4.1 - Billy at a glance

Story by Quillhog on SoFurry

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#5 of Billy

Here's the happy end of the day you've been waiting for, right? Written 2013/2014.

The ride across town didn't give me much time to get myself back under control, but I was presentable by the time Pinny found a place to park inside a garage and we walked down to the street.

There were plenty of people around when we started; all gave me a wide berth, but I was used to it. What I wasn't used to was having a beautiful rabbit hanging on my arm and smiling at everyone. Most people would ignore me when I walked with Mutt, continuing about their day with only a few stares at my quills. I had to be careful to dodge and not prick anyone when the streets were crowded. Now, almost everyone looked at us when we walked by, stepping aside and watching us pass.

I thought it must be Pinny's beauty attracting their attention, but they seemed to be looking at me instead, and those that did look at her seemed to have a disgusted expression. It was nice to be seen and acknowledged, but I worried and wondered when they would start shouting and throwing things. Pinny didn't seem to notice or maybe didn't care.

We walked into the Guard station and asked for the chief. We were put in a room and waited. Eventually, they took us to another room; it was an office with a large turtle sitting behind a desk.

"And what can I do for you two?"

Thankfully, Pinny took the lead, "We're looking for a fox. We were told that he was here, but you released him."

"Then he wouldn't be here, would he?"

"We were told you were going to help us find him."

He looked at us curiously, but slightly annoyed, "Who are you looking for?"

"I called him Mutt."

He stood up suddenly and the look of shock on his face chilled me, "Harstlein, er, Cohen?"

I looked at Pinny and she responded for me, "Cohen, yes. Mutt Cohen."

"CARTER!!!" He came around the desk and gestured to some chairs, "Please, sit, be comfortable."

A uniformed otter came in from a side door and the chief turned to him, "Find Goldsmith and get him here now!"

The otter disappeared and the large turtle struggled to walk back around his desk and sit down, "We've been looking for your fox. I've assigned an officer specifically to find him. He will be on task with no other obligations until your fox is found."

I wasn't very comforted, "Um, isn't that like a vacation? Doesn't sound like much motivation to find him."

The chief smirked, "You don't know this cat. He'd been begging to get on the east side since he got here. He got about a week out there before I pulled him off for this. He'll find your friend as fast as he can to get back out there. I think he wants to be on a tactical team, but he needs at least a year of street time and a long list of experience. The longer he's stuck on this, the longer it'll take him to get where he wants to be."

Pinny still wasn't impressed, "Is one officer enough? Shouldn't you have everyone watching out for him?"

The chief seemed prepared, "Everyone has seen his picture and knows to notify Goldsmith or myself if they spot him, but honestly, most people have trouble distinguishing foxes from each other and there are just so many. Its better with one officer focused on finding him, so he doesn't get forgotten amongst everything else going on. Goldsmith will track down any lead he can and if he gets a good line, he has the authority to pull as many officers as he needs for a focused search."

"That sounds like a well organized plan," Pinny seemed convinced and it put me at ease.

"We've used this many times, usually quite successfully. It was designed years ago to find that Harstlein girl that went missing..." A look of recognition rose on his face, "Her name was Christy. Is your friend her son?"

"We think so."

"Then she's still alive? You know where she is?" His neck stretched as he got visibly excited at the thought of finding her.

I hated to burst his bubble, "No. He said his mother died, but I don't know where or how."

He sank back in his chair, "Oh. Well, its news and we haven't had anything new on that search in a long time. I know someone that will be happy to hear anything."

He started typing, but a knock on the door interrupted him. He snapped, "In!"

The door opened and a slim cheetah stepped in, then stopped when he saw us. He closed the door slowly, staring at me.

"Goldsmith, these are friends of the fox you're looking for."

He cautiously offered his paw, still staring at me. When I took it, he finally spoke, "You're not dead."

Pinny snorted a laugh and he looked at her.

I shook his paw and tried to explain, "Thanks to her husband, I survived."

He took his paw back and looked at me again, "He said you were dead."

