Well, I wouldn't say all girls, but I guess I do like the feel of hair between my fingers," she ran his short hair through her fingers, "and you seem to like when I do it, too."

He nodded, his cheek against her breast, "It feels nice and I like knowing you like it."

She smiled and stroked his hair some more.

"Julie Ann?"

"Yes, Brian."

"Can I kiss you?"

She leaned her cheek down to him.

"On the lips?"

She pulled her head back and looked at him, "Why do you want to kiss me on the lips?"

He thought quick, "I need to practice... and I already love you."

She smirked, "Tell you what. I'll give you some lessons later, at home."

"Can I have one now?"

She looked at him, then smiled and leaned in, kissing his lips more passionately than he expected. His hand slipped down her chest and rested on her breast, but he didn't squeeze this time. She pulled him close against her, then opened her eyes and pulled back, "Okay, we need to go," she all but dumped him on the ground, but he stood up, dazed from the intensity of the kiss. She swatted his butt to get him moving and he grinned as he scrambled up the slope.

Don was at the top with his bike, "I found a place to park near the other end of the trail. Put your bike in the back and I'll help your sister."

He hopped on his bike and took off down the path, his mind racing almost as fast as he was. He kissed his sister; on the lips; and held her breast; and she let him; and she'll let him again. He bet that if her rabbit wasn't with them, she would have let him do more. It was almost as exciting as having sex with Gizelle out here, but she wouldn't have stopped him, even if someone else was there.

They needed to find his bear. His bear? Yeah, she wanted him and he wanted her. They could be happy together. He would be happy just to have her again. He wanted to feel his penis inside her. He wanted to put his rod in her honeypot.

He found the truck and stared at it for a moment. If he let them, they would forget all about Gizelle. They were more interested in each other. They were back there alone and had probably already forgotten about her. He opened the door and started searching the cab. The doc had to have something in his truck with patient info. He found a tablet sitting on the dashboard, "Jackpot."

He woke it up and there was a lot of text on the screen, some government website. He tapped home and it went away. He found the map and let it find his location. He panned around the woods and found a couple houses nearby. He zoomed and tried to figure out which one was hiding Gizelle, but nothing from the outside told him she was there. He crawled out of the cab and hopped on his bike.

He hurried down the trail, but as he came around the curve and saw his sister, she was holding her rabbit and kissing him pasionately. He skidded to a stop and they broke apart to look at him. She struggled for words, "Not a word to your father."

He slowly closed his mouth and glared, "Then you help me find Gizelle."

"We will."

"No. Now." he rushed closer and thrust Don's tablet at him with the map on the screen.

Don took the tablet and poked around on it, "It could be either of these. I have a mailing list at home and I can find out if either has animals."

"You could find out now by going there."

"Brian, if we go barging in like a three person strike team, we'll end up in jail instead of them. We have to be very careful. If we go asking, they'll surely deny having a morph slave, since its illegal. We have to use the law to help us. Don't worry, we'll find her and make sure she's safe."

"How long does she have to be abused while you wait?"

"Brian. We have to do this the right way or she could get hurt worse. If you charge in and tell them you know, they could do something horrible to her. We have to get help."

"Fine, but we have to hurry."

Don turned the screen to Brian with the government page on it again, "I have the contact info here and will call about it tomorrow. Let's go back to the truck and you can tell me everything you know about her. They probably won't take me seriously if I just say there's some bear somewhere that needs help. I need to give them as much info as possible so they can find her."

"We know where she is."

"Not quite, but close. Let's get back to the truck. Julie Ann can write down everything Gizelle told you, while I drive."

"Fine, let's go," he turned his bike around and headed back to the truck. He put his bike in the back and waited.

When they finally made it, he rushed them into the cab and shoved Don's tablet into his sister's hands, "She said her mom died in a car crash and she was seven and they were from Philly, no Pittsburgh. They were going to Philly."

"Wait, she's seven?"

"Not anymore. That's when her mom died."

"So, how old is she?"

He thought and tried to remember what she said, "I don't think she told me. She said they put her in a dog kennel because the other kids were scared of her and then the Davidsons got her and ... Davidson! That's their name! And she said one of them is named Danny."

"Danny Davidson? Well, that's something we can work with."

"Yeah. She said he wants to have sex with her, but thinks she's too small, but he makes her suck his dick."

"He what?"

"Yeah. He calls it his rod and wants to put it in her honeypot."

"Like you?" his sister gave him a smirk as she hinted at his video.

Brian fought back his embarrassment and tried to change the subject, "What are they going to do when they find her?"

"I'm not sure. They'll probably take her away from the family, at least, then try to find her own."

"But her mother's dead."

"Then they would try to find her a foster home."

"But I think that's how she ended up with them in the first place. Can't she stay with us?"

"You know your dad wouldn't allow that."

"I know, but what about with Don?"

Don spoke for himself, "I have the room, but we will have to see what the situation turns into. I don't want to go against the law. Being a morph myself, I don't have a strong enough position to defend her."

"What do you mean position? You just let her stay with you."

"If the law allows it, I will. But doing anything illegal is extra dangerous for me. I want to help her as much as I can."

"I'm sorry." Brian sighed as his sister put her hand on the back of his head.

Don pulled up to his house and stopped.

Brian crawled out of the truck and went back for his bike. His sister followed while Don went to the house. She put her hand on his shoulder as he set his bike on the ground. "Don't worry, we'll find her. It may take a while, but she'll be okay,"

She unlocked her car for him and he put his bike in the trunk, using some string to tie the lid down since the wheel stuck out. He started to get in, but she stopped him and pulled him against her. With nowhere to run, he buried his face between her breasts and burst into tears, gripping the sides of her shirt. He really wanted to save Gizelle, but everything they said made sense. He didn't want to make the wrong move and get her killed. He trusted his sister and he knew she knew what to do. He felt her stroking his hair again and it calmed him. He realized where his face was and noticed a growing erection in his pants. Would it be too much to ask for another kiss?

He looked up at her and tried to get the words out, but then he heard the rabbit.

"Do you two want to stay for dinner?"

Julie Ann turned, keeping an arm around her brother, "We really should get back and keep things as civil as possible until this is resolved."

Don walked out to them, "Well, I sent a message, telling as much as I knew. We'll have to wait to see what they say. I couldn't find any Davidsons around there in my mailing list, but that doesn't mean much. I'll look into the nearby addresses tonight and maybe do some cold calls. I need to drum up some new business, anyway. I won't ask outright, but I'll see what I can learn."

Brian still wasn't sure about him being a rabbit and dating his sister, but he was sure Don was a good guy for all he was doing to help Gizelle. In a sudden impulse, he sprung forward to hug the big bunny tight, "Thank you."

Don smiled and put his paws on Brian's shoulders as he let go, "You're welcome. You're a good kid and you're doing the right thing. We'll find her."

Brian hugged him again, then hurried to get in the car, trying to hide more tears. He watched his sister hug her rabbit good-bye, then leaned closer as he kissed her and they kept kissing. He wasn't really jealous, he always knew he would have to share her, but he realized he kind of liked seeing him kiss her and he could learn from them. He watched their bodies pressed against each other, his furry hands spread over her back, one in the middle and one between her shoulders. Their bodies moved, rubbing ever so slightly against each other, but he was sure it was enough to feel good. She savored his strange lips hungrily, as if he were giving her life.

When they finally broke apart she gasped loudly and he wondered if she had been holding her breath and if that makes it better. She moved to the car and he leaned back quickly as she got in.

She put the window down and rested her arm on the door, "I'll let you know we got home okay."

Don put his paw on her hand, "I can show you what I learn when you come by tomorrow."

Brian leaned across to look up at the rabbit, "Can I come?"

His sister gave him her motherly look, "You've got school tomorrow."

"I don't care. This is more important."

Don leaned down to look in the window, "School is important, too. I promise I will let you know immediately, when I find her. Until then, its just waiting and taking care of everything else, like school."

"You promise."

"I promise."

Brian sat back with a huff, not wanting to sit around doing nothing.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

They kissed again and he got a closer look at their lips. He tried moving his lips like theirs to get the feel of it, but it seemed awkward.

Julie Ann sighed and pulled out of the driveway, glancing back as much as she could to see her rabbit until they were too far away.

Brian wondered how much more than kissing they had already done. They spend so much time alone together, they must do it every day. He didn't want to seem stupid, so he tried something more subtle, "Are you going to marry him?"

She hesitated a bit and it made him nervous, "Um, well, I guess I'd like to, but that depends on him, doesn't it."

"Well, you fucked him, didn't you?"

She slammed on the brakes and looked at him. Fortunately, they were the only car on that back road at that time. He just looked back at her, wondering what was wrong with stating the obvious and if she was going to hit him. He gave a soft sigh of relief when she looked back to the road and they started moving again.

"Not that its any of your business, but no, we have not had sex."

He couldn't believe it, "Why not?"

"Its ... Its complicated. If we get too comfortable with our relationship and the wrong people find out, they could do some really bad things to us."

"Like dad?"

"Yes. I don't think your father would approve of me dating a morph, so not a word about it in his house or around him, ever. Got it?"

"No problem and you don't mention Gizelle, either. Okay?"

"Deal," She patted his thigh as she drove and he held it there before she could take it away. He wanted her to touch him like that more. Carefully, he slid her hand up his thigh until it pressed against the erection in his pants. If only he were naked, then she could be stroking his shaft until it squirted all over her car. He imagined her pulling over to lick him clean, but it was too much and he lost his load in his pants. He was glad she pulled her hand back to make a turn before she noticed, but when they got home, he hurried in and ran to the bathroom. No one said anything and he was glad to have avoided the disaster of his mom seeing his cum stained pants from fantasizing about his sister.

He stripped and tossed the wet underwear in the hamper, but his pants had managed to stay dry, so he put them back on and headed down to dinner. The meal was surreal with the image of his sister stroking him off while they drove down the road, then licking up his cum, swirling fresh in his mind. Everything suggested it: the sausages, the mashed potatoes, the milk, even the peas and carrots. He was just imagining her spreading her legs for him on the side of the road, when it seemed someone was trying to get his attention, "You seem happy tonight."