Pinny put her paw on my arm, "An exaggeration, since he's very alive now."

"Goldsmith. Have you been looking for the fox?"

The cat stammered the beginning of an objection, then dropped it and started his defense, "I've only had an hour to search, but I've determined that he probably headed west to Perrin. A clerk and an officer spoke with him at the courthouse and he was concerned about what happened to his possessions. I checked and we don't have a record of them, but he has not come asking for them, yet. I was working on searching the streets from the courthouse to here when you called me back."

The chief nodded, "Sounds like fair progress for an hour."

"Where are his family?"

"That's none of your concern," the chief gave him a stern look.

Goldsmith seemed unfazed by his superior's commanding glare, "He might try to go back to them."

I spoke up, "He doesn't know them."

The cat was quiet for a moment, then started again, "Where would he go?"

Pinny jumped in, "If we knew where he went, we wouldn't be asking you."

The cat was relentless, "Well, where does he feel safe?"

"With me." I was starting to wonder if this cat cared about finding Mutt or just getting us off his back.

"Then you should go home and wait for him, he'll show up when he's ready."

"He doesn't know where I am now." I'm sure my quills raised as I glared at him, because Pinny put her paw on my shoulder and started rubbing it.

The cheetah didn't seem to have much care for anything, "And that's my fault?"

"Goldsmith!" The turtle stood up and slammed his hands on his desk. "Get back out there and keep looking! You better hope you find him soon or I'll make sure you're a crossing guard for the rest of your life!"

The cat flared his tail and stepped to the desk in defiance, "You can't do that to me! This is impossible!"

"GET OUT NOW!" The turtle roared and Pinny covered her ears, cringing against my arm.

Goldsmith grumbled and stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

The chief turned to us as Pinny righted herself, "I'm sorry about that. I'll get someone else on it immediately."

The door opened and the otter stuck his head in, "Everything okay, chief?"

"Yes. Carter, find Greiger."

"I think he has gone home for the day. He was heading out when I asked him where Goldsmith was earlier."

The turtle sighed, "Alright. I need to see him first thing in the morning."

"I'll leave him the message," the otter closed the door quietly as he left quickly.

The chief looked back to us, "I could pull a search team together to blanket the area between here and the courthouse."

Pinny sat up, getting ready to leave, "I think we'll do that ourselves."

I added, "He'd probably hide from an army of uniforms looking for him."

The turtle smirked, "I think I would, too. Well, good luck. Goldsmith should be out there looking, as well. If he gives you any trouble, let me know."

Pinny stood up and I followed her lead, "Thank you very much for this effort. We do appreciate it and I'm sure his family will, as well, when they finally get to meet him."

I nodded in agreement as the chief shook both our paws and we left, heading for the street.

We walked around a few blocks, being visible and looking into alleys. We stopped at a food cart and picked up some chard wraps to munch while we covered more blocks. The crowds thinned as it got late, so we decided to head back.

The sun had set by the time we got back to the garage and the lights on the third level didn't give much light. Pinny unlocked the doors with the remote as we walked up to the car and I opened mine while she hugged my arm. She watched me sit down and sigh.

"We'll find him, don't worry."

"I can't help but worry. He's a child. I know Dr Cohen said I'm seventeen, but he always seemed so much younger and had so much trouble catching on to things. I had to protect him and take care of him and now I'm not there."

She knelt in front of me and rubbed my thigh, "We'll find him and he'll be fine. Tell me I'm wrong."

I smiled at her, "No, you're right. There's no point in thinking otherwise. Thank you."

"Now, about this issue," She placed a paw over my crotch and started to untie my apron.

"Here? Now? We could get caught and go to jail."

"Nah, there's not many people left this late. See, not even another car on this level."