"A little distracted, maybe?" His mom was talking to him and he was sure he missed most of what she said.

"Just thinking."

"Oh? Did something good happen today?"

He didn't have anything else in his head to tell her and he definitely couldn't tell her what he was really thinking, "Not sure yet. Still thinking."

"Anything we can help with?"

He noticed his sister watching him nervously, "Not yet."

"Well, we'll be here if you need us."

"Um, thanks, mom." He focused on finishing the rest of his meal, so he could get to his room and away from embarrassment.

Upstairs, he opened his computer and went to his chat room.

It was quiet.

Bearayaien: Anybody alive?

Rutter: hey B its been quiet for a while

B: Trick on?

R: nah he left about an hour back

R: had a few randoms pop in and out but its just me here playing with myself

B: Thanks for that image.

R: your welcome

R: so whats up?

B: Its been a weird day.

R: what happened?

B: Well, I tried to find Gizelle again, but she didn't show up.

R: the bear? I liked her

R: i watched your video a buncha times

B: Well, I also made out with my sister on that log today.

R: ooo do you have another video?

B: Not this time.

R: rats

B: Then I had to watch her making out with her rabbit boyfriend

R: you should get some spy glasses so you can video everything

B: I'll think about it.

B: Then on the way home, my sister was rubbing my leg and she stroked me off.

R: nice

R: your so lucky

B: And tonight I'm going to see if she'll let me sleep with her

R: dam youve got balls

TheGreatO has joined.

B: And I'm going to use them on my sister.

O: What did I miss?

R: B is going to sleep with his sister tonight

O: Remember to get pics

B: She won't let me.

O: I don't think you even have a sister.

B: Well, I'm going to go sleep with her now.

R: nice see you later B

O: Hey, don't leave me alone with this horny buck.


Brian knew he had to play things right to make it happen. He closed his computer and changed into some pajamas that barely fit. He made a visit to the bathroom and checked to make sure his parents had gone to bed, then stood outside his sister's bedroom door, and worked up the courage to knock.

He heard something from inside and hoped she was saying come in. He opened the door and slipped into her room, closing the door quietly behind him.

Julie Ann was in bed and it sounded like she was breathing heavily.

He was already in, so he cautiously asked, "Julie Ann? Can I sleep with you tonight?"

His sister groaned and snapped, "No."

He was about to hurry out, when she softened a little, "Not tonight."

He started thinking he could play it coy and still win, "Please. I can't sleep. I don't want to be alone."

She looked at her clock and sighed, "How about we go to your room and I'll hold you until you fall asleep."

He tried giving her the sad eyes again, hoping to get all the way.

"That's the best you'll get tonight, take it or leave."

"Okay." He knew when to take what he could get. He opened the door again, then looked back, "You're coming, right?"

"Yes, I'll be right there."

He slipped out and closed the door, hurrying to his own room. He quickly pulled off the pajama bottoms and got into bed. It seemed like forever, but he finally heard his door open and close again. Nothing happened, so he looked over his shoulder and saw his sister smiling down at him. He slid over to give her room to get in and rolled to face her.

She crawled under the cover with him and Brian wrapped his arm around his big sister. He snuggled close, burying his face in between her breasts, his erection pressed against her bare leg. His sister rubbed his back, then stroked down his side to rest her hand on his bare butt. He wondered if she was finally wanting more than snuggles. He liked the idea and started to move his had down to her butt, but stopped on her hip when she spoke.

"Brian. Where are your pants?"

He had prepared for this, "I can't sleep in them. They're uncomfortable."

"At least wear some underwear."

He couldn't let her outthink him, "That's what's uncomfortable. They're too tight."

She sighed again, "Fine, but turn around."

He didn't want to give up his nice pillows, "But I want to hug you."

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No." Better something than nothing, "Okay." He reluctantly rolled over.

Julie Ann reached around and put her hand on his chest, pulling her brother close against her. He could enjoy this and maybe get more next time. Making the best of the situation, he started stroking his erection, careful not to move enough to let his sister know he was doing it.

Then her hand started moving down his body. He got scared that she had noticed and quickly moved his hand to his leg, so he could deny it. Her hand found his throbbing erection and wrapped around it. He almost gasped aloud in surprise, but kept quiet as his sister began stroking his shaft. He couldn't believe it and just lay there, letting his arm fall behind him and enjoying the moment until it overwhelmed him and he lost his load into his sheets. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest and hoped it didn't burst out.

Suddenly, Julie Ann gasped and moved her hand to his hip. He stayed very still as she slipped out of his bed and covered him up again. He listened as she left, then rolled over to look at the door. He threw off the sheet and looked at the mess he made in the dim light. He couldn't believe his sister actually just stroked him off bare-handed. He smiled and lay with the sheets off, his spent penis laying on his leg, and wondered what would happen tomorrow night as he drifted happily off to sleep.