I started to object, but she already had my apron aside and was rubbing it to a standing erection. She gave me a wink and leaned over, taking my whole shaft in her mouth in an instant. I put my paw on her back and let her continue. She was working hard to get me going quickly and I started stroking her ears, hoping to slow her down as the lights of a car flashed over us, coming from the level above and continuing down. Soon my hips were moving and I was almost ready to pop, but she sat up and gave me a devious smile with a lick to her lips. She stood up and pulled my arm. I got up and followed her around the door. She wrapped her paw around my throbbing erection and kissed my lips, then turned around and leaned over the hood. She guided me under her skirt and I quickly noticed her panties were now missing. Against my better judgment, I pushed inside her and started humping her on the hood of her car, in that downtown parking garage.

The fear of being caught kept interrupting and as close as I was, I couldn't quite get there. I could feel her squeezing and moving, her fluffy tail bumping and brushing against my belly. I felt her clench tight and begin to squirt around me and I finally broke through my climax, shooting more into her than I thought I had. I leaned over her as I gasped for air and she reached back to rub my cheek. I pushed myself up and watched my waning erection slide out of her, a dribble sliding down her thigh. She slid off the hood and turned around, squatting in front of me to lick me clean. Her soothing tongue relaxed me and I rubbed around the base of her ears.

Another car came down. I looked and the squirrel driving smiled and waved at me. I waved back and he continued down. I wondered if the door blocked his view or if it wasn't as taboo as I thought.

Pinny stood up and licked her lips, then wrapped her arms around me and kissed mine. I started to kiss her back, but she pulled back with a smile and bounced around to the driver's side and got in.

I looked down at the small puddle soaking into the cement in front of me and tried to wrap my head around what just happened, but she turned on her music and waved for me to get in.

She smiled the whole way home without a word. I convinced myself we were just lucky and she was still the amazing rabbit that she is.

We came in the back door and she found her husband washing up in the kitchen. She rushed up and tweaked his tail, making him jump, then kissed him passionately.

"Well, that was a long day, but you came home happy, so I assume things went well."

She whispered in his ear and his eyes went wide.

"Really? I guess you do like that spot."

She kissed his lips and groped his crotch.

He kissed her back, then tweaked her tail and smiled at me, "Come on, I've got some dinner ready. You can tell me about the rest of your day."

He grabbed some things from the fridge and we sat down to eat with Pinny between us while I told my story.

"That sounds like an incredible day. You wake up not knowing who you are and worried about going to jail, then come home son of a legend, father of three, and savior to hopeful parents everywhere. I told you you were something special."

"I hope you still think so when its four." I was nervous about mentioning it, but didn't want to wait until it was too late.

"What do you mean four?"

"Well, with me being able to cross species, there's a chance that what Pinny is carrying is mine."

He looked at me, then at his wife with a disappointed smile, "I thought it at first, since nothing happened until after she had sex with you, but I had dismissed it as coincidence, since you're not rabbit or human. Either way, I still love my bunny."

"Wait, you knew we had sex before she found out she was...?"

He smiled more, "I walked in on it and watched."

"Why? Weren't you mad at me?"

"Like I said, I love my bunny and it was very obvious that she was in control." he ran his fingers up her back and kissed her neck.

Despite his obvious approval and acceptance in all the time since, I still felt a little uneasy.

Pinny stroked my thigh and over my retracted penis as my mind was elsewhere. She smiled at me, then kissed my cheek and hopped up to clear the dishes. Her husband followed and they flirted in the kitchen while my mind tried to sort through everything I had learned throughout the day.

I glanced over and Dr Lem was hurriedly taking off his clothes, while Pinny pulled her skirt above her tail. He sat on the floor with his feet tucked under the counter and I quickly recognized the scene. He did a few sit-ups, then laid back. I could tell he noticed the view under his wife's skirt as I saw his erection grow and stand up. Pinny walked to him and stepped over, pushing his knees apart as she slowly squatted over him to open the cabinet and pretend to put a pot away, then closed it. The doc reached up and started fingering her, but she shooed his paw away. She let him enjoy the view a little longer, then slowly guided his erection into her as she sat down on him. He put his paws on her hips and started humping up into her, but she sat down hard, forcing him to the ground with a grunt.

It was rather surreal, like an unrehearsed play of my life, but the memory stirred my interest and arousal and I slid to the end of the bench to watch.

She lifted slowly up, then started moving, riding him like she had me not so long ago. Her movements were slow and methodical, but I could still remember how amazing it had felt. The doc had learned his lesson and just lay there with his eyes closed and enjoyed the moment. I watched her tail bouncing on his belly and remembered being in his position. She looked my way with a frustrated expression as she rubbed between her legs and bounced on him. Her gaze moved down and she smiled and I realized that I had pulled my own erection out of my apron and was stroking it.

After a while, she lifted her rear and looked at his standing shaft, then stood up and straightened her skirt. It was the first time I had ever known them to fail to finish. She walked over to me and bent at the hips to examine my erection, then wrapped her paw around the base and slid her mouth all the way down it. I took her ears in my paws as she proceeded to suck hard. I struggled to decide whether it felt good or was too rough. I squeezed her ears in reflex as I started to double over and she relaxed, switching to a more soothing and sensual method. I opened my eyes and her husband was smiling at me from the kitchen floor with her fluffy tail flagging and waving between us.

He hopped to his feet and moved up behind her, with a grope between her legs that made her tail stand up still. He guided his still firm erection into her and began slow, gradually humping faster as she increased her intensity to match his speed. I stroked her ears and tried to hold out, but my mind was filled with images of Pinny and Jin and I soon burst into her mouth with a groan. I opened my eyes in time to see the doc bury himself in his wife and fill her as her tail twitched against his belly.

Pinny crawled up my body, licking her lips and kissed mine as she pulled away from her husband and straddled my legs. I was surprised when she found my erection still firm and slid it onto it. She was still warm and wet from her husband, but she squeezed tight as she sat down, smiling as I moaned in pleasure.

I felt another pair of paws on my body and opened my eyes to see the doc stepping up to straddle my knees behind his wife. I could feel the extra pressure as he pushed into her tail hole. She nuzzled and nibbled at my ear as he began thrusting into her and I moaned happily. Then I felt his lips on my other ear. I grunted blissfully as four paws roamed my body, their lips and noses teasing both my ears and the rhythm of his thrusts moving me inside her pushed me away from my thoughts. I pulled them both close and squealed in ecstasy as my orgasm peaked and I filled her, pushing her husband's previous effort out around the base of my shaft. He continued thrusting, but soon stopped and I could feel the pulsing of his own release.

I held the two rabbits tight as I panted softly and they nuzzled my neck affectionately. Pinny kissed my lips and I kissed back passionately, wanting to show my gratitude for such an amazing moment. Then she pulled back and another pair of lips kissed mine. They were just as tender and loving, but I opened my eyes to see the doc kissing me, He pulled back and smiled. I couldn't help but give him half a smile. It was polite, but it was also a good kiss.

I felt his erection slide out of his wife as he stepped back and stood there, stroking it as he smiled at us. Pinny leaned back to smile at me, then kissed my lips again before she slid off me and turned to kiss her husband. He whispered something in her ear and her tail flickered excitedly. She turned to me with her eyes on my lap and leaned down, taking my firm shaft into her mouth again. I couldn't believe how hard it still was. She stood up again with her paw wrapped around it and had me stand up. She pulled the ties of my apron and tossed it away, then led me by my erection up the stairs to their bedroom.

She sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled my shaft into her mouth. I was feeling spent and hoped she wasn't going to expect another load so soon. Instead she only gave a few licks, then turned herself around with her legs straight and slid her wet vagina onto it. It was a warm and happy place to be and I gladly took her hips and began thrusting into her. Her husband watched us as he crawled around her on the bed. Then he slid under her and she took his shaft in her mouth.

I slowed my thrusts as I suddenly felt his nose against my balls and his tongue on the base of my shaft. It was a fantastic feeling and if I had anything left, I probably would have lost it right away. Instead, I got to listen to her moan around his shaft as he teased her clit and the base of mine with his tongue. He was relentless and I soon felt her convulsing around my erection as her tail twitched against my belly. I stopped thrusting and focused on stroking her tail and back, but he kept licking.

His nose bumped against my balls as he hungrily lapped and sucked. I saw Pinny lay her head on his thigh as she moaned and whined in pleasure, but she continued urgently stroking his shaft with her paw. I dragged my claws over her rump to the base of her tail and another orgasm hit her. I could feel her squeezing around me just as I saw him shoot his load into the air. They both stopped and lay still for a moment. I stood there, not wanting to disturb them.

Pinny crawled onto the bed and lay on her back with her legs spread. I looked down at the doc and he smiled at me, then took my shaft into his mouth and began licking it clean. I noticed his own erection twitching and wet, then looked at Pinny. She recognized my hesitation and leaned over to lick her husband clean. When they were done, they crawled up together and I joined them on the bed.

Pinny gave me a sly grin and a glance to my still standing shaft, "Looks like you're keeping up with us tonight."

"I don't understand it. I've got nothing left, but it won't relax."

The doc put his paw on my chest, "Don't worry. I put some of my stuff in your food tonight as a treat."

I was a little upset, but part of me liked it, "How long will it last?"

"It should be gone in just a few hours."

"But you never seem to run dry."

"Oh, those take a while to build up, but we could make it part of your regular diet, if you'd like."

I looked at my raging stiffy, "I think I'll pass on that and go back to normal for now."

"Let me know when you're ready for more. I'm happy to share."

Pinny leaned over her husband with a paw on his arm, "Let's give you some time to recover. Why don't you tell us how you met Jin?"

"I..." I was a little embarrassed. I didn't want to admit that I raped a girl; or that she raped me. I also wasn't sure I wanted to share that intimate moment with them. It was a special memory with Jin. I released the breath I had been holding and decided I needed to share it with someone, so I could stop worrying about it. "It was starting to rain and Mutt and I needed shelter for the night. We found an abandoned restaurant and inside, we found Jin. She had decided to run away because she heard her parents complaining that she was too expensive."

"Poor girl," Pinny rested her chin on her husband's arm to listen.

"They weren't really. She just overheard then arguing over their budget and caught her name. Well, we settled in for the night and since we weren't wearing any clothes at that time, she decided that she wouldn't, either."

Pinny giggled.

"We got into our separate beds, but there was a loud crack of thunder and she crawled headfirst into mine with her tail by my nose."

"Like this?" Pinny hopped over her husband and stuck her butt in his face.

"I can see how you got carried away," the doc reached up to fluff her tail and gave a slow lick up her open slit.

"But I didn't. I got her turned around and agreed to cuddle. I tried to keep my erection away from her, but she wiggled and found it. And she grabbed it. She wanted to play with it."

Pinny turned around and started stroking her husband's shaft."

"Kinky little girl."

"But she's not. She had heard stuff and wanted to try it. She was just curious."

"And you satisfied her curiosity."

"Well, kind of, yeah, I guess. She was telling me she knew what it was for and she lay on her back with her legs spread and asked me to show her."

Pinny lay on her back and smiled as she spread her legs.

"And you were happy to oblige," the doc got to his knees between his wife's legs, ready to mount her again.

"No. I mean yes, but I tried to talk her out of it. I did give in and try, but the first time it was hard to get in and I think I hurt her. Then Mutt suggested that I lick her like I had done with the doe."

"Doe?" The doc gave me a confused look.

Pinny patted his chest, "Another story."

He smiled and leaned down to start licking his wife.

"But Mutt did it."

He froze a breath from her clit and looked up at me.

"Mutt licked Jin."

He sat up and moved aside, then waved his paw, gesturing for me to take his place. I was a little confused at first, but then I decided to play along and take Mutt's part. I crawled between her legs and dove right in, trying to mimic his enthusiasm. Soon, I had her gasping and quaking through her first orgasm, but I didn't stop. When the second one rocked her body, I heard her husband call my name, but I continued a little longer. I rubbed my nose fiercely against her clit as my tongue had found a sensitive spot inside and she flailed her paws in front of my face, unable to muster a word. He called my name again and I gave one last, long, slow lick that sent a visible shiver up her body to her ears and she collapsed, panting on the bed.

I licked my lips and smiled at his confused expression, satisfied that I had played my part, "Mutt enjoyed himself a bit too much and I had to pull him off of her."

Pinny smiled weakly and swung her paw for me to continue.

I smiled to her husband and moved aside, "Jin was ready for me, but I took it slow. It was her first time and my second."

The doc took his place ans slowly slid into his wife. She gasped and moaned as he entered, sensitive from my over-stimulation. She wrapped her legs around him and grabbed his sides. He wanted to quicken his pace, but she fought to keep him slow. I leaned in to whisper in his ear, "Listen to her moan for you, just the presence of your erection inside her is sending pleasure rushing through her. Feel her body react and know that its for you." I rubbed my nose on the edge of his ear and he stopped. I saw his tail twitching and Pinny moaned again, then pulled him down on her. They kissed passionately and I sat back, idly stroking my own shaft. Pinny looked over at me and mouthed thank you before her husband sat up and slid out of her.

"Jin was scared when I came in her, but then she licked some off her paw and decided to get some more from the source."

Pinny took her part and crawled over to lick her husband clean. She waved her rear invitingly and flicked her tail at me, but I still didn't feel like I had anything more to give, just a stiffy that wouldn't quit.

"Mutt wanted to have his turn, but Jin curled up and fell asleep on my lap."

The doc stroked his wife's ears and looked at me, "Why don't we rewrite history a bit?" He nodded to his wife's tail and she waved it again, shifting her knees to open more for me.

I nodded and thought a moment, then gently pushed her onto her side with her legs closed. I moved in behind her and pushed my firm shaft between her thighs and into her tight and waiting vagina. She moaned her approval around her husband's member and I began to slowly hump into her. The doc and I caressed our paws over her body. I roamed her thighs, belly and tail, while he fondled her breasts, shoulders and ears, occasionally crossing over to help stimulate certain areas.

Then he surprised me. I was focusing on teasing the base of her tail, my hips working a steady rhythm against her rear. His paws slid down her body to her thigh. I was expecting him to join me on her tail, but instead, he kissed my lips. I leaned back in surprise and froze, not sure what to think.

He leaned back and apologized, "I'm sorry. It was an impulse. I just thought that you liked the first one."

"I..." I actually kinda did like the kiss, but I still wasn't sure how I felt about him kissing me, "I just ... You just surprised me, that's all."

"Its okay. I won't do it anymore."

"Its alright," I didn't want to ruin the mood. Pinny was looking up at me a little worried, with what looked like a death grip on her husband's penis. "We can try again, if you want, now that I know its coming."

I leaned forward again and he smiled, then reached up to put his paws on my cheeks as he gently kissed my lips again. His lips were small and soft and if I could forget who it was, I could picture them belonging to a girl. I felt a gentle tug on some fur on my belly and I resumed the movement of my hips, gently humping Pinny beneath our kiss. I slipped my fingers between her thighs to tease her clit as I rolled and thrust my hips with my erection throbbing inside her. My other paw found her tail again and teased underneath.

I could feel her excitement growing around my erection and the thrill intensified my kiss. The doc responded and our lips wrestled until I felt her orgasm grip my shaft. I released her tail as I stopped moving and raised my paw to hold the head that was kissing me. I stroked a long, soft ear and the doc gasped, followed by his doe giggling between us. I looked down and she was licking the last drips that pulsed from his shaft. He rested his forehead against mine for a moment, then swung his arms behind him and leaned back to smile at me.

I smiled back, but I wasn't sure why. I was feeling dizzy and slowly lay down on my side and found a pillow. Pinny snuggled her back up against me and reached down to make sure my still raging erection was tucked deep inside her, then she pulled my arm around her and put my paw on her breast. Her ears tickled my nose and her scent filled it, but I was fading away from consciousness. I felt something slide into her with me and noticed the doc cuddling up in front of her. It seemed like a happy place to be and I drifted off to sleep